/** * @File localengineds.cpp * * @Author Lukas Zeller (luz@plan44.ch) * * @brief TLocalEngineDS * Abstraction of the local datastore - interface class to the * sync engine. * * Copyright (c) 2001-2011 by Synthesis AG + plan44.ch * * @Date 2005-09-15 : luz : created from localdatastore */ // includes #include "prefix_file.h" #include "sysync.h" #include "localengineds.h" #include "syncappbase.h" #include "scriptcontext.h" #include "superdatastore.h" #include "syncagent.h" using namespace sysync; namespace sysync { #ifdef SYDEBUG cAppCharP const LocalDSStateNames[numDSStates] = { "idle", "client_initialized", "admin_ready", "client_sent_alert", "server_alerted", "server_answered_alert", "client_alert_statused", "client_alerted", "sync_mode_stable", "data_access_started", "sync_set_ready", "client_sync_gen_started", "server_seen_client_mods", "server_sync_gen_started", "sync_gen_done", "data_access_done", "client_maps_sent", "admin_done", "completed" }; #endif #ifdef OBJECT_FILTERING // add a new expression to an existing filter static void addToFilter(const char *aNewFilter, string &aFilter, bool aORChain=false) { if (aNewFilter && *aNewFilter) { // just assign if current filter expression is empty if (aFilter.empty()) aFilter = aNewFilter; else { // construct new filter string newFilter; StringObjPrintf(newFilter,"(%s)%c(%s)",aFilter.c_str(),aORChain ? '|' : '&',aNewFilter); aFilter = newFilter; } } } // addToFilter #endif #ifdef SCRIPT_SUPPORT // Script functions // ================ class TLDSfuncs { public: #ifdef OBJECT_FILTERING #ifdef SYNCML_TAF_SUPPORT // string GETCGITARGETFILTER() // returns current CGI-specified target address filter expression static void func_GetCGITargetFilter(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { TLocalEngineDS *dsP = static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext()); aTermP->setAsString(dsP->fTargetAddressFilter.c_str()); }; // func_GetCGITargetFilter // string GETTARGETFILTER() // returns current internal target address filter expression static void func_GetTargetFilter(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { TLocalEngineDS *dsP = static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext()); aTermP->setAsString(dsP->fIntTargetAddressFilter.c_str()); }; // func_GetTargetFilter // SETTARGETFILTER(string filter) // sets (overwrites) the internal target address filter static void func_SetTargetFilter(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { TLocalEngineDS *dsP = static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext()); aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(0)->getAsString(dsP->fIntTargetAddressFilter); }; // func_SetTargetFilter // ADDTARGETFILTER(string filter) // adds a filter expression to the existing internal targetfilter (automatically paranthesizing and adding AND) static void func_AddTargetFilter(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { string f; TLocalEngineDS *dsP = static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext()); aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(0)->getAsString(f); addToFilter(f.c_str(),dsP->fIntTargetAddressFilter,false); // AND-chaining }; // func_AddTargetFilter #endif // SYNCML_TAF_SUPPORT // string GETFILTER() // returns current sync set filter expression static void func_GetFilter(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { TLocalEngineDS *dsP = static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext()); aTermP->setAsString(dsP->fSyncSetFilter.c_str()); }; // func_GetFilter // SETFILTER(string filter) // sets (overwrites) the current sync set filter static void func_SetFilter(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { TLocalEngineDS *dsP = static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext()); aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(0)->getAsString(dsP->fSyncSetFilter); dsP->engFilteredFetchesFromDB(true); // update filter dependencies }; // func_SetFilter // ADDFILTER(string filter) // adds a filter expression to the existing (dynamic) targetfilter (automatically paranthesizing and adding AND) static void func_AddFilter(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { string f; TLocalEngineDS *dsP = static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext()); aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(0)->getAsString(f); addToFilter(f.c_str(),dsP->fSyncSetFilter,false); // AND-chaining dsP->engFilteredFetchesFromDB(true); // update filter dependencies }; // func_AddFilter // ADDSTATICFILTER(string filter) // adds a filter expression to the existing (static) localdbfilter (automatically paranthesizing and adding AND) static void func_AddStaticFilter(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { string f; TLocalEngineDS *dsP = static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext()); aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(0)->getAsString(f); addToFilter(f.c_str(),dsP->fLocalDBFilter,false); // AND-chaining dsP->engFilteredFetchesFromDB(true); // update filter dependencies }; // func_AddStaticFilter #endif // OBJECT_FILTERING #ifdef SYSYNC_TARGET_OPTIONS // string DBOPTIONS() // returns current DB options static void func_DBOptions(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { TLocalEngineDS *dsP = static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext()); aTermP->setAsString(dsP->fDBOptions.c_str()); }; // func_DBOptions // integer DBHANDLESOPTS() // returns true if database can completely handle options like /dr() and /li during fetching static void func_DBHandlesOpts(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { aTermP->setAsBoolean( static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->dsOptionFilterFetchesFromDB() ); }; // func_DBHandlesOpts // timestamp STARTDATE() // returns startdate if one is set in datastore static void func_StartDate(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { lineartime_t d = static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->fDateRangeStart; TTimestampField *resP = static_cast(aTermP); if (d==noLinearTime) resP->assignEmpty(); else resP->setTimestampAndContext(d,TCTX_UTC); }; // func_StartDate // SETSTARTDATE(timestamp startdate) // sets startdate for datastore static void func_SetStartDate(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { TTimestampField *tsP = static_cast(aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(0)); timecontext_t tctx; static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->fDateRangeStart = tsP->getTimestampAs(TCTX_UTC,&tctx); // floating will also be treated as UTC }; // func_SetStartDate // timestamp ENDDATE() // returns enddate if one is set in datastore static void func_EndDate(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { lineartime_t d = static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->fDateRangeEnd; TTimestampField *resP = static_cast(aTermP); if (d==noLinearTime) resP->assignEmpty(); else resP->setTimestampAndContext(d,TCTX_UTC); }; // func_EndDate // SETENDDATE(timestamp startdate) // sets enddate for datastore static void func_SetEndDate(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { TTimestampField *tsP = static_cast(aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(0)); timecontext_t tctx; static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->fDateRangeEnd = tsP->getTimestampAs(TCTX_UTC,&tctx); // floating will also be treated as UTC }; // func_SetEndDate // integer DEFAULTSIZELIMIT() // returns limit set for all items in this datastore (the /li(xxx) CGI option value) static void func_DefaultLimit(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { fieldinteger_t i = static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->fSizeLimit; if (i<0) aTermP->unAssign(); // no limit else aTermP->setAsInteger(i); }; // func_DefaultLimit // SETDEFAULTSIZELIMIT(integer limit) // sets limit for all items in this datastore (the /li(xxx) CGI option value) static void func_SetDefaultLimit(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->fSizeLimit = aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(0)->getAsInteger(); }; // func_SetDefaultLimit // integer NOATTACHMENTS() // returns true if attachments should be suppressed (/na CGI option) static void func_NoAttachments(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { aTermP->setAsBoolean( static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->fNoAttachments ); }; // func_NoAttachments // SETNOATTACHMENTS(integer flag) // if true, attachments will be suppressed (/na CGI option) static void func_SetNoAttachments(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->fNoAttachments = aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(0)->getAsBoolean(); }; // func_SetNoAttachments // integer MAXITEMCOUNT() // returns item count limit (0=none) as set by /max(n) CGI option static void func_MaxItemCount(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { aTermP->setAsInteger( static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->fMaxItemCount ); }; // func_MaxItemCount // SETMAXITEMCOUNT(integer maxcount) // set item count limit (0=none) as set by /max(n) CGI option static void func_SetMaxItemCount(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->fMaxItemCount = aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(0)->getAsInteger(); }; // func_SetMaxItemCount #endif // SYSYNC_TARGET_OPTIONS // integer SLOWSYNC() // returns true if we are in slow sync static void func_SlowSync(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { aTermP->setAsBoolean( static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->isSlowSync() ); }; // func_SlowSync // FORCESLOWSYNC() // force a slow sync (like with /na CGI option) static void func_ForceSlowSync(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->engForceSlowSync(); }; // func_ForceSlowSync // integer ALERTCODE() // returns the alert code as currently know by datastore (might change from normal to slow while processing) static void func_AlertCode(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { aTermP->setAsInteger( static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->fAlertCode ); }; // func_AlertCode // SETALERTCODE(integer maxcount) // set the alert code (makes sense in alertscript to modify the incoming code to something different) static void func_SetAlertCode(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->fAlertCode = aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(0)->getAsInteger(); }; // func_SetAlertCode // integer REFRESHONLY() // returns true if sync is only refreshing local (note that alert code might be different, as local // refresh can take place without telling the remote so, for compatibility with clients that do not support the mode) static void func_RefreshOnly(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { aTermP->setAsBoolean( static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->isRefreshOnly() ); }; // func_RefreshOnly // SETREFRESHONLY(integer flag) // modifies the refresh only flag (one way sync from remote to local only) // Note that clearing this flag when a client has alerted one-way will probably lead to an error static void func_SetRefreshOnly(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->engSetRefreshOnly( aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(0)->getAsBoolean() ); }; // func_SetRefreshOnly // integer READONLY() // returns true if sync is read-only (only reading from local datastore) static void func_ReadOnly(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { aTermP->setAsBoolean( static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->isReadOnly() ); }; // func_ReadOnly // SETREADONLY(integer flag) // modifies the read only flag (only reading from local datastore) static void func_SetReadOnly(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->engSetReadOnly( aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(0)->getAsBoolean() ); }; // func_SetReadOnly // integer FIRSTTIMESYNC() // returns true if we are in first time slow sync static void func_FirstTimeSync(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { aTermP->setAsBoolean( static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->isFirstTimeSync() ); }; // func_FirstTimeSync // void SETCONFLICTSTRATEGY(string strategy) // sets conflict strategy for this session static void func_SetConflictStrategy(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { // convert to syncop string s; aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(0)->getAsString(s); sInt16 strategy; StrToEnum(conflictStrategyNames,numConflictStrategies, strategy, s.c_str()); static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->fSessionConflictStrategy = (TConflictResolution) strategy; }; // func_SetConflictStrategy // string DBNAME() // returns name of DB static void func_DBName(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { aTermP->setAsString( static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->getName() ); }; // func_DBName // void ABORTDATASTORE(integer statuscode) static void func_AbortDatastore(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->engAbortDataStoreSync(aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(0)->getAsInteger(),true); // we cause the abort locally } // func_AbortDatastore // string LOCALDBNAME() // returns name of local DB with which it was identified for the sync static void func_LocalDBName(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { aTermP->setAsString( static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext())->getIdentifyingName() ); }; // func_LocalDBName // string REMOTEDBNAME() // returns remote datastore's full name (as used by the remote in command, may contain subpath and CGI) static void func_RemoteDBName(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { TLocalEngineDS *dsP = static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext()); aTermP->setAsString(dsP->getRemoteDatastore()->getFullName()); }; // func_RemoteDBName #ifdef SYSYNC_CLIENT // ADDTARGETCGI(string cgi) // adds CGI to the target URI. If target URI already contains a ?, string will be just // appended, otherwise a ? is added, then the new CGI. // Note: if string to be added is already contained, it will not be added again static void func_AddTargetCGI(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { TLocalEngineDS *dsP = static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext()); // Add extra CGI specified string cgi; aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(0)->getAsString(cgi); addCGItoString(dsP->fRemoteDBPath,cgi.c_str(),true); }; // func_AddTargetCGI // SETRECORDFILTER(string filter, boolean inclusive) // Sets record level filter expression for remote static void func_SetRecordFilter(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { TLocalEngineDS *dsP = static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext()); // put into record level filter if (dsP->getSession()->getSyncMLVersion()>=syncml_vers_1_2) { // DS 1.2: use aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(0)->getAsString(dsP->fRemoteRecordFilterQuery); dsP->fRemoteFilterInclusive = aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(1)->getAsBoolean(); } else if (!aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(0)->isEmpty()) { // DS 1.1 and below and not empty filter: add as cgi string filtercgi; if (aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(1)->getAsBoolean()) filtercgi = "/tf("; // exclusive, use TAF else filtercgi = "/fi("; // inclusive, use sync set filter aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(0)->appendToString(filtercgi); filtercgi += ')'; addCGItoString(dsP->fRemoteDBPath,filtercgi.c_str(),true); } }; // func_SetRecordFilter // SETDAYSRANGE(integer daysbefore, integer daysafter) // Sets type of record filter static void func_SetDaysRange(TItemField *&aTermP, TScriptContext *aFuncContextP) { TLocalEngineDS *dsP = static_cast(aFuncContextP->getCallerContext()); // get params int daysbefore = aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(0)->getAsInteger(); int daysafter = aFuncContextP->getLocalVar(1)->getAsInteger(); // depending on SyncML version, create a SINCE/BEFORE filter or use the /dr(x,y) syntax if (dsP->getSession()->getSyncMLVersion()>=syncml_vers_1_2 && static_cast(dsP->getSession())->fServerHasSINCEBEFORE) { // use the SINCE/BEFORE syntax // BEFORE&EQ;20070808T000000Z&AND;SINCE&EQ;20070807T000000Z lineartime_t now = getSystemNowAs(TCTX_UTC,aFuncContextP->getSessionZones()); string ts; // AND-chain with possibly existing filter cAppCharP sep = ""; if (!dsP->fRemoteRecordFilterQuery.empty()) sep = "&AND;"; if (daysbefore>=0) { dsP->fRemoteRecordFilterQuery += sep; dsP->fRemoteRecordFilterQuery += "SINCE&EQ;"; TimestampToISO8601Str(ts,now-daysbefore*linearDateToTimeFactor,TCTX_UTC,false,false); dsP->fRemoteRecordFilterQuery += ts; sep = "&AND;"; } if (daysafter>=0) { dsP->fRemoteRecordFilterQuery += sep; dsP->fRemoteRecordFilterQuery += "BEFORE&EQ;"; TimestampToISO8601Str(ts,now+daysafter*linearDateToTimeFactor,TCTX_UTC,false,false); dsP->fRemoteRecordFilterQuery += ts; } } else { // use the /dr(-x,y) syntax string rangecgi; StringObjPrintf(rangecgi,"/dr(%ld,%ld)",(long int)(-daysbefore),(long int)(daysafter)); addCGItoString(dsP->fRemoteDBPath,rangecgi.c_str(),true); } }; // func_SetDaysRange #endif // SYSYNC_CLIENT }; // TLDSfuncs const uInt8 param_FilterArg[] = { VAL(fty_string) }; const uInt8 param_DateArg[] = { VAL(fty_timestamp) }; const uInt8 param_IntArg[] = { VAL(fty_integer) }; const uInt8 param_StrArg[] = { VAL(fty_string) }; const uInt8 param_OneInteger[] = { VAL(fty_integer) }; const TBuiltInFuncDef DBFuncDefs[] = { #ifdef OBJECT_FILTERING #ifdef SYNCML_TAF_SUPPORT { "GETCGITARGETFILTER", TLDSfuncs::func_GetCGITargetFilter, fty_string, 0, NULL }, { "GETTARGETFILTER", TLDSfuncs::func_GetTargetFilter, fty_string, 0, NULL }, { "SETTARGETFILTER", TLDSfuncs::func_SetTargetFilter, fty_none, 1, param_FilterArg }, { "ADDTARGETFILTER", TLDSfuncs::func_AddTargetFilter, fty_none, 1, param_FilterArg }, #endif { "GETFILTER", TLDSfuncs::func_GetFilter, fty_string, 0, NULL }, { "SETFILTER", TLDSfuncs::func_SetFilter, fty_none, 1, param_FilterArg }, { "ADDFILTER", TLDSfuncs::func_AddFilter, fty_none, 1, param_FilterArg }, { "ADDSTATICFILTER", TLDSfuncs::func_AddStaticFilter, fty_none, 1, param_FilterArg }, #endif #ifdef SYSYNC_TARGET_OPTIONS { "DBOPTIONS", TLDSfuncs::func_DBOptions, fty_string, 0, NULL }, { "STARTDATE", TLDSfuncs::func_StartDate, fty_timestamp, 0, NULL }, { "ENDDATE", TLDSfuncs::func_EndDate, fty_timestamp, 0, NULL }, { "SETSTARTDATE", TLDSfuncs::func_SetStartDate, fty_none, 1, param_DateArg }, { "SETENDDATE", TLDSfuncs::func_SetEndDate, fty_none, 1, param_DateArg }, { "MAXITEMCOUNT", TLDSfuncs::func_MaxItemCount, fty_integer, 0, NULL }, { "SETMAXITEMCOUNT", TLDSfuncs::func_SetMaxItemCount, fty_none, 1, param_IntArg }, { "NOATTACHMENTS", TLDSfuncs::func_NoAttachments, fty_integer, 0, NULL }, { "SETNOATTACHMENTS", TLDSfuncs::func_SetNoAttachments, fty_none, 1, param_IntArg }, { "DEFAULTSIZELIMIT", TLDSfuncs::func_DefaultLimit, fty_integer, 0, NULL }, { "SETDEFAULTSIZELIMIT", TLDSfuncs::func_SetDefaultLimit, fty_none, 1, param_IntArg }, { "DBHANDLESOPTS", TLDSfuncs::func_DBHandlesOpts, fty_integer, 0, NULL }, #endif { "ALERTCODE", TLDSfuncs::func_AlertCode, fty_integer, 0, NULL }, { "SETALERTCODE", TLDSfuncs::func_SetAlertCode, fty_none, 1, param_IntArg }, { "SLOWSYNC", TLDSfuncs::func_SlowSync, fty_integer, 0, NULL }, { "FORCESLOWSYNC", TLDSfuncs::func_ForceSlowSync, fty_none, 0, NULL }, { "REFRESHONLY", TLDSfuncs::func_RefreshOnly, fty_integer, 0, NULL }, { "SETREFRESHONLY", TLDSfuncs::func_SetRefreshOnly, fty_none, 1, param_IntArg }, { "READONLY", TLDSfuncs::func_ReadOnly, fty_integer, 0, NULL }, { "SETREADONLY", TLDSfuncs::func_SetReadOnly, fty_none, 1, param_IntArg }, { "FIRSTTIMESYNC", TLDSfuncs::func_FirstTimeSync, fty_integer, 0, NULL }, { "SETCONFLICTSTRATEGY", TLDSfuncs::func_SetConflictStrategy, fty_none, 1, param_StrArg }, { "DBNAME", TLDSfuncs::func_DBName, fty_string, 0, NULL }, { "LOCALDBNAME", TLDSfuncs::func_LocalDBName, fty_string, 0, NULL }, { "REMOTEDBNAME", TLDSfuncs::func_RemoteDBName, fty_string, 0, NULL }, { "ABORTDATASTORE", TLDSfuncs::func_AbortDatastore, fty_none, 1, param_OneInteger }, }; // functions for all datastores const TFuncTable DBFuncTable = { sizeof(DBFuncDefs) / sizeof(TBuiltInFuncDef), // size of table DBFuncDefs, // table pointer NULL // no chain func }; #ifdef SYSYNC_CLIENT const uInt8 param_OneStr[] = { VAL(fty_string) }; const uInt8 param_OneInt[] = { VAL(fty_integer) }; const uInt8 param_TwoInt[] = { VAL(fty_integer), VAL(fty_integer) }; const uInt8 param_SetRecordFilter[] = { VAL(fty_string), VAL(fty_integer) }; const TBuiltInFuncDef ClientDBFuncDefs[] = { { "ADDTARGETCGI", TLDSfuncs::func_AddTargetCGI, fty_none, 1, param_OneStr }, { "SETRECORDFILTER", TLDSfuncs::func_SetRecordFilter, fty_none, 2, param_SetRecordFilter }, { "SETDAYSRANGE", TLDSfuncs::func_SetDaysRange, fty_none, 2, param_TwoInt }, }; // chain to general DB functions static void *ClientDBChainFunc(void *&aCtx) { // caller context remains unchanged // -> no change needed // next table is general DS func table return (void *)&DBFuncTable; } // ClientDBChainFunc // function table for client-only script functions const TFuncTable ClientDBFuncTable = { sizeof(ClientDBFuncDefs) / sizeof(TBuiltInFuncDef), // size of table ClientDBFuncDefs, // table pointer ClientDBChainFunc // chain to general agent funcs. }; #endif // SYSYNC_CLIENT #endif // SCRIPT_SUPPORT // config // ====== // conflict strategy names // bfo: Problems with XCode (expicit qualification), already within namespace ? //const char * const sysync::conflictStrategyNames[numConflictStrategies] = { const char * const conflictStrategyNames[numConflictStrategies] = { "duplicate", // add conflicting counterpart to both databases "newer-wins", // newer version wins (if date/version comparison is possible, like sst_duplicate otherwise) "server-wins", // server version wins (and is written to client) "client-wins" // client version wins (and is written to server) }; // type support config TTypeSupportConfig::TTypeSupportConfig(const char* aName, TConfigElement *aParentElement) : TConfigElement(aName,aParentElement) { clear(); } // TTypeSupportConfig::TTypeSupportConfig TTypeSupportConfig::~TTypeSupportConfig() { clear(); } // TTypeSupportConfig::~TTypeSupportConfig // init defaults void TTypeSupportConfig::clear(void) { // init defaults fPreferredTx = NULL; fPreferredRx = NULL; fPreferredLegacy = NULL; fAdditionalTypes.clear(); #ifndef NO_REMOTE_RULES fRuleMatchTypes.clear(); #endif // clear inherited inherited::clear(); } // TTypeSupportConfig::clear #ifdef HARDCODED_CONFIG // add type support bool TTypeSupportConfig::addTypeSupport( cAppCharP aTypeName, bool aForRead, bool aForWrite, bool aPreferred, cAppCharP aVariant, cAppCharP aRuleMatch ) { // search datatype TDataTypeConfig *typecfgP = static_cast(getRootElement())->fDatatypesConfigP->getDataType(aTypeName); if (!typecfgP) return false; // search variant TTypeVariantDescriptor variantDescP = NULL; if (aVariant && *aVariant) variantDescP = typecfgP->getVariantDescriptor(aVariant); // now add datatype if (aPreferred) { // - preferred if (aForRead) { if (!fPreferredRx) { fPreferredRx=typecfgP; // set it fPrefRxVariantDescP=variantDescP; } } if (aForWrite) { if (!fPreferredTx) { fPreferredTx=typecfgP; // set it fPrefTxVariantDescP=variantDescP; } } } // if preferred else { // - additional TAdditionalDataType adt; adt.datatypeconfig=typecfgP; adt.forRead=aForRead; adt.forWrite=aForWrite; adt.variantDescP=variantDescP; // variant of that type #ifndef NO_REMOTE_RULES if (aRuleMatch) { // this is a rulematch type (which overrides normal type selection mechanism) AssignString(atd.remoteRuleMatch,aRuleMatch); // remote rule match string fRuleMatchTypes.push_back(adt); // save it in the list } else #endif { // standard type fAdditionalTypes.push_back(adt); // save it in the list } } return true; } // TTypeSupportConfig::addTypeSupport #else // config element parsing bool TTypeSupportConfig::localStartElement(const char *aElementName, const char **aAttributes, sInt32 aLine) { // checking the elements if (strucmp(aElementName,"use")==0) { expectEmpty(); // datatype usage specs may not have // process arguments const char* nam = getAttr(aAttributes,"datatype"); if (!nam) return fail("use must have 'datatype' attribute"); // search datatype TDataTypeConfig *typecfgP = static_cast(getRootElement())->fDatatypesConfigP->getDataType(nam); if (!typecfgP) return fail("unknown datatype '%s' specified",nam); #ifndef NO_REMOTE_RULES // get rulematch string, if any cAppCharP ruleMatch = getAttr(aAttributes,"rulematch"); #endif // convert variant TTypeVariantDescriptor variantDescP=NULL; // no variant descriptor by default cAppCharP variant = getAttr(aAttributes,"variant"); if (variant) { // get a type-specific descriptor which describes the variant of a type to be used with this datastore variantDescP = typecfgP->getVariantDescriptor(variant); if (!variantDescP) return fail("unknown variant '%s' specified",variant); } // convert mode bool rd=true,wr=true; const char* mode = getAttr(aAttributes,"mode"); if (mode) { rd=false; wr=false; while (*mode) { if (tolower(*mode)=='r') rd=true; else if (tolower(*mode)=='w') wr=true; else { ReportError(true,"invalid mode '%c'",*mode); return true; } // next char mode++; } if (!rd && !wr) return fail("mode must specify 'r', 'w' or 'rw' at least"); } // get preferred bool preferred=false; const char* pref = getAttr(aAttributes,"preferred"); if (pref) { if (!StrToBool(pref, preferred)) { if (strucmp(pref,"legacy")==0) { // this is the preferred type for blind and legacy mode sync attempts fPreferredLegacy=typecfgP; // remember (note that there is only ONE preferred type, mode is ignored) preferred=false; // not officially preferred } else return fail("bad value for 'preferred'"); } } // now add datatype if (preferred) { // - preferred if (rd) { if (fPreferredRx) return fail("preferred read type already defined"); else { fPreferredRx=typecfgP; // set it fPrefRxVariantDescP=variantDescP; } } if (wr) { if (fPreferredTx) return fail("preferred write type already defined"); else { fPreferredTx=typecfgP; // set it fPrefTxVariantDescP=variantDescP; } } } // if preferred else { // - additional TAdditionalDataType adt; adt.datatypeconfig=typecfgP; adt.forRead=rd; adt.forWrite=wr; adt.variantDescP=variantDescP; #ifndef NO_REMOTE_RULES if (ruleMatch) { // this is a rulematch type (which overrides normal type selection mechanism) AssignString(adt.remoteRuleMatch,ruleMatch); // remote rule match string fRuleMatchTypes.push_back(adt); // save it in the list } else #endif { // standard type fAdditionalTypes.push_back(adt); // save it in the list } } } // - none known here else return inherited::localStartElement(aElementName,aAttributes,aLine); // ok return true; } // TTypeSupportConfig::localStartElement #endif // resolve void TTypeSupportConfig::localResolve(bool aLastPass) { #ifndef HARDCODED_CONFIG if (aLastPass) { // check for required settings if (!fPreferredTx || !fPreferredRx) SYSYNC_THROW(TConfigParseException("'typesupport' must contain at least one preferred type for read and write")); } #endif // resolve inherited inherited::localResolve(aLastPass); } // TTypeSupportConfig::localResolve // datastore config TLocalDSConfig::TLocalDSConfig(const char* aName, TConfigElement *aParentElement) : TConfigElement(aName,aParentElement), fTypeSupport("typesupport",this) { clear(); } // TLocalDSConfig::TLocalDSConfig TLocalDSConfig::~TLocalDSConfig() { // nop so far } // TLocalDSConfig::~TLocalDSConfig // init defaults void TLocalDSConfig::clear(void) { // init defaults // - conflict resolution strategy fConflictStrategy=cr_newer_wins; fSlowSyncStrategy=cr_newer_wins; fFirstTimeStrategy=cr_newer_wins; // options fLocalDBTypeID=0; fReadOnly=false; fReportUpdates=true; fDeleteWins=false; // replace wins over delete by default fResendFailing=true; // resend failing items in next session by default #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER fTryUpdateDeleted=false; // no attempt to update already deleted items (assuming they are invisible only) fAlwaysSendLocalID=false; // off as it used to be not SCTS conformant (but would give clients chances to remap IDs) #endif fMaxItemsPerMessage=0; // no limit #ifdef OBJECT_FILTERING // - filters fRemoteAcceptFilter.erase(); fSilentlyDiscardUnaccepted=false; fLocalDBFilterConf.erase(); fMakePassFilter.erase(); fInvisibleFilter.erase(); fMakeVisibleFilter.erase(); // - DS 1.2 Filter support ( allowed in Alert, / shown in devInf) fDS12FilterSupport=false; // off by default, as clients usually don't have it // - Set if date range support is available in this datastore fDateRangeSupported=false; #endif #ifdef SCRIPT_SUPPORT fDBInitScript.erase(); fSentItemStatusScript.erase(); fReceivedItemStatusScript.erase(); fAlertScript.erase(); #ifdef SYSYNC_CLIENT fAlertPrepScript.erase(); #endif fDBFinishScript.erase(); #endif // clear embedded fTypeSupport.clear(); // clear inherited inherited::clear(); } // TLocalDSConfig::clear #ifndef HARDCODED_CONFIG // config element parsing bool TLocalDSConfig::localStartElement(const char *aElementName, const char **aAttributes, sInt32 aLine) { // checking the elements if (strucmp(aElementName,"dbtypeid")==0) expectUInt32(fLocalDBTypeID); else if (strucmp(aElementName,"typesupport")==0) expectChildParsing(fTypeSupport); else if (strucmp(aElementName,"conflictstrategy")==0) expectEnum(sizeof(fConflictStrategy),&fConflictStrategy,conflictStrategyNames,numConflictStrategies); else if (strucmp(aElementName,"slowsyncstrategy")==0) expectEnum(sizeof(fSlowSyncStrategy),&fSlowSyncStrategy,conflictStrategyNames,numConflictStrategies); else if (strucmp(aElementName,"firsttimestrategy")==0) expectEnum(sizeof(fFirstTimeStrategy),&fFirstTimeStrategy,conflictStrategyNames,numConflictStrategies); else if (strucmp(aElementName,"readonly")==0) expectBool(fReadOnly); else if (strucmp(aElementName,"reportupdates")==0) expectBool(fReportUpdates); else if (strucmp(aElementName,"deletewins")==0) expectBool(fDeleteWins); else if (strucmp(aElementName,"resendfailing")==0) expectBool(fResendFailing); #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER else if (strucmp(aElementName,"tryupdatedeleted")==0) expectBool(fTryUpdateDeleted); else if (strucmp(aElementName,"alwayssendlocalid")==0) expectBool(fAlwaysSendLocalID); else if (strucmp(aElementName,"alias")==0) { // get a name string name; if (!getAttrExpanded(aAttributes, "name", name, true)) return fail("Missing 'name' attribute in 'alias'"); fAliasNames.push_back(name); expectEmpty(); } #endif else if (strucmp(aElementName,"maxitemspermessage")==0) expectUInt32(fMaxItemsPerMessage); #ifdef OBJECT_FILTERING // filtering else if (strucmp(aElementName,"acceptfilter")==0) expectString(fRemoteAcceptFilter); else if (strucmp(aElementName,"silentdiscard")==0) expectBool(fSilentlyDiscardUnaccepted); else if (strucmp(aElementName,"localdbfilter")==0) expectString(fLocalDBFilterConf); else if (strucmp(aElementName,"makepassfilter")==0) expectString(fMakePassFilter); else if (strucmp(aElementName,"invisiblefilter")==0) expectString(fInvisibleFilter); else if (strucmp(aElementName,"makevisiblefilter")==0) expectString(fMakeVisibleFilter); else if (strucmp(aElementName,"ds12filters")==0) expectBool(fDS12FilterSupport); else if (strucmp(aElementName,"daterangesupport")==0) expectBool(fDateRangeSupported); #endif #ifdef SCRIPT_SUPPORT else if (strucmp(aElementName,"datastoreinitscript")==0) expectScript(fDBInitScript,aLine,&DBFuncTable); else if (strucmp(aElementName,"sentitemstatusscript")==0) expectScript(fSentItemStatusScript,aLine,&ErrorFuncTable); else if (strucmp(aElementName,"receiveditemstatusscript")==0) expectScript(fReceivedItemStatusScript,aLine,&ErrorFuncTable); else if (strucmp(aElementName,"alertscript")==0) expectScript(fAlertScript,aLine,&DBFuncTable); #ifdef SYSYNC_CLIENT else if (strucmp(aElementName,"alertprepscript")==0) expectScript(fAlertPrepScript,aLine,getClientDBFuncTable()); #endif else if (strucmp(aElementName,"datastorefinishscript")==0) expectScript(fDBFinishScript,aLine,&DBFuncTable); #endif #ifndef MINIMAL_CODE else if (strucmp(aElementName,"displayname")==0) expectString(fDisplayName); #endif // - none known here else return inherited::localStartElement(aElementName,aAttributes,aLine); // ok return true; } // TLocalDSConfig::localStartElement #endif // resolve void TLocalDSConfig::localResolve(bool aLastPass) { if (aLastPass) { #ifdef SCRIPT_SUPPORT TScriptContext *sccP = NULL; SYSYNC_TRY { // resolve all scripts in same context // - first script needed (when alert is created) #ifdef SYSYNC_CLIENT TScriptContext::resolveScript(getSyncAppBase(),fAlertPrepScript,sccP,NULL); #endif // - scripts needed when database is made ready TScriptContext::resolveScript(getSyncAppBase(),fDBInitScript,sccP,NULL); TScriptContext::resolveScript(getSyncAppBase(),fSentItemStatusScript,sccP,NULL); TScriptContext::resolveScript(getSyncAppBase(),fReceivedItemStatusScript,sccP,NULL); TScriptContext::resolveScript(getSyncAppBase(),fAlertScript,sccP,NULL); TScriptContext::resolveScript(getSyncAppBase(),fDBFinishScript,sccP,NULL); // - forget this context if (sccP) delete sccP; } SYSYNC_CATCH (...) if (sccP) delete sccP; SYSYNC_RETHROW; SYSYNC_ENDCATCH #endif } // resolve embedded fTypeSupport.Resolve(aLastPass); // resolve inherited inherited::localResolve(aLastPass); } // TLocalDSConfig::localResolve // - add type support to datatstore from config void TLocalDSConfig::addTypes(TLocalEngineDS *aDatastore, TSyncSession *aSessionP) { TSyncItemType *typeP; TSyncItemType *writetypeP; // preferred types, create instances only if not already existing // - preferred receive typeP = aSessionP->findLocalType(fTypeSupport.fPreferredRx); if (!typeP) { typeP = fTypeSupport.fPreferredRx->newSyncItemType(aSessionP,NULL); // local types are never exclusively related to a datastore aSessionP->addLocalItemType(typeP); // add to session } // - preferred send writetypeP = aSessionP->findLocalType(fTypeSupport.fPreferredTx); if (!writetypeP) { writetypeP = fTypeSupport.fPreferredTx->newSyncItemType(aSessionP,NULL); // local types are never exclusively related to a datastore aSessionP->addLocalItemType(writetypeP); } // - set preferred types aDatastore->setPreferredTypes(typeP,writetypeP); // additional types TAdditionalTypesList::iterator pos; for (pos=fTypeSupport.fAdditionalTypes.begin(); pos!=fTypeSupport.fAdditionalTypes.end(); pos++) { // - search for type already created from same config item typeP = aSessionP->findLocalType((*pos).datatypeconfig); if (!typeP) { // - does not exist yet, create the type typeP = (*pos).datatypeconfig->newSyncItemType(aSessionP,NULL); // local types are never exclusively related to a datastore // - add type to session types aSessionP->addLocalItemType(typeP); } // - add type to datastore's supported types aDatastore->addTypeSupport(typeP,(*pos).forRead,(*pos).forWrite); } #ifndef NO_REMOTE_RULES // rulematch types for (pos=fTypeSupport.fRuleMatchTypes.begin(); pos!=fTypeSupport.fRuleMatchTypes.end(); pos++) { // - search for type already created from same config item typeP = aSessionP->findLocalType((*pos).datatypeconfig); if (!typeP) { // - does not exist yet, create the type typeP = (*pos).datatypeconfig->newSyncItemType(aSessionP,NULL); // local types are never exclusively related to a datastore // - add type to session types aSessionP->addLocalItemType(typeP); } // - add type to datastore's rulematch types aDatastore->addRuleMatchTypeSupport(typeP,(*pos).remoteRuleMatch.c_str()); } #endif // now apply type limits // Note: this is usually derived, as limits are often defined within the datastore, // not the type itself (however, for hardcoded template-based fieldlists, // the limits are taken from the template, see TLocalDSConfig::addTypeLimits() addTypeLimits(aDatastore, aSessionP); } // TLocalDSConfig::addTypes // Add (probably datastore-specific) limits such as MaxSize and NoTruncate to types void TLocalDSConfig::addTypeLimits(TLocalEngineDS *aLocalDatastoreP, TSyncSession *aSessionP) { // add field size limitations from map to all types TSyncItemTypePContainer::iterator pos; TSyncItemTypePContainer *typesP = &(aLocalDatastoreP->fRxItemTypes); for (uInt8 i=0; i<2; i++) { for (pos=typesP->begin(); pos!=typesP->end(); pos++) { // apply default limits to type (e.g. from hard-coded template in config) (*pos)->addDefaultTypeLimits(); } typesP = &(aLocalDatastoreP->fTxItemTypes); } } // TLocalDSConfig::addTypeLimits // Check for alias names uInt16 TLocalDSConfig::isDatastoreAlias(cAppCharP aDatastoreURI) { // only servers have (and may need) aliases #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER for (TStringList::iterator pos = fAliasNames.begin(); pos!=fAliasNames.end(); pos++) { if (*pos == aDatastoreURI) return (*pos).size(); // return size of match } #endif return 0; } // TLocalDSConfig::isDatastoreAlias /* * Implementation of TLocalEngineDS */ /// @Note InternalResetDataStore() must also be callable from destructor /// (care not to call other objects which will refer to the already /// half-destructed datastore!) void TLocalEngineDS::InternalResetDataStore(void) { // possibly complete, if not already done (should be, by engFinishDataStoreSync() !) if (fLocalDSState>dssta_idle) changeState(dssta_completed); // complete NOW, opportunity to show stats, etc. // switch down to idle changeState(dssta_idle); /// @todo obsolete: fState=dss_idle; fAbortStatusCode=LOCERR_OK; // not aborted yet fLocalAbortCause=true; // assume local cause fRemoteAddingStopped=false; fAlertCode=0; // not yet alerted /// Init Sync mode @ref dsSyncMode fSyncMode=smo_twoway; // default to twoway fForceSlowSync=false; fSlowSync=false; fRefreshOnly=false; fReadOnly=false; fReportUpdates=fDSConfigP->fReportUpdates; // update reporting according to what is configured fServerAlerted=false; fResuming=false; #ifdef SUPERDATASTORES fAsSubDatastoreOf=NULL; // is not a subdatastore #endif /// Init administrative data to defaults @ref dsAdminData // - last fLastRemoteAnchor.erase(); fLastLocalAnchor.erase(); // - current fNextRemoteAnchor.erase(); fNextLocalAnchor.erase(); // suspend state fResumeAlertCode=0; // none fPreventResuming=false; // suspend of chunked items fPartialItemState=pi_state_none; fLastSourceURI.erase(); fLastTargetURI.erase(); fLastItemStatus=0; fPITotalSize=0; fPIStoredSize=0; fPIUnconfirmedSize=0; if (fPIStoredDataAllocated) { smlLibFree(fPIStoredDataP); fPIStoredDataAllocated=false; } fPIStoredDataP=NULL; // other state info fFirstTimeSync=false; // not first sync by default #ifdef SYSYNC_CLIENT // - maps for add commands fPendingAddMaps.clear(); fUnconfirmedMaps.clear(); fLastSessionMaps.clear(); #endif #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ADMIN+DBG_EXOTIC,( "fTempGUIDMap: removing %ld items", (long)fTempGUIDMap.size() )); fTempGUIDMap.clear(); #endif /// Init type negotiation /// - for sending data fLocalSendToRemoteTypeP = NULL; fRemoteReceiveFromLocalTypeP = NULL; /// - for receiving data fLocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP = NULL; fRemoteSendToLocalTypeP = NULL; /// Init Filtering @ref dsFiltering resetFiltering(); /// Init item processing @ref dsItemProcessing fSessionConflictStrategy=cr_duplicate; // will be updated later when sync mode is known fItemSizeLimit=-1; // no limit yet fCurrentSyncOp = sop_none; // will be set at engProcessItem() fEchoItemOp = sop_none; // will be set at engProcessItem() fItemConflictStrategy=fSessionConflictStrategy; // will be set at engProcessItem() fForceConflict = false; // will be set at engProcessItem() fDeleteWins = false; // will be set at engProcessItem() fRejectStatus = -1; // will be set at engProcessItem() #ifdef SCRIPT_SUPPORT // - delete the script context if any if (fSendingTypeScriptContextP) { delete fSendingTypeScriptContextP; fSendingTypeScriptContextP=NULL; } if (fReceivingTypeScriptContextP) { delete fReceivingTypeScriptContextP; fReceivingTypeScriptContextP=NULL; } if (fDataStoreScriptContextP) { delete fDataStoreScriptContextP; fDataStoreScriptContextP=NULL; } #endif /// Init other vars @ref dsOther /// Init Counters and statistics @ref dsCountStats // - NOC from remote fRemoteNumberOfChanges=-1; // none known yet // - data transferred fIncomingDataBytes=0; fOutgoingDataBytes=0; // - locally performed ops fLocalItemsAdded=0; fLocalItemsUpdated=0; fLocalItemsDeleted=0; fLocalItemsError=0; // - remotely performed ops fRemoteItemsAdded=0; fRemoteItemsUpdated=0; fRemoteItemsDeleted=0; fRemoteItemsError=0; #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER // - conflicts fConflictsServerWins=0; fConflictsClientWins=0; fConflictsDuplicated=0; // - slow sync matches fSlowSyncMatches=0; #endif // Override defaults from ancestor // - generally, limit GUID size to reasonable size (even if we can // theoretically handle unlimited GUIDs in client, except for // some DEBUGPRINTF statements that will crash for example with // the brain-damaged GUIDs that Exchange server uses. fMaxGUIDSize = 64; } // TLocalEngineDS::InternalResetDataStore /// constructor TLocalEngineDS::TLocalEngineDS(TLocalDSConfig *aDSConfigP, TSyncSession *aSessionP, const char *aName, uInt32 aCommonSyncCapMask) : TSyncDataStore(aSessionP, aName, aCommonSyncCapMask) ,fPIStoredDataP(NULL) ,fPIStoredDataAllocated(false) #ifdef SCRIPT_SUPPORT ,fSendingTypeScriptContextP(NULL) // no associated script context ,fReceivingTypeScriptContextP(NULL) // no associated script context ,fDataStoreScriptContextP(NULL) // no datastore level context #endif ,fRemoteDatastoreP(NULL) // no associated remote { // set config ptr fDSConfigP = aDSConfigP; if (!fDSConfigP) SYSYNC_THROW(TSyncException(DEBUGTEXT("TLocalEngineDS::TLocalEngineDS called with NULL config","lds1"))); /// Init Sync state @ref dsSyncState fLocalDSState=dssta_idle; // idle to begin with // now reset InternalResetDataStore(); } // TLocalEngineDS::TLocalEngineDS TLocalEngineDS::~TLocalEngineDS() { // reset everything InternalResetDataStore(); } // TLocalEngineDS::~TLocalEngineDS #ifdef SYDEBUG // return datastore state name cAppCharP TLocalEngineDS::getDSStateName(void) { return LocalDSStateNames[fLocalDSState]; } // TLocalEngineDS::getDSStateName // return datastore state name cAppCharP TLocalEngineDS::getDSStateName(TLocalEngineDSState aState) { return LocalDSStateNames[aState]; } // TLocalEngineDS::getDSStateName #endif // reset datastore (after use) void TLocalEngineDS::engResetDataStore(void) { // now reset // - logic layer and above dsResetDataStore(); // - myself InternalResetDataStore(); // - anchestors inherited::engResetDataStore(); } // TLocalEngineDS::engResetDataStore // check if this datastore is accessible with given URI // NOTE: By default, local datastore type is addressed with // first path element of URI, rest of path might be used // by derivates to subselect data folders etc. uInt16 TLocalEngineDS::isDatastore(const char *aDatastoreURI) { // extract base name string basename; analyzeName(aDatastoreURI,&basename); // compare only base name // - compare with main name int res = inherited::isDatastore(basename.c_str()); if (res==0) { // Not main name: compare with aliases res = fDSConfigP->isDatastoreAlias(basename.c_str()); } return res; } // TLocalEngineDS::isDatastore /// get DB specific error message text for dbg log, or empty string if none /// @return platform specific DB error text string TLocalEngineDS::lastDBErrorText(void) { string s; s.erase(); uInt32 err = lastDBError(); if (isDBError(err)) { StringObjPrintf(s," (DB specific error code = %ld)",(long)lastDBError()); } return s; } // TLocalEngineDS::lastDBErrorText #ifdef SYSYNC_CLIENT // - init Sync Parameters (client case) // Derivates might override this to pre-process and modify parameters // (such as adding client settings as CGI to remoteDBPath) bool TLocalEngineDS::dsSetClientSyncParams( TSyncModes aSyncMode, bool aSlowSync, const char *aRemoteDBPath, const char *aDBUser, const char *aDBPassword, const char *aLocalPathExtension, const char *aRecordFilterQuery, bool aFilterInclusive ) { // - set remote params fRemoteDBPath=aRemoteDBPath; AssignString(fDBUser,aDBUser); AssignString(fDBPassword,aDBPassword); // check for running under control of a superdatastore // - aRemoteDBPath might contain a special prefix: "remote", with "super" specifying the // name of a local superdatastore to run the sync with string opts; if (!fRemoteDBPath.empty() && fRemoteDBPath.at(0)=='<') { // we have an option prefix size_t pfxe = fRemoteDBPath.find('>', 1); if (pfxe!=string::npos) { // extract options opts.assign(fRemoteDBPath, 1, pfxe-1); // store remote path cleaned from options fRemoteDBPath.erase(0,pfxe+1); } } if (!opts.empty()) { #ifdef SUPERDATASTORES // For now, the only option withing angle brackets is the name of the superdatastore, so opts==superdatastorename // - look for superdatastore having the specified name TSuperDSConfig *superdscfgP = static_cast(getSession()->getSessionConfig()->getLocalDS(opts.c_str())); if (superdscfgP && superdscfgP->isAbstractDatastore()) { // see if we have an instance of this already fAsSubDatastoreOf = static_cast(getSession()->findLocalDataStore(superdscfgP)); if (fAsSubDatastoreOf) { // that superdatastore already exists, just override client sync params with those already set aSyncMode = fAsSubDatastoreOf->fSyncMode; aSlowSync = fAsSubDatastoreOf->fSlowSync; aRecordFilterQuery = fAsSubDatastoreOf->fRemoteRecordFilterQuery.c_str(); } else { // instantiate new superdatastore fAsSubDatastoreOf = static_cast(superdscfgP->newLocalDataStore(getSession())); if (fAsSubDatastoreOf) { fSessionP->fLocalDataStores.push_back(fAsSubDatastoreOf); // configure it with the same parameters as the subdatastore if (!fAsSubDatastoreOf->dsSetClientSyncParams( aSyncMode, aSlowSync, fRemoteDBPath.c_str(), // already cleaned from prefix aDBUser, aDBPassword, aLocalPathExtension, aRecordFilterQuery, aFilterInclusive )) return false; // failed } } if (fAsSubDatastoreOf) { // find link config for this superdatastore TSubDSLinkConfig *lcfgP = NULL; TSubDSConfigList::iterator pos; for(pos=superdscfgP->fSubDatastores.begin();pos!=superdscfgP->fSubDatastores.end();pos++) { if ((*pos)->fLinkedDSConfigP==fDSConfigP) { // this is the link lcfgP = *pos; break; } } if (lcfgP) { // now link into superdatastore fAsSubDatastoreOf->addSubDatastoreLink(lcfgP,this); } else { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Warning: '%s' is not a subdatastore of '%s'", getName(), opts.c_str())); return false; // failed } } } else { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Warning: No superdatastore name '%s' exists -> can't run '%s' under superdatastore control", opts.c_str(), getName())); return false; // failed } #endif // SUPERDATASTORES } // sync mode fSyncMode=aSyncMode; fSlowSync=aSlowSync; fRefreshOnly=fSyncMode==smo_fromserver; // here to make sure, should be set by setSyncMode(FromAlertCode) later anyway // DS 1.2 filters AssignString(fRemoteRecordFilterQuery,aRecordFilterQuery); fRemoteFilterInclusive=aFilterInclusive; // params // - build local path fLocalDBPath=URI_RELPREFIX; fLocalDBPath+=getName(); if (aLocalPathExtension && *aLocalPathExtension) { fLocalDBPath+='/'; fLocalDBPath+=aLocalPathExtension; } // - we have the params for syncing now return changeState(dssta_clientparamset)==LOCERR_OK; } // TLocalEngineDS::dsSetClientSyncParams #endif // SYSYNC_CLIENT // add support for more data types // (for programatically creating local datastores from specialized TSyncSession derivates) void TLocalEngineDS::addTypeSupport(TSyncItemType *aItemTypeP,bool aForRx, bool aForTx) { if (aForRx) fRxItemTypes.push_back(aItemTypeP); if (aForTx) fTxItemTypes.push_back(aItemTypeP); } // TLocalEngineDS::addTypeSupport #ifndef NO_REMOTE_RULES // add data type that overrides normal type selection if string matches active remote rule void TLocalEngineDS::addRuleMatchTypeSupport(TSyncItemType *aItemTypeP,cAppCharP aRuleMatchString) { TRuleMatchTypeEntry rme; rme.itemTypeP = aItemTypeP; rme.ruleMatchString = aRuleMatchString; fRuleMatchItemTypes.push_back(rme); } // TLocalEngineDS::addRuleMatchTypeSupport #endif TTypeVariantDescriptor TLocalEngineDS::getVariantDescForType(TSyncItemType *aItemTypeP) { // search in config for specific variant descriptor // - first check preferred rx if (fDSConfigP->fTypeSupport.fPreferredRx == aItemTypeP->getTypeConfig()) return fDSConfigP->fTypeSupport.fPrefRxVariantDescP; // - then check preferred tx if (fDSConfigP->fTypeSupport.fPreferredTx == aItemTypeP->getTypeConfig()) return fDSConfigP->fTypeSupport.fPrefTxVariantDescP; // - then check additional types TAdditionalTypesList::iterator pos; for (pos=fDSConfigP->fTypeSupport.fAdditionalTypes.begin(); pos!=fDSConfigP->fTypeSupport.fAdditionalTypes.end(); pos++) { if ((*pos).datatypeconfig == aItemTypeP->getTypeConfig()) return (*pos).variantDescP; } // none found return NULL; } // TLocalEngineDS::getVariantDescForType // - called when a item in the sync set changes its localID (due to local DB internals) void TLocalEngineDS::dsLocalIdHasChanged(const char *aOldID, const char *aNewID) { #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER if (IS_SERVER) { // make sure remapped localIDs get updated as well TStringToStringMap::iterator pos; for (pos=fTempGUIDMap.begin(); pos!=fTempGUIDMap.end(); pos++) { if (pos->second == aOldID) { // update ID PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ADMIN+DBG_EXOTIC,( "fTempGUIDMap: updating mapping of %s from %s to %s", pos->first.c_str(), aOldID, aNewID )); pos->second = aNewID; break; } } } #endif // SYSYNC_SERVER } // TLocalEngineDS::dsLocalIdHasChanged #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER // for received GUIDs (Map command), obtain real GUID (might be temp GUID due to maxguidsize restrictions) void TLocalEngineDS::obtainRealLocalID(string &aLocalID) { if (aLocalID.size()>0 && aLocalID[0]=='#') { // seems to be a temp GUID TStringToStringMap::iterator pos = fTempGUIDMap.find(aLocalID); if (pos!=fTempGUIDMap.end()) { // found temp GUID mapping, replace it PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,( "translated tempLocalID='%s' back to real localID='%s'", aLocalID.c_str(), (*pos).second.c_str() )); aLocalID = (*pos).second; } else { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("No realLocalID found for tempLocalID='%s'",aLocalID.c_str())); } } } // TLocalEngineDS::obtainRealLocalID // for sending GUIDs (Add command), generate temp GUID which conforms to maxguidsize of remote datastore if needed void TLocalEngineDS::adjustLocalIDforSize(string &aLocalID, sInt32 maxguidsize, sInt32 prefixsize) { if (maxguidsize>0) { if (aLocalID.length()+prefixsize>(uInt32)maxguidsize) { //BCPPB needed unsigned cast // real GUID is too long, we need to create a temp // first check if there is already a mapping for it, // because on-disk storage can only hold one; also // saves space // TODO: implement this more efficiently than this O(N) search for (TStringToStringMap::const_iterator it = fTempGUIDMap.begin(); it != fTempGUIDMap.end(); ++it) { if (it->second == aLocalID) { // found an existing mapping! PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,( "fTempGUIDMap: translated realLocalID='%s' to tempLocalID='%s' (reused?!)", aLocalID.c_str(), it->first.c_str() )); aLocalID = it->first; return; } } string tempguid; long counter = fTempGUIDMap.size(); // as list only grows, we have unique tempuids for sure while (true) { counter++; StringObjPrintf(tempguid,"#%ld",counter); if (fTempGUIDMap.find(tempguid) != fTempGUIDMap.end()) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,( "fTempGUIDMap: '%s' not new?!", tempguid.c_str() )); } else { break; } } fTempGUIDMap[tempguid]=aLocalID; PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ADMIN+DBG_EXOTIC,( "fTempGUIDMap: translated realLocalID='%s' to tempLocalID='%s'", aLocalID.c_str(), tempguid.c_str() )); aLocalID=tempguid; } } } // TLocalEngineDS::adjustLocalIDforSize #endif // SYSYNC_SERVER // set Sync types needed for sending local data to remote DB void TLocalEngineDS::setSendTypeInfo( TSyncItemType *aLocalSendToRemoteTypeP, TSyncItemType *aRemoteReceiveFromLocalTypeP ) { fLocalSendToRemoteTypeP=aLocalSendToRemoteTypeP; fRemoteReceiveFromLocalTypeP=aRemoteReceiveFromLocalTypeP; } // TLocalEngineDS::setSendTypeInfo // set Sync types needed for receiving remote data in local DB void TLocalEngineDS::setReceiveTypeInfo( TSyncItemType *aLocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP, TSyncItemType *aRemoteSendToLocalTypeP ) { fLocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP=aLocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP; fRemoteSendToLocalTypeP=aRemoteSendToLocalTypeP; } // TLocalEngineDS::setReceiveTypeInfo // - init usage of datatypes set with setSendTypeInfo/setReceiveTypeInfo localstatus TLocalEngineDS::initDataTypeUse(void) { localstatus sta = LOCERR_OK; // check compatibility if ( !fLocalSendToRemoteTypeP || !fLocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP || !fLocalSendToRemoteTypeP->isCompatibleWith(fLocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP) ) { // send and receive types not compatible sta = 415; PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Incompatible send and receive types -> cannot sync (415)")); engAbortDataStoreSync(sta,true,false); // do not proceed with sync of this datastore, local problem, not resumable return sta; } #ifdef SCRIPT_SUPPORT // let types initialize themselves for being used by this datastore // - optimization: if both types are same, initialize only once if (fLocalSendToRemoteTypeP == fLocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP) fLocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP->initDataTypeUse(this,true,true); // send and receive else { fLocalSendToRemoteTypeP->initDataTypeUse(this,true,false); // for sending, not receiving fLocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP->initDataTypeUse(this,false,true); // not sending, for receiving } #endif // ok return sta; } // TLocalEngineDS::initDataTypeUse // conflict resolution strategy. Conservative here TConflictResolution TLocalEngineDS::getConflictStrategy(bool aForSlowSync, bool aForFirstTime) { return aForSlowSync ? (aForFirstTime ? fDSConfigP->fFirstTimeStrategy : fDSConfigP->fSlowSyncStrategy) : fDSConfigP->fConflictStrategy; } // TLocalEngineDS::getConflictStrategy // add filter keywords and property names to filterCap void TLocalEngineDS::addFilterCapPropsAndKeywords(SmlPcdataListPtr_t &aFilterKeywords, SmlPcdataListPtr_t &aFilterProps) { #ifdef OBJECT_FILTERING // add my own properties if (fDSConfigP->fDateRangeSupported) { addPCDataStringToList("BEFORE", &aFilterKeywords); addPCDataStringToList("SINCE", &aFilterKeywords); } // get default send type TSyncItemType *itemTypeP = fSessionP->findLocalType(fDSConfigP->fTypeSupport.fPreferredTx); TTypeVariantDescriptor variantDesc = NULL; doesUseType(itemTypeP, &variantDesc); // have it add it's keywords and properties itemTypeP->addFilterCapPropsAndKeywords(aFilterKeywords,aFilterProps,variantDesc); #endif } // TLocalEngineDS::addFilterCapPropsAndKeywords // reset all filter settings void TLocalEngineDS::resetFiltering(void) { #ifdef OBJECT_FILTERING // - dynamic sync set filter fSyncSetFilter.erase(); // - static filter fLocalDBFilter=fDSConfigP->fLocalDBFilterConf; // use configured localDB filter // - TAF filters #ifdef SYNCML_TAF_SUPPORT fTargetAddressFilter.erase(); // none from yet fIntTargetAddressFilter.erase(); // none from internal source (script) #endif #ifdef SYSYNC_TARGET_OPTIONS // - Other filtering options fDateRangeStart=0; // no date range fDateRangeEnd=0; fSizeLimit=-1; // no size limit fMaxItemCount=0; // no item count limit fNoAttachments=false; // attachments not suppressed fDBOptions.erase(); // no options #endif // - Filtering requirements fTypeFilteringNeeded=false; fFilteringNeededForAll=false; fFilteringNeeded=false; #endif // OBJECT_FILTERING } // TLocalEngineDS::resetFiltering #ifdef OBJECT_FILTERING /// @brief check single filter term for DS 1.2 filterkeywords. /// @return true if term still needs to be added to normal filter expression, false if term will be handled otherwise bool TLocalEngineDS::checkFilterkeywordTerm( cAppCharP aIdent, bool aAssignToMakeTrue, cAppCharP aOp, bool aCaseInsensitive, cAppCharP aVal, bool aSpecialValue, TSyncItemType *aItemTypeP ) { // show it to the datatype (if any) if (aItemTypeP) { if (!aItemTypeP->checkFilterkeywordTerm(aIdent, aAssignToMakeTrue, aOp, aCaseInsensitive, aVal, aSpecialValue)) return false; // type fully handles it, no need to check it further or add it to the filter expression } // we generally implement BEFORE and SINCE on the datastore level // This might not make sense depending on the actual datatype, but does not harm either #ifdef SYSYNC_TARGET_OPTIONS timecontext_t tctx; if (strucmp(aIdent,"BEFORE")==0) { if (ISO8601StrToTimestamp(aVal,fDateRangeEnd,tctx)) { TzConvertTimestamp(fDateRangeEnd,tctx,TCTX_UTC,getSessionZones(),fSessionP->fUserTimeContext); } else { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("invalid ISO datetime for BEFORE: '%s'",aVal)); return true; // add it to filter, possibly this is not meant to be a filterkeyword } } else if (strucmp(aIdent,"SINCE")==0) { if (ISO8601StrToTimestamp(aVal,fDateRangeStart,tctx)) { TzConvertTimestamp(fDateRangeStart,tctx,TCTX_UTC,getSessionZones(),fSessionP->fUserTimeContext); } else { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("invalid ISO datetime for SINCE: '%s'",aVal)); return true; // add it to filter, possibly this is not meant to be a filterkeyword } } else if (strucmp(aIdent,"MAXSIZE")==0) { if (StrToFieldinteger(aVal,fSizeLimit)==0) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("invalid integer for MAXSIZE: '%s'",aVal)); return true; // add it to filter, possibly this is not meant to be a filterkeyword } } else if (strucmp(aIdent,"MAXCOUNT")==0) { if (StrToULong(aVal,fMaxItemCount)==0) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("invalid integer for MAXSIZE: '%s'",aVal)); return true; // add it to filter, possibly this is not meant to be a filterkeyword } } else if (strucmp(aIdent,"NOATT")==0) { if (!StrToBool(aVal,fNoAttachments)==0) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("invalid boolean for NOATT: '%s'",aVal)); return true; // add it to filter, possibly this is not meant to be a filterkeyword } } else if (strucmp(aIdent,"DBOPTIONS")==0) { fDBOptions = aVal; // just get DB options } #endif else { // unknown identifier, add to filter expression return true; } // this term will be processed by special mechanism like fDateRangeStart/fDateRangeEnd // or fSizeLimit, so there is no need for normal filtering return false; // do not include into filter } // TLocalEngineDS::checkFilterkeywordTerm /// @brief parse "syncml:filtertype-cgi" filter, convert into internal filter syntax /// and possibly sets some special filter options (fDateRangeStart, fDateRangeEnd) /// based on "filterkeywords" available for the type passed (DS 1.2). /// For parsing DS 1.1/1.0 TAF-style filters, aItemType can be NULL, no type-specific /// filterkeywords can be parsed then. /// @return pointer to next character after processing (usually points to terminator) /// @param[in] aCGI the NUL-terminated filter string /// @param[in] aItemTypeP if not NULL, this is the item type the filter applies to const char *TLocalEngineDS::parseFilterCGI(cAppCharP aCGI, TSyncItemType *aItemTypeP, string &aFilter) { const char *p=aCGI, *q; sInt16 paraNest=0; // nested paranthesis string ident; char op[3]; char logop; string val; bool termtofilter; bool assigntomaketrue; bool specialvalue; bool caseinsensitive; PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_FILTER+DBG_EXOTIC,("Parsing syncml:filtertype-cgi filter: %s",aCGI)); aFilter.erase(); logop=0; while (p && *p) { if (aFilter.empty()) logop=0; // ignore logical operation that would be at beginning of an expression // skip spaces while (isspace(*p)) p++; // now we need an ident or paranthesis if (*p=='(') { if (logop) aFilter+=logop; // expression continues, we need the logop now logop=0; // now consumed paraNest++; aFilter+='('; p++; } else { // must be term: ident op val // - check special case pseudo-identifiers if (strucmp(p,"&LUID;",6)==0) { ident="LUID"; p+=6; } else { // normal identifier // - search end q=p; while (isalnum(*q) || *q=='[' || *q==']' || *q=='.' || *q=='_') q++; // - assign if (q==p) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Expected identifier but found '%s'",p)); break; } ident.assign(p,q-p); p=q; } // skip spaces while (isspace(*p)) p++; // next must be comparison operator, possibly preceeded by modifiers op[0]=0; op[1]=0; op[2]=0; assigntomaketrue=false; specialvalue=false; caseinsensitive=false; // - check modifiers first if (*p==':') { assigntomaketrue=true; p++; } if (*p=='*') { specialvalue=true; p++; } if (*p=='^') { caseinsensitive=true; p++; } // - now OP either in internal form or as pseudo-entity if (*p=='>' || *p=='<') { // possible two-char ops (>=, <=, <>) op[0]=*p++; if (*p=='>' || *p=='=') { op[1]=*p++; } } else if (*p=='=' || *p=='%' || *p=='$') { // single char ops, just use them as is op[0]=*p++; } else if (*p=='&') { p++; if (tolower(*p)=='i') { caseinsensitive=true; p++; } if (strucmp(p,"eq;",3)==0) { op[0]='='; p+=3; } else if (strucmp(p,"gt;",3)==0) { op[0]='>'; p+=3; } else if (strucmp(p,"ge;",3)==0) { op[0]='>'; op[1]='='; p+=3; } else if (strucmp(p,"lt;",3)==0) { op[0]='<'; p+=3; } else if (strucmp(p,"le;",3)==0) { op[0]='<'; op[1]='='; p+=3; } else if (strucmp(p,"ne;",3)==0) { op[0]='<'; op[1]='>'; p+=3; } else if (strucmp(p,"con;",4)==0) { op[0]='%'; p+=4; } else if (strucmp(p,"ncon;",5)==0) { op[0]='$'; p+=5; } else { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Expected comparison operator pseudo-entity but found '%s'",p-1)); break; } } else { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Expected comparison operator but found '%s'",p)); break; } // next must be value // - check for special value cases if (strucmp(p,"&NULL;",6)==0) { // SyncML DS 1.2 p+=6; val='E'; specialvalue=true; } else if (strucmp(p,"&UNASSIGNED;",12)==0) { // Synthesis extension p+=12; val='U'; specialvalue=true; } else { val.erase(); } // - get value chars while (*p && *p!='&' && *p!='|' && *p!=')') { // value char, possibly hex escaped uInt16 c; if (*p=='%') { // convert from hex if (HexStrToUShort(p+1,c,2)==2) { p+=3; } else c=*p++; } else c=*p++; // add to value val += (char)c; } // value // now we have identifier, op and value // - check and possibly sort out filterkeyword terms termtofilter = checkFilterkeywordTerm(ident.c_str(),assigntomaketrue,op,caseinsensitive,val.c_str(),specialvalue,aItemTypeP); // - add to filter if not handled already by other mechanism if (termtofilter) { if (logop) aFilter+=logop; // if this is a continuation, add logical operator now aFilter += ident; if (assigntomaketrue) aFilter+=':'; if (specialvalue) aFilter+='*'; if (caseinsensitive) aFilter+='^'; aFilter += op; aFilter += val; } else { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_FILTER+DBG_EXOTIC,( "checkFilterkeywordTerm(%s,%hd,%s,%hd,%s,%hd) prevents adding to filter", ident.c_str(),(uInt16)assigntomaketrue,op,(uInt16)caseinsensitive,val.c_str(),(uInt16)specialvalue )); if (logop) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_FILTER,("Ignored logical operation '%c' due to always-ANDed filterkeyword",logop)); } } // now check for continuation: optional closing paranthesis plus logical op // - closing paranthesis do { // skip spaces while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p!=')') break; if (paraNest==0) { // as we might parse filters as part of /fi() or /tf() options, // this is not an error but only means end of filter expression goto endFilter; } aFilter+=')'; paraNest--; p++; } while (true); // - logical op if (*p==0) break; // done else if (*p=='&') { logop=*p++; // if no entity matches, & by itself is treated as AND if (strucmp(p,"amp;",4)==0) { logop='&'; p+=4; } else if (strucmp(p,"and;",4)==0) { logop='&'; p+=4; } else if (strucmp(p,"or;",3)==0) { logop='|'; p+=3; } } else if (*p=='|') { logop='|'; } else { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Expected logical operator or end of filter but found '%s'",p)); break; } } // not opening paranthesis } // while not end of filter endFilter: PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_FILTER+DBG_EXOTIC,("Resulting internal filter: %s",aFilter.c_str())); // return pointer to terminating character return p; } // TLocalEngineDS::parseFilterCGI #endif // analyze database name void TLocalEngineDS::analyzeName( const char *aDatastoreURI, string *aBaseNameP, string *aTableNameP, string *aCGIP ) { const char *p,*q=NULL, *r; r=strchr(aDatastoreURI,'?'); p=strchr(aDatastoreURI,'/'); if (r && p>r) p=NULL; // if slash is in CGI, ignore it else q=p+1; // slash exclusive if (p!=NULL) { // we have more than just the first element if (aBaseNameP) aBaseNameP->assign(aDatastoreURI,p-aDatastoreURI); // rest is table name and probably CGI if (aTableNameP) { if (r) aTableNameP->assign(q,r-q); // we have CGI else *aTableNameP=q; // entire rest is tablename } } else { // no second path element, but possibly CGI // - assign base name if (aBaseNameP) { if (r) (*aBaseNameP).assign(aDatastoreURI,r-aDatastoreURI); // only up to CGI else (*aBaseNameP)=aDatastoreURI; // complete name } // - there is no table name if (aTableNameP) aTableNameP->erase(); } // return CGI (w/o question mark) if any if (aCGIP) { if (r) *aCGIP=r+1; else aCGIP->erase(); } } // TLocalEngineDS::analyzeName #ifdef SYSYNC_TARGET_OPTIONS // parses single option, returns pointer to terminating char of argument string // or NULL on error // Note: if aArguments is passed NULL, this is an option without arguments, // and an arbitrary non-NULL will be returned if parsing is ok const char *TLocalEngineDS::parseOption( const char *aOptName, const char *aArguments, bool aFromSyncCommand ) { #ifdef OBJECT_FILTERING if (strucmp(aOptName,"fi")==0) { if (!aArguments) return NULL; // make sync set filter expression string f; aArguments=parseFilterCGI(aArguments,fLocalSendToRemoteTypeP,f); // if type being used for sending to remote is known here, use it if (!aFromSyncCommand) { addToFilter(f.c_str(),fSyncSetFilter,false); // AND chaining // call this once to give derivate a chance to see if it can filter the now set fSyncSetFilter engFilteredFetchesFromDB(true); } return aArguments; // end of filter pattern } #ifdef SYNCML_TAF_SUPPORT else if (strucmp(aOptName,"tf")==0) { if (!aArguments) return NULL; // make temporary filter (or TAF) expression aArguments=parseFilterCGI(aArguments,fLocalSendToRemoteTypeP,fTargetAddressFilter); // if type being used for sending to remote is known here, use it // Note: TAF filters are always evaluated internally as we need all SyncSet records // regardless of possible TAF suppression (for slowsync matching etc.) return aArguments; // end of filter pattern } #endif else if (aArguments && strucmp(aOptName,"dr")==0) { // date range limit sInt16 dstart,dend; if (sscanf(aArguments,"%hd,%hd",&dstart,&dend)==2) { // - find end of arguments aArguments=strchr(aArguments,')'); // - calculate start and end fDateRangeStart=getSystemNowAs(TCTX_UTC,getSessionZones()); fDateRangeEnd=fDateRangeStart; // - now use offsets fDateRangeStart+=dstart*linearDateToTimeFactor; fDateRangeEnd+=dend*linearDateToTimeFactor; return aArguments; } else return NULL; } else if (aArguments && strucmp(aOptName,"li")==0) { // size limit sInt16 n=StrToFieldinteger(aArguments,fSizeLimit); if (n>0) { // - find end of arguments aArguments+=n; return aArguments; } else return NULL; } else if (!aArguments && strucmp(aOptName,"na")==0) { // no attachments fNoAttachments=true; return (const char *)1; // non-zero } else if (aArguments && strucmp(aOptName,"max")==0) { // maximum number of items (for email for example) sInt16 n=StrToULong(aArguments,fMaxItemCount); if (n>0) { // - find end of arguments aArguments+=n; return aArguments; } else return NULL; } else #endif #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER if (IS_SERVER && !aArguments && strucmp(aOptName,"slow")==0) { // force a slow sync PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_HOT,("Slowsync forced by CGI-option in db path")); fForceSlowSync=true; return (const char *)1; // non-zero } else #endif // SYSYNC_SERVER if (aArguments && strucmp(aOptName,"o")==0) { // datastore options // - find end of arguments const char *p=strchr(aArguments,')'); if (p) fDBOptions.assign(aArguments,p-aArguments); return p; } else return NULL; // not parsed } // TLocalEngineDS::parseOption #endif // parse options localstatus TLocalEngineDS::engParseOptions( const char *aTargetURIOptions, // option string contained in target URI bool aFromSyncCommand // must be set when parsing options from target URI ) { localstatus sta=LOCERR_OK; if (aTargetURIOptions) { const char *p = aTargetURIOptions; #ifdef SYSYNC_TARGET_OPTIONS const char *q; #endif char c; string taf; // official TAF while ((c=*p)) { #ifdef SYSYNC_TARGET_OPTIONS if (c=='/') { // proprietary option lead-in // - get option name string optname; optname.erase(); while(isalnum(c=*(++p))) optname+=c; // - get arguments if (c=='(') { q=p; // save p++; // skip "(" p=parseOption(optname.c_str(),p,aFromSyncCommand); if (!p) { // unrecognized or badly formatted option, just add it to TAF taf+='/'; taf+=optname; p=q; // restart after option name continue; } if (*p!=')') { sta=406; PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Syntax error in target options")); break; } } else { // option without arguments if (!parseOption(optname.c_str(),NULL,aFromSyncCommand)) { sta=406; PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Unknown target option")); break; } // error, not parsed p--; // will be incremented once again below } } else #endif { // char not part of an option taf+=c; } // next p++; } // check if we have TAF if (taf.size()>0) { #if defined(TAF_AS_SYNCSETFILTER) && defined(SYSYNC_TARGET_OPTIONS) // treat as "fi()" option like before if (!parseOption("fi",taf.c_str(),aFromSyncCommand)) { sta=406; } // error, not parsed #else #ifdef SYNCML_TAF_SUPPORT // treat as "tf()" = real TAF if (!parseOption("tf",taf.c_str(),aFromSyncCommand)) { sta=406; } // error, not parsed #else sta=406; PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("TAF not supported")); #endif #endif } } // return status return sta; } // TLocalEngineDS::engParseOptions // process SyncML 1.2 style filter localstatus TLocalEngineDS::engProcessDS12Filter(SmlFilterPtr_t aTargetFilter) { localstatus sta=LOCERR_OK; if (aTargetFilter) { // check general availability #ifdef OBJECT_FILTERING if (!fDSConfigP->fDS12FilterSupport) #endif { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("DS 1.2 style filtering is not available or disabled in config ()")); sta=406; goto error; } // check filter TSyncItemType *itemTypeP=NULL; // no associated type so far bool inclusiveFilter=false; // default is EXCLUSIVE // - meta if (aTargetFilter->meta) { SmlMetInfMetInfPtr_t metaP = smlPCDataToMetInfP(aTargetFilter->meta); const char *typestr = smlMetaTypeToCharP(metaP); // get sync item type for it // - filter mostly applies to items SENT, so we search these first itemTypeP = getSendType(typestr,NULL); if (!itemTypeP) itemTypeP = getReceiveType(typestr,NULL); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_FILTER,("DS12 is '%s' -> %sfound",typestr,itemTypeP ? "" : "NOT ")); if (!itemTypeP) { sta=415; goto error; } } // - filtertype if (aTargetFilter->filtertype) { const char *ftystr = smlPCDataToCharP(aTargetFilter->filtertype); if (strucmp(ftystr,SYNCML_FILTERTYPE_INCLUSIVE)==0) { inclusiveFilter=true; } else if (strucmp(ftystr,SYNCML_FILTERTYPE_EXCLUSIVE)==0) { inclusiveFilter=false; } else { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Invalid '%s'",ftystr)); sta=422; goto error; } } // - field level filter if (aTargetFilter->field) { /// @todo %%% to be implemented PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Field-level filtering not supported")); sta=406; goto error; } // - record level filter if (aTargetFilter->record) { #ifdef OBJECT_FILTERING SmlItemPtr_t recordItemP = aTargetFilter->record->item; if (recordItemP) { // - check grammar const char *grammarstr = smlMetaTypeToCharP(smlPCDataToMetInfP(recordItemP->meta)); if (strucmp(grammarstr,SYNCML_FILTERTYPE_CGI)!=0) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Invalid filter grammar '%s'",grammarstr)); sta=422; goto error; } // now get the actual filter string const char *filterstring = smlPCDataToCharP(recordItemP->data); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_HOT,( "Remote specified %sCLUSIVE filter query: '%s'", inclusiveFilter ? "IN" : "EX", filterstring )); if (*filterstring) { string f; // parse it filterstring = parseFilterCGI(filterstring,itemTypeP,f); if (*filterstring) { // not read to end PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("filter query syntax error at: '%s'",filterstring)); sta=422; goto error; } /// @todo: %%% check if this is correct interpretation // - exclusive is what we used to call "sync set" filtering // - inclusive seems to be former TAF if (inclusiveFilter) { // INCLUSIVE #ifdef SYNCML_TAF_SUPPORT fTargetAddressFilter=f; #else PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("This SyncML engine version has no INCLUSIVE filter support")); #endif } else { // EXCLUSIVE addToFilter(f.c_str(),fSyncSetFilter,false); // AND chaining PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_FILTER,("complete sync set filter is now: '%s'",fSyncSetFilter.c_str())); // call this once to give derivate a chance to see if it can filter the now set fSyncSetFilter engFilteredFetchesFromDB(true); } } } // if item #else // no object filtering PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("This SyncML engine version has no filter support (only PRO has)")); sta=406; goto error; #endif } // record } // filter at all error: return sta; } // TLocalEngineDS::engProcessDS12Filter // process Sync alert from remote party: check if alert code is supported, // check if slow sync is needed due to anchor mismatch // - server case: also generate appropriate Alert acknowledge command TAlertCommand *TLocalEngineDS::engProcessSyncAlert( TSuperDataStore *aAsSubDatastoreOf, // if acting as subdatastore uInt16 aAlertCode, // the alert code const char *aLastRemoteAnchor, // last anchor of remote const char *aNextRemoteAnchor, // next anchor of remote const char *aTargetURI, // target URI as sent by remote, no processing at all const char *aIdentifyingTargetURI, // target URI that was used to identify datastore const char *aTargetURIOptions, // option string contained in target URI SmlFilterPtr_t aTargetFilter, // DS 1.2 filter, NULL if none const char *aSourceURI, // source URI TStatusCommand &aStatusCommand // status that might be modified ) { TAlertCommand *alertcmdP=NULL; localstatus sta=LOCERR_OK; SYSYNC_TRY { if (IS_SERVER) { // save the identifying URI fIdentifyingDBName = aIdentifyingTargetURI; } // determine status of read-only option fReadOnly= fSessionP->getReadOnly() || // session level read-only flag (probably set by login) fDSConfigP->fReadOnly; // or datastore config #ifdef SUPERDATASTORES // if running as subdatastore of a superdatastore already, this call mus be from a superdatastore as well (aAsSubDatastoreOf!=NULL) // Note: On a client, fAsSubDatastoreOf is set earlier in dsSetClientSyncParams() // On a server, fAsSubDatastoreOf will be set now to avoid alerting as sub- and normal datastore at the same time. if (fAsSubDatastoreOf && !aAsSubDatastoreOf) { // bad, cannot be alerted directly AND as subdatastore aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(400); ADDDEBUGITEM(aStatusCommand,"trying to alert already alerted subdatastore"); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Already alerted as subdatastore of '%s'",fAsSubDatastoreOf->getName())); return NULL; } // set subdatastore mode fAsSubDatastoreOf = aAsSubDatastoreOf; #endif // reset type info fLocalSendToRemoteTypeP = NULL; fLocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP = NULL; fRemoteReceiveFromLocalTypeP=NULL; fRemoteSendToLocalTypeP=NULL; // prepare database-level scripts // NOTE: in client case, alertprepscript is already rebuilt here! #ifdef SCRIPT_SUPPORT TScriptContext::rebuildContext(fSessionP->getSyncAppBase(),fDSConfigP->fDBInitScript,fDataStoreScriptContextP,fSessionP); TScriptContext::rebuildContext(fSessionP->getSyncAppBase(),fDSConfigP->fSentItemStatusScript,fDataStoreScriptContextP,fSessionP); TScriptContext::rebuildContext(fSessionP->getSyncAppBase(),fDSConfigP->fReceivedItemStatusScript,fDataStoreScriptContextP,fSessionP); TScriptContext::rebuildContext(fSessionP->getSyncAppBase(),fDSConfigP->fAlertScript,fDataStoreScriptContextP,fSessionP); TScriptContext::rebuildContext(fSessionP->getSyncAppBase(),fDSConfigP->fDBFinishScript,fDataStoreScriptContextP,fSessionP,true); // now instantiate vars #endif // NOTE for client case: // ALL instantiated datastores have already sent an Alert to the server by now here // check DS 1.2 sta = engProcessDS12Filter(aTargetFilter); if (sta != LOCERR_OK) { aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(sta); ADDDEBUGITEM(aStatusCommand,"Invalid in target options"); return NULL; // error in options } // Filter CGI is now a combination of TAF and Synthesis-Style // extras (options). if (aTargetURIOptions && *aTargetURIOptions) { // there are target address options (such as filter CGI and TAF) sta = engParseOptions(aTargetURIOptions,false); if (sta != LOCERR_OK) { aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(sta); ADDDEBUGITEM(aStatusCommand,"Invalid CGI target URI options"); return NULL; // error in options } } if (IS_SERVER) { // server case: initially we are not in refresh only mode. Alert code or alert script could change this fRefreshOnly=false; } // save it for suspend and reference in scripts fAlertCode=aAlertCode; #ifdef SCRIPT_SUPPORT // call the alert script, which might want to force a slow sync and/or a server sync set zap TScriptContext::execute( fDataStoreScriptContextP, fDSConfigP->fAlertScript, &DBFuncTable, this // caller context ); aAlertCode=fAlertCode; // get possibly modified version back (SETALERTCODE) #endif // if we process a sync alert now, we haven't started sync or map generation #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER if (IS_SERVER) { // server case: forget Temp GUID mapping // make sure we are not carrying forward any left-overs. Last sessions's tempGUID mappings that are // needed for "early map" resolution might be loaded by the call to engInitSyncAnchors below. // IMPORTANT NOTE: the tempGUIDs that might get loaded will become invalid as soon as // starts - so fTempGUIDMap needs to be cleared again as soon as the first command arrives from the client. fTempGUIDMap.clear(); } #endif // save remote's next anchor for saving at end of session fNextRemoteAnchor = aNextRemoteAnchor; // get target info in case we are server #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER if (IS_SERVER) { // now get anchor info out of database // - make sure other anchor variables are set sta = engInitSyncAnchors( aIdentifyingTargetURI, // use processed form, not as sent by remote aSourceURI ); if (sta!=LOCERR_OK) { // error getting anchors aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(syncmlError(sta)); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Could not get Sync Anchor info, status=%hd",sta)); return NULL; // no alert to send back } // Server ok until here PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,( "Saved Last Remote Client Anchor='%s', received Remote Client Anchor='%s' (must match for normal sync)", fLastRemoteAnchor.c_str(), aLastRemoteAnchor )); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,( "Received Remote Client Anchor='%s' (to be compared with in NEXT session)", fNextRemoteAnchor.c_str() )); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,( "(Saved) Last Local Server Anchor='%s', (generated) Next Local Server Anchor='%s' (sent to client as / in )", fLastLocalAnchor.c_str(), fNextLocalAnchor.c_str() )); } #endif #ifdef SYSYNC_CLIENT if (IS_CLIENT) { // Client ok until here PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,( "Saved Last Remote Server Anchor='%s', received Remote Server Anchor='%s' (must match for normal sync)", fLastRemoteAnchor.c_str(), aLastRemoteAnchor )); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,( "Received Remote Server Anchor='%s' (to be compared with in NEXT session)", fNextRemoteAnchor.c_str() )); } #endif PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,( "(Saved) fResumeAlertCode = %hd (valid for >DS 1.2 only)", fResumeAlertCode )); // Now check for resume // - default to what was actually alerted uInt16 effectiveAlertCode=aAlertCode; #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER if (IS_SERVER) { // - check if resuming server session fResuming=false; if (aAlertCode==225) { if (fSessionP->getSyncMLVersion()fLenientMode && IS_CLIENT) #endif ) ) || // either anchors must match (or lenient mode for client)... (fResuming && *aLastRemoteAnchor==0) // ...or in case of resume, remote not sending anchor is ok as well ) && !fForceSlowSync // ...but no force for slowsync may be set internally ) || fSlowSync // if slow sync is requested by the remote anyway, we don't need to be in sync anyway, so just go on ) { if (!(fLastRemoteAnchor==aLastRemoteAnchor) && fSessionP->fLenientMode) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Warning - remote anchor mismatch but tolerated in lenient mode")); } // sync state ok or Slow sync requested anyway: #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER if (IS_SERVER) { // we can generate Alert with same code as sent // %%% Note: this is not entirely clear, as SCTS sends // corresponding SERVER ALERTED code back. // Specs suggest that we send the code back unmodified uInt16 alertCode = getSyncStateAlertCode(fServerAlerted); alertcmdP = new TAlertCommand(fSessionP,this,alertCode); fAlertCode=alertCode; // save it for reference in scripts and for suspend/resume } #endif } else { // switch to slow sync fSlowSync=true; PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_HOT,("Switched to SlowSync because of Anchor mismatch or server-side user option")); CONSOLEPRINTF(("- switched to SlowSync because of Sync Anchor mismatch")); // sync state not ok, we need slow sync aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(508); // Refresh required // update effective alert code uInt16 alertCode = getSyncStateAlertCode(false); fAlertCode=alertCode; // save it for reference in scripts and for suspend // NOTE: if client detected slow-sync not before here, status 508 alone // (without another Alert 201 sent to the server) is sufficient for // server to switch to slow sync. if (IS_SERVER) { // generate Alert for Slow sync alertcmdP = new TAlertCommand(fSessionP,this,alertCode); } } // Now we are alerted for a sync // - reset item counters fItemsSent = 0; fItemsReceived = 0; #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER if (IS_SERVER) { // Server case // - show info PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_HOT,( "ALERTED from client for %s%s%s Sync", fResuming ? "resumed " : "", fSlowSync ? "slow" : "normal", fFirstTimeSync ? " first time" : "" )); // server: add Item with Anchors and URIs SmlItemPtr_t itemP = newItem(); // - anchors itemP->meta=newMetaAnchor(fNextLocalAnchor.c_str(),fLastLocalAnchor.c_str()); // - MaxObjSize here again to make SCTS happy if ( (fSessionP->getRootConfig()->fLocalMaxObjSize>0) && (fSessionP->getSyncMLVersion()>=syncml_vers_1_1) ) { // SyncML 1.1 has object size and we need to put it here for SCTS smlPCDataToMetInfP(itemP->meta)->maxobjsize=newPCDataLong( fSessionP->getRootConfig()->fLocalMaxObjSize ); } // - URIs (reversed from what was received in Alert) itemP->source=newLocation(aTargetURI); // use unprocessed form as sent by remote itemP->target=newLocation(aSourceURI); // - add to alert command alertcmdP->addItem(itemP); // - set new state, alert now answered changeState(dssta_serveransweredalert,true); // force it } // server case #endif // SYSYNC_SERVER #ifdef SYSYNC_CLIENT if (IS_CLIENT) { // Client case // - now sync mode is stable (late switch to slowsync has now occurred if any) changeState(dssta_syncmodestable,true); // - show info PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_HOT,( "ALERTED from server for %s%s%s Sync", fResuming ? "resumed " : "", fSlowSync ? "slow" : "normal", fFirstTimeSync ? " first time" : "" )); #ifdef PROGRESS_EVENTS // - progress event DB_PROGRESS_EVENT( this, pev_alerted, fSlowSync ? (fFirstTimeSync ? 2 : 1) : 0, fResuming ? 1 : 0, fSyncMode ); #endif // PROGRESS_EVENTS } // client Case #endif // SYSYNC_CLIENT } // clear partial item if we definitely know we are not resuming if (!fResuming) { // not resuming - prevent that partial item is used in TSyncOpCommand fPartialItemState=pi_state_none; // free this space early (would be freed at session end anyway, but we don't need it any more now) if (fPIStoredDataAllocated) { smlLibFree(fPIStoredDataP); fPIStoredDataAllocated=false; } fPIStoredDataP=NULL; } // save name how remote adresses local database // (for sending same URI back in own Sync) fRemoteViewOfLocalURI = aTargetURI; // save it if (IS_SERVER) { fRemoteDBPath = aSourceURI; } if (sta!=LOCERR_OK) { // no alert command if (alertcmdP) delete alertcmdP; alertcmdP=NULL; aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(syncmlError(sta)); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_HOT,("engProcessSyncAlert failed with status=%hd",sta)); } } SYSYNC_CATCH (...) // clean up locally owned objects if (alertcmdP) delete alertcmdP; SYSYNC_RETHROW; SYSYNC_ENDCATCH // return alert command, if any return alertcmdP; } // TLocalEngineDS::engProcessSyncAlert // process status received for sync alert bool TLocalEngineDS::engHandleAlertStatus(TSyError aStatusCode) { bool handled=false; if (IS_CLIENT) { // for client, make sure we have just sent the alert if (!testState(dssta_clientsentalert,true)) return false; // cannot switch if server not alerted // anyway, we have seen the status changeState(dssta_clientalertstatused,true); // force it } else { // for server, check if client did combined init&sync if (fLocalDSState>=dssta_syncmodestable) { // must be combined init&sync if (aStatusCode!=200) { // everything except ok is not allowed here PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("In combined init&sync, Alert status must be ok (but is %hd)",aStatusCode)); dsAbortDatastoreSync(400,false); // remote problem } // aborted or not, status is handled return true; } // normal case with separate init: we need to have answered the alert here if (!testState(dssta_serveransweredalert,true)) return false; // cannot switch if server not alerted } // server case // now check status code if (aStatusCode==508) { // remote party needs slow sync PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_HOT,("engHandleAlertStatus: Remote party needs SlowSync, switching to slowsync (AFTER alert, cancelling possible Resume)")); // Note: in server and client cases, this mode change may happen AFTER alert command exchange // - switch to slow sync fSlowSync=true; // - if we are late-forced to slow sync, this means that this cannot be a resume fResuming=false; // - update effective alert code that will be saved when this session gets suspended fAlertCode=getSyncStateAlertCode(fServerAlerted); handled=true; } else if (aStatusCode==200) { handled=true; } if (IS_CLIENT) { // check for resume override by server if (!handled && fResuming) { // we have requested resume if (aStatusCode==509) { // resume not accepted by server, but overridden by another sync type fResuming=false; PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("engHandleAlertStatus: Server rejected Resume")); handled=true; } } } else { // if we have handled it here, sync mode is now stable if (handled) { // if we get that far, sync mode for server is now stable AND we can receive cached maps changeState(dssta_syncmodestable,true); // force it, sync mode is now stable, no further changes are possible } } // no other status codes are supported at the datastore level if (!handled && aStatusCode>=400) { engAbortDataStoreSync(aStatusCode, false); // remote problem handled=true; } return handled; // status handled } // TLocalEngineDS::engHandleAlertStatus // initialize reception of syncop commands for datastore // Note: previously, this was implemented as initLocalDatastoreSync in syncsession localstatus TLocalEngineDS::engInitForSyncOps( const char *aRemoteDatastoreURI // URI of remote datastore ) { localstatus sta = LOCERR_OK; // no default types TSyncItemType *LocalSendToRemoteTypeP=NULL; // used by local to send to remote TSyncItemType *RemoteReceiveFromLocalTypeP=NULL; // used by remote to receive from local TSyncItemType *LocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP=NULL; // used by local to receive from remote TSyncItemType *RemoteSendToLocalTypeP=NULL; // used by remote to send to local // Now determine remote datastore // Note: It might be that this was called already earlier in the session, so // the link between local and remote datastore might already exist if (fRemoteDatastoreP==NULL) { // try to locate it by name and set it - in case of superdatastore, it will be set in all subdatastores engSetRemoteDatastore(fSessionP->findRemoteDataStore(aRemoteDatastoreURI)); } else { // There is a remote datastore already associated #ifdef SYDEBUG // - make a sanity check to see if sepcified remote URI matches if(fRemoteDatastoreP!=fSessionP->findRemoteDataStore(aRemoteDatastoreURI)) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,( "Warning: Received remote DS LocURI '%s' does not match already associated DS '%s'. We use the associated DS.", aRemoteDatastoreURI, fRemoteDatastoreP->getName() )); } #endif } // Now create a dummy remote data store for a blind sync attempt if (!fRemoteDatastoreP) { // no such remote datastore for this local datastore known, create one (or fail) #ifdef REMOTE_DS_MUST_BE_IN_DEVINF if (fSessionP->fRemoteDataStoresKnown) { // we have received devinf, but still can't find remote data store: error // Note: we had to disable this because of bugs in smartner server PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Remote datastore name '%s' not found in received DevInf",aRemoteDatastoreURI)); return 404; } else #else if (fSessionP->fRemoteDataStoresKnown) { // we have received devinf, but still can't find remote data store: // just show in log, but continue as if there was no devInf received at all PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Warning: Remote datastore name '%s' not found in received DevInf.",aRemoteDatastoreURI)); } #endif { // We couldn't retrieve DevInf (or !REMOTE_DS_MUST_BE_IN_DEVINF), so we have to try blind // - check remote specifics here if we had no devinf (there might be default remote // rules to apply or checking license restrictions // - this is executed only once per session, after that, we'll be fRemoteDevInfLock-ed if (!fSessionP->fRemoteDevInfKnown && !fSessionP->fRemoteDevInfLock) { // detect client specific server behaviour if needed sta = fSessionP->checkRemoteSpecifics(NULL); fSessionP->remoteAnalyzed(); // analyzed now (accepted or not does not matter) if (sta!=LOCERR_OK) return sta; // not ok, device rejected } // default data types are those preferred by local datastore (or explicitly marked for blind sync attempts) if (getDSConfig()->fTypeSupport.fPreferredLegacy) { // we have a preferred type for blind sync attempts LocalSendToRemoteTypeP = getSession()->findLocalType(getDSConfig()->fTypeSupport.fPreferredLegacy); LocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP = LocalSendToRemoteTypeP; } else { // no specific "blind" preference, use my own normally preferred types LocalSendToRemoteTypeP = getPreferredTxItemType(); // send in preferred tx type of local datastore LocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP = getPreferredRxItemType(); // receive in preferred rx type of local datastore } // same type on both end (as only local type exists) RemoteReceiveFromLocalTypeP = LocalSendToRemoteTypeP; // same on both end RemoteSendToLocalTypeP = LocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP; // same on both end (as only local type exists) // create "remote" datastore with matching properties to local one PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Warning: No DevInf for remote datastore, running blind sync attempt")); TRemoteDataStore *remDsP; MP_NEW(remDsP,DBG_OBJINST,"TRemoteDataStore",TRemoteDataStore( fSessionP, aRemoteDatastoreURI, // remote name of datastore 0 // standard Sync caps )); // - set it (in case of superdatastore in all subdatastores as well) engSetRemoteDatastore(remDsP); // add type support fRemoteDatastoreP->setPreferredTypes( RemoteReceiveFromLocalTypeP, // remote receives in preferred tx type of local datastore RemoteSendToLocalTypeP // remote sends in preferred rx type of local datastore ); // add it to the remote datastore list fSessionP->fRemoteDataStores.push_back(fRemoteDatastoreP); // make sure late devInf arriving won't supersede our artificially created remote datastore any more fSessionP->fRemoteDevInfLock=true; } } else { // found remote DB, determine default data exchange types // - common types for sending data to remote LocalSendToRemoteTypeP=getTypesForTxTo(fRemoteDatastoreP,&RemoteReceiveFromLocalTypeP); // - common types for receiving data from remote LocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP=getTypesForRxFrom(fRemoteDatastoreP,&RemoteSendToLocalTypeP); } #ifndef NO_REMOTE_RULES // check if rule match type will override what we found so far if (!fSessionP->fActiveRemoteRules.empty()) { // have a look at our rulematch types TRuleMatchTypesContainer::iterator pos; TSyncItemType *ruleMatchTypeP = NULL; for (pos=fRuleMatchItemTypes.begin();pos!=fRuleMatchItemTypes.end();++pos) { // there is a rule applied // - parse match string in format "rule[,rule]..." with * and ? wildcards allowed in "rule" cAppCharP p=(*pos).ruleMatchString; while (*p!=0) { // split at commas cAppCharP e=strchr(p,','); size_t n; if (e) { n=e-p; e++; } else { n=strlen(p); e=p+n; } // see if that matches with any of the active rules TRemoteRulesList::iterator apos; for(apos=fSessionP->fActiveRemoteRules.begin();apos!=fSessionP->fActiveRemoteRules.end();apos++) { if (strwildcmp((*apos)->getName(), p, 0, n)==0) { ruleMatchTypeP=(*pos).itemTypeP; // get the matching type break; } } if (ruleMatchTypeP) break; // found a rule match type // test next match target p=e; } // apply if found one already if (ruleMatchTypeP) { // use this instead of normal types // - local types LocalSendToRemoteTypeP=ruleMatchTypeP; // used by local to send to remote LocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP=ruleMatchTypeP; // used by local to receive from remote // Find matching remote types // - first look for existing remote type with same config as local one TSyncItemType *remCorrTypeP = fSessionP->findRemoteType(ruleMatchTypeP->getTypeConfig(),fRemoteDatastoreP); // - if none found, create one and have it inherit the CTCap options of the generic version that is already there if (!remCorrTypeP) { // none found: need to create one remCorrTypeP = ruleMatchTypeP->newCopyForSameType(fSessionP,fRemoteDatastoreP); if (remCorrTypeP) { // - get generic remote type (the one that might have received CTCap already) TSyncItemType *remGenericTypeP = fRemoteDatastoreP->getSendType(ruleMatchTypeP); // - copy options if (remGenericTypeP) remCorrTypeP->copyCTCapInfoFrom(*remGenericTypeP); } } // now assign RemoteReceiveFromLocalTypeP=remCorrTypeP; RemoteSendToLocalTypeP=remCorrTypeP; // Show that we are using ruleMatch type PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA+DBG_HOT,( "An active remote rule overrides default type usage - forcing type '%s' for send and receive", ruleMatchTypeP->getTypeConfig()->getName() )); // done break; } } } #endif // check if we are sync compatible (common type for both directions) if (LocalSendToRemoteTypeP && LocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP && RemoteReceiveFromLocalTypeP && RemoteSendToLocalTypeP) { // avoid further changes in remote devInf (e.g. by late result of GET, sent *after* first ) fSessionP->fRemoteDevInfLock=true; // there is a common data type for each of both directions // - show local types PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,( "Local Datastore '%s' - Types: tx to remote: '%s': %s (%s), rx from remote: '%s': %s (%s)", getName(), LocalSendToRemoteTypeP->getTypeConfig()->getName(),LocalSendToRemoteTypeP->getTypeName(), LocalSendToRemoteTypeP->getTypeVers(), LocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP->getTypeConfig()->getName(),LocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP->getTypeName(), LocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP->getTypeVers() )); // - show remote types PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA+DBG_DETAILS,( "Remote Datastore '%s' - Types: tx to local: '%s': %s (%s), rx from local: '%s': %s (%s)", fRemoteDatastoreP->getName(), RemoteSendToLocalTypeP->getTypeConfig()->getName(),RemoteSendToLocalTypeP->getTypeName(), RemoteSendToLocalTypeP->getTypeVers(), RemoteReceiveFromLocalTypeP->getTypeConfig()->getName(),RemoteReceiveFromLocalTypeP->getTypeName(), RemoteReceiveFromLocalTypeP->getTypeVers() )); } else { // datastores are not sync compatible sta=415; PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("No common datastore formats -> cannot sync (415)")); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_EXOTIC,("- LocalSendToRemoteTypeP = '%s'", LocalSendToRemoteTypeP ? LocalSendToRemoteTypeP->getTypeName() : "")); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_EXOTIC,("- LocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP = '%s'", LocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP ? LocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP->getTypeName() : "")); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_EXOTIC,("- RemoteSendToLocalTypeP = '%s'", RemoteSendToLocalTypeP ? RemoteSendToLocalTypeP->getTypeName() : "")); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_EXOTIC,("- RemoteReceiveFromLocalTypeP = '%s'", RemoteReceiveFromLocalTypeP ? RemoteReceiveFromLocalTypeP->getTypeName() : "")); engAbortDataStoreSync(sta,true,false); // do not proceed with sync of this datastore, local problem, not resumable return sta; } // set type info in local datastore setSendTypeInfo(LocalSendToRemoteTypeP,RemoteReceiveFromLocalTypeP); setReceiveTypeInfo(LocalReceiveFromRemoteTypeP,RemoteSendToLocalTypeP); // - initialize usage of types (checks compatibility as well) return initDataTypeUse(); } // TLocalEngineDS::engInitForSyncOps // called from command to generate sync sub-commands to be sent to remote // Returns true if now finished for this datastore // also changes state to dssta_syncgendone when all sync commands have been generated bool TLocalEngineDS::engGenerateSyncCommands( TSmlCommandPContainer &aNextMessageCommands, TSmlCommand * &aInterruptedCommandP, const char *aLocalIDPrefix ) { PDEBUGBLOCKFMT(("SyncGen","Now generating sync commands","datastore=%s",getName())); bool finished=false; #ifdef SYSYNC_CLIENT if (IS_CLIENT) finished = logicGenerateSyncCommandsAsClient(aNextMessageCommands, aInterruptedCommandP, aLocalIDPrefix); #endif #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER if (IS_SERVER) finished = logicGenerateSyncCommandsAsServer(aNextMessageCommands, aInterruptedCommandP, aLocalIDPrefix); #endif // change state when finished if (finished) { changeState(dssta_syncgendone,true); if (IS_CLIENT) { // from client only skips to clientmapssent without any server communication // (except if we are in old synthesis-compatible mode which runs from-client-only // with empty sync-from-server and map phases. if (getSyncMode()==smo_fromclient && !fSessionP->fCompleteFromClientOnly) { // data access ends with all sync commands generated in from-client-only PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("From-Client-Only sync: skipping directly to end of map phase now")); changeState(dssta_dataaccessdone,true); changeState(dssta_clientmapssent,true); } } } PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,( "engGenerateSyncCommands ended, state='%s', sync generation %sdone", getDSStateName(), fLocalDSState>=dssta_syncgendone ? "" : "NOT " )); PDEBUGENDBLOCK("SyncGen"); return finished; } // TLocalEngineDS::engGenerateSyncCommands // called to confirm a sync operation's completion (status from remote received) // @note aSyncOp passed not necessarily reflects what was sent to remote, but what actually happened void TLocalEngineDS::dsConfirmItemOp(TSyncOperation aSyncOp, cAppCharP aLocalID, cAppCharP aRemoteID, bool aSuccess, localstatus aErrorStatus) { // commands failed with "cancelled" should be re-sent for resume if (!aSuccess && aErrorStatus==514 && dsResumeSupportedInDB() && fSessionP->isSuspending()) { // cancelled syncop as result of explicit suspend: mark for resume as it was never really processed at the other end PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA+DBG_EXOTIC,("Cancelled SyncOp during suspend -> mark for resume")); engMarkItemForResume(aLocalID,aRemoteID,true); } PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA+DBG_EXOTIC,( "dsConfirmItemOp completed, syncop=%s, localID='%s', remoteID='%s', %s, errorstatus=%hd", SyncOpNames[aSyncOp], aLocalID ? aLocalID : "", aRemoteID ? aRemoteID : "", aSuccess ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE", aErrorStatus )); } // TLocalEngineDS::dsConfirmItemOp // handle status of sync operation // Note: in case of superdatastore, status is always directed to the originating subdatastore, as // the fDataStoreP of the SyncOpCommand is set to subdatastore when generating the SyncOps. bool TLocalEngineDS::engHandleSyncOpStatus(TStatusCommand *aStatusCmdP,TSyncOpCommand *aSyncOpCmdP) { TSyError statuscode = aStatusCmdP->getStatusCode(); // we can make it simple here because we KNOW that we do not send multiple items per SyncOp, so we // just need to look at the first item's target and source const char *localID = aSyncOpCmdP->getSourceLocalID(); const char *remoteID = aSyncOpCmdP->getTargetRemoteID(); #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER string realLocID; #endif if (localID) { #ifdef SUPERDATASTORES // remove possible prefix if this item was sent in the command context of a superdatastore if (fAsSubDatastoreOf) { // let superdatastore remove the prefix for me localID = fAsSubDatastoreOf->removeSubDSPrefix(localID,this); } #endif #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER if (IS_SERVER) { // for server only: convert to internal representation realLocID=localID; obtainRealLocalID(realLocID); localID=realLocID.c_str(); } #endif } // handle special cases for Add/Replace/Delete TSyncOperation sop = aSyncOpCmdP->getSyncOp(); switch (sop) { case sop_wants_add: case sop_add: if (statuscode<300 || statuscode==419) { // All ok status 2xx as well as special "merged" 419 is ok for an add: // Whatever remote said, I know this is an add and so I counts this as such // (even if the remote somehow merged it with existing data, // it is obviously a new item in my sync set with this remote) fRemoteItemsAdded++; dsConfirmItemOp(sop_add,localID,remoteID,true); // ok added } else if ( statuscode==418 && (isResuming() || (isSlowSync() && IS_CLIENT) ) ) { // "Already exists"/418 is acceptable... // ... in slow sync as client, as some servers use it instead of 200/419 for slow sync match // ... during resumed sync as server with clients like Symbian which // can detect duplicate adds themselves. Should not generally // occur, as we shouldn't re-send them as long as we haven't seen // a map. But symbian cannot send early maps - it instead does // it's own duplicate checking. // ... during resumed sync as client (as servers might issue 418 for // items send a second time after an implicit suspend) PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Warning: received 418 status for add in resumed/slowsync session -> treat it as ok (200)")); dsConfirmItemOp(sop_replace,localID,remoteID,true); // kind of ok statuscode=200; // convert to ok (but no count incremented, as nothing changed) } else { dsConfirmItemOp(sop_add,localID,remoteID,false,statuscode); // failed add } // adding with 420 error: device full if (statuscode==420) { // special case: device indicates that it is full, so stop adding in this session PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Warning: Status %hd: Remote device full -> preventing further adds in this session",statuscode)); engStopAddingToRemote(); fRemoteItemsError++; // this is considered a remote item error } break; // case sop_copy: break; case sop_wants_replace: case sop_replace: #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER if (IS_SERVER && (statuscode==404 || statuscode==410)) { // obviously, remote item that we wanted to change does not exist any more. // Instead of aborting the session we'll just remove the map item for that // server item, such that it will be re-added in the next sync session PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("Status %hd: Replace target not found on client -> silently ignore but remove map in server (item will be added in next session), ",statuscode)); // remove map for remote item(s), targetRef contain remoteIDs SmlTargetRefListPtr_t targetrefP = aStatusCmdP->getStatusElement()->targetRefList; while (targetrefP) { // target ref available engProcessMap(smlPCDataToCharP(targetrefP->targetRef),NULL); // next targetrefP=targetrefP->next; } statuscode=410; // always use "gone" status (even if we might have received a 404) dsConfirmItemOp(sop_replace,localID,remoteID,false,statuscode); break; } else #endif if (statuscode==201) { fRemoteItemsAdded++; dsConfirmItemOp(sop_add,localID,remoteID,true); // ok as add } else if (statuscode<300 || statuscode==419) { // conflict resolved counts as ok as well fRemoteItemsUpdated++; dsConfirmItemOp(sop_replace,localID,remoteID,true); // ok as replace } #ifdef SYSYNC_CLIENT else if (IS_CLIENT && (isSlowSync() && statuscode==418)) { // "Already exists"/418 is acceptable as client in slow sync because some // servers use it instead of 200/419 for slow sync match PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Warning: received 418 for for replace during slow sync - treat it as ok (200), but don't count as update")); dsConfirmItemOp(sop_replace,localID,remoteID,true); // 418 is acceptable in slow sync (not really conformant, but e.g. happening with Scheduleworld) statuscode=200; // always use "gone" status (even if we might have received a 404) } #endif // SYSYNC_CLIENT else { dsConfirmItemOp(sop_replace,localID,remoteID,false,statuscode); // failed replace } break; case sop_archive_delete: case sop_soft_delete: case sop_delete: if (statuscode<211) fRemoteItemsDeleted++; // allow 211 and 404 for delete - after all, the record is not there // any more on the remote if (statuscode==404 || statuscode==211) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("Status: %hd: To-be-deleted item not found, but accepted this (changed status to 200)",statuscode)); statuscode=200; } // if ok (explicit or implicit), we can confirm the delete dsConfirmItemOp(sop_delete,localID,remoteID,statuscode<300,statuscode); // counts as ok delete break; default: break; } // switch // check if we want to mark failed items for resend in the next session or abort bool resend = fDSConfigP->fResendFailing; // get default from config #ifdef SCRIPT_SUPPORT // let script check status code TErrorFuncContext errctx; errctx.statuscode = statuscode; errctx.resend = resend; errctx.newstatuscode = statuscode; errctx.syncop = sop; errctx.datastoreP = this; // - first check datastore level if ( TScriptContext::executeTest( false, // assume script does NOT handle status entirely fDataStoreScriptContextP, fDSConfigP->fSentItemStatusScript, &ErrorFuncTable, &errctx // caller context ) ) { // completely handled PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Status: %hd: Handled by datastore script (original op was %s)",statuscode,SyncOpNames[sop])); return true; } errctx.statuscode = errctx.newstatuscode; // - then check session level if ( TScriptContext::executeTest( false, // assume script does NOT handle status entirely fSessionP->fSessionScriptContextP, fSessionP->getSessionConfig()->fSentItemStatusScript, &ErrorFuncTable, &errctx // caller context ) ) { // completely handled PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Status: %hd: Handled by session script (original op was %s)",statuscode,SyncOpNames[sop])); return true; } // not completely handled, use possibly modified status code #ifdef SYDEBUG if (statuscode != errctx.newstatuscode) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Status: Script changed original status=%hd to %hd (original op was %s)",statuscode,errctx.newstatuscode,SyncOpNames[errctx.syncop])); } #endif statuscode = errctx.newstatuscode; resend = errctx.resend; #endif // now perform default action according to status code switch (statuscode) { case 200: break; case 201: PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("Status: %hd: Item added (original op was %s)",statuscode,SyncOpNames[sop])); break; case 204: PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("Status: %hd: No content (original op was %s)",statuscode,SyncOpNames[sop])); break; case 207: case 208: case 209: case 419: PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_HOT,("Status: %hd: Conflict resolved (original op was %s)",statuscode,SyncOpNames[sop])); break; case 210: PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_HOT,("Status: %hd: Delete without archive (original op was %s)",statuscode,SyncOpNames[sop])); break; case 211: PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Status: %hd: nothing deleted, item not found (original op was %s)",statuscode,SyncOpNames[sop])); break; case 410: // gone case 420: // device full // these have been handled above and are considered ok now break; case 514: // cancelled // ignore cancelling while suspending, as these are CAUSED by the suspend if (fSessionP->isSuspending() && dsResumeSupportedInDB()) { // don't do anything here - we'll be suspended later (but process commands until then) // dsConfirmItemOp() has already caused the item to be marked for resume break; } // for non-DS-1.2 sessions, we treat 514 like the other errors below (that is - retry might help) case 424: // size mismatch (e.g. due to faild partial item resume attempt -> retry will help) case 417: // retry later (remote says that retry will probably work) case 506: // processing error, retry later (remote says that retry will probably work) case 404: // not found (retry is not likely to help, but does not harm too much, either) case 408: // timeout (if that happens on a single item, retry probably helps) case 415: // bad type (retry is not likely to help, but does not harm too much, either) case 510: // datastore failure (too unspecific to know if retry might help, but why not?) case 500: // general failure (too unspecific to know if retry might help, but why not?) // these errors cause either a resend in a later session // or only abort the datastore, but not the session if (resend && dsResumeSupportedInDB()) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Status: General error %hd (original op was %s) -> marking item for resend in next session",statuscode,SyncOpNames[sop])); engMarkItemForResend(localID,remoteID); // Note: includes incrementing fRemoteItemsError } else { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Status: General error %hd (original op was %s) -> aborting sync with this datastore",statuscode,SyncOpNames[sop])); engAbortDataStoreSync(statuscode,false); // remote problem } break; default: // let command handle it return false; //break; } // status handled return true; // handled status } // TLocalEngineDS::engHandleSyncOpStatus /// Internal events during sync for derived classes /// @Note local DB authorisation must be established already before calling these /// - cause loading of all session anchoring info and other admin data (logicMakeAdminReady()) /// fLastRemoteAnchor,fLastLocalAnchor,fNextLocalAnchor; isFirstTimeSync() will be valid after the call /// - in case of superdatastore, consolidates the anchor information from the subdatastores localstatus TLocalEngineDS::engInitSyncAnchors( cAppCharP aDatastoreURI, ///< local datastore URI cAppCharP aRemoteDBID ///< ID of remote datastore (to find session information in local DB) ) { // nothing more to do than making admin data ready // - this will fill all dsSavedAdminData members here and in all derived classes localstatus sta=logicMakeAdminReady(aDatastoreURI, aRemoteDBID); if (sta==LOCERR_OK) { changeState(dssta_adminready); // admin data is now ready } // return on error return sta; } // TLocalEngineDS::engInitSyncAnchors #ifdef SYSYNC_CLIENT // initialize Sync alert for datastore according to Parameters set with dsSetClientSyncParams() localstatus TLocalEngineDS::engPrepareClientSyncAlert(void) { #ifdef SUPERDATASTORES // no operation here if running under control of a superdatastore. // superdatastore's engPrepareClientSyncAlert() will call engPrepareClientRealDSSyncAlert of all subdatastores at the right time if (fAsSubDatastoreOf) return LOCERR_OK; #endif // this is a real datastore return engPrepareClientDSForAlert(); } // TLocalEngineDS::engPrepareClientSyncAlert // initialize Sync alert for datastore according to Parameters set with dsSetClientSyncParams() localstatus TLocalEngineDS::engPrepareClientDSForAlert(void) { localstatus sta; // reset the filters that might be added to in alertprepscript // (as they might have been half set-up in a previous failed alert, they must be cleared and re-constructed here) resetFiltering(); #ifdef SCRIPT_SUPPORT // AlertPrepareScript to add filters and CGI // - rebuild early (before all of the other DS scripts in makeAdminReady caused by engInitSyncAnchors below!) TScriptContext::rebuildContext(fSessionP->getSyncAppBase(),fDSConfigP->fAlertPrepScript,fDataStoreScriptContextP,fSessionP); // - add custom DS 1.2 filters and/or custom CGI to fRemoteDBPath TScriptContext::execute( fDataStoreScriptContextP, fDSConfigP->fAlertPrepScript, fDSConfigP->getClientDBFuncTable(), // function table with extra this // datastore pointer needed for context ); #endif // - save the identifying name of the DB fIdentifyingDBName = fLocalDBPath; // - get information about last session out of database sta = engInitSyncAnchors( relativeURI(fLocalDBPath.c_str()), fRemoteDBPath.c_str() ); if (sta!=LOCERR_OK) { // error getting anchors PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Could not get Sync Anchor info")); return localError(sta); } // check if we are forced to slowsync (otherwise, fSlowSync is pre-set from dsSetClientSyncParams() fSlowSync = fSlowSync || fLastLocalAnchor.empty() || fFirstTimeSync; // check for resume if (fResumeAlertCode!=0 && fSessionP->getSyncMLVersion()>=syncml_vers_1_2) { // we have a suspended session, try to resume PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("Found suspended session with Alert Code = %hd",fResumeAlertCode)); fResuming = true; } return LOCERR_OK; // ok } // TLocalEngineDS::engPrepareClientDSForAlert // generate Sync alert for datastore after initialisation with engPrepareClientSyncAlert() // Note: this could be repeatedly called due to auth failures at beginning of session // Note: this is a NOP for subDatastores (should not be called in this case, anyway) localstatus TLocalEngineDS::engGenerateClientSyncAlert( TAlertCommand *&aAlertCommandP ) { aAlertCommandP=NULL; #ifdef SUPERDATASTORES if (fAsSubDatastoreOf) return LOCERR_OK; // NOP, ok, only superdatastore creates an alert! #endif PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,( "(Saved) Last Local Client Anchor='%s', (generated) Next Local Client Anchor='%s' (sent to server as / in )", fLastLocalAnchor.c_str(), fNextLocalAnchor.c_str() )); // create appropriate initial alert command uInt16 alertCode = getSyncStateAlertCode(fServerAlerted,true); // check for resume if (fResuming) { // check if what we resume is same as what we wanted to do if (alertCode != fResumeAlertCode) { // this is ok for client, just show in log PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,( "Sync mode seems to have changed (alert code = %hd) since last Suspend (alert code = %hd)", alertCode, fResumeAlertCode )); } // resume alertCode=225; // resume PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,( "Alerting resume of last sync session (original alert code = %hd)", fResumeAlertCode )); } aAlertCommandP = new TAlertCommand(fSessionP,this,alertCode); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_HOT,( "%s: ALERTING server for %s%s%s Sync", getName(), fResuming ? "RESUMED " : "", fSlowSync ? "slow" : "normal", fFirstTimeSync ? " first time" : "" )); // add Item with Anchors and URIs SmlItemPtr_t itemP = newItem(); // - anchors itemP->meta=newMetaAnchor(fNextLocalAnchor.c_str(),fLastLocalAnchor.c_str()); // - MaxObjSize here again to make SCTS happy if ( (fSessionP->getSyncMLVersion()>=syncml_vers_1_1) && (fSessionP->getRootConfig()->fLocalMaxObjSize>0) ) { // SyncML 1.1 has object size and we need to put it here for SCTS smlPCDataToMetInfP(itemP->meta)->maxobjsize=newPCDataLong( fSessionP->getRootConfig()->fLocalMaxObjSize ); } // - URIs itemP->source=newLocation(fLocalDBPath.c_str()); // local DB ID itemP->target=newLocation(fRemoteDBPath.c_str()); // use remote path as configured in client settings // - add DS 1.2 filters if (!fRemoteRecordFilterQuery.empty() || false /* %%% field level filter */) { if (fSessionP->getSyncMLVersion()findLocalType(fDSConfigP->fTypeSupport.fPreferredRx); if (itemTypeP) { // add meta type filterP->meta = newMetaType(itemTypeP->getTypeName()); } // add filtertype if needed (=not EXCLUSIVE) if (fRemoteFilterInclusive) { filterP->filtertype=newPCDataString(SYNCML_FILTERTYPE_INCLUSIVE); } // record level if (!fRemoteRecordFilterQuery.empty()) { // add filterP->record = SML_NEW(SmlRecordOrFieldFilter_t); // - add item with data=filterquery filterP->record->item = newStringDataItem(fRemoteRecordFilterQuery.c_str()); // - add meta type with grammar filterP->record->item->meta = newMetaType(SYNCML_FILTERTYPE_CGI); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_HOT,( "Alerting with %sCLUSIVE Record Level Filter Query = '%s'", fRemoteFilterInclusive ? "IN" : "EX", fRemoteRecordFilterQuery.c_str() )); } // field level /// @todo %%% to be implemented if (false) { // !!! remember to add real check (now: false) in outer if-statement as well!!!!! // %%% tbd } } // add it to item itemP->target->filter = filterP; } // - add to alert command aAlertCommandP->addItem(itemP); // we have now produced the client alert command, change state return changeState(dssta_clientsentalert); } // TLocalEngineDS::engGenerateClientSyncAlert // Init engine for client sync // - determine types to exchange // - make sync set ready localstatus TLocalEngineDS::engInitForClientSync(void) { #ifdef SUPERDATASTORES // no init in case we are under control of a superdatastore -> the superdatastore will do that if (fAsSubDatastoreOf) return LOCERR_OK; #endif return engInitDSForClientSync(); } // TLocalEngineDS::engInitForClientSync // Init engine for client sync // - determine types to exchange // - make sync set ready localstatus TLocalEngineDS::engInitDSForClientSync(void) { // make ready for syncops localstatus sta = engInitForSyncOps(getRemoteDBPath()); if (sta==LOCERR_OK) { // - let local datastore (derived DB-specific class) prepare for sync sta = changeState(dssta_dataaccessstarted); if (sta==LOCERR_OK && isStarted(false)) { // already started now, change state sta = changeState(dssta_syncsetready); } } return sta; } // TLocalEngineDS::engInitDSForClientSync #endif // Client // get Alert code for current Sync State uInt16 TLocalEngineDS::getSyncStateAlertCode(bool aServerAlerted, bool aClientMinimal) { uInt16 alertcode=0; switch (fSyncMode) { case smo_twoway : alertcode = aServerAlerted ? 206 : 200; break; case smo_fromclient : alertcode = aServerAlerted ? 207 : 202; // fully specified break; case smo_fromserver : if (aClientMinimal) { // refresh from server is just client not sending any data, so we can alert like two-way alertcode = aServerAlerted ? 206 : 200; } else { // correctly alert it alertcode = aServerAlerted ? 209 : 204; } break; case numSyncModes: // invalid break; } // slowsync/refresh variants are always plus one, except 206 --> 201 (same as client initiated slow sync) if (fSlowSync) alertcode = (alertcode!=206 ? alertcode+1 : 201); return alertcode; } // TLocalEngineDS::getSyncStateAlertCode /// initializes Sync state variables and returns false if alert is not supported localstatus TLocalEngineDS::setSyncModeFromAlertCode(uInt16 aAlertCode, bool aAsClient) { localstatus sta; TSyncModes syncMode; bool slowSync, serverAlerted; // - translate into mode and flags sta=getSyncModeFromAlertCode(aAlertCode,syncMode,slowSync,serverAlerted); if (sta==LOCERR_OK) { // - set them sta=setSyncMode(aAsClient,syncMode,slowSync,serverAlerted); } return sta; } // TLocalEngineDS::setSyncModeFromAlertCode /// initializes Sync mode variables localstatus TLocalEngineDS::setSyncMode(bool aAsClient, TSyncModes aSyncMode, bool aIsSlowSync, bool aIsServerAlerted) { // get sync caps of this datastore uInt32 synccapmask=getSyncCapMask(); // check if mode supported if (aIsServerAlerted) { // check if we support server alerted modes, SyncCap/Bit=7 if (~synccapmask & (1<<7)) return 406; // not supported } switch(aSyncMode) { case smo_twoway: // Two-way Sync, SyncCap/Bit=1 // or Two-way slow Sync, SyncCap/Bit=2 if (~synccapmask & (1<< (aIsSlowSync ? 2 : 1))) return 406; // not supported if (fSyncMode==smo_fromserver && aAsClient) aSyncMode=smo_fromserver; // for client, if already fromserver mode set, keep it break; case smo_fromclient: // One-way from client, SyncCap/Bit=3 // or Refresh (=slow one-way) from client, SyncCap/Bit=4 if (~synccapmask & (1<< (aIsSlowSync ? 4 : 3))) return 406; // not supported if (!aAsClient) fRefreshOnly=true; // as server, we are in refresh-only-mode if we get one-way from client break; case smo_fromserver: // One-way from server, SyncCap/Bit=5 // or Refresh (=slow one-way) from server, SyncCap/Bit=6 if (~synccapmask & (1<< (aIsSlowSync ? 6 : 5))) return 406; // not supported if (aAsClient) fRefreshOnly=true; // as client, we are in refresh-only-mode if we get one-way fromm server break; default: return 400; // bad request } // now set mode and flags (possibly adjusted above) fSyncMode=aSyncMode; fSlowSync=aIsSlowSync; fServerAlerted=aIsServerAlerted; // ok return LOCERR_OK; } // TLocalEngineDS::setSyncMode /// get Sync mode variables from given alert code localstatus TLocalEngineDS::getSyncModeFromAlertCode(uInt16 aAlertCode, TSyncModes &aSyncMode, bool &aIsSlowSync, bool &aIsServerAlerted) { // these might be pre-defined) /// @deprecated state change does not belong here aIsSlowSync=false; aIsServerAlerted=false; aSyncMode=smo_twoway; // to make sure it is valid // first test if server-alerted if (aAlertCode>=206 && aAlertCode<210) { // Server alerted modes aIsServerAlerted=true; } // test for compatibility with alert code switch(aAlertCode) { case 200: case 206: // Two-way Sync aSyncMode=smo_twoway; aIsSlowSync=false; break; case 201: // Two-way slow Sync aSyncMode=smo_twoway; aIsSlowSync=true; break; case 202: case 207: // One-way from client aSyncMode=smo_fromclient; aIsSlowSync=false; break; case 203: case 208: // refresh (=slow one-way) from client aSyncMode=smo_fromclient; aIsSlowSync=true; break; case 204: case 209: // One-way from server aSyncMode=smo_fromserver; aIsSlowSync=false; break; case 205: case 210: // refresh (=slow one-way) from server aSyncMode=smo_fromserver; aIsSlowSync=true; break; default: // bad alert return 400; } return LOCERR_OK; } // TLocalEngineDS::getSyncModeFromAlertCode // create new Sync capabilities info from capabilities mask // Bit0=reserved, Bit1..Bitn = SyncType 1..n available // Note: derived classes might add special sync codes and/or mask standard ones SmlDevInfSyncCapPtr_t TLocalEngineDS::newDevInfSyncCap(uInt32 aSyncCapMask) { SmlDevInfSyncCapPtr_t synccapP; SmlPcdataPtr_t synctypeP; // new synccap structure synccapP = SML_NEW(SmlDevInfSyncCap_t); // synccap list is empty synccapP->synctype=NULL; // now add standard synccaps for (sInt16 k=0; k<32; k++) { if (aSyncCapMask & (1<synctype)); } } // return it return synccapP; } // TLocalEngineDS::newDevInfSyncCap // obtain new datastore info, returns NULL if none available SmlDevInfDatastorePtr_t TLocalEngineDS::newDevInfDatastore(bool aAsServer, bool aWithoutCTCapProps) { SmlDevInfDatastorePtr_t datastoreP; // set only basic info, details must be added in derived class // - sourceref is the name of the datastore, // or for server, if already alerted, the name used in the alert // (this is to allow /dsname/foldername with clients that expect the // devInf to contain exactly the same full path as name, like newer Nokias) string dotname; #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER if (IS_SERVER && testState(dssta_serveralerted,false) && fSessionP->fDSPathInDevInf) { // server and already alerted // - don't include sub-datastores if (fAsSubDatastoreOf) { return NULL; } // - use datastore spec as sent from remote, minus CGI, as relative spec dotname = URI_RELPREFIX; dotname += fSessionP->SessionRelativeURI(fRemoteViewOfLocalURI.c_str()); if (!fSessionP->fDSCgiInDevInf) { // remove CGI string::size_type n=dotname.find("?"); if (n!=string::npos) dotname.resize(n); // remove CGI } } else #endif { // client or not yet alerted - just use datastore base name StringObjPrintf(dotname,URI_RELPREFIX "%s",fName.c_str()); } // create new datastoreP=SML_NEW(SmlDevInfDatastore_t); datastoreP->sourceref=newPCDataString(dotname); #ifndef MINIMAL_CODE // - Optional display name datastoreP->displayname=newPCDataOptString(getDisplayName()); #else datastoreP->displayname=NULL; #endif // - MaxGUIDsize (for client only) if (aAsServer) datastoreP->maxguidsize=NULL; else datastoreP->maxguidsize=newPCDataLong(fMaxGUIDSize); // - check for legacy mode type (that is to be used as "preferred" instead of normal preferred) TSyncItemType *legacyTypeP = NULL; if (getSession()->fLegacyMode && getDSConfig()->fTypeSupport.fPreferredLegacy) { // get the type marked as blind legacyTypeP = getSession()->findLocalType(getDSConfig()->fTypeSupport.fPreferredLegacy); } // - RxPref if (!fRxPrefItemTypeP) SYSYNC_THROW(TStructException("Datastore has no RxPref ItemType")); datastoreP->rxpref = (legacyTypeP ? legacyTypeP : fRxPrefItemTypeP)->newXMitDevInf(); // - Rx (excluding the type we report as preferred) datastoreP->rx=TSyncItemType::newXMitListDevInf(fRxItemTypes,legacyTypeP ? legacyTypeP : fRxPrefItemTypeP); // - TxPref if (!fTxPrefItemTypeP) SYSYNC_THROW(TStructException("Datastore has no TxPref ItemType")); datastoreP->txpref = (legacyTypeP ? legacyTypeP : fTxPrefItemTypeP)->newXMitDevInf(); // - Tx (excluding the type we report as preferred) datastoreP->tx=TSyncItemType::newXMitListDevInf(fTxItemTypes,legacyTypeP ? legacyTypeP : fTxPrefItemTypeP); // - DSMem /// @todo %%% tbd: add dsmem datastoreP->dsmem=NULL; // - SyncML DS 1.2 datastore-local CTCap if (fSessionP->getSyncMLVersion()>=syncml_vers_1_2) { // CTCap is local to datastore, get only CTCaps relevant for this datastore, but independently from alerted state datastoreP->ctcap = fSessionP->newLocalCTCapList(false, this, aWithoutCTCapProps); } else datastoreP->ctcap=NULL; // before SyncML 1.2, there was no datastore-local CTCap // - SyncML DS 1.2 flags (SmlDevInfHierarchical_f) /// @todo %%% tbd: add SmlDevInfHierarchical_f datastoreP->flags=0; // - SyncML DS 1.2 filters datastoreP->filterrx=NULL; datastoreP->filtercap=NULL; #ifdef OBJECT_FILTERING if (IS_SERVER && fDSConfigP->fDS12FilterSupport && fSessionP->getSyncMLVersion()>=syncml_vers_1_2) { // Show Filter info in 1.2 devInf if this is not a client // - FilterRx constant datastoreP->filterrx = SML_NEW(SmlDevInfXmitList_t); datastoreP->filterrx->next = NULL; datastoreP->filterrx->data = SML_NEW(SmlDevInfXmit_t); datastoreP->filterrx->data->cttype=newPCDataString(SYNCML_FILTERTYPE_CGI); datastoreP->filterrx->data->verct=newPCDataString(SYNCML_FILTERTYPE_CGI_VERS); // build filtercap SmlPcdataListPtr_t filterkeywords = NULL; SmlPcdataListPtr_t filterprops = NULL; // - fill the lists from types addFilterCapPropsAndKeywords(filterkeywords,filterprops); // - if we have something, actually build a filtercap if (filterkeywords || filterprops) { // we have filtercaps, add them // - FilterCap list datastoreP->filtercap = SML_NEW(SmlDevInfFilterCapList_t); datastoreP->filtercap->next = NULL; datastoreP->filtercap->data = SML_NEW(SmlDevInfFilterCap_t); datastoreP->filtercap->data->cttype=newPCDataString(SYNCML_FILTERTYPE_CGI); datastoreP->filtercap->data->verct=newPCDataString(SYNCML_FILTERTYPE_CGI_VERS); // - add list we've got datastoreP->filtercap->data->filterkeyword=filterkeywords; datastoreP->filtercap->data->propname=filterprops; } } #endif // OBJECT_FILTERING // - Sync capabilities of this datastore datastoreP->synccap=newDevInfSyncCap(getSyncCapMask()); // return it return datastoreP; } // TLocalEngineDS::newDevInfDatastore // Set remote datastore for local void TLocalEngineDS::engSetRemoteDatastore( TRemoteDataStore *aRemoteDatastoreP // the remote datastore involved ) { // save link to remote datastore if (fRemoteDatastoreP) { if (fRemoteDatastoreP!=aRemoteDatastoreP) SYSYNC_THROW(TSyncException("Sync continues with different datastore")); } fRemoteDatastoreP=aRemoteDatastoreP; } // TLocalEngineDS::engSetRemoteDatastore // SYNC command bracket start (check credentials if needed) bool TLocalEngineDS::engProcessSyncCmd( SmlSyncPtr_t aSyncP, // the Sync element TStatusCommand &aStatusCommand, // status that might be modified bool &aQueueForLater // will be set if command must be queued for later (re-)execution ) { // get number of changes info if available if (aSyncP->noc) { StrToLong(smlPCDataToCharP(aSyncP->noc),fRemoteNumberOfChanges); } // check if datastore is aborted if (CheckAborted(aStatusCommand)) return false; // check if (!fRemoteDatastoreP) SYSYNC_THROW(TSyncException("No remote datastore linked")); // let remote datastore process it first if (!fRemoteDatastoreP->remoteProcessSyncCmd(aSyncP,aStatusCommand,aQueueForLater)) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("TLocalEngineDS::engProcessSyncCmd: remote datastore failed processing ")); changeState(dssta_idle,true); // force it return false; } // check for combined init&sync if (!testState(dssta_syncmodestable,false)) { // encountered before sync mode stable: could be combined init&sync session if (fLocalDSState>=dssta_serveransweredalert) { // ok for switching to combined init&sync PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_HOT,("TLocalEngineDS::engProcessSyncCmd: detected combined init&sync, freeze sync mode already now")); // - freeze sync mode as it is now changeState(dssta_syncmodestable,true); // force it, sync mode is now stable, no further changes are possible } } // now init if this is the first command bool startingNow = false; // assume start already initiated if (testState(dssta_syncmodestable,true)) { // all alert and alert status must be done by now, sync mode must be stable CONSOLEPRINTF(("- Starting Sync with Datastore '%s', %s sync",fRemoteViewOfLocalURI.c_str(),fSlowSync ? "slow" : "normal")); startingNow = true; // initiating start now #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER if (IS_SERVER) { // at this point, all temporary GUIDs become invalid (no "early map" possible any more which might refer to last session's tempGUIDs) fTempGUIDMap.clear(); // forget all previous session's temp GUID mappings // let local datastore (derived DB-specific class) prepare for sync localstatus sta = changeState(dssta_dataaccessstarted); if (sta!=LOCERR_OK) { // abort session (old comment: %%% aborting datastore only does not work, will loop, why? %%%) aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(syncmlError(sta)); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("TLocalEngineDS::engProcessSyncCmd: could not change state to dsssta_dataaccessstarted -> abort")); engAbortDataStoreSync(sta,true); // local problem return false; } } #endif } // if data access started (finished or not), check start status // for every execution and re-execution of the sync command if (testState(dssta_dataaccessstarted)) { // queue command if datastore is not yet started already if (engIsStarted(!startingNow)) { // wait only if start was already initiated // - is now initialized if (IS_SERVER) { // - for server, make the sync set ready now (as engine is now started) changeState(dssta_syncsetready,true); // force it } else { // - for client, we need at least dssta_syncgendone (sync set has been ready long ago, we've already sent changes to server!) if (!testState(dssta_syncgendone)) { // bad sequence of commands ( from server too early!) aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(400); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("TLocalEngineDS::engProcessSyncCmd: client received SYNC before sending SYNC complete")); engAbortDataStoreSync(400,false,false); // remote problem, not resumable return false; } } PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_HOT,( "- Started %s Sync (first command)", fSlowSync ? "slow" : "normal" )); if (fRemoteNumberOfChanges>=0) PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_HOT,("- NumberOfChanges announced by remote = %ld",(long)fRemoteNumberOfChanges)); DB_PROGRESS_EVENT(this,pev_syncstart,0,0,0); } else { // - not yet started PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_HOT,( "- Starting sync not yet complete - re-execute command again in next message" )); aQueueForLater=true; return true; // ok so far } } // must be syncready here (otherwise we return before we reach this) if (!testState(dssta_syncsetready)) { aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(403); // forbidden ADDDEBUGITEM(aStatusCommand,"SYNC received too early"); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("TLocalEngineDS::engProcessSyncCmd: SYNC received too early")); engAbortDataStoreSync(403,false,false); // remote problem, not resumable return false; } // state is now syncing /// @deprecated - dssta_syncsetready is enough //fState=dss_syncing; return true; } // TLocalEngineDS::engProcessSyncCmd // SYNC command bracket end (but another might follow in next message) bool TLocalEngineDS::engProcessSyncCmdEnd(bool &aQueueForLater) { bool ok=true; // queue it for later as long as datastore is not ready now if (!engIsStarted(false)) { // not waiting if not started // no state change, just postpone execution aQueueForLater=true; } // also inform remote if (fRemoteDatastoreP) ok=fRemoteDatastoreP->remoteProcessSyncCmdEnd(); return ok; } // TLocalEngineDS::engProcessSyncCmdEnd #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER // server case: called whenever outgoing Message of Sync Package starts void TLocalEngineDS::engServerStartOfSyncMessage(void) { // this is where we might start our own command (all // received commands are now processed) // - Note that this might be a subdatastore -> if so, do NOT // start a sync (superdatastore will handle this) // - Note that this will be called even if current message is // already full, so it could well be that this sync command // is queued. if (!fSessionP->fCompleteFromClientOnly && testState(dssta_serverseenclientmods) && getSyncMode()==smo_fromclient) { // from-client only does not send back a command, simply end data access here PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("from-client-only:do not send command back to client, data access ends here")); changeState(dssta_syncgendone,true); changeState(dssta_dataaccessdone,true); } // ### SyncFest #5, found with Tactel Jazz Client: // - do not send anything when remote datastore is not known else if (fRemoteDatastoreP) { if (!testState(dssta_serversyncgenstarted) && testState(dssta_serverseenclientmods)) { changeState(dssta_serversyncgenstarted,true); if (!isSubDatastore()) { // - Note: if sync command was already started, the // finished(), continueIssue() mechanism will make sure that // more commands are generated // - Note2: if all sync commands can be sent at once, // fState will be modified by issuing , so // it must be ok for issuing syncops here already! TSyncCommand *synccmdP = new TSyncCommand( fSessionP, this, // local datastore fRemoteDatastoreP // remote datastore ); // issue ISSUE_COMMAND_ROOT(fSessionP,synccmdP); } } } else { changeState(dssta_idle,true); // force it } } // TLocalEngineDS::engServerStartOfSyncMessage #endif // server only // called whenever Message of Sync Package ends or after last queued Sync command is executed // - aEndOfAllSyncCommands is true when at end of Sync-data-from-remote packet // AND all possibly queued sync/syncop commands have been processed. void TLocalEngineDS::engEndOfSyncFromRemote(bool aEndOfAllSyncCommands) { // is called for all local datastores, including superdatastore, even inactive ones, so check state first if (testState(dssta_syncsetready)) { if (aEndOfAllSyncCommands) { // we are at end of sync-data-from-remote for THIS datastore if (IS_CLIENT) { // - we are done with from server, that is, data access is done now changeState(dssta_dataaccessdone,true); // force it } else { // - server has seen all client modifications now // Note: in case of the simulated-empty-sync-hack in action, we // allow that we are already in server_sync_gen_started and // won't try to force down to dssta_serverseenclientmods if (!fSessionP->fFakeFinalFlag || getDSState() active - allowing state>server_seen_client_mods")); } } } #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER if (IS_SERVER) { engServerStartOfSyncMessage(); } #endif // now do final things if (testState(dssta_dataaccessdone,true)) { // @todo: I think, as long as we need to send maps, we're not done yet!!! // sync packets in both directions done, forget remote datastore fRemoteDatastoreP=NULL; } } // dssta_syncsetready } // TLocalEngineDS::engEndOfSyncFromRemote // - must return true if this datastore is finished with // (if all datastores return true, // session is allowed to finish sync packet with outgoing message bool TLocalEngineDS::isSyncDone(void) { // is called for all local datastores, even inactive ones, which must signal sync done, too // - only datastores currently receiving or sending commands are not done with sync // - aborted datastores are also done with sync, no matter what status they have return ( fAbortStatusCode!=0 || //(fState!=dss_syncsend && fState!=dss_syncing && fState!=dss_syncready && fState!=dss_syncfinish) !testState(dssta_clientsentalert) || // nothing really happened yet... testState(dssta_syncgendone) // ...or already completed generating ); } // TLocalEngineDS::isSyncDone // test datastore state for minimal or exact state bool TLocalEngineDS::testState(TLocalEngineDSState aMinState, bool aNeedExactMatch) { bool result = (!aNeedExactMatch || (fLocalDSState==aMinState)) && (fLocalDSState>=aMinState); DEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_EXOTIC,( "%s: testState=%s - expected state%c='%s', found state=='%s'", getName(), result ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", aNeedExactMatch ? '=' : '>', getDSStateName(aMinState), getDSStateName() )); return result; } // TLocalEngineDS::testState // change datastore state, calls logic layer before and after change localstatus TLocalEngineDS::changeState(TLocalEngineDSState aNewState, bool aForceOnError) { localstatus err1,err2; TLocalEngineDSState oldState = fLocalDSState; // nop if no change in state if (aNewState==oldState) return LOCERR_OK; // state cannot be decremented except down to adminready and below if ((aNewStatedssta_adminready)) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,( "%s: Internal error: attempt to reduce state from '%s' to '%s' - aborting", getName(), getDSStateName(oldState), getDSStateName(aNewState) )); err1 = 500; dsAbortDatastoreSync(err1,true); return err1; } // give logic opportunity to react before state changes PDEBUGBLOCKFMT(( "DSStateChange", "Datastore changes state", "datastore=%s|oldstate=%s|newstate=%s", getName(), getDSStateName(oldState), getDSStateName(aNewState) )); err2 = LOCERR_OK; err1 = dsBeforeStateChange(oldState,aNewState); if (!aForceOnError && err1) goto endchange; // switch state fLocalDSState = aNewState; // now give logic opportunity to react again err2 = dsAfterStateChange(oldState,aNewState); endchange: PDEBUGENDBLOCK("DSStateChange"); // return most recent error return err2 ? err2 : err1; } // TLocalEngineDS::changeState // test datastore abort status // datastore is aborted when // - it was explicitly aborted (engAbortDataStoreSync() called, fAbortStatusCode set) // - session is suspending and the datastore has not yet completed sync up to sending // maps (client) or admin already saved (server+client). // If client has sent maps, all that MIGHT be missing would be map status, and // if that hasn't arrived, the pendingMaps mechanism will make sure these get // sent in the next session. bool TLocalEngineDS::isAborted(void) { return fAbortStatusCode!=0 || (fSessionP->isSuspending() && !testState(dssta_clientmapssent)); } // TLocalEngineDS::isAborted // abort sync with this datastore void TLocalEngineDS::engAbortDataStoreSync(TSyError aStatusCode, bool aLocalProblem, bool aResumable) { if (fLocalDSState!=dssta_idle && !fAbortStatusCode) { // prepare status fAbortStatusCode = aStatusCode ? aStatusCode : 514; // make sure we have a non-zero fAbortStatusCode fLocalAbortCause = aLocalProblem; if (!aResumable) preventResuming(); // prevent resuming PDEBUGBLOCKFMT(( "DSAbort","Aborting datastore sync","abortStatusCode=%hd|localProblem=%s|resumable=%s", aStatusCode, aLocalProblem ? "yes" : "no", aResumable ? "yes" : "no" )); // tell that to the session fSessionP->DatastoreFailed(aStatusCode,aLocalProblem); // as soon as sync set is ready, we have potentially started the sync and resume makes sense // NOTE: before we have made the sync set ready, WE MUST NOT resume, because making the sync // set ready includes zapping it on slow refreshes, and this is only done when not resuming // (so saving a suspend state before dssta_syncsetready would cause that the zapping is // possibly skipped) if (!testState(dssta_syncsetready)) preventResuming(); // prevent resuming before sync set is ready // save resume (or non-resumable!) status only if this is NOT A TIMEOUT, because if it is a // (server) timeout, suspend state was saved at end of last request, and writing again here would destroy // the state. if (aStatusCode!=408) { engSaveSuspendState(true); // save even if already aborted } // let derivates know dsAbortDatastoreSync(aStatusCode, aLocalProblem); // show abort PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,( "*************** Warning: Datastore flagged aborted (after %ld sec. request processing, %ld sec. total) with %s Status %hd", (long)((getSession()->getSystemNowAs(TCTX_UTC)-fSessionP->getLastRequestStarted()) / secondToLinearTimeFactor), (long)((getSession()->getSystemNowAs(TCTX_UTC)-fSessionP->getSessionStarted()) / secondToLinearTimeFactor), aLocalProblem ? "LOCAL" : "REMOTE", aStatusCode )); DB_PROGRESS_EVENT( this, pev_syncend, getAbortStatusCode(), fSlowSync ? (fFirstTimeSync ? 2 : 1) : 0, fResuming ? 1 : 0 ); PDEBUGENDBLOCK("DSAbort"); } } // TLocalEngineDS::engAbortDataStoreSync // check if aborted, set status to abort reason code if yes bool TLocalEngineDS::CheckAborted(TStatusCommand &aStatusCommand) { if (fAbortStatusCode!=0) { aStatusCommand.setStatusCode( fSessionP->getSyncMLVersion()>=syncml_vers_1_1 ? 514 : // cancelled (fAbortStatusCodegetSessionStarted()); StringSubst(aLog,"%ssT",s,4); } // %sdT sync duration (in seconds) for this datastore (start of session until datastore finished) StringSubst(aLog,"%sdT",((sInt32)(fEndOfSyncTime-fSessionP->getSessionStarted())/secondToLinearTimeFactor),4); // %nD Datastore name StringSubst(aLog,"%nD",getName(),3); // %rD Datastore remote path StringSubst(aLog,"%rD",fRemoteDBPath,3); // %lD Datastore local path (complete with all CGI) StringSubst(aLog,"%lD",fRemoteViewOfLocalURI,3); // %iR Remote Device ID (URI) StringSubst(aLog,"%iR",fSessionP->getRemoteURI(),3); // %nR Remote name: [Manufacturer ]Model") StringSubst(aLog,"%nR",fSessionP->getRemoteDescName(),3); // %vR Remote Device Version Info ("Type (HWV, FWV, SWV) Oem") StringSubst(aLog,"%vR",fSessionP->getRemoteInfoString(),3); // %U User Name StringSubst(aLog,"%U",fSessionP->getSyncUserName(),2); // %iS local Session ID StringSubst(aLog,"%iS",fSessionP->getLocalSessionID(),3); // %sS Status code (0 if successful) StringSubst(aLog,"%sS",fAbortStatusCode,3); // %ssS Session Status code (0 if successful) StringSubst(aLog,"%ssS",fSessionP->getAbortReasonStatus(),4); // %syV SyncML version (as text) of session StringSubst(aLog,"%syV",SyncMLVerDTDNames[fSessionP->getSyncMLVersion()],4); // %syV SyncML version numeric (0=unknown, 1=1.0, 2=1.1, 3=1.2) of session StringSubst(aLog,"%syVn",(long)fSessionP->getSyncMLVersion(),5); // %mS Syncmode (0=twoway, 1=fromclient 2=fromserver) StringSubst(aLog,"%mS",(sInt32)fSyncMode,3); // %tS Synctype (0=normal,1=slow,2=firsttime slow, +10 if resumed session) StringSubst(aLog,"%tS",(fSlowSync ? (fFirstTimeSync ? 2 : 1) : 0) + (isResuming() ? 10 : 0),3); // %laI locally added Items StringSubst(aLog,"%laI",fLocalItemsAdded,4); // %raI remotely added Items StringSubst(aLog,"%raI",fRemoteItemsAdded,4); // %ldI locally deleted Items StringSubst(aLog,"%ldI",fLocalItemsDeleted,4); // %rdI remotely deleted Items StringSubst(aLog,"%rdI",fRemoteItemsDeleted,4); // %luI locally updated Items StringSubst(aLog,"%luI",fLocalItemsUpdated,4); // %ruI remotely updated Items StringSubst(aLog,"%ruI",fRemoteItemsUpdated,4); // %reI locally not accepted Items (sent error to remote, remote MAY resend them or abort the session) StringSubst(aLog,"%leI",fLocalItemsError,4); // %leI remotely not accepted Items (got error from remote, local will resend them later) StringSubst(aLog,"%reI",fRemoteItemsError,4); #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER if (IS_SERVER) { // %smI Slowsync matched Items StringSubst(aLog,"%smI",fSlowSyncMatches,4); // %scI Server won Conflicts StringSubst(aLog,"%scI",fConflictsServerWins,4); // %ccI Client won Conflicts StringSubst(aLog,"%ccI",fConflictsClientWins,4); // %dcI Conflicts with duplications StringSubst(aLog,"%dcI",fConflictsDuplicated,4); // %tiB total incoming bytes StringSubst(aLog,"%tiB",fSessionP->getIncomingBytes(),4); // %toB total outgoing bytes StringSubst(aLog,"%toB",fSessionP->getOutgoingBytes(),4); } #endif // %niB net incoming data bytes for this datastore StringSubst(aLog,"%diB",fIncomingDataBytes,4); // %noB net incoming data bytes for this datastore StringSubst(aLog,"%doB",fOutgoingDataBytes,4); #endif } // TLocalEngineDS::DoLogSubstitutions // log datastore sync result // - Called at end of sync with this datastore void TLocalEngineDS::dsLogSyncResult(void) { #ifndef MINIMAL_CODE if (fSessionP->logEnabled()) { string logtext; logtext=fSessionP->getSessionConfig()->fLogFileFormat; if (!logtext.empty()) { // substitute DoLogSubstitutions(logtext,true); // plaintext // show fSessionP->WriteLogLine(logtext.c_str()); } } #endif } // TLocalEngineDS::dsLogSyncResult // Terminate all activity with this datastore // Note: may be called repeatedly, must only execute relevant shutdown code once void TLocalEngineDS::engTerminateDatastore(localstatus aAbortStatusCode) { // now abort (if not already aborted), then finish activities engFinishDataStoreSync(aAbortStatusCode); // and finally reset completely engResetDataStore(); } // TLocalEngineDS::TerminateDatastore // called at very end of sync session, when everything is done // Note: is also called before deleting a datastore (so aborted sessions // can do cleanup and/or statistics display as well) void TLocalEngineDS::engFinishDataStoreSync(localstatus aErrorStatus) { // set end of sync time fEndOfSyncTime = getSession()->getSystemNowAs(TCTX_UTC); // check if we have something to do at all if (fLocalDSState!=dssta_idle && fLocalDSState!=dssta_completed) { if (aErrorStatus==LOCERR_OK) { // Check if we need to abort now due to failed items only if (fRemoteItemsError>0) { // remote reported errors if (fSlowSync && fRemoteItemsAdded==0 && fRemoteItemsDeleted==0 && fRemoteItemsUpdated==0 && fSessionP->getSessionConfig()->fAbortOnAllItemsFailed) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR+DBG_DETAILS,("All remote item operations failed -> abort sync")); engAbortDataStoreSync(512,false,false); // remote problems (only failed items in a slow sync) caused sync to fail, not resumable } else fSessionP->DatastoreHadErrors(); // at least SOME items were successful, so it's not a completely unsuccessful sync } } // abort, if requested from caller or only-failed-items if (aErrorStatus!=LOCERR_OK) engAbortDataStoreSync(aErrorStatus,true); // if we have an error here, this is considered a local problem else { DB_PROGRESS_EVENT( this, pev_syncend, fAbortStatusCode, fSlowSync ? (fFirstTimeSync ? 2 : 1) : 0, fResuming ? 1 : 0 ); } #ifdef SUPERDATASTORES // if this is part of a superdatastore, include its statistics into mine, as // superdatastore can not save any statistics. // This ensures that the result sum over all subdatastores is correct, // however the assignment of error and byte counts is not (all non-related // counts go to first subdatastores with the following code) if (fAsSubDatastoreOf) { fOutgoingDataBytes += fAsSubDatastoreOf->fOutgoingDataBytes; fIncomingDataBytes += fAsSubDatastoreOf->fIncomingDataBytes; fRemoteItemsError += fAsSubDatastoreOf->fRemoteItemsError; fLocalItemsError += fAsSubDatastoreOf->fLocalItemsError; // consumed now, clear in superdatastore fAsSubDatastoreOf->fOutgoingDataBytes=0; fAsSubDatastoreOf->fIncomingDataBytes=0; fAsSubDatastoreOf->fRemoteItemsError=0; fAsSubDatastoreOf->fLocalItemsError=0; } #endif // make log entry dsLogSyncResult(); // update my session state vars for successful sessions if (aErrorStatus==LOCERR_OK) { // update anchor fLastRemoteAnchor=fNextRemoteAnchor; fLastLocalAnchor=fNextLocalAnchor; // note: when using TStdLogicDS, this is not saved, but re-generated at next sync from timestamp // no resume fResumeAlertCode=0; // no resume item (just to make sure we don't get strange effects later) fLastItemStatus = 0; fLastSourceURI.erase(); fLastTargetURI.erase(); fPartialItemState = pi_state_none; fPIStoredSize = 0; } // now shift state to complete, let logic and implementation save the state changeState(dssta_completed,true); #ifdef SCRIPT_SUPPORT // - call DB finish script TScriptContext::execute( fDataStoreScriptContextP, fDSConfigP->fDBFinishScript, &DBFuncTable, // context's function table this // datastore pointer needed for context ); #endif } // in any case: idle now again (note: could be shift from dssta_completed to dssta_idle) changeState(dssta_idle,true); } // TLocalEngineDS::engFinishDataStoreSync /// inform everyone of coming state change localstatus TLocalEngineDS::dsBeforeStateChange(TLocalEngineDSState aOldState,TLocalEngineDSState aNewState) { localstatus sta = LOCERR_OK; return sta; } // TLocalEngineDS::dsBeforeStateChange /// inform everyone of happened state change localstatus TLocalEngineDS::dsAfterStateChange(TLocalEngineDSState aOldState,TLocalEngineDSState aNewState) { localstatus sta = LOCERR_OK; if (aOldState>dssta_idle && aNewState==dssta_completed) { // we are going from a non-idle state to completed // - show statistics showStatistics(); } return sta; } // TLocalEngineDS::dsAfterStateChange // show statistics or error of current sync void TLocalEngineDS::showStatistics(void) { // Console CONSOLEPRINTF(("")); CONSOLEPRINTF(("- Sync Statistics for '%s' (%s), %s sync", getName(), fRemoteViewOfLocalURI.c_str(), fSlowSync ? "slow" : "normal" )); // now show results if (isAborted()) { // failed CONSOLEPRINTF((" ************ Failed with status code=%hd",fAbortStatusCode)); } else { // successful: show statistics on console CONSOLEPRINTF((" ==================================================")); if (IS_SERVER) { CONSOLEPRINTF((" on Server on Client")); } else { CONSOLEPRINTF((" on Client on Server")); } CONSOLEPRINTF((" Added: %9ld %9ld",fLocalItemsAdded,fRemoteItemsAdded)); CONSOLEPRINTF((" Deleted: %9ld %9ld",fLocalItemsDeleted,fRemoteItemsDeleted)); CONSOLEPRINTF((" Updated: %9ld %9ld",fLocalItemsUpdated,fRemoteItemsUpdated)); CONSOLEPRINTF((" Rejected with error: %9ld %9ld",fLocalItemsError,fRemoteItemsError)); #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER if (IS_SERVER) { CONSOLEPRINTF((" SlowSync Matches: %9ld",fSlowSyncMatches)); CONSOLEPRINTF((" Server won Conflicts: %9ld",fConflictsServerWins)); CONSOLEPRINTF((" Client won Conflicts: %9ld",fConflictsClientWins)); CONSOLEPRINTF((" Conflicts with Duplication: %9ld",fConflictsDuplicated)); } #endif } CONSOLEPRINTF(("")); // Always provide statistics as events DB_PROGRESS_EVENT(this,pev_dsstats_l,fLocalItemsAdded,fLocalItemsUpdated,fLocalItemsDeleted); DB_PROGRESS_EVENT(this,pev_dsstats_r,fRemoteItemsAdded,fRemoteItemsUpdated,fRemoteItemsDeleted); DB_PROGRESS_EVENT(this,pev_dsstats_e,fLocalItemsError,fRemoteItemsError,0); #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER if (IS_SERVER) { DB_PROGRESS_EVENT(this,pev_dsstats_s,fSlowSyncMatches,0,0); DB_PROGRESS_EVENT(this,pev_dsstats_c,fConflictsServerWins,fConflictsClientWins,fConflictsDuplicated); } #endif // NOTE: pev_dsstats_d should remain the last log data event sent (as it terminates collecting data in some GUIs) DB_PROGRESS_EVENT(this,pev_dsstats_d,fOutgoingDataBytes,fIncomingDataBytes,fRemoteItemsError); // Always show statistics in debug log #ifdef SYDEBUG PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_HOT,("Sync Statistics for '%s' (%s), %s sync", getName(), fRemoteViewOfLocalURI.c_str(), fSlowSync ? "slow" : "normal" )); if (PDEBUGTEST(DBG_HOT)) { string stats = "==================================================\n"; if (IS_SERVER) { stats += " on Server on Client\n"; } else { stats += " on Client on Server\n"; } StringObjAppendPrintf(stats,"Added: %9ld %9ld\n",(long)fLocalItemsAdded,(long)fRemoteItemsAdded); StringObjAppendPrintf(stats,"Deleted: %9ld %9ld\n",(long)fLocalItemsDeleted,(long)fRemoteItemsDeleted); StringObjAppendPrintf(stats,"Updated: %9ld %9ld\n",(long)fLocalItemsUpdated,(long)fRemoteItemsUpdated); StringObjAppendPrintf(stats,"Rejected with error: %9ld %9ld\n\n",(long)fLocalItemsError,(long)fRemoteItemsError); #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER if (IS_SERVER) { StringObjAppendPrintf(stats,"SlowSync Matches: %9ld\n",(long)fSlowSyncMatches); StringObjAppendPrintf(stats,"Server won Conflicts: %9ld\n",(long)fConflictsServerWins); StringObjAppendPrintf(stats,"Client won Conflicts: %9ld\n",(long)fConflictsClientWins); StringObjAppendPrintf(stats,"Conflicts with Duplication: %9ld\n\n",(long)fConflictsDuplicated); } #endif StringObjAppendPrintf(stats,"Content Data Bytes sent: %9ld\n",(long)fOutgoingDataBytes); StringObjAppendPrintf(stats,"Content Data Bytes received: %9ld\n\n",(long)fIncomingDataBytes); StringObjAppendPrintf(stats,"Duration of sync [seconds]: %9ld\n",(long)((fEndOfSyncTime-fSessionP->getSessionStarted())/secondToLinearTimeFactor)); PDEBUGPUTSXX(DBG_HOT,stats.c_str(),0,true); } if (isAborted()) { // failed PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Warning: Failed with status code=%hd, statistics are incomplete!!",fAbortStatusCode)); } #endif } // TLocalEngineDS::showStatistics // create a new syncop command for sending to remote TSyncOpCommand *TLocalEngineDS::newSyncOpCommand( TSyncItem *aSyncItemP, // the sync item TSyncItemType *aSyncItemTypeP, // the sync item type cAppCharP aLocalIDPrefix ) { // get operation TSyncOperation syncop=aSyncItemP->getSyncOp(); // obtain meta SmlPcdataPtr_t metaP = newMetaType(aSyncItemTypeP->getTypeName()); // create command TSyncOpCommand *syncopcmdP = new TSyncOpCommand(fSessionP,this,syncop,metaP); // make sure item does not have stuff it is not allowed to have // %%% SCTS does not like SourceURI in Replace and Delete commands sent to Client // there are the only ones allowed to carry a GUID if (IS_SERVER) { #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER // Server: commands only have remote IDs, except add which only has target ID if (syncop==sop_add || syncop==sop_wants_add) aSyncItemP->clearRemoteID(); // no remote ID else { if (!fDSConfigP->fAlwaysSendLocalID) { // only if localID may not be included in all syncops aSyncItemP->clearLocalID(); // no local ID } } #endif } else { // Client: all commands only have local IDs aSyncItemP->clearRemoteID(); // no remote ID } // add the localID prefix if we do have a localID to send if (aSyncItemP->hasLocalID()) { if (IS_SERVER) { #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER // make sure GUID (plus prefixes) is not exceeding allowed size adjustLocalIDforSize(aSyncItemP->fLocalID,getRemoteDatastore()->getMaxGUIDSize(),aLocalIDPrefix ? strlen(aLocalIDPrefix) : 0); #endif } // add local ID prefix, if any if (aLocalIDPrefix && *aLocalIDPrefix) aSyncItemP->fLocalID.insert(0,aLocalIDPrefix); } #ifdef SYSYNC_TARGET_OPTIONS // init item generation variables fItemSizeLimit=fSizeLimit; #else fItemSizeLimit=-1; // no limit #endif // now add item SmlItemPtr_t itemP = aSyncItemTypeP->newSmlItem(aSyncItemP,this); // check if data size is ok if (itemP && fSessionP->fMaxOutgoingObjSize) { if (itemP->data && itemP->data->content && itemP->data->length) { // there is data, check if size is ok if (itemP->data->length > fSessionP->fMaxOutgoingObjSize) { // too large, suppress it PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,( "WARNING: outgoing item is larger (%ld) than MaxObjSize (%ld) of remote -> suppress now/mark for resend", (long)itemP->data->length, (long)fSessionP->fMaxOutgoingObjSize )); smlFreeItemPtr(itemP); itemP=NULL; // mark item for resend // For datastores without resume support, this will just have no effect at all engMarkItemForResend(aSyncItemP->getLocalID(),aSyncItemP->getRemoteID()); } } } if (itemP) { // add it to the command syncopcmdP->addItem(itemP); } else { // no item - command is invalid, delete it delete syncopcmdP; syncopcmdP=NULL; } // return command return syncopcmdP; } // TLocalEngineDS::newSyncOpCommand // create SyncItem suitable for being sent from local to remote TSyncItem *TLocalEngineDS::newItemForRemote( uInt16 aExpectedTypeID // typeid of expected type ) { // safety if (!canCreateItemForRemote()) SYSYNC_THROW(TSyncException("newItemForRemote called without sufficient type information ready")); // create TSyncItem *itemP = fLocalSendToRemoteTypeP->newSyncItem(fRemoteReceiveFromLocalTypeP,this); if (!itemP) SYSYNC_THROW(TSyncException("newItemForRemote could not create item")); // check type if (!itemP->isBasedOn(aExpectedTypeID)) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,( "newItemForRemote created item of typeID %hd, caller expects %hd", itemP->getTypeID(), aExpectedTypeID )); SYSYNC_THROW(TSyncException("newItemForRemote created wrong item type")); } return itemP; } // TLocalEngineDS::newItemForRemote // return pure relative (item) URI (removes absolute part or ./ prefix) const char *TLocalEngineDS::DatastoreRelativeURI(const char *aURI) { return relativeURI(relativeURI(aURI,fSessionP->getLocalURI()),getName()); } // TLocalEngineDS::DatastoreRelativeURI // - init filtering and check if needed (sets fTypeFilteringNeeded, fFilteringNeeded and fFilteringNeededForAll) void TLocalEngineDS::initPostFetchFiltering(void) { #ifdef OBJECT_FILTERING if (!fLocalSendToRemoteTypeP) { fTypeFilteringNeeded=false; fFilteringNeeded=false; fFilteringNeededForAll=false; } else { // get basic settings from type fLocalSendToRemoteTypeP->initPostFetchFiltering(fTypeFilteringNeeded,fFilteringNeededForAll,this); fFilteringNeeded=fTypeFilteringNeeded; // NOTE: if type filtering is needed, it's the responsibility of initPostFetchFiltering() of // the type to check (using the DBHANDLESOPTS() script func) if DB does already handle // the range filters and such and possibly avoid type filtering then. // then check for standard filter requirements #ifdef SYDEBUG #ifdef SYNCML_TAF_SUPPORT if (!fTargetAddressFilter.empty()) PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("using (dynamic, temporary) TAF expression from CGI : %s",fTargetAddressFilter.c_str())); if (!fIntTargetAddressFilter.empty()) PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("using (dynamic, temporary) internally set TAF expression : %s",fIntTargetAddressFilter.c_str())); #endif // SYNCML_TAF_SUPPORT if (!fSyncSetFilter.empty()) PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("using (dynamic) sync set filter expression : %s",fSyncSetFilter.c_str())); if (!fLocalDBFilter.empty()) PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("using (static) local db filter expression : %s",fLocalDBFilter.c_str())); #endif // SYDEBUG // - if DB does the standard filters, we don't need to check them here again if (!engFilteredFetchesFromDB(true)) { // If DB does NOT do the standard filters, we have to do them here // - this is the case if we have an (old-style) sync set filter, but not filtered by DB // we need to filter all because sync set filter can be dynamic if (!fSyncSetFilter.empty()) fFilteringNeededForAll=true; // always return true if there is something to filter at all if ( !fLocalDBFilter.empty() || !fDSConfigP->fInvisibleFilter.empty() || !fSyncSetFilter.empty() || !fDSConfigP->fRemoteAcceptFilter.empty() ) fFilteringNeeded=true; } } PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_FILTER+DBG_HOT,( "Datastore-level postfetch filtering %sneeded%s", fFilteringNeeded ? "" : "NOT ", fFilteringNeeded ? (fFilteringNeededForAll ? " and to be applied to all records" : " only for changed records") : "" )); #endif } // TLocalEngineDS::initPostFetchFiltering // filter fetched record bool TLocalEngineDS::postFetchFiltering(TSyncItem *aSyncItemP) { #ifndef OBJECT_FILTERING return true; // no filters, always pass #else if (!aSyncItemP) return false; // null item does not pass // first do standard filters // - if DB has filtered the bool passes=true; if (fFilteringNeeded) { // - first make sure outgoing object has all properties set // such that it would pass the acceptance filter (for example KIND for calendar...) if (!aSyncItemP->makePassFilter(fDSConfigP->fRemoteAcceptFilter.c_str())) { // we could not make item pass acceptance filters PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("- item localid='%s' cannot be made passing -> ignored",aSyncItemP->getLocalID())); passes=false; } // now check for field-level filters if (passes && !engFilteredFetchesFromDB()) { // DB has not already filtered these, so we need to do it here // - "moving target" first passes=fSyncSetFilter.empty() || aSyncItemP->testFilter(fSyncSetFilter.c_str()); if (passes) { // - static filters passes = aSyncItemP->testFilter(fLocalDBFilter.c_str()) && // local filter ( fDSConfigP->fInvisibleFilter.empty() || // and either no invisibility defined... !aSyncItemP->testFilter(fDSConfigP->fInvisibleFilter.c_str()) // ...or NOT passed ); } } if (passes && fTypeFilteringNeeded) { // finally, apply type's filter passes=aSyncItemP->postFetchFiltering(this); } } else { // no filtering needed, DB has already filtered out those that would not pass // BUT: make sure outgoing items WILL pass the acceptance filter. If this // cannot be done, item will be filtered out. if (!aSyncItemP->makePassFilter(fDSConfigP->fRemoteAcceptFilter.c_str())) { // we could not make item pass acceptance filters PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("- item localid='%s' cannot be made passing -> ignored",aSyncItemP->getLocalID())); passes=false; } } #ifdef SYDEBUG if (!passes) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("- item localid='%s' does not pass filters -> ignored",aSyncItemP->getLocalID())); } #endif // return result return passes; #endif } // TLocalEngineDS::postFetchFiltering #ifdef OBJECT_FILTERING // - called to check if incoming item passes acception filters bool TLocalEngineDS::isAcceptable(TSyncItem *aSyncItemP, TStatusCommand &aStatusCommand) { // test acceptance if (aSyncItemP->testFilter(fDSConfigP->fRemoteAcceptFilter.c_str())) return true; // ok // not accepted, set 415 error if (!fDSConfigP->fSilentlyDiscardUnaccepted) aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(415); ADDDEBUGITEM(aStatusCommand,"Received item does not pass acceptance filter"); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,( "Received item does not pass acceptance filter: %s", fDSConfigP->fRemoteAcceptFilter.c_str() )); return false; } // TLocalEngineDS::isAcceptable /// @brief called to make incoming item visible /// @return true if now visible bool TLocalEngineDS::makeVisible(TSyncItem *aSyncItemP) { bool invisible=false; if (!fDSConfigP->fInvisibleFilter.empty()) { invisible=aSyncItemP->testFilter(fDSConfigP->fInvisibleFilter.c_str()); } if (invisible) { return aSyncItemP->makePassFilter(fDSConfigP->fMakeVisibleFilter.c_str()); } return true; // is already visible } // TLocalEngineDS::makeVisible /// @brief called to make incoming item INvisible /// @return true if now INvisible bool TLocalEngineDS::makeInvisible(TSyncItem *aSyncItemP) { // return true if could make invisible or already was invisible if (fDSConfigP->fInvisibleFilter.empty()) return false; // no invisible filter, cannot make invisible // make pass invisible filter - if successful, we're now invisible return aSyncItemP->makePassFilter(fDSConfigP->fInvisibleFilter.c_str()); // try to make invisible (and return result) } // TLocalEngineDS::makeInvisible // - called to make incoming item pass sync set filtering bool TLocalEngineDS::makePassSyncSetFilter(TSyncItem *aSyncItemP) { bool pass=true; // make sure we pass sync set filtering and stay visible if (!fSyncSetFilter.empty()) { // try to make pass sync set filter (modifies item only if it would not pass otherwise) pass=aSyncItemP->makePassFilter(fSyncSetFilter.c_str()); } if (!pass || fSyncSetFilter.empty()) { // specified sync set filter cannot make item pass, or no sync set filter at all: // - apply makePassFilter default expression if (!fDSConfigP->fMakePassFilter.empty()) { pass=aSyncItemP->makePassFilter(fDSConfigP->fMakePassFilter.c_str()); if (pass) { // check again to check if item would pass the syncset filter now pass=aSyncItemP->testFilter(fSyncSetFilter.c_str()); } } } return pass; } // TLocalEngineDS::makePassSyncSetFilter #endif // process remote item bool TLocalEngineDS::engProcessRemoteItem( TSyncItem *syncitemP, TStatusCommand &aStatusCommand ) { #ifdef SYSYNC_CLIENT if (IS_CLIENT) return engProcessRemoteItemAsClient(syncitemP,aStatusCommand); // status, must be set to correct status code (ok / error) #endif #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER if (IS_SERVER) return engProcessRemoteItemAsServer(syncitemP,aStatusCommand); // status, must be set to correct status code (ok / error) #endif // neither return false; } // TLocalEngineDS::engProcessRemoteItem // process SyncML SyncOp command for this datastore bool TLocalEngineDS::engProcessSyncOpItem( TSyncOperation aSyncOp, // the operation SmlItemPtr_t aItemP, // the item to be processed SmlMetInfMetInfPtr_t aMetaP, // command-wide meta, if any TStatusCommand &aStatusCommand // pre-set 200 status, can be modified in case of errors ) { bool regular = false; // determine SyncItemType that can handle this item data if (fRemoteDatastoreP==NULL) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("engProcessSyncOpItem: Remote Datastore not known")); aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(500); } // - start with default TSyncItemType *remoteTypeP=getRemoteSendType(); TSyncItemType *localTypeP=getLocalReceiveType(); // - see if command-wide meta plus item contents specify another type // (item meta, if present, overrides command wide meta) // see if item itself or command meta specify a type name or format SmlMetInfMetInfPtr_t itemmetaP = smlPCDataToMetInfP(aItemP->meta); // - format TFmtTypes fmt=fmt_chr; if (itemmetaP && itemmetaP->format) smlPCDataToFormat(itemmetaP->format,fmt); // use type name from item's meta else if (aMetaP && aMetaP->format) smlPCDataToFormat(aMetaP->format,fmt); // use type name from command-wide meta // - type string versstr; const char *typestr = NULL; if (itemmetaP && itemmetaP->type) typestr = smlPCDataToCharP(itemmetaP->type); // use type name from item's meta else if (aMetaP && aMetaP->type) typestr = smlPCDataToCharP(aMetaP->type); // use type name from command-wide meta // check if there is a type specified if (typestr) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("Explicit type '%s' specified in command or item meta",typestr)); if (strcmp(remoteTypeP->getTypeName(),typestr)!=0) { // specified type is NOT default type: search appropriate remote type remoteTypeP=fRemoteDatastoreP->getSendType(typestr,NULL); // no version known so far if (!remoteTypeP) { // specified type is not a remote type listed in remote's devInf. // But as remote is actually using it, we can assume it does support it, so use local type of same name instead PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("According to remote devInf, '%s' is not supported, but obviously it is used here so we try to handle it",typestr)); // look it up in local datastore's list remoteTypeP=getReceiveType(typestr,NULL); } } if (remoteTypeP) { #ifdef APP_CAN_EXPIRE // get modified date of item lineardate_t moddat=0; // IMPORTANT, must be initialized in case expiryFromData returns nothing! bool ok = remoteTypeP->expiryFromData(aItemP,moddat)<=MAX_EXPIRY_DIFF+5; // ok==true: we are within hard expiry // ok==false: we are out of hard expiry #ifdef SYSER_REGISTRATION if (getSession()->getSyncAppBase()->fRegOK) { // we have a license (permanent or timed) --> hard expiry is irrelevant // (so override ok according to validity of current license) ok=true; // assume ok // check if license is timed, and if so, check if mod date is within timed range // (if not, set ok to false) uInt8 rd = getSession()->getSyncAppBase()->fRegDuration; if (rd) { lineardate_t ending = date2lineardate(rd/12+2000,rd%12+1,1); ok = ending>=moddat; // ok if not modified after end of license period } } #endif // when we have no license (neither permanent nor timed), hard expiry decides as is // (so just use ok as is) if (!ok) { aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(403); // forbidden to hack this expiry stuff! fSessionP->AbortSession(403,true); // local problem return false; } #endif // APP_CAN_EXPIRE // we have a type, which should be able to determine version from data if (remoteTypeP->versionFromData(aItemP,versstr)) { // version found, Make sure version matches as well PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("Version '%s' obtained from item data",versstr.c_str())); // check if current remotetype already has correct version (and type, but we know this already) if (!remoteTypeP->supportsType(remoteTypeP->getTypeName(),versstr.c_str(),true)) { // no, type/vers do not match, search again remoteTypeP=fRemoteDatastoreP->getSendType(typestr,versstr.c_str()); if (!remoteTypeP) { // specified type is not a remote type listed in remote's devInf. // But as remote is actually using it, we can assume it does support it, so use local type of same name instead PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("According to remote devInf, '%s' version '%s' is not supported, but obviously it is used here so we try to handle it",typestr,versstr.c_str())); // look it up in local datastore's list remoteTypeP=getReceiveType(typestr,versstr.c_str()); } } } else { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_HOT,("Version could not be obtained from item data")); } } if (!remoteTypeP) { // no matching remote type: fail aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(415); ADDDEBUGITEM(aStatusCommand,"Incompatible content type specified in command or item meta"); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,( "Incompatible content type '%s' version '%s' specified in command or item meta", typestr, versstr.empty() ? "[none]" : versstr.c_str() )); return false; // irregular } else { // we have the remote type, now determine matching local type // - first check if this is compatible with the existing localTypeP (which // was possibly selected by remote rule match if (!localTypeP->supportsType(remoteTypeP->getTypeName(),remoteTypeP->getTypeVers(),false)) { // current default local type does not support specified remote type // - find a matching local type localTypeP=getReceiveType(remoteTypeP); #ifdef SYDEBUG if (localTypeP) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA+DBG_HOT,( "Explicit type '%s' does not match default type -> switching to local type '%s' for processing item", typestr, localTypeP->getTypeConfig()->getName() )); } #endif } } } // now process if (localTypeP && remoteTypeP) { TSyncItem *syncitemP = NULL; // create the item (might have empty data in case of delete) syncitemP=remoteTypeP->newSyncItem(aItemP,aSyncOp,fmt,localTypeP,this,aStatusCommand); if (!syncitemP) { // failed to create item return false; // irregular } // Now start the real processing PDEBUGBLOCKFMT(("Process_Item","processing remote item", "SyncOp=%s|LocalID=%s|RemoteID=%s", SyncOpNames[syncitemP->getSyncOp()], syncitemP->getLocalID(), syncitemP->getRemoteID() )); #ifdef SCRIPT_SUPPORT TErrorFuncContext errctx; errctx.syncop = syncitemP->getSyncOp(); #endif SYSYNC_TRY { // this call frees the item regular = engProcessRemoteItem(syncitemP,aStatusCommand); syncitemP = NULL; PDEBUGENDBLOCK("Process_Item"); } SYSYNC_CATCH (...) // Hmm, was the item freed? Not sure, so assume that it was freed. PDEBUGENDBLOCK("Process_Item"); SYSYNC_RETHROW; SYSYNC_ENDCATCH // Check for datastore level scripts that might change the status code and/or regular status #ifdef SCRIPT_SUPPORT errctx.statuscode = aStatusCommand.getStatusCode(); errctx.newstatuscode = errctx.statuscode; errctx.datastoreP = this; // call script regular = TScriptContext::executeTest( regular, // pass through regular status fDataStoreScriptContextP, fDSConfigP->fReceivedItemStatusScript, &ErrorFuncTable, &errctx // caller context ); // use possibly modified status code #ifdef SYDEBUG if (aStatusCommand.getStatusCode() != errctx.newstatuscode) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Status: Datastore script changed original status=%hd to %hd (original op was %s)",aStatusCommand.getStatusCode(),errctx.newstatuscode,SyncOpNames[errctx.syncop])); } #endif aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(errctx.newstatuscode); #endif if (regular) { // item 100% successfully processed // - set new defaults to same type as current item setReceiveTypeInfo(localTypeP,remoteTypeP); } } else { // missing remote or local type: fail aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(415); ADDDEBUGITEM(aStatusCommand,"Unknown content type"); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,( "Missing remote or local SyncItemType" )); regular=false; // irregular } return regular; } // TLocalEngineDS::engProcessSyncOpItem #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER // Server Case // =========== // helper to force a conflict TSyncItem *TLocalEngineDS::forceConflict(TSyncItem *aSyncItemP) { TStatusCommand dummy(fSessionP); // - create new item TSyncItem *conflictingItemP = newItemForRemote(aSyncItemP->getTypeID()); if (!conflictingItemP) return NULL; // - set IDs conflictingItemP->setLocalID(aSyncItemP->getLocalID()); conflictingItemP->setRemoteID(aSyncItemP->getRemoteID()); // - this is always a replace conflict (item exists in DB) conflictingItemP->setSyncOp(sop_wants_replace); // - try to get from DB bool ok=logicRetrieveItemByID(*conflictingItemP,dummy); if (ok && dummy.getStatusCode()!=404) { // item found in DB, add it to the sync set so it can be sent to remote // if not cancelled by dontSendItemAsServer() SendItemAsServer(conflictingItemP); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("Forced conflict with corresponding item from server DB")); } else { // no item found, we cannot force a conflict delete conflictingItemP; conflictingItemP=NULL; } return conflictingItemP; } // TLocalEngineDS::forceConflict // process map localstatus TLocalEngineDS::engProcessMap(cAppCharP aRemoteID, cAppCharP aLocalID) { if (!testState(dssta_syncmodestable)) { // Map received when not appropriate PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Map not allowed in this stage of sync")); return 403; } // pre-process localID string realLocalID; if (aLocalID && *aLocalID) { // Note: Map must be ready to have either empty local or remote ID to delete an entry // perform reverse lookup of received GUID to real GUID realLocalID = aLocalID; obtainRealLocalID(realLocalID); aLocalID=realLocalID.c_str(); } else { aLocalID=NULL; } // pre-process remoteID if (!aRemoteID || *aRemoteID==0) aRemoteID=NULL; // let implementation process the map command return logicProcessMap(aRemoteID, aLocalID); } // TLocalEngineDS::engProcessMap // process sync operation from client with specified sync item // (according to current sync mode of local datastore) // - returns true (and unmodified or non-200-successful status) if // operation could be processed regularily // - returns false (but probably still successful status) if // operation was processed with internal irregularities, such as // trying to delete non-existant item in datastore with // incomplete Rollbacks (which returns status 200 in this case!). bool TLocalEngineDS::engProcessRemoteItemAsServer( TSyncItem *aSyncItemP, TStatusCommand &aStatusCommand // status, must be set to correct status code (ok / error) ) { TSyncItem *conflictingItemP=NULL; TSyncItem *echoItemP=NULL; TSyncItem *delitemP=NULL; bool changedincoming=false; bool changedexisting=false; bool remainsvisible=true; // usually, we want the item to remain visible in the sync set TStatusCommand dummy(fSessionP); // get some info out of item (we might need it after item is already consumed) TSyncOperation syncop=aSyncItemP->getSyncOp(); uInt16 itemtypeid=aSyncItemP->getTypeID(); string remoteid=aSyncItemP->getRemoteID(); // check if datastore is aborted if(CheckAborted(aStatusCommand)) return false; // send event (but no abort checking) DB_PROGRESS_EVENT(this,pev_itemreceived,++fItemsReceived,fRemoteNumberOfChanges,0); fPreventAdd = false; fIgnoreUpdate = false; // show PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("%s item operation received",SyncOpNames[syncop])); // check if receiving commands is allowed at all if (fSyncMode==smo_fromserver) { // Modifications from client not allowed during update from server only aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(403); ADDDEBUGITEM(aStatusCommand,"Client command not allowed in one-way/refresh from server"); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Client command not allowed in one-way/refresh from server")); delete aSyncItemP; return false; } // let item check itself to catch special cases // - init variables which are used/modified by item checking #ifdef SYSYNC_TARGET_OPTIONS // init item generation variables fItemSizeLimit=fSizeLimit; #else fItemSizeLimit=-1; // no limit #endif fCurrentSyncOp = syncop; fEchoItemOp = sop_none; fItemConflictStrategy=fSessionConflictStrategy; // get default strategy for this item fForceConflict = false; fDeleteWins = fDSConfigP->fDeleteWins; // default to configured value fRejectStatus = -1; // no rejection // - now check // check reads and possibly modifies: // - fEchoItemOp : if not sop_none, the incoming item is echoed back to the remote with the specified syncop // - fItemConflictStrategy : might be changed from the pre-set datastore default // - fForceConflict : if set, a conflict is forced by adding the corresponding local item (if any) to the list of items to be sent // - fDeleteWins : if set, in a replace/delete conflict delete will win (regardless of strategy) // - fPreventAdd : if set, attempt to add item from remote (even implicitly trough replace) will cause no add but delete of remote item // - fIgnoreUpdate : if set, attempt to update item from remote will be ignored, only adds (also implicit ones) are executed // - fRejectStatus : if set>=0, incoming item is irgnored silently(==0) or with error(!=0) aSyncItemP->checkItem(this); // - create echo item if we need one if (fEchoItemOp!=sop_none) { // Note: sop_add makes no sense at all. // Note: If echo is enabled, conflicts are not checked, as echo makes only sense in // cases where we know that a conflict cannot occur or is irrelevant // - artifically create a "conflicting" item, that is, one to be sent back to remote echoItemP=newItemForRemote(aSyncItemP->getTypeID()); // - assign data from incoming item if echo is not a delete if (fEchoItemOp!=sop_delete && fEchoItemOp!=sop_archive_delete && fEchoItemOp!=sop_soft_delete) echoItemP->replaceDataFrom(*aSyncItemP); // - set remote ID (note again: sop_add makes no sense here) echoItemP->setRemoteID(aSyncItemP->getRemoteID()); // - set sop echoItemP->setSyncOp(fEchoItemOp); // - now check for possible conflict if (!fSlowSync) { conflictingItemP = getConflictingItemByRemoteID(aSyncItemP); // remove item if there is one that would conflict with the echo if (conflictingItemP) dontSendItemAsServer(conflictingItemP); conflictingItemP = NULL; } // - add echo to the list of items to be sent (DB takes ownership) SendItemAsServer(echoItemP); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("Echoed item back to remote with sop=%s",SyncOpNames[fEchoItemOp])); // process item normally (except that we don't check for LUID conflicts) } // - check if incoming item should be processed at all if (fRejectStatus>=0) { // Note: a forced conflict can still occur even if item is rejected // (this has the effect of unconditionally letting the server item win) if (fForceConflict && syncop!=sop_add) { conflictingItemP = forceConflict(aSyncItemP); // Note: conflictingitem is always a replace if (conflictingItemP) { if (syncop==sop_delete) { // original was delete, forced conflict means re-adding to remote conflictingItemP->setSyncOp(sop_wants_add); } else { // merge here because we'll not process the item further conflictingItemP->mergeWith(*aSyncItemP,changedexisting,changedincoming,this); } } } // now discard the incoming item delete aSyncItemP; PDEBUGPRINTFX(fRejectStatus>=400 ? DBG_ERROR : DBG_DATA,("Item rejected with Status=%hd",fRejectStatus)); if (fRejectStatus>0) { // rejected with status code (not necessarily error) aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(fRejectStatus); if (fRejectStatus>=300) { // non 200-codes are errors ADDDEBUGITEM(aStatusCommand,"Item rejected"); return false; } } // silently rejected return true; } // now perform requested operation bool ok=false; localstatus sta; switch (syncop) { readonly_delete: // read-only handling of delete is like soft delete: remove map entry, but nothing else PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("Read-Only Datastore: Prevented actual deletion, just removing map entry")); case sop_soft_delete: // Readonly: allowed, as only map is touched // soft delete from client is treated as an indication that the item was // removed from the client's datastore, but is still in the set // of sync data for that client. // This means that the map item must be removed. // - when the item is hard-deleted on the server, nothing will happen at next sync // - when the item is modified on the server, it will be re-added to the client at next sync // - when slow sync is performed, the item will be re-added, too. // %%%%% Note that this does NOT work as it is now, as adds also occur for non-modified // items that have no map AND are visible under current targetFilter. // probably we should use a map entry with no remoteID for soft-deleted items later.... // Delete Map entry by remote ID aSyncItemP->clearLocalID(); // none sta=engProcessMap(aSyncItemP->getRemoteID(),NULL); ok=sta==LOCERR_OK; aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(ok ? 200 : sta); break; case sop_archive_delete: if (fReadOnly) goto readonly_delete; // register removal of item in map, but do nothing to data itself #ifdef OBJECT_FILTERING if (!fDSConfigP->fInvisibleFilter.empty()) { // turn into replace with all fields unavailable but made to pass invisible filter // - make sure that no data field is assigned aSyncItemP->cleardata(); // - make item pass "invisible" filter if (aSyncItemP->makePassFilter(fDSConfigP->fInvisibleFilter.c_str())) { // item now passes invisible rule, that is, it is invisible -> replace in DB goto archive_delete; } } // fall trough, no archive delete supported #endif // No archive delete support if there is no filter to detect/generate invisibles // before SyncML 1.1 : we could return 210 here and still process the delete op. // SyncML 1.1 : we must return 501 (not implemented) here aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(501); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Datastore does not support Archive-Delete, error status = 501")); delete aSyncItemP; ok=false; break; case sop_delete: // delete item by LUID if (fSlowSync) { aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(403); ADDDEBUGITEM(aStatusCommand,"Delete during slow sync not allowed"); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Delete during slow sync not allowed")); delete aSyncItemP; ok=false; break; } // check for conflict with replace from server // Note: conflict cases do not change local DB, so they are allowed before checking fReadOnly if (!echoItemP) conflictingItemP = getConflictingItemByRemoteID(aSyncItemP); // do not check conflicts if we have already created an echo // - check if we must force the conflict if (!conflictingItemP && fForceConflict) { conflictingItemP=forceConflict(aSyncItemP); } if (conflictingItemP) { // conflict only if other party has replace if (conflictingItemP->getSyncOp()==sop_replace || conflictingItemP->getSyncOp()==sop_wants_replace) { if (!fDeleteWins) { // act as if successfully deleted and cause re-adding of still existing server item // - discard deletion delete aSyncItemP; // - remove map entry for this item (it no longer exists on the client) sta = engProcessMap(NULL,conflictingItemP->getLocalID()); aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(sta==LOCERR_OK ? 200 : sta); // - change replace to add (as to-be-replaced item is already deleted on remote) conflictingItemP->setSyncOp(sop_add); // - remove remote ID (will be assigned a new ID because the item is now re-added) conflictingItemP->setRemoteID(""); // - no server operation needed PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("Conflict of Client Delete with Server replace -> discarded delete, re-added server item to client")); ok=true; break; } else { // delete preceedes replace // - avoid sending item from server dontSendItemAsServer(conflictingItemP); // - let delete happen } } // if both have deleted the item, we should remove the map // and avoid sending a delete to the client else if (conflictingItemP->getSyncOp()==sop_delete) { // - discard deletion delete aSyncItemP; // - remove map entry for this item (it no longer exists) sta = engProcessMap(NULL,conflictingItemP->getLocalID()); aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(sta==LOCERR_OK ? 200 : sta); // - make sure delete from server is not sent dontSendItemAsServer(conflictingItemP); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("Client and Server have deleted same item -> just removed map entry")); ok=true; break; } } // real delete is discarded silently when fReadOnly is set if (fReadOnly) goto readonly_delete; // register removal of item in map, but do nothing to data itself // really delete fLocalItemsDeleted++; remainsvisible=false; // deleted not visible any more ok=logicProcessRemoteItem(aSyncItemP,aStatusCommand,remainsvisible); // delete in local database NOW break; case sop_copy: if (fReadOnly) { delete aSyncItemP; // we don't need it aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(200); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("Read-Only: copy command silently discarded")); ok=true; break; } // %%% note: this would belong into specific datastore implementation, but is here // now for simplicity as copy isn't used heavily het // retrieve data from local datastore if (!logicRetrieveItemByID(*aSyncItemP,aStatusCommand)) { ok=false; break; } // process like add /// @todo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NOTE: MISSING SENDING BACK MAP COMMAND for new GUID created goto normal_add; case sop_add: // test for slow sync if (fSlowSync) goto sop_slow_add; // add in slow sync is like replace normal_add: // add as new item to server DB aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(201); // item added (if no error occurs) if (fReadOnly) { delete aSyncItemP; // we don't need it PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("Read-Only: add command silently discarded")); ok=true; break; } // check if adds are prevented if (!fPreventAdd) { // add allowed fLocalItemsAdded++; #ifdef OBJECT_FILTERING // test if acceptable if (!isAcceptable(aSyncItemP,aStatusCommand)) { ok=false; break; } // cannot be accepted // Note: making item to pass sync set filter is implemented in derived DB implementation // as criteria for passing might be in data that must first be read from the DB #endif remainsvisible=true; // should remain visible ok=logicProcessRemoteItem(aSyncItemP,aStatusCommand,remainsvisible); // add to local database NOW if (!remainsvisible && fSessionP->getSyncMLVersion()>=syncml_vers_1_2) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA+DBG_HOT,("Added item is not visible under current filters -> remove it on client")); goto removefromremoteandsyncset; } break; } goto preventadd; archive_delete: sop_slow_add: aSyncItemP->setSyncOp(sop_replace); // set correct op // ...and process like replace case sop_reference_only: case sop_replace: #ifdef OBJECT_FILTERING // test if acceptable if (!isAcceptable(aSyncItemP,aStatusCommand)) { ok=false; break; } // cannot be accepted // Note: making item to pass sync set filter is implemented in derived DB implementation // as criteria for passing might be in data that must first be read from the DB #endif // check for conflict with server side modifications if (!fSlowSync) { if (!echoItemP) conflictingItemP = getConflictingItemByRemoteID(aSyncItemP); // - check if we must force the conflict if (!conflictingItemP && fForceConflict) { conflictingItemP=forceConflict(aSyncItemP); } bool deleteconflict=false; if (conflictingItemP) { // Note: if there is a conflict, this replace cannot be an // implicit add, so we don't need to check for fPreventAdd // here. // Note: if we are in ignoreUpdate mode, the only conflict resolution // possible is unconditional server win sInt16 cmpRes = SYSYNC_NOT_COMPARABLE; // assume we can resolve the conflict aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(419); // default to server win ADDDEBUGITEM(aStatusCommand,"Conflict resolved by server"); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_HOT,( "Conflict: Remote <%s> with remoteID=%s <--> Local <%s> with localID=%s, remoteID=%s", SyncOpNames[aSyncItemP->getSyncOp()], aSyncItemP->getRemoteID(), SyncOpNames[conflictingItemP->getSyncOp()], conflictingItemP->getLocalID(), conflictingItemP->getRemoteID() )); // we have a conflict, decide what to do TConflictResolution crstrategy; if (fReadOnly || fIgnoreUpdate) { // server always wins and overwrites modified client version PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("Read-Only or IgnoreUpdate: server always wins")); crstrategy=cr_server_wins; } else { // two-way crstrategy = fItemConflictStrategy; // get conflict strategy pre-set for this item if (conflictingItemP->getSyncOp()==sop_delete) { // server wants to delete item, client wants to replace if (fDSConfigP->fTryUpdateDeleted) { // if items are not really deleted, but only made invisible, // we can assume we can update the "deleted" item // BUT ONLY if the conflict strategy is not "server always wins" if (crstrategy==cr_server_wins) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO+DBG_HOT,("Conflict of Client Replace with Server delete and strategy is server-wins -> delete from client")); aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(419); // server wins, client command ignored break; // done } else { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO+DBG_HOT,("Conflict of Client Replace with Server delete -> try to update already deleted item (as it might still exist in syncset)")); // apply replace (and in case of !fDeleteWins, possible implicit add) fPreventAdd=fDeleteWins; // we want implicit add only if delete cannot win remainsvisible=!fDeleteWins; // we want to see the item in the sync set if delete does not win! ok=logicProcessRemoteItem(aSyncItemP,aStatusCommand,remainsvisible); } if (fDeleteWins) { if (!ok) { // could not update already deleted item PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("Could not update already deleted server item (seems to be really deleted, not just invisible)")); aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(419); // server wins, client command ignored } else { // update of invisible item successful, but it will still be deleted from client // Note: possibly, the update was apparently successful, but only because an UPDATE with no // target does not report an error. So effectively, no update might have happened. PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("Updated already deleted server item, but delete still wins -> client item will be deleted")); fLocalItemsUpdated++; aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(200); // client command successful (but same item will still be deleted) } // nothing more to do, let delete happen on the client (conflictingItemP delete will be sent) ok=true; } else { // not fDeleteWins - item failed, updated or implicitly added if (ok) { // update (or implicit add) successful if (aStatusCommand.getStatusCode()==201) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("Client Update wins and has re-added already deleted server item -> prevent delete on client")); fLocalItemsAdded++; } else { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("Client Update wins and has updated still existing server item -> prevent delete on client")); fLocalItemsUpdated++; } // and client item wins - prevent sending delete to client // - don't send delete to client conflictingItemP->setSyncOp(sop_none); // just in case... dontSendItemAsServer(conflictingItemP); } } // done break; } else { // Normal delete conflict processing (assuming deleted items REALLY deleted) if (!fDeleteWins) { // - client always wins (replace over delete) crstrategy=cr_client_wins; deleteconflict=true; // flag condition for processing below // - change from replace to add, because item is already deleted in server and must be re-added fLocalItemsAdded++; aSyncItemP->setSyncOp(sop_add); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("Conflict of Client Replace with Server delete -> client wins, client item is re-added to server")); } else { // delete wins, just discard incoming item delete aSyncItemP; PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("Conflict of Client Replace with Server delete -> DELETEWINS() set -> ignore client replace")); ok=true; break; } } } else { // replace from client conflicts with replace from server // - compare items for further conflict resolution // NOTE: it is serveritem.compareWith(clientitem) cmpRes = conflictingItemP->compareWith( *aSyncItemP,eqm_conflict,this #ifdef SYDEBUG ,PDEBUGTEST(DBG_CONFLICT) // show conflict comparisons in normal sync if conflict details are enabled #endif ); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,( "Compared conflicting items with eqm_conflict: remoteItem %s localItem", cmpRes==0 ? "==" : (cmpRes>0 ? "<" : ">") )); // see if we can determine newer item if (crstrategy==cr_newer_wins) { if (cmpRes!=0 && conflictingItemP->sortable(*aSyncItemP)) { // newer item wins // (comparison was: serveritem.compareWith(clientitem), so // cmpRes<0 means that client is newer PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("Conflict resolved by identifying newer item")); if (cmpRes > 0) crstrategy=cr_server_wins; // server has newer item else crstrategy=cr_client_wins; // client has newer item } else { // newer item cannot be determined, duplicate items crstrategy=cr_duplicate; } PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,( "Newer item %sdetermined: %s", crstrategy==cr_duplicate ? "NOT " : "", crstrategy==cr_client_wins ? "Client item is newer and wins" : (crstrategy==cr_server_wins ? "Server item is newer ans wins" : "item is duplicated if different") )); } } // modify strategy based on compare if (cmpRes==0 && crstrategy==cr_duplicate) { // items are equal by definition of item comparison, // but obviously both changed, this means that changes should be // mergeable // So, by deciding arbitrarily that server has won, we will not loose any data crstrategy=cr_server_wins; // does not matter, because merge will be attempted PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("Duplication avoided because items are equal by their own definition, just merge")); } // if adds prevented, we cannot duplicate, let server win if (fPreventAdd && crstrategy==cr_duplicate) crstrategy=cr_server_wins; } // not fReadOnly // now apply strategy if (crstrategy==cr_duplicate) { // add items vice versa PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("Conflict resolved by duplicating items in both databases")); aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(209); fConflictsDuplicated++; // - set server item such that it will be added as new item to client DB conflictingItemP->setSyncOp(sop_add); // - break up mapping between client and server item BEFORE adding to server // because else adding of item with already existing remoteID can fail. // In addition, item now being sent to client may not have a map before // it receives a map command from the client! sta = engProcessMap(NULL,conflictingItemP->getLocalID()); if(sta!=LOCERR_OK) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,( "Problem (status=%hd) removing map entry for LocalID='%s'", sta, conflictingItemP->getLocalID() )); } // - add client item as new item to server DB fLocalItemsAdded++; aSyncItemP->setSyncOp(sop_add); // set correct op remainsvisible=true; // should remain visible ok=logicProcessRemoteItem(aSyncItemP,aStatusCommand,remainsvisible); // add to local database NOW break; } else if (crstrategy==cr_server_wins) { // Note: for fReadOnly, this is always the case! // server item wins and is sent to client PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("Conflict resolved: server item replaces client item")); aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(419); // server wins, client command ignored fConflictsServerWins++; // - make sure item is set to replace data in client conflictingItemP->setSyncOp(sop_replace); // - attempt to merge data from loosing item (accumulating fields) if (!fReadOnly) { conflictingItemP->mergeWith(*aSyncItemP,changedexisting,changedincoming,this); } if (fIgnoreUpdate) changedexisting=false; // never try to update existing item if (changedexisting) { // we have merged something, so server must be updated, too // Note: after merge, both items are equal. We check if conflictingitem // has changed, but if yes, we write the incoming item. Conflicting item // will get sent to client later PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("*** Merged some data from loosing client item into winning server item")); // set correct status for conflict resultion by merge aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(207); // merged // process update in local database fLocalItemsUpdated++; aSyncItemP->setSyncOp(sop_replace); // update remainsvisible=true; // should remain visible ok=logicProcessRemoteItem(aSyncItemP,aStatusCommand,remainsvisible); // update in local database NOW break; } else { // - item sent by client has lost and can be deleted now // %%% possibly add option here to archive item in some way // BUT ONLY IF NOT fReadOnly delete aSyncItemP; } } else if (crstrategy==cr_client_wins) { // client item wins and is sent to server PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("Conflict resolved: client item replaces server item")); aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(208); // client wins fConflictsClientWins++; // - attempt to merge data from loosing item (accumulating fields) if (!deleteconflict) { aSyncItemP->mergeWith(*conflictingItemP,changedincoming,changedexisting,this); } if (changedincoming) { // we have merged something, so client must be updated even if it has won // Note: after merge, both items are equal. We check if aSyncItemP // has changed, but if yes, we make sure the conflicting item gets // sent to the client PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("*** Merged some data from loosing server item into winning client item")); conflictingItemP->setSyncOp(sop_replace); // update // set correct status for conflict resultion by merge aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(207); // merged // will be sent because it is in the list } else { // - make sure conflicting item from server is NOT sent to client conflictingItemP->setSyncOp(sop_none); // just in case... dontSendItemAsServer(conflictingItemP); aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(200); // ok } // - replace item in server (or leave it as is, if conflict was with delete) if (!deleteconflict) { fLocalItemsUpdated++; aSyncItemP->setSyncOp(sop_replace); } remainsvisible=true; // should remain visible ok=logicProcessRemoteItem(aSyncItemP,aStatusCommand,remainsvisible); // replace in local database NOW break; } } // replace conflict else { // normal replace without any conflict if (fReadOnly) { delete aSyncItemP; // we don't need it aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(200); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("Read-Only: replace command silently discarded")); ok=true; break; } // no conflict, just let client replace server's item PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA+DBG_CONFLICT,("No Conflict: client item replaces server item")); // - replace item in server (or add if item does not exist and not fPreventAdd) aSyncItemP->setSyncOp(sop_replace); remainsvisible=true; // should remain visible if (!logicProcessRemoteItem(aSyncItemP,aStatusCommand,remainsvisible)) { // check if this is a 404 or 410 and fPreventAdd if (fPreventAdd && (aStatusCommand.getStatusCode()==404 || aStatusCommand.getStatusCode()==410)) goto preventadd2; // to-be-replaced item not found and implicit add prevented -> delete from remote // simply failed ok=false; break; } // still visible in sync set? if (!remainsvisible && fSessionP->getSyncMLVersion()>=syncml_vers_1_2) { // -> cause item to be deleted on remote PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA+DBG_HOT,("Item replaced no longer visible in syncset -> returning delete to remote")); goto removefromremoteandsyncset; } // processed ok if (aStatusCommand.getStatusCode()==201) fLocalItemsAdded++; else fLocalItemsUpdated++; ok=true; break; } } // normal sync else { // slow sync (replaces AND adds are treated the same) // - first do a strict search for identical item. This is required to // prevent that in case of multiple (loosely compared) matches we // catch the wrong item and cause a mess at slowsync // NOTE: we do compare only relevant fields (eqm_conflict) TSyncItem *matchingItemP = getMatchingItem(aSyncItemP,eqm_conflict); if (!matchingItemP) { // try again with less strict comparison (eqm_slowsync or eqm_always for firsttimesync) DEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA+DBG_MATCH,("Strict search for matching item failed, try with configured EqMode now")); matchingItemP = getMatchingItem(aSyncItemP,fFirstTimeSync ? eqm_always : eqm_slowsync); } if (matchingItemP) { // both sides already have this item PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA+DBG_HOT,( "Slow Sync Match detected - localID='%s' matches incoming item", matchingItemP->getLocalID() )); fSlowSyncMatches++; aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(syncop==sop_add ? 201 : 200); // default is: simply ok. But if original op was Add, MUST return 201 status (SCTS requires it) bool matchingok=false; // - do not update map yet, as we still don't know if client item will // possibly be added instead of mapped // Note: ONLY in case this is a reference-only item, the map is already updated! bool mapupdated = syncop==sop_reference_only; // - determine which one is winning bool needserverupdate=false; bool needclientupdate=false; // if updates are ignored, we can short-cut here // Note: if this is a reference-only item, it was already updated (if needed) before last suspend // so skip updating now! if (syncop!=sop_reference_only && !fIgnoreUpdate) { // Not a reference-only and also updates not suppressed // - for a read-only datastore, this defaults to server always winning TConflictResolution crstrategy = fReadOnly ? cr_server_wins : // server always wins for read-only fItemConflictStrategy; // pre-set strategy for this item // Determine what data to use if (crstrategy==cr_newer_wins) { // use newer // Note: comparison is clientitem.compareWith(serveritem) // so if result>0, client is newer than server sInt16 cmpRes = aSyncItemP->compareWith( *matchingItemP,eqm_nocompare,this #ifdef SYDEBUG ,PDEBUGTEST(DBG_CONFLICT+DBG_DETAILS) // show age comparisons only if we want to see details #endif ); if (cmpRes==1) crstrategy=cr_client_wins; else if (cmpRes==-1 || fPreventAdd) crstrategy=cr_server_wins; // server wins if adds prevented else crstrategy=cr_duplicate; // fall back to duplication if we can't determine newer item PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,( "Newer item %sdetermined: %s", crstrategy==cr_duplicate ? "NOT " : "", crstrategy==cr_client_wins ? "Client item is newer and wins" : (crstrategy==cr_server_wins ? "Server item is newer and wins" : "item is duplicated if different") )); } // if adds prevented, we cannot duplicate, let server win if (fPreventAdd && crstrategy==cr_duplicate) crstrategy=cr_server_wins; // now execute chosen strategy if (crstrategy==cr_client_wins) { // - merge server's data into client item PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("Trying to merge some data from loosing server item into winning client item")); aSyncItemP->mergeWith(*matchingItemP,changedincoming,changedexisting,this); // only count if server gets updated if (changedexisting) fConflictsClientWins++; // Note: changedexisting will cause needserverupdate to be set below } else if (crstrategy==cr_server_wins) { // - merge client data into server item PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("Trying to merge some data from loosing client item into winning server item")); matchingItemP->mergeWith(*aSyncItemP,changedexisting,changedincoming,this); // only count if client gets updated if (changedincoming) fConflictsServerWins++; // Note: changedincoming will cause needclientupdate to be set below } else if (crstrategy==cr_duplicate) { // test if items are equal enough // (Note: for first-sync, compare mode for item matching can be looser // (eqm_always), so re-comparison here makes sense) if ( matchingItemP->compareWith( *aSyncItemP,eqm_slowsync,this #ifdef SYDEBUG ,PDEBUGTEST(DBG_CONFLICT+DBG_DETAILS) // show equality re-test only for details enabled #endif )!=0 ) { string guid; // items are not really equal in content, so duplicate them on both sides PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("Matching items are not fully equal, duplicate them on both sides")); fConflictsDuplicated++; // - duplicates contain merged data matchingItemP->mergeWith(*aSyncItemP,changedexisting,changedincoming,this); // - add client item (with server data merged) as new item to server fLocalItemsAdded++; aSyncItemP->setSyncOp(sop_add); aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(201); // item added (if no error occurs) remainsvisible=true; // should remain visible matchingok=logicProcessRemoteItem(aSyncItemP,aStatusCommand,remainsvisible,&guid); // add item in local database NOW aSyncItemP=NULL; // is already deleted! if (matchingok) { // do it only if server add successful, because otherwise we don't have a GUID // - make sure same item is ADDED as new item to client matchingItemP->setSyncOp(sop_add); // add it, prevent it from re-match (is sop_wants_add now) matchingItemP->setLocalID(guid.c_str()); // this is now a pair with the newly added item (not the original one) matchingItemP->setRemoteID(""); // we don't know the remote ID yet } // adding duplicate to server (add) is already done changedexisting=false; changedincoming=false; mapupdated=true; // no need to update map needserverupdate=false; // already done // client must received the (updated) server item as an add (set above) needclientupdate=true; } } } // if not ignoreUpdate // Update server map now if required // - NOTE THAT THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO DO BEFORE any possible // replaces, because replacing the matchingItem can only be // done via its remoteID, which is, at this moment, probably not // valid. After Mapping, it is ensured that the mapped remoteID // uniquely identifies the matchingItem. if (!mapupdated) { // - update map in server sta = engProcessMap( aSyncItemP->getRemoteID(), // remote ID (LUID) of item received from client matchingItemP->getLocalID() // local ID (GUID) of item already stored in server ); matchingok = sta==LOCERR_OK; if (!matchingok) { // failed ok=false; aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(sta); break; } } // Now prepare updates of (already mapped) server and client items if needed if (changedexisting) { // matched item in server's sync set was changed and must be update in server DB // update server only if updates during non-first-time slowsync are enabled if (fFirstTimeSync || fSessionP->fUpdateServerDuringSlowsync) { needserverupdate=true; // note: ineffective if fReadOnly PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA+DBG_HOT,("Server data was updated by record sent by client, REPLACE it in server DB")); } else { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA+DBG_HOT,("Server data was updated by record sent by client, but server updates during non-firsttime slowsyncs are disabled")); } } if (changedincoming) { // incoming item from remote was changed after receiving and must be reflected // back to client // NOTE: this can also happen with sop_reference_only items // - client will be updated because matchingItemP is still in list matchingItemP->setSyncOp(sop_replace); // cancel wants_add state, prevent re-match // - matchingItem was retrieved BEFORE map was done, and has no valid remote ID // so remote ID must be added now. matchingItemP->setRemoteID(aSyncItemP->getRemoteID()); // update client only if updates during non-first-time slowsync are enabled if (fFirstTimeSync || fSessionP->fUpdateClientDuringSlowsync) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA+DBG_HOT,("Record sent by client was updated with server data, client will receive a REPLACE")); needclientupdate=true; } else { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA+DBG_HOT,("Record sent by client was updated, but client updates during non-firsttime slowsyncs are disabled")); } } // update // - check if client must be updated if (!needclientupdate) { // prevent updating client // - make sure matching item from server is NOT sent to client matchingItemP->setSyncOp(sop_none); // just in case... dontSendItemAsServer(matchingItemP); } else { // check if replaces may be sent to client during slowsync if (matchingItemP->getSyncOp()==sop_replace && fSessionP->fNoReplaceInSlowsync) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA+DBG_HOT,("Update of client item suppressed because of ")); matchingItemP->setSyncOp(sop_none); // just in case... dontSendItemAsServer(matchingItemP); } else { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA+DBG_HOT,("Update of client item enabled (will be sent later)")); } } // - check if server must be updated (NEVER for fReadOnly) if (!fReadOnly && needserverupdate && aSyncItemP) { // update server // - update server side (NOTE: processItemAsServer takes ownership, pointer gets invalid!) fLocalItemsUpdated++; aSyncItemP->setSyncOp(sop_replace); remainsvisible=true; // should remain visible matchingok=logicProcessRemoteItem(aSyncItemP,aStatusCommand,remainsvisible); // replace item in local database NOW PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA+DBG_HOT,("Updated server item")); } else { // - delete incoming item unprocessed (if not already deleted) if (aSyncItemP) delete aSyncItemP; } // check if we need to actively delete item from the client as it falls out of the filter if (!remainsvisible && fSessionP->getSyncMLVersion()>=syncml_vers_1_2) { // -> cause item to be deleted on remote PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA+DBG_HOT,("Slow sync matched item no longer visible in syncset -> returning delete to remote")); goto removefromremoteandsyncset; } ok=matchingok; break; } else { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA+DBG_HOT,("No matching item found - add it to local database")); // this item is not yet on the server, add it normally aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(201); // item added (if no error occurs) if (fReadOnly) { delete aSyncItemP; // we don't need it PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("Read-Only: slow-sync add/replace command silently discarded")); ok=true; break; } if (fPreventAdd) goto preventadd; fLocalItemsAdded++; aSyncItemP->setSyncOp(sop_add); // set correct op remainsvisible=true; // should remain visible ok=logicProcessRemoteItem(aSyncItemP,aStatusCommand,remainsvisible); // add to local database NOW break; } } // slow sync break; // just in case.... preventadd: // add not allowed, delete remote item instead // - consume original delete aSyncItemP; preventadd2: aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(201); // pretend adding item was successful PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("Prevented explicit add, returning delete to remote")); ok=true; goto removefromremote; // as we have PREVENTED adding the item, it is not in the map removefromremoteandsyncset: // remove item from local map first engProcessMap(remoteid.c_str(),NULL); removefromremote: // have item removed from remote delitemP = newItemForRemote(itemtypeid); delitemP->setRemoteID(remoteid.c_str()); delitemP->setSyncOp(sop_delete); SendItemAsServer(delitemP); // pass ownership break; default : SYSYNC_THROW(TSyncException("Unknown sync op in TLocalEngineDS::processRemoteItemAsServer")); } // switch if (ok) { DB_PROGRESS_EVENT(this,pev_itemprocessed,fLocalItemsAdded,fLocalItemsUpdated,fLocalItemsDeleted); } else { // if the DB has a error string to show, add it here aStatusCommand.addItemString(lastDBErrorText().c_str()); } // done return ok; } // TLocalEngineDS::engProcessRemoteItemAsServer /// @brief called at end of request processing, should be used to save suspend state /// @note superdatastore does it itself to have correct order of things happening void TLocalEngineDS::engRequestEnded(void) { #ifdef SUPERDATASTORES if (fAsSubDatastoreOf) return; #endif // If DS 1.2: Make sure everything is ready for a resume in case there's an abort (implicit Suspend) // before the next request. Note that the we cannot wait for session timeout, as the resume attempt // from the client probably arrives much earlier. // Note: It is ESSENTIAL not to save the state until sync set is ready, because saving state will // cause DB access, and DB access is not permitted while sync set is possibly still loading // (possibly in a separate thread!). So dssta_syncmodestable (as in <= is NOT enough here! if (testState(dssta_syncsetready)) { // make sure all unsent items are marked for resume engSaveSuspendState(false); // only if not already aborted } // let datastore prepare for end of request dsRequestEnded(); // and let it prepare for end of this thread as well dsThreadMayChangeNow(); } // TLocalEngineDS::engRequestEnded #endif // SYSYNC_SERVER #ifdef SYSYNC_CLIENT // Client Case // =========== // process sync operation from server with specified sync item // (according to current sync mode of local datastore) // - returns true (and unmodified or non-200-successful status) if // operation could be processed regularily // - returns false (but probably still successful status) if // operation was processed with internal irregularities, such as // trying to delete non-existant item in datastore with // incomplete Rollbacks (which returns status 200 in this case!). bool TLocalEngineDS::engProcessRemoteItemAsClient( TSyncItem *aSyncItemP, TStatusCommand &aStatusCommand // status, must be set to correct status code (ok / error) ) { string remoteid,localid; bool ok; bool remainsvisible; // send event and check for user abort #ifdef PROGRESS_EVENTS if (!DB_PROGRESS_EVENT(this,pev_itemreceived,++fItemsReceived,fRemoteNumberOfChanges,0)) { fSessionP->AbortSession(500,true,LOCERR_USERABORT); // this also causes datastore to be aborted } if (!SESSION_PROGRESS_EVENT(fSessionP,pev_suspendcheck,NULL,0,0,0)) { fSessionP->SuspendSession(LOCERR_USERSUSPEND); } #endif // check if datastore is aborted if (CheckAborted(aStatusCommand)) return false; // init behaviour vars (these are normally used by server only, // but must be initialized correctly for client as well as descendants might test them fPreventAdd = false; fIgnoreUpdate = false; // get operation out of item TSyncOperation syncop=aSyncItemP->getSyncOp(); // show DEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_DATA,("%s item operation received",SyncOpNames[syncop])); // check if receiving commands is allowed at all // - must be in correct sync state if (!testState(dssta_syncgendone)) { // Modifications from server not allowed before client has done sync gen // %%% we could possibly relax this one, depending on the DB aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(403); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Server command not allowed before client has sent entire ")); delete aSyncItemP; return false; } // - must not be one-way if (fSyncMode==smo_fromclient) { // Modifications from server not allowed during update from client only aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(403); ADDDEBUGITEM(aStatusCommand,"Server command not allowed in one-way/refresh from client"); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Server command not allowed in one-way/refresh from client")); delete aSyncItemP; return false; } else { // silently discard all modifications if readonly if (fReadOnly) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Read-Only: silently discarding all modifications")); aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(200); // always ok (but never "added"), so server cannot expect Map delete aSyncItemP; return true; } // let item check itself to catch special cases // - init variables which are used/modified by item checking fItemSizeLimit=-1; // no limit fCurrentSyncOp = syncop; fEchoItemOp = sop_none; fItemConflictStrategy=fSessionConflictStrategy; // get default strategy for this item fForceConflict = false; fDeleteWins = fDSConfigP->fDeleteWins; // default to configured value fRejectStatus = -1; // no rejection // - now check // check reads and possibly modifies: // - fEchoItemOp : if not sop_none, the incoming item is echoed back to the remote with the specified syncop // - fItemConflictStrategy : might be changed from the pre-set datastore default // - fForceConflict : if set, a conflict is forced by adding the corresponding local item (if any) to the list of items to be sent // - fDeleteWins : if set, in a replace/delete conflict delete will win (regardless of strategy) // - fPreventAdd : if set, attempt to add item from remote (even implicitly trough replace) will cause no add but delete of remote item // - fIgnoreUpdate : if set, attempt to update item from remote will be ignored, only adds (also implicit ones) are executed // - fRejectStatus : if set>=0, incoming item is irgnored silently(==0) or with error(!=0) aSyncItemP->checkItem(this); // - check if incoming item should be processed at all if (fRejectStatus>=0) { // now discard the incoming item delete aSyncItemP; PDEBUGPRINTFX(fRejectStatus>=400 ? DBG_ERROR : DBG_DATA,("Item rejected with Status=%hd",fRejectStatus)); if (fRejectStatus>0) { // rejected with status code (not necessarily error) aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(fRejectStatus); if (fRejectStatus>=300) { // non 200-codes are errors ADDDEBUGITEM(aStatusCommand,"Item rejected"); return false; } } // silently rejected return true; } // now perform requested operation switch (syncop) { case sop_soft_delete: case sop_archive_delete: case sop_delete: // delete item fLocalItemsDeleted++; remainsvisible=false; // deleted not visible any more ok=logicProcessRemoteItem(aSyncItemP,aStatusCommand,remainsvisible); // delete in local database NOW break; case sop_copy: // %%% note: this would belong into specific datastore implementation, but is here // now for simplicity as copy isn't used heavily het // retrieve data from local datastore if (!logicRetrieveItemByID(*aSyncItemP,aStatusCommand)) { ok=false; break; } // process like add case sop_add: // add as new item to client DB aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(201); // item added (if no error occurs) fLocalItemsAdded++; // add to local datastore // - get remoteid BEFORE processing item (as logicProcessRemoteItem consumes the item!!) remoteid=aSyncItemP->getRemoteID(); // get remote ID // check if this remoteid is already known from last session - if so, this means that // this add was re-sent and must NOT be executed if (isAddFromLastSession(remoteid.c_str())) { aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(418); // already exists PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Warning: Item with same server-side ID (GUID) was already added in previous session - ignore add now")); delete aSyncItemP; // forget item ok=false; break; } #ifdef OBJECT_FILTERING if (!isAcceptable(aSyncItemP,aStatusCommand)) { delete aSyncItemP; // forget item ok=false; // cannot be accepted break; } #endif remainsvisible=true; // should remain visible ok=logicProcessRemoteItem(aSyncItemP,aStatusCommand,remainsvisible,&localid); // add to local database NOW, get back local GUID if (!ok) break; // if added (not replaced), we need to send map if (aStatusCommand.getStatusCode()==201) { // really added: remember map entry DEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ADMIN+DBG_DETAILS,( "engProcessRemoteItemAsClient: add command: adding new entry to fPendingAddMaps - localid='%s', remoteID='%s'", localid.c_str(), remoteid.c_str() )); fPendingAddMaps[localid]=remoteid; } ok=true; // fine break; case sop_replace: // - replace item in client fLocalItemsUpdated++; aSyncItemP->setSyncOp(sop_replace); #ifdef OBJECT_FILTERING if (!isAcceptable(aSyncItemP,aStatusCommand)) { ok=false; // cannot be accepted break; } #endif // - get remoteid BEFORE processing item (as logicProcessRemoteItem consumes the item!!), // in case replace is converted to add and we need to register a map entry. remoteid=aSyncItemP->getRemoteID(); // get remote ID remainsvisible=true; // should remain visible ok=logicProcessRemoteItem(aSyncItemP,aStatusCommand,remainsvisible,&localid); // replace in local database NOW // if added (not replaced), we need to send map if (aStatusCommand.getStatusCode()==201) { // Note: logicProcessRemoteItem should NOT do an add if we have no remoteid, but return 404. // The following check is just additional security. // really added: remember map entry if server sent remoteID (normally, it won't for Replace) if (!remoteid.empty()) { // we can handle that, as remote sent us the remoteID we need to map it correctly DEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ADMIN+DBG_DETAILS,( "engProcessRemoteItemAsClient: replace command for unknown localID but with remoteID -> adding new entry to fPendingAddMaps - localid='%s', remoteID='%s'", localid.c_str(), remoteid.c_str() )); fPendingAddMaps[localid]=remoteid; } else { // we cannot handle this (we shouldn't have, in logicProcessRemoteItem!!) aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(510); ok=false; } } break; // fine, ok = irregularity status default: SYSYNC_THROW(TSyncException("Unknown sync op in TLocalEngineDS::processRemoteItemAsClient")); } // switch // processed if (ok) { DB_PROGRESS_EVENT(this,pev_itemprocessed,fLocalItemsAdded,fLocalItemsUpdated,fLocalItemsDeleted); } else { // if the DB has a error string to show, add it here aStatusCommand.addItemString(lastDBErrorText().c_str()); } return ok; } } // TLocalEngineDS::processRemoteItemAsClient // client case: called whenever outgoing Message of Sync Package starts void TLocalEngineDS::engClientStartOfSyncMessage(void) { // is called for all local datastores, even inactive ones, so check state first if (testState(dssta_dataaccessstarted) && !isAborted()) { // only alerted non-sub datastores will start a command here, ONCE // if there are pending maps, they will be sent FIRST if (fRemoteDatastoreP) { if (!testState(dssta_clientsyncgenstarted)) { // shift state to syncgen started // NOTE: if all sync commands can be sent at once, // state will change again by issuing , so // it MUST be changed here (not after issuing!) changeState(dssta_clientsyncgenstarted,true); // - make sure remotedatastore has correct full name fRemoteDatastoreP->setFullName(getRemoteDBPath()); // an interrupted command at this point is a map command - continueIssue() will take care if (!fSessionP->isInterrupedCmdPending() && numUnsentMaps()>0) { // Check for pending maps from previous session (even in DS 1.0..1.1 case this is possible) fUnconfirmedMaps.clear(); // no unconfirmed maps left... fLastSessionMaps.clear(); // ...and no lastSessionMaps yet: all are in pendingMaps // if this is a not-resumed slow sync, pending maps must not be sent, but discarded if (isSlowSync() && !isResuming()) { // forget the pending maps PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_HOT,("There are %ld cached map entries from last Session, but this is a non-resumed slow sync: discard them",(long)numUnsentMaps())); fPendingAddMaps.clear(); } else { // - now sending pending (cached) map commands from previous session // Note: if map command was already started, the // finished(), continueIssue() mechanism will make sure that // more commands are generated. This mechanism will also make // sure that outgoing package cannot get until // map is completely sent. // Note2: subdatastores do not generate their own map commands, // but are called by superdatastore for contributing to united map if (!isSubDatastore()) { PDEBUGBLOCKFMT(("LastSessionMaps","Now sending cached map entries from last Session","datastore=%s",getName())); TMapCommand *mapcmdP = new TMapCommand( fSessionP, this, // local datastore fRemoteDatastoreP // remote datastore ); // issue ISSUE_COMMAND_ROOT(fSessionP,mapcmdP); PDEBUGENDBLOCK("LastSessionMaps"); } } } // Now, send sync command (unless we are a subdatastore, in this case the superdatastore will take care) if (!isSubDatastore()) { // Note: if sync command was already started, the // finished(), continueIssue() mechanism will make sure that // more commands are generated // Note2: subdatastores do not generate their own sync commands, // but switch to dssta_client/serversyncgenstarted for contributing to united sync command TSyncCommand *synccmdP = new TSyncCommand( fSessionP, this, // local datastore fRemoteDatastoreP // remote datastore ); // issue ISSUE_COMMAND_ROOT(fSessionP,synccmdP); } } } else { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("engClientStartOfSyncMessage can't start sync phase - missing remotedatastore")); changeState(dssta_idle,true); // force to idle, nothing happened yet } } // if dsssta_dataaccessstarted and not aborted } // TLocalEngineDS::engClientStartOfSyncMessage // Client only: returns number of unsent map items sInt32 TLocalEngineDS::numUnsentMaps(void) { return fPendingAddMaps.size(); } // TLocalEngineDS::numUnsentMaps // Client only: called whenever outgoing Message starts that may contain commands // @param[in] aNotYetInMapPackage set if we are still in sync-from-server package // @note usually, client starts sending maps while still receiving syncops from server void TLocalEngineDS::engClientStartOfMapMessage(bool aNotYetInMapPackage) { // is called for all local datastores, even inactive ones, so check state first if (testState(dssta_syncgendone) && !isAborted()) { // datastores that have finished generating their // now can start a command here, once (if not isInterrupedCmdPending(), that is, not a map already started) if (fRemoteDatastoreP) { // start a new map command if we don't have any yet and we are not done (dssta_clientmapssent) yet if (!fSessionP->isInterrupedCmdPending() && !testState(dssta_clientmapssent)) { // check if we should start one (that is, if the list is not empty) if (numUnsentMaps()>0) { // - now sending map command // NOTE: if all map commands can be sent at once, // fState will be modified again by issuing , so // it MUST be set here (not after issuing!) // - data access done only if we are in Map package now if (!aNotYetInMapPackage) changeState(dssta_dataaccessdone); // usually already set in engEndOfSyncFromRemote(), but does not harm here // Note: if map command was already started, the // finished(), continueIssue() mechanism will make sure that // more commands are generated. This mechanism will also make // sure that outgoing package cannot get until // map is completely sent. // Note2: subdatastores do not generate their own map commands, // but superdatastore calls their generateMapItem for contributing to united map if (!isSubDatastore()) { TMapCommand *mapcmdP = new TMapCommand( fSessionP, this, // local datastore fRemoteDatastoreP // remote datastore ); // issue ISSUE_COMMAND_ROOT(fSessionP,mapcmdP); } } else { // we need no map items now, but if this is still sync-from-server-package, // we are not done yet if (aNotYetInMapPackage) { DEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("No map command need to be generated now, but still in from server package")); } else { // we are done now DEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("All map commands sending complete")); changeState(dssta_clientmapssent); } } } } // if fRemoteDataStoreP } // if >=dssta_syncgendone } // TLocalEngineDS::engClientStartOfMapMessage // called to mark maps confirmed, that is, we have received ok status for them void TLocalEngineDS::engMarkMapConfirmed(cAppCharP aLocalID, cAppCharP aRemoteID) { // As this is client-only, we don't need to check for tempGUIDs here. // Note: superdatastore has an implementation which dispatches by prefix TStringToStringMap::iterator pos=fUnconfirmedMaps.find(aLocalID); if (pos!=fUnconfirmedMaps.end()) { DEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ADMIN+DBG_EXOTIC,( "engMarkMapConfirmed: deleting confirmed entry localID='%s', remoteID='%s' from fUnconfirmedMaps", aLocalID, aRemoteID )); // move it to lastsessionmap fLastSessionMaps[(*pos).first]=(*pos).second; // remove it from unconfirmed map fUnconfirmedMaps.erase(pos); } } // TLocalEngineDS::engMarkMapConfirmed // Check if the remoteid was used by an add command not // fully mapped&confirmed in the previous session bool TLocalEngineDS::isAddFromLastSession(cAppCharP aRemoteID) { TStringToStringMap::iterator pos; TStringToStringMap *mapListP; for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { // determine next list to search mapListP = i==0 ? &fPendingAddMaps : (i==1 ? &fUnconfirmedMaps : &fLastSessionMaps); // search it for (pos=mapListP->begin(); pos!=mapListP->end(); ++pos) { if (strcmp((*pos).second.c_str(),aRemoteID)==0) return true; // remoteID known -> is add from last session } } // not found in any of the lists return false; } // TLocalEngineDS::isAddFromLastSession // - called to generate Map items // Returns true if now finished for this datastore // also sets fState to dss_done when finished bool TLocalEngineDS::engGenerateMapItems(TMapCommand *aMapCommandP, cAppCharP aLocalIDPrefix) { #ifdef USE_SML_EVALUATION sInt32 leavefree = fSessionP->getNotUsableBufferBytes(); #else sInt32 freeroom = fSessionP->getFreeCommandSize(); #endif TStringToStringMap::iterator pos=fPendingAddMaps.begin(); PDEBUGBLOCKFMT(("MapGenerate","Generating Map items...","datastore=%s",getName())); do { // check if already done if (pos==fPendingAddMaps.end()) break; // done // get ID string locID = (*pos).first; dsFinalizeLocalID(locID); // make sure we have the permanent version in case datastore implementation did deliver temp IDs // create prefixed version of ID string prefixedLocID; AssignString(prefixedLocID, aLocalIDPrefix); // init with prefix (if any) prefixedLocID += locID; // append local ID // add it to map command aMapCommandP->addMapItem(prefixedLocID.c_str(),(*pos).second.c_str()); // check if we could send this command #ifdef USE_SML_EVALUATION if ( (aMapCommandP->evalIssue( fSessionP->peekNextOutgoingCmdID(), fSessionP->getOutgoingMsgID() ) // what is left in buffer after sending Map so far >=leavefree) // all this must still be more than what we MUST leave free ) #else if (freeroom>aMapCommandP->messageSize()) #endif { // yes, it should work PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,( "Mapitem generated: localID='%s', remoteID='%s'", prefixedLocID.c_str(), (*pos).second.c_str() )); // move sent ones to unconfirmed list (Note: use real locID, without prefix!) fUnconfirmedMaps[locID]=(*pos).second; // remove item from to-be-sent list TStringToStringMap::iterator temp_pos = pos++; // make copy and set iterator to next fPendingAddMaps.erase(temp_pos); // now entry can be deleted (N.M. Josuttis, pg204) } else { // no room for this item in this message, interrupt now // - delete already added item again aMapCommandP->deleteLastMapItem(); // - interrupt here PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("Interrupted generating Map items because max message size reached")) PDEBUGENDBLOCK("MapGenerate"); return false; } } while(true); // done // if we are dataaccessdone or more -> end of map phase for this datastore if (testState(dssta_dataaccessdone)) { changeState(dssta_clientmapssent,true); PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("Finished generating Map items, server has finished , we are done now")) } #ifdef SYDEBUG // else if we are not yet dssta_syncgendone -> this is the end of a early pending map send else if (!dbgTestState(dssta_syncgendone)) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("Finished sending cached Map items from last session")) } // otherwise, we are not really finished with the maps yet (but with the current map command) else { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("Finished generating Map items for now, but server still sending ")) } #endif PDEBUGENDBLOCK("MapGenerate"); return true; } // TLocalEngineDS::engGenerateMapItems #endif // SYSYNC_SERVER // - called to mark an already generated (but probably not sent or not yet statused) item // as "to-be-resumed", by localID or remoteID (latter only in server case). // NOTE: This must be repeatable without side effects, as server must mark/save suspend state // after every request (and not just at end of session) void TLocalEngineDS::engMarkItemForResume(cAppCharP aLocalID, cAppCharP aRemoteID, bool aUnSent) { #ifdef SUPERDATASTORES // if we are acting as a subdatastore, aLocalID might be prefixed if (fAsSubDatastoreOf && aLocalID) { // remove prefix aLocalID = fAsSubDatastoreOf->removeSubDSPrefix(aLocalID, this); } #endif #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER // Now mark for resume if (IS_SERVER && aLocalID && *aLocalID) { // localID can be a translated localid at this point (for adds), so check for it string localid=aLocalID; obtainRealLocalID(localid); logicMarkItemForResume(localid.c_str(), aRemoteID, aUnSent); } else #endif { // localID not used or client (which never has tempGUIDs) logicMarkItemForResume(aLocalID, aRemoteID, aUnSent); } } // TLocalEngineDS::engMarkItemForResume // - called to mark an already generated (but probably not sent or not yet statused) item // as "to-be-resent", by localID or remoteID (latter only in server case). void TLocalEngineDS::engMarkItemForResend(cAppCharP aLocalID, cAppCharP aRemoteID) { #ifdef SUPERDATASTORES // if we are acting as a subdatastore, aLocalID might be prefixed if (fAsSubDatastoreOf && aLocalID) { // remove prefix aLocalID = fAsSubDatastoreOf->removeSubDSPrefix(aLocalID, this); } #endif // a need to resend is always a problem with the remote (either explicit non-ok status // received or implicit like data size too big to be sent at all due to maxmsgsize or // maxobjsize restrictions. fRemoteItemsError++; // now mark for resend #ifdef SYSYNC_SERVER if (IS_SERVER && aLocalID && *aLocalID) { // localID can be a translated localid at this point (for adds), so check for it string localid=aLocalID; obtainRealLocalID(localid); logicMarkItemForResend(localid.c_str(), aRemoteID); } else #endif { // localID not used or client (which never has tempGUIDs) logicMarkItemForResend(aLocalID, aRemoteID); } } // TLocalEngineDS::engMarkItemForResend // @brief save everything needed to resume later, in case we get suspended /// - Might be called multiple times during a session, must make sure every time /// that the status is correct, that is, previous suspend state is erased localstatus TLocalEngineDS::engSaveSuspendState(bool aAnyway) { // only save here if not aborted already (aborting saves the state immediately) // or explicitly requested if (aAnyway || !isAborted()) { // only save if DS 1.2 and supported by DB if ((fSessionP->getSyncMLVersion()>=syncml_vers_1_2) && dsResumeSupportedInDB()) { PDEBUGBLOCKFMT(("SaveSuspendState","Saving state for suspend/resume","datastore=%s",getName())); // save alert state (if not explicitly prevented) fResumeAlertCode=fPreventResuming ? 0 : fAlertCode; if (fResumeAlertCode) { if (fPartialItemState!=pi_state_save_outgoing) { // ONLY if we have no request for saving an outgoing item state already, // we possibly need to save a pending incoming item // if there is an incompletely received item, let it update Partial Item (fPIxxx) state // (if it is an item of this datastore, that is). if (fSessionP->fIncompleteDataCommandP) fSessionP->fIncompleteDataCommandP->updatePartialItemState(this); } // this makes sure that only ungenerated (but to-be generated) items will be // marked for resume. Items that have been generated in this session (but might // have been marked for resume in a previous session must no longer be marked // after this call. // This also includes saving state for a partially sent item so we could resume it (fPIxxx) logicMarkOnlyUngeneratedForResume(); // then, we need to additionally mark those items for resume which have been // generated, but not yet sent or sent but not received status so far. fSessionP->markPendingForResume(this); } // let datastore make all this persistent // NOTE: this must happen even if we have no suspend state here, // as marked-for-resends need to be saved here as well. localstatus sta=logicSaveResumeMarks(); if (sta!=LOCERR_OK) { PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Error saving suspend state with logicSaveResumeMarks(), status=%hd",sta)); } PDEBUGENDBLOCK("SaveSuspendState"); return sta; } // resume not supported due to datastore or SyncML version<1.2 -> ok anyway PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PROTO,("SaveSuspendState not possible (SyncML<1.2 or not supported by DB)")); } return LOCERR_OK; } // TLocalEngineDS::engSaveSuspendState } // namespace sysync /* end of TLocalEngineDS implementation */ // eof