/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "hwc-drm-display-composition" #include "drmdisplaycomposition.h" #include "drmcrtc.h" #include "drmdevice.h" #include "drmdisplaycompositor.h" #include "drmplane.h" #include "platform.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android { DrmDisplayComposition::~DrmDisplayComposition() { } int DrmDisplayComposition::Init(DrmDevice *drm, DrmCrtc *crtc, Importer *importer, Planner *planner, uint64_t frame_no) { drm_ = drm; crtc_ = crtc; // Can be NULL if we haven't modeset yet importer_ = importer; planner_ = planner; frame_no_ = frame_no; return 0; } bool DrmDisplayComposition::validate_composition_type(DrmCompositionType des) { return type_ == DRM_COMPOSITION_TYPE_EMPTY || type_ == des; } int DrmDisplayComposition::SetLayers(DrmHwcLayer *layers, size_t num_layers, bool geometry_changed) { if (!validate_composition_type(DRM_COMPOSITION_TYPE_FRAME)) return -EINVAL; geometry_changed_ = geometry_changed; for (size_t layer_index = 0; layer_index < num_layers; layer_index++) { layers_.emplace_back(std::move(layers[layer_index])); } type_ = DRM_COMPOSITION_TYPE_FRAME; return 0; } int DrmDisplayComposition::SetDpmsMode(uint32_t dpms_mode) { if (!validate_composition_type(DRM_COMPOSITION_TYPE_DPMS)) return -EINVAL; dpms_mode_ = dpms_mode; type_ = DRM_COMPOSITION_TYPE_DPMS; return 0; } int DrmDisplayComposition::SetDisplayMode(const DrmMode &display_mode) { if (!validate_composition_type(DRM_COMPOSITION_TYPE_MODESET)) return -EINVAL; display_mode_ = display_mode; dpms_mode_ = DRM_MODE_DPMS_ON; type_ = DRM_COMPOSITION_TYPE_MODESET; return 0; } int DrmDisplayComposition::AddPlaneDisable(DrmPlane *plane) { composition_planes_.emplace_back(DrmCompositionPlane::Type::kDisable, plane, crtc_); return 0; } int DrmDisplayComposition::AddPlaneComposition(DrmCompositionPlane plane) { composition_planes_.emplace_back(std::move(plane)); return 0; } int DrmDisplayComposition::Plan(std::vector *primary_planes, std::vector *overlay_planes) { if (type_ != DRM_COMPOSITION_TYPE_FRAME) return 0; std::map to_composite; for (size_t i = 0; i < layers_.size(); ++i) to_composite.emplace(std::make_pair(i, &layers_[i])); int ret; std::tie(ret, composition_planes_) = planner_->ProvisionPlanes(to_composite, crtc_, primary_planes, overlay_planes); if (ret) { ALOGE("Planner failed provisioning planes ret=%d", ret); return ret; } // Remove the planes we used from the pool before returning. This ensures they // won't be reused by another display in the composition. for (auto &i : composition_planes_) { if (!i.plane()) continue; // make sure that source layers are ordered based on zorder std::sort(i.source_layers().begin(), i.source_layers().end()); std::vector *container; if (i.plane()->type() == DRM_PLANE_TYPE_PRIMARY) container = primary_planes; else container = overlay_planes; for (auto j = container->begin(); j != container->end(); ++j) { if (*j == i.plane()) { container->erase(j); break; } } } return 0; } static const char *DrmCompositionTypeToString(DrmCompositionType type) { switch (type) { case DRM_COMPOSITION_TYPE_EMPTY: return "EMPTY"; case DRM_COMPOSITION_TYPE_FRAME: return "FRAME"; case DRM_COMPOSITION_TYPE_DPMS: return "DPMS"; case DRM_COMPOSITION_TYPE_MODESET: return "MODESET"; default: return ""; } } static const char *DPMSModeToString(int dpms_mode) { switch (dpms_mode) { case DRM_MODE_DPMS_ON: return "ON"; case DRM_MODE_DPMS_OFF: return "OFF"; default: return ""; } } static void DumpBuffer(const DrmHwcBuffer &buffer, std::ostringstream *out) { if (!buffer) { *out << "buffer="; return; } *out << "buffer[w/h/format]="; *out << buffer->width << "/" << buffer->height << "/" << buffer->format; } static void DumpTransform(uint32_t transform, std::ostringstream *out) { *out << "["; if (transform == 0) *out << "IDENTITY"; bool separator = false; if (transform & DrmHwcTransform::kFlipH) { *out << "FLIPH"; separator = true; } if (transform & DrmHwcTransform::kFlipV) { if (separator) *out << "|"; *out << "FLIPV"; separator = true; } if (transform & DrmHwcTransform::kRotate90) { if (separator) *out << "|"; *out << "ROTATE90"; separator = true; } if (transform & DrmHwcTransform::kRotate180) { if (separator) *out << "|"; *out << "ROTATE180"; separator = true; } if (transform & DrmHwcTransform::kRotate270) { if (separator) *out << "|"; *out << "ROTATE270"; separator = true; } uint32_t valid_bits = DrmHwcTransform::kFlipH | DrmHwcTransform::kFlipH | DrmHwcTransform::kRotate90 | DrmHwcTransform::kRotate180 | DrmHwcTransform::kRotate270; if (transform & ~valid_bits) { if (separator) *out << "|"; *out << "INVALID"; } *out << "]"; } static const char *BlendingToString(DrmHwcBlending blending) { switch (blending) { case DrmHwcBlending::kNone: return "NONE"; case DrmHwcBlending::kPreMult: return "PREMULT"; case DrmHwcBlending::kCoverage: return "COVERAGE"; default: return ""; } } void DrmDisplayComposition::Dump(std::ostringstream *out) const { *out << "----DrmDisplayComposition" << " crtc=" << (crtc_ ? crtc_->id() : -1) << " type=" << DrmCompositionTypeToString(type_); switch (type_) { case DRM_COMPOSITION_TYPE_DPMS: *out << " dpms_mode=" << DPMSModeToString(dpms_mode_); break; case DRM_COMPOSITION_TYPE_MODESET: *out << " display_mode=" << display_mode_.h_display() << "x" << display_mode_.v_display(); break; default: break; } *out << " Layers: count=" << layers_.size() << "\n"; for (size_t i = 0; i < layers_.size(); i++) { const DrmHwcLayer &layer = layers_[i]; *out << " [" << i << "] "; DumpBuffer(layer.buffer, out); if (layer.protected_usage()) *out << " protected"; *out << " transform="; DumpTransform(layer.transform, out); *out << " blending[a=" << (int)layer.alpha << "]=" << BlendingToString(layer.blending) << "\n"; } *out << " Planes: count=" << composition_planes_.size() << "\n"; for (size_t i = 0; i < composition_planes_.size(); i++) { const DrmCompositionPlane &comp_plane = composition_planes_[i]; *out << " [" << i << "]" << " plane=" << (comp_plane.plane() ? comp_plane.plane()->id() : -1) << " type="; switch (comp_plane.type()) { case DrmCompositionPlane::Type::kDisable: *out << "DISABLE"; break; case DrmCompositionPlane::Type::kLayer: *out << "LAYER"; break; default: *out << ""; break; } *out << " source_layer="; for (auto i : comp_plane.source_layers()) { *out << i << " "; } *out << "\n"; } } } // namespace android