diff options
authorLukas Zeller <>2011-01-25 14:45:16 +0100
committerLukas Zeller <>2011-01-26 11:32:43 +0100
commit3529d3cb0929aed94b2568c0e74f3ec746b7be7a (patch)
parent729068d2f94824865c972e519c15ae6ded23b595 (diff)
engine: implemented "unprocessed" wildcard properties to allow handling unknown extensions (like X-xxxx properies)
The properties matched by a wildcard definiton (usually "X-*", see example below) are stored entirely (including name and parameters) in item fields. However, the properties are stored not totally unprocessed, but in a normalized form that removes any dependency from old vCard 2.1/vCalendar 1.0 vs vCard 3.0/iCalendar 2.0 specifics. This allows reading X-xxx properties e.g. from a vCard 2.1 and reproducing them in a vCard 3.0 and vice versa. The normalized form is as follows: - Folding is removed - strings are always UTF-8. When parsing a old vXXX-format with a CHARSET parameter indicating a different charset, the strings are converted to UTF-8 and the CHARSET parameter is removed from the normalized form. - Linefeeds within the data (multi-line strings) are represented as plain LF characters within strings - Quoted-Printable encoding (often needed in old vXXX formats to represent multi-line content) is decoded and the ENCODING parameter is removed from the normalized form. - Backslash escaping is NOT removed (except for the special case of \n in new vXXX formats which is converted to a real LF character). An example: - In the config, define a array for the unknown properties <fieldlist> ... <field name="XPROPS" array="yes" type="string" compare="never"/> </fieldlist> - add a wildcard property definition at the end of the profile (for calendar, insert a copy into both VTODO and VEVENT subprofiles). It would also be possible catching all unknown properties using "*", but make sure the wildcard specs comes after all other properties because the first match is used when parsing. Properties with a wildcard name must have a single <value> spec which should be a string field/array which receives the normalized form of the matched properties found. <property name="X-*" suppressempty="yes" show="false"> <value field="XPROPS"/> <position field="XPROPS" repeat="array" increment="1" minshow="0"/> </property> Now a property in a iCalendar 2.0 (without folding here) like: X-TEST;PARAMETER1=nonquoted;PARAMETER2="quoted and with separators inside:;,":Content with\nMultiple\nText lines\nand national chars: äöü becomes X-TEST;PARAMETER1=nonquoted;PARAMETER2="quoted and with separators inside:;,":Content with Multiple Text lines and national chars: äöü in the internal representation and renders back into iCalendar 2.0 as: X-TEST;PARAMETER1=nonquoted;PARAMETER2="quoted and with separators inside:; ,":Content with\nMultiple\nText lines\nand national chars: äöü or as vCalendar 1.0: X-TEST;PARAMETER1=nonquoted;PARAMETER2="quoted and with separators inside:;,";CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Content with=0D=0A= Multiple=0D=0A= Text lines=0D=0A= and national chars: =C3=A4=C3=B6=C3=BC Assuming the property comes from a device that only does ISO-8859-1 and vCalendar 1.0 it might look like: X-TEST;PARAMETER1=nonquoted;PARAMETER2="quoted and with separators inside:;,";CHARSET=ISO-8859-1;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Content with=0D=0A= Multiple=0D=0A= Text lines=0D=0A= and national chars: =E4=F6=FC The internal representation will be the same as above (UTF-8 and CHARSET and ENCODING params removed): X-TEST;PARAMETER1=nonquoted;PARAMETER2="quoted and with separators inside:;,":Content with Multiple Text lines and national chars: äöü So this allows converting back and forth between old and new vXXX formats for many unknown extension properties, even if these contain non-trivial data with national chars and linefeeds. Of course, more complex properties like those containg date/time with TZIDs etc. will not transfer semantically correct, but still syntactically ok such that a parser should be able at least to read over them without stumbling.
3 files changed, 380 insertions, 237 deletions
diff --git a/src/global_options.h b/src/global_options.h
index 9b260ed..2a90f18 100644
--- a/src/global_options.h
+++ b/src/global_options.h
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@
diff --git a/src/sysync/mimedirprofile.cpp b/src/sysync/mimedirprofile.cpp
index 0e8dfe9..a16bb7a 100644
--- a/src/sysync/mimedirprofile.cpp
+++ b/src/sysync/mimedirprofile.cpp
@@ -976,6 +976,9 @@ TPropertyDefinition::TPropertyDefinition(const char* aName, sInt16 aNumVals, boo
allowFoldAtSep = aAllowFoldAtSep; // allow folding at value separators even if it inserts a space at the end of the previous value
groupFieldID = aGroupFieldID; // fid for field that contains the group tag (prefix to the property name, like "a" in "a.TEL:079122327")
propGroup = aPropertyGroupID; // property group ID
+ // check if this is an unprocessed wildcard property
+ unprocessed = strchr(aName, '*')!=NULL;
+ // check value list
if (aNumVals==NUMVAL_LIST || aNumVals==NUMVAL_REP_LIST) {
// value list
valuelist = true;
@@ -1975,7 +1978,7 @@ static void decodeValue(
else {
// no (known) encoding
- p = skipfolded(aText,aMimeMode,false); // get unfolded start point (in case value starts with folding sequence
+ p = skipfolded(aText,aMimeMode,false); // get unfolded start point (in case value starts with folding sequence)
do {
if (isEndOfLineOrText(c) || (!escaped && aStructSep!=0 && (c==aStructSep || c==aAltSep))) break; // EOLN and structure-sep (usually ;) terminate value
@@ -2195,7 +2198,8 @@ sInt16 TMimeDirProfileHandler::generateValue(
bool &aNonASCII, // set if any non standard 7bit ASCII-char is contained
char aFirstChar, // will be appended before value if there is any value (and in MIME-DIR '\b' optional break indicator is appended as well)
sInt32 &aNumNonSpcs, // how many non-spaces are already in the value
- bool aFoldAtSeparators // if true, even in mimo_old folding may appear at value separators (adding an extra space - which is ok for EXDATE and similar)
+ bool aFoldAtSeparators, // if true, even in mimo_old folding may appear at value separators (adding an extra space - which is ok for EXDATE and similar)
+ bool aEscapeOnlyLF // if true, only linefeeds are escaped as \n, but nothing else (not even \ itself)
string vallist; // as received from fieldToMIMEString()
@@ -2306,7 +2310,6 @@ sInt16 TMimeDirProfileHandler::generateValue(
aNumNonSpcs = 0; // new word starts
// only text must be fully escaped, turn escaping off for RRULE (RECUR type)
- bool noescape = aConvDefP->convmode==CONVMODE_RRULE;
// escape reserved chars
switch (c) {
case '"':
@@ -2314,7 +2317,7 @@ sInt16 TMimeDirProfileHandler::generateValue(
goto add_char; // otherwise, just add
case ',':
// in MIME-DIR, always escape commas, in pre-MIME-DIR only if usage in value list requires it
- if (noescape || (!aCommaEscape && aMimeMode==mimo_old)) goto add_char;
+ if (!aCommaEscape && aMimeMode==mimo_old) goto add_char;
goto do_escape;
case ':':
// always escape colon in parameters
@@ -2327,10 +2330,12 @@ sInt16 TMimeDirProfileHandler::generateValue(
goto do_escape;
case ';':
// in MIME-DIR, always escape semicolons, in pre-MIME-DIR only in parameters and structured values
- if (noescape || (!aParamValue && !aStructured && aMimeMode==mimo_old)) goto add_char;
+ if (!aParamValue && !aStructured && aMimeMode==mimo_old) goto add_char;
- // escape chars with backslash
- outval+='\\';
+ if (!aEscapeOnlyLF) {
+ // escape chars with backslash
+ outval+='\\';
+ }
goto out_char;
case '\r':
// ignore returns
@@ -2553,7 +2558,7 @@ bool TMimeDirProfileHandler::generateParams(
// same index as for the property itself)
// Note: Escape commas if separator is a comma
sInt32 numNoSpcs = aNumNonSpcs;
- if (generateValue(aItem,&(paramP->convdef),aBaseOffset,aRepOffset,paramstr,sep,aMimeMode,true,false,sep==',',encoding,nonasc,0,numNoSpcs,false)>=GENVALUE_ELEMENT) {
+ if (generateValue(aItem,&(paramP->convdef),aBaseOffset,aRepOffset,paramstr,sep,aMimeMode,true,false,sep==',',encoding,nonasc,0,numNoSpcs,false,false)>=GENVALUE_ELEMENT) {
// value generated, add parameter name/value (or separator/value for already started params)
aNumNonSpcs = numNoSpcs; // actually added, count now
@@ -2726,35 +2731,11 @@ sInt16 TMimeDirProfileHandler::generateProperty(
// - start with empty text
- // - first set group if there is one
- if (aPropP->groupFieldID!=FID_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
- // get group name
- TItemField *g_fldP = aItem.getArrayFieldAdjusted(aPropP->groupFieldID+aBaseOffset, aRepeatOffset, true);
- if (g_fldP && !g_fldP->isEmpty()) {
- g_fldP->appendToString(proptext);
- proptext += '.'; // group separator
- }
- }
- // - append name and (possibly) parameters that are constant over all repetitions
- proptext += aPrefix;
- // - up to here assume no spaces
- sInt32 numNonSpcs = proptext.size()+14; // some extra room for possible ";CHARSET=UTF8"
// - init flags
- bool anyvaluessupported=false; // at least one of the main values must be supported by the remote in order to generate property at all
- bool arrayexhausted=false; // flag will be set if a main value was not generated because array exhausted
- // - append parameter values
- // anyvalues gets set if a parameter with shownonempty attribute was generated
- bool anyvalues=generateParams(
- aItem, // the item where data comes from
- proptext, // where params will be appended
- aPropP, // the property definition
- aMimeMode,
- aBaseOffset,
- aRepeatOffset,
- aPropNameExt,
- numNonSpcs
- );
- // - append value(s)
+ bool anyvaluessupported = false; // at least one of the main values must be supported by the remote in order to generate property at all
+ bool arrayexhausted = false; // flag will be set if a main value was not generated because array exhausted
+ bool anyvalues = false; // flag will be set when at least one value has been generated
+ sInt32 numNonSpcs=0;
encoding=enc_none; // default is no encoding
sInt16 v=0; // value counter
nonasc=false; // assume plain ASCII
@@ -2762,134 +2743,229 @@ sInt16 TMimeDirProfileHandler::generateProperty(
TEncodingTypes enc;
bool na;
const TConversionDef *convP;
- sInt16 maxrep=1,repinc=1;
- if (aPropNameExt) {
- maxrep=aPropNameExt->maxRepeat;
- repinc=aPropNameExt->repeatInc;
- }
- // generate property contents
- if (aPropP->valuelist && !aPropP->expandlist) {
- // property with value list
- // NOTE: convdef[0] is used for all values, aRepeatOffset changes
+ // - now generate
+ if (aPropP->unprocessed) {
convP = &(aPropP->convdefs[0]);
- // - now iterate over available repeats or array contents
- while(aRepeatOffset<maxrep*repinc || maxrep==REP_ARRAY) {
- // generate one value
- enc=encoding;
- na=false;
- genres=generateValue(
- aItem,
- convP,
- aBaseOffset, // offset relative to base field
- aRepeatOffset, // additional offset or array index
- elemtext,
- aPropP->valuesep, // use valuelist separator between multiple values possibly generated from a list in a single field (e.g. CATEGORIES)
- aMimeMode,
- false, // not a param
- true, // always escape ; in valuelist properties
- aPropP->valuesep==',' || aPropP->altvaluesep==',', // escape commas if one of the separators is a comma
- enc,
- na,
- v>0 ? aPropP->valuesep : 0, // separate with specified multi-value-delimiter if not first value
- numNonSpcs, // number of consecutive non-spaces, accumulated
- aPropP->allowFoldAtSep
- );
- // check if something was generated
- if (genres>=GENVALUE_ELEMENT) {
- // generated something, might have caused encoding/noasc change
- encoding=enc;
- nonasc=nonasc || na;
+ // unfolded and not-linefeed-escaped raw property stored in string - generate it as one value
+ enc=encoding;
+ na=false;
+ genres=generateValue(
+ aItem,
+ convP,
+ aBaseOffset, // base offset, relative to
+ aRepeatOffset, // repeat offset or array index
+ elemtext, // value will be stored here (might be binary in case of BLOBs, but then encoding will be set)
+ 0, // should for some exotic reason values consist of a list, separate it by "," (";" is reserved for structured values)
+ aMimeMode,
+ false, // no parameter
+ false, // not structured value, don't escape ";"
+ false, // don't escape commas, either
+ enc, // will receive needed encoding (usually B64 for binary values)
+ na,
+ 0, // no first char
+ numNonSpcs, // number of consecutive non-spaces, accumulated
+ aPropP->allowFoldAtSep,
+ true // linefeed only escaping
+ );
+ // check if something was generated
+ if (genres>=GENVALUE_ELEMENT) {
+ // generated something, might have caused encoding/noasc change
+ encoding=enc;
+ nonasc=nonasc || na;
+ anyvaluessupported=true;
+ anyvalues=true;
+ // separate name+params and values
+ bool dq = false;
+ bool fc = true;
+ size_t pti = string::npos;
+ appChar c;
+ for (cAppCharP p=elemtext.c_str(); (c=*p)!=0; p++) {
+ if (dq) {
+ if (c=='"') dq = false; // end of double quoted part
+ }
+ else {
+ // not in doublequote
+ if (fc && c=='"') dq = true; // if first char is doublequote, start quoted string
+ else if (c==':') { pti = p-elemtext.c_str(); break; } // found
+ else if (c=='\\' && *(p+1)) p++; // make sure next char is not evaluated
+ }
+ fc = false; // no longer first char
- // update if we have at least one value of this property supported (even if empty) by the remote party
- if (genres>GENVALUE_NOTSUPPORTED) anyvaluessupported=true;
- if (genres==GENVALUE_EXHAUSTED) arrayexhausted=true; // for at least one component of the property, the array is exhausted
- // update if we have any value now (even if only empty)
- // - generate empty property according to
- // - aSuppressEmpty
- // - session-global fDontSendEmptyProperties
- // - supressEmpty property flag in property definition
- // - if no repeat (i.e. no aPropNameExt), exhausted array is treated like empty value (i.e. rendered unless suppressempty set)
- anyvalues = anyvalues || (genres>=
- (aSuppressEmpty || fDontSendEmptyProperties || aPropP->suppressEmpty
- ? GENVALUE_ELEMENT // if empty values should be suppressed, we need a non-empty element (array or simple field)
- : GENVALUE_EXHAUSTED // for valuelists, if empty values are not explicitly suppressed (i.e. minshow==0, see caller) exhausted array must always produce an empty value
- )
- );
- // count effective value appended
- v++;
- // update repeat offset
- aRepeatOffset+=repinc;
- // check for array mode - stop if array is exhausted or field not supported
- if (maxrep==REP_ARRAY && genres<=GENVALUE_EXHAUSTED) break;
+ if (pti!=string::npos) {
+ proptext.assign(elemtext, 0, pti); // name+params without separator
+ elemtext.erase(0, pti+1); // remove name and separator
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ arrayexhausted = true; // no more values, assume array exhausted
else {
- // property with individual values (like N)
- // NOTE: field changes with different convdefs, offsets remain stable
- arrayexhausted = true; // assume all arrays exhausted unless we find at least one non-exhausted array
- bool somearrays = false; // no arrays yet
- do {
- convP = &(aPropP->convdefs[v]);
- // generate one value
- enc=encoding;
- na=false;
- genres=generateValue(
- aItem,
- convP,
- aBaseOffset, // base offset, relative to
- aRepeatOffset, // repeat offset or array index
- elemtext, // value will be stored here (might be binary in case of BLOBs, but then encoding will be set)
- ',', // should for some exotic reason values consist of a list, separate it by "," (";" is reserved for structured values)
- aMimeMode,
- false,
- aPropP->numValues>1, // structured value, escape ";"
- aPropP->altvaluesep==',', // escape commas if alternate separator is a comma
- enc, // will receive needed encoding (usually B64 for binary values)
- na,
- 0, // no first char
- numNonSpcs, // number of consecutive non-spaces, accumulated
- aPropP->allowFoldAtSep
- );
- //* %%% */ PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_EXOTIC,("generateValue #%hd for property '%s' returns genres==%hd",v,TCFG_CSTR(aPropP->propname),genres));
- // check if something was generated
- if (genres>=GENVALUE_ELEMENT) {
- // generated something, might have caused encoding/noasc change
- encoding=enc;
- nonasc=nonasc || na;
- }
- // update if we have at least one value of this property supported (even if empty) by the remote party
- if (genres>GENVALUE_NOTSUPPORTED) anyvaluessupported=true;
- arrayexhausted = false; // there is at least one non-exhausted array we're reading from (even if only empty value)
- somearrays = true; // generating from array
+ // Normally generated property
+ // - first set group if there is one
+ if (aPropP->groupFieldID!=FID_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
+ // get group name
+ TItemField *g_fldP = aItem.getArrayFieldAdjusted(aPropP->groupFieldID+aBaseOffset, aRepeatOffset, true);
+ if (g_fldP && !g_fldP->isEmpty()) {
+ g_fldP->appendToString(proptext);
+ proptext += '.'; // group separator
- else if (genres==GENVALUE_EXHAUSTED)
- somearrays = true; // generating from array
- // update if we have any value now (even if only empty)
- // - generate empty property according to
- // - aSuppressEmpty
- // - session-global fDontSendEmptyProperties
- // - supressEmpty property flag in property definition
- // - if no repeat (i.e. no aPropNameExt), exhausted array is treated like empty value (i.e. rendered unless suppressempty set)
- anyvalues = anyvalues ||
- (genres>=(aSuppressEmpty || fDontSendEmptyProperties || aPropP->suppressEmpty ? GENVALUE_ELEMENT : (aPropNameExt ? GENVALUE_EMPTYELEMENT : GENVALUE_EXHAUSTED)));
- // insert delimiter if not last value
- v++;
- if (v>=aPropP->numValues) break; // done with all values
- // add delimiter for next value
- if (aMimeMode==mimo_standard || aPropP->allowFoldAtSep) {
- elemtext+='\b'; // preferred break location (or location where extra space is allowed for mimo_old)
- numNonSpcs = 0; // can break here, new word starts
+ }
+ // - append name and (possibly) parameters that are constant over all repetitions
+ proptext += aPrefix;
+ // - up to here assume no spaces
+ numNonSpcs = proptext.size()+14; // some extra room for possible ";CHARSET=UTF8"
+ // - append parameter values
+ // anyvalues gets set if a parameter with shownonempty attribute was generated
+ anyvalues=generateParams(
+ aItem, // the item where data comes from
+ proptext, // where params will be appended
+ aPropP, // the property definition
+ aMimeMode,
+ aBaseOffset,
+ aRepeatOffset,
+ aPropNameExt,
+ numNonSpcs
+ );
+ // - append value(s)
+ sInt16 maxrep=1,repinc=1;
+ if (aPropNameExt) {
+ maxrep=aPropNameExt->maxRepeat;
+ repinc=aPropNameExt->repeatInc;
+ }
+ // generate property contents
+ if (aPropP->valuelist && !aPropP->expandlist) {
+ // property with value list
+ // NOTE: convdef[0] is used for all values, aRepeatOffset changes
+ convP = &(aPropP->convdefs[0]);
+ // - now iterate over available repeats or array contents
+ while(aRepeatOffset<maxrep*repinc || maxrep==REP_ARRAY) {
+ // generate one value
+ enc=encoding;
+ na=false;
+ genres=generateValue(
+ aItem,
+ convP,
+ aBaseOffset, // offset relative to base field
+ aRepeatOffset, // additional offset or array index
+ elemtext,
+ aPropP->valuesep, // use valuelist separator between multiple values possibly generated from a list in a single field (e.g. CATEGORIES)
+ aMimeMode,
+ false, // not a param
+ true, // always escape ; in valuelist properties
+ aPropP->valuesep==',' || aPropP->altvaluesep==',', // escape commas if one of the separators is a comma
+ enc,
+ na,
+ v>0 ? aPropP->valuesep : 0, // separate with specified multi-value-delimiter if not first value
+ numNonSpcs, // number of consecutive non-spaces, accumulated
+ aPropP->allowFoldAtSep,
+ convP->convmode==CONVMODE_RRULE // RRULES are not to be escaped
+ );
+ // check if something was generated
+ if (genres>=GENVALUE_ELEMENT) {
+ // generated something, might have caused encoding/noasc change
+ encoding=enc;
+ nonasc=nonasc || na;
+ }
+ // update if we have at least one value of this property supported (even if empty) by the remote party
+ if (genres>GENVALUE_NOTSUPPORTED) anyvaluessupported=true;
+ if (genres==GENVALUE_EXHAUSTED) arrayexhausted=true; // for at least one component of the property, the array is exhausted
+ // update if we have any value now (even if only empty)
+ // - generate empty property according to
+ // - aSuppressEmpty
+ // - session-global fDontSendEmptyProperties
+ // - supressEmpty property flag in property definition
+ // - if no repeat (i.e. no aPropNameExt), exhausted array is treated like empty value (i.e. rendered unless suppressempty set)
+ anyvalues = anyvalues || (genres>=
+ (aSuppressEmpty || fDontSendEmptyProperties || aPropP->suppressEmpty
+ ? GENVALUE_ELEMENT // if empty values should be suppressed, we need a non-empty element (array or simple field)
+ : GENVALUE_EXHAUSTED // for valuelists, if empty values are not explicitly suppressed (i.e. minshow==0, see caller) exhausted array must always produce an empty value
+ )
+ );
+ // count effective value appended
+ v++;
+ // update repeat offset
+ aRepeatOffset+=repinc;
+ // check for array mode - stop if array is exhausted or field not supported
+ if (maxrep==REP_ARRAY && genres<=GENVALUE_EXHAUSTED) break;
- elemtext+=aPropP->valuesep;
- numNonSpcs++; // count it (assuming separator is never a space!)
- // add break indicator
- } while(true);
- // if none of the data sources is an array, we can't be exhausted.
- if (!somearrays) arrayexhausted = false;
- }
+ }
+ else {
+ // property with individual values (like N)
+ // NOTE: field changes with different convdefs, offsets remain stable
+ arrayexhausted = true; // assume all arrays exhausted unless we find at least one non-exhausted array
+ bool somearrays = false; // no arrays yet
+ do {
+ convP = &(aPropP->convdefs[v]);
+ // generate one value
+ enc=encoding;
+ na=false;
+ genres=generateValue(
+ aItem,
+ convP,
+ aBaseOffset, // base offset, relative to
+ aRepeatOffset, // repeat offset or array index
+ elemtext, // value will be stored here (might be binary in case of BLOBs, but then encoding will be set)
+ ',', // should for some exotic reason values consist of a list, separate it by "," (";" is reserved for structured values)
+ aMimeMode,
+ false,
+ aPropP->numValues>1, // structured value, escape ";"
+ aPropP->altvaluesep==',', // escape commas if alternate separator is a comma
+ enc, // will receive needed encoding (usually B64 for binary values)
+ na,
+ 0, // no first char
+ numNonSpcs, // number of consecutive non-spaces, accumulated
+ aPropP->allowFoldAtSep,
+ convP->convmode==CONVMODE_RRULE // RRULES are not to be escaped
+ );
+ //* %%% */ PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_EXOTIC,("generateValue #%hd for property '%s' returns genres==%hd",v,TCFG_CSTR(aPropP->propname),genres));
+ // check if something was generated
+ if (genres>=GENVALUE_ELEMENT) {
+ // generated something, might have caused encoding/noasc change
+ encoding=enc;
+ nonasc=nonasc || na;
+ }
+ // update if we have at least one value of this property supported (even if empty) by the remote party
+ if (genres>GENVALUE_NOTSUPPORTED) anyvaluessupported=true;
+ arrayexhausted = false; // there is at least one non-exhausted array we're reading from (even if only empty value)
+ somearrays = true; // generating from array
+ }
+ else if (genres==GENVALUE_EXHAUSTED)
+ somearrays = true; // generating from array
+ // update if we have any value now (even if only empty)
+ // - generate empty property according to
+ // - aSuppressEmpty
+ // - session-global fDontSendEmptyProperties
+ // - supressEmpty property flag in property definition
+ // - if no repeat (i.e. no aPropNameExt), exhausted array is treated like empty value (i.e. rendered unless suppressempty set)
+ anyvalues = anyvalues ||
+ (genres>=(aSuppressEmpty || fDontSendEmptyProperties || aPropP->suppressEmpty ? GENVALUE_ELEMENT : (aPropNameExt ? GENVALUE_EMPTYELEMENT : GENVALUE_EXHAUSTED)));
+ // insert delimiter if not last value
+ v++;
+ if (v>=aPropP->numValues) break; // done with all values
+ // add delimiter for next value
+ if (aMimeMode==mimo_standard || aPropP->allowFoldAtSep) {
+ elemtext+='\b'; // preferred break location (or location where extra space is allowed for mimo_old)
+ numNonSpcs = 0; // can break here, new word starts
+ }
+ elemtext+=aPropP->valuesep;
+ numNonSpcs++; // count it (assuming separator is never a space!)
+ // add break indicator
+ } while(true);
+ // if none of the data sources is an array, we can't be exhausted.
+ if (!somearrays) arrayexhausted = false;
+ }
+ } // normal generated property from components
// - finalize property if it contains supported fields at all (or is mandatory)
if ((anyvaluessupported && anyvalues) || aPropP->mandatory) {
+ // - generate charset parameter if needed
+ // NOTE: MIME-DIR based formats do NOT have the CHARSET attribute any more!
+ if (nonasc && aMimeMode==mimo_old && fDefaultOutCharset!=chs_ansi) {
+ // non-ASCII chars contained, generate property telling what charset is used
+ proptext.append(";CHARSET=");
+ proptext.append(MIMECharSetNames[fDefaultOutCharset]);
+ }
// - generate encoding parameter if needed
if (encoding!=enc_none) {
// in MIME-DIR, only "B" is allowed for binary, for vCard 2.1 it is "BASE64"
@@ -2900,13 +2976,6 @@ sInt16 TMimeDirProfileHandler::generateProperty(
- // - generate charset parameter if needed
- // NOTE: MIME-DIR based formats do NOT have the CHARSET attribute any more!
- if (nonasc && aMimeMode==mimo_old && fDefaultOutCharset!=chs_ansi) {
- // non-ASCII chars contained, generate property telling what charset is used
- proptext.append(";CHARSET=");
- proptext.append(MIMECharSetNames[fDefaultOutCharset]);
- }
// - separate value from property text
// - append (probably encoded) values now, always in UTF-8
@@ -3023,7 +3092,6 @@ void TMimeDirProfileHandler::generateLevels(
const TProfileDefinition *aProfileP
- //* %%% */ PDEBUGBLOCKDESC("generateLevels",TCFG_CSTR(aProfileP->levelName));
// check if level must be generated
bool dolevel=false;
string s,val;
@@ -3075,7 +3143,6 @@ void TMimeDirProfileHandler::generateLevels(
- //* %%% */ PDEBUGBLOCKDESC("expand_property",TCFG_CSTR(propP->propname));
// check for beginning of new group (no or different property group number)
if (propP->propGroup==0 || propP->propGroup!=propGroup) {
@@ -3141,7 +3208,6 @@ void TMimeDirProfileHandler::generateLevels(
fMimeDirMode // MIME-DIR mode
- //* %%% */ PDEBUGENDBLOCK("expand_property");
} // properties loop
// generate sublevels, if any
const TProfileDefinition *subprofileP = aProfileP->subLevels;
@@ -3157,7 +3223,6 @@ void TMimeDirProfileHandler::generateLevels(
} // normal level
} // if level must be generated
- //* %%% */ PDEBUGENDBLOCK("generateLevels");
} // TMimeDirProfileHandler::generateLevels
@@ -3533,7 +3598,8 @@ bool TMimeDirProfileHandler::parseValue(
char aSeparator, // separator between values
TMimeDirMode aMimeMode, // MIME mode (older or newer vXXX format compatibility)
bool aParamValue, // set if parsing parameter value (different escaping rules)
- bool aStructured // set if value consists of multiple values (has semicolon content escaping)
+ bool aStructured, // set if value consists of multiple values (has semicolon content escaping)
+ bool aOnlyDeEscLF // set if de-escaping only for \n -> LF, but all visible char escapes should be left intact
string val,val2;
@@ -3578,6 +3644,7 @@ bool TMimeDirProfileHandler::parseValue(
if (!c) break; // half escape sequence, ignore
else if (c=='n' || c=='N') c='\n';
+ else if (aOnlyDeEscLF) val+=c; // if deescaping only for \n, transfer escape char into output
// other escaped chars are shown as themselves
// add char
@@ -3668,7 +3735,9 @@ bool TMimeDirProfileHandler::parseProperty(
sInt16 aRepArraySize, // size of array (for security)
TMimeDirMode aMimeMode, // MIME mode (older or newer vXXX format compatibility)
cAppCharP aGroupName, // property group ("a" in "a.TEL:131723612")
- size_t aGroupNameLen
+ size_t aGroupNameLen,
+ cAppCharP aFullPropName, // entire property name (excluding group) - might be needed in case of wildcard property match
+ size_t aFullNameLen
TNameExtIDMap nameextmap;
@@ -3677,6 +3746,7 @@ bool TMimeDirProfileHandler::parseProperty(
char c;
string pname;
string val;
+ string unprocessedVal;
bool defaultparam;
bool fieldoffsetfound;
bool notempty = false;
@@ -3699,7 +3769,15 @@ bool TMimeDirProfileHandler::parseProperty(
nameextmap = 0; // no name extensions detected so far
fieldoffsetfound = (aPropP->nameExts==NULL); // no first pass needed at all w/o nameExts, just use offs=0
valuelist = aPropP->valuelist; // cache flag
- // scan parameter list
+ // prepare storage as unprocessed value
+ if (aPropP->unprocessed) {
+ if (aGroupName && *aGroupName) {
+ unprocessedVal.assign(aGroupName, aGroupNameLen);
+ unprocessedVal += '.';
+ }
+ unprocessedVal.append(aFullPropName, aFullNameLen);
+ }
+ // scan parameter list (even if unprocessed, to catch ENCODING and CHARSET)
do {
while (*p==';') {
@@ -3742,8 +3820,12 @@ bool TMimeDirProfileHandler::parseProperty(
// - obtain unfolded value
bool dquoted = false;
- if (*vp=='"' && aMimeMode==mimo_standard) {
+ bool wasdquoted = false;
+ // - note: we allow quoted params even with mimo_old, as the chance is much higher that a param value
+ // beginning with doublequote is actually a quoted string than a value containing a doublequote at the beginning
+ if (*vp=='"') {
dquoted = true;
+ wasdquoted = true;
do {
@@ -3782,16 +3864,24 @@ bool TMimeDirProfileHandler::parseProperty(
// - processing of next param starts here
// check for global parameters
+ bool storeUnprocessed = true;
if ((aMimeMode==mimo_old && defaultparam) || strucmp(pname.c_str(),"ENCODING")==0) {
- // get encoding (if valid encoding)
+ // get encoding
+ // Note: always process ENCODING, as QP is mimo-old specific and must be removed for normalized storage
for (sInt16 k=0; k<numMIMEencodings; k++) {
if (strucmp(val.c_str(),MIMEEncodingNames[k])==0) {
encoding=static_cast <TEncodingTypes> (k);
+ if (encoding==enc_quoted_printable)
+ storeUnprocessed = false; // QP will be decoded, so param must not be stored
+ else
+ encoding = enc_none; // other encodings will not be processed
else if (strucmp(pname.c_str(),"CHARSET")==0) {
// charset specified (mimo_old value-only not supported)
+ // Note: always process CHARSET, because non-UTF8 cannot be safely passed to DBs, so we need
+ // to convert in case it's not UTF-8 even for "unprocessed" properties
sInt16 k;
for (k=1; k<numCharSets; k++) {
if (strucmp(val.c_str(),MIMECharSetNames[k])==0) {
@@ -3806,6 +3896,18 @@ bool TMimeDirProfileHandler::parseProperty(
// %%% replace 8bit chars with underscore
+ storeUnprocessed = false;
+ }
+ if (aPropP->unprocessed && storeUnprocessed && fieldoffsetfound) {
+ // append in reconstructed form for storing "unprocessed" (= lightly normalized)
+ unprocessedVal += ';';
+ unprocessedVal += pname;
+ if (!defaultparam) {
+ unprocessedVal += '=';
+ if (wasdquoted) unprocessedVal += '"';
+ unprocessedVal += val;
+ if (wasdquoted) unprocessedVal += '"';
+ }
// find param in list now
paramP = aPropP->parameterDefs;
@@ -3814,9 +3916,9 @@ bool TMimeDirProfileHandler::parseProperty(
// check for match
if (
mimeModeMatch(paramP->modeDependency) &&
(!paramP->ruleDependency || isActiveRule(paramP->ruleDependency)) &&
+ #endif
((defaultparam && paramP->defaultparam) || strucmp(pname.c_str(),TCFG_CSTR(paramP->paramname))==0)
) {
// param name found
@@ -3869,7 +3971,8 @@ bool TMimeDirProfileHandler::parseProperty(
defaultparam ? ';' : ',', // value list separator
aMimeMode, // MIME mode (older or newer vXXX format compatibility)
true, // parsing a parameter
- false // no structured value
+ false, // no structured value
+ false // normal, full de-escaping
)) {
"TMimeDirProfileHandler::parseProperty: %s: value not parsed: %s",
@@ -4013,70 +4116,100 @@ bool TMimeDirProfileHandler::parseProperty(
if (g_fldP)
g_fldP->setAsString(aGroupName,aGroupNameLen); // store the group name (aGroupName might be NULL, that's ok)
- // - read value(s)
- char sep=':'; // first value starts with colon
- // repeat until we have all values
- for (sInt16 i=0; i<aPropP->numValues || valuelist; i++) {
- if (*p!=sep && (aPropP->altvaluesep==0 || *p!=aPropP->altvaluesep)) {
- #ifdef SYDEBUG
- // Note: for valuelists, this is the normal loop exit case as we are not limited by numValues
- if (!valuelist) {
- // New behaviour: omitting values is ok (needed e.g. for T39m)
- DEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PARSE,("TMimeDirProfileHandler::parseProperty: %s does not specify all values",TCFG_CSTR(aPropP->propname)));
- }
- #endif
- break; // all available values read
- }
- // skip separator
- p++;
- // get value(list) unfolded
- decodeValue(encoding,charset,aMimeMode,aPropP->numValues > 1 || valuelist ? aPropP->valuesep : 0,aPropP->altvaluesep,p,val);
- // check if we can store, otherwise just read over value
- // - get the conversion def for the value
- TConversionDef *convDef = &(aPropP->convdefs[valuelist ? 0 : i]); // always use convdef[0] for value lists
- // - store value if not a value list (but simple value or part of structured value), or store if
- // valuelist and repeat not yet exhausted, or if valuelist without repetition but combination separator
- // which allows to put multiple values into a single field
- if (!valuelist || repoffset<maxrep*repinc || maxrep==REP_ARRAY || (valuelist && convDef->combineSep)) {
- // convert and store value (or comma separated value-list, not to mix with valuelist-property!!)
+ if (aPropP->unprocessed) {
+ if (*p==':') {
+ // there is a value
+ p++;
+ // - get entire property value part, not checking for any separators, but converting to appchar (UTF-8) and unfolding
+ decodeValue(encoding==enc_quoted_printable ? encoding : enc_none, charset, aMimeMode, 0, 0, p, val);
+ // - add it to "unprocessed" value representation
+ unprocessedVal += ':';
+ unprocessedVal += val;
+ // - process this as a whole (de-escaping ONLY CRLFs) and assign to field
if (!parseValue(
- val,
- convDef,
+ unprocessedVal,
+ &(aPropP->convdefs[0]), // the conversion definition
baseoffset, // identifies base field
repoffset, // repeat offset to base field / array index
aItem, // the item where data goes to
notempty, // set true if value(s) parsed are not all empty
- ',',
+ 0, // no value list separator
aMimeMode, // MIME mode (older or newer vXXX format compatibility)
false, // no parameter
- aPropP->numValues > 1 // structured if multiple values
+ false, // not structured
+ true // only de-escape linefeeds, but nothing else
)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } // if property has a value part
+ } // if unprocessed property
+ else {
+ // - read and decode value(s)
+ char sep=':'; // first value starts with colon
+ // repeat until we have all values
+ for (sInt16 i=0; i<aPropP->numValues || valuelist; i++) {
+ if (*p!=sep && (aPropP->altvaluesep==0 || *p!=aPropP->altvaluesep)) {
+ #ifdef SYDEBUG
+ // Note: for valuelists, this is the normal loop exit case as we are not limited by numValues
+ if (!valuelist) {
+ // New behaviour: omitting values is ok (needed e.g. for T39m)
+ DEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_PARSE,("TMimeDirProfileHandler::parseProperty: %s does not specify all values",TCFG_CSTR(aPropP->propname)));
+ }
+ #endif
+ break; // all available values read
+ }
+ // skip separator
+ p++;
+ // get value(list) unfolded
+ decodeValue(encoding,charset,aMimeMode,aPropP->numValues > 1 || valuelist ? aPropP->valuesep : 0,aPropP->altvaluesep,p,val);
+ // check if we can store, otherwise just read over value
+ // - get the conversion def for the value
+ TConversionDef *convDef = &(aPropP->convdefs[valuelist ? 0 : i]); // always use convdef[0] for value lists
+ // - store value if not a value list (but simple value or part of structured value), or store if
+ // valuelist and repeat not yet exhausted, or if valuelist without repetition but combination separator
+ // which allows to put multiple values into a single field
+ if (!valuelist || repoffset<maxrep*repinc || maxrep==REP_ARRAY || (valuelist && convDef->combineSep)) {
+ // convert and store value (or comma separated value-list, not to mix with valuelist-property!!)
+ if (!parseValue(
+ val,
+ convDef,
+ baseoffset, // identifies base field
+ repoffset, // repeat offset to base field / array index
+ aItem, // the item where data goes to
+ notempty, // set true if value(s) parsed are not all empty
+ ',',
+ aMimeMode, // MIME mode (older or newer vXXX format compatibility)
+ false, // no parameter
+ aPropP->numValues > 1, // structured if multiple values
+ false // normal, full de-escaping
+ )) {
+ "TMimeDirProfileHandler::parseProperty: %s: value not parsed: %s",
+ TCFG_CSTR(aPropP->propname),
+ val.c_str()
+ ));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // update repeat offset and repeat count if this is a value list
+ if (valuelist && convDef->combineSep==0 && (notempty || !overwriteempty)) {
+ // - update count for every non-empty value (for empty values only if overwriteempty is not set)
+ if (repid>=0)
+ aRepArray[repid]++; // next repetition
+ repoffset+=repinc; // also update repeat offset
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // value cannot be stored
- "TMimeDirProfileHandler::parseProperty: %s: value not parsed: %s",
+ "TMimeDirProfileHandler::parseProperty: %s: value not stored because repeat exhausted: %s",
- return false;
- }
- // update repeat offset and repeat count if this is a value list
- if (valuelist && convDef->combineSep==0 && (notempty || !overwriteempty)) {
- // - update count for every non-empty value (for empty values only if overwriteempty is not set)
- if (repid>=0)
- aRepArray[repid]++; // next repetition
- repoffset+=repinc; // also update repeat offset
- }
- else {
- // value cannot be stored
- "TMimeDirProfileHandler::parseProperty: %s: value not stored because repeat exhausted: %s",
- TCFG_CSTR(aPropP->propname),
- val.c_str()
- ));
- }
- // more values must be separated by the value sep char (default=';' but can be ',' e.g. for iCalendar 2.0 CATEGORIES)
- sep = aPropP->valuesep;
- } // for all values
+ // more values must be separated by the value sep char (default=';' but can be ',' e.g. for iCalendar 2.0 CATEGORIES)
+ sep = aPropP->valuesep;
+ } // for all values
+ } // process values
if (notempty && !valuelist) {
// at least one of the components is not empty. Make sure all components are "touched" such that
// in case of arrays, these are assigned even if empty
@@ -4329,7 +4462,7 @@ bool TMimeDirProfileHandler::parseLevels(
// compare
if (
mimeModeMatch(propP->modeDependency) && // none or matching mode dependency
- strucmp(propname,TCFG_CSTR(propP->propname),n)==0
+ strwildcmp(propname,TCFG_CSTR(propP->propname),n)==0 // wildcards allowed (for unprocessed properties for example)
) {
// found property def with matching name (and MIME mode)
// check all in group (=all subsequent with same name)
@@ -4412,7 +4545,9 @@ bool TMimeDirProfileHandler::parseLevels(
fMimeDirMode, // MIME-DIR mode
- gn
+ gn,
+ propname,
+ n
)) {
// property parsed successfully
@@ -4480,7 +4615,8 @@ bool TMimeDirProfileHandler::parseLevels(
fMimeDirMode, // MIME-DIR mode
- (*pos).groupnameLen
+ (*pos).groupnameLen,
+ "X-delayed", 9 // dummy, unprocessed properties must not be parsed in delayed mode!
)) {
// count mandarory properties found
//%%% moved this to when we queue the delayed props, as mandatory count is per-profile
@@ -4967,7 +5103,7 @@ bool TMimeDirProfileHandler::analyzeCTCap(SmlDevInfCTCapPtr_t aCTCapP, TSyncItem
for (sInt16 i=0; i<itemTypeP->fFieldDefinitionsP->numFields(); i++) {
- // force mandatory properties to be always "available"
+ // force mandatory+unprocessed properties to be always "available"
// now we have received fields
@@ -5002,9 +5138,9 @@ bool TMimeDirProfileHandler::setLevelOptions(const char *aLevelName, bool aEnabl
// enable fields related to aPropP property in profiles recursively
-// or (if aPropP is NULL), enable fields of all mandatory properties
+// or (if aPropP is NULL), enable fields of all mandatory (or wildcard) properties
void TMimeDirProfileHandler::setfieldoptions(
- const SmlDevInfCTDataPtr_t aPropP, // property to enable fields for, NULL if all mandatory properties should be enabled
+ const SmlDevInfCTDataPtr_t aPropP, // property to enable fields for, NULL if all mandatory+unprocessed properties should be enabled
const TProfileDefinition *aProfileP,
TMimeDirItemType *aItemTypeP
@@ -5061,7 +5197,7 @@ void TMimeDirProfileHandler::setfieldoptions(
while (propdefP) {
// compare
if (
- (propname==NULL && propdefP->mandatory) ||
+ (propname==NULL && (propdefP->mandatory || propdefP->unprocessed)) ||
(propname && (strucmp(propname,TCFG_CSTR(propdefP->propname))==0))
) {
// match (or enabling mandatory) -> enable all fields that are related to this property
diff --git a/src/sysync/mimedirprofile.h b/src/sysync/mimedirprofile.h
index faf2b65..29b3f2e 100755
--- a/src/sysync/mimedirprofile.h
+++ b/src/sysync/mimedirprofile.h
@@ -259,6 +259,9 @@ public:
sInt16 numValues;
// conversion specification(s) for each value
TConversionDef *convdefs;
+ // if set, property is not processed but stored entirely (unfolded, but otherwise unprocessed) in the first <value> defined
+ // This gets automatically set when a property name contains an asterisk wildcard character
+ bool unprocessed;
// if set, property has a list of values that are stored in an array field or
// by offseting fid. Note that a PropNameExtension is needed to allow storing more
// than a single value. If valuelist=true, convdefs should only contain a single entry,
@@ -598,7 +601,8 @@ private:
bool &aNonASCII, // set if any non standard 7bit ASCII-char is contained
char aFirstChar, // will be appended before value if there is any value
sInt32 &aNumNonSpcs, // how many non-spaces are already in the value
- bool aFoldAtSeparators // if true, even in mimo_old folding may appear at value separators (adding an extra space - which is ok for EXDATE and similar)
+ bool aFoldAtSeparator, // if true, even in mimo_old folding may appear at value separators (adding an extra space - which is ok for EXDATE and similar)
+ bool aEscapeOnlyLF // if true, only linefeeds are escaped as \n, but nothing else (not even \ itself)
// - recursive expansion of properties
void expandProperty(
@@ -649,7 +653,8 @@ private:
char aSeparator, // separator between values that consist of a list of enums etc. (more common for params than for values)
TMimeDirMode aMimeMode, // MIME mode (older or newer vXXX format compatibility)
bool aParamValue, // set if parsing parameter value (different escaping rules)
- bool aStructured // set if value consists of multiple values (has semicolon content escaping)
+ bool aStructured, // set if value consists of multiple values (has semicolon content escaping)
+ bool aOnlyDeEscLF // set if de-escaping only for \n -> LF, but all visible char escapes should be left intact
// - parse given property
bool parseProperty(
@@ -660,7 +665,9 @@ private:
sInt16 aRepArraySize, // size of array (for security)
TMimeDirMode aMimeMode, // MIME mode (older or newer vXXX format compatibility)
cAppCharP aGroupName, // property group ("a" in "a.TEL:131723612")
- size_t aGroupNameLen
+ size_t aGroupNameLen,
+ cAppCharP aFullPropName, // entire property name (excluding group) - might be needed in case of wildcard property match
+ size_t aFullNameLen
// parse MIME-DIR level from specified string into item
bool parseLevels(