/* vdagent-virtio-port.c virtio port communication code Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. Red Hat Authors: Hans de Goede This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vdagent-virtio-port.h" #define VDP_LAST_PORT VDP_SERVER_PORT struct vdagent_virtio_port_buf { uint8_t *buf; size_t pos; size_t size; struct vdagent_virtio_port_buf *next; }; /* Data to keep track of the assembling of vdagent messages per chunk port, for de-multiplexing the messages */ struct vdagent_virtio_port_chunk_port_data { int message_header_read; int message_data_pos; VDAgentMessage message_header; uint8_t *message_data; }; struct vdagent_virtio_port { int fd; FILE *errfile; /* Chunk read stuff, single buffer, separate header and data buffer */ int chunk_header_read; int chunk_data_pos; VDIChunkHeader chunk_header; uint8_t chunk_data[VD_AGENT_MAX_DATA_SIZE]; /* Per chunk port data */ struct vdagent_virtio_port_chunk_port_data port_data[VDP_LAST_PORT + 1]; /* Writes are stored in a linked list of buffers, with both the header + data for a single message in 1 buffer. */ struct vdagent_virtio_port_buf *write_buf; /* Callbacks */ vdagent_virtio_port_read_callback read_callback; vdagent_virtio_port_disconnect_callback disconnect_callback; }; static void vdagent_virtio_port_do_write(struct vdagent_virtio_port **vportp); static void vdagent_virtio_port_do_read(struct vdagent_virtio_port **vportp); struct vdagent_virtio_port *vdagent_virtio_port_create(const char *portname, vdagent_virtio_port_read_callback read_callback, vdagent_virtio_port_disconnect_callback disconnect_callback, FILE *errfile) { struct vdagent_virtio_port *vport; vport = calloc(1, sizeof(*vport)); if (!vport) return 0; vport->errfile = errfile; vport->fd = open(portname, O_RDWR); if (vport->fd == -1) { fprintf(vport->errfile, "open %s: %s\n", portname, strerror(errno)); free(vport); return NULL; } vport->read_callback = read_callback; vport->disconnect_callback = disconnect_callback; return vport; } void vdagent_virtio_port_destroy(struct vdagent_virtio_port **vportp) { struct vdagent_virtio_port_buf *wbuf, *next_wbuf; struct vdagent_virtio_port *vport = *vportp; int i; if (!vport) return; if (vport->disconnect_callback) vport->disconnect_callback(vport); wbuf = vport->write_buf; while (wbuf) { next_wbuf = wbuf->next; free(wbuf->buf); free(wbuf); wbuf = next_wbuf; } for (i = 0; i <= VDP_LAST_PORT; i++) { free(vport->port_data[i].message_data); } close(vport->fd); free(vport); *vportp = NULL; } int vdagent_virtio_port_fill_fds(struct vdagent_virtio_port *vport, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds) { if (!vport) return -1; FD_SET(vport->fd, readfds); if (vport->write_buf) FD_SET(vport->fd, writefds); return vport->fd + 1; } void vdagent_virtio_port_handle_fds(struct vdagent_virtio_port **vportp, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds) { if (!*vportp) return; if (FD_ISSET((*vportp)->fd, readfds)) vdagent_virtio_port_do_read(vportp); if (*vportp && FD_ISSET((*vportp)->fd, writefds)) vdagent_virtio_port_do_write(vportp); } int vdagent_virtio_port_write( struct vdagent_virtio_port *vport, uint32_t port_nr, uint32_t message_type, uint32_t message_opaque, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t data_size) { struct vdagent_virtio_port_buf *wbuf, *new_wbuf; VDIChunkHeader chunk_header; VDAgentMessage message_header; new_wbuf = malloc(sizeof(*new_wbuf)); if (!new_wbuf) return -1; new_wbuf->pos = 0; new_wbuf->size = sizeof(chunk_header) + sizeof(message_header) + data_size; new_wbuf->next = NULL; new_wbuf->buf = malloc(new_wbuf->size); if (!new_wbuf->buf) { free(new_wbuf); return -1; } chunk_header.port = port_nr; chunk_header.size = sizeof(message_header) + data_size; message_header.protocol = VD_AGENT_PROTOCOL; message_header.type = message_type; message_header.opaque = message_opaque; message_header.size = data_size; memcpy(new_wbuf->buf, &chunk_header, sizeof(chunk_header)); memcpy(new_wbuf->buf + sizeof(chunk_header), &message_header, sizeof(message_header)); memcpy(new_wbuf->buf + sizeof(chunk_header) + sizeof(message_header), data, data_size); if (!vport->write_buf) { vport->write_buf = new_wbuf; return 0; } /* maybe we should limit the write_buf stack depth ? */ wbuf = vport->write_buf; while (wbuf->next) wbuf = wbuf->next; wbuf->next = new_wbuf; return 0; } void vdagent_virtio_port_flush(struct vdagent_virtio_port **vportp) { while (*vportp && (*vportp)->write_buf) vdagent_virtio_port_do_write(vportp); } static void vdagent_virtio_port_do_chunk(struct vdagent_virtio_port **vportp) { int avail, read, pos = 0; struct vdagent_virtio_port *vport = *vportp; struct vdagent_virtio_port_chunk_port_data *port = &vport->port_data[vport->chunk_header.port]; if (port->message_header_read < sizeof(port->message_header)) { read = sizeof(port->message_header) - port->message_header_read; if (read > vport->chunk_header.size) { read = vport->chunk_header.size; } memcpy((uint8_t *)&port->message_header + port->message_header_read, vport->chunk_data, read); port->message_header_read += read; if (port->message_header_read == sizeof(port->message_header) && port->message_header.size) { port->message_data = malloc(port->message_header.size); if (!port->message_data) { fprintf(vport->errfile, "out of memory, disconnecting virtio\n"); vdagent_virtio_port_destroy(vportp); return; } } pos = read; } if (port->message_header_read == sizeof(port->message_header)) { read = port->message_header.size - port->message_data_pos; avail = vport->chunk_header.size - pos; if (avail > read) { fprintf(vport->errfile, "chunk larger then message, lost sync?\n"); vdagent_virtio_port_destroy(vportp); return; } if (avail < read) read = avail; if (read) { memcpy(port->message_data + port->message_data_pos, vport->chunk_data + pos, read); port->message_data_pos += read; } if (port->message_data_pos == port->message_header.size) { if (vport->read_callback) { int r = vport->read_callback(vport, vport->chunk_header.port, &port->message_header, port->message_data); if (r == -1) { vdagent_virtio_port_destroy(vportp); return; } } port->message_header_read = 0; port->message_data_pos = 0; free(port->message_data); port->message_data = NULL; } } } static void vdagent_virtio_port_do_read(struct vdagent_virtio_port **vportp) { ssize_t n; size_t to_read; uint8_t *dest; struct vdagent_virtio_port *vport = *vportp; if (vport->chunk_header_read < sizeof(vport->chunk_header)) { to_read = sizeof(vport->chunk_header) - vport->chunk_header_read; dest = (uint8_t *)&vport->chunk_header + vport->chunk_header_read; } else { to_read = vport->chunk_header.size - vport->chunk_data_pos; dest = vport->chunk_data + vport->chunk_data_pos; } n = read(vport->fd, dest, to_read); if (n < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) return; fprintf(vport->errfile, "reading from vdagent virtio port: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } if (n <= 0) { vdagent_virtio_port_destroy(vportp); return; } if (vport->chunk_header_read < sizeof(vport->chunk_header)) { vport->chunk_header_read += n; if (vport->chunk_header_read == sizeof(vport->chunk_header)) { if (vport->chunk_header.size > VD_AGENT_MAX_DATA_SIZE) { fprintf(vport->errfile, "chunk size too large\n"); vdagent_virtio_port_destroy(vportp); return; } if (vport->chunk_header.port > VDP_LAST_PORT) { fprintf(vport->errfile, "chunk port out of range\n"); vdagent_virtio_port_destroy(vportp); return; } } } else { vport->chunk_data_pos += n; if (vport->chunk_data_pos == vport->chunk_header.size) { vdagent_virtio_port_do_chunk(vportp); vport->chunk_header_read = 0; vport->chunk_data_pos = 0; } } } static void vdagent_virtio_port_do_write(struct vdagent_virtio_port **vportp) { ssize_t n; size_t to_write; struct vdagent_virtio_port *vport = *vportp; struct vdagent_virtio_port_buf* wbuf = vport->write_buf; if (!wbuf) { fprintf(vport->errfile, "do_write called on a port without a write buf ?!\n"); return; } to_write = wbuf->size - wbuf->pos; n = write(vport->fd, wbuf->buf + wbuf->pos, to_write); if (n < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) return; fprintf(vport->errfile, "writing to vdagent virtio port: %s\n", strerror(errno)); vdagent_virtio_port_destroy(vportp); return; } wbuf->pos += n; if (wbuf->pos == wbuf->size) { vport->write_buf = wbuf->next; free(wbuf->buf); free(wbuf); } }