#ifndef XMPCommonErrorCodes_I_h__ #define XMPCommonErrorCodes_I_h__ 1 // ================================================================================================= // ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED // Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated // All Rights Reserved // // NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms // of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. // ================================================================================================= #include "XMPCommon/XMPCommonDefines_I.h" #include "XMPCommon/XMPCommonErrorCodes.h" namespace AdobeXMPCommon_Int { //! //! Indicates various types of errors related to mutex. //! typedef enum { //! Represents no error in operation on mutex. kMTECNone = 0, //! Represents an error while interacting with mutex due to memory crunch. kMTECMemoryCrunch = 1, //! Represents an error while interacting with mutex due to resource crunch other than memory. kMTECResourceCrunch = 2, //! Represents an error while interacting with mutex due to permission issues. kMTECPermission = 3, //! Represents an error related to lock operation called on already locked mutex. kMTECAlreadyLocked = 4, //! Represents an error because of operation being called on already un-initialized mutex. kMTECUninitialized = 5, // Add new errors here //! Maximum value this enum can hold, should be treated as invalid value. kMTECMaxValue = 0xFFFFFFFF } eMultiThreadingErrorCode; } #endif // XMPCommonErrorCodes_I_h__