/* * roster.c - Source for Gabble roster helper * * Copyright © 2006–2010 Collabora Ltd. * Copyright © 2006–2010 Nokia Corporation * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "config.h" #include "roster.h" #define DBUS_API_SUBJECT_TO_CHANGE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DEBUG_FLAG GABBLE_DEBUG_ROSTER #include "gabble/caps-channel-manager.h" #include "conn-aliasing.h" #include "conn-presence.h" #include "conn-util.h" #include "connection.h" #include "debug.h" #include "namespaces.h" #include "presence-cache.h" #include "util.h" #define GOOGLE_ROSTER_VERSION "2" /* signal enum */ enum { NICKNAMES_UPDATE, LAST_SIGNAL }; static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; struct _GabbleRosterPrivate { GabbleConnection *conn; gulong porter_available_id; gulong status_changed_id; GCancellable *cancel_on_disconnect; guint iq_cb; guint presence_cb; GHashTable *items; TpHandleSet *groups; /* set of contacts whose subscription requests will automatically be * accepted during this session */ TpHandleSet *pre_authorized; gboolean received; gboolean dispose_has_run; }; typedef enum { GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_INVALID = -1, GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_NORMAL = 0, GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_BLOCKED, GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_HIDDEN, GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_PINNED, } GoogleItemType; typedef enum { GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_NONE = 0, GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_FROM, GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_TO, GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_BOTH, GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REMOVE, GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_INVALID, } GabbleRosterSubscription; typedef struct _GabbleRosterItemEdit GabbleRosterItemEdit; struct _GabbleRosterItemEdit { TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo; TpHandle handle; /* if TRUE, we must create this roster item, so send the IQ even if we * don't appear to be changing anything */ gboolean create; /* list of reffed GSimpleAsyncResult */ GSList *results; /* if these are ..._INVALID, that means don't edit */ GabbleRosterSubscription new_subscription; GoogleItemType new_google_type; /* owned by the GabbleRosterItemEdit. If NULL, that means don't edit... */ gchar *new_name; /* if TRUE, disregard new_name and remove name='' from the roster item */ gboolean remove_name; TpHandleSet *add_to_groups; TpHandleSet *remove_from_groups; gboolean remove_from_all_other_groups; }; typedef struct _GabbleRosterItem GabbleRosterItem; struct _GabbleRosterItem { GabbleRosterSubscription subscription; gboolean ask_subscribe; GoogleItemType google_type; gchar *name; gchar *alias_for; TpHandleSet *groups; /* if TRUE, an edit attempt is already "in-flight" so we can't send off * edits immediately - instead, store them in unsent_edits */ gboolean edits_in_flight; GabbleRosterItemEdit *unsent_edits; /* Might not match @subscription and @ask_subscribe exactly, in cases where * we're working around server breakage */ TpSubscriptionState subscribe; TpSubscriptionState publish; gchar *publish_request; gboolean stored; gboolean blocked; /* If non-zero, the GSource id for a call to flicker_prevention_timeout. */ guint flicker_prevention_id; }; typedef struct _FlickerPreventionCtx FlickerPreventionCtx; struct _FlickerPreventionCtx { GabbleRoster *roster; TpHandle handle; GabbleRosterItem *item; }; static void roster_item_cancel_flicker_timeout (GabbleRosterItem *item); static void _gabble_roster_item_free (GabbleRosterItem *item); static void item_edit_free (GabbleRosterItemEdit *edits); static void gabble_roster_close_all (GabbleRoster *roster); static void mutable_iface_init (TpMutableContactListInterface *iface); static void blockable_iface_init (TpBlockableContactListInterface *iface); static void contact_groups_iface_init (TpContactGroupListInterface *iface); static void mutable_contact_groups_iface_init ( TpMutableContactGroupListInterface *iface); G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GabbleRoster, gabble_roster, TP_TYPE_BASE_CONTACT_LIST, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TP_TYPE_MUTABLE_CONTACT_LIST, mutable_iface_init); G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TP_TYPE_CONTACT_GROUP_LIST, contact_groups_iface_init); G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TP_TYPE_MUTABLE_CONTACT_GROUP_LIST, mutable_contact_groups_iface_init); G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TP_TYPE_BLOCKABLE_CONTACT_LIST, blockable_iface_init); G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GABBLE_TYPE_CAPS_CHANNEL_MANAGER, NULL)) static void gabble_roster_init (GabbleRoster *obj) { GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (obj, GABBLE_TYPE_ROSTER, GabbleRosterPrivate); obj->priv = priv; priv->items = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, (GDestroyNotify) _gabble_roster_item_free); } static void gabble_roster_dispose (GObject *object) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (object); GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = self->priv; if (priv->dispose_has_run) return; DEBUG ("dispose called"); priv->dispose_has_run = TRUE; g_assert (priv->iq_cb == 0); g_assert (priv->presence_cb == 0); gabble_roster_close_all (self); g_assert (priv->groups == NULL); g_assert (priv->pre_authorized == NULL); if (G_OBJECT_CLASS (gabble_roster_parent_class)->dispose) G_OBJECT_CLASS (gabble_roster_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void item_handle_unref_foreach (gpointer key, gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { TpHandle handle = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (key); GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = (GabbleRosterPrivate *) user_data; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); tp_handle_unref (contact_repo, handle); } static void gabble_roster_finalize (GObject *object) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (object); GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = self->priv; DEBUG ("called with %p", object); g_hash_table_foreach (priv->items, item_handle_unref_foreach, priv); g_hash_table_destroy (priv->items); G_OBJECT_CLASS (gabble_roster_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void _gabble_roster_item_free (GabbleRosterItem *item) { g_assert (item != NULL); tp_handle_set_destroy (item->groups); item_edit_free (item->unsent_edits); g_free (item->name); g_free (item->alias_for); g_free (item->publish_request); roster_item_cancel_flicker_timeout (item); g_slice_free (GabbleRosterItem, item); } static const gchar * _subscription_to_string (GabbleRosterSubscription subscription) { switch (subscription) { case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_NONE: return "none"; case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_FROM: return "from"; case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_TO: return "to"; case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_BOTH: return "both"; case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REMOVE: return "remove"; default: g_assert_not_reached (); return NULL; } } static GabbleRosterSubscription _parse_item_subscription (WockyNode *item_node) { const gchar *subscription; g_assert (item_node != NULL); subscription = wocky_node_get_attribute (item_node, "subscription"); if (NULL == subscription || 0 == strcmp (subscription, "none")) return GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_NONE; else if (0 == strcmp (subscription, "from")) return GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_FROM; else if (0 == strcmp (subscription, "to")) return GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_TO; else if (0 == strcmp (subscription, "both")) return GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_BOTH; else if (0 == strcmp (subscription, "remove")) return GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REMOVE; else { NODE_DEBUG (item_node, "got unexpected subscription value"); return GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_NONE; } } static TpHandleSet * _parse_item_groups (WockyNode *item_node, TpBaseConnection *conn) { TpHandleRepoIface *group_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP); TpHandleSet *groups = tp_handle_set_new (group_repo); TpHandle handle; NodeIter i; for (i = node_iter (item_node); i; i = node_iter_next (i)) { WockyNode *group_node = node_iter_data (i); const gchar *value; if (0 != strcmp (group_node->name, "group")) continue; value = group_node->content; if (NULL == value) continue; handle = tp_handle_ensure (group_repo, value, NULL, NULL); if (!handle) continue; tp_handle_set_add (groups, handle); tp_handle_unref (group_repo, handle); } return groups; } static const gchar * _google_item_type_to_string (GoogleItemType google_type) { switch (google_type) { case GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_NORMAL: return NULL; case GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_BLOCKED: return "B"; case GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_HIDDEN: return "H"; case GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_PINNED: return "P"; case GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_INVALID: g_assert_not_reached (); return NULL; } g_assert_not_reached (); return NULL; } static GoogleItemType _parse_google_item_type (WockyNode *item_node) { const gchar *google_type; g_assert (item_node != NULL); google_type = wocky_node_get_attribute_ns (item_node, "t", NS_GOOGLE_ROSTER); if (NULL == google_type) return GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_NORMAL; else if (!tp_strdiff (google_type, "B")) return GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_BLOCKED; else if (!tp_strdiff (google_type, "H")) return GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_HIDDEN; else if (!tp_strdiff (google_type, "P")) return GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_PINNED; NODE_DEBUG (item_node, "got unexpected google contact type value"); return GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_NORMAL; } static gchar * _extract_google_alias_for (WockyNode *item_node) { return g_strdup (wocky_node_get_attribute_ns (item_node, "alias-for", NS_GOOGLE_ROSTER)); } static gboolean _google_roster_item_should_keep (const gchar *jid, GabbleRosterItem *item) { /* hide hidden items */ if (item->google_type == GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_HIDDEN) { DEBUG ("hiding %s: gr:t='H'", jid); return FALSE; } /* allow items that we've requested a subscription from */ if (item->ask_subscribe) return TRUE; if (item->subscription != GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_NONE && item->subscription != GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REMOVE) return TRUE; /* discard anything else */ DEBUG ("hiding %s: no subscription", jid); return FALSE; } static GabbleRosterItem * _gabble_roster_item_lookup (GabbleRoster *roster, TpHandle handle) { GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = roster->priv; g_assert (roster != NULL); g_assert (GABBLE_IS_ROSTER (roster)); return g_hash_table_lookup (priv->items, GUINT_TO_POINTER (handle)); } static GabbleRosterItem * _gabble_roster_item_ensure (GabbleRoster *roster, TpHandle handle) { GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = roster->priv; TpHandleRepoIface *group_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP); TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); GabbleRosterItem *item; item = _gabble_roster_item_lookup (roster, handle); g_assert (tp_handle_is_valid (contact_repo, handle, NULL)); if (NULL == item) { GabbleConnectionAliasSource source; gchar *alias = NULL; source = _gabble_connection_get_cached_alias (priv->conn, handle, &alias); g_assert (source < GABBLE_CONNECTION_ALIAS_FROM_ROSTER); if (source <= GABBLE_CONNECTION_ALIAS_FROM_JID) { g_free (alias); alias = NULL; } item = g_slice_new0 (GabbleRosterItem); /* We may want it to be on the roster, but it's not there yet, so the * most accurate description of how to reach this state is "remove". * We'll keep this transient roster item for as long as it has edits * pending, or some other reason to stay around (a pending publish * request, for instance). */ item->subscription = GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REMOVE; item->subscribe = TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_NO; item->publish = TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_NO; item->name = alias; item->groups = tp_handle_set_new (group_repo); tp_handle_ref (contact_repo, handle); g_hash_table_insert (priv->items, GUINT_TO_POINTER (handle), item); } return item; } static gboolean _gabble_roster_item_maybe_remove (GabbleRoster *roster, TpHandle handle) { GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = roster->priv; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); GabbleRosterItem *item; g_assert (roster != NULL); g_assert (GABBLE_IS_ROSTER (roster)); g_assert (tp_handle_is_valid (contact_repo, handle, NULL)); item = _gabble_roster_item_lookup (roster, handle); g_return_val_if_fail (item != NULL, FALSE); /* don't remove items that are really on our server-side roster */ if (item->subscription != GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REMOVE) { DEBUG ("contact#%u is still on the roster", handle); return FALSE; } /* don't remove items that have edits in flight */ if (item->edits_in_flight) { DEBUG ("contact#%u has edits in flight", handle); return FALSE; } /* don't remove transient items that represent publish/subscribe state */ if (item->publish != TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_NO) { DEBUG ("contact#%u has publish=%u", handle, item->publish); return FALSE; } if (item->subscribe != TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_NO) { DEBUG ("contact#%u has subscribe=%u", handle, item->subscribe); return FALSE; } DEBUG ("removing contact#%u", handle); item = NULL; g_hash_table_remove (priv->items, GUINT_TO_POINTER (handle)); tp_handle_unref (contact_repo, handle); return TRUE; } static GabbleRosterItem * _gabble_roster_item_update (GabbleRoster *roster, TpHandle contact_handle, WockyNode *node, gboolean google_roster_mode, gboolean *nickname_updated) { GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = roster->priv; GabbleRosterItem *item; const gchar *ask, *name; TpIntSet *new_groups, *added_to, *removed_from, *removed_from2; TpHandleSet *new_groups_handle_set, *old_groups; TpBaseContactList *base = (TpBaseContactList *) roster; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); TpHandleRepoIface *group_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP); g_assert (roster != NULL); g_assert (GABBLE_IS_ROSTER (roster)); g_assert (tp_handle_is_valid (contact_repo, contact_handle, NULL)); g_assert (node != NULL); item = _gabble_roster_item_ensure (roster, contact_handle); item->subscription = _parse_item_subscription (node); ask = wocky_node_get_attribute (node, "ask"); if (NULL != ask && 0 == strcmp (ask, "subscribe")) item->ask_subscribe = TRUE; else item->ask_subscribe = FALSE; if (google_roster_mode) { item->google_type = _parse_google_item_type (node); g_free (item->alias_for); item->alias_for = _extract_google_alias_for (node); } if (item->subscription == GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REMOVE) name = NULL; else name = wocky_node_get_attribute (node, "name"); if (tp_strdiff (item->name, name)) { g_free (item->name); item->name = g_strdup (name); DEBUG ("name for contact#%u changed to %s", contact_handle, name); *nickname_updated = TRUE; } else { *nickname_updated = FALSE; } new_groups_handle_set = _parse_item_groups (node, (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn); new_groups = tp_handle_set_peek (new_groups_handle_set); old_groups = tp_handle_set_copy (item->groups); removed_from = tp_intset_difference (tp_handle_set_peek (item->groups), new_groups); added_to = tp_handle_set_update (item->groups, new_groups); removed_from2 = tp_handle_set_difference_update (item->groups, removed_from); if (roster->priv->groups != NULL) { TpIntSet *created_groups = tp_handle_set_update (roster->priv->groups, new_groups); /* we don't need to do this work if TpBaseContactList will just be * ignoring it, as it will before we've received the roster */ if (tp_base_contact_list_get_state ((TpBaseContactList *) roster, NULL) == TP_CONTACT_LIST_STATE_SUCCESS && !tp_intset_is_empty (created_groups)) { GPtrArray *strv = g_ptr_array_sized_new (tp_intset_size ( created_groups)); TpIntSetFastIter iter; TpHandle group; tp_intset_fast_iter_init (&iter, created_groups); while (tp_intset_fast_iter_next (&iter, &group)) { const gchar *group_name = tp_handle_inspect (group_repo, group); DEBUG ("Group was just created: #%u '%s'", group, group_name); g_ptr_array_add (strv, (gchar *) group_name); } tp_base_contact_list_groups_created ((TpBaseContactList *) roster, (const gchar * const *) strv->pdata, strv->len); g_ptr_array_free (strv, TRUE); } tp_clear_pointer (&created_groups, tp_intset_destroy); } /* We emit one GroupsChanged signal per contact, because that's most natural * for XMPP, where we usually get a roster push for a single contact. * * The exception is when we're receiving our initial roster, but until we do * that we don't need to emit GroupsChanged anyway; TpBaseContactList will * recover state. */ if (tp_base_contact_list_get_state (base, NULL) == TP_CONTACT_LIST_STATE_SUCCESS && (!tp_intset_is_empty (added_to) || !tp_intset_is_empty (removed_from))) { GPtrArray *added_names = g_ptr_array_sized_new (tp_intset_size (added_to)); GPtrArray *removed_names = g_ptr_array_sized_new ( tp_intset_size (removed_from)); TpHandleSet *the_contact = tp_handle_set_new (contact_repo); TpIntSetFastIter iter; TpHandle group; tp_handle_set_add (the_contact, contact_handle); tp_intset_fast_iter_init (&iter, added_to); while (tp_intset_fast_iter_next (&iter, &group)) { const gchar *group_name = tp_handle_inspect (group_repo, group); DEBUG ("Contact #%u added to group #%u '%s'", contact_handle, group, group_name); g_ptr_array_add (added_names, (gchar *) group_name); } tp_intset_fast_iter_init (&iter, removed_from); while (tp_intset_fast_iter_next (&iter, &group)) { const gchar *group_name = tp_handle_inspect (group_repo, group); DEBUG ("Contact #%u removed from group #%u '%s'", contact_handle, group, group_name); g_ptr_array_add (removed_names, (gchar *) group_name); } tp_base_contact_list_groups_changed ((TpBaseContactList *) roster, the_contact, (const gchar * const *) added_names->pdata, added_names->len, (const gchar * const *) removed_names->pdata, removed_names->len); } tp_intset_destroy (added_to); tp_intset_destroy (removed_from); tp_intset_destroy (removed_from2); new_groups = NULL; tp_handle_set_destroy (new_groups_handle_set); tp_handle_set_destroy (old_groups); return item; } #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG static void _gabble_roster_item_dump_group (guint handle, gpointer user_data) { g_string_append_printf ((GString *) user_data, "group#%u ", handle); } static gchar * _gabble_roster_item_dump (GabbleRosterItem *item) { GString *str; g_assert (item != NULL); str = g_string_new ("subscription: "); g_string_append (str, _subscription_to_string (item->subscription)); if (item->ask_subscribe) g_string_append (str, ", ask: subscribe"); if (item->google_type != GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_NORMAL) g_string_append_printf (str, ", google_type: %s", _google_item_type_to_string (item->google_type)); if (item->name) g_string_append_printf (str, ", name: %s", item->name); if (item->groups) { tp_intset_foreach (tp_handle_set_peek (item->groups), _gabble_roster_item_dump_group, str); } return g_string_free (str, FALSE); } #endif /* ENABLE_DEBUG */ static WockyStanza * _gabble_roster_message_new (GabbleRoster *roster, WockyStanzaSubType sub_type, WockyNode **query_return) { GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = roster->priv; WockyStanza *message; WockyNode *query_node; g_assert (roster != NULL); g_assert (GABBLE_IS_ROSTER (roster)); message = wocky_stanza_build (WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, sub_type, NULL, NULL, '(', "query", ':', WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER, '*', &query_node, ')', NULL); if (query_return != NULL) *query_return = query_node; if (priv->conn->features & GABBLE_CONNECTION_FEATURES_GOOGLE_ROSTER) { GQuark gr = g_quark_from_static_string (NS_GOOGLE_ROSTER); wocky_node_attribute_ns_set_prefix (gr, "gr"); wocky_node_set_attribute_ns (query_node, "ext", GOOGLE_ROSTER_VERSION, NS_GOOGLE_ROSTER); wocky_node_set_attribute_ns (query_node, "include", "all", NS_GOOGLE_ROSTER); } return message; } struct _ItemToMessageContext { TpBaseConnection *conn; WockyNode *item_node; }; static void _gabble_roster_item_put_group_in_message (guint handle, gpointer user_data) { struct _ItemToMessageContext *ctx = (struct _ItemToMessageContext *)user_data; TpHandleRepoIface *group_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( ctx->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP); const char *name = tp_handle_inspect (group_repo, handle); wocky_node_add_child_with_content (ctx->item_node, "group", name); } /* * _gabble_roster_item_to_message: * @roster: the roster * @item: the state we would like the contact's roster item to have (*not* * the state it currently has!) * @handle: a contact * * Returns: the necessary IQ to change @handle's state to match that of @item */ static WockyStanza * _gabble_roster_item_to_message (GabbleRoster *roster, TpHandle handle, GabbleRosterItem *item) { GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = roster->priv; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); WockyStanza *message; WockyNode *query_node, *item_node; const gchar *jid; struct _ItemToMessageContext ctx = { (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, }; g_assert (roster != NULL); g_assert (GABBLE_IS_ROSTER (roster)); g_assert (tp_handle_is_valid (contact_repo, handle, NULL)); g_assert (item != NULL); message = _gabble_roster_message_new (roster, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET, &query_node); item_node = wocky_node_add_child (query_node, "item"); ctx.item_node = item_node; jid = tp_handle_inspect (contact_repo, handle); wocky_node_set_attribute (item_node, "jid", jid); if (item->subscription != GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_NONE) { const gchar *subscription = _subscription_to_string (item->subscription); wocky_node_set_attribute (item_node, "subscription", subscription); } if (item->subscription == GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REMOVE) goto DONE; if ((priv->conn->features & GABBLE_CONNECTION_FEATURES_GOOGLE_ROSTER) && item->google_type != GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_NORMAL) { GQuark gr = g_quark_from_static_string (NS_GOOGLE_ROSTER); wocky_node_attribute_ns_set_prefix (gr, "gr"); wocky_node_set_attribute_ns (item_node, "t", _google_item_type_to_string (item->google_type), NS_GOOGLE_ROSTER); } if (item->ask_subscribe) wocky_node_set_attribute (item_node, "ask", "subscribe"); if (item->name) wocky_node_set_attribute (item_node, "name", item->name); if (item->groups) { tp_intset_foreach (tp_handle_set_peek (item->groups), _gabble_roster_item_put_group_in_message, (void *)&ctx); } DONE: return message; } static FlickerPreventionCtx * flicker_prevention_ctx_new (GabbleRoster *roster, TpHandle handle, GabbleRosterItem *item) { FlickerPreventionCtx *ret = g_slice_new (FlickerPreventionCtx); /* Not taking a ref to the roster. The context is owned by the Item (well, by * its timeout) which is owned by the roster. */ ret->roster = roster; /* Not taking a ref to the handle; we borrow the roster's ref, which is * released after the GabbleRosterItem is freed, at which point this context * will be destroyed. */ ret->handle = handle; ret->item = item; return ret; } static void flicker_prevention_ctx_free (gpointer ctx_) { FlickerPreventionCtx *ctx = ctx_; ctx->roster = NULL; ctx->handle = 0; ctx->item = NULL; g_slice_free (FlickerPreventionCtx, ctx); } /* As described in roster/test-google-roster.py, we work around a Google Talk * server bug to avoid contacts flickering off and onto * subscribe:remote-pending when you try to subscribe to someone's presence. * * When we see a roster item with subscription=none/from and ask=subscribe: * * if no call to this function is scheduled, we schedule a call * * if one is already scheduled, we cancel it. * * When we see a roster item with subscription=none/from and no ask=subscribe: * * if a call to this timeout is scheduled, do nothing, in case the contact * flickers back to ask=subscribe before this fires; * * if a call to this timeout is not scheduled, remove the contact from the * subscribe list. * * This way, our subscription being cancelled or our subscription requests * being rescinded will show up on the subscribe list, albeit with a slight lag * in certain situations in case we're just seeing the Google talk server bug. */ static gboolean flicker_prevention_timeout (gpointer ctx_) { FlickerPreventionCtx *ctx = ctx_; GabbleRosterItem *item = ctx->item; DEBUG ("called for %u", ctx->handle); if ((item->subscription == GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REMOVE || item->subscription == GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_NONE) && !item->ask_subscribe) { TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) ctx->roster->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); TpHandleSet *rem = tp_handle_set_new (contact_repo); DEBUG ("removing %u from subscribe", ctx->handle); item->subscribe = TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_NO; tp_handle_set_add (rem, ctx->handle); tp_base_contact_list_contacts_changed ((TpBaseContactList *) ctx->roster, rem, NULL); tp_handle_set_destroy (rem); } else { DEBUG ("subscription=%s and ask_subscribe=%s, nothing to do", _subscription_to_string (item->subscription), item->ask_subscribe ? "true" : "false"); } ctx->item->flicker_prevention_id = 0; return FALSE; } static void roster_item_ensure_flicker_timeout (GabbleRoster *roster, TpHandle handle, GabbleRosterItem *item) { if (item->flicker_prevention_id == 0) { FlickerPreventionCtx *ctx = flicker_prevention_ctx_new (roster, handle, item); item->flicker_prevention_id = g_timeout_add_seconds_full ( G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 1, flicker_prevention_timeout, ctx, flicker_prevention_ctx_free); } } static void roster_item_cancel_flicker_timeout (GabbleRosterItem *item) { if (item->flicker_prevention_id != 0) { g_source_remove (item->flicker_prevention_id); item->flicker_prevention_id = 0; } } static gboolean roster_item_set_publish (GabbleRosterItem *item, TpSubscriptionState publish, const gchar *request) { gboolean changed = FALSE; g_assert (publish == TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_ASK || request == NULL); if (item->publish != publish) changed = TRUE; item->publish = publish; if (tp_strdiff (item->publish_request, request)) { changed = TRUE; g_free (item->publish_request); item->publish_request = g_strdup (request); } return changed; } static gboolean roster_item_set_subscribe (GabbleRosterItem *item, TpSubscriptionState subscribe) { if (item->subscribe != subscribe) { item->subscribe = subscribe; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static gboolean is_google_roster_push ( GabbleRoster *roster, WockyNode *query_node) { if (roster->priv->conn->features & GABBLE_CONNECTION_FEATURES_GOOGLE_ROSTER) { const char *gr_ext = wocky_node_get_attribute_ns ( query_node, "ext", NS_GOOGLE_ROSTER); if (!tp_strdiff (gr_ext, GOOGLE_ROSTER_VERSION)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * validate_roster_item: * @contact_repo: the handle repository for contacts * @item_node: a child of a , purporting to be * an * @jid_out: location at which to store the roster item's jid, borrowed from * @item_node, if the item is valid. * * Returns: a reference to a handle for the roster item, or 0 if the item seems * to be malformed. */ static TpHandle validate_roster_item ( TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo, WockyNode *item_node, const gchar **jid_out) { const gchar *jid; TpHandle handle; if (strcmp (item_node->name, "item")) { NODE_DEBUG (item_node, "query sub-node is not item, skipping"); return 0; } jid = wocky_node_get_attribute (item_node, "jid"); if (!jid) { NODE_DEBUG (item_node, "item node has no jid, skipping"); return 0; } if (strchr (jid, '/') != NULL) { /* Avoid fd.o #12791 */ NODE_DEBUG (item_node, "item node has resource in jid, skipping"); return 0; } handle = tp_handle_ensure (contact_repo, jid, NULL, NULL); if (handle == 0) { NODE_DEBUG (item_node, "item jid is malformed, skipping"); return 0; } *jid_out = jid; return handle; } /* * process_roster: * @roster: a roster object * @query_node: a <query xmlns='jabber:iq:roster'/> node * * Processes an incoming roster push. */ static void process_roster ( GabbleRoster *roster, WockyNode *query_node) { GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = roster->priv; TpBaseConnection *conn = (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles (conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); GArray *updated_nicknames = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (TpHandle)); /* asymmetry is because we don't get locally pending subscription * requests via , we get it via */ TpHandleSet *changed = tp_handle_set_new (contact_repo); TpHandleSet *removed = tp_handle_set_new (contact_repo); /* We may not have a deny list */ TpHandleSet *blocking_changed; TpHandleSet *referenced_handles = tp_handle_set_new (contact_repo); gboolean google_roster = is_google_roster_push (roster, query_node); NodeIter j; if (google_roster) blocking_changed = tp_handle_set_new (contact_repo); else blocking_changed = NULL; /* iterate every sub-node, which we expect to be s */ for (j = node_iter (query_node); j; j = node_iter_next (j)) { WockyNode *item_node = node_iter_data (j); const char *jid; TpHandle handle; GabbleRosterItem *item; gboolean nickname_updated; handle = validate_roster_item (contact_repo, item_node, &jid); if (handle == 0) continue; /* transfer ownership of the reference to referenced_handles */ tp_handle_set_add (referenced_handles, handle); tp_handle_unref (contact_repo, handle); item = _gabble_roster_item_update (roster, handle, item_node, google_roster, &nickname_updated); #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG if (DEBUGGING) { gchar *dump = _gabble_roster_item_dump (item); DEBUG ("jid: %s, %s", jid, dump); g_free (dump); } #endif if (nickname_updated) g_array_append_val (updated_nicknames, handle); /* handle publish list changes */ switch (item->subscription) { case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_FROM: case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_BOTH: if (google_roster && !_google_roster_item_should_keep (jid, item)) { if (roster_item_set_publish (item, TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_NO, NULL)) tp_handle_set_add (changed, handle); } else { if (roster_item_set_publish (item, TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_YES, NULL)) tp_handle_set_add (changed, handle); } break; case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_NONE: case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_TO: case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REMOVE: /* publish channel is a bit odd, the roster item doesn't tell us * if someone is awaiting our approval - we get this via presence * type=subscribe, so we have to not remove them if they're * already local_pending in our publish channel. NO -> NO is a * no-op, so YES -> NO is the only case left. */ if (item->publish == TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_YES) { tp_handle_set_add (changed, handle); roster_item_set_publish (item, TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_NO, NULL); } break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } /* handle subscribe list changes */ switch (item->subscription) { case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_TO: case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_BOTH: if (google_roster && !_google_roster_item_should_keep (jid, item)) { if (roster_item_set_subscribe (item, TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_NO)) tp_handle_set_add (changed, handle); } else { if (roster_item_set_subscribe (item, TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_YES)) tp_handle_set_add (changed, handle); } roster_item_cancel_flicker_timeout (item); break; case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_NONE: case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_FROM: if (item->ask_subscribe) { if (item->subscribe == TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_YES) { DEBUG ("not letting gtalk demote member %u to pending", handle); } else { if (item->flicker_prevention_id == 0) roster_item_ensure_flicker_timeout (roster, handle, item); else roster_item_cancel_flicker_timeout (item); if (roster_item_set_subscribe (item, TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_ASK)) tp_handle_set_add (changed, handle); } } else if (item->flicker_prevention_id == 0) { /* We're not expecting this contact's ask=subscribe to * flicker off and on again, so let's remove them immediately. */ if (roster_item_set_subscribe (item, TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_NO)) tp_handle_set_add (changed, handle); } else { DEBUG ("delaying removal of %s from pending", jid); } break; case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REMOVE: if (roster_item_set_subscribe (item, TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_NO)) tp_handle_set_add (changed, handle); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } /* handle stored list changes */ switch (item->subscription) { case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_NONE: case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_TO: case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_FROM: case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_BOTH: if (google_roster && /* Don't hide contacts from stored if they're remote pending. * This works around Google Talk flickering ask="subscribe" * when you try to subscribe to someone; see * test-google-roster.py. */ item->subscribe != TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_ASK && !_google_roster_item_should_keep (jid, item)) { tp_handle_set_remove (changed, handle); tp_handle_set_add (removed, handle); item->stored = FALSE; } else { if (!item->stored) tp_handle_set_add (changed, handle); item->stored = TRUE; } break; case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REMOVE: tp_handle_set_remove (changed, handle); if (item->stored) tp_handle_set_add (removed, handle); item->stored = FALSE; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } /* handle deny list changes */ if (google_roster) { switch (item->subscription) { case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_NONE: case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_TO: case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_FROM: case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_BOTH: if (item->google_type == GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_BLOCKED) { if (!item->blocked) tp_handle_set_add (blocking_changed, handle); item->blocked = TRUE; } else { if (item->blocked) tp_handle_set_add (blocking_changed, handle); item->blocked = FALSE; } break; case GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REMOVE: if (item->blocked) tp_handle_set_add (blocking_changed, handle); item->blocked = FALSE; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } _gabble_roster_item_maybe_remove (roster, handle); } if (updated_nicknames->len > 0) g_signal_emit (roster, signals[NICKNAMES_UPDATE], 0, updated_nicknames); tp_base_contact_list_contacts_changed ((TpBaseContactList *) roster, changed, removed); if (google_roster) { tp_base_contact_list_contact_blocking_changed ( (TpBaseContactList *) roster, blocking_changed); tp_handle_set_destroy (blocking_changed); } g_array_free (updated_nicknames, TRUE); tp_handle_set_destroy (changed); tp_handle_set_destroy (removed); tp_handle_set_destroy (referenced_handles); } static void roster_item_apply_edits (GabbleRoster *roster, TpHandle contact, GabbleRosterItem *item); /** * got_roster_iq: * * Called by loudmouth when we get an incoming . This handler * is concerned only with roster queries, and allows other handlers * if queries other than rosters are received. * * Returns: %TRUE if handled, %FALSE to allow more handlers */ static gboolean got_roster_iq (GabbleRoster *roster, WockyStanza *message) { GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = roster->priv; WockyNode *iq_node, *query_node; WockyStanzaSubType sub_type; if (priv->conn == NULL) return FALSE; iq_node = wocky_stanza_get_top_node (message); query_node = wocky_node_get_child_ns (iq_node, "query", WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER); if (query_node == NULL) return FALSE; wocky_stanza_get_type_info (message, NULL, &sub_type); /* if this is a result, it's from our initial query. if it's a set, * it's a roster push. otherwise, it's not for us. */ if (sub_type != WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_RESULT && sub_type != WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET) { NODE_DEBUG (iq_node, "unhandled roster IQ"); return FALSE; } process_roster (roster, query_node); if (sub_type == WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_RESULT) { /* We are handling the response to our initial roster request. */ GHashTableIter iter; gpointer k, v; GArray *members = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (guint), g_hash_table_size (roster->priv->items)); GSList *edited_items = NULL; /* If we're subscribed to somebody (subscription=to or =both), * and we haven't received presence from them, * we know they're offline. Let clients know that. */ g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, roster->priv->items); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &k, &v)) { GabbleRosterItem *item = v; TpHandle contact = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (k); if (item->subscribe == TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_YES && gabble_presence_cache_get (roster->priv->conn->presence_cache, contact) == NULL) g_array_append_val (members, contact); if (item->unsent_edits != NULL) edited_items = g_slist_prepend (edited_items, item); } conn_presence_emit_presence_update (priv->conn, members); g_array_free (members, TRUE); /* The roster is now complete and we can emit signals... */ tp_base_contact_list_set_list_received ((TpBaseContactList *) roster); priv->received = TRUE; /* ... and carry out any pending edits */ for (; edited_items != NULL; edited_items = g_slist_delete_link (edited_items, edited_items)) { GabbleRosterItem *item = edited_items->data; roster_item_apply_edits (roster, item->unsent_edits->handle, item); } } else /* WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET */ { /* acknowledge roster */ _gabble_connection_acknowledge_set_iq (priv->conn, message); } return TRUE; } static gboolean gabble_roster_iq_cb (WockyPorter *porter, WockyStanza *message, gpointer user_data) { GabbleRoster *roster = GABBLE_ROSTER (user_data); return got_roster_iq (roster, message); } static void _gabble_roster_send_presence_ack (GabbleRoster *roster, const gchar *from, WockyStanzaSubType sub_type, gboolean changed) { GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = roster->priv; WockyStanza *reply; if (!changed) { DEBUG ("not sending ack to avoid loop with buggy server"); return; } switch (sub_type) { case WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBE: sub_type = WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBED; break; case WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SUBSCRIBED: sub_type = WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE; break; case WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBED: sub_type = WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBE; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); return; } reply = wocky_stanza_build (WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_PRESENCE, sub_type, NULL, from, NULL); /* no content */ _gabble_connection_send (priv->conn, reply, NULL); g_object_unref (reply); } static gboolean gabble_roster_handle_subscribed (GabbleRoster *roster, TpHandle handle, const gchar *message, GError **error); static gboolean gabble_roster_presence_cb (WockyPorter *porter, WockyStanza *message, gpointer user_data) { GabbleRoster *roster = GABBLE_ROSTER (user_data); GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = roster->priv; TpBaseConnection *conn = (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles (conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); WockyNode *pres_node, *child_node; const char *from; WockyStanzaSubType sub_type; TpHandleSet *tmp; TpHandle handle; const gchar *status_message = NULL; gboolean ret; GabbleRosterItem *item; if (priv->conn == NULL) return FALSE; from = wocky_stanza_get_from (message); pres_node = wocky_stanza_get_top_node (message); if (from == NULL) { NODE_DEBUG (pres_node, "presence stanza without from attribute, " "ignoring"); return FALSE; } wocky_stanza_get_type_info (message, NULL, &sub_type); handle = tp_handle_ensure (contact_repo, from, NULL, NULL); if (handle == 0) { NODE_DEBUG (pres_node, "ignoring presence from malformed jid"); return FALSE; } if (handle == conn->self_handle) { NODE_DEBUG (pres_node, "ignoring presence from ourselves on another " "resource"); ret = FALSE; goto OUT; } g_assert (handle != 0); child_node = wocky_node_get_child (pres_node, "status"); if (child_node != NULL) status_message = child_node->content; item = _gabble_roster_item_ensure (roster, handle); switch (sub_type) { case WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE: DEBUG ("making %s (handle %u) local pending on the publish channel", from, handle); /* we re-emit ContactsChanged here, even if their state was already ASK * with the same message, because the fact that they've nagged us again * is significant */ roster_item_set_publish (item, TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_ASK, status_message); tmp = tp_handle_set_new (contact_repo); tp_handle_set_add (tmp, handle); tp_base_contact_list_contacts_changed ((TpBaseContactList *) roster, tmp, NULL); if (tp_handle_set_is_member (roster->priv->pre_authorized, handle)) { GError *error = NULL; DEBUG ("%s (handle %u) was pre-authorized, will accept their " "request", from, handle); if (!gabble_roster_handle_subscribed (roster, handle, "", &error)) { DEBUG ("Authorizing pre-authorized request failed: %s", error->message); g_clear_error (&error); } } tp_handle_set_destroy (tmp); ret = TRUE; break; case WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBE: DEBUG ("removing %s (handle %u) from the publish channel", from, handle); if (item->publish == TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_YES || item->publish == TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_ASK) { roster_item_set_publish (item, TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_REMOVED_REMOTELY, NULL); tmp = tp_handle_set_new (contact_repo); tp_handle_set_add (tmp, handle); tp_base_contact_list_contacts_changed ((TpBaseContactList *) roster, tmp, NULL); tp_handle_set_destroy (tmp); _gabble_roster_send_presence_ack (roster, from, sub_type, TRUE); } else { _gabble_roster_send_presence_ack (roster, from, sub_type, FALSE); } ret = TRUE; break; case WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SUBSCRIBED: DEBUG ("adding %s (handle %u) to the subscribe channel", from, handle); if (item->subscribe != TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_YES) { item->subscribe = TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_YES; tmp = tp_handle_set_new (contact_repo); tp_handle_set_add (tmp, handle); tp_base_contact_list_contacts_changed ((TpBaseContactList *) roster, tmp, NULL); tp_handle_set_destroy (tmp); _gabble_roster_send_presence_ack (roster, from, sub_type, TRUE); } else { _gabble_roster_send_presence_ack (roster, from, sub_type, FALSE); } ret = TRUE; break; case WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBED: DEBUG ("removing %s (handle %u) from the subscribe channel", from, handle); if (item->subscribe == TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_YES || item->subscribe == TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_ASK) { item->subscribe = TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_REMOVED_REMOTELY; tmp = tp_handle_set_new (contact_repo); tp_handle_set_add (tmp, handle); tp_base_contact_list_contacts_changed ((TpBaseContactList *) roster, tmp, NULL); tp_handle_set_destroy (tmp); _gabble_roster_send_presence_ack (roster, from, sub_type, TRUE); } else { _gabble_roster_send_presence_ack (roster, from, sub_type, FALSE); } ret = TRUE; break; default: ret = FALSE; } OUT: tp_handle_unref (contact_repo, handle); return ret; } static void gabble_roster_close_all (GabbleRoster *self) { GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = self->priv; DEBUG ("closing channels"); if (self->priv->status_changed_id != 0) { g_signal_handler_disconnect (self->priv->conn, self->priv->status_changed_id); self->priv->status_changed_id = 0; } if (self->priv->porter_available_id != 0) { g_signal_handler_disconnect (self->priv->conn, self->priv->porter_available_id); self->priv->porter_available_id = 0; } tp_clear_pointer (&priv->groups, tp_handle_set_destroy); tp_clear_pointer (&priv->pre_authorized, tp_handle_set_destroy); if (self->priv->cancel_on_disconnect != NULL) g_cancellable_cancel (self->priv->cancel_on_disconnect); tp_clear_object (&self->priv->cancel_on_disconnect); if (self->priv->iq_cb != 0) { WockyPorter *porter = gabble_connection_dup_porter (self->priv->conn); DEBUG ("removing callbacks"); g_assert (self->priv->presence_cb != 0); wocky_porter_unregister_handler (porter, self->priv->iq_cb); self->priv->iq_cb = 0; wocky_porter_unregister_handler (porter, self->priv->presence_cb); self->priv->presence_cb = 0; g_object_unref (porter); } } static void roster_received_cb (GObject *source_object, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer weak_ref) { GabbleRoster *self = tp_weak_ref_dup_object (weak_ref); if (self != NULL) { WockyStanza *response; GError *error = NULL; if (conn_util_send_iq_finish ((GabbleConnection *) source_object, result, &response, &error)) { got_roster_iq (self, response); } else { DEBUG ("%s", error->message); g_clear_error (&error); } } tp_clear_object (&self); tp_weak_ref_destroy (weak_ref); } static void gabble_roster_porter_available_cb (GabbleConnection *conn, WockyPorter *porter, GabbleRoster *self) { DEBUG ("adding callbacks"); g_assert (self->priv->iq_cb == 0); g_assert (self->priv->presence_cb == 0); self->priv->iq_cb = wocky_c2s_porter_register_handler_from_server ( WOCKY_C2S_PORTER (porter), WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_NONE, WOCKY_PORTER_HANDLER_PRIORITY_NORMAL, gabble_roster_iq_cb, self, '(', "query", ':', WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER, ')', NULL); self->priv->presence_cb = wocky_porter_register_handler_from_anyone (porter, WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_PRESENCE, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_NONE, WOCKY_PORTER_HANDLER_PRIORITY_MIN, gabble_roster_presence_cb, self, NULL); } static void connection_status_changed_cb (GabbleConnection *conn, guint status, guint reason, GabbleRoster *self) { switch (status) { case TP_CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED: { WockyStanza *stanza; self->priv->cancel_on_disconnect = g_cancellable_new (); DEBUG ("requesting roster"); stanza = _gabble_roster_message_new (self, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_GET, NULL); conn_util_send_iq_async (conn, stanza, self->priv->cancel_on_disconnect, roster_received_cb, tp_weak_ref_new (self, NULL, NULL)); g_object_unref (stanza); } break; case TP_CONNECTION_STATUS_DISCONNECTED: gabble_roster_close_all (self); break; } } static void gabble_roster_constructed (GObject *obj) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (obj); TpBaseContactList *base = TP_BASE_CONTACT_LIST (obj); void (*chain_up)(GObject *) = ((GObjectClass *) gabble_roster_parent_class)->constructed; TpHandleRepoIface *group_repo; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo; if (chain_up != NULL) chain_up (obj); /* FIXME: This is not a strong reference because that would create a cycle. * I'd like to have a cyclic reference and break it at disconnect time, * like the contact list example in telepathy-glib does, but we can't do * that because the rest of Gabble assumes that the roster remains useful * until the bitter end (for instance, gabble_im_channel_dispose looks * at the contact's subscription). */ self->priv->conn = GABBLE_CONNECTION (tp_base_contact_list_get_connection ( base, NULL)); g_assert (GABBLE_IS_CONNECTION (self->priv->conn)); group_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP); contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); self->priv->status_changed_id = g_signal_connect (self->priv->conn, "status-changed", (GCallback) connection_status_changed_cb, obj); self->priv->porter_available_id = g_signal_connect (self->priv->conn, "porter-available", G_CALLBACK (gabble_roster_porter_available_cb), obj); self->priv->groups = tp_handle_set_new (group_repo); self->priv->pre_authorized = tp_handle_set_new (contact_repo); } GabbleRoster * gabble_roster_new (GabbleConnection *conn) { g_return_val_if_fail (conn != NULL, NULL); return g_object_new (GABBLE_TYPE_ROSTER, "connection", conn, NULL); } static GabbleRosterItemEdit * item_edit_new (TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo, TpHandle handle) { GabbleRosterItemEdit *self = g_slice_new0 (GabbleRosterItemEdit); tp_handle_ref (contact_repo, handle); self->contact_repo = g_object_ref (contact_repo); self->handle = handle; self->new_subscription = GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_INVALID; self->new_google_type = GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_INVALID; return self; } static void item_edit_free (GabbleRosterItemEdit *edits) { GSList *slist; if (!edits) return; edits->results = g_slist_reverse (edits->results); for (slist = edits->results; slist != NULL; slist = slist->next) { gabble_simple_async_countdown_dec (slist->data); g_object_unref (slist->data); } g_slist_free (edits->results); tp_handle_unref (edits->contact_repo, edits->handle); g_object_unref (edits->contact_repo); tp_clear_pointer (&edits->add_to_groups, tp_handle_set_destroy); tp_clear_pointer (&edits->remove_from_groups, tp_handle_set_destroy); g_free (edits->new_name); g_slice_free (GabbleRosterItemEdit, edits); } static void roster_edited_cb (GObject *, GAsyncResult *, gpointer); static gboolean gabble_roster_handle_subscribed (GabbleRoster *roster, TpHandle handle, const gchar *message, GError **error); /* * Cancel any subscriptions on @item by sending unsubscribe and/or * unsubscribed, as appropriate. */ static gboolean roster_item_cancel_subscriptions ( GabbleRoster *roster, TpHandle contact, GabbleRosterItem *item, GError **error) { TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) roster->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); const gchar *contact_id = tp_handle_inspect (contact_repo, contact); gboolean ret = TRUE; if (item->subscription == GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_FROM || item->subscription == GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_BOTH) { DEBUG ("sending unsubscribed"); ret = gabble_connection_send_presence (roster->priv->conn, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBED, contact_id, NULL, error); } if (ret && (item->subscription == GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_TO || item->subscription == GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_BOTH)) { DEBUG ("sending unsubscribe"); ret = gabble_connection_send_presence (roster->priv->conn, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBE, contact_id, NULL, error); } return ret; } /* Apply the unsent edits to the given roster item. * * \param roster The roster * \param contact The contact handle * \param item contact's roster item on roster */ static void roster_item_apply_edits (GabbleRoster *roster, TpHandle contact, GabbleRosterItem *item) { gboolean altered = FALSE; GabbleRosterItem edited_item; TpIntSet *intset; GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = roster->priv; TpHandleRepoIface *group_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP); GabbleRosterItemEdit *edits = item->unsent_edits; WockyStanza *message; if (!priv->received) { DEBUG ("Initial roster has not arrived yet, not editing it"); return; } if (item->edits_in_flight) { DEBUG ("Edits still in flight for contact#%u, not applying more", contact); return; } if (edits == NULL) { DEBUG ("Nothing to do for contact#%u", contact); return; } DEBUG ("Applying edits to contact#%u", contact); memcpy (&edited_item, item, sizeof (GabbleRosterItem)); #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG if (DEBUGGING) { gchar *dump = _gabble_roster_item_dump (&edited_item); DEBUG ("Before, contact#%u: %s", contact, dump); g_free (dump); } #endif if (edits->create) { DEBUG ("Creating new item"); altered = TRUE; } if (edits->new_google_type != GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_INVALID && edits->new_google_type != item->google_type) { DEBUG ("Changing Google type from %d to %d", item->google_type, edits->new_google_type); altered = TRUE; edited_item.google_type = edits->new_google_type; } if (edits->new_subscription != GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_INVALID && edits->new_subscription != item->subscription) { /* Here we check the google_type of the *edited* item (as patched in the * block above) to deal correctly with a batch of edits containing both * (un)block and remove. */ if (edits->new_subscription == GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REMOVE && edited_item.google_type == GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_BLOCKED) { GError *error = NULL; /* If they're blocked, we can't just remove them from the roster, * because that would unblock them! So instead, we cancel both * subscription directions. */ DEBUG ("contact is blocked; not removing"); if (!roster_item_cancel_subscriptions (roster, contact, item, &error)) { GSList *slist; /* in practice this error will probably be overwritten by one * from the IQ-set later, but if that succeeds for some reason, * we do want to signal error */ for (slist = edits->results; slist != NULL; slist = slist->next) g_simple_async_result_set_from_error (slist->data, error); g_clear_error (&error); } /* deliberately not setting altered: we haven't altered the roster, * as such. */ } else { DEBUG ("Changing subscription from %d to %d", item->subscription, edits->new_subscription); altered = TRUE; edited_item.subscription = edits->new_subscription; } } if (edits->remove_name) { DEBUG ("Removing name='' (was '%s')", item->name); altered = TRUE; edited_item.name = NULL; } else if (edits->new_name != NULL && tp_strdiff (item->name, edits->new_name)) { DEBUG ("Changing name from %s to %s", item->name, edits->new_name); altered = TRUE; edited_item.name = edits->new_name; } if (edits->add_to_groups != NULL || edits->remove_from_groups != NULL || edits->remove_from_all_other_groups) { #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG if (DEBUGGING) { if (edits->add_to_groups != NULL) { GString *str = g_string_new ("Adding to groups: "); tp_intset_foreach (tp_handle_set_peek (edits->add_to_groups), _gabble_roster_item_dump_group, str); DEBUG("%s", g_string_free (str, FALSE)); } else { DEBUG ("Not adding to any groups"); } if (edits->remove_from_all_other_groups) { DEBUG ("Removing from all other groups"); } if (edits->remove_from_groups != NULL) { GString *str = g_string_new ("Removing from groups: "); tp_intset_foreach (tp_handle_set_peek (edits->remove_from_groups), _gabble_roster_item_dump_group, str); DEBUG("%s", g_string_free (str, FALSE)); } else { DEBUG ("Not removing from any groups"); } } #endif edited_item.groups = tp_handle_set_new (group_repo); if (!edits->remove_from_all_other_groups) { intset = tp_handle_set_update (edited_item.groups, tp_handle_set_peek (item->groups)); tp_intset_destroy (intset); } if (edits->add_to_groups) { intset = tp_handle_set_update (edited_item.groups, tp_handle_set_peek (edits->add_to_groups)); tp_intset_destroy (intset); } if (edits->remove_from_groups) { intset = tp_handle_set_difference_update (edited_item.groups, tp_handle_set_peek (edits->remove_from_groups)); tp_intset_destroy (intset); } if (!tp_intset_is_equal (tp_handle_set_peek (edited_item.groups), tp_handle_set_peek (item->groups))) altered = TRUE; } /* If we changed something about a transient GabbleRosterItem that * wasn't actually on our server-side roster yet, and we weren't actually * trying to delete it, then we need to create it as a side-effect. */ if (altered && edits->new_subscription != GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REMOVE && edited_item.subscription == GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REMOVE) { edits->new_subscription = GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_NONE; edited_item.subscription = GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_NONE; } #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG if (DEBUGGING) { gchar *dump = _gabble_roster_item_dump (&edited_item); DEBUG ("After, contact#%u: %s", contact, dump); g_free (dump); } #endif if (!altered) { DEBUG ("Contact#%u not actually changed - nothing to do", contact); item_edit_free (item->unsent_edits); item->unsent_edits = NULL; return; } DEBUG ("Contact#%u did change, sending message", contact); message = _gabble_roster_item_to_message (roster, contact, &edited_item); /* we're sending the unsent edits - on success, roster_edited_cb will own * them */ item->unsent_edits = NULL; item->edits_in_flight = TRUE; conn_util_send_iq_async (priv->conn, message, priv->cancel_on_disconnect, roster_edited_cb, edits); if (edits->new_google_type == GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_BLOCKED) gabble_presence_cache_really_remove (priv->conn->presence_cache, contact); if (edited_item.groups != item->groups) { tp_handle_set_destroy (edited_item.groups); } } /* Called when an edit to the roster item has either succeeded or failed. */ static void roster_edited_cb (GObject *source_object, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer user_data) { GabbleConnection *conn = GABBLE_CONNECTION (source_object); GabbleRoster *roster = conn->roster; GabbleRosterItemEdit *edit = user_data; GabbleRosterItem *item = NULL; if (edit->results != NULL) { GError *tp_error = NULL; if (!conn_util_send_iq_finish (conn, result, NULL, &tp_error)) { GSList *slist; for (slist = edit->results; slist != NULL; slist = slist->next) g_simple_async_result_set_from_error (slist->data, tp_error); g_clear_error (&tp_error); } } if (roster != NULL) item = _gabble_roster_item_lookup (roster, edit->handle); if (item != NULL) { item->edits_in_flight = FALSE; /* if more edits have been queued since we sent this batch, do them */ roster_item_apply_edits (roster, edit->handle, item); if (item->subscription == GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REMOVE && edit->new_subscription != GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REMOVE) { /* The server claims to have created the item, so we should believe * that the item exists, even though we haven't yet had the roster * push that should confirm it. This will result in * _gabble_roster_item_maybe_remove not removing it. */ item->subscription = edit->new_subscription; } _gabble_roster_item_maybe_remove (roster, edit->handle); } item_edit_free (edit); } static void gabble_roster_handle_set_blocked (GabbleRoster *roster, TpHandle handle, gboolean blocked, GSimpleAsyncResult *result) { GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = roster->priv; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); GabbleRosterItem *item; g_return_if_fail (roster != NULL); g_return_if_fail (GABBLE_IS_ROSTER (roster)); g_return_if_fail (tp_handle_is_valid (contact_repo, handle, NULL)); g_return_if_fail (priv->conn->features & GABBLE_CONNECTION_FEATURES_GOOGLE_ROSTER); item = _gabble_roster_item_ensure (roster, handle); if (item->unsent_edits == NULL) item->unsent_edits = item_edit_new (contact_repo, handle); DEBUG ("queue edit to contact#%u - change subscription to blocked=%d", handle, blocked); if (blocked) item->unsent_edits->new_google_type = GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_BLOCKED; else item->unsent_edits->new_google_type = GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_NORMAL; gabble_simple_async_countdown_inc (result); item->unsent_edits->results = g_slist_prepend ( item->unsent_edits->results, g_object_ref (result)); /* maybe we can apply the edit immediately? */ roster_item_apply_edits (roster, handle, item); } gboolean gabble_roster_handle_has_entry (GabbleRoster *roster, TpHandle handle) { GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = roster->priv; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); GabbleRosterItem *item; g_return_val_if_fail (roster != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (GABBLE_IS_ROSTER (roster), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (tp_handle_is_valid (contact_repo, handle, NULL), FALSE); item = _gabble_roster_item_lookup (roster, handle); return (NULL != item); } const gchar * gabble_roster_handle_get_name (GabbleRoster *roster, TpHandle handle) { GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = roster->priv; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); GabbleRosterItem *item; g_return_val_if_fail (roster != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (GABBLE_IS_ROSTER (roster), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (tp_handle_is_valid (contact_repo, handle, NULL), NULL); item = _gabble_roster_item_lookup (roster, handle); if (NULL == item) return NULL; return item->name; } gboolean gabble_roster_handle_set_name (GabbleRoster *roster, TpHandle handle, const gchar *name, GError **error) { GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = roster->priv; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); GabbleRosterItem *item; g_return_val_if_fail (roster != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (GABBLE_IS_ROSTER (roster), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (tp_handle_is_valid (contact_repo, handle, NULL), FALSE); item = _gabble_roster_item_ensure (roster, handle); g_return_val_if_fail (item != NULL, FALSE); if (item->unsent_edits == NULL) item->unsent_edits = item_edit_new (contact_repo, handle); tp_clear_pointer (&item->unsent_edits->new_name, g_free); if (name == NULL) { DEBUG ("queue edit to contact#%u - remove name", handle); item->unsent_edits->remove_name = TRUE; } else { DEBUG ("queue edit to contact#%u - set name='%s'", handle, name); item->unsent_edits->remove_name = FALSE; item->unsent_edits->new_name = g_strdup (name); } /* maybe we can apply the edit immediately? */ roster_item_apply_edits (roster, handle, item); /* FIXME: this method should be async so we don't need to assume * success */ return TRUE; } static void gabble_roster_handle_remove (GabbleRoster *roster, TpHandle handle, GSimpleAsyncResult *result) { GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = roster->priv; TpBaseContactList *base = (TpBaseContactList *) roster; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); GabbleRosterItem *item; g_return_if_fail (roster != NULL); g_return_if_fail (GABBLE_IS_ROSTER (roster)); g_return_if_fail (tp_handle_is_valid (contact_repo, handle, NULL)); item = _gabble_roster_item_lookup (roster, handle); if (item == NULL) return; /* If the contact is really stored on the server, deleting their roster item * is sufficient. If they're not, we might have some state resulting from * a publish request or remote removal or something. */ if (item->subscription == GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REMOVE) { /* These will clear a status of REMOVED_REMOTELY or ASK */ roster_item_set_publish (item, TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_NO, NULL); roster_item_set_subscribe (item, TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_NO); /* If there are no edits in-flight, we may just be able to delete the * contact list entry and return early. If there are edits in flight, * we should not return early: the in-flight edit might be * creating the roster item, so we need to queue up a second edit * that will delete it again. */ if (_gabble_roster_item_maybe_remove (roster, handle)) { TpHandleSet *removed = tp_handle_set_new (contact_repo); tp_handle_set_add (removed, handle); tp_base_contact_list_contacts_changed (base, NULL, removed); tp_handle_set_destroy (removed); return; } } if (item->unsent_edits == NULL) item->unsent_edits = item_edit_new (contact_repo, handle); DEBUG ("queue edit to contact#%u - change subscription to REMOVE", handle); item->unsent_edits->new_subscription = GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REMOVE; gabble_simple_async_countdown_inc (result); item->unsent_edits->results = g_slist_prepend ( item->unsent_edits->results, g_object_ref (result)); /* maybe we can apply the edit immediately? */ roster_item_apply_edits (roster, handle, item); } static void gabble_roster_handle_add (GabbleRoster *roster, TpHandle handle, GSimpleAsyncResult *result) { GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = roster->priv; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); GabbleRosterItem *item; gboolean do_add = FALSE; g_return_if_fail (roster != NULL); g_return_if_fail (GABBLE_IS_ROSTER (roster)); g_return_if_fail (tp_handle_is_valid (contact_repo, handle, NULL)); if (!gabble_roster_handle_has_entry (roster, handle)) do_add = TRUE; item = _gabble_roster_item_ensure (roster, handle); if (item->google_type == GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_HIDDEN || item->subscription == GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_REMOVE) do_add = TRUE; if (!do_add) return; if (item->unsent_edits == NULL) item->unsent_edits = item_edit_new (contact_repo, handle); DEBUG ("queue edit to contact#%u - change google type to NORMAL", handle); item->unsent_edits->create = TRUE; item->unsent_edits->new_google_type = GOOGLE_ITEM_TYPE_NORMAL; if (result != NULL) { gabble_simple_async_countdown_inc (result); item->unsent_edits->results = g_slist_prepend ( item->unsent_edits->results, g_object_ref (result)); } /* maybe we can apply the edit immediately? */ roster_item_apply_edits (roster, handle, item); } static void gabble_roster_handle_add_to_group (GabbleRoster *roster, TpHandle handle, TpHandle group, GSimpleAsyncResult *result) { GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = roster->priv; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); TpHandleRepoIface *group_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP); GabbleRosterItem *item; g_return_if_fail (roster != NULL); g_return_if_fail (GABBLE_IS_ROSTER (roster)); g_return_if_fail (tp_handle_is_valid (contact_repo, handle, NULL)); g_return_if_fail (tp_handle_is_valid (group_repo, group, NULL)); item = _gabble_roster_item_ensure (roster, handle); if (item->unsent_edits == NULL) item->unsent_edits = item_edit_new (contact_repo, handle); DEBUG ("queue edit to contact#%u - add to group#%u", handle, group); gabble_simple_async_countdown_inc (result); item->unsent_edits->results = g_slist_prepend ( item->unsent_edits->results, g_object_ref (result)); if (!item->unsent_edits->add_to_groups) { item->unsent_edits->add_to_groups = tp_handle_set_new (group_repo); } tp_handle_set_add (item->unsent_edits->add_to_groups, group); if (item->unsent_edits->remove_from_groups) { tp_handle_set_remove (item->unsent_edits->remove_from_groups, group); } /* maybe we can apply the edit immediately? */ roster_item_apply_edits (roster, handle, item); } static void gabble_roster_handle_remove_from_group (GabbleRoster *roster, TpHandle handle, TpHandle group, GSimpleAsyncResult *result) { GabbleRosterPrivate *priv = roster->priv; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); TpHandleRepoIface *group_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP); GabbleRosterItem *item; g_return_if_fail (roster != NULL); g_return_if_fail (GABBLE_IS_ROSTER (roster)); g_return_if_fail (tp_handle_is_valid (contact_repo, handle, NULL)); g_return_if_fail (tp_handle_is_valid (group_repo, group, NULL)); item = _gabble_roster_item_ensure (roster, handle); if (item->unsent_edits == NULL) item->unsent_edits = item_edit_new (contact_repo, handle); DEBUG ("queue edit to contact#%u - remove from group#%u", handle, group); gabble_simple_async_countdown_inc (result); item->unsent_edits->results = g_slist_prepend ( item->unsent_edits->results, g_object_ref (result)); if (!item->unsent_edits->remove_from_groups) { item->unsent_edits->remove_from_groups = tp_handle_set_new ( group_repo); } tp_handle_set_add (item->unsent_edits->remove_from_groups, group); if (item->unsent_edits->add_to_groups) { tp_handle_set_remove (item->unsent_edits->add_to_groups, group); } /* maybe we can apply the edit immediately? */ roster_item_apply_edits (roster, handle, item); } static gboolean gabble_roster_handle_subscribed ( GabbleRoster *roster, TpHandle handle, const gchar *message, GError **error) { TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) roster->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); const gchar *contact_id = tp_handle_inspect (contact_repo, handle); /* send */ return gabble_connection_send_presence (roster->priv->conn, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SUBSCRIBED, contact_id, message, error); } static TpHandleSet * gabble_roster_dup_contacts (TpBaseContactList *base) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (base); TpHandleSet *set; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); GHashTableIter iter; gpointer k, v; set = tp_handle_set_new (contact_repo); g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, self->priv->items); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &k, &v)) { GabbleRosterItem *item = v; /* add all the interesting items */ if (item->stored || item->subscribe != TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_NO || item->publish != TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_NO) tp_handle_set_add (set, GPOINTER_TO_UINT (k)); } return set; } static void gabble_roster_dup_states (TpBaseContactList *base, TpHandle contact, TpSubscriptionState *subscribe, TpSubscriptionState *publish, gchar **publish_request) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (base); GabbleRosterItem *item = _gabble_roster_item_lookup (self, contact); if (item == NULL) { if (subscribe != NULL) *subscribe = TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_NO; if (publish != NULL) *publish = TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_NO; if (publish_request != NULL) *publish_request = NULL; } else { if (subscribe != NULL) *subscribe = item->subscribe; if (publish != NULL) *publish = item->publish; if (publish_request != NULL) *publish_request = g_strdup (item->publish_request); } } typedef struct { GAsyncReadyCallback callback; gpointer user_data; TpHandleSet *contacts; gchar *message; } SubscribeContext; static void gabble_roster_request_subscription_added_cb (GObject *source, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer user_data) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (source); TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); SubscribeContext *context = user_data; GError *error = NULL; TpIntSetFastIter iter; TpHandle contact; /* Now that we've added all the contacts, send off all the subscription * requests; stop if we hit an error. */ tp_intset_fast_iter_init (&iter, tp_handle_set_peek (context->contacts)); while (tp_intset_fast_iter_next (&iter, &contact)) { GabbleRosterItem *item = _gabble_roster_item_lookup (self, contact); const gchar *contact_id = tp_handle_inspect (contact_repo, contact); /* Note that we *do* send redundant requests if the contact is in * ask=subscribe state, since those have semantic value - nagging the * contact again. There's no point in requesting subscription if the * contact has already said yes, though. */ if (item != NULL && (item->subscription == GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_TO || item->subscription == GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_BOTH)) { DEBUG ("Already subscribed to contact#%u '%s', not re-requesting", contact, contact_id); continue; } /* stop trying at the first NetworkError, on the assumption that it'll * be fatal */ if (!gabble_connection_send_presence (self->priv->conn, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE, contact_id, context->message, &error)) break; } gabble_simple_async_succeed_or_fail_in_idle (self, context->callback, context->user_data, NULL, error); g_clear_error (&error); tp_clear_pointer (&context->contacts, tp_handle_set_destroy); g_free (context->message); g_slice_free (SubscribeContext, context); } static void gabble_roster_request_subscription_async (TpBaseContactList *base, TpHandleSet *contacts, const gchar *message, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (base); SubscribeContext *context = g_slice_new0 (SubscribeContext); GSimpleAsyncResult *result = gabble_simple_async_countdown_new (self, gabble_roster_request_subscription_added_cb, context, gabble_roster_request_subscription_async, 1); TpIntSetFastIter iter; TpHandle contact; /* Before subscribing, add items to the roster * (GTalk depends on this clearing the H flag) */ context->contacts = tp_handle_set_copy (contacts); context->callback = callback; context->user_data = user_data; context->message = g_strdup (message); tp_intset_fast_iter_init (&iter, tp_handle_set_peek (contacts)); while (tp_intset_fast_iter_next (&iter, &contact)) gabble_roster_handle_add (self, contact, result); /* When all of those edits have been applied, the callback will send the * requests. */ gabble_simple_async_countdown_dec (result); g_object_unref (result); } static void gabble_roster_authorize_publication_async (TpBaseContactList *base, TpHandleSet *contacts, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (base); TpIntSetFastIter iter; TpHandle contact; GError *error = NULL; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); tp_intset_fast_iter_init (&iter, tp_handle_set_peek (contacts)); while (tp_intset_fast_iter_next (&iter, &contact)) { GabbleRosterItem *item = _gabble_roster_item_lookup (self, contact); const gchar *contact_id = tp_handle_inspect (contact_repo, contact); if (item == NULL || item->publish == TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_NO || item->publish == TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_REMOVED_REMOTELY) { /* The contact didn't ask for our presence, so we can't usefully * send out (as per RFC3921 §9.2, * our server shouldn't forward it anyway). However, we can * remember this "pre-authorization" and use it later in the * session to auto-approve a subscription request. */ DEBUG ("Noting that contact #%u '%s' is pre-authorized", contact, contact_id); tp_handle_set_add (self->priv->pre_authorized, contact); } else if (item->publish == TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_ASK) { /* stop trying at the first NetworkError, on the assumption that * it'll be fatal */ DEBUG ("Sending to contact#%u '%s'", contact, contact_id); if (!gabble_roster_handle_subscribed (self, contact, "", &error)) break; } else { DEBUG ("contact #%u '%s' already has publish=Y, nothing to do", contact, contact_id); } } gabble_simple_async_succeed_or_fail_in_idle (self, callback, user_data, gabble_roster_request_subscription_async, error); g_clear_error (&error); } static void gabble_roster_store_contacts_async (TpBaseContactList *base, TpHandleSet *contacts, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (base); TpIntSetFastIter iter; TpHandle contact; GSimpleAsyncResult *result = gabble_simple_async_countdown_new (self, callback, user_data, gabble_roster_store_contacts_async, 1); tp_intset_fast_iter_init (&iter, tp_handle_set_peek (contacts)); while (tp_intset_fast_iter_next (&iter, &contact)) gabble_roster_handle_add (self, contact, result); gabble_simple_async_countdown_dec (result); g_object_unref (result); } static void gabble_roster_remove_contacts_async (TpBaseContactList *base, TpHandleSet *contacts, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (base); TpIntSetFastIter iter; TpHandle contact; GSimpleAsyncResult *result = gabble_simple_async_countdown_new (self, callback, user_data, gabble_roster_request_subscription_async, 1); tp_intset_fast_iter_init (&iter, tp_handle_set_peek (contacts)); while (tp_intset_fast_iter_next (&iter, &contact)) gabble_roster_handle_remove (self, contact, result); gabble_simple_async_countdown_dec (result); g_object_unref (result); } static void gabble_roster_unsubscribe_async (TpBaseContactList *base, TpHandleSet *contacts, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (base); TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); TpHandleSet *changed = tp_handle_set_new (contact_repo); TpHandleSet *removed = tp_handle_set_new (contact_repo); TpIntSetFastIter iter; TpHandle contact; GError *error = NULL; tp_intset_fast_iter_init (&iter, tp_handle_set_peek (contacts)); while (tp_intset_fast_iter_next (&iter, &contact)) { const gchar *contact_id = tp_handle_inspect (contact_repo, contact); GabbleRosterItem *item = _gabble_roster_item_lookup (self, contact); if (item == NULL || item->subscribe == TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_NO) { DEBUG ("contact #%u '%s' absent or has subscribe=N, nothing to do", contact, contact_id); } else if (item->subscribe == TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_REMOVED_REMOTELY) { /* just acknowledge remote removal */ DEBUG ("contact #%u '%s' had subscribe=R, moving to publish=N", contact, contact_id); roster_item_set_subscribe (item, TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_NO); if (_gabble_roster_item_maybe_remove (self, contact)) tp_handle_set_add (removed, contact); else tp_handle_set_add (changed, contact); } else { /* Deny a request (if ASK) or revoke previously-granted permission * (if YES). Stop trying at the first NetworkError, on the * assumption that it'll be fatal. Any changes will be signalled when * confirmed by a roster push. */ DEBUG ("Sending to contact#%u '%s'", contact, contact_id); if (!gabble_connection_send_presence (self->priv->conn, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBE, contact_id, "", &error)) break; } } tp_base_contact_list_contacts_changed (base, changed, removed); gabble_simple_async_succeed_or_fail_in_idle (self, callback, user_data, gabble_roster_unsubscribe_async, error); g_clear_error (&error); tp_handle_set_destroy (changed); tp_handle_set_destroy (removed); } static void gabble_roster_unpublish_async (TpBaseContactList *base, TpHandleSet *contacts, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (base); TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); TpHandleSet *changed = tp_handle_set_new (contact_repo); TpHandleSet *removed = tp_handle_set_new (contact_repo); TpIntSetFastIter iter; TpHandle contact; GError *error = NULL; tp_intset_fast_iter_init (&iter, tp_handle_set_peek (contacts)); while (tp_intset_fast_iter_next (&iter, &contact)) { const gchar *contact_id = tp_handle_inspect (contact_repo, contact); GabbleRosterItem *item = _gabble_roster_item_lookup (self, contact); /* If moving from YES to NO, the roster callback will make the change * visible to D-Bus when it actually takes effect. * * If moving from ASK to NO, remove it from publish:local_pending here, * because the roster callback doesn't know if it can * (subscription='none' is used both during request and when it's * rejected). * * If moving from REMOVED_REMOTELY to NO, there's no real change at the * XMPP level, so this is our only chance to make the change visible. */ if (item != NULL && (item->publish == TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_ASK || item->publish == TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_REMOVED_REMOTELY)) { if (item->publish == TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_ASK) DEBUG ("contact #%u '%s' had publish=A, moving to publish=N", contact, contact_id); else DEBUG ("contact #%u '%s' had publish=R, moving to publish=N", contact, contact_id); roster_item_set_publish (item, TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_NO, NULL); if (_gabble_roster_item_maybe_remove (self, contact)) tp_handle_set_add (removed, contact); else tp_handle_set_add (changed, contact); } if (item == NULL || item->publish == TP_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_NO) { DEBUG ("contact #%u '%s' already has publish=N, nothing to do", contact, contact_id); } else { /* stop trying at the first NetworkError, on the assumption that * it'll be fatal */ DEBUG ("Sending to contact#%u '%s'", contact, contact_id); if (!gabble_connection_send_presence (self->priv->conn, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBED, contact_id, "", &error)) break; } } tp_base_contact_list_contacts_changed (base, changed, removed); gabble_simple_async_succeed_or_fail_in_idle (self, callback, user_data, gabble_roster_request_subscription_async, error); g_clear_error (&error); tp_handle_set_destroy (changed); tp_handle_set_destroy (removed); } static TpHandleSet * gabble_roster_dup_blocked_contacts (TpBaseContactList *base) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (base); TpHandleSet *set; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); GHashTableIter iter; gpointer k, v; set = tp_handle_set_new (contact_repo); g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, self->priv->items); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &k, &v)) { GabbleRosterItem *item = v; if (item->blocked) tp_handle_set_add (set, GPOINTER_TO_UINT (k)); } return set; } static gboolean gabble_roster_can_block (TpBaseContactList *base) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (base); return (self->priv->conn->features & GABBLE_CONNECTION_FEATURES_GOOGLE_ROSTER) != 0; } static void gabble_roster_block_contacts_async (TpBaseContactList *base, TpHandleSet *contacts, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (base); TpIntSetFastIter iter; TpHandle contact; GSimpleAsyncResult *result = gabble_simple_async_countdown_new (self, callback, user_data, gabble_roster_request_subscription_async, 1); tp_intset_fast_iter_init (&iter, tp_handle_set_peek (contacts)); while (tp_intset_fast_iter_next (&iter, &contact)) gabble_roster_handle_set_blocked (self, contact, TRUE, result); gabble_simple_async_countdown_dec (result); g_object_unref (result); } static void gabble_roster_unblock_contacts_async (TpBaseContactList *base, TpHandleSet *contacts, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (base); TpIntSetFastIter iter; TpHandle contact; GSimpleAsyncResult *result = gabble_simple_async_countdown_new (self, callback, user_data, gabble_roster_request_subscription_async, 1); tp_intset_fast_iter_init (&iter, tp_handle_set_peek (contacts)); while (tp_intset_fast_iter_next (&iter, &contact)) gabble_roster_handle_set_blocked (self, contact, FALSE, result); gabble_simple_async_countdown_dec (result); g_object_unref (result); } static GStrv gabble_roster_dup_groups (TpBaseContactList *base) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (base); TpHandleRepoIface *group_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP); GPtrArray *ret; if (self->priv->groups != NULL) { TpIntSetFastIter iter; TpHandle group; ret = g_ptr_array_sized_new ( tp_handle_set_size (self->priv->groups) + 1); tp_intset_fast_iter_init (&iter, tp_handle_set_peek (self->priv->groups)); while (tp_intset_fast_iter_next (&iter, &group)) { g_ptr_array_add (ret, g_strdup (tp_handle_inspect (group_repo, group))); } } else { ret = g_ptr_array_sized_new (1); } g_ptr_array_add (ret, NULL); return (GStrv) g_ptr_array_free (ret, FALSE); } static GStrv gabble_roster_dup_contact_groups (TpBaseContactList *base, TpHandle contact) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (base); GPtrArray *ret; GabbleRosterItem *item = _gabble_roster_item_lookup (self, contact); if (item != NULL && item->groups != NULL) { TpHandleRepoIface *group_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP); TpIntSetFastIter iter; TpHandle group; ret = g_ptr_array_sized_new (tp_handle_set_size (item->groups) + 1); tp_intset_fast_iter_init (&iter, tp_handle_set_peek (item->groups)); while (tp_intset_fast_iter_next (&iter, &group)) { g_ptr_array_add (ret, g_strdup (tp_handle_inspect (group_repo, group))); } } else { ret = g_ptr_array_sized_new (1); } g_ptr_array_add (ret, NULL); return (GStrv) g_ptr_array_free (ret, FALSE); } static TpHandleSet * gabble_roster_dup_group_members (TpBaseContactList *base, const gchar *group) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (base); TpHandleSet *set; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); TpHandleRepoIface *group_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP); TpHandle group_handle; GHashTableIter iter; gpointer k, v; set = tp_handle_set_new (contact_repo); g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, self->priv->items); group_handle = tp_handle_lookup (group_repo, group, NULL, NULL); if (G_UNLIKELY (group_handle == 0)) { /* clearly it doesn't have members */ return set; } while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &k, &v)) { GabbleRosterItem *item = v; if (item->groups != NULL && tp_handle_set_is_member (item->groups, group_handle)) tp_handle_set_add (set, GPOINTER_TO_UINT (k)); } return set; } static void gabble_roster_set_contact_groups_async (TpBaseContactList *base, TpHandle contact, const gchar * const *groups, gsize n, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (base); GabbleRosterItem *item = _gabble_roster_item_ensure (self, contact); TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); TpHandleRepoIface *group_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP); TpHandleSet *groups_set = tp_handle_set_new (group_repo); GPtrArray *groups_created = g_ptr_array_new (); guint i; GSimpleAsyncResult *result = gabble_simple_async_countdown_new (self, callback, user_data, gabble_roster_request_subscription_async, 1); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { TpHandle group_handle = tp_handle_ensure (group_repo, groups[i], NULL, NULL); if (G_UNLIKELY (group_handle == 0)) continue; tp_handle_set_add (groups_set, group_handle); if (!tp_handle_set_is_member (self->priv->groups, group_handle)) { tp_handle_set_add (self->priv->groups, group_handle); g_ptr_array_add (groups_created, (gchar *) groups[i]); } tp_handle_unref (group_repo, group_handle); } if (groups_created->len > 0) { tp_base_contact_list_groups_created (base, (const gchar * const *) groups_created->pdata, groups_created->len); } g_ptr_array_free (groups_created, TRUE); if (item->unsent_edits == NULL) item->unsent_edits = item_edit_new (contact_repo, contact); DEBUG ("queue edit to contact#%u - set %" G_GSIZE_FORMAT "contact groups", contact, n); tp_clear_pointer (&item->unsent_edits->add_to_groups, tp_handle_set_destroy); item->unsent_edits->add_to_groups = groups_set; item->unsent_edits->remove_from_all_other_groups = TRUE; tp_clear_pointer (&item->unsent_edits->remove_from_groups, tp_handle_set_destroy); gabble_simple_async_countdown_inc (result); item->unsent_edits->results = g_slist_prepend ( item->unsent_edits->results, g_object_ref (result)); /* maybe we can apply the edit immediately? */ roster_item_apply_edits (self, contact, item); gabble_simple_async_countdown_dec (result); g_object_unref (result); } static void gabble_roster_set_group_members_async (TpBaseContactList *base, const gchar *group, TpHandleSet *contacts, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (base); TpHandleRepoIface *group_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP); TpHandle group_handle = tp_handle_ensure (group_repo, group, NULL, NULL); GSimpleAsyncResult *result = gabble_simple_async_countdown_new (self, callback, user_data, gabble_roster_set_group_members_async, 1); GHashTableIter iter; gpointer k; /* You can't add people to an invalid group. */ if (G_UNLIKELY (group_handle == 0)) { g_simple_async_result_set_error (result, TP_ERRORS, TP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Invalid group name: %s", group); goto finally; } /* we create the group even if @contacts is empty, as the base class * requires */ if (!tp_handle_set_is_member (self->priv->groups, group_handle)) { tp_handle_set_add (self->priv->groups, group_handle); tp_base_contact_list_groups_created (base, &group, 1); } g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, self->priv->items); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &k, NULL)) { TpHandle contact = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (k); if (tp_handle_set_is_member (contacts, contact)) gabble_roster_handle_add_to_group (self, contact, group_handle, result); else gabble_roster_handle_remove_from_group (self, contact, group_handle, result); } tp_handle_unref (group_repo, group_handle); finally: gabble_simple_async_countdown_dec (result); g_object_unref (result); } static void gabble_roster_add_to_group_async (TpBaseContactList *base, const gchar *group, TpHandleSet *contacts, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (base); TpIntSetFastIter iter; TpHandle contact; TpHandleRepoIface *group_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP); TpHandle group_handle = tp_handle_ensure (group_repo, group, NULL, NULL); GSimpleAsyncResult *result = gabble_simple_async_countdown_new (self, callback, user_data, gabble_roster_add_to_group_async, 1); /* You can't add people to an invalid group. */ if (G_UNLIKELY (group_handle == 0)) { g_simple_async_result_set_error (result, TP_ERRORS, TP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Invalid group name: %s", group); goto finally; } /* we create the group even if @contacts is empty, as the base class * requires */ if (!tp_handle_set_is_member (self->priv->groups, group_handle)) { tp_handle_set_add (self->priv->groups, group_handle); tp_base_contact_list_groups_created (base, &group, 1); } tp_intset_fast_iter_init (&iter, tp_handle_set_peek (contacts)); while (tp_intset_fast_iter_next (&iter, &contact)) { /* we ignore any NetworkError */ gabble_roster_handle_add_to_group (self, contact, group_handle, result); } tp_handle_unref (group_repo, group_handle); finally: gabble_simple_async_countdown_dec (result); g_object_unref (result); } static void gabble_roster_remove_from_group_async (TpBaseContactList *base, const gchar *group, TpHandleSet *contacts, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (base); TpIntSetFastIter iter; TpHandle contact; TpHandleRepoIface *group_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP); TpHandle group_handle = tp_handle_lookup (group_repo, group, NULL, NULL); GSimpleAsyncResult *result = gabble_simple_async_countdown_new (self, callback, user_data, gabble_roster_remove_from_group_async, 1); /* if the group didn't exist then we have nothing to do */ if (group_handle == 0) goto finally; tp_intset_fast_iter_init (&iter, tp_handle_set_peek (contacts)); while (tp_intset_fast_iter_next (&iter, &contact)) { gabble_roster_handle_remove_from_group (self, contact, group_handle, result); } finally: gabble_simple_async_countdown_dec (result); g_object_unref (result); } typedef struct { TpHandle group_handle; GAsyncReadyCallback callback; gpointer user_data; TpHandleSet *contacts; } RemoveGroupContext; static void gabble_roster_remove_group_removed_cb (GObject *source, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer user_data) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (source); RemoveGroupContext *context = user_data; if (context->group_handle != 0) { TpHandleRepoIface *group_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP); const gchar *group = tp_handle_inspect (group_repo, context->group_handle); GHashTableIter iter; gpointer k, v; TpHandle remaining_member = 0; /* Now that we've signalled the group being removed, to be internally * consistent we should believe that the contacts are no longer there; * if a subsequent roster push says they *are* there, we'll just put * them back. * * However, if the group has members that we didn't remove (because * members were added since we sent off the removal requests), we can't * really remove the group. * * We defer the contact removal until after we've signalled group * removal, so that TpBaseContactList can see who used to be in the * group. */ g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, self->priv->items); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &k, &v)) { TpHandle contact = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (k); GabbleRosterItem *item = v; if (item->groups != NULL && tp_handle_set_is_member (item->groups, context->group_handle)) { if (!tp_handle_set_is_member (context->contacts, contact)) remaining_member = contact; } } if (remaining_member == 0) { tp_handle_set_remove (self->priv->groups, context->group_handle); tp_base_contact_list_groups_removed ((TpBaseContactList *) self, &group, 1); g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, self->priv->items); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, NULL, &v)) { GabbleRosterItem *item = v; if (item->groups != NULL && tp_handle_set_is_member (item->groups, context->group_handle)) tp_handle_set_remove (item->groups, context->group_handle); } } else { DEBUG ("contact #%u is still a member of group '%s', not removing", remaining_member, group); } tp_handle_unref (group_repo, context->group_handle); } context->callback (source, result, context->user_data); tp_clear_pointer (&context->contacts, tp_handle_set_destroy); g_slice_free (RemoveGroupContext, context); } static void gabble_roster_remove_group_async (TpBaseContactList *base, const gchar *group, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GabbleRoster *self = GABBLE_ROSTER (base); GHashTableIter iter; gpointer k, v; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); TpHandleRepoIface *group_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP); GSimpleAsyncResult *result; RemoveGroupContext *context; context = g_slice_new0 (RemoveGroupContext); context->group_handle = tp_handle_lookup (group_repo, group, NULL, NULL); context->callback = callback; context->user_data = user_data; context->contacts = tp_handle_set_new (contact_repo); if (context->group_handle != 0) tp_handle_ref (group_repo, context->group_handle); result = gabble_simple_async_countdown_new (self, gabble_roster_remove_group_removed_cb, context, gabble_roster_remove_group_async, 1); /* if the group didn't exist then we have nothing to do */ if (context->group_handle == 0 || !tp_handle_set_is_member (self->priv->groups, context->group_handle)) goto finally; g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, self->priv->items); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &k, &v)) { TpHandle contact = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (k); GabbleRosterItem *item = v; if (item->groups != NULL && tp_handle_set_is_member (item->groups, context->group_handle)) { tp_handle_set_add (context->contacts, contact); gabble_roster_handle_remove_from_group (self, contact, context->group_handle, result); } } finally: gabble_simple_async_countdown_dec (result); g_object_unref (result); } static void mutable_iface_init (TpMutableContactListInterface *iface) { iface->request_subscription_async = gabble_roster_request_subscription_async; iface->authorize_publication_async = gabble_roster_authorize_publication_async; iface->store_contacts_async = gabble_roster_store_contacts_async; iface->remove_contacts_async = gabble_roster_remove_contacts_async; iface->unsubscribe_async = gabble_roster_unsubscribe_async; iface->unpublish_async = gabble_roster_unpublish_async; /* we use the default _finish functions, which assume a GSimpleAsyncResult */ } static void blockable_iface_init (TpBlockableContactListInterface *iface) { iface->can_block = gabble_roster_can_block; iface->dup_blocked_contacts = gabble_roster_dup_blocked_contacts; iface->block_contacts_async = gabble_roster_block_contacts_async; iface->unblock_contacts_async = gabble_roster_unblock_contacts_async; /* we use the default _finish functions, which assume a GSimpleAsyncResult */ } static void contact_groups_iface_init (TpContactGroupListInterface *iface) { iface->dup_groups = gabble_roster_dup_groups; iface->dup_contact_groups = gabble_roster_dup_contact_groups; iface->dup_group_members = gabble_roster_dup_group_members; } static void mutable_contact_groups_iface_init (TpMutableContactGroupListInterface *iface) { iface->set_contact_groups_async = gabble_roster_set_contact_groups_async; iface->set_group_members_async = gabble_roster_set_group_members_async; iface->add_to_group_async = gabble_roster_add_to_group_async; iface->remove_from_group_async = gabble_roster_remove_from_group_async; iface->remove_group_async = gabble_roster_remove_group_async; /* we use the default _finish functions, which assume a GSimpleAsyncResult */ } static void gabble_roster_class_init (GabbleRosterClass *cls) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (cls); TpBaseContactListClass *base_class = TP_BASE_CONTACT_LIST_CLASS (cls); g_type_class_add_private (cls, sizeof (GabbleRosterPrivate)); object_class->constructed = gabble_roster_constructed; object_class->dispose = gabble_roster_dispose; object_class->finalize = gabble_roster_finalize; base_class->dup_states = gabble_roster_dup_states; base_class->dup_contacts = gabble_roster_dup_contacts; signals[NICKNAMES_UPDATE] = g_signal_new ( "nicknames-update", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (cls), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, DBUS_TYPE_G_UINT_ARRAY); } gboolean gabble_roster_handle_sends_presence_to_us (GabbleRoster *self, TpHandle handle) { TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); GabbleRosterItem *item; g_return_val_if_fail (GABBLE_IS_ROSTER (self), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (tp_handle_is_valid (contact_repo, handle, NULL), FALSE); item = _gabble_roster_item_lookup (self, handle); if (item == NULL) return FALSE; return (item->subscription == GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_TO || item->subscription == GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_BOTH); } gboolean gabble_roster_handle_gets_presence_from_us (GabbleRoster *self, TpHandle handle) { TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); GabbleRosterItem *item; g_return_val_if_fail (GABBLE_IS_ROSTER (self), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (tp_handle_is_valid (contact_repo, handle, NULL), FALSE); item = _gabble_roster_item_lookup (self, handle); if (item == NULL) return FALSE; return (item->subscription == GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_FROM || item->subscription == GABBLE_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_BOTH); }