path: root/registry
diff options
authorChad Versace <>2014-06-10 17:21:59 -0700
committerChad Versace <>2014-06-23 02:37:36 -0700
commitac1f382db9d3ea5c69870a2bcd62a24bdb81ec5b (patch)
tree0daee8d6b4b854e3f776a812045e0f06f6036780 /registry
parentdef993a75d909baa56142d51ee0f503f1d52f51a (diff)
dispatch: Generate piglit-dispatch from Khronos XML
Khronos now generates its headers from XML and no longer maintains the old, crufty *.spec files. Piglit should do the same. Otherwise, piglit-dispatch won't be able to pick up new extension functions. As a really really big bonus, after Piglit starts generating its GL dispatch code from gl.xml, it will be a small step to start generating EGL and GLX dispatch from egl.xml and glx.xml. This patch imports 'gl.xml' into a new toplevel "registry" directory, to follow the precedent of libepoxy. This patch follows the precedent of libepoxy by importing "gl.xml" into a new toplevel "registry" directory. I did *not* try to redesign piglit-dispatch in this patch. To the contrary, I attempted to keep the newly generated dispatch code to be as similar as possible as the old generated code. Despite wanting to clean up piglit-dispatch's design, I refrained because "a patch should do one thing, and do it well". I strove to keep separate concerns in separate files. File "registry/" parses "registry/gl.xml". File "tests/util/" generates code from the that parsed result. This decision kept small and focused. I hope everyone finds the rewritten more maintainable and easy to read. The generated code has changed as following: - It now contains the GLES1 API, because gl.xml contains information on all OpenGL APIs. - The comment block for each function alias set now contains more information. For each function in the set, it now lists the complete set of providers. For example: /* glActiveTexture (GL_VERSION_1_3) (GL_VERSION_ES_CM_1_0) (GL_ES_VERSION_2_0) */ /* glActiveTextureARB (GL_ARB_multitexture) */ extern PFNGLACTIVETEXTUREPROC piglit_dispatch_glActiveTexture; #define glActiveTexture piglit_dispatch_glActiveTexture #define glActiveTextureARB piglit_dispatch_glActiveTexture - Enums are sorted by group then by value. Old dispatch sorted only by value. For example: /* Enum Group MapBufferUsageMask */ #define GL_MAP_READ_BIT 0x0001 #define GL_MAP_READ_BIT_EXT 0x0001 #define GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT 0x0002 #define GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT_EXT 0x0002 ... Tested for regressions with: piglit run -p x11_egl -x glx -x glean Mesa 10.2.1 Intel Ivybridge Fedora 20 v3, for Dylan: - Replace ElementTree with cElementTree, for speed. - Each method $foo in KeyedOrderedSet that returns a generator, rename it to iter${foo} to follow Python2 (not 3) naming conventions. - Python 2.6 lacks OrderedDict, so don't use it. - Remove unused import 'dedent'. - Python 2.6 does not recognize the syntax for set literals, so replace each set literal with a list literal or generator literal. - Replace sys.stderr.write with print(file=sys.stderr). - Remove hand-coded OrderedKeyedSet.copy and instead use copy module. - Prefer the 'lxml' module (it uses libxml2) over Python's builtin 'xml' module. - Replace methods ``def foo(x, y):`` with ``def foo(self, other):``. - Replace lists with generators in methods Command.c_*_param_list. - PEP8: Separate all toplevel items with 2 newlines. - PEP8: Fix minor whitespace issues. - PEP8: Replace some ``== None`` with ``is None``. - Replace None-check for --out-dir with add_argument(..., required=True) - Remove 'prog' assignment when calling ArgumentParser(prog=PROG_NAME). Instead, use default value Signed-off-by: Chad Versace <>
Diffstat (limited to 'registry')
2 files changed, 1132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/registry/ b/registry/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/registry/
diff --git a/registry/ b/registry/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..170360ebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/registry/
@@ -0,0 +1,1132 @@
+# Copyright 2014 Intel Corporation
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
+# paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
+# Software.
+Parse gl.xml into Python objects.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os.path
+import re
+import sys
+from collections import namedtuple
+from copy import copy, deepcopy
+# Export 'debug' so other Piglit modules can easily enable it.
+debug = True
+def _log_debug(msg):
+ if debug:
+ print('debug: {0}: {1}'.format(__name__, msg), file=sys.stderr)
+# Prefer the external module 'lxml.etree' (it uses libxml2) over Python's
+# builtin 'xml.etree.ElementTree'. It's faster.
+ import lxml.etree as etree
+ _log_debug('etree is lxml.etree')
+except ImportError:
+ import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree
+ _log_debug('etree is xml.etree.cElementTree')
+# Define a Python 2.6 compatibility wrapper for ElementTree.iterfind.
+_etree_iterfind = None
+if hasattr(etree.ElementTree(), 'iterfind'):
+ _etree_iterfind = lambda elem, match: elem.iterfind(match)
+ _log_debug('_etree_iterfind wraps ElementTree.iterfind')
+ _etree_iterfind = lambda elem, match: iter(elem.findall(match))
+ _log_debug(('_etree_iterfind wraps ElementTree.findall for '
+ 'Python 2.6 compatibility'))
+def parse():
+ """Parse gl.xml and return a Registry object."""
+ filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'gl.xml')
+ xml_registry = etree.parse(filename).getroot()
+ _repair_xml(xml_registry)
+ return Registry(xml_registry)
+def _repair_xml(xml_registry):
+ fixes = set((
+ 'glOcclusionQueryEventMaskAMD',
+ 'enums_SGI_0x8000_0x80BF',
+ 'enums_ARB_0x80000_0x80BF',
+ ))
+ remove_queue = []
+ def defer_removal(parent, child):
+ remove_queue.append((parent, child))
+ for enums in _etree_iterfind(xml_registry, './enums'):
+ if ('GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS' in fixes
+ and enums.get('group') == 'AttribMask'):
+ # The XML defines GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS incorrectly with all bits
+ # set (0xFFFFFFFF). From the GL_ARB_multisample spec, v5:
+ #
+ # In order to avoid incompatibility with GL implementations
+ # that do not support SGIS_multisample, ALL_ATTRIB_BITS
+ # does not include MULTISAMPLE_BIT_ARB.
+ #
+ enum = enums.find("./enum[@name='GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS']")
+ enum.set('value', '0x000FFFFF')
+ fixes.remove('GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS')
+ continue
+ if ('glOcclusionQueryEventMaskAMD' in fixes
+ and enums.get('namespace') == 'OcclusionQueryEventMaskAMD'):
+ # This tag's attributes are totally broken.
+ enums.set('namespace', 'GL')
+ enums.set('group', 'OcclusionQueryEventMaskAMD')
+ enums.set('type', 'bitmask')
+ fixes.remove('glOcclusionQueryEventMaskAMD')
+ continue
+ if ('enums_SGI_0x8000_0x80BF' in fixes
+ and enums.get('vendor') == 'SGI'
+ and enums.get('start') == '0x8000'
+ and enums.get('end') == '0x80BF'):
+ # This element is empty garbage that overlaps an ARB enum group
+ # with the same range.
+ defer_removal(xml_registry, enums)
+ fixes.remove('enums_SGI_0x8000_0x80BF')
+ continue
+ if ('enums_ARB_0x80000_0x80BF' in fixes
+ and enums.get('vendor') == 'ARB'
+ and enums.get('group', None) is None
+ and enums.get('start', None) is None):
+ # This tag lacks 'start' and 'end' attributes.
+ enums.set('start', '0x8000')
+ enums.set('end', '0x80BF')
+ fixes.remove('enums_ARB_0x80000_0x80BF')
+ continue
+ if ('gles2_GL_ACTIVE_PROGRAM_EXT' in fixes
+ and enums.get('vendor') == 'ARB'
+ and enums.get('start') <= '0x8259'
+ and enums.get('end') >= '0x8259'):
+ # GL_ACTIVE_PROGRAM_EXT has different numerical values in GL
+ # (0x8B8D) and in GLES (0x8259). Remove the GLES value to avoid
+ # redefinition collisions.
+ bad_enum = enums.find(("./enum"
+ "[@value='0x8259']"
+ "[@api='gles2']"))
+ defer_removal(enums, bad_enum)
+ fixes.remove('gles2_GL_ACTIVE_PROGRAM_EXT')
+ continue
+ for (parent, child) in remove_queue:
+ parent.remove(child)
+ if len(fixes) > 0:
+ raise Exception('failed to apply some xml repairs: ' +
+ ', '.join(map(repr, fixes)))
+class OrderedKeyedSet(object):
+ """A set with keyed elements that preserves order of element insertion.
+ Why waste words? Let's document the class with example code.
+ Example:
+ Cheese = namedtuple('Cheese', ('name', 'flavor'))
+ cheeses = OrderedKeyedSet(key='name')
+ cheeses.add(Cheese(name='cheddar', flavor='good'))
+ cheeses.add(Cheese(name='gouda', flavor='smells like feet'))
+ cheeses.add(Cheese(name='romano', flavor='awesome'))
+ # Elements are retrievable by key.
+ assert(cheeses['gouda'].flavor == 'smells like feet')
+ # On key collision, the old element is removed.
+ cheeses.add(Cheese(name='gouda', flavor='ok i guess'))
+ assert(cheeses['gouda'].flavor == 'ok i guess')
+ # The set preserves order of insertion. Replacement does not alter
+ # order.
+ assert(list(cheeses)[2].name == 'romano')
+ # The set is iterable.
+ for cheese in cheeses:
+ print(
+ # Yet another example...
+ Bread = namedtuple('Bread', ('name', 'smell'))
+ breads = OrderedKeyedSet(key='name')
+ breads.add(Bread(name='como', smell='subtle')
+ breads.add(Bread(name='sourdough', smell='pleasant'))
+ # The set supports some common set operations, such as union.
+ breads_and_cheeses = breads | cheeses
+ assert(len(breads_and_cheeses) == len(breads) + len(cheeses))
+ """
+ def __init__(self, key, elems=()):
+ """Create a new set with the given key.
+ The given 'key' defines how to calculate each element's key value. If
+ 'key' is a string, then each key value is defined to be
+ `getattr(elem, key)`. If 'key' is a function, then the key value is
+ `key(elem)`.
+ """
+ # A linked list contains the set's items. Each list node is a 4-tuple
+ # [prev, next, key, value]. The root node is permanent.
+ root = []
+ root[:] = [root, root, None, None]
+ self.__list_root = root
+ # For quick retrieval, we map each key to its node. That is, each map
+ # pair has form {key: [prev, next, key, value])}.
+ self.__map = dict()
+ if isinstance(key, str):
+ self.__key_func = lambda elem: getattr(elem, key)
+ else:
+ self.__key_func = key
+ for e in elems:
+ self.add(e)
+ def __or__(self, other):
+ """Same as `union`."""
+ return self.union(other)
+ def __contains__(self, key):
+ return key in self.__map
+ def __copy__(self):
+ return OrderedKeyedSet(key=deepcopy(self.__key_func),
+ elems=iter(self))
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return self.__map[key][3]
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self.itervalues()
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.__map)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ templ = '{self.__class__.__name__}({!r})'
+ return templ.format(self=self)
+ def add(self, value):
+ key = self.__key_func(value)
+ node = self.__map.get(key, None)
+ if node is not None:
+ node[3] = value
+ else:
+ root = self.__list_root
+ old_tail = root[0]
+ new_tail = [old_tail, root, key, value]
+ new_tail[0][1] = new_tail
+ new_tail[1][0] = new_tail
+ self.__map[key] = new_tail
+ def clear(self):
+ self.__map.clear()
+ root = self.__list_root
+ root[:] = [root, root, None, None]
+ def extend(self, elems):
+ for e in elems:
+ self.add(e)
+ def get(self, key, default):
+ node = self.__map.get(key, None)
+ if node is not None:
+ return node[3]
+ else:
+ return default
+ def iteritems(self):
+ root = self.__list_root
+ node = root[1]
+ while node is not root:
+ yield (node[2], node[3])
+ node = node[1]
+ def iterkeys(self):
+ return (i[0] for i in self.iteritems())
+ def itervalues(self):
+ return (i[1] for i in self.iteritems())
+ def pop(self, key):
+ node = self.__map.pop(key)
+ node[0][1] = node[1]
+ node[1][0] = node[0]
+ return node[3]
+ def sort_by_key(self):
+ sorted_items = sorted(self.__map.iteritems(),
+ cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x[0], y[0]))
+ self.clear()
+ for item in sorted_items:
+ self.add(item[1])
+ def sort_by_value(self):
+ sorted_values = sorted(self.__map.itervalues())
+ self.clear()
+ for value in sorted_values:
+ self.add(value)
+ def union(self, other):
+ """Return the union of two sets as a new set.
+ In the new set, all elements of the self set precede those of the other
+ set. The order of elements in the new set preserves the order of the
+ original sets.
+ The new set's key function is copied from self. On key collisions, set
+ y has precedence over x.
+ """
+ u = copy(self)
+ u.extend(other)
+ return u
+class ImmutableOrderedKeyedSet(OrderedKeyedSet):
+ def __init__(self, key, elems):
+ self.__is_frozen = False
+ OrderedKeyedSet.__init__(self, key=key, elems=elems)
+ self.__is_frozen = True
+ def add(self, value):
+ if self.__is_frozen:
+ raise ImmutableError
+ else:
+ OrderedKeyedSet.add(self, value)
+ def pop(self, key):
+ raise ImmutableError
+ def clear(self):
+ raise ImmutableError
+class ImmutableError:
+ pass
+# Values that may appear in the XML attributes 'api' and 'supported'.
+VALID_APIS = frozenset(('gl', 'glcore', 'gles1', 'gles2'))
+class Registry(object):
+ """The toplevel <registry> element.
+ Attributes:
+ features: An OrderedKeyedSet that contains a Feature for each <feature>
+ subelement.
+ extensions: An OrderedKeyedSet that contains an Extension for each
+ <extension> subelement.
+ commands: An OrderedKeyedSet that contains a Command for each <command>
+ subelement.
+ command_alias_map: A CommandAliasMap that contains a CommandAliasSet
+ for each equivalence class of commands.
+ enum_groups: An OrderedKeyedSet that contains an EnumGroup for each
+ <enums> subelement.
+ enums: An OrderedKeyedSet that contains an Enum for each <enum>
+ subelement.
+ vendor_namespaces: A collection of all vendor prefixes and suffixes,
+ such as "ARB", "EXT", "CHROMIUM", and "NV".
+ """
+ def __init__(self, xml_registry):
+ """Parse the <registry> element."""
+ assert(xml_registry.tag == 'registry')
+ self.command_alias_map = CommandAliasMap()
+ self.commands = OrderedKeyedSet(key='name')
+ self.enum_groups = []
+ self.enums = OrderedKeyedSet(key='name')
+ self.extensions = OrderedKeyedSet(key='name')
+ self.features = OrderedKeyedSet(key='name')
+ self.vendor_namespaces = set()
+ for xml_command in _etree_iterfind(xml_registry,
+ './commands/command'):
+ command = Command(xml_command)
+ self.commands.add(command)
+ self.command_alias_map.add(command)
+ for xml_enums in _etree_iterfind(xml_registry, './enums'):
+ enum_group = EnumGroup(xml_enums)
+ self.enum_groups.append(enum_group)
+ for enum in enum_group.enums:
+ self.enums.add(enum)
+ for xml_feature in _etree_iterfind(xml_registry, './feature'):
+ feature = Feature(xml_feature, command_map=self.commands,
+ enum_map=self.enums)
+ self.features.add(feature)
+ for xml_ext in _etree_iterfind(xml_registry, './extensions/extension'):
+ ext = Extension(xml_ext, command_map=self.commands,
+ enum_map=self.enums)
+ self.extensions.add(ext)
+ self.vendor_namespaces.add(ext.vendor_namespace)
+ self.vendor_namespaces.remove(None)
+class Feature(object):
+ """A <feature> XML element.
+ Attributes:
+ name: The XML element's 'name' attribute.
+ api: The XML element's 'api' attribute.
+ version_str: The XML element's 'number' attribute. For example, "3.1".
+ version_float: float(version_str)
+ version_int: int(10 * version_float)
+ requirements: A collection of Requirement for each Command and Enum
+ this Feature requires.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, xml_feature, command_map, enum_map):
+ """Parse a <feature> element."""
+ # Example <feature> element:
+ #
+ # <feature api="gles2" name="GL_ES_VERSION_3_1" number="3.1">
+ # <!-- arrays_of_arrays features -->
+ # <require/>
+ # <!-- compute_shader features -->
+ # <require>
+ # <command name="glDispatchCompute"/>
+ # <command name="glDispatchComputeIndirect"/>
+ # <enum name="GL_COMPUTE_SHADER"/>
+ # ...
+ # </require>
+ # <!-- draw_indirect features -->
+ # <require>
+ # <command name="glDrawArraysIndirect"/>
+ # <command name="glDrawElementsIndirect"/>
+ # <enum name="GL_DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER"/>
+ # </require>
+ # ...
+ # </feature>
+ assert(xml_feature.tag == 'feature')
+ # Parse the <feature> tag's attributes.
+ = xml_feature.get('name')
+ self.api = xml_feature.get('api')
+ self.is_gles ='GL_ES')
+ self.version_str = xml_feature.get('number')
+ self.version_float = float(self.version_str)
+ self.version_int = int(10 * self.version_float)
+ self.__parse_requirements(xml_feature, command_map, enum_map)
+ assert(self.api in VALID_APIS)
+ assert(len(self.requirements) > 0)
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ if self is other:
+ return 0
+ # Sort features before extensions.
+ if isinstance(other, Extension):
+ return -1
+ # Sort GL before GLES.
+ diff = cmp(self.is_gles, other.is_gles)
+ if diff != 0:
+ return diff
+ return cmp(,
+ def __repr__(self):
+ templ = '{self.__class__.__name__}({!r})'
+ return templ.format(self=self)
+ def __parse_requirements(self, xml_feature, command_map, enum_map):
+ """For each <command> and <enum> under a <require>, create
+ a Requirement that links this Feature to a Command or Enum.
+ """
+ self.requirements = set()
+ def link(x):
+ req = Requirement(provider=self, provided=x,
+ apis=frozenset((self.api,)))
+ self.requirements.add(req)
+ x.requirements.add(req)
+ for xml_cmd in _etree_iterfind(xml_feature, './require/command'):
+ cmd = command_map[xml_cmd.get('name')]
+ link(cmd)
+ for xml_enum in _etree_iterfind(xml_feature, './require/enum'):
+ enum = enum_map[xml_enum.get('name')]
+ link(enum)
+class Extension(object):
+ """An <extension> XML element.
+ Attributes:
+ name: The XML element's 'name' attribute.
+ supported_apis: The set of api strings in the XML element's 'supported'
+ attribute. For example, set('gl', 'glcore').
+ vendor_namespace: For example, "AMD". May be None.
+ requirements: A collection of Requirement for each Command and Enum
+ this Extension requires.
+ """
+ __VENDOR_REGEX = re.compile(r'^GL_(?P<vendor_namespace>[A-Z]+)_')
+ def __init__(self, xml_extension, command_map, enum_map):
+ """Parse an <extension> element."""
+ # Example <extension> element:
+ # <extension name="GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility" supported="gl|glcore">
+ # <require>
+ # <enum name="GL_FIXED"/>
+ # ...
+ # <command name="glReleaseShaderCompiler"/>
+ # <command name="glShaderBinary"/>
+ # ...
+ # </require>
+ # </extension>
+ assert(xml_extension.tag == 'extension')
+ = xml_extension.get('name')
+ self.vendor_namespace = None
+ match = Extension.__VENDOR_REGEX.match(
+ if match is not None:
+ groups = match.groupdict()
+ self.vendor_namespace = groups.get('vendor_namespace', None)
+ self.supported_apis = xml_extension.get('supported').split('|')
+ self.supported_apis = frozenset(self.supported_apis)
+ assert(self.supported_apis <= VALID_APIS)
+ self.__parse_requirements(xml_extension, command_map, enum_map)
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ if self is other:
+ return 0
+ # Sort features before extensions.
+ if isinstance(other, Feature):
+ return 1
+ # Sort ratified before unratified.
+ diff = cmp(other.is_ratified, self.is_ratified)
+ if diff != 0:
+ return diff
+ # Sort EXT before others.
+ diff = cmp(other.vendor_namespace == 'EXT',
+ self.vendor_namespace == 'EXT')
+ if diff != 0:
+ return diff
+ return cmp(,
+ def __repr__(self):
+ templ = '{self.__class__.__name__}(name={!r})'
+ return templ.format(self=self)
+ @property
+ def is_ratified(self):
+ """True if the vendor namespace is one that traditionally requires
+ ratification by Khronos.
+ """
+ return self.vendor_namespace in self.RATIFIED_NAMESPACES
+ def __parse_requirements(self, xml_extension, command_map, enum_map):
+ """For each <command> and <enum> under a <require>, create
+ a Requirement that links this Extension to a Command or Enum.
+ """
+ self.requirements = set()
+ def link(xml_require, x):
+ api = xml_require.get('api', None)
+ if api is not None:
+ assert(api in self.supported_apis)
+ apis = frozenset((api,))
+ else:
+ apis = frozenset(self.supported_apis)
+ req = Requirement(provider=self, provided=x, apis=apis)
+ self.requirements.add(req)
+ x.requirements.add(req)
+ for xml_req in _etree_iterfind(xml_extension, './require'):
+ for xml_cmd in _etree_iterfind(xml_req, './command'):
+ cmd = command_map[xml_cmd.get('name')]
+ link(xml_req, cmd)
+ for xml_enum in _etree_iterfind(xml_req, './enum'):
+ enum = enum_map[xml_enum.get('name')]
+ link(xml_req, enum)
+class Requirement(object):
+ """A <require> XML element, which links a provider (Feature or Extension)
+ to a provided (Command or Enum) for a set of apis.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, provider, provided, apis):
+ self.provider = provider
+ self.provided = provided
+ self.apis = frozenset(apis)
+ def choose_if(condition, obj):
+ if condition:
+ return obj
+ else:
+ return None
+ self.has_feature = isinstance(provider, Feature)
+ self.has_extension = isinstance(provider, Extension)
+ self.has_command = isinstance(provided, Command)
+ self.has_enum = isinstance(provided, Enum)
+ self.feature = choose_if(self.has_feature, self.provider)
+ self.extension = choose_if(self.has_extension, self.provider)
+ self.command = choose_if(self.has_command, self.provided)
+ self.enum = choose_if(self.has_enum, self.provided)
+ assert(self.has_feature + self.has_extension == 1)
+ assert(self.has_command + self.has_enum == 1)
+ assert(self.apis <= VALID_APIS)
+ _log_debug('created {0}'.format(self))
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ """Sort by 'provider', then by 'provided'."""
+ diff = cmp(self.provider, other.provider)
+ if diff != 0:
+ return diff
+ diff = cmp(self.provided, other.provided)
+ if diff != 0:
+ return diff
+ return 0
+ def __repr__(self):
+ templ = ('{self.__class__.__name__}'
+ '(provider={!r},'
+ ' provided={!r},'
+ ' apis={api_tuple})')
+ return templ.format(self=self, api_tuple=tuple(self.apis))
+class CommandParam(object):
+ """A <param> XML element at path command/param.
+ Attributes:
+ name
+ c_type
+ """
+ __PARAM_NAME_FIXES = {'near': 'hither', 'far': 'yon'}
+ def __init__(self, xml_param, log=None):
+ """Parse a <param> element."""
+ # Example <param> elements:
+ #
+ # <param>const <ptype>GLchar</ptype> *<name>name</name></param>
+ # <param len="1"><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> *<name>length</name></param>
+ # <param len="bufSize"><ptype>GLint</ptype> *<name>values</name></param>
+ # <param><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>shadertype</name></param>
+ # <param group="sync"><ptype>GLsync</ptype> <name>sync</name></param>
+ assert(xml_param.tag == 'param')
+ = xml_param.find('./name').text
+ # Rename the parameter if its name is a reserved keyword in MSVC.
+ = self.__PARAM_NAME_FIXES.get(,
+ # Pare the C type.
+ c_type_text = list(xml_param.itertext())
+ c_type_text.pop(-1) # Pop off the text from the <name> subelement.
+ c_type_text = (t.strip() for t in c_type_text)
+ self.c_type = ' '.join(c_type_text).strip()
+ _log_debug('parsed {0}'.format(self))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ templ = ('{self.__class__.__name__}'
+ '(name={!r}, type={self.c_type!r})')
+ return templ.format(self=self)
+class Command(object):
+ """A <command> XML element.
+ Attributes:
+ name: The XML element's 'name' attribute, which is also the function
+ name.
+ c_return_type: For example, "void *".
+ alias: The XML element's 'alias' element. May be None.
+ param_list: List of that contains a CommandParam for each <param>
+ subelement.
+ requirements: A collection of each Requirement that exposes this
+ Command.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, xml_command):
+ """Parse a <command> element."""
+ # Example <command> element:
+ #
+ # <command>
+ # <proto>void <name>glTexSubImage2D</name></proto>
+ # <param group="TextureTarget"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>target</name></param>
+ # <param group="CheckedInt32"><ptype>GLint</ptype> <name>level</name></param>
+ # <param group="CheckedInt32"><ptype>GLint</ptype> <name>xoffset</name></param>
+ # <param group="CheckedInt32"><ptype>GLint</ptype> <name>yoffset</name></param>
+ # <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>width</name></param>
+ # <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>height</name></param>
+ # <param group="PixelFormat"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>format</name></param>
+ # <param group="PixelType"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>type</name></param>
+ # <param len="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)">const void *<name>pixels</name></param>
+ # <glx type="render" opcode="4100"/>
+ # <glx type="render" opcode="332" name="glTexSubImage2DPBO" comment="PBO protocol"/>
+ # </command>
+ #
+ assert(xml_command.tag == 'command')
+ xml_proto = xml_command.find('./proto')
+ = xml_proto.find('./name').text
+ _log_debug('start parsing Command(name={0!r})'.format(
+ self.requirements = set()
+ self.__vendor_namespace = None
+ # Parse the return type from the <proto> element.
+ #
+ # Example of a difficult <proto> element:
+ # <proto group="String">const <ptype>GLubyte</ptype> *<name>glGetStringi</name></proto>
+ c_return_type_text = list(xml_proto.itertext())
+ c_return_type_text.pop(-1) # Pop off the text from the <name> subelement.
+ c_return_type_text = (t.strip() for t in c_return_type_text)
+ self.c_return_type = ' '.join(c_return_type_text).strip()
+ # Parse alias info, if any.
+ xml_alias = xml_command.find('./alias')
+ if xml_alias is None:
+ self.alias = None
+ else:
+ self.alias = xml_alias.get('name')
+ self.param_list = [
+ CommandParam(xml_param)
+ for xml_param in _etree_iterfind(xml_command, './param')
+ ]
+ _log_debug(('parsed {self.__class__.__name__}('
+ 'name={!r}, '
+ 'alias={self.alias!r}, '
+ 'prototype={self.c_prototype!r})').format(self=self))
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ return cmp(,
+ def __repr__(self):
+ templ = '{self.__class__.__name__}({!r})'
+ return templ.format(self=self)
+ @property
+ def vendor_namespace(self):
+ if self.__vendor_namespace is None:
+ for req in self.__requirements:
+ ext = req.extension
+ if ext is None:
+ continue
+ if ext.vendor_namespace is None:
+ continue
+ if'_' + ext.vendor_namespace):
+ self.__vendor_namespace = ext.vendor_namespace
+ return self.__vendor_namespace
+ @property
+ def c_prototype(self):
+ """For example, "void glAccum(GLenum o, GLfloat value)"."""
+ return '{self.c_return_type} {}({self.c_named_param_list})'.format(self=self)
+ @property
+ def c_funcptr_typedef(self):
+ """For example, "PFNGLACCUMROC" for glAccum."""
+ return 'PFN{0}PROC'.format(
+ @property
+ def c_named_param_list(self):
+ """For example, "GLenum op, GLfloat value" for glAccum."""
+ return ', '.join(
+ '{param.c_type} {}'.format(param=param)
+ for param in self.param_list
+ )
+ @property
+ def c_unnamed_param_list(self):
+ """For example, "GLenum, GLfloat" for glAccum."""
+ return ', '.join(
+ param.c_type
+ for param in self.param_list
+ )
+ @property
+ def c_untyped_param_list(self):
+ """For example, "op, value" for glAccum."""
+ return ', '.join(
+ for param in self.param_list
+ )
+class CommandAliasSet(ImmutableOrderedKeyedSet):
+ def __init__(self, commands):
+ ImmutableOrderedKeyedSet.__init__(self, key='name',
+ elems=sorted(commands))
+ self.__primary_command = None
+ self.__requirements = None
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ return cmp(,
+ def __repr__(self):
+ templ = '{self.__class__.__name__}({!r})'
+ return templ.format(self=self)
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ return
+ @property
+ def primary_command(self):
+ """The set's first command when sorted by name."""
+ for command in self:
+ return command
+ @property
+ def requirements(self):
+ """A sorted iterator over each Requirement that exposes this
+ CommandAliasSet.
+ """
+ if self.__requirements is None:
+ self.__requirements = sorted(
+ req
+ for command in self
+ for req in command.requirements
+ )
+ _log_debug('{0} sorted requirements: {1}'.format(
+ self, self.__requirements))
+ return iter(self.__requirements)
+class CommandAliasMap(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__map = dict()
+ self.__sorted_unique_values = None
+ def __getitem__(self, command_name):
+ return self.__map[command_name]
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """A sorted iterator over the map's unique CommandAliasSet values."""
+ if self.__sorted_unique_values is None:
+ self.__sorted_unique_values = sorted(set(self.__map.itervalues()))
+ return iter(self.__sorted_unique_values)
+ def get(self, command_name, default):
+ return self.__map.get(command_name, default)
+ def add(self, command):
+ assert(isinstance(command, Command))
+ _log_debug('adding command {0!r} to CommandAliasMap'.format(
+ name =
+ name_set = self.get(name, None)
+ assert(self.__is_set_mapping_complete(name_set))
+ alias = command.alias
+ alias_set = self.get(command.alias, None)
+ assert(self.__is_set_mapping_complete(alias_set))
+ if name_set is alias_set and name_set is not None:
+ return
+ # After modifying the contained alias sets, the mapping will no longer
+ # be sorted.
+ self.__sorted_unique_values = None
+ new_set_elems = set((command,))
+ if name_set is not None:
+ new_set_elems.update(name_set)
+ if alias_set is not None:
+ new_set_elems.update(alias_set)
+ new_set = CommandAliasSet(new_set_elems)
+ for other_command in new_set:
+ self.__map[] = new_set
+ if other_command.alias is not None:
+ self.__map[other_command.alias] = new_set
+ def __is_set_mapping_complete(self, alias_set):
+ if alias_set is None:
+ return True
+ for command in alias_set:
+ if self[] is not alias_set:
+ return False
+ if command.alias is None:
+ continue
+ if self[command.alias] is not alias_set:
+ return False
+ return True
+class EnumGroup(object):
+ """An <enums> element at path registry/enums.
+ Attributes:
+ name: The XML element's 'group' attribute. If the XML does not define
+ 'group', then this class invents one.
+ type: The XML element's 'type' attribute. If the XML does not define
+ 'type', then this class invents one.
+ start, end: The XML element's 'start' and 'end' attributes. Each may be
+ None.
+ enums: An OrderedKeyedSet of Enum that contains each <enum> subelement
+ in this <enums>.
+ """
+ # Each EnumGroup belongs to exactly one member of EnumGroup.TYPES.
+ #
+ # Some members in EnumGroup.TYPES are invented and not present in gl.xml.
+ # The only enum type defined explicitly in gl.xml is "bitmask", which
+ # occurs as <enums type="bitmask">. However, in gl.xml each block of
+ # non-bitmask enums is introduced by a comment that describes the block's
+ # "type", even if the <enums> tag lacks a 'type' attribute. (Thanks,
+ # Khronos, for encoding data in XML comments rather than the XML itself).
+ # EnumGroup.TYPES lists such implicit comment-only types, with invented
+ # names, alongside the types explicitly defined by <enums type=>.
+ TYPES = (
+ # Type 'default_namespace' is self-explanatory. It indicates the large
+ # set of enums from 0x0000 to 0xffff that includes, for example,
+ 'default_namespace',
+ # Type 'bitmask' is self-explanatory.
+ 'bitmask',
+ # Type 'small_index' indicates a small namespace of non-bitmask enums.
+ # As of Khronos revision 26792, 'small_index' groups generally contain
+ # small numbers used for indexed access.
+ 'small_index',
+ # Type 'special' is used only for the group named "SpecialNumbers". The
+ # group contains enums such as GL_FALSE, GL_ZERO, and GL_INVALID_INDEX.
+ 'special',
+ )
+ def __init__(self, xml_enums):
+ """Parse an <enums> element."""
+ # Example of a bitmask group:
+ #
+ # <enums namespace="GL" group="SyncObjectMask" type="bitmask">
+ # <enum value="0x00000001" name="GL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT"/>
+ # <enum value="0x00000001" name="GL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT_APPLE"/>
+ # </enums>
+ #
+ # Example of a group that resides in OpenGL's default enum namespace:
+ #
+ # <enums namespace="GL" start="0x0000" end="0x7FFF" vendor="ARB" comment="...">
+ # <enum value="0x0000" name="GL_POINTS"/>
+ # <enum value="0x0001" name="GL_LINES"/>
+ # <enum value="0x0002" name="GL_LINE_LOOP"/>
+ # ...
+ # </enums>
+ #
+ # Example of a non-bitmask group that resides outside OpenGL's default
+ # enum namespace:
+ #
+ # <enums namespace="GL" group="PathRenderingTokenNV" vendor="NV">
+ # <enum value="0x00" name="GL_CLOSE_PATH_NV"/>
+ # <enum value="0x02" name="GL_MOVE_TO_NV"/>
+ # <enum value="0x03" name="GL_RELATIVE_MOVE_TO_NV"/>
+ # ...
+ # </enums>
+ #
+ = xml_enums.get('group', None)
+ _log_debug('start parsing {0}'.format(self))
+ self.type = xml_enums.get('type', None)
+ self.start = xml_enums.get('start', None)
+ self.end = xml_enums.get('end', None)
+ self.enums = []
+ self.__invent_name_and_type()
+ assert( is not None)
+ assert(self.type in self.TYPES)
+ _log_debug('start parsing <enum> subelements of {0}'.format(self))
+ self.enums = OrderedKeyedSet(key='name')
+ for xml_enum in _etree_iterfind(xml_enums, './enum'):
+ self.enums.add(Enum(self, xml_enum))
+ _log_debug('parsed {0}'.format(self))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ templ = '{self.__class__.__name__}({!r})'
+ return templ.format(self=self)
+ def __invent_name_and_type(self):
+ """If the XML didn't define a name or type, invent one."""
+ if is None:
+ assert(self.type is None)
+ assert(self.start is not None)
+ assert(self.end is not None)
+ = 'range_{self.start}_{self.end}'.format(self=self)
+ self.type = 'default_namespace'
+ elif self.type is None:
+ self.type = 'small_index'
+ elif == 'SpecialNumbers':
+ assert(self.type is None)
+ self.type = 'special'
+class Enum(object):
+ """An <enum> XML element.
+ Attributes:
+ name, api: The XML element's 'name' and 'api' attributes.
+ str_value, c_num_literal: Equivalent attributes. The XML element's
+ 'value' attribute.
+ num_value: The long integer for str_value.
+ requirements: A collection of each Requirement that exposes this Enum.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, enum_group, xml_enum):
+ """Parse an <enum> tag located at path registry/enums/enum."""
+ # Example <enum> element:
+ # <enum value="0x0000" name="GL_POINTS"/>
+ assert(isinstance(enum_group, EnumGroup))
+ assert(xml_enum.tag == 'enum')
+ self.requirements = set()
+ self.__vendor_namespace = None
+ = enum_group
+ = xml_enum.get('name')
+ self.api = xml_enum.get('api')
+ self.str_value = xml_enum.get('value')
+ self.c_num_literal = self.str_value
+ if '0x' in self.str_value.lower():
+ base = 16
+ else:
+ base = 10
+ self.num_value = long(self.str_value, base)
+ _log_debug('parsed {0}'.format(self))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ templ = ('{self.__class__.__name__}'
+ '(name={!r},'
+ ' value={self.str_value!r})')
+ return templ.format(self=self)
+ @property
+ def vendor_namespace(self):
+ if self.__vendor_namespace is None:
+ for req in self.requirements:
+ ext = req.extension
+ if ext is None:
+ continue
+ if ext.vendor_namespace is None:
+ continue
+ if'_' + ext.vendor_namespace):
+ self.__vendor_namespace = ext.vendor_namespace
+ return self.__vendor_namespace