/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat, Inc. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, see . */ #include #include #include #include "glib-compat.h" #include "spice-client.h" #include "spice-common.h" #include "spice-marshal.h" #include "spice-util-priv.h" #include "spice-channel-priv.h" #include "spice-session-priv.h" /** * SECTION:channel-main * @short_description: the main Spice channel * @title: Main Channel * @section_id: * @see_also: #SpiceChannel, and the GTK widget #SpiceDisplay * @stability: Stable * @include: channel-main.h * * The main channel is the Spice session control channel. It handles * communication initialization (channels list), migrations, mouse * modes, multimedia time, and agent communication. * * */ #define SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL_GET_PRIVATE(obj) \ (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE((obj), SPICE_TYPE_MAIN_CHANNEL, SpiceMainChannelPrivate)) #define MAX_DISPLAY 16 struct _SpiceMainChannelPrivate { enum SpiceMouseMode mouse_mode; bool agent_connected; bool agent_caps_received; gboolean agent_display_config_sent; guint8 display_color_depth; gboolean display_disable_wallpaper:1; gboolean display_disable_font_smooth:1; gboolean display_disable_animation:1; gboolean disable_display_position:1; gboolean disable_display_align:1; int agent_tokens; VDAgentMessage agent_msg; /* partial msg reconstruction */ guint8 *agent_msg_data; guint agent_msg_pos; uint8_t agent_msg_size; uint32_t agent_caps[VD_AGENT_CAPS_SIZE]; struct { int x; int y; int width; int height; gboolean enabled; } display[MAX_DISPLAY]; gint timer_id; GQueue *agent_msg_queue; guint switch_host_delayed_id; guint migrate_delayed_id; guint32 migrate_src_version; }; typedef struct spice_migrate spice_migrate; struct spice_migrate { struct coroutine *from; SpiceMigrationDstInfo *info; SpiceSession *session; guint nchannels; SpiceChannel *channel; bool do_seamless; /* used as input and output for the seamless migration handshake. input: whether to send to the dest SPICE_MSGC_MAIN_MIGRATE_DST_DO_SEAMLESS output: whether the dest approved seamless migration (SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MIGRATE_DST_SEAMLESS_ACK/NACK) */ uint32_t src_mig_version; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE(SpiceMainChannel, spice_main_channel, SPICE_TYPE_CHANNEL) /* Properties */ enum { PROP_0, PROP_MOUSE_MODE, PROP_AGENT_CONNECTED, PROP_AGENT_CAPS_0, PROP_DISPLAY_DISABLE_WALLPAPER, PROP_DISPLAY_DISABLE_FONT_SMOOTH, PROP_DISPLAY_DISABLE_ANIMATION, PROP_DISPLAY_COLOR_DEPTH, PROP_DISABLE_DISPLAY_POSITION, PROP_DISABLE_DISPLAY_ALIGN, }; /* Signals */ enum { SPICE_MAIN_MOUSE_UPDATE, SPICE_MAIN_AGENT_UPDATE, SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD, SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_GRAB, SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_REQUEST, SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_RELEASE, SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION, SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_GRAB, SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_REQUEST, SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_RELEASE, SPICE_MIGRATION_STARTED, SPICE_MIGRATION_HANDSHAKE_DONE, SPICE_MAIN_LAST_SIGNAL, }; static guint signals[SPICE_MAIN_LAST_SIGNAL]; static void spice_main_handle_msg(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceMsgIn *msg); static void agent_send_msg_queue(SpiceMainChannel *channel); static void agent_free_msg_queue(SpiceMainChannel *channel); static void migrate_channel_event_cb(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceChannelEvent event, gpointer data); static void main_migrate_handshake_done_cb(SpiceChannel *channel, gboolean seamless, gpointer data); static void spice_main_channel_send_migration_handshake(SpiceChannel *channel); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static const char *agent_msg_types[] = { [ VD_AGENT_MOUSE_STATE ] = "mouse state", [ VD_AGENT_MONITORS_CONFIG ] = "monitors config", [ VD_AGENT_REPLY ] = "reply", [ VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD ] = "clipboard", [ VD_AGENT_DISPLAY_CONFIG ] = "display config", [ VD_AGENT_ANNOUNCE_CAPABILITIES ] = "announce caps", [ VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_GRAB ] = "clipboard grab", [ VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_REQUEST ] = "clipboard request", [ VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_RELEASE ] = "clipboard release", }; static const char *agent_caps[] = { [ VD_AGENT_CAP_MOUSE_STATE ] = "mouse state", [ VD_AGENT_CAP_MONITORS_CONFIG ] = "monitors config", [ VD_AGENT_CAP_REPLY ] = "reply", [ VD_AGENT_CAP_CLIPBOARD ] = "clipboard (old)", [ VD_AGENT_CAP_DISPLAY_CONFIG ] = "display config", [ VD_AGENT_CAP_CLIPBOARD_BY_DEMAND ] = "clipboard", [ VD_AGENT_CAP_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION ] = "clipboard selection", }; #define NAME(_a, _i) ((_i) < SPICE_N_ELEMENTS(_a) ? (_a[(_i)] ?: "?") : "?") /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static void spice_main_channel_reset_capabilties(SpiceChannel *channel) { spice_channel_set_capability(SPICE_CHANNEL(channel), SPICE_MAIN_CAP_SEMI_SEAMLESS_MIGRATE); spice_channel_set_capability(SPICE_CHANNEL(channel), SPICE_MAIN_CAP_NAME_AND_UUID); spice_channel_set_capability(SPICE_CHANNEL(channel), SPICE_MAIN_CAP_AGENT_CONNECTED_TOKENS); spice_channel_set_capability(SPICE_CHANNEL(channel), SPICE_MAIN_CAP_SEAMLESS_MIGRATE); } static void spice_main_channel_init(SpiceMainChannel *channel) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c; c = channel->priv = SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL_GET_PRIVATE(channel); c->agent_msg_queue = g_queue_new(); spice_main_channel_reset_capabilties(SPICE_CHANNEL(channel)); } static void spice_main_get_property(GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(object)->priv; switch (prop_id) { case PROP_MOUSE_MODE: g_value_set_int(value, c->mouse_mode); break; case PROP_AGENT_CONNECTED: g_value_set_boolean(value, c->agent_connected); break; case PROP_AGENT_CAPS_0: g_value_set_int(value, c->agent_caps[0]); break; case PROP_DISPLAY_DISABLE_WALLPAPER: g_value_set_boolean(value, c->display_disable_wallpaper); break; case PROP_DISPLAY_DISABLE_FONT_SMOOTH: g_value_set_boolean(value, c->display_disable_font_smooth); break; case PROP_DISPLAY_DISABLE_ANIMATION: g_value_set_boolean(value, c->display_disable_animation); break; case PROP_DISPLAY_COLOR_DEPTH: g_value_set_uint(value, c->display_color_depth); break; case PROP_DISABLE_DISPLAY_POSITION: g_value_set_boolean(value, c->disable_display_position); break; case PROP_DISABLE_DISPLAY_ALIGN: g_value_set_boolean(value, c->disable_display_align); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void spice_main_set_property(GObject *gobject, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(gobject)->priv; switch (prop_id) { case PROP_DISPLAY_DISABLE_WALLPAPER: c->display_disable_wallpaper = g_value_get_boolean(value); break; case PROP_DISPLAY_DISABLE_FONT_SMOOTH: c->display_disable_font_smooth = g_value_get_boolean(value); break; case PROP_DISPLAY_DISABLE_ANIMATION: c->display_disable_animation = g_value_get_boolean(value); break; case PROP_DISPLAY_COLOR_DEPTH: { guint color_depth = g_value_get_uint(value); g_return_if_fail(color_depth % 8 == 0); c->display_color_depth = color_depth; break; } case PROP_DISABLE_DISPLAY_POSITION: c->disable_display_position = g_value_get_boolean(value); break; case PROP_DISABLE_DISPLAY_ALIGN: c->disable_display_align = g_value_get_boolean(value); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(gobject, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void spice_main_channel_dispose(GObject *obj) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(obj)->priv; if (c->timer_id) { g_source_remove(c->timer_id); c->timer_id = 0; } if (c->switch_host_delayed_id) { g_source_remove(c->switch_host_delayed_id); c->switch_host_delayed_id = 0; } if (c->migrate_delayed_id) { g_source_remove(c->migrate_delayed_id); c->migrate_delayed_id = 0; } if (G_OBJECT_CLASS(spice_main_channel_parent_class)->dispose) G_OBJECT_CLASS(spice_main_channel_parent_class)->dispose(obj); } static void spice_main_channel_finalize(GObject *obj) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(obj)->priv; g_free(c->agent_msg_data); agent_free_msg_queue(SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(obj)); if (G_OBJECT_CLASS(spice_main_channel_parent_class)->finalize) G_OBJECT_CLASS(spice_main_channel_parent_class)->finalize(obj); } /* coroutine context */ static void spice_channel_iterate_write(SpiceChannel *channel) { agent_send_msg_queue(SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)); if (SPICE_CHANNEL_CLASS(spice_main_channel_parent_class)->iterate_write) SPICE_CHANNEL_CLASS(spice_main_channel_parent_class)->iterate_write(channel); } /* main or coroutine context */ static void spice_main_channel_reset(SpiceChannel *channel, gboolean migrating) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)->priv; c->agent_connected = FALSE; c->agent_caps_received = FALSE; c->agent_display_config_sent = FALSE; c->agent_tokens = 0; c->agent_msg_pos = 0; g_free(c->agent_msg_data); c->agent_msg_data = NULL; c->agent_msg_size = 0; agent_free_msg_queue(SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)); c->agent_msg_queue = g_queue_new(); SPICE_CHANNEL_CLASS(spice_main_channel_parent_class)->channel_reset(channel, migrating); } static void spice_main_channel_class_init(SpiceMainChannelClass *klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass); SpiceChannelClass *channel_class = SPICE_CHANNEL_CLASS(klass); gobject_class->dispose = spice_main_channel_dispose; gobject_class->finalize = spice_main_channel_finalize; gobject_class->get_property = spice_main_get_property; gobject_class->set_property = spice_main_set_property; channel_class->handle_msg = spice_main_handle_msg; channel_class->iterate_write = spice_channel_iterate_write; channel_class->channel_reset = spice_main_channel_reset; channel_class->channel_reset_capabilities = spice_main_channel_reset_capabilties; channel_class->channel_send_migration_handshake = spice_main_channel_send_migration_handshake; /** * SpiceMainChannel:mouse-mode: * * Spice protocol specifies two mouse modes, client mode and * server mode. In client mode (%SPICE_MOUSE_MODE_CLIENT), the * affective mouse is the client side mouse: the client sends * mouse position within the display and the server sends mouse * shape messages. In server mode (%SPICE_MOUSE_MODE_SERVER), the * client sends relative mouse movements and the server sends * position and shape commands. **/ g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_MOUSE_MODE, g_param_spec_int("mouse-mode", "Mouse mode", "Mouse mode", 0, INT_MAX, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME | G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK | G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_AGENT_CONNECTED, g_param_spec_boolean("agent-connected", "Agent connected", "Whether the agent is connected", FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME | G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK | G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_AGENT_CAPS_0, g_param_spec_int("agent-caps-0", "Agent caps 0", "Agent capability bits 0 -> 31", 0, INT_MAX, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME | G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK | G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_DISPLAY_DISABLE_WALLPAPER, g_param_spec_boolean("disable-wallpaper", "Disable guest wallpaper", "Disable guest wallpaper", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_DISPLAY_DISABLE_FONT_SMOOTH, g_param_spec_boolean("disable-font-smooth", "Disable guest font smooth", "Disable guest font smoothing", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_DISPLAY_DISABLE_ANIMATION, g_param_spec_boolean("disable-animation", "Disable guest animations", "Disable guest animations", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_DISABLE_DISPLAY_POSITION, g_param_spec_boolean("disable-display-position", "Disable display position", "Disable using display position when setting monitor config", TRUE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_DISPLAY_COLOR_DEPTH, g_param_spec_uint("color-depth", "Color depth", "Color depth", 0, 32, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); /** * SpiceMainChannel:disable-display-align: * * Disable automatic horizontal display position alignment. * * Since: 0.13 */ g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_DISABLE_DISPLAY_ALIGN, g_param_spec_boolean("disable-display-align", "Disable display align", "Disable display position alignment", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); /* TODO use notify instead */ /** * SpiceMainChannel::main-mouse-update: * @main: the #SpiceMainChannel that emitted the signal * * Notify when the mouse mode has changed. **/ signals[SPICE_MAIN_MOUSE_UPDATE] = g_signal_new("main-mouse-update", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(SpiceMainChannelClass, mouse_update), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); /* TODO use notify instead */ /** * SpiceMainChannel::main-agent-update: * @main: the #SpiceMainChannel that emitted the signal * * Notify when the %SpiceMainChannel:agent-connected or * %SpiceMainChannel:agent-caps-0 property change. **/ signals[SPICE_MAIN_AGENT_UPDATE] = g_signal_new("main-agent-update", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(SpiceMainChannelClass, agent_update), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); /** * SpiceMainChannel::main-clipboard: * @main: the #SpiceMainChannel that emitted the signal * @type: the VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD data type * @data: clipboard data * @size: size of @data in bytes * * Provides guest clipboard data requested by spice_main_clipboard_request(). * * Deprecated: 0.6: use SpiceMainChannel::main-clipboard-selection instead. **/ signals[SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD] = g_signal_new("main-clipboard", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_DEPRECATED, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_POINTER_UINT, G_TYPE_NONE, 3, G_TYPE_UINT, G_TYPE_POINTER, G_TYPE_UINT); /** * SpiceMainChannel::main-clipboard-selection: * @main: the #SpiceMainChannel that emitted the signal * * Since: 0.6 **/ signals[SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION] = g_signal_new("main-clipboard-selection", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT_POINTER_UINT, G_TYPE_NONE, 4, G_TYPE_UINT, G_TYPE_UINT, G_TYPE_POINTER, G_TYPE_UINT); /** * SpiceMainChannel::main-clipboard-grab: * @main: the #SpiceMainChannel that emitted the signal * @types: the VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD data types * @ntypes: the number of @types * * Inform when clipboard data is available from the guest, and for * which @types. * * Deprecated: 0.6: use SpiceMainChannel::main-clipboard-selection-grab instead. **/ signals[SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_GRAB] = g_signal_new("main-clipboard-grab", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_DEPRECATED, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_user_marshal_BOOLEAN__POINTER_UINT, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 2, G_TYPE_POINTER, G_TYPE_UINT); /** * SpiceMainChannel::main-clipboard-selection-grab: * @main: the #SpiceMainChannel that emitted the signal * @types: the VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD data types * @ntypes: the number of @types * * Inform when clipboard data is available from the guest, and for * which @types. * * Since: 0.6 **/ signals[SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_GRAB] = g_signal_new("main-clipboard-selection-grab", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_user_marshal_BOOLEAN__UINT_POINTER_UINT, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 3, G_TYPE_UINT, G_TYPE_POINTER, G_TYPE_UINT); /** * SpiceMainChannel::main-clipboard-request: * @main: the #SpiceMainChannel that emitted the signal * @types: the VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD request type * Returns: %TRUE if the request is successful * * Request clipbard data from the client. * * Deprecated: 0.6: use SpiceMainChannel::main-clipboard-selection-request instead. **/ signals[SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_REQUEST] = g_signal_new("main-clipboard-request", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_DEPRECATED, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_user_marshal_BOOLEAN__UINT, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1, G_TYPE_UINT); /** * SpiceMainChannel::main-clipboard-selection-request: * @main: the #SpiceMainChannel that emitted the signal * @types: the VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD request type * Returns: %TRUE if the request is successful * * Request clipbard data from the client. * * Since: 0.6 **/ signals[SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_REQUEST] = g_signal_new("main-clipboard-selection-request", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_user_marshal_BOOLEAN__UINT_UINT, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 2, G_TYPE_UINT, G_TYPE_UINT); /** * SpiceMainChannel::main-clipboard-release: * @main: the #SpiceMainChannel that emitted the signal * * Inform when the clipboard is released from the guest, when no * clipboard data is available from the guest. * * Deprecated: 0.6: use SpiceMainChannel::main-clipboard-selection-release instead. **/ signals[SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_RELEASE] = g_signal_new("main-clipboard-release", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_DEPRECATED, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); /** * SpiceMainChannel::main-clipboard-selection-release: * @main: the #SpiceMainChannel that emitted the signal * * Inform when the clipboard is released from the guest, when no * clipboard data is available from the guest. * * Since: 0.6 **/ signals[SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_RELEASE] = g_signal_new("main-clipboard-selection-release", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UINT, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_UINT); /** * SpiceMainChannel::migration-started: * @main: the #SpiceMainChannel that emitted the signal * @session: a migration #SpiceSession * * Inform when migration is starting. Application wishing to make * connections themself can set the #SpiceSession:client-sockets * to @TRUE, then follow #SpiceSession::channel-new creation, and * use spice_channel_open_fd() once the socket is created. * **/ signals[SPICE_MIGRATION_STARTED] = g_signal_new("migration-started", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_OBJECT); /** * SpiceMainChannel::migration-handshake-done: * @main: the #SpiceMainChannel that emitted the signal * @session: a migration #SpiceSession * * Inform when seamless migration handshake has completed, and * its result: seamless or semi-seamless migration. * * Since: 0.13 **/ signals[SPICE_MIGRATION_HANDSHAKE_DONE] = g_signal_new("migration-handshake-done", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOOLEAN, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN); g_type_class_add_private(klass, sizeof(SpiceMainChannelPrivate)); } /* signal trampoline---------------------------------------------------------- */ struct SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_RELEASE { }; struct SPICE_MAIN_AGENT_UPDATE { }; struct SPICE_MAIN_MOUSE_UPDATE { }; struct SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD { guint type; gpointer data; gsize size; }; struct SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_GRAB { gpointer types; gsize ntypes; gboolean *ret; }; struct SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_REQUEST { guint type; gboolean *ret; }; struct SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION { guint8 selection; guint type; gpointer data; gsize size; }; struct SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_GRAB { guint8 selection; gpointer types; gsize ntypes; gboolean *ret; }; struct SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_REQUEST { guint8 selection; guint type; gboolean *ret; }; struct SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_RELEASE { guint8 selection; }; struct SPICE_MIGRATION_HANDSHAKE_DONE { gboolean seamless; }; /* main context */ static void do_emit_main_context(GObject *object, int signum, gpointer params) { switch (signum) { case SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_RELEASE: case SPICE_MAIN_AGENT_UPDATE: case SPICE_MAIN_MOUSE_UPDATE: { g_signal_emit(object, signals[signum], 0); break; } case SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD: { struct SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD *p = params; g_signal_emit(object, signals[signum], 0, p->type, p->data, p->size); break; } case SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_GRAB: { struct SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_GRAB *p = params; g_signal_emit(object, signals[signum], 0, p->types, p->ntypes, p->ret); break; } case SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_REQUEST: { struct SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_REQUEST *p = params; g_signal_emit(object, signals[signum], 0, p->type, p->ret); break; } case SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION: { struct SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION *p = params; g_signal_emit(object, signals[signum], 0, p->selection, p->type, p->data, p->size); break; } case SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_GRAB: { struct SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_GRAB *p = params; g_signal_emit(object, signals[signum], 0, p->selection, p->types, p->ntypes, p->ret); break; } case SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_REQUEST: { struct SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_REQUEST *p = params; g_signal_emit(object, signals[signum], 0, p->selection, p->type, p->ret); break; } case SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_RELEASE: { struct SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_RELEASE *p = params; g_signal_emit(object, signals[signum], 0, p->selection); break; } case SPICE_MIGRATION_HANDSHAKE_DONE: { struct SPICE_MIGRATION_HANDSHAKE_DONE *p = params; g_signal_emit(object, signals[signum], 0, p->seamless); } default: g_warn_if_reached(); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static void agent_free_msg_queue(SpiceMainChannel *channel) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = channel->priv; SpiceMsgOut *out; if (!c->agent_msg_queue) return; while (!g_queue_is_empty(c->agent_msg_queue)) { out = g_queue_pop_head(c->agent_msg_queue); spice_msg_out_unref(out); } g_queue_free(c->agent_msg_queue); c->agent_msg_queue = NULL; } /* coroutine context */ static void agent_send_msg_queue(SpiceMainChannel *channel) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = channel->priv; SpiceMsgOut *out; while (c->agent_tokens > 0 && !g_queue_is_empty(c->agent_msg_queue)) { c->agent_tokens--; out = g_queue_pop_head(c->agent_msg_queue); spice_msg_out_send_internal(out); } } /* any context: the message is not flushed immediately, you can wakeup() the channel coroutine or send_msg_queue() expected arguments, pair of data/data_size to send terminated with NULL: agent_msg_queue_many(main, VD_AGENT_..., &foo, sizeof(Foo), data, data_size, NULL); */ G_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED static void agent_msg_queue_many(SpiceMainChannel *channel, int type, const void *data, ...) { va_list args; SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = channel->priv; SpiceMsgOut *out; VDAgentMessage msg; guint8 *payload; gsize paysize, s, mins, size = 0; const guint8 *d; G_STATIC_ASSERT(VD_AGENT_MAX_DATA_SIZE > sizeof(VDAgentMessage)); va_start(args, data); for (d = data; d != NULL; d = va_arg(args, void*)) { size += va_arg(args, gsize); } va_end(args); msg.protocol = VD_AGENT_PROTOCOL; msg.type = type; msg.opaque = 0; msg.size = size; paysize = MIN(VD_AGENT_MAX_DATA_SIZE, size + sizeof(VDAgentMessage)); out = spice_msg_out_new(SPICE_CHANNEL(channel), SPICE_MSGC_MAIN_AGENT_DATA); payload = spice_marshaller_reserve_space(out->marshaller, paysize); memcpy(payload, &msg, sizeof(VDAgentMessage)); payload += sizeof(VDAgentMessage); paysize -= sizeof(VDAgentMessage); if (paysize == 0) { g_queue_push_tail(c->agent_msg_queue, out); out = NULL; } va_start(args, data); for (d = data; size > 0; d = va_arg(args, void*)) { s = va_arg(args, gsize); while (s > 0) { if (out == NULL) { paysize = MIN(VD_AGENT_MAX_DATA_SIZE, size); out = spice_msg_out_new(SPICE_CHANNEL(channel), SPICE_MSGC_MAIN_AGENT_DATA); payload = spice_marshaller_reserve_space(out->marshaller, paysize); } mins = MIN(paysize, s); memcpy(payload, d, mins); d += mins; payload += mins; s -= mins; size -= mins; paysize -= mins; if (paysize == 0) { g_queue_push_tail(c->agent_msg_queue, out); out = NULL; } } } va_end(args); g_warn_if_fail(out == NULL); } static int monitors_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2) { const VDAgentMonConfig *m1 = p1; const VDAgentMonConfig *m2 = p2; double d1 = sqrt(m1->x * m1->x + m1->y * m1->y); double d2 = sqrt(m2->x * m2->x + m2->y * m2->y); return d1 - d2; } static void monitors_align(VDAgentMonConfig *monitors, int nmonitors) { gint i, x = 0; if (nmonitors == 0) return; /* sort by distance from origin */ qsort(monitors, nmonitors, sizeof(VDAgentMonConfig), monitors_cmp); /* super-KISS ltr alignment, feel free to improve */ for (i = 0; i < nmonitors; i++) { monitors[i].x = x; monitors[i].y = 0; x += monitors[i].width; g_debug("#%d +%d+%d-%dx%d", i, monitors[i].x, monitors[i].y, monitors[i].width, monitors[i].height); } } #define agent_msg_queue(Channel, Type, Size, Data) \ agent_msg_queue_many((Channel), (Type), (Data), (Size), NULL) /** * spice_main_send_monitor_config: * @channel: * * Send monitors configuration previously set with * spice_main_set_display() and spice_main_set_display_enabled() * * Returns: %TRUE on success. **/ gboolean spice_main_send_monitor_config(SpiceMainChannel *channel) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c; VDAgentMonitorsConfig *mon; int i, j, monitors; size_t size; g_return_val_if_fail(SPICE_IS_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel), FALSE); c = channel->priv; g_return_val_if_fail(c->agent_connected, FALSE); monitors = 0; /* FIXME: fix MonitorConfig to be per display */ for (i = 0; i < SPICE_N_ELEMENTS(c->display); i++) { if (c->display[i].enabled) monitors += 1; } size = sizeof(VDAgentMonitorsConfig) + sizeof(VDAgentMonConfig) * monitors; mon = spice_malloc0(size); mon->num_of_monitors = monitors; if (c->disable_display_position == FALSE || c->disable_display_align == FALSE) mon->flags |= VD_AGENT_CONFIG_MONITORS_FLAG_USE_POS; j = 0; for (i = 0; i < SPICE_N_ELEMENTS(c->display); i++) { if (!c->display[i].enabled) continue; mon->monitors[j].depth = c->display_color_depth ? c->display_color_depth : 32; mon->monitors[j].width = c->display[j].width; mon->monitors[j].height = c->display[j].height; mon->monitors[j].x = c->display[j].x; mon->monitors[j].y = c->display[j].y; SPICE_DEBUG("monitor config: #%d %dx%d+%d+%d @ %d bpp", j, mon->monitors[j].width, mon->monitors[j].height, mon->monitors[j].x, mon->monitors[j].y, mon->monitors[j].depth); j++; } if (c->disable_display_align == FALSE) monitors_align(mon->monitors, mon->num_of_monitors); agent_msg_queue(channel, VD_AGENT_MONITORS_CONFIG, size, mon); free(mon); spice_channel_wakeup(SPICE_CHANNEL(channel), FALSE); if (c->timer_id != 0) { g_source_remove(c->timer_id); c->timer_id = 0; } return TRUE; } /* any context: the message is not flushed immediately, you can wakeup() the channel coroutine or send_msg_queue() */ static void agent_display_config(SpiceMainChannel *channel) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = channel->priv; VDAgentDisplayConfig config = { 0, }; if (c->display_disable_wallpaper) { config.flags |= VD_AGENT_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FLAG_DISABLE_WALLPAPER; } if (c->display_disable_font_smooth) { config.flags |= VD_AGENT_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FLAG_DISABLE_FONT_SMOOTH; } if (c->display_disable_animation) { config.flags |= VD_AGENT_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FLAG_DISABLE_ANIMATION; } if (c->display_color_depth != 0) { config.flags |= VD_AGENT_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FLAG_SET_COLOR_DEPTH; config.depth = c->display_color_depth; } SPICE_DEBUG("display_config: flags: %u, depth: %u", config.flags, config.depth); agent_msg_queue(channel, VD_AGENT_DISPLAY_CONFIG, sizeof(VDAgentDisplayConfig), &config); } /* any context: the message is not flushed immediately, you can wakeup() the channel coroutine or send_msg_queue() */ static void agent_announce_caps(SpiceMainChannel *channel) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = channel->priv; VDAgentAnnounceCapabilities *caps; size_t size; if (!c->agent_connected) return; size = sizeof(VDAgentAnnounceCapabilities) + VD_AGENT_CAPS_BYTES; caps = spice_malloc0(size); if (!c->agent_caps_received) caps->request = 1; VD_AGENT_SET_CAPABILITY(caps->caps, VD_AGENT_CAP_MOUSE_STATE); VD_AGENT_SET_CAPABILITY(caps->caps, VD_AGENT_CAP_MONITORS_CONFIG); VD_AGENT_SET_CAPABILITY(caps->caps, VD_AGENT_CAP_REPLY); VD_AGENT_SET_CAPABILITY(caps->caps, VD_AGENT_CAP_DISPLAY_CONFIG); VD_AGENT_SET_CAPABILITY(caps->caps, VD_AGENT_CAP_CLIPBOARD_BY_DEMAND); VD_AGENT_SET_CAPABILITY(caps->caps, VD_AGENT_CAP_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION); agent_msg_queue(channel, VD_AGENT_ANNOUNCE_CAPABILITIES, size, caps); free(caps); } #define HAS_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION(c) \ VD_AGENT_HAS_CAPABILITY((c)->agent_caps, sizeof((c)->agent_caps), VD_AGENT_CAP_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION) /* any context: the message is not flushed immediately, you can wakeup() the channel coroutine or send_msg_queue() */ static void agent_clipboard_grab(SpiceMainChannel *channel, guint selection, guint32 *types, int ntypes) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = channel->priv; guint8 *msg; VDAgentClipboardGrab *grab; size_t size; int i; if (!c->agent_connected) return; g_return_if_fail(VD_AGENT_HAS_CAPABILITY(c->agent_caps, sizeof(c->agent_caps), VD_AGENT_CAP_CLIPBOARD_BY_DEMAND)); size = sizeof(VDAgentClipboardGrab) + sizeof(uint32_t) * ntypes; if (HAS_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION(c)) size += 4; else if (selection != VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) { SPICE_DEBUG("Ignoring clipboard grab"); return; } msg = g_alloca(size); memset(msg, 0, size); grab = (VDAgentClipboardGrab *)msg; if (HAS_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION(c)) { msg[0] = selection; grab = (VDAgentClipboardGrab *)(msg + 4); } for (i = 0; i < ntypes; i++) { grab->types[i] = types[i]; } agent_msg_queue(channel, VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_GRAB, size, msg); } /* any context: the message is not flushed immediately, you can wakeup() the channel coroutine or send_msg_queue() */ static void agent_clipboard_notify(SpiceMainChannel *channel, guint selection, guint32 type, const guchar *data, size_t size) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = channel->priv; VDAgentClipboard *cb; guint8 *msg; size_t msgsize; g_return_if_fail(c->agent_connected); g_return_if_fail(VD_AGENT_HAS_CAPABILITY(c->agent_caps, sizeof(c->agent_caps), VD_AGENT_CAP_CLIPBOARD_BY_DEMAND)); msgsize = sizeof(VDAgentClipboard); if (HAS_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION(c)) msgsize += 4; else if (selection != VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) { SPICE_DEBUG("Ignoring clipboard notify"); return; } msg = g_alloca(msgsize); memset(msg, 0, msgsize); cb = (VDAgentClipboard *)msg; if (HAS_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION(c)) { msg[0] = selection; cb = (VDAgentClipboard *)(msg + 4); } cb->type = type; agent_msg_queue_many(channel, VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD, msg, msgsize, data, size, NULL); } /* any context: the message is not flushed immediately, you can wakeup() the channel coroutine or send_msg_queue() */ static void agent_clipboard_request(SpiceMainChannel *channel, guint selection, guint32 type) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = channel->priv; VDAgentClipboardRequest *request; guint8 *msg; size_t msgsize; g_return_if_fail(c->agent_connected); g_return_if_fail(VD_AGENT_HAS_CAPABILITY(c->agent_caps, sizeof(c->agent_caps), VD_AGENT_CAP_CLIPBOARD_BY_DEMAND)); msgsize = sizeof(VDAgentClipboardRequest); if (HAS_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION(c)) msgsize += 4; else if (selection != VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) { SPICE_DEBUG("Ignoring clipboard request"); return; } msg = g_alloca(msgsize); memset(msg, 0, msgsize); request = (VDAgentClipboardRequest *)msg; if (HAS_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION(c)) { msg[0] = selection; request = (VDAgentClipboardRequest *)(msg + 4); } request->type = type; agent_msg_queue(channel, VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_REQUEST, msgsize, msg); } /* any context: the message is not flushed immediately, you can wakeup() the channel coroutine or send_msg_queue() */ static void agent_clipboard_release(SpiceMainChannel *channel, guint selection) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = channel->priv; guint8 msg[4] = { 0, }; guint8 msgsize = 0; g_return_if_fail(c->agent_connected); g_return_if_fail(VD_AGENT_HAS_CAPABILITY(c->agent_caps, sizeof(c->agent_caps), VD_AGENT_CAP_CLIPBOARD_BY_DEMAND)); if (HAS_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION(c)) { msg[0] = selection; msgsize += 4; } else if (selection != VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) { SPICE_DEBUG("Ignoring clipboard release"); return; } agent_msg_queue(channel, VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_RELEASE, msgsize, msg); } /* coroutine context */ static void set_agent_connected(SpiceMainChannel *channel, gboolean connected) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = channel->priv; c->agent_connected = connected; SPICE_DEBUG("agent connected: %s", spice_yes_no(connected)); g_object_notify_main_context(G_OBJECT(channel), "agent-connected"); } /* coroutine context */ static void agent_start(SpiceMainChannel *channel) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = channel->priv; SpiceMsgcMainAgentStart agent_start = { .num_tokens = ~0, }; SpiceMsgOut *out; set_agent_connected(channel, TRUE); c->agent_caps_received = false; emit_main_context(channel, SPICE_MAIN_AGENT_UPDATE); out = spice_msg_out_new(SPICE_CHANNEL(channel), SPICE_MSGC_MAIN_AGENT_START); out->marshallers->msgc_main_agent_start(out->marshaller, &agent_start); spice_msg_out_send_internal(out); if (c->agent_connected) { agent_announce_caps(channel); agent_send_msg_queue(channel); } } /* coroutine context */ static void agent_stopped(SpiceMainChannel *channel) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)->priv; set_agent_connected(channel, FALSE); c->agent_caps_received = false; c->agent_display_config_sent = false; emit_main_context(channel, SPICE_MAIN_AGENT_UPDATE); } /* coroutine context */ static void set_mouse_mode(SpiceMainChannel *channel, uint32_t supported, uint32_t current) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = channel->priv; if (c->mouse_mode != current) { c->mouse_mode = current; emit_main_context(channel, SPICE_MAIN_MOUSE_UPDATE); g_object_notify_main_context(G_OBJECT(channel), "mouse-mode"); } /* switch to client mode if possible */ if (!spice_channel_get_read_only(SPICE_CHANNEL(channel)) && supported & SPICE_MOUSE_MODE_CLIENT && current != SPICE_MOUSE_MODE_CLIENT) { SpiceMsgcMainMouseModeRequest req = { .mode = SPICE_MOUSE_MODE_CLIENT, }; SpiceMsgOut *out; out = spice_msg_out_new(SPICE_CHANNEL(channel), SPICE_MSGC_MAIN_MOUSE_MODE_REQUEST); out->marshallers->msgc_main_mouse_mode_request(out->marshaller, &req); spice_msg_out_send_internal(out); } } /* coroutine context */ static void main_handle_init(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceMsgIn *in) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)->priv; SpiceMsgMainInit *init = spice_msg_in_parsed(in); SpiceSession *session; SpiceMsgOut *out; session = spice_channel_get_session(channel); spice_session_set_connection_id(session, init->session_id); set_mouse_mode(SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel), init->supported_mouse_modes, init->current_mouse_mode); spice_session_set_mm_time(session, init->multi_media_time); spice_session_set_caches_hints(session, init->ram_hint, init->display_channels_hint); c->agent_tokens = init->agent_tokens; if (init->agent_connected) agent_start(SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)); if (spice_session_migrate_after_main_init(session)) return; out = spice_msg_out_new(SPICE_CHANNEL(channel), SPICE_MSGC_MAIN_ATTACH_CHANNELS); spice_msg_out_send_internal(out); } /* coroutine context */ static void main_handle_name(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceMsgIn *in) { SpiceMsgMainName *name = spice_msg_in_parsed(in); SpiceSession *session = spice_channel_get_session(channel); SPICE_DEBUG("server name: %s", name->name); spice_session_set_name(session, (const gchar *)name->name); } /* coroutine context */ static void main_handle_uuid(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceMsgIn *in) { SpiceMsgMainUuid *uuid = spice_msg_in_parsed(in); SpiceSession *session = spice_channel_get_session(channel); gchar *uuid_str = spice_uuid_to_string(uuid->uuid); SPICE_DEBUG("server uuid: %s", uuid_str); spice_session_set_uuid(session, uuid->uuid); g_free(uuid_str); } /* coroutine context */ static void main_handle_mm_time(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceMsgIn *in) { SpiceSession *session; SpiceMsgMainMultiMediaTime *msg = spice_msg_in_parsed(in); session = spice_channel_get_session(channel); spice_session_set_mm_time(session, msg->time); } typedef struct channel_new { SpiceSession *session; int type; int id; } channel_new_t; /* main context */ static gboolean _channel_new(channel_new_t *c) { g_return_val_if_fail(c != NULL, FALSE); spice_channel_new(c->session, c->type, c->id); g_object_unref(c->session); g_free(c); return FALSE; } /* coroutine context */ static void main_handle_channels_list(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceMsgIn *in) { SpiceMsgChannels *msg = spice_msg_in_parsed(in); SpiceSession *session; int i; session = spice_channel_get_session(channel); for (i = 0; i < msg->num_of_channels; i++) { channel_new_t *c; c = g_new(channel_new_t, 1); c->session = g_object_ref(session); c->type = msg->channels[i].type; c->id = msg->channels[i].id; /* no need to explicitely switch to main context, since synchronous call is not needed. */ /* no need to track idle, session is refed */ g_idle_add((GSourceFunc)_channel_new, c); } } /* coroutine context */ static void main_handle_mouse_mode(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceMsgIn *in) { SpiceMsgMainMouseMode *msg = spice_msg_in_parsed(in); set_mouse_mode(SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel), msg->supported_modes, msg->current_mode); } /* coroutine context */ static void main_handle_agent_connected(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceMsgIn *in) { agent_start(SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)); } /* coroutine context */ static void main_handle_agent_connected_tokens(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceMsgIn *in) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)->priv; SpiceMsgMainAgentConnectedTokens *msg = spice_msg_in_parsed(in); c->agent_tokens = msg->num_tokens; agent_start(SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)); } /* coroutine context */ static void main_handle_agent_disconnected(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceMsgIn *in) { agent_stopped(SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)); } /* coroutine context */ static void main_agent_handle_msg(SpiceChannel *channel, VDAgentMessage *msg, gpointer payload) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)->priv; guint8 selection = VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD; g_return_if_fail(msg->protocol == VD_AGENT_PROTOCOL); switch (msg->type) { case VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_RELEASE: case VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_REQUEST: case VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_GRAB: case VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD: if (VD_AGENT_HAS_CAPABILITY(c->agent_caps, sizeof(c->agent_caps), VD_AGENT_CAP_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION)) { selection = *((guint8*)payload); payload = ((guint8*)payload) + 4; msg->size -= 4; } break; default: break; } switch (msg->type) { case VD_AGENT_ANNOUNCE_CAPABILITIES: { VDAgentAnnounceCapabilities *caps = payload; int i, size; size = VD_AGENT_CAPS_SIZE_FROM_MSG_SIZE(msg->size); if (size > VD_AGENT_CAPS_SIZE) size = VD_AGENT_CAPS_SIZE; memset(c->agent_caps, 0, sizeof(c->agent_caps)); for (i = 0; i < size * 32; i++) { if (!VD_AGENT_HAS_CAPABILITY(caps->caps, size, i)) continue; SPICE_DEBUG("%s: cap: %d (%s)", __FUNCTION__, i, NAME(agent_caps, i)); VD_AGENT_SET_CAPABILITY(c->agent_caps, i); } c->agent_caps_received = true; emit_main_context(channel, SPICE_MAIN_AGENT_UPDATE); if (caps->request) agent_announce_caps(SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)); if (VD_AGENT_HAS_CAPABILITY(caps->caps, sizeof(c->agent_caps), VD_AGENT_CAP_DISPLAY_CONFIG) && !c->agent_display_config_sent) { agent_display_config(SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)); agent_send_msg_queue(SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)); c->agent_display_config_sent = true; } break; } case VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD: { VDAgentClipboard *cb = payload; emit_main_context(channel, SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION, selection, cb->type, cb->data, msg->size - sizeof(VDAgentClipboard)); if (selection == VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) emit_main_context(channel, SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD, cb->type, cb->data, msg->size - sizeof(VDAgentClipboard)); break; } case VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_GRAB: { gboolean ret; emit_main_context(channel, SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_GRAB, selection, (guint8*)payload, msg->size / sizeof(uint32_t), &ret); if (selection == VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) emit_main_context(channel, SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_GRAB, payload, msg->size / sizeof(uint32_t), &ret); break; } case VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_REQUEST: { gboolean ret; VDAgentClipboardRequest *req = payload; emit_main_context(channel, SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_REQUEST, selection, req->type, &ret); if (selection == VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) emit_main_context(channel, SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_REQUEST, req->type, &ret); break; } case VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_RELEASE: { emit_main_context(channel, SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_RELEASE, selection); if (selection == VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) emit_main_context(channel, SPICE_MAIN_CLIPBOARD_RELEASE); break; } case VD_AGENT_REPLY: { VDAgentReply *reply = payload; SPICE_DEBUG("%s: reply: type %d, %s", __FUNCTION__, reply->type, reply->error == VD_AGENT_SUCCESS ? "success" : "error"); break; } default: g_warning("unhandled agent message type: %u (%s), size %u", msg->type, NAME(agent_msg_types, msg->type), msg->size); } } /* coroutine context */ static void main_handle_agent_data_msg(SpiceChannel* channel, int* msg_size, guchar** msg_pos) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)->priv; int n; if (c->agent_msg_pos < sizeof(VDAgentMessage)) { n = MIN(sizeof(VDAgentMessage) - c->agent_msg_pos, *msg_size); memcpy((uint8_t*)&c->agent_msg + c->agent_msg_pos, *msg_pos, n); c->agent_msg_pos += n; *msg_size -= n; *msg_pos += n; if (c->agent_msg_pos == sizeof(VDAgentMessage)) { SPICE_DEBUG("agent msg start: msg_size=%d, protocol=%d, type=%d", c->agent_msg.size, c->agent_msg.protocol, c->agent_msg.type); g_return_if_fail(c->agent_msg_data == NULL); c->agent_msg_data = g_malloc(c->agent_msg.size); } } if (c->agent_msg_pos >= sizeof(VDAgentMessage)) { n = MIN(sizeof(VDAgentMessage) + c->agent_msg.size - c->agent_msg_pos, *msg_size); memcpy(c->agent_msg_data + c->agent_msg_pos - sizeof(VDAgentMessage), *msg_pos, n); c->agent_msg_pos += n; *msg_size -= n; *msg_pos += n; } if (c->agent_msg_pos == sizeof(VDAgentMessage) + c->agent_msg.size) { main_agent_handle_msg(channel, &c->agent_msg, c->agent_msg_data); g_free(c->agent_msg_data); c->agent_msg_data = NULL; c->agent_msg_pos = 0; } } /* coroutine context */ static void main_handle_agent_data(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceMsgIn *in) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)->priv; guint8 *data; int len; /* shortcut to avoid extra message allocation & copy if possible */ if (c->agent_msg_pos == 0) { VDAgentMessage *msg; guint msg_size; msg = spice_msg_in_raw(in, &len); msg_size = msg->size; if (msg_size + sizeof(VDAgentMessage) == len) { main_agent_handle_msg(channel, msg, msg->data); return; } } data = spice_msg_in_raw(in, &len); while (len > 0) { main_handle_agent_data_msg(channel, &len, &data); } } /* coroutine context */ static void main_handle_agent_token(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceMsgIn *in) { SpiceMsgMainAgentTokens *tokens = spice_msg_in_parsed(in); SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)->priv; c->agent_tokens += tokens->num_tokens; agent_send_msg_queue(SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)); } /* main context */ static void migrate_channel_new_cb(SpiceSession *s, SpiceChannel *channel, gpointer data) { g_signal_connect(channel, "channel-event", G_CALLBACK(migrate_channel_event_cb), data); } static SpiceChannel* migrate_channel_connect(spice_migrate *mig, int type, int id) { SPICE_DEBUG("migrate_channel_connect %d:%d", type, id); SpiceChannel *newc = spice_channel_new(mig->session, type, id); spice_channel_connect(newc); mig->nchannels++; return newc; } /* coroutine context */ static void spice_main_channel_send_migration_handshake(SpiceChannel *channel) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)->priv; if (!spice_channel_test_capability(channel, SPICE_MAIN_CAP_SEAMLESS_MIGRATE)) { emit_main_context(channel, SPICE_MIGRATION_HANDSHAKE_DONE, false); } else { SpiceMsgcMainMigrateDstDoSeamless msg_data; SpiceMsgOut *msg_out; msg_data.src_version = c->migrate_src_version; msg_out = spice_msg_out_new(channel, SPICE_MSGC_MAIN_MIGRATE_DST_DO_SEAMLESS); msg_out->marshallers->msgc_main_migrate_dst_do_seamless(msg_out->marshaller, &msg_data); spice_msg_out_send_internal(msg_out); } } /* main context */ static void migrate_channel_event_cb(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceChannelEvent event, gpointer data) { spice_migrate *mig = data; SpiceChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_CHANNEL(channel)->priv; SpiceSession *session; g_return_if_fail(mig->nchannels > 0); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(channel, migrate_channel_event_cb, data); session = spice_channel_get_session(mig->channel); switch (event) { case SPICE_CHANNEL_OPENED: if (c->channel_type == SPICE_CHANNEL_MAIN) { if (mig->do_seamless) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *main_priv = SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)->priv; c->state = SPICE_CHANNEL_STATE_MIGRATION_HANDSHAKE; main_priv->migrate_src_version = mig->src_mig_version; g_signal_connect(channel, "migration-handshake-done", G_CALLBACK(main_migrate_handshake_done_cb), mig); } else { c->state = SPICE_CHANNEL_STATE_MIGRATING; mig->nchannels--; } /* now connect the rest of the channels */ GList *channels, *l; l = channels = spice_session_get_channels(session); while (l != NULL) { SpiceChannelPrivate *curc = SPICE_CHANNEL(l->data)->priv; l = l->next; if (curc->channel_type == SPICE_CHANNEL_MAIN) continue; migrate_channel_connect(mig, curc->channel_type, curc->channel_id); } g_list_free(channels); } else { c->state = SPICE_CHANNEL_STATE_MIGRATING; mig->nchannels--; } SPICE_DEBUG("migration: channel opened chan:%p, left %d", channel, mig->nchannels); if (mig->nchannels == 0) coroutine_yieldto(mig->from, NULL); break; default: SPICE_DEBUG("error or unhandled channel event during migration: %d", event); /* go back to main channel to report error */ coroutine_yieldto(mig->from, NULL); } } /* main context */ static void main_migrate_handshake_done_cb(SpiceChannel *channel, gboolean seamless, gpointer data) { spice_migrate *mig = data; SpiceChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_CHANNEL(channel)->priv; g_return_if_fail(c->channel_type == SPICE_CHANNEL_MAIN); g_return_if_fail(c->state == SPICE_CHANNEL_STATE_MIGRATION_HANDSHAKE); g_return_if_fail(mig->do_seamless == true); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(channel, main_migrate_handshake_done_cb, data); mig->do_seamless = seamless; c->state = SPICE_CHANNEL_STATE_MIGRATING; mig->nchannels--; if (mig->nchannels == 0) coroutine_yieldto(mig->from, NULL); } #ifdef __GNUC__ typedef struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) OldRedMigrationBegin { #else typedef struct __declspec(align(1)) OldRedMigrationBegin { #endif uint16_t port; uint16_t sport; char host[0]; } OldRedMigrationBegin; /* main context */ static gboolean migrate_connect(gpointer data) { spice_migrate *mig = data; SpiceChannelPrivate *c; int port, sport; const char *host; SpiceSession *session; g_return_val_if_fail(mig != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail(mig->info != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail(mig->nchannels == 0, FALSE); c = SPICE_CHANNEL(mig->channel)->priv; g_return_val_if_fail(c != NULL, FALSE); session = spice_channel_get_session(mig->channel); mig->session = spice_session_new_from_session(session); if ((c->peer_hdr.major_version == 1) && (c->peer_hdr.minor_version < 1)) { OldRedMigrationBegin *info = (OldRedMigrationBegin *)mig->info; SPICE_DEBUG("migrate_begin old %s %d %d", info->host, info->port, info->sport); port = info->port; sport = info->sport; host = info->host; } else { SpiceMigrationDstInfo *info = mig->info; SPICE_DEBUG("migrate_begin %d %s %d %d", info->host_size, info->host_data, info->port, info->sport); port = info->port; sport = info->sport; host = (char*)info->host_data; if ((c->peer_hdr.major_version == 1) || (c->peer_hdr.major_version == 2 && c->peer_hdr.minor_version < 1)) { GByteArray *pubkey = g_byte_array_new(); g_byte_array_append(pubkey, info->pub_key_data, info->pub_key_size); g_object_set(mig->session, "pubkey", pubkey, "verify", SPICE_SESSION_VERIFY_PUBKEY, NULL); g_byte_array_unref(pubkey); } else { gchar *subject = g_alloca(info->cert_subject_size + 1); strncpy(subject, (const char*)info->cert_subject_data, info->cert_subject_size); subject[info->cert_subject_size] = '\0'; // session data are already copied g_object_set(mig->session, "cert-subject", subject, "verify", SPICE_SESSION_VERIFY_SUBJECT, NULL); } } if (g_getenv("SPICE_MIG_HOST")) host = g_getenv("SPICE_MIG_HOST"); g_object_set(mig->session, "host", host, NULL); spice_session_set_port(mig->session, port, FALSE); spice_session_set_port(mig->session, sport, TRUE); g_signal_connect(mig->session, "channel-new", G_CALLBACK(migrate_channel_new_cb), mig); g_signal_emit(mig->channel, signals[SPICE_MIGRATION_STARTED], 0, mig->session); /* the migration process is in 2 steps, first the main channel and then the rest of the channels */ mig->session->priv->cmain = migrate_channel_connect(mig, SPICE_CHANNEL_MAIN, 0); return FALSE; } /* coroutine context */ static void main_migrate_connect(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceMigrationDstInfo *dst_info, bool do_seamless, uint32_t src_mig_version) { spice_migrate mig = { 0, }; SpiceMsgOut *out; int reply_type; mig.channel = channel; mig.info = dst_info; mig.from = coroutine_self(); mig.do_seamless = do_seamless; mig.src_mig_version = src_mig_version; /* no need to track idle, call is sync for this coroutine */ g_idle_add(migrate_connect, &mig); /* switch to main loop and wait for connections */ coroutine_yield(NULL); g_return_if_fail(mig.session != NULL); if (mig.nchannels != 0) { reply_type = SPICE_MSGC_MAIN_MIGRATE_CONNECT_ERROR; spice_session_disconnect(mig.session); } else { if (mig.do_seamless) { SPICE_DEBUG("migration (seamless): connections all ok"); reply_type = SPICE_MSGC_MAIN_MIGRATE_CONNECTED_SEAMLESS; } else { SPICE_DEBUG("migration (semi-seamless): connections all ok"); reply_type = SPICE_MSGC_MAIN_MIGRATE_CONNECTED; } spice_session_set_migration(spice_channel_get_session(channel), mig.session, mig.do_seamless); } g_object_unref(mig.session); out = spice_msg_out_new(SPICE_CHANNEL(channel), reply_type); spice_msg_out_send(out); } /* coroutine context */ static void main_handle_migrate_begin(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceMsgIn *in) { SpiceMsgMainMigrationBegin *msg = spice_msg_in_parsed(in); main_migrate_connect(channel, &msg->dst_info, false, 0); } /* coroutine context */ static void main_handle_migrate_begin_seamless(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceMsgIn *in) { SpiceMsgMainMigrateBeginSeamless *msg = spice_msg_in_parsed(in); main_migrate_connect(channel, &msg->dst_info, true, msg->src_mig_version); } static void main_handle_migrate_dst_seamless_ack(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceMsgIn *in) { SpiceChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_CHANNEL(channel)->priv; g_return_if_fail(c->state == SPICE_CHANNEL_STATE_MIGRATION_HANDSHAKE); emit_main_context(channel, SPICE_MIGRATION_HANDSHAKE_DONE, true); } static void main_handle_migrate_dst_seamless_nack(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceMsgIn *in) { SpiceChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_CHANNEL(channel)->priv; g_return_if_fail(c->state == SPICE_CHANNEL_STATE_MIGRATION_HANDSHAKE); emit_main_context(channel, SPICE_MIGRATION_HANDSHAKE_DONE, false); } /* main context */ static gboolean migrate_delayed(gpointer data) { SpiceChannel *channel = data; SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)->priv; g_warn_if_fail(c->migrate_delayed_id != 0); c->migrate_delayed_id = 0; spice_session_migrate_end(channel->priv->session); return FALSE; } /* coroutine context */ static void main_handle_migrate_end(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceMsgIn *in) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)->priv; SPICE_DEBUG("migrate end"); g_return_if_fail(c->migrate_delayed_id == 0); g_return_if_fail(spice_channel_test_capability(channel, SPICE_MAIN_CAP_SEMI_SEAMLESS_MIGRATE)); c->migrate_delayed_id = g_idle_add(migrate_delayed, channel); } /* main context */ static gboolean switch_host_delayed(gpointer data) { SpiceChannel *channel = data; SpiceSession *session; SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)->priv; g_warn_if_fail(c->switch_host_delayed_id != 0); c->switch_host_delayed_id = 0; session = spice_channel_get_session(channel); spice_channel_disconnect(channel, SPICE_CHANNEL_SWITCHING); spice_session_switching_disconnect(session); spice_channel_connect(channel); spice_session_set_migration_state(session, SPICE_SESSION_MIGRATION_NONE); return FALSE; } /* coroutine context */ static void main_handle_migrate_switch_host(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceMsgIn *in) { SpiceMsgMainMigrationSwitchHost *mig = spice_msg_in_parsed(in); SpiceSession *session; char *host = (char *)mig->host_data; char *subject = NULL; SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)->priv; g_return_if_fail(host[mig->host_size - 1] == '\0'); if (mig->cert_subject_size) { subject = (char *)mig->cert_subject_data; g_return_if_fail(subject[mig->cert_subject_size - 1] == '\0'); } SPICE_DEBUG("migrate_switch %s %d %d %s", host, mig->port, mig->sport, subject); if (c->switch_host_delayed_id != 0) { g_warning("Switching host already in progress, aborting it"); g_warn_if_fail(g_source_remove(c->switch_host_delayed_id)); c->switch_host_delayed_id = 0; } session = spice_channel_get_session(channel); spice_session_set_migration_state(session, SPICE_SESSION_MIGRATION_SWITCHING); g_object_set(session, "host", host, "cert-subject", subject, NULL); spice_session_set_port(session, mig->port, FALSE); spice_session_set_port(session, mig->sport, TRUE); c->switch_host_delayed_id = g_idle_add(switch_host_delayed, channel); } /* coroutine context */ static void main_handle_migrate_cancel(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceMsgIn *in G_GNUC_UNUSED) { SpiceSession *session; SPICE_DEBUG("migrate_cancel"); session = spice_channel_get_session(channel); spice_session_abort_migration(session); } static const spice_msg_handler main_handlers[] = { [ SPICE_MSG_MAIN_INIT ] = main_handle_init, [ SPICE_MSG_MAIN_NAME ] = main_handle_name, [ SPICE_MSG_MAIN_UUID ] = main_handle_uuid, [ SPICE_MSG_MAIN_CHANNELS_LIST ] = main_handle_channels_list, [ SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MOUSE_MODE ] = main_handle_mouse_mode, [ SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MULTI_MEDIA_TIME ] = main_handle_mm_time, [ SPICE_MSG_MAIN_AGENT_CONNECTED ] = main_handle_agent_connected, [ SPICE_MSG_MAIN_AGENT_DISCONNECTED ] = main_handle_agent_disconnected, [ SPICE_MSG_MAIN_AGENT_DATA ] = main_handle_agent_data, [ SPICE_MSG_MAIN_AGENT_TOKEN ] = main_handle_agent_token, [ SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MIGRATE_BEGIN ] = main_handle_migrate_begin, [ SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MIGRATE_END ] = main_handle_migrate_end, [ SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MIGRATE_CANCEL ] = main_handle_migrate_cancel, [ SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MIGRATE_SWITCH_HOST ] = main_handle_migrate_switch_host, [ SPICE_MSG_MAIN_AGENT_CONNECTED_TOKENS ] = main_handle_agent_connected_tokens, [ SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MIGRATE_BEGIN_SEAMLESS ] = main_handle_migrate_begin_seamless, [ SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MIGRATE_DST_SEAMLESS_ACK] = main_handle_migrate_dst_seamless_ack, [ SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MIGRATE_DST_SEAMLESS_NACK] = main_handle_migrate_dst_seamless_nack, }; /* coroutine context */ static void spice_main_handle_msg(SpiceChannel *channel, SpiceMsgIn *msg) { int type = spice_msg_in_type(msg); SpiceChannelClass *parent_class; SpiceChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_CHANNEL(channel)->priv; g_return_if_fail(type < SPICE_N_ELEMENTS(main_handlers)); parent_class = SPICE_CHANNEL_CLASS(spice_main_channel_parent_class); if (c->state == SPICE_CHANNEL_STATE_MIGRATION_HANDSHAKE) { if (type != SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MIGRATE_DST_SEAMLESS_ACK && type != SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MIGRATE_DST_SEAMLESS_NACK) { g_critical("unexpected msg (%d)." "Only MIGRATE_DST_SEAMLESS_ACK/NACK are allowed", type); return; } } if (main_handlers[type] != NULL) main_handlers[type](channel, msg); else if (parent_class->handle_msg) parent_class->handle_msg(channel, msg); else g_return_if_reached(); } /* system context*/ static gboolean timer_set_display(gpointer data) { SpiceChannel *channel = data; SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)->priv; c->timer_id = 0; if (c->agent_connected) spice_main_send_monitor_config(SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)); return false; } /** * spice_main_agent_test_capability: * @channel: * @cap: an agent capability identifier * * Test capability of a remote agent. * * Returns: %TRUE if @cap (channel kind capability) is available. **/ gboolean spice_main_agent_test_capability(SpiceMainChannel *channel, guint32 cap) { g_return_val_if_fail(SPICE_IS_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel), FALSE); SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = channel->priv; if (!c->agent_caps_received) return FALSE; return VD_AGENT_HAS_CAPABILITY(c->agent_caps, sizeof(c->agent_caps), cap); } /** * spice_main_set_display: * @channel: * @id: display ID * @x: x position * @y: y position * @width: display width * @height: display height * * Notify the guest of screen resolution change. The notification is * sent 1 second later, if no further changes happen. **/ void spice_main_set_display(SpiceMainChannel *channel, int id, int x, int y, int width, int height) { SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c; g_return_if_fail(channel != NULL); g_return_if_fail(SPICE_IS_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)); g_return_if_fail(x >= 0); g_return_if_fail(y >= 0); g_return_if_fail(width >= 0); g_return_if_fail(height >= 0); c = SPICE_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)->priv; g_return_if_fail(id < SPICE_N_ELEMENTS(c->display)); c->display[id].x = x; c->display[id].y = y; c->display[id].width = width; c->display[id].height = height; if (c->timer_id) { g_source_remove(c->timer_id); } c->timer_id = g_timeout_add_seconds(1, timer_set_display, channel); } /** * spice_main_clipboard_grab: * @channel: * @types: an array of #VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD types available in the clipboard * @ntypes: the number of @types * * Grab the guest clipboard, with #VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD @types. * * Deprecated: 0.6: use spice_main_clipboard_selection_grab() instead. **/ void spice_main_clipboard_grab(SpiceMainChannel *channel, guint32 *types, int ntypes) { spice_main_clipboard_selection_grab(channel, VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD, types, ntypes); } /** * spice_main_clipboard_selection_grab: * @channel: * @selection: one of the clipboard #VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_* * @types: an array of #VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD types available in the clipboard * @ntypes: the number of @types * * Grab the guest clipboard, with #VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD @types. * * Since: 0.6 **/ void spice_main_clipboard_selection_grab(SpiceMainChannel *channel, guint selection, guint32 *types, int ntypes) { g_return_if_fail(channel != NULL); g_return_if_fail(SPICE_IS_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)); agent_clipboard_grab(channel, selection, types, ntypes); spice_channel_wakeup(SPICE_CHANNEL(channel), FALSE); } /** * spice_main_clipboard_release: * @channel: * * Release the clipboard (for example, when the client looses the * clipboard grab): Inform the guest no clipboard data is available. * * Deprecated: 0.6: use spice_main_clipboard_selection_release() instead. **/ void spice_main_clipboard_release(SpiceMainChannel *channel) { spice_main_clipboard_selection_release(channel, VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD); } /** * spice_main_clipboard_selection_release: * @channel: * @selection: one of the clipboard #VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_* * * Release the clipboard (for example, when the client looses the * clipboard grab): Inform the guest no clipboard data is available. * * Since: 0.6 **/ void spice_main_clipboard_selection_release(SpiceMainChannel *channel, guint selection) { g_return_if_fail(channel != NULL); g_return_if_fail(SPICE_IS_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)); SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = channel->priv; if (!c->agent_connected) return; agent_clipboard_release(channel, selection); spice_channel_wakeup(SPICE_CHANNEL(channel), FALSE); } /** * spice_main_clipboard_notify: * @channel: * @type: a #VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD type * @data: clipboard data * @size: data length in bytes * * Send the clipboard data to the guest. * * Deprecated: 0.6: use spice_main_clipboard_selection_notify() instead. **/ void spice_main_clipboard_notify(SpiceMainChannel *channel, guint32 type, const guchar *data, size_t size) { spice_main_clipboard_selection_notify(channel, VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD, type, data, size); } /** * spice_main_clipboard_selection_notify: * @channel: * @selection: one of the clipboard #VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_* * @type: a #VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD type * @data: clipboard data * @size: data length in bytes * * Send the clipboard data to the guest. * * Since: 0.6 **/ void spice_main_clipboard_selection_notify(SpiceMainChannel *channel, guint selection, guint32 type, const guchar *data, size_t size) { g_return_if_fail(channel != NULL); g_return_if_fail(SPICE_IS_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)); agent_clipboard_notify(channel, selection, type, data, size); spice_channel_wakeup(SPICE_CHANNEL(channel), FALSE); } /** * spice_main_clipboard_request: * @channel: * @type: a #VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD type * * Request clipboard data of @type from the guest. The reply is sent * through the #SpiceMainChannel::main-clipboard signal. * * Deprecated: 0.6: use spice_main_clipboard_selection_request() instead. **/ void spice_main_clipboard_request(SpiceMainChannel *channel, guint32 type) { spice_main_clipboard_selection_request(channel, VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD, type); } /** * spice_main_clipboard_selection_request: * @channel: * @selection: one of the clipboard #VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_* * @type: a #VD_AGENT_CLIPBOARD type * * Request clipboard data of @type from the guest. The reply is sent * through the #SpiceMainChannel::main-clipboard signal. * * Since: 0.6 **/ void spice_main_clipboard_selection_request(SpiceMainChannel *channel, guint selection, guint32 type) { g_return_if_fail(channel != NULL); g_return_if_fail(SPICE_IS_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)); agent_clipboard_request(channel, selection, type); spice_channel_wakeup(SPICE_CHANNEL(channel), FALSE); } /** * spice_main_set_display_enabled: * @channel: a #SpiceMainChannel * @id: display ID (if -1: set all displays) * @enabled: wether display @id is enabled * * When sending monitor configuration to agent guest, don't set * display @id, which the agent translates to disabling the display * id. Note: this will take effect next time the monitor * configuration is sent. * * Since: 0.6 **/ void spice_main_set_display_enabled(SpiceMainChannel *channel, int id, gboolean enabled) { g_return_if_fail(channel != NULL); g_return_if_fail(SPICE_IS_MAIN_CHANNEL(channel)); g_return_if_fail(id >= -1); SpiceMainChannelPrivate *c = channel->priv; if (id == -1) { gint i; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(c->display); i++) c->display[i].enabled = enabled; } else { g_return_if_fail(id < G_N_ELEMENTS(c->display)); c->display[id].enabled = enabled; } }