diff options
authorDaniel Firth <>2018-06-29 14:23:14 +0100
committerDaniel Firth <>2018-07-04 09:50:16 +0100
commitda50a798b58914023688b03ee990a4d6e598a9c0 (patch)
parent1107dd6c6267222f325cd1965cac9425842910bc (diff)
Fix hlint errors in UI.hs
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/Bustle/UI.hs b/Bustle/UI.hs
index d69f225..0a35602 100644
--- a/Bustle/UI.hs
+++ b/Bustle/UI.hs
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ consumeInitialWindow = do
putInitialWindow :: WindowInfo
-> B ()
-putInitialWindow wi = do
+putInitialWindow wi =
modify $ \s -> s { initialWindow = Just wi }
loadInInitialWindow :: LogDetails -> B ()
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ loadLogWith getWindow logDetails = do
let title = printf (__ "Could not read '%s'") f
io $ displayError windowInfo title (Just e)
putInitialWindow windowInfo
- Right () -> do
+ Right () ->
io $ hideError windowInfo
io $ windowPresent (wiWindow windowInfo)
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ updateRecordingSubtitle :: WindowInfo
-> Int
-> IO ()
updateRecordingSubtitle wi j = do
- let message = (printf (__ "Logged <b>%u</b> messages") j :: String)
+ let message = printf (__ "Logged <b>%u</b> messages") j :: String
labelSetMarkup (wiSubtitle wi) message
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ processBatch pendingRef n wi = do
pending <- readIORef pendingRef
writeIORef pendingRef []
- when (not (null pending)) $ do
+ unless (null pending) $ do
rr <- atomicModifyIORef' rendererStateRef $ \s ->
swap $ processSome (reverse pending) [] s
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ processBatch pendingRef n wi = do
let rr' = oldRR `mappend` rr
writeIORef rendererResultRef rr'
- when (not (null (rrShapes rr))) $ do
+ unless (null (rrShapes rr)) $ do
-- If the renderer produced some visible output, count it as a
-- message from the user's perspective.
modifyIORef' n (+ length pending)
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ recorderRun wi target filename r = C.handle newFailed $ do
case m of
Left e -> warn e
Right message
- | isRelevant (deEvent message) -> do
+ | isRelevant (deEvent message) ->
modifyIORef' pendingRef (message:)
| otherwise -> return ()
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ recorderRun wi target filename r = C.handle newFailed $ do
processor <- processBatch pendingRef n wi
processorId <- timeoutAdd processor 200
- stopActivatedId <- (wiStop wi) `on` buttonActivated $ monitorStop monitor
+ stopActivatedId <- wiStop wi `on` buttonActivated $ monitorStop monitor
handlerId <- monitor `on` monitorMessageLogged $ updateLabel
_stoppedId <- monitor `on` monitorStopped $ \domain code message -> do
handleError domain code message
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ recorderRun wi target filename r = C.handle newFailed $ do
timeoutRemove processorId
- hadOutput <- liftM (/= 0) (readIORef n)
+ hadOutput <- fmap (/= 0) (readIORef n)
finished hadOutput
return ()
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ recorderRun wi target filename r = C.handle newFailed $ do
handleError domain code message = do
gIoErrorQuark <- quarkFromString "g-io-error-quark"
let cancelled = fromEnum IoErrorCancelled
- when (not (domain == gIoErrorQuark && code == cancelled)) $ do
+ unless (domain == gIoErrorQuark && code == cancelled) $
displayError wi (Marquee.toString message) Nothing
@@ -339,11 +339,11 @@ startRecording :: Either BusType String
startRecording target = do
wi <- consumeInitialWindow
- zt <- io $ getZonedTime
+ zt <- io getZonedTime
-- I hate time manipulation
let yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss = takeWhile (/= '.') (show zt)
- cacheDir <- io $ getCacheDir
+ cacheDir <- io getCacheDir
let filename = cacheDir </> yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss <.> "bustle"
let title = printf (__ "Recording %s&#8230;") $ case target of
@@ -408,8 +408,8 @@ finishedRecording wi tempFilePath producedOutput = do
putInitialWindow wi
updateDisplayedLog wi (mempty :: RendererResult ())
io $ do
- (wiTitle wi) `set` [ labelText := "" ]
- (wiSubtitle wi) `set` [ labelText := "" ]
+ wiTitle wi `set` [ labelText := "" ]
+ wiSubtitle wi `set` [ labelText := "" ]
showSaveDialog :: WindowInfo
-> IO ()
@@ -431,10 +431,10 @@ showSaveDialog wi savedCb = do
hideError wi
Left (GError _ _ msg) -> do
- let title = (__ "Couldn't save log: ") ++ (Marquee.toString msg)
+ let title = __ "Couldn't save log: " ++ Marquee.toString msg
secondary = printf
(__ "You might want to manually recover the log from the temporary file at \
- \\"%s\".") (tempFilePath)
+ \\"%s\".") tempFilePath
displayError wi title (Just secondary)
-- | Show a confirmation dialog if the log is unsaved. Suitable for use as a
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ emptyWindow = do
errorBarTitle <- getW castToLabel "errorBarTitle"
errorBarDetails <- getW castToLabel "errorBarDetails"
- io $ errorBar `on` infoBarResponse $ \_ -> do
+ io $ errorBar `on` infoBarResponse $ \_ ->
widgetHide errorBar
stack <- getW castToStack "diagramOrNot"
@@ -587,9 +587,9 @@ emptyWindow = do
updateDetailsView :: DetailsView
-> Maybe (Detailed Message)
-> IO ()
-updateDetailsView detailsView newMessage = do
+updateDetailsView detailsView newMessage =
case newMessage of
- Nothing -> do
+ Nothing ->
widgetHide $ detailsViewGetTop detailsView
Just m -> do
detailsViewUpdate detailsView m
@@ -644,9 +644,9 @@ wiSetLogDetails :: WindowInfo
wiSetLogDetails wi logDetails = do
writeIORef (wiLogDetails wi) (Just logDetails)
let (title, subtitle) = logWindowTitle logDetails
- (wiWindow wi) `set` [ windowTitle := title ]
- (wiTitle wi) `set` [ labelText := title ]
- (wiSubtitle wi) `set` [ labelText := subtitle ]
+ wiWindow wi `set` [ windowTitle := title ]
+ wiTitle wi `set` [ labelText := title ]
+ wiSubtitle wi `set` [ labelText := subtitle ]
setPage :: MonadIO io
=> WindowInfo
@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ displayLog :: WindowInfo
-> Log
-> RendererResult Participants
-> B ()
-displayLog wi@(WindowInfo { wiWindow = window
+displayLog wi@WindowInfo { wiWindow = window
, wiExport = exportItem
, wiViewStatistics = viewStatistics
, wiFilterNames = filterNames
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ displayLog wi@(WindowInfo { wiWindow = window
, wiSidebarHeader = sidebarHeader
, wiSidebarStack = sidebarStack
, wiStatsPane = statsPane
- })
+ }
@@ -766,9 +766,9 @@ saveToPDFDialogue wi shapes = do
renderWith surface $ drawDiagram False shapes
case r of
Left (e :: C.IOException) -> do
- let title = (__ "Couldn't export log as PDF: ") ++ show e
+ let title = __ "Couldn't export log as PDF: " ++ show e
displayError wi title Nothing
- Right () -> do
+ Right () ->
hideError wi
widgetDestroy chooser