This is fribidi version 0.9.0 that a large extent an internal rewrite, made by Behdad Esfahbod . * No Unicode bidi conformance bugs! * Explicit overrides (LRE, RLE, RLO, LRO) support! * Full restructuring based on GNU Coding Standard. * Internal speedups. * Option to compile fribidi without glib. See ChangeLog for detailed changes. --- Here's the blurb in case someone missed it: FriBidi is a free BiDi library that exactly implements the Unicode BiDi algorithm. FriBidi is written in C and should provide a common API that will facilitate porting of various software to support BiDirectional locales. FriBidi may be found at: Here is an example of what the library can do, where capital letters are treated as having Right-To-Left direction. car is THE CAR in arabic => car is RAC EHT in arabic CAR IS the car IN ENGLISH => HSILGNE NI the car SI RAC he said "IT IS 123, 456, OK" => he said "KO ,456 ,123 SI TI" he said "IT IS (123, 456), OK" => he said "KO ,(456 ,123) SI TI" HE SAID "it is 789, 678, ok" => "ok ,678 ,789 it is" DIAS EH shalom => <123H/>shalom<123H> SAALAM => MALAAS HE SAID "it is a car!" AND RAN => NAR DNA "!it is a car" DIAS EH HE SAID "it is a car!x" AND RAN => NAR DNA "it is a car!x" DIAS EH -2 CELSIUS IS COLD => DLOC SI SUISLEC 2- SOLVE 1*5 1-5 1/5 1+5 => 5+1 5/1 5-1 5*1 EVLOS THE RANGE IS 2.5..5 => 5..2.5 SI EGNAR EHT IOU $10 => $10 UOI CHANGE -10% => %10- EGNAHC -10% CHANGE => EGNAHC %10- A TEST FOR WEAK TYPES: 123+,456 => 456,123+ :SEPYT KAEW ROF TSET A ANOTHER FOR WEAK TYPES: A123,456 => 123,456A :SEPYT KAEW ROF REHTONA MORE WEAK TYPES: hooloo123,456 => hooloo123,456 :SEPYT KAEW EROM and TEST|L1 ||too => and TSET|1L ||too he said "IT IS 123,456, OK" => he said "KO ,123,456 SI TI" he said "IT IS (123,456), OK" => he said "KO ,(123,456) SI TI" HE SAID "it is 123, 456, ok" => "ok ,it is 123, 456" DIAS EH he said "IT IS 789, 678, OK" => he said "KO ,678 ,789 SI TI" he said "IT IS (789, 678), OK" => he said "KO ,(678 ,789) SI TI" he said "IT IS 789,678, OK" => he said "KO ,789,678 SI TI" he said "IT IS (789,678), OK" => he said "KO ,(789,678) SI TI"