// ================================================================================================= // ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED // Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated // All Rights Reserved // // NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms // of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. // ================================================================================================= namespace AdobeXMPCore_Int { class ClientDOMSerializerWrapperImpl; } #define FRIEND_CLASS_DECLARATION() friend class AdobeXMPCore_Int::ClientDOMSerializerWrapperImpl; #define IMPLEMENTATION_HEADERS_CAN_BE_INCLUDED 1 #include "XMPCore/ImplHeaders/ClientDOMSerializerWrapperImpl.h" #undef IMPLEMENTATION_HEADERS_CAN_BE_INCLUDED #include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/IError_I.h" #include "XMPCore/XMPCoreErrorCodes.h" #include "XMPCore/Interfaces/IClientDOMSerializer.h" #include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/IUTF8String_I.h" #include "XMPCore/Interfaces/INode.h" #include "XMPCore/Interfaces/INameSpacePrefixMap_I.h" namespace AdobeXMPCore_Int { ClientDOMSerializerWrapperImpl::ClientDOMSerializerWrapperImpl( pIClientDOMSerializer serializer ) : mpSerializer( serializer ) { if ( serializer ) { pcIError_base error( NULL ); uint32 unknownExceptionCaught( 0 ); TreatKeyAsCaseInsensitive( serializer->areKeysCaseSensitive( error, unknownExceptionCaught ) == 0 ); if ( !error && unknownExceptionCaught == 0 ) serializer->initialize( this, error, unknownExceptionCaught ); if ( error ) { auto spError = IError::MakeShared( error ); error->Release(); throw spError; } if ( unknownExceptionCaught ) NOTIFY_ERROR( IError::kEDGeneral, kGECUnknownExceptionCaught, "Unknown Exception caught in the client code", IError::kESOperationFatal, false, false ); } } ClientDOMSerializerWrapperImpl::~ClientDOMSerializerWrapperImpl() __NOTHROW__ { if ( mpSerializer ) { mpSerializer->Release(); mpSerializer = NULL; } } DOMSerializerImpl * APICALL ClientDOMSerializerWrapperImpl::clone() const { ClientDOMSerializerWrapperImpl * cloned = new ClientDOMSerializerWrapperImpl( NULL ); if ( cloned ) cloned->mpSerializer = mpSerializer; return cloned; } spIUTF8String APICALL ClientDOMSerializerWrapperImpl::Serialize( const spINode & node, const spcINameSpacePrefixMap & map ) { spIUTF8String str( IUTF8String_I::CreateUTF8String( NULL, 0 ) ); pcIError_base error( NULL ); uint32 unknownExceptionCaught( 0 ); spcINameSpacePrefixMap mergedMap = INameSpacePrefixMap::GetDefaultNameSpacePrefixMap(); if ( map ) { spINameSpacePrefixMap newMergedMap = mergedMap->Clone(); newMergedMap->GetINameSpacePrefixMap_I()->Merge( map ); mergedMap = newMergedMap; } mpSerializer->serialize( node ? node->GetActualINode() : NULL, mergedMap ? mergedMap->GetActualINameSpacePrefixMap() : NULL, this, &ReportErrorAndContinueABISafe, str->GetActualIUTF8String(), error, unknownExceptionCaught ); if ( error ) { auto spError = IError::MakeShared( error ); error->Release(); throw spError; } if ( unknownExceptionCaught ) NOTIFY_ERROR( IError::kEDGeneral, kGECUnknownExceptionCaught, "Unknown Exception caught in the client code", IError::kESOperationFatal, false, false ); return str; } eConfigurableErrorCode APICALL ClientDOMSerializerWrapperImpl::ValidateValue( const uint64 & key, eDataType type, const CombinedDataValue & value ) const { pcIError_base error( NULL ); uint32 unknownExceptionCaught( 0 ); auto retValue = mpSerializer->validate( key, static_cast< uint32 >( type ), value, error, unknownExceptionCaught ); if ( error ) { auto spError = IError::MakeShared( error ); error->Release(); throw spError; } if ( unknownExceptionCaught ) NOTIFY_ERROR( IError::kEDGeneral, kGECUnknownExceptionCaught, "Unknown Exception caught in the client code", IError::kESOperationFatal, false, false ); return static_cast< eConfigurableErrorCode >( retValue ); } spIUTF8String APICALL ClientDOMSerializerWrapperImpl::SerializeInternal(const spINode & node, XMP_OptionBits options, sizet padding, const char * newline, const char * indent, sizet baseIndent, const spcINameSpacePrefixMap & nameSpacePrefixMap) const { return spIUTF8String(); } }