This is a jhbuild moduleset to build spice (and optionnally libvirt) with smartcard support. To use it, you first have to download and install jhbuild from It should be a simple matter of: git clone git:// cd jhbuild ./ --prefix=.... make install Then you can clone this jhbuild moduleset into ~/spice: mkdir -p ~/spice git clone git:// ~/spice/spice-jhbuild jhbuild -f ~/spice/spice-jhbuild/jhbuildrc and it will build qemu with spice support and smartcard support and spice-gtk as the spice client. The source are downloaded into ~/spice, and the binaries installed to ~/spice-run. If you want to tweak these paths, you can edit the ~/spice/spice-jhbuild/jhbuildrc file, it should be self-explanatory. It can be run with something like: jhbuild -f ~/spice/spice-jhbuild/jhbuildrc run qemu-system-x86_64 -vga qxl -spice port=5924,disable-ticketing -enable-kvm -m 512 -nographic -usbdevice tablet -cdrom ~/isos/livecd.iso and jhbuild -f ~/spice/spice-jhbuild/jhbuildrc run spicy (spice is running on localhost:5924 with the command line above) If you run jhbuild -f ~/spice/spice-jhbuild/jhbuildrc virt-manager libvirt and virt-manager will be built instead.