diff options
authorWill Thompson <>2010-11-01 20:36:15 +0000
committerWill Thompson <>2011-03-27 20:47:20 +0100
commitc0588a417aea0a7da536578e812793107534d3b2 (patch)
parenteb6b049e3b9f86f83c4e486a7fe72ddabc87633e (diff)
Add a few fixmes
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Bustle.hs b/Bustle.hs
index e9bb7c6..4077133 100644
--- a/Bustle.hs
+++ b/Bustle.hs
@@ -207,7 +207,8 @@ etio :: (Error e', MonadIO io)
=> (IOException -> e') -> IO a -> ErrorT e' io a
etio f act = toET f =<< io (try act)
--- This needs FlexibleInstances and I don't know why
+-- This needs FlexibleInstances and I don't know why. It's also an orphan
+-- instance, which is distressing.
instance Error (String, String) where
strMsg s = ("", s)
noMsg = ("", "")
@@ -380,6 +381,8 @@ displayLog (WindowInfo { wiWindow = window
onActivateLeaf saveItem $ saveToPDFDialogue window details
layoutSetSize layout (floor width) (floor height)
+ -- I think we could speed things up by only showing the revealed area
+ -- rather than everything that's visible.
layout `on` exposeEvent $ tryEvent $ io $ update layout shapes showBounds
notebookSetCurrentPage nb 1