#include "config.h" #include "telepathy-glib/dtmf.h" #include #include "tests/lib/util.h" static void test_to_char (void) { g_assert_cmpint (tp_dtmf_event_to_char (TP_DTMF_EVENT_DIGIT_0), ==, '0'); g_assert_cmpint (tp_dtmf_event_to_char (TP_DTMF_EVENT_DIGIT_1), ==, '1'); g_assert_cmpint (tp_dtmf_event_to_char (TP_DTMF_EVENT_DIGIT_2), ==, '2'); g_assert_cmpint (tp_dtmf_event_to_char (TP_DTMF_EVENT_DIGIT_3), ==, '3'); g_assert_cmpint (tp_dtmf_event_to_char (TP_DTMF_EVENT_DIGIT_4), ==, '4'); g_assert_cmpint (tp_dtmf_event_to_char (TP_DTMF_EVENT_DIGIT_5), ==, '5'); g_assert_cmpint (tp_dtmf_event_to_char (TP_DTMF_EVENT_DIGIT_6), ==, '6'); g_assert_cmpint (tp_dtmf_event_to_char (TP_DTMF_EVENT_DIGIT_7), ==, '7'); g_assert_cmpint (tp_dtmf_event_to_char (TP_DTMF_EVENT_DIGIT_8), ==, '8'); g_assert_cmpint (tp_dtmf_event_to_char (TP_DTMF_EVENT_DIGIT_9), ==, '9'); g_assert_cmpint (tp_dtmf_event_to_char (TP_DTMF_EVENT_LETTER_A), ==, 'A'); g_assert_cmpint (tp_dtmf_event_to_char (TP_DTMF_EVENT_LETTER_B), ==, 'B'); g_assert_cmpint (tp_dtmf_event_to_char (TP_DTMF_EVENT_LETTER_C), ==, 'C'); g_assert_cmpint (tp_dtmf_event_to_char (TP_DTMF_EVENT_LETTER_D), ==, 'D'); g_assert_cmpint (tp_dtmf_event_to_char (TP_DTMF_EVENT_HASH), ==, '#'); g_assert_cmpint (tp_dtmf_event_to_char (TP_DTMF_EVENT_ASTERISK), ==, '*'); } typedef struct { TpDTMFPlayer *dtmf_player; GString *log; GError *error /* initially NULL */ ; } Fixture; static void fixture_log (Fixture *f, const gchar *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start (ap, format); g_string_append_vprintf (f->log, format, ap); g_string_append_c (f->log, '\n'); va_end (ap); } static void fixture_assert_log (Fixture *f, const gchar *expected) { g_assert_cmpstr (f->log->str, ==, expected); } static void started_tone_cb (TpDTMFPlayer *dtmf_player G_GNUC_UNUSED, guint event, Fixture *f) { fixture_log (f, "started '%c'", tp_dtmf_event_to_char (event)); } static void stopped_tone_cb (TpDTMFPlayer *dtmf_player G_GNUC_UNUSED, Fixture *f) { fixture_log (f, "stopped"); } static void finished_cb (TpDTMFPlayer *dtmf_player G_GNUC_UNUSED, gboolean cancelled, Fixture *f) { if (cancelled) fixture_log (f, "cancelled"); else fixture_log (f, "finished"); } static void deferred_cb (TpDTMFPlayer *dtmf_player G_GNUC_UNUSED, const gchar *tones, Fixture *f) { fixture_log (f, "deferred '%s'", tones); } static void setup (Fixture *f, gconstpointer nil G_GNUC_UNUSED) { g_type_init (); f->dtmf_player = tp_dtmf_player_new (); g_assert (f->dtmf_player != NULL); f->log = g_string_new (""); g_signal_connect (f->dtmf_player, "started-tone", G_CALLBACK (started_tone_cb), f); g_signal_connect (f->dtmf_player, "stopped-tone", G_CALLBACK (stopped_tone_cb), f); g_signal_connect (f->dtmf_player, "finished", G_CALLBACK (finished_cb), f); g_signal_connect (f->dtmf_player, "tones-deferred", G_CALLBACK (deferred_cb), f); } static void teardown (Fixture *f, gconstpointer nil G_GNUC_UNUSED) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched (f->dtmf_player, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, 0, 0, f); tp_clear_object (&f->dtmf_player); g_string_free (f->log, TRUE); g_clear_error (&f->error); } static void test_noop (Fixture *f G_GNUC_UNUSED, gconstpointer nil G_GNUC_UNUSED) { } static void test_empty (Fixture *f, gconstpointer nil G_GNUC_UNUSED) { gboolean ok; ok = tp_dtmf_player_play (f->dtmf_player, "", 1, 1, 1, &f->error); g_assert_no_error (f->error); g_assert (ok); g_assert (!tp_dtmf_player_is_active (f->dtmf_player)); fixture_assert_log (f, "finished\n"); } static void test_cancel (Fixture *f, gconstpointer nil G_GNUC_UNUSED) { gboolean ok; ok = tp_dtmf_player_play (f->dtmf_player, "#", 10000, 1, 1, &f->error); g_assert_no_error (f->error); g_assert (ok); g_assert (tp_dtmf_player_is_active (f->dtmf_player)); tp_dtmf_player_cancel (f->dtmf_player); g_assert (!tp_dtmf_player_is_active (f->dtmf_player)); fixture_assert_log (f, "started '#'\n" "stopped\n" "cancelled\n"); } static void test_cancel_in_gap (Fixture *f, gconstpointer nil G_GNUC_UNUSED) { gboolean ok; ok = tp_dtmf_player_play (f->dtmf_player, "#*", 1, 10000, 1, &f->error); g_assert_no_error (f->error); g_assert (ok); g_assert (tp_dtmf_player_is_active (f->dtmf_player)); fixture_assert_log (f, "started '#'\n"); tp_dtmf_player_cancel (f->dtmf_player); g_assert (!tp_dtmf_player_is_active (f->dtmf_player)); fixture_assert_log (f, "started '#'\n" "stopped\n" "cancelled\n"); } static void test_cancel_in_pause (Fixture *f, gconstpointer nil G_GNUC_UNUSED) { gboolean ok; ok = tp_dtmf_player_play (f->dtmf_player, "#p*", 1, 1, 10000, &f->error); g_assert_no_error (f->error); g_assert (ok); g_assert (tp_dtmf_player_is_active (f->dtmf_player)); fixture_assert_log (f, "started '#'\n"); /* wait 1ms for it to reach the pause */ while (tp_strdiff (f->log->str, "started '#'\nstopped\n")) g_main_context_iteration (NULL, TRUE); tp_dtmf_player_cancel (f->dtmf_player); g_assert (!tp_dtmf_player_is_active (f->dtmf_player)); fixture_assert_log (f, "started '#'\n" "stopped\n" "cancelled\n"); } static void test_sequence (Fixture *f, gconstpointer nil G_GNUC_UNUSED) { gboolean ok; ok = tp_dtmf_player_play (f->dtmf_player, "*12,3#", 1, 1, 1, &f->error); g_assert_no_error (f->error); g_assert (ok); g_assert (tp_dtmf_player_is_active (f->dtmf_player)); fixture_assert_log (f, "started '*'\n"); while (tp_dtmf_player_is_active (f->dtmf_player)) g_main_context_iteration (NULL, TRUE); fixture_assert_log (f, "started '*'\n" "stopped\n" "started '1'\n" "stopped\n" "started '2'\n" "stopped\n" /* at this point we'd wait longer than usual - you can't tell here, * because we have 1ms as the gap time and also as the pause time, * and we're not keeping track anyway */ "started '3'\n" "stopped\n" "started '#'\n" "stopped\n" "finished\n"); } static void test_wait (Fixture *f, gconstpointer nil G_GNUC_UNUSED) { gboolean ok; ok = tp_dtmf_player_play (f->dtmf_player, "*w#w", 1, 1, 1, &f->error); g_assert_no_error (f->error); g_assert (ok); g_assert (tp_dtmf_player_is_active (f->dtmf_player)); fixture_assert_log (f, "started '*'\n"); while (tp_dtmf_player_is_active (f->dtmf_player)) g_main_context_iteration (NULL, TRUE); fixture_assert_log (f, "started '*'\n" "stopped\n" "deferred '#w'\n" "finished\n"); /* Now the user's ready to continue. */ ok = tp_dtmf_player_play (f->dtmf_player, "#w", 1, 1, 1, &f->error); g_assert_no_error (f->error); g_assert (ok); g_assert (tp_dtmf_player_is_active (f->dtmf_player)); fixture_assert_log (f, "started '*'\n" "stopped\n" "deferred '#w'\n" "finished\n" "started '#'\n"); while (tp_dtmf_player_is_active (f->dtmf_player)) g_main_context_iteration (NULL, TRUE); /* It doesn't really make sense to defer "", so we just stop there */ fixture_assert_log (f, "started '*'\n" "stopped\n" "deferred '#w'\n" "finished\n" "started '#'\n" "stopped\n" "finished\n"); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { #define TEST_PREFIX "/dtmf-player/" #define FIXTURE_TEST(x) \ g_test_add (TEST_PREFIX #x, Fixture, NULL, setup, test_ ## x, teardown) tp_tests_init (&argc, &argv); g_test_bug_base ("http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id="); g_test_add_func (TEST_PREFIX "to_char", test_to_char); FIXTURE_TEST (noop); FIXTURE_TEST (empty); FIXTURE_TEST (cancel); FIXTURE_TEST (cancel_in_gap); FIXTURE_TEST (cancel_in_pause); FIXTURE_TEST (sequence); FIXTURE_TEST (wait); return g_test_run (); }