diff options
authorWill Thompson <>2010-10-28 22:04:16 +0100
committerWill Thompson <>2010-10-28 22:04:16 +0100
commit4956702228988436587b89be73505cc59d15cd6c (patch)
parent8ef91641a9eaf6477485dfe80d9b6413b4055a91 (diff)
Add a --debug switch for bounds
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/Bustle.hs b/Bustle.hs
index dadb0d7..c0e4101 100644
--- a/Bustle.hs
+++ b/Bustle.hs
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ data WindowInfo = WindowInfo { wiWindow :: Window
data BState = BState { windows :: Int
, initialWindow :: Maybe WindowInfo
+ , debugEnabled :: Bool
instance MonadState BState B where
@@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ makeCallback :: B a -> IORef BState -> IO a
makeCallback (B act) x = runReaderT act x
runB :: B a -> IO a
-runB (B act) = runReaderT act =<< newIORef (BState 0 Nothing)
+runB (B act) = runReaderT act =<< newIORef (BState 0 Nothing False)
{- And now, some convenience functions -}
@@ -128,12 +129,25 @@ warn = hPutStrLn stderr . ("Warning: " ++)
main :: IO ()
main = runB mainB
+-- FIXME: replace this with a real option parser
+processArgs :: B [String]
+processArgs = do
+ args <- io $ getArgs
+ if any isDebug args
+ then do
+ modify $ \s -> s { debugEnabled = True }
+ return $ filter (not . isDebug) args
+ else return args
+ where
+ isDebug = (== "--debug")
mainB :: B ()
mainB = do
io initGUI
-- Try to load arguments, if any.
- args <- io getArgs
+ args <- processArgs
case args of
["--pair", sessionLogFile, systemLogFile] ->
loadLog sessionLogFile (Just systemLogFile)
@@ -337,6 +351,8 @@ displayLog (WindowInfo { wiWindow = window
let (width, height) = diagramDimensions shapes
details = (filename, shapes)
+ showBounds <- gets debugEnabled
io $ do
windowSetTitle window $
snd (splitFileName filename) ++ " — D-Bus Sequence Diagram"
@@ -345,14 +361,14 @@ displayLog (WindowInfo { wiWindow = window
onActivateLeaf saveItem $ saveToPDFDialogue window details
layoutSetSize layout (floor width) (floor height)
- layout `on` exposeEvent $ liftIO (update layout shapes) >> return True
+ layout `on` exposeEvent $ tryEvent $ io $ update layout shapes showBounds
notebookSetCurrentPage nb 1
return ()
-update :: Layout -> Diagram -> IO ()
-update layout shapes = do
+update :: Layout -> Diagram -> Bool -> IO ()
+update layout shapes showBounds = do
win <- layoutGetDrawWindow layout
hadj <- layoutGetHAdjustment layout
@@ -365,7 +381,7 @@ update layout shapes = do
let r = (hpos, vpos, hpos + hpage, vpos + vpage)
- renderWithDrawable win $ drawRegion r False shapes
+ renderWithDrawable win $ drawRegion r showBounds shapes
-- Add/remove one step/page increment from an Adjustment, limited to the top of
-- the last page.