#!@PYTHON@ '''Usage: syncevo-http-server.py Runs a SyncML HTTP server under the given base URL.''' # use the same glib main loop in D-Bus and twisted from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop from twisted.internet import gireactor # for non-GUI apps DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True) gireactor.install() import dbus import sys import urllib.parse import optparse import os import atexit import signal import time import subprocess import logging import logging.config import twisted.web import twisted.python.log import twisted.web.resource from twisted.web import server, resource, http from twisted.internet import ssl, reactor from OpenSSL import SSL # for output from this script itself logger = logging.getLogger("syncevo-http") # Timeout for D-Bus method calls. Both synchronous and asynchronous # calls have a low (?) default timeout of 60 seconds. We increase that # to something which is essentially infinite, to allow more time for # processing or interactive debugging. timeout=100000 class ChainedOpenSSLContextFactory(ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory): def __init__(self, privateKeyFileName, certificateChainFileName, sslmethod = SSL.TLSv1_METHOD): """ @param privateKeyFileName: Name of a file containing a private key @param certificateChainFileName: Name of a file containing a certificate chain @param sslmethod: The SSL method to use """ self.privateKeyFileName = privateKeyFileName self.certificateChainFileName = certificateChainFileName self.sslmethod = sslmethod self.cacheContext() def cacheContext(self): ctx = SSL.Context(self.sslmethod) ctx.use_certificate_chain_file(self.certificateChainFileName) ctx.use_privatekey_file(self.privateKeyFileName) self._context = ctx # cached information about previous POST and reply, # in case that we need to resend class OldRequest: sessionid = None data = None reply = None type = None # holds global variables which will be set later: # - bus = D-Bus session bus # - dbusserver = path to syncevo-dbus-server if it needs to be started, None if using system class Context: bus = None dbusserver = None _server = None @staticmethod def checkServer(): if Context._server: retcode = Context._server.poll() if retcode == None: return elif retcode < 0: logger.error("syncevo-dbus-server was terminated by signal %d", -retcode) elif retcode > 0: logger.error("syncevo-dbus-server failed, return code %d", retcode) else: logger.debug("syncevo-dbus-server shut down normally") Context._server = None @staticmethod def getDBusServer(): if not Context.dbusserver: # standard D-Bus activation return dbus.Interface(Context.bus.get_object('org.syncevolution', '/org/syncevolution/Server'), 'org.syncevolution.Server') # check status of previously started server Context.checkServer() # start executable if not Context._server: logger.debug("starting %s", Context.dbusserver) Context._server = subprocess.Popen(Context.dbusserver, stdout=open("/dev/null", "w")) # wait until the daemon shows up on D-Bus (slightly racy) while Context._server.poll() == None: time.sleep(0.5) if 'org.syncevolution' in Context.bus.list_names(): return dbus.Interface(Context.bus.get_object('org.syncevolution', '/org/syncevolution/Server'), 'org.syncevolution.Server') # Startup failed?! Clean up, then give up and return nothing (probably triggers further errors). Context.checkServer() return None class SyncMLSession: sessions = [] def __init__(self): self.sessionid = None self.request = None self.aborted_request = None self.conpath = None self.abort_match = None self.reply_match = None self.connection = None def destruct(self, code, message=""): '''Tell both HTTP client and D-Bus server that we are shutting down, then remove the session''' logger.debug("destructing connection %s with code %s message %s", self.conpath, code, message) if self.request: self.request.setResponseCode(code, message.encode()) self.request.finish() self.request = None if self.connection: try: self.connection.Close(False, message, timeout=timeout) except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as ex: if ex.get_dbus_name() == "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod": # triggered if connection instance is already gone, hide from user logger.debug("self.connection.Close() failed, connection probably already gone: %s", ex) else: raise self.connection = None if self.abort_match: Context.bus.remove_signal_receiver(self.abort_match) if self.reply_match: Context.bus.remove_signal_receiver(self.reply_match) if self in SyncMLSession.sessions: SyncMLSession.sessions.remove(self) logger.debug("removed SyncML session %s", self) def abort(self, **keywords): '''D-Bus server requests to close connection, so cancel everything''' conpath = keywords['conpath'] logger.debug("connection %s went down, active connection %s", conpath, self.conpath) if conpath == self.conpath: self.destruct(http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "lost connection to SyncEvolution") else: logger.debug("ignore shutdown of obsolete connection") def reply(self, data, type, meta, final, session, **keywords): '''sent reply to HTTP client and/or close down normally''' conpath = keywords['conpath'] logger.debug("reply session %s connection %s (active %s) final %s data len %d %s", session, conpath, self.conpath, final, len(data), meta) if conpath != self.conpath: logger.debug("ignore reply via obsolete connection") return self.logMessage("outgoing", self.request, data, type) # When the D-Bus server sends an empty array, Python binding # puts the four chars in 'None' into the data array?! if data and len(data) > 0 and data != 'None': request = self.request self.request = None OldRequest.reply = data OldRequest.type = type if request: request.setHeader('Content-Type', type) request.setHeader('Content-Length', str(len(data))) request.setResponseCode(http.OK) request.write(data) request.finish() self.sessionid = session else: # syncevo-dbus-server does not need to know about lost connection # to client, because client might still resend logger.debug("could not send reply immediately, buffering it") if final: logger.debug("closing connection for connection %s session %s", self.conpath, session) if self.connection: self.connection.Close(True, "", timeout=timeout) self.connection = None self.destruct(http.GONE, "D-Bus server done") def done(self, error): '''lost connection to HTTP client, either normally or in error''' logger.debug("done with request in session %s, error %s", self.sessionid, error) # Keep request if client closed the connection, the client # might be about to resend. if error != None: self.aborted_request = self.request else: self.aborted_request = None # keep connection to syncevo-dbus-server, client might still # retry the request self.request = None def start(self, request, config, url): '''start a new session based on the incoming message''' data = request.content.read() type = request.getHeader('content-type') self.logMessage("incoming", request, data, type) logger.debug("requesting new session") self.object = Context.getDBusServer() self.request = request deferred = request.notifyFinish() deferred.addCallback(self.done) deferred.addErrback(self.done) self.conpath = self.object.Connect({'description': 'syncevo-server-http.py', 'transport': 'HTTP', 'config': config, 'URL': url}, True, '', timeout=timeout) logger.debug("started new connection %s" % self.conpath) self.connection = dbus.Interface(Context.bus.get_object('org.syncevolution', self.conpath), 'org.syncevolution.Connection') if self.abort_match: Context.bus.remove_signal_receiver(self.abort_match) if self.reply_match: Context.bus.remove_signal_receiver(self.reply_match) self.abort_match = \ Context.bus.add_signal_receiver(self.abort, 'Abort', 'org.syncevolution.Connection', 'org.syncevolution', self.conpath, path_keyword='conpath', byte_arrays=True) self.reply_match = \ Context.bus.add_signal_receiver(self.reply, 'Reply', 'org.syncevolution.Connection', 'org.syncevolution', self.conpath, path_keyword='conpath', byte_arrays=True) # feed new data into SyncEvolution and wait for reply request.content.seek(0, 0) self.connection.Process(data, type, timeout=timeout) SyncMLSession.sessions.append(self) logger.debug("added new SyncML session %s", self) def process(self, request, data): '''process next message by client in running session''' type = request.getHeader('content-type') self.logMessage("incoming", request, data, type) mustprocess = True if self.request: # Message resend?! Ignore old, active request. self.logMessage("new message while still processing one on active TCP connection", self.request, self.request.processingdata, self.request.processingtype) self.request.finish() if self.request.processingdata == data and self.request.processingtype == type: logger.debug("is message resend, no need to process again") mustprocess = False else: logger.debug("different message, send to syncevo-dbus-server") self.request = None if self.aborted_request != None: # Message resend after closing connection and thus aborting the currently # active request? self.logMessage("new message after aborting the previous one", self.aborted_request, self.aborted_request.processingdata, self.aborted_request.processingtype) if self.aborted_request.processingdata == data and self.aborted_request.processingtype == type: logger.debug("is message resend, no need to process again") mustprocess = False else: logger.debug("different message, send to syncevo-dbus-server") self.aborted_request = None deferred = request.notifyFinish() deferred.addCallback(self.done) deferred.addErrback(self.done) self.request = request request.processingdata = data request.processingtype = type if mustprocess: self.connection.Process(data, type, timeout=timeout) def logMessage(self, direction, request, data, type): if 'plain' in type or "+xml" in type: logger.debug("processing %s message of type %s and length %d:\n%s" % (direction, type, len(data), data)) else: logger.debug("processing %s message of type %s and length %d, binary data" % (direction, type, len(data))) class SyncMLPost(resource.Resource): isLeaf = True def __init__(self, url): self.url = url def render_GET(self, request): logger.info("GET %s from %s", self.url, request.getClientIP()) return "SyncEvolution SyncML Server" def render_POST(self, request): config = request.postpath if config: config = config[0] else: config = "" type = request.getHeader('content-type') len = request.getHeader('content-length') sessionid = request.args.get(b'sessionid') if sessionid: sessionid = sessionid[0].decode() logger.debug("POST from %s config %s type %s session %s args %s length %s", request.getClientIP(), config, type, sessionid, request.args, len) if not sessionid: logger.info("new SyncML session for %s", request.getClientIP()) session = SyncMLSession() session.start(request, config, urllib.parse.urljoin(self.url.geturl(), request.path.decode())) return server.NOT_DONE_YET else: data = request.content.read() # Detect resent message. We support that for # independently from the session, because it # might already be gone (server sends last reply # in session, closes session, client doesn't # get reply, reposts). if sessionid == OldRequest.sessionid and \ OldRequest.data == data and \ OldRequest.reply: logger.debug("resend reply session %s", sessionid) request.setHeader('Content-Type', OldRequest.type) request.setResponseCode(http.OK) request.write(OldRequest.reply) request.finish() return server.NOT_DONE_YET else: # prepare resending, will be completed in # SyncSession.reply() OldRequest.sessionid = sessionid OldRequest.data = data OldRequest.reply = None for session in SyncMLSession.sessions: if session.sessionid == sessionid: session.process(request, data) return server.NOT_DONE_YET # fallback when session not found logger.error("unknown session %s => 404 error", sessionid) page = twisted.web.resource.NoResource(message="The session %s was not found" % sessionid) return page.render(request) class TwistedLogging(object): "same as Twisted's PythonLoggingObserver, except that it uses loglevels debug and error" def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger("twisted") def emit(self, eventDict): if 'logLevel' in eventDict: level = eventDict['logLevel'] elif eventDict['isError']: if 'failure' in eventDict and \ eventDict['failure'].type == dbus.exceptions.DBusException and \ eventDict['failure'].value.get_dbus_name() == "org.syncevolution.Exception": # special case: errors inside the syncevo-dbus-server are better shown # to users as part of the syncevo-dbus-server output, so treat the # syncevo-http-server side of it as something for debugging. level = logging.DEBUG else: level = logging.ERROR else: level = logging.DEBUG text = twisted.python.log.textFromEventDict(eventDict) if text is None: return self.logger.log(level, text) def start(self): twisted.python.log.startLoggingWithObserver(self.emit, setStdout=False) def stop(self): twisted.python.log.removeObserver(self.emit) evo2python = { "DEBUG": logging.DEBUG, "DEVELOPER": logging.DEBUG, "INFO": logging.INFO, "SHOW": logging.INFO, "ERROR": logging.ERROR, "WARNING": logging.WARNING } def logSyncEvoOutput(path, level, output, component): logging.getLogger(component or 'sync').log(evo2python.get(level, logging.ERROR), "%s: %s", path, output) usage = """usage: %prog [options] http://localhost:/ Runs a HTTP server which listens on all network interfaces on the given port and answers requests for the given path. Configurations for clients must be created manually, see http://syncevolution.org/development/http-server-howto""" def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False, help="enables debug messages") parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False, help="limits output to real error messages; ignored if --debug is given") parser.add_option("", "--log-config", action="store", type="string", dest="logConfig", default=None, help="configure logging via Python logging config file; --debug and --quiet override the log level in the root logger") parser.add_option("", "--server-certificate", action="store", type="string", dest="cert", default=None, help="certificate file used by the server to identify itself (required for https)") parser.add_option("", "--server-key", action="store", type="string", dest="key", default=None, help="key file used by the server to identify itself (optional, certificate file is used as fallback, which then must contain key and certificate)") parser.add_option("", "--start-dbus-session", action="store_true", dest="startDBus", default=False, help="""creates a new D-Bus session for communication with syncevo-dbus-server and (inside that server) with other D-Bus services like Evolution Data Server, removes it when shutting down; should only be used if it is guaranteed that the current user will not have another session running, because these services can get confused when started multiple times; without this option, syncevo-http-server a) uses the session specified in the environment or b) looks for a session of the current user (depends on ConsoleKit and might not always work)""") parser.add_option("", "--start-syncevolution", action="store_true", dest="startSyncEvo", default=False, help="""sets up the right environment for syncevo-dbus-server and (re)starts it explicitly, instead of depending on D-Bus auto-activation; to be used when SyncEvolution is not installed at the location it was compiled for""") parser.add_option("", "--syncevolution-path", action="store", type="string", dest="path", default=None, help="""sets the installation path (the directory which contains 'bin', 'libexec', etc.) to be used in --start-syncevolution, default is the location where syncevo-http-server itself is installed""") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # determine level chosen via command line level = None if options.debug: level = logging.DEBUG elif options.quiet: level = logging.ERROR else: level = None # create logging infrastructure if options.logConfig: logging.config.fileConfig(options.logConfig) # only override level if explicitly set if level != None: logging.getLogger().setLevel(level) else: root = logging.getLogger() ch = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter("[%(levelname)s" + (level == logging.DEBUG and " %(asctime)s" or "") + "] %(name)s: %(message)s") ch.setFormatter(formatter) root.addHandler(ch) if level == None: level = logging.INFO root.setLevel(level) # redirect output from Twisted observer = TwistedLogging() observer.start() # Set up D-Bus. First check for an existing session in env. # # Doing the check via ConsoleKit here would be nice, but that # led to the following problem with --start-dbus-session: # - dbus module is initialized in dbus.SystemBus() # - DISPLAY remains unset, dbus-launch creates new DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS # - dbus.SessionBus() fails with "Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed." # Presumably the session bus address is not checked again after setting it. # Not touching D-Bus before dbus-launch avoids that problem. havedbus = os.environ.get("DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS") or os.environ.get("DISPLAY") if options.startDBus: if havedbus: logger.info("%s session found (DISPLAY=%s DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=%s), but starting a new D-Bus session as requested", os.environ.get("DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS") and "D-Bus" or "potential", os.environ.get("DISPLAY", ""), os.environ.get("DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS", "")) p = subprocess.Popen("dbus-launch", stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = p.communicate()[0] if p.wait(): logger.error("dbus-launch failed") exit(1) for line in output.split(): logger.debug("dbus-launch: %s", line) var, value = line.split("=", 1) if var == "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_PID": # kill that process when we quit atexit.register(os.kill, int(value), signal.SIGTERM) os.environ[var] = value else: if not havedbus: # code inspired by Ross Burton's http://burtonini.com/blog/computers/offlineimap-2008-11-04-20-00 logger.debug("looking for X11 session via ConsoleKit") bus = dbus.SystemBus() try: manager_obj = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit', '/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager') manager = dbus.Interface(manager_obj, 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager') for ssid in manager.GetSessionsForUnixUser(os.getuid()): obj = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit', ssid) session = dbus.Interface(obj, 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session') dpy = session.GetX11Display() logger.debug("ConsoleKit session %s has DISPLAY=%s", session, dpy) if dpy: if havedbus: # already found a session earlier, now what?! logger.error("multiple X11 sessions found for current user, please set DISPLAY to the one to be used for syncing") exit(1) else: # use this X11 session to find D-Bus session bus os.environ["DISPLAY"] = dpy havedbus = True except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as ex: if ex.get_dbus_name() == "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown": logger.debug("org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit service not available") else: raise if not havedbus: logger.error("no D-Bus session, use --start-dbus-session") exit(1) # Now at least one of DISPLAY or DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS should be set. # DISPLAY is sufficient for the D-Bus autolaunch mechanism in libdbus (which # reuses a session bus if one exists or creates a new one), # whereas DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS explicitly selects an existing bus. logger.debug("connecting to D-Bus session with DISPLAY=%s DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=%s", os.environ.get("DISPLAY", ""), os.environ.get("DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS", "")) Context.bus = dbus.SessionBus() # catch output from syncevo-dbus-server Context.bus.add_signal_receiver(logSyncEvoOutput, "LogOutput", "org.syncevolution.Server", "org.syncevolution", None) # start syncevo-dbus-server? if options.startSyncEvo: path = options.path if not path: path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) Context.dbusserver = os.path.join(path, "libexec/syncevo-dbus-server") logger.info("using SyncEvolution installation in %s", path) os.environ["SYNCEVOLUTION_BACKEND_DIR"] = os.path.join(path, "lib/syncevolution/backends") os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = ":".join((os.path.join(path, "lib/"), os.path.join(path, "lib/syncevolution"), os.environ.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", ""))) os.environ["PATH"] = ":".join((os.path.join(path, "libexec/"), os.path.join(path, "bin"), os.environ.get("PATH", ""))) os.environ["SYNCEVOLUTION_DATA_DIR"] = os.path.join(path, "share/syncevolution") os.environ["SYNCEVOLUTION_XML_CONFIG_DIR"] = os.path.join(path, "share/syncevolution/xml") os.environ["SYNCEVOLUTION_TEMPLATE_DIR"] = os.path.join(path, "share/syncevolution/templates") # try whether it can be started Context.getDBusServer() if len(args) != 1: logger.error("need exactly on URL as command line parameter") exit(1) url = urllib.parse.urlparse(args[0]) root = resource.Resource() root.putChild(url.path[1:].encode(), SyncMLPost(url)) site = server.Site(root) if url.scheme == "https": if not options.cert: logger.error("need server certificate for https") exit(1) port = reactor.listenSSL(url.port, site, ChainedOpenSSLContextFactory(options.key or options.cert, options.cert)) else: port = reactor.listenTCP(url.port, site) logger.info("listening on port %d", port.getHost().port) reactor.run() if __name__ == '__main__': main()