Libva Buffer Sharing HowTo ========================== Beignet has extensions (clCreateBufferFromLibvaIntel/clCreateImageFromLibvaIntel) to share gpu buffer object with libva. So users can utilize OpenCL to do processing on VASurface or VABuffer without buffer copy. Prerequisite ------------ Libva api version >= 0.36.0. Please check your libva api version by command `pkg-config --modversion libva`. Steps ----- In order to use the extension clCreateBufferFromLibvaIntel/clCreateImageFromLibvaIntel in your program, please follow the steps as below (We have added an example of using clCreateImageFromLibvaIntel, please read next section for details): - Get the address of this extension by the function: clGetExtensionFunctionAddress("clCreateBufferFromLibvaIntel") or clGetExtensionFunctionAddress("clCreateImageFromLibvaIntel") - Invoke vaAcquireBufferHandle to get VASurface/VABuffer's handle, which you want to do processing by OpenCL. - Use clCreateBufferFromLibvaIntel/clCreateImageFromLibvaIntel to create corresponding cl memory object from VASurface/VABuffer's handle. If you create a normal VASurface, you should use clCreateImageFromLibvaIntel to create a cl image object from VASurface, because VASurface is a tiling gpu buffer object. The only case you should use clCreateBufferFromLibvaIntel to create a cl buffer object from VASurface is that: The VASurface is created from an external untiling gpu buffer object. And You should use clCreateBufferFromLibvaIntel to create a cl buffer object from VABuffer. - Use OpenCL to do post-processing. - Release this cl buffer object by clReleaseMemObject. - Unlock this VABuffer by vaReleaseBufferHandle. Sample code ----------- We have developed an example of using clCreateImageFromLibvaIntel in examples/libva_buffer_sharing directory. This example read a source nv12 file to a VASurface, and create a target VASurface. Then create corresponding cl image objects from them. After using ocl to do a mirror effect post-processing on this source surface, target VASurface is shown on screen by default. - Add option -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=ON to enable building examples when running cmake, such as: `> mkdir build` `> cd build` `> cmake -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=ON ../` - Build source code: `> make` - Run: `> cd examples` `> . ../utests/` `> ./example-libva_buffer_sharing` In addition, you can choose to save the result as a nv12 file. You can use gst-launch-1.0 to see the result. Just install gstreamer1.0-plugins-base, gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad and gstreamer1.0-x by apt on Ubuntu. Then running the following command: `> gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=file_name ! videoparse format=nv12 width=xxx height=xxx \ ! imagefreeze ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw, format=BGRx ! ximagesink`