Produces a csv list of pings per country from the Update pings. 1. Ensure you have the GeoLite Country Database, "GeoIP.dat", and place it in the script folder: 2. Place the stats data in data/ (relative to the script folder) 3. Run -- this can take a few hours, and places it's temporary data in storage-country-months/ 4. Run (is fast) If you have updated the ping data in data/, re-running should take much less time as it reuses the previously parsed data (although this isn't fully tested yet). To count unique IPs per month rather than update pings, for a quick hack solution it would probably be sufficient to replace line 117: ipHits[sReadableVersion][sIP] = ipHits.get(sReadableVersion, {}).get(sIP,0) + 1 with ipHits[sReadableVersion][sIP] = 1