#ifndef __TAllocator_h__ #define __TAllocator_h__ 1 // ================================================================================================= // ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED // Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated // All Rights Reserved // // NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms // of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. // ================================================================================================= #include "XMPCommon/XMPCommonDefines_I.h" #include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/IMemoryAllocator_I.h" namespace XMP_COMPONENT_INT_NAMESPACE { using AdobeXMPCommon::sizet; //! \cond NEVER_IN_DOCUMENTATION // TEMPLATE CLASS _Allocator_base template< typename _Ty > struct _Allocator_base { // base class for generic allocators typedef _Ty value_type; }; // TEMPLATE CLASS _Allocator_base template struct _Allocator_base< const _Ty > { // base class for generic allocators for const _Ty typedef _Ty value_type; }; //! \endcond //! //! \brief Templated class which implements all the functionality required by std::allocators. //! \details It allows to use STL objects which are memory managed by library's allocator manager. //! template < typename Ty > class TAllocator : public std::allocator< Ty > { public: TAllocator () {} template TAllocator( const TAllocator& ) {} typedef _Allocator_base Mybase; typedef typename Mybase::value_type value_type; typedef AdobeXMPCommon::sizet size_type; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef value_type * pointer; typedef const value_type * const_pointer; typedef value_type & reference; typedef const value_type & const_reference; pointer address( reference r ) const { return &r; } const_pointer address( const_reference r ) const { return &r; } size_type max_size() const { // impl stolen from windows default size_type max_num = ( size_type )( -1 ) / sizeof( Ty ); return max_num > 0 ? max_num : 1; } void construct( pointer p, const Ty& val ) { ::new(p) Ty(val); } void destroy( pointer p ) { p->~Ty(); } template< class U > struct rebind { typedef TAllocator< U > other; }; pointer allocate( size_type size ) { void * ptr; ptr = IMemoryAllocator_I::GetMemoryAllocator()->allocate( size * sizeof ( value_type ) ); return (pointer) ptr; } void deallocate( void * p, size_type ) { IMemoryAllocator_I::GetMemoryAllocator()->deallocate( p ); } }; template< typename Ty > bool operator==( const TAllocator< Ty > &, const TAllocator< Ty > & ) { return true; // any two TAllocator< T >'s are the same } template< typename Ty > bool operator!=( const TAllocator< Ty > &, const TAllocator< Ty > & ) { return false; // any two TAllocator< T >'s are the same } extern TAllocator< spIUTF8String > gTAllocatorUTF8String; } #endif // __TAllocator_h__