#!/usr/bin/env bash # This file is part of the LibreOffice project. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # creates a working submodule based checkout using using bundles function usage { cat << EOF Usage: $0 -h|--help|-? $0 [-d downloaddir] [-t targetdir] [SUBMODULES] $0 -a [-d downloaddir] [-t targetdir] SUBMODULES -h,--help,-? show this help -d download directory, defaults to working directory (»$download_dir«) - tries to use existing bundle files in this directory before downloading them (directory must exist) -t target directory, defaults to »$target_dir« (directory must not yet exist unless used with -a, then an existing directory must be specified) -a add submodules to an existing checkout without submodules (be careful with that one) SUBMODULES the submodules to include. none only download the core repository (default) all include dictionaries, helpcontent2 and translations h[elpcontent2] helpcontent2 (can be combined) d[ictionaries] dictionaries (can be combined) t[ranslations] translations (can be combined) As relative paths are used when using this script, the resulting directory can be moved around at will without breaking git's references. Examples: »$0 h d« Setup the repository in »$target_dir« with the helpcontent2 and dictionaries submodules, downloads go to the current working directory »$0 -d /path/to/directory all« Setup the repository in »$target_dir« with all submodules (dictionaries, helpcontent2, translations), downloads are looked for/stored in /path/to/directory »$0 -t /desired/path« Setup the repository in »/desired/path« with no submodules. »$0 -a -t /existing/checkout translations« Add the translations submodule to the existing git checkout in /existing/checkout Only use this one if you didn't initialize the specified submodules with git already. EOF exit 0 } bundleurl="http://dev-www.libreoffice.org/bundles" #defaults target_dir="libo-core" download_dir="." core=true dictionaries=false help=false translations=false add_to_existing=false superrepo="libo" downloadtool="wget" function download { if ${!1}; then bundle="libreoffice-$1.tar.bz2" cd "$download_dir" if [ -e "$bundle" ]; then echo "$bundle already exists - skipping download" else if [ $downloadtool = "wget" ]; then wget "$bundleurl/$bundle" else curl -O "$bundleurl/$bundle" fi fi cd "$workdir" fi } function checkout { if ${!1}; then reponame=$1 repodir=${2:-$1} echo "extracting $1" tar -xjf "$download_dir/libreoffice-$reponame.tar.bz2" echo "checking out files" cd "$repodir" git checkout -- . cd "$workdir" fi } function submodulesetup { if ${!1}; then reponame=$1 directory=${2:-$1} echo "setting up submodule for $directory" cd "$workdir" rmdir $superrepo/$directory mv $reponame/.git $superrepo/.git/modules/$directory mv $reponame $superrepo/$directory echo "gitdir: ../.git/modules/$directory" > $superrepo/$directory/.git perl -ni -e 's#anongit\.freedesktop\.org/libreoffice/#gerrit.libreoffice.org/# ; print ; print "\tworkdir = ../../../'$directory'\n" if /logallrefupdates/;' $superrepo/.git/modules/$directory/config cat <> $superrepo/.git/config [submodule "$directory"] url = git://gerrit.libreoffice.org/$reponame EOF cd "$workdir" fi } ## # commandline options while [ "${1:-}" != "" ] ; do case "$1" in -h|--help|-\?) usage;; -a) add_to_existing=true core=false;; -d) shift; download_dir="$1";; -t) shift; target_dir="$1";; all)dictionaries=true ; help=true; translations=true;; h*) help=true;; d*) dictionaries=true;; t*) translations=true;; none) ;; *) echo "Invalid argument: $1 Run the »$0 -h« for help"; exit 1;; esac shift done command -v wget >/dev/null 2>&1 || { downloadtool="curl"; command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "This script requires wget or curl - Aborting."; exit 1; } } command -v git >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "This script requires git - Aborting."; exit 1; } command -v perl >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "This script requires perl - Aborting."; exit 1; } currentdir=$(pwd) if $add_to_existing ; then if [ ! -e "$target_dir" ] ; then echo "target directory »$target_dir« does not exist, cannot add to it - aborting" exit 1 else cd $target_dir superrepo=$(pwd) cd $currentdir fi elif [ -e "$target_dir" ] ; then echo "target directory »$target_dir« exists - aborting" exit 1 fi workdir=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir="$currentdir" git_from_bundle_XXX) if [ -z "$workdir" ] ; then echo "creating workdir failed - trying in temporary directory" workdir=$(TMPDIR="$currentdir" mktemp -d -t git_from_bundle_XXX) if [ -z "$workdir" ] ; then echo "giving up "; exit 1; fi fi set -e cd "$download_dir" download_dir=$(pwd) cd "$workdir" # fetch all bundles at once, so network is only needed once download "core" download "dictionaries" download "help" download "translations" checkout "core" "libo" if [ ! -d $superrepo/.git/modules ] ; then mkdir $superrepo/.git/modules ; fi checkout "dictionaries" submodulesetup "dictionaries" checkout "help" submodulesetup "help" "helpcontent2" checkout "translations" submodulesetup "translations" cd "$currentdir" if ! $add_to_existing ; then mv "$workdir/libo" "$target_dir" ; fi rmdir "$workdir" || ( echo "could not clean up?! delete »$workdir« manually please" ; exit 1 ) echo "verifying setup - git should not report any problems" cd "$target_dir" git status git submodule status cd $currentdir echo "everything done - your clone is in »$target_dir«" echo "do »./g pull -r« from within $target_dir to get the latest changes"