this README lists and explains the possibilities of the vbtracetool tools the file QUICKSTART may provide a more concise and direct route to your ends vbtracetool =========== Dependencies: libpci Building: Run make Running: ./vbtracetool [-d] [-l] [-r | -x ROMFILE] [-g | -p | -s MODENUMBER | -w] -d gives trace output *to stderr*. you'll want to redirect that. -l gives IO logging *to stderr*. you'll want to redirect that. -r forces use of the shadow ram bios image -x forces use of given bios image (inadvisable) -g gets the current display mode number (default) -p posts the card. could induce several seconds of pants cacking with -d. -s sets the given mode number -w writes the bios image that would be executed *to stderr* ./postandrestore.bash [-d] [-l] [-r] options as for vbtracetool this shell script will run vbtracetool in such a way to do a POST (which may be traced) and then restore the graphics mode (useful for fbcon) *try either of these in x and lose.* Bonus trace processor: "./deloopify TRACENAME" will compact loops in your trace Extra utilities: some extra utilities are included in extrautils, for those using the traces they can be built by issuing "make" in that directory functionate - splits out CALL ... RET blocks into "functions" ioreplay - replays the IO of a vbtracetool IO log mmioify - turns vbtracetool IO log output into something mmio-parse can handle. output should not be used with mmio-replay Known issues: see KNOWN_ISSUES file Killing: do not interrupt, once started -- you will likely earn yourself a hung machine if you really really don't like what's happening, turn the power off Culprit: Stuart Bennett, using code and ideas from Matthew Garrett's libx86 and vbetool, and the SciTech/Xorg x86emu emulator