/schemas/apps/sound-juicer/device /apps/sound-juicer/device string sound-juicer The CD to extract from. /schemas/apps/sound-juicer/eject /apps/sound-juicer/eject bool sound-juicer false Whether to eject the CD when finished extracting. /schemas/apps/sound-juicer/open_completed /apps/sound-juicer/open_completed bool sound-juicer false Whether to open the target directory when finished extracting. /schemas/apps/sound-juicer/base_uri /apps/sound-juicer/base_uri string sound-juicer The URI to save the extracted music to. /schemas/apps/sound-juicer/base_path /apps/sound-juicer/base_path string sound-juicer The local directory to save the extracted music to (deprecated, use base_uri) /schemas/apps/sound-juicer/path_pattern /apps/sound-juicer/path_pattern string sound-juicer %aa/%at The directory structure for the files %at -- album title %aT -- album title (lowercase) %aa -- album artist %aA -- album artist (lowercase) %as -- album artist (sortable) %aS -- album artist (sortable lowercase) %ac -- album composer %aC -- album composer (lowercase) %ap -- album composer (sortable) %aP -- album composer (sortable lowercase) %ay -- album year %tt -- track title %tT -- track title (lowercase) %ta -- track artist %tA -- track artist (lowercase) %ts -- track artist (sortable) %tS -- track artist (sortable lowercase) %tc -- track composer %tC -- track composer (lowercase) %tp -- track composer (sortable) %tP -- track composer (sortable lowercase) /schemas/apps/sound-juicer/file_pattern /apps/sound-juicer/file_pattern string sound-juicer %dn - %tt The name pattern for files Do not specify an extension. %at -- album title %aT -- album title (lowercase) %aa -- album artist %aA -- album artist (lowercase) %as -- album artist (sortable) %aS -- album artist (sortable lowercase) %ac -- album composer %aC -- album composer (lowercase) %ap -- album composer (sortable) %aP -- album composer (sortable lowercase) %tn -- track number (i.e 8) %tN -- track number, zero padded (i.e 08) %tt -- track title %tT -- track title (lowercase) %ta -- track artist %tA -- track artist (lowercase) %ts -- track artist (sortable) %tS -- track artist (sortable lowercase) %tc -- track composer %tC -- track composer (lowercase) %tp -- track composer (sortable) %tP -- track composer (sortable lowercase) %dn -- disc and track number, track zero padded (i.e Disk 2 - 06, or 06) %dN -- condensed disc and track number, zero padded (i.e d02t06, or 06) /schemas/apps/sound-juicer/paranoia /apps/sound-juicer/paranoia int sound-juicer 8 The paranoia mode to use Paranoia mode: 0) disable 2) fragment 4) overlap 8) scratch 16) repair 255) full /schemas/apps/sound-juicer/strip-special /apps/sound-juicer/strip-special bool sound-juicer false If to strip special characters from filenames If enabled, special characters such as space, wildcards and backslashes will be removed from the output filename. /schemas/apps/sound-juicer/musicbrainz_server /apps/sound-juicer/musicbrainz_server string sound-juicer The MusicBrainz server to use If specified, this value will override the default MusicBrainz server. /schemas/apps/sound-juicer/audio_profile /apps/sound-juicer/audio_profile string sound-juicer cdlossy (obsolete) Audio Profile with which to encode This key used to store the GNOME Audio Profile with which to encode. This has been superseded by GStreamer encoding profiles, which are configured using the audio_profile_media_type key. /schemas/apps/sound-juicer/audio_profile_media_type /apps/sound-juicer/audio_profile_media_type string sound-juicer audio/x-vorbis Media type to encode to The GStreamer media type to encode to. /schemas/apps/sound-juicer/volume /apps/sound-juicer/volume float sound-juicer 1.0 Audio volume