// ================================================================================================= // Copyright 2002 Adobe Systems Incorporated // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms // of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. // ================================================================================================= /** * Scans a data file to find all embedded XMP Packets, without using the smart handlers. If a packet is found, * serializes the XMP and writes it to log file. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define ENABLE_XMP_CPP_INTERFACE 1; #if XMP_WinBuild #pragma warning ( disable : 4127 ) // conditional expression is constant #pragma warning ( disable : 4996 ) // '...' was declared deprecated #endif #define TXMP_STRING_TYPE std::string #include "public/include/XMP.hpp" #include "public/include/XMP.incl_cpp" #include "XMPFiles/source/FormatSupport/XMPScanner.hpp" #include "XMPFiles/source/FormatSupport/XMPScanner.cpp" using namespace std; // ================================================================================================= static XMP_Status DumpCallback ( void * refCon, XMP_StringPtr outStr, XMP_StringLen outLen ) { XMP_Status status = 0; size_t count; FILE * outFile = static_cast < FILE * > ( refCon ); count = fwrite ( outStr, 1, outLen, outFile ); if ( count != outLen ) status = errno; return status; } // DumpCallback // ================================================================================================= static void ProcessPacket ( const char * fileName, FILE * inFile, size_t offset, size_t length ) { std::string xmlString; xmlString.append ( length, ' ' ); fseek ( inFile, offset, SEEK_SET ); fread ( (void*)xmlString.data(), 1, length, inFile ); char title [1000]; sprintf ( title, "// Dumping raw input for \"%s\" (%lu..%lu)", fileName, offset, (offset + length - 1) ); printf ( "// " ); for ( size_t i = 3; i < strlen(title); ++i ) printf ( "=" ); printf ( "\n\n%s\n\n%.*s\n\n", title, (int)length, xmlString.c_str() ); fflush ( stdout ); SXMPMeta xmpObj; try { xmpObj.ParseFromBuffer ( xmlString.c_str(), length ); } catch ( ... ) { printf ( "## Parse failed\n\n" ); return; } xmpObj.DumpObject ( DumpCallback, stdout ); fflush ( stdout ); string xmpString; xmpObj.SerializeToBuffer ( &xmpString, kXMP_OmitPacketWrapper ); printf ( "\nPretty serialization, %lu bytes :\n\n%s\n", xmpString.size(), xmpString.c_str() ); fflush ( stdout ); xmpObj.SerializeToBuffer ( &xmpString, (kXMP_OmitPacketWrapper | kXMP_UseCompactFormat) ); printf ( "Compact serialization, %lu bytes :\n\n%s\n", xmpString.size(), xmpString.c_str() ); fflush ( stdout ); } // ProcessPacket // ================================================================================================= static void ProcessFile ( const char * fileName ) { FILE * inFile; size_t fileLen, readCount; size_t snipCount; char buffer [64*1024]; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Use the scanner to find all of the packets then process each of them. inFile = fopen ( fileName, "rb" ); if ( inFile == 0 ) { printf ( "Can't open \"%s\"\n", fileName ); return; } fseek ( inFile, 0, SEEK_END ); fileLen = ftell ( inFile ); // ! Only handles up to 2GB files. fseek ( inFile, 0, SEEK_SET ); XMPScanner scanner ( fileLen ); for ( size_t filePos = 0; true; filePos += readCount ) { readCount = fread ( buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), inFile ); if ( readCount == 0 ) break; scanner.Scan ( buffer, filePos, readCount ); } snipCount = scanner.GetSnipCount(); XMPScanner::SnipInfoVector snips (snipCount); scanner.Report ( snips ); size_t packetCount = 0; for ( size_t s = 0; s < snipCount; ++s ) { if ( snips[s].fState == XMPScanner::eValidPacketSnip ) { ++packetCount; ProcessPacket ( fileName, inFile, (size_t)snips[s].fOffset, (size_t)snips[s].fLength ); } } if ( packetCount == 0 ) printf ( " No packets found\n" ); } // ProcessFile // ================================================================================================= extern "C" int main ( int argc, const char * argv [] ) { if ( ! SXMPMeta::Initialize() ) { printf ( "## SXMPMeta::Initialize failed!\n" ); return -1; } if ( argc != 2 ) // 2 := command and 1 parameter { printf ("usage: DumpScannedXMP (filename)\n"); return 0; } for ( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i ) ProcessFile ( argv[i] ); SXMPMeta::Terminate(); return 0; }