#!/bin/bash -x OOBUILDDIR='/home/timar/libreoffice-3-3/build/libreoffice-' MY_PATH=`pwd` . $OOBUILDDIR/LinuxX86Env.Set.sh SOURCE_ROOT_DIR='/home/timar/libreoffice-3-3/build/libreoffice-' export SOURCE_ROOT_DIR test -n "$OO_TOOLSDIR" && solenv_dir=$SOLARENV || solenv_dir=$OOBUILDDIR/solenv if test -f $solenv_dir/inc/postset.mk ; then # generate shell variable from completelangiso= from solenv/inc/postset.mk # the sed command does the following: # + if a line ends with a backslash, append the next line to it # + adds " on the beginning of the value (after =) # + adds " at the end of the value # + removes en-US; we want to put it on the beginning # + prints just the section starting with 'completelangiso=' and ending with the " at the end of line eval $(sed -e :a -e '/\\$/N; s/\\\n//; ta' -n -e 's/=/="/;s/\([^\\]\)$/\1"/;s/en-US//;/^completelangiso/p' $solenv_dir/inc/postset.mk) for i in $completelangiso; do localize -e -l en-US,$i -f $MY_PATH/$i-full.sdf grep -v ^nlpsolver $i-full.sdf | grep ^helpcontent2 > $i-help.sdf grep -v ^nlpsolver $i-full.sdf | grep -v ^helpcontent2 > $i-ui.sdf rm $i-full.sdf oo2po -l $i -i $i-help.sdf $i-help oo2po -l $i -i $i-ui.sdf $i-ui uipercent=`pocount $i-ui | grep -A2 "TOTAL:" | grep "translated" | sed -e "s/^.*[(]//" -e "s/[)].*$//"` helppercent=`pocount $i-help | grep -A2 "TOTAL:" | grep "translated" | sed -e "s/^.*[(]//" -e "s/[)].*$//"` echo "| $i" >> stat.txt echo "| $uipercent" >> stat.txt echo "| $helppercent" >> stat.txt echo "|-" >> stat.txt done fi