/* * muc-factory.c - Source for GabbleMucFactory * Copyright (C) 2006 Collabora Ltd. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "config.h" #include "muc-factory.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DEBUG_FLAG GABBLE_DEBUG_MUC #include "gabble/caps-channel-manager.h" #include "connection.h" #include "conn-olpc.h" #include "debug.h" #include "disco.h" #include "im-channel.h" #ifdef ENABLE_VOIP #include "media-factory.h" #endif #include "message-util.h" #include "muc-channel.h" #include "namespaces.h" #include "presence-cache.h" #include "tube-dbus.h" #include "tube-stream.h" #include "util.h" #ifdef ENABLE_VOIP #include "call-muc-channel.h" #endif static void channel_manager_iface_init (gpointer, gpointer); G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GabbleMucFactory, gabble_muc_factory, G_TYPE_OBJECT, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TP_TYPE_CHANNEL_MANAGER, channel_manager_iface_init); G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GABBLE_TYPE_CAPS_CHANNEL_MANAGER, NULL)); /* properties */ enum { PROP_CONNECTION = 1, LAST_PROPERTY }; typedef struct { GabbleMucFactory *self; gpointer token; } Request; struct _GabbleMucFactoryPrivate { GabbleConnection *conn; gulong status_changed_id; guint message_cb_id; /* GUINT_TO_POINTER(room_handle) => (GabbleMucChannel *) */ GHashTable *text_channels; /* Tube channels which will be considered ready when the corresponding * text channel is created. * Borrowed GabbleMucChannel => owned GQueue of borrowed GabbleTubeIface */ GHashTable *text_needed_for_tube; /* GabbleDiscoRequest * => NULL (used as a set) */ GHashTable *disco_requests; /* Map from channels to the request-tokens of requests that they will satisfy * when they're ready. * Borrowed TpExportableChannel => GSList of gpointer */ GHashTable *queued_requests; gboolean dispose_has_run; }; static GObject *gabble_muc_factory_constructor (GType type, guint n_props, GObjectConstructParam *props); static void gabble_muc_factory_associate_tube (GabbleMucFactory *self, GabbleMucChannel *gmuc, GabbleTubeIface *tube); static void gabble_muc_factory_init (GabbleMucFactory *fac) { GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (fac, GABBLE_TYPE_MUC_FACTORY, GabbleMucFactoryPrivate); fac->priv = priv; priv->text_channels = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, g_object_unref); priv->text_needed_for_tube = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, (GDestroyNotify) g_queue_free); priv->disco_requests = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, NULL); priv->queued_requests = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, NULL); priv->conn = NULL; priv->dispose_has_run = FALSE; } static void cancel_disco_request (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { GabbleDisco *disco = GABBLE_DISCO (user_data); GabbleDiscoRequest *request = (GabbleDiscoRequest *) key; gabble_disco_cancel_request (disco, request); } static void gabble_muc_factory_close_all (GabbleMucFactory *fac); static void gabble_muc_factory_dispose (GObject *object) { GabbleMucFactory *fac = GABBLE_MUC_FACTORY (object); GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = fac->priv; if (priv->dispose_has_run) return; DEBUG ("dispose called"); priv->dispose_has_run = TRUE; gabble_muc_factory_close_all (fac); g_assert (priv->text_channels == NULL); g_assert (priv->text_needed_for_tube == NULL); g_assert (priv->queued_requests == NULL); g_hash_table_foreach (priv->disco_requests, cancel_disco_request, priv->conn->disco); g_hash_table_unref (priv->disco_requests); if (G_OBJECT_CLASS (gabble_muc_factory_parent_class)->dispose) G_OBJECT_CLASS (gabble_muc_factory_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void gabble_muc_factory_get_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { GabbleMucFactory *fac = GABBLE_MUC_FACTORY (object); GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = fac->priv; switch (property_id) { case PROP_CONNECTION: g_value_set_object (value, priv->conn); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); break; } } static void gabble_muc_factory_set_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { GabbleMucFactory *fac = GABBLE_MUC_FACTORY (object); GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = fac->priv; switch (property_id) { case PROP_CONNECTION: priv->conn = g_value_get_object (value); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); break; } } static void gabble_muc_factory_class_init (GabbleMucFactoryClass *gabble_muc_factory_class) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (gabble_muc_factory_class); GParamSpec *param_spec; g_type_class_add_private (gabble_muc_factory_class, sizeof (GabbleMucFactoryPrivate)); object_class->constructor = gabble_muc_factory_constructor; object_class->dispose = gabble_muc_factory_dispose; object_class->get_property = gabble_muc_factory_get_property; object_class->set_property = gabble_muc_factory_set_property; param_spec = g_param_spec_object ("connection", "GabbleConnection object", "Gabble connection object that owns this MUC factory object.", GABBLE_TYPE_CONNECTION, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_CONNECTION, param_spec); } /** * muc_channel_closed_cb: * * Signal callback for when a MUC channel is closed. Removes the references * that MucFactory holds to them. */ static void muc_channel_closed_cb (GabbleMucChannel *chan, gpointer user_data) { GabbleMucFactory *fac = GABBLE_MUC_FACTORY (user_data); GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = fac->priv; TpBaseChannel *base = TP_BASE_CHANNEL (chan); TpHandle room_handle; /* channel is actually reappearing, announce it */ if (tp_base_channel_is_respawning (base)) { tp_channel_manager_emit_new_channel (fac, TP_EXPORTABLE_CHANNEL (chan), NULL); return; } if (tp_base_channel_is_registered (base)) { tp_channel_manager_emit_channel_closed_for_object (fac, TP_EXPORTABLE_CHANNEL (chan)); } if (tp_base_channel_is_destroyed (base) && priv->text_channels != NULL) { g_object_get (chan, "handle", &room_handle, NULL); DEBUG ("removing MUC channel with handle %d", room_handle); g_hash_table_remove (priv->text_channels, GUINT_TO_POINTER (room_handle)); } } static void muc_ready_cb (GabbleMucChannel *text_chan, gpointer data) { GabbleMucFactory *fac = GABBLE_MUC_FACTORY (data); GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = fac->priv; GHashTable *channels; TpBaseChannel *base = TP_BASE_CHANNEL (text_chan); GSList *requests_satisfied_text = NULL; GQueue *tube_channels; DEBUG ("text chan=%p", text_chan); channels = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, (GDestroyNotify) g_slist_free); requests_satisfied_text = g_hash_table_lookup ( priv->queued_requests, text_chan); g_hash_table_steal (priv->queued_requests, text_chan); requests_satisfied_text = g_slist_reverse (requests_satisfied_text); /* Announce tube channels now */ tube_channels = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->text_needed_for_tube, text_chan); if (tube_channels != NULL) { GList *l; for (l = tube_channels->head; l != NULL; l = l->next) { GabbleTubeIface *tube_chan = GABBLE_TUBE_IFACE (l->data); GSList *requests_satisfied_tube; requests_satisfied_tube = g_hash_table_lookup ( priv->queued_requests, tube_chan); g_hash_table_steal (priv->queued_requests, tube_chan); requests_satisfied_tube = g_slist_reverse (requests_satisfied_tube); g_hash_table_insert (channels, tube_chan, requests_satisfied_tube); } g_hash_table_remove (priv->text_needed_for_tube, text_chan); } /* only announce channels which are on the bus (requested or * requested with an invite, not channels only around because they * have to be) */ if (tp_base_channel_is_registered (base)) { tp_channel_manager_emit_new_channel (fac, TP_EXPORTABLE_CHANNEL (text_chan), requests_satisfied_text); } tp_channel_manager_emit_new_channels (fac, channels); g_hash_table_unref (channels); } static void muc_join_error_cb (GabbleMucChannel *chan, GError *error, gpointer data) { GabbleMucFactory *fac = GABBLE_MUC_FACTORY (data); GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = fac->priv; GQueue *tube_channels; GSList *requests_satisfied; GSList *iter; DEBUG ("error->code=%u, error->message=\"%s\"", error->code, error->message); requests_satisfied = g_slist_reverse (g_hash_table_lookup ( priv->queued_requests, chan)); g_hash_table_steal (priv->queued_requests, chan); for (iter = requests_satisfied; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { tp_channel_manager_emit_request_failed (fac, iter->data, error->domain, error->code, error->message); } g_slist_free (requests_satisfied); /* tube channels */ tube_channels = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->text_needed_for_tube, chan); if (tube_channels != NULL) { GList *l; for (l = tube_channels->head; l != NULL; l = l->next) { GabbleTubeIface *tube_chan = GABBLE_TUBE_IFACE (l->data); requests_satisfied = g_hash_table_lookup ( priv->queued_requests, tube_chan); g_hash_table_steal (priv->queued_requests, tube_chan); requests_satisfied = g_slist_reverse (requests_satisfied); for (iter = requests_satisfied; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { tp_channel_manager_emit_request_failed (fac, iter->data, error->domain, error->code, error->message); } g_slist_free (requests_satisfied); } g_hash_table_remove (priv->text_needed_for_tube, chan); } } static void muc_sub_channel_closed_cb (TpSvcChannel *chan, gpointer user_data) { GabbleMucFactory *fac = GABBLE_MUC_FACTORY (user_data); GabbleMucChannel *muc; tp_channel_manager_emit_channel_closed_for_object (fac, TP_EXPORTABLE_CHANNEL (chan)); /* GabbleTubeDBus, GabbleTubeStream, and GabbleMucCallChannel all * have "muc" properties. */ g_object_get (chan, "muc", &muc, NULL); if (muc == NULL) return; if (gabble_muc_channel_can_be_closed (muc) && gabble_muc_channel_get_autoclose (muc)) tp_base_channel_close (TP_BASE_CHANNEL (muc)); } #ifdef ENABLE_VOIP static void muc_channel_new_call (GabbleMucChannel *muc, GabbleCallMucChannel *call, GSList *requests, gpointer user_data) { GabbleMucFactory *fac = GABBLE_MUC_FACTORY (user_data); DEBUG ("Emitting new Call channel"); tp_channel_manager_emit_new_channel (fac, TP_EXPORTABLE_CHANNEL (call), requests); g_signal_connect (call, "closed", G_CALLBACK (muc_sub_channel_closed_cb), fac); } #endif static void muc_channel_new_tube (GabbleMucChannel *channel, GabbleTubeIface *tube, gpointer user_data) { GabbleMucFactory *fac = GABBLE_MUC_FACTORY (user_data); /* If the muc channel is ready announce the tube channel right away * otherwise wait for the text channel to be ready */ if (_gabble_muc_channel_is_ready (channel)) tp_channel_manager_emit_new_channel (fac, TP_EXPORTABLE_CHANNEL (tube), NULL); else gabble_muc_factory_associate_tube (fac, channel, tube); g_signal_connect (tube, "closed", G_CALLBACK (muc_sub_channel_closed_cb), fac); } /** * new_muc_channel */ static GabbleMucChannel * new_muc_channel (GabbleMucFactory *fac, TpHandle handle, gboolean invited, TpHandle inviter, const gchar *message, gboolean requested, gboolean initially_register, GHashTable *initial_channels, GArray *initial_handles, char **initial_ids, const char *room_name) { GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = fac->priv; TpBaseConnection *conn = (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn; GabbleMucChannel *chan; char *object_path; GPtrArray *initial_channels_array = NULL; g_assert (gabble_muc_factory_find_text_channel (fac, handle) == NULL); object_path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/MucChannel%u", tp_base_connection_get_object_path (conn), handle); initial_channels_array = g_ptr_array_new (); if (initial_channels != NULL) { GHashTableIter iter; gpointer key; g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, initial_channels); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, NULL)) { g_ptr_array_add (initial_channels_array, key); } } if (initial_handles != NULL) g_array_ref (initial_handles); else initial_handles = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (TpHandle)); DEBUG ("creating new chan, object path %s", object_path); chan = g_object_new (GABBLE_TYPE_MUC_CHANNEL, "connection", priv->conn, "object-path", object_path, "handle", handle, "invited", invited, "initiator-handle", invited ? inviter : tp_base_connection_get_self_handle (conn), "invitation-message", message, "requested", requested, "initial-channels", initial_channels_array, "initial-invitee-handles", initial_handles, "initial-invitee-ids", initial_ids, "room-name", room_name, "initially-register", initially_register, NULL); g_signal_connect (chan, "closed", (GCallback) muc_channel_closed_cb, fac); g_signal_connect (chan, "new-tube", (GCallback) muc_channel_new_tube, fac); #ifdef ENABLE_VOIP g_signal_connect (chan, "new-call", (GCallback) muc_channel_new_call, fac); #endif g_hash_table_insert (priv->text_channels, GUINT_TO_POINTER (handle), chan); g_free (object_path); g_ptr_array_unref (initial_channels_array); g_array_unref (initial_handles); if (_gabble_muc_channel_is_ready (chan)) muc_ready_cb (chan, fac); else g_signal_connect (chan, "ready", G_CALLBACK (muc_ready_cb), fac); g_signal_connect (chan, "join-error", G_CALLBACK (muc_join_error_cb), fac); return chan; } static void do_invite (GabbleMucFactory *fac, const gchar *room, TpHandle inviter_handle, const gchar *reason) { GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = fac->priv; TpHandleRepoIface *room_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_ROOM); TpHandle room_handle; room_handle = tp_handle_ensure (room_repo, room, NULL, NULL); if (room_handle == 0) { DEBUG ("got a MUC invitation message with invalid room JID \"%s\"; " "ignoring", room); return; } if (gabble_muc_factory_find_text_channel (fac, room_handle) == NULL) { new_muc_channel (fac, room_handle, TRUE, inviter_handle, reason, FALSE, TRUE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { DEBUG ("ignoring invite to room \"%s\"; we're already there", room); } } struct DiscoInviteData { GabbleMucFactory *factory; gchar *reason; TpHandle inviter; }; /** * obsolete_invite_disco_cb: * * Callback for disco request we fired upon encountering obsolete disco. * If the object is in fact MUC room, create a channel for it. */ static void obsolete_invite_disco_cb (GabbleDisco *self, GabbleDiscoRequest *request, const gchar *jid, const gchar *node, WockyNode *query_result, GError* error, gpointer user_data) { struct DiscoInviteData *data = (struct DiscoInviteData *) user_data; GabbleMucFactory *fac = GABBLE_MUC_FACTORY (data->factory); GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = fac->priv; WockyNode *identity; const char *category = NULL, *type = NULL; g_hash_table_remove (priv->disco_requests, request); if (error != NULL) { DEBUG ("ignoring obsolete invite to room '%s'; got disco error: %s", jid, error->message); goto out; } identity = wocky_node_get_child (query_result, "identity"); if (identity != NULL) { category = wocky_node_get_attribute (identity, "category"); type = wocky_node_get_attribute (identity, "type"); } if (tp_strdiff (category, "conference") || tp_strdiff (type, "text")) { DEBUG ("obsolete invite request specified inappropriate jid '%s' " "(not a text conference); ignoring request", jid); goto out; } /* OK, it's MUC after all, create a new channel */ do_invite (fac, jid, data->inviter, data->reason); out: g_free (data->reason); g_slice_free (struct DiscoInviteData, data); } static gboolean process_muc_invite (GabbleMucFactory *fac, WockyStanza *message, const gchar *from, TpChannelTextSendError send_error) { GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = fac->priv; TpBaseConnection *conn = (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles (conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); WockyNode *x_node, *invite_node, *reason_node; const gchar *invite_from, *reason = NULL; TpHandle inviter_handle; gchar *room; /* does it have a muc subnode? */ x_node = wocky_node_get_child_ns ( wocky_stanza_get_top_node (message), "x", NS_MUC_USER); if (x_node == NULL) return FALSE; /* and an invitation? */ invite_node = wocky_node_get_child (x_node, "invite"); if (invite_node == NULL) return FALSE; /* FIXME: do something with these? */ if (send_error != GABBLE_TEXT_CHANNEL_SEND_NO_ERROR) { STANZA_DEBUG (message, "got a MUC invitation message with a send " "error; ignoring"); return TRUE; } invite_from = wocky_node_get_attribute (invite_node, "from"); if (invite_from == NULL) { STANZA_DEBUG (message, "got a MUC invitation message with no JID; " "ignoring"); return TRUE; } inviter_handle = tp_handle_ensure (contact_repo, invite_from, NULL, NULL); if (inviter_handle == 0) { STANZA_DEBUG (message, "got a MUC invitation message with invalid " "inviter JID; ignoring"); return TRUE; } reason_node = wocky_node_get_child (invite_node, "reason"); if (reason_node != NULL) reason = reason_node->content; /* create the channel */ room = gabble_remove_resource (from); do_invite (fac, room, inviter_handle, reason); g_free (room); return TRUE; } static gboolean process_obsolete_invite (GabbleMucFactory *fac, WockyStanza *message, const gchar *from, const gchar *body, TpChannelTextSendError send_error) { GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = fac->priv; TpBaseConnection *conn = (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles (conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); WockyNode *x_node; const gchar *room; TpHandle inviter_handle; GabbleDiscoRequest *request; struct DiscoInviteData *disco_udata; /* check for obsolete invite method */ x_node = wocky_node_get_child_ns ( wocky_stanza_get_top_node (message), "x", NS_X_CONFERENCE); if (x_node == NULL) return FALSE; /* this can only happen if the user sent an obsolete invite with another * client or something */ if (send_error != GABBLE_TEXT_CHANNEL_SEND_NO_ERROR) { STANZA_DEBUG (message, "got an obsolete MUC invitation message with " "a send error; ignoring"); return TRUE; } /* the room JID is in x */ room = wocky_node_get_attribute (x_node, "jid"); if (room == NULL) { STANZA_DEBUG (message, "got a obsolete MUC invitation with no room JID; ignoring"); return TRUE; } /* the inviter JID is in "from" */ inviter_handle = tp_handle_ensure (contact_repo, from, NULL, NULL); if (inviter_handle == 0) { STANZA_DEBUG (message, "got an obsolete MUC invitation message from " "an invalid JID; ignoring"); return TRUE; } disco_udata = g_slice_new0 (struct DiscoInviteData); disco_udata->factory = fac; disco_udata->reason = g_strdup (body); disco_udata->inviter = inviter_handle; DEBUG ("received obsolete MUC invite from handle %u (%s), discoing room %s", inviter_handle, from, room); request = gabble_disco_request (priv->conn->disco, GABBLE_DISCO_TYPE_INFO, room, NULL, obsolete_invite_disco_cb, disco_udata, G_OBJECT (fac), NULL); if (request != NULL) { g_hash_table_insert (priv->disco_requests, request, NULL); } else { DEBUG ("obsolete MUC invite disco failed, freeing info"); g_free (disco_udata->reason); g_slice_free (struct DiscoInviteData, disco_udata); } return TRUE; } /** * muc_factory_message_cb: * * Called by Wocky when we get an incoming . * We filter only groupchat and MUC messages, ignoring the rest. */ static gboolean muc_factory_message_cb ( WockyPorter *porter, WockyStanza *message, gpointer user_data) { GabbleMucFactory *fac = GABBLE_MUC_FACTORY (user_data); GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = fac->priv; const gchar *from, *body, *id; time_t stamp; TpChannelTextMessageType msgtype; gint state; TpChannelTextSendError send_error; TpDeliveryStatus delivery_status; if (!gabble_message_util_parse_incoming_message (message, &from, &stamp, &msgtype, &id, &body, &state, &send_error, &delivery_status)) return TRUE; if (conn_olpc_process_activity_properties_message (priv->conn, message, from)) return TRUE; if (conn_olpc_process_activity_uninvite_message (priv->conn, message, from)) return TRUE; if (process_muc_invite (fac, message, from, send_error)) return TRUE; if (process_obsolete_invite (fac, message, from, body, send_error)) return TRUE; /* we used to check if a room with the jid exists, instead at this * * point we stop caring: actual MUC messages are handled internally * * by the wocky muc implementation */ return FALSE; } void gabble_muc_factory_broadcast_presence (GabbleMucFactory *self) { GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = self->priv; GHashTableIter iter; gpointer channel = NULL; if (priv->text_channels == NULL) return; g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, priv->text_channels); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, NULL, &channel)) { g_assert (GABBLE_IS_MUC_CHANNEL (channel)); gabble_muc_channel_send_presence (GABBLE_MUC_CHANNEL (channel)); } } static void gabble_muc_factory_associate_tube (GabbleMucFactory *self, GabbleMucChannel *gmuc, GabbleTubeIface *tube) { GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = self->priv; GQueue *queue; queue = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->text_needed_for_tube, gmuc); if (queue == NULL) { queue = g_queue_new (); g_hash_table_insert (priv->text_needed_for_tube, gmuc, queue); } g_queue_push_tail (queue, tube); } static void gabble_muc_factory_associate_request (GabbleMucFactory *self, gpointer channel, gpointer request) { GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = self->priv; GSList *list = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->queued_requests, channel); g_assert (TP_IS_EXPORTABLE_CHANNEL (channel)); g_hash_table_steal (priv->queued_requests, channel); list = g_slist_prepend (list, request); g_hash_table_insert (priv->queued_requests, channel, list); } static void cancel_queued_requests ( GabbleMucFactory *self, GSList *requests_satisfied) { GSList *iter; requests_satisfied = g_slist_reverse (requests_satisfied); for (iter = requests_satisfied; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { tp_channel_manager_emit_request_failed (self, iter->data, TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_DISCONNECTED, "Unable to complete this channel request, we're disconnecting!"); } g_slist_free (requests_satisfied); } static void gabble_muc_factory_close_all (GabbleMucFactory *self) { GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = self->priv; DEBUG ("closing channels"); if (priv->status_changed_id != 0) { g_signal_handler_disconnect (priv->conn, priv->status_changed_id); priv->status_changed_id = 0; } if (priv->queued_requests != NULL) { GHashTableIter iter; gpointer value; g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, priv->queued_requests); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, NULL, &value)) { cancel_queued_requests (self, value); g_hash_table_iter_steal (&iter); } } tp_clear_pointer (&priv->queued_requests, g_hash_table_unref); tp_clear_pointer (&priv->text_needed_for_tube, g_hash_table_unref); /* Use a temporary variable because we don't want * muc_channel_closed_cb remove the channel from the hash table a * second time */ if (priv->text_channels != NULL) { GHashTable *tmp = priv->text_channels; GHashTableIter iter; gpointer chan; priv->text_channels = NULL; g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, tmp); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, NULL, &chan)) gabble_muc_channel_teardown (GABBLE_MUC_CHANNEL (chan)); g_hash_table_unref (tmp); } if (priv->message_cb_id != 0) { WockyPorter *porter = gabble_connection_dup_porter (priv->conn); wocky_porter_unregister_handler (porter, priv->message_cb_id); priv->message_cb_id = 0; g_object_unref (porter); } } static void porter_available_cb ( GabbleConnection *conn, WockyPorter *porter, gpointer user_data) { GabbleMucFactory *self = GABBLE_MUC_FACTORY (user_data); self->priv->message_cb_id = wocky_porter_register_handler_from_anyone (porter, WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_MESSAGE, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_NONE, WOCKY_PORTER_HANDLER_PRIORITY_NORMAL, muc_factory_message_cb, self, NULL); } static void connection_status_changed_cb (GabbleConnection *conn, guint status, guint reason, GabbleMucFactory *self) { switch (status) { case TP_CONNECTION_STATUS_DISCONNECTED: gabble_muc_factory_close_all (self); break; } } static GObject * gabble_muc_factory_constructor (GType type, guint n_props, GObjectConstructParam *props) { GObject *obj = G_OBJECT_CLASS (gabble_muc_factory_parent_class)-> constructor (type, n_props, props); GabbleMucFactory *self = GABBLE_MUC_FACTORY (obj); GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = self->priv; priv->status_changed_id = g_signal_connect (priv->conn, "status-changed", (GCallback) connection_status_changed_cb, obj); tp_g_signal_connect_object (priv->conn, "porter-available", (GCallback) porter_available_cb, obj, 0); return obj; } static void gabble_muc_factory_foreach_channel (TpChannelManager *manager, TpExportableChannelFunc foreach, gpointer user_data) { GabbleMucFactory *fac = GABBLE_MUC_FACTORY (manager); GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = fac->priv; GHashTableIter iter; gpointer value; g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, priv->text_channels); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, NULL, &value)) { GabbleMucChannel *gmuc = GABBLE_MUC_CHANNEL (value); foreach (TP_EXPORTABLE_CHANNEL (gmuc), user_data); gabble_muc_channel_foreach_tubes (gmuc, foreach, user_data); #ifdef ENABLE_VOIP g_list_foreach (gabble_muc_channel_get_call_channels (gmuc), (GFunc) foreach, user_data); #endif } } /** * ensure_muc_channel: * * Create a MUC channel in response to RequestChannel. * * Return TRUE if it already existed, or return FALSE * if it needed to be created (so isn't ready yet). */ static gboolean ensure_muc_channel (GabbleMucFactory *fac, GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv, TpHandle handle, GabbleMucChannel **ret, gboolean requested, gboolean export_text, GHashTable *initial_channels, GArray *initial_handles, char **initial_ids, const char *room_name) { TpBaseConnection *base_conn = (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn; *ret = gabble_muc_factory_find_text_channel (fac, handle); if (*ret == NULL) { *ret = new_muc_channel (fac, handle, FALSE, tp_base_connection_get_self_handle (base_conn), NULL, requested, export_text, initial_channels, initial_handles, initial_ids, room_name); gabble_muc_channel_set_autoclose (*ret, !export_text); } else { if (export_text) gabble_muc_channel_set_autoclose (*ret, FALSE); } if (_gabble_muc_channel_is_ready (*ret)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } void gabble_muc_factory_handle_si_stream_request (GabbleMucFactory *self, GabbleBytestreamIface *bytestream, TpHandle room_handle, const gchar *stream_id, WockyStanza *msg) { GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = self->priv; TpHandleRepoIface *room_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_ROOM); GabbleMucChannel *gmuc = NULL; WockyStanzaType stanza_type; WockyStanzaSubType sub_type; g_return_if_fail (tp_handle_is_valid (room_repo, room_handle, NULL)); wocky_stanza_get_type_info (msg, &stanza_type, &sub_type); g_return_if_fail (stanza_type == WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ); g_return_if_fail (sub_type == WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET); gmuc = gabble_muc_factory_find_text_channel (self, room_handle); if (gmuc == NULL) { GError e = { WOCKY_XMPP_ERROR, WOCKY_XMPP_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST, "No MUC channel available" }; DEBUG ("MUC channel doesn't exist handle %d", room_handle); gabble_bytestream_iface_close (bytestream, &e); return; } gabble_muc_channel_handle_si_stream_request ( gmuc, bytestream, stream_id, msg); } GabbleMucChannel * gabble_muc_factory_find_text_channel (GabbleMucFactory *self, TpHandle handle) { GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = self->priv; return g_hash_table_lookup (priv->text_channels, GUINT_TO_POINTER (handle)); } static const gchar * const muc_channel_fixed_properties[] = { TP_PROP_CHANNEL_CHANNEL_TYPE, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE, NULL }; static const gchar * const * muc_tubes_channel_fixed_properties = muc_channel_fixed_properties; static const gchar * const muc_channel_allowed_properties[] = { TP_PROP_CHANNEL_TARGET_HANDLE, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_TARGET_ID, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_INTERFACE_CONFERENCE_INITIAL_CHANNELS, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_INTERFACE_CONFERENCE_INITIAL_INVITEE_HANDLES, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_INTERFACE_CONFERENCE_INITIAL_INVITEE_IDS, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_INTERFACE_CONFERENCE_INVITATION_MESSAGE, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_INTERFACE_ROOM_ROOM_NAME, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_INTERFACE_ROOM_SERVER, NULL }; static void gabble_muc_factory_type_foreach_channel_class (GType type, TpChannelManagerTypeChannelClassFunc func, gpointer user_data) { GHashTable *table = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, (GDestroyNotify) tp_g_value_slice_free); GValue *channel_type_value, *handle_type_value; channel_type_value = tp_g_value_slice_new (G_TYPE_STRING); /* no string value yet - we'll change it for each channel class */ g_hash_table_insert (table, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_CHANNEL_TYPE, channel_type_value); handle_type_value = tp_g_value_slice_new (G_TYPE_UINT); g_value_set_uint (handle_type_value, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_ROOM); g_hash_table_insert (table, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE, handle_type_value); /* Channel.Type.Text */ g_value_set_static_string (channel_type_value, TP_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT); func (type, table, muc_channel_allowed_properties, user_data); /* Muc Channel.Type.StreamTube */ g_value_set_static_string (channel_type_value, TP_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE); func (type, table, gabble_tube_stream_channel_get_allowed_properties (), user_data); /* Muc Channel.Type.DBusTube */ g_value_set_static_string (channel_type_value, TP_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE); func (type, table, gabble_tube_dbus_channel_get_allowed_properties (), user_data); #ifdef ENABLE_VOIP /* Muc Channel.Type.Call */ g_value_set_static_string (channel_type_value, TP_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_CALL); func (type, table, gabble_media_factory_call_channel_allowed_properties (), user_data); #endif g_hash_table_unref (table); } static gboolean handle_text_channel_request (GabbleMucFactory *self, gpointer request_token, GHashTable *request_properties, gboolean require_new, TpHandle room, GError **error) { GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = self->priv; TpBaseConnection *conn = TP_BASE_CONNECTION (priv->conn); GabbleMucChannel *text_chan; TpHandleSet *handles; TpIntset *continue_handles; guint i; gboolean ret = TRUE; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_handles = tp_base_connection_get_handles (conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT); TpHandleRepoIface *room_handles = tp_base_connection_get_handles (conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_ROOM); GPtrArray *initial_channels; GHashTable *final_channels; /* used as a set: (char *) -> NULL */ GArray *initial_handles, *final_handles; char **initial_ids, **final_ids; const char *invite_msg; const gchar *room_name, *server_prop; if (tp_channel_manager_asv_has_unknown_properties (request_properties, muc_channel_fixed_properties, muc_channel_allowed_properties, error)) return FALSE; initial_channels = tp_asv_get_boxed (request_properties, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_INTERFACE_CONFERENCE_INITIAL_CHANNELS, TP_ARRAY_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH_LIST); initial_handles = tp_asv_get_boxed (request_properties, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_INTERFACE_CONFERENCE_INITIAL_INVITEE_HANDLES, DBUS_TYPE_G_UINT_ARRAY); initial_ids = tp_asv_get_boxed (request_properties, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_INTERFACE_CONFERENCE_INITIAL_INVITEE_IDS, G_TYPE_STRV); invite_msg = tp_asv_get_string (request_properties, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_INTERFACE_CONFERENCE_INVITATION_MESSAGE); room_name = tp_asv_get_string (request_properties, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_INTERFACE_ROOM_ROOM_NAME); server_prop = tp_asv_get_string (request_properties, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_INTERFACE_ROOM_SERVER); handles = tp_handle_set_new (contact_handles); continue_handles = tp_intset_new (); final_channels = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); /* look at the list of initial channels, build a set of handles to invite */ if (initial_channels != NULL) { TpDBusDaemon *dbus_daemon = tp_base_connection_get_dbus_daemon (conn); DBusGConnection *bus = tp_proxy_get_dbus_connection (dbus_daemon); for (i = 0; i < initial_channels->len; i++) { const char *object_path = g_ptr_array_index (initial_channels, i); GObject *object; TpHandle handle; TpBaseConnection *connection; object = dbus_g_connection_lookup_g_object (bus, object_path); if (!GABBLE_IS_IM_CHANNEL (object)) { DEBUG ("Channel %s is not an ImChannel, ignoring", object_path); continue; } connection = tp_base_channel_get_connection ( TP_BASE_CHANNEL (object)); if ((GabbleConnection *) connection != priv->conn) { DEBUG ("Channel %s is from a different Connection, ignoring", object_path); continue; } handle = tp_base_channel_get_target_handle ( TP_BASE_CHANNEL (object)); tp_handle_set_add (handles, handle); tp_intset_add (continue_handles, handle); g_hash_table_insert (final_channels, (char *) object_path, NULL); } } /* look at the list of initial handles, add these to the handles set */ if (initial_handles != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < initial_handles->len; i++) { TpHandle handle = g_array_index (initial_handles, TpHandle, i); if (tp_handle_inspect (contact_handles, handle) == NULL) { DEBUG ("Bad Handle %u, ignoring", handle); continue; } tp_handle_set_add (handles, handle); } } /* look at the list of initial ids, add these to the handles set */ if (initial_ids != NULL) { char **ptr; for (ptr = initial_ids; *ptr != NULL; ptr++) { char *id = *ptr; TpHandle handle = tp_handle_ensure (contact_handles, id, NULL, NULL); if (handle == 0) { DEBUG ("Bad ID '%s', ignoring", id); continue; } tp_handle_set_add (handles, handle); } } /* build new InitialInviteeHandles and InitialInviteeIDs */ /* FIXME: include Self Handle to comply with spec ? */ final_handles = tp_handle_set_to_array (handles); final_ids = g_new0 (char *, final_handles->len + 1); for (i = 0; i < final_handles->len; i++) { TpHandle handle = g_array_index (final_handles, TpHandle, i); const char *id = tp_handle_inspect (contact_handles, handle); final_ids[i] = (char *) id; } /* TargetHandleType=None and TargetHandle=0 */ if (room == 0) { char *uuid, *id, *server = ""; gchar *tmp = NULL; /* There's no super obvious way to tell.. you can't invite GMail users to * a non-Google MUC (it just doesn't work), and if your own account is on * a Google server, you may as well use a Google PMUC. If one of your * initial contacts is using GMail, you should also use a Google PMUC */ for (i = 0; i < final_handles->len; i++) { TpHandle handle = g_array_index (final_handles, TpHandle, i); GabblePresence *presence; presence = gabble_presence_cache_get (priv->conn->presence_cache, handle); if (presence != NULL && gabble_presence_has_cap (presence, QUIRK_GOOGLE_WEBMAIL_CLIENT)) { DEBUG ("Initial invitee includes Google Webmail client"); server = "@groupchat.google.com"; break; } } if (server_prop != NULL) { tmp = g_strdup_printf ("@%s", server_prop); server = tmp; } if (room_name != NULL && room_name[0] != '\0') { id = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s", room_name, server); } else { uuid = gabble_generate_id (); id = g_strdup_printf ("private-chat-%s%s", uuid, server); g_free (uuid); DEBUG ("Creating PMUC '%s'", id); } room = tp_handle_ensure (room_handles, id, NULL, error); g_free (id); g_free (tmp); if (room == 0) { ret = FALSE; goto out; } } /* Make sure TargetID and RoomName don't conflict. */ if (room_name != NULL && room_name[0] != '\0') { const gchar *target_id = tp_handle_inspect (room_handles, room); gchar *target_room = NULL; gboolean ok; /* JIDs that are handles must already be valid. */ ok = wocky_decode_jid (target_id, &target_room, NULL, NULL); g_assert (ok); ok = !tp_strdiff (target_room, room_name); if (!ok) { g_set_error (error, TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "TargetID's node part (%s) doesn't match RoomName (%s)", target_room, room_name); ret = FALSE; } g_free (target_room); if (!ok) goto out; } /* Make sure TargetID and Server don't conflict. */ if (server_prop != NULL) { const gchar *target_id = tp_handle_inspect (room_handles, room); gchar *target_server = NULL; gboolean ok = TRUE; /* JIDs that are handles must already be valid. */ ok = wocky_decode_jid (target_id, NULL, &target_server, NULL); g_assert (ok); if (target_server != NULL) ok = !tp_strdiff (target_server, server_prop); else ok = TRUE; if (!ok) { g_set_error (error, TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "TargetID's domain part (%s) doesn't match Server (%s)", target_server, server_prop); ret = FALSE; } g_free (target_server); if (!ok) goto out; } if (ensure_muc_channel (self, priv, room, &text_chan, TRUE, TRUE, final_channels, final_handles, final_ids, room_name)) { /* channel exists */ if (require_new && tp_base_channel_is_registered (TP_BASE_CHANNEL (text_chan))) { g_set_error (error, TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, "That channel has already been created (or requested)"); ret = FALSE; } else { if (initial_channels != NULL || initial_handles != NULL || initial_ids != NULL) { g_set_error (error, TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Cannot set InitialChannels, InitialInviteeHandles or " "InitialInviteIDs for existing channel"); ret = FALSE; } else { if (tp_base_channel_is_registered (TP_BASE_CHANNEL (text_chan))) { tp_channel_manager_emit_request_already_satisfied (self, request_token, TP_EXPORTABLE_CHANNEL (text_chan)); } else { GSList *tokens; tp_base_channel_register (TP_BASE_CHANNEL (text_chan)); tokens = g_slist_append (NULL, request_token); tp_channel_manager_emit_new_channel (self, TP_EXPORTABLE_CHANNEL (text_chan), tokens); g_slist_free (tokens); } ret = TRUE; } } goto out; } else { gabble_muc_factory_associate_request (self, text_chan, request_token); } /* invite all of the invitees to this new MUC */ /* members included in an InitialChannel will want the node set */ for (i = 0; i < final_handles->len; i++) { TpHandle handle = g_array_index (final_handles, TpHandle, i); char *id = final_ids[i]; GError *error2 = NULL; gboolean continue_; continue_ = tp_intset_is_member (continue_handles, handle); /* N.B. contrary to what Google's own spec implies, an invite message * will not be handled correctly by the GMail client. We're going to * have to strip it out of invites to GMail clients */ gabble_muc_channel_send_invite (text_chan, id, invite_msg, continue_, &error2); if (error2 != NULL) { DEBUG ("%s", error2->message); g_error_free (error2); continue; } } out: g_hash_table_unref (final_channels); g_array_unref (final_handles); g_free (final_ids); tp_handle_set_destroy (handles); tp_intset_destroy (continue_handles); return ret; } static gboolean handle_tube_channel_request (GabbleMucFactory *self, gpointer request_token, GHashTable *request_properties, gboolean require_new, TpHandle handle, GError **error) { GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = self->priv; gboolean can_announce_now; GabbleMucChannel * gmuc; GabbleTubeIface *new_channel; gmuc = gabble_muc_factory_find_text_channel (self, handle); if (gmuc == NULL) ensure_muc_channel (self, priv, handle, &gmuc, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); can_announce_now = _gabble_muc_channel_is_ready (gmuc); new_channel = gabble_muc_channel_tube_request (gmuc, request_token, request_properties, TRUE); g_signal_connect (new_channel, "closed", G_CALLBACK (muc_sub_channel_closed_cb), self); if (can_announce_now) { GSList *request_tokens; request_tokens = g_slist_prepend (NULL, request_token); tp_channel_manager_emit_new_channel (self, TP_EXPORTABLE_CHANNEL (new_channel), request_tokens); g_slist_free (request_tokens); } else { gabble_muc_factory_associate_tube (self, gmuc, new_channel); /* And now finally associate the new stream or dbus tube channel with * the request token so that when the muc channel is ready, the request * will be satisfied. */ gabble_muc_factory_associate_request (self, new_channel, request_token); } return TRUE; } static gboolean handle_stream_tube_channel_request (GabbleMucFactory *self, gpointer request_token, GHashTable *request_properties, gboolean require_new, TpHandle handle, GError **error) { const gchar *service; if (tp_channel_manager_asv_has_unknown_properties (request_properties, muc_tubes_channel_fixed_properties, gabble_tube_stream_channel_get_allowed_properties (), error)) return FALSE; /* "Service" is a mandatory, not-fixed property */ service = tp_asv_get_string (request_properties, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE_SERVICE); if (service == NULL) { g_set_error (error, TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Request does not contain the mandatory property '%s'", TP_PROP_CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE_SERVICE); return FALSE; } return handle_tube_channel_request (self, request_token, request_properties, require_new, handle, error); } static gboolean handle_dbus_tube_channel_request (GabbleMucFactory *self, gpointer request_token, GHashTable *request_properties, gboolean require_new, TpHandle handle, GError **error) { const gchar *service; if (tp_channel_manager_asv_has_unknown_properties (request_properties, muc_tubes_channel_fixed_properties, gabble_tube_dbus_channel_get_allowed_properties (), error)) return FALSE; /* "ServiceName" is a mandatory, not-fixed property */ service = tp_asv_get_string (request_properties, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE_SERVICE_NAME); if (service == NULL) { g_set_error (error, TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Request does not contain the mandatory property '%s'", TP_PROP_CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE_SERVICE_NAME); return FALSE; } return handle_tube_channel_request (self, request_token, request_properties, require_new, handle, error); } #ifdef ENABLE_VOIP static void call_muc_channel_request_cb (GObject *source, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer user_data) { Request *r = user_data; GabbleMucFactory *self = GABBLE_MUC_FACTORY (r->self); GabbleMucChannel *channel = GABBLE_MUC_CHANNEL (source); gpointer request_token = r->token; GError *error = NULL; if (!gabble_muc_channel_request_call_finish (channel, result, &error)) { tp_channel_manager_emit_request_failed (self, request_token, error->domain, error->code, error->message); g_error_free (error); } /* No need to handle a successful request, this is handled when the muc * signals a new call channel automagically */ g_object_unref (r->self); g_slice_free (Request, r); } static gboolean handle_call_channel_request (GabbleMucFactory *self, gpointer request_token, GHashTable *request_properties, gboolean require_new, TpHandle handle, GError **error) { GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = self->priv; gboolean initial_audio, initial_video; GabbleMucChannel *muc; GabbleCallMucChannel *call; Request *r; if (tp_channel_manager_asv_has_unknown_properties (request_properties, muc_channel_fixed_properties, gabble_media_factory_call_channel_allowed_properties (), error)) return FALSE; initial_audio = tp_asv_get_boolean (request_properties, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_TYPE_CALL_INITIAL_AUDIO, NULL); initial_video = tp_asv_get_boolean (request_properties, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_TYPE_CALL_INITIAL_VIDEO, NULL); if (!initial_audio && !initial_video) { g_set_error (error, TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Request didn't set either InitialAudio or InitialVideo"); return FALSE; } ensure_muc_channel (self, priv, handle, &muc, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); call = gabble_muc_channel_get_call (muc); if (call != NULL) { if (require_new) { g_set_error (error, TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, "There is already a call in this muc"); goto error; } else { tp_channel_manager_emit_request_already_satisfied (self, request_token, TP_EXPORTABLE_CHANNEL (call)); goto out; } } /* FIXME not coping properly with deinitialisation */ r = g_slice_new (Request); r->self = g_object_ref (self); r->token = request_token; gabble_muc_channel_request_call (muc, request_properties, require_new, request_token, call_muc_channel_request_cb, r); out: return TRUE; error: return FALSE; } #endif typedef gboolean (*ChannelTypeHandlerFunc) ( GabbleMucFactory *self, gpointer request_token, GHashTable *request_properties, gboolean require_new, TpHandle room, GError **error); typedef struct { const gchar *channel_type; ChannelTypeHandlerFunc f; } ChannelTypeHandler; static ChannelTypeHandler channel_type_handlers[] = { { TP_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT, handle_text_channel_request }, { TP_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE, handle_stream_tube_channel_request }, { TP_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE, handle_dbus_tube_channel_request }, #ifdef ENABLE_VOIP { TP_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_CALL, handle_call_channel_request }, #endif { NULL } }; static gboolean gabble_muc_factory_request (GabbleMucFactory *self, gpointer request_token, GHashTable *request_properties, gboolean require_new) { GError *error = NULL; TpHandleType handle_type; TpHandle handle; gboolean conference, room; const gchar *channel_type; ChannelTypeHandler *h; handle_type = tp_asv_get_uint32 (request_properties, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE, NULL); channel_type = tp_asv_get_string (request_properties, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_CHANNEL_TYPE); /* Conference channels can be anonymous (HandleTypeNone) */ conference = (handle_type == TP_HANDLE_TYPE_NONE && !tp_strdiff (channel_type, TP_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT) && (g_hash_table_lookup (request_properties, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_INTERFACE_CONFERENCE_INITIAL_CHANNELS) || g_hash_table_lookup (request_properties, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_INTERFACE_CONFERENCE_INITIAL_INVITEE_HANDLES) || g_hash_table_lookup (request_properties, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_INTERFACE_CONFERENCE_INITIAL_INVITEE_IDS))); room = (handle_type == TP_HANDLE_TYPE_NONE && !tp_strdiff (channel_type, TP_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT) && g_hash_table_lookup (request_properties, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_INTERFACE_ROOM_ROOM_NAME)); /* the channel must either be a room, or a new conference */ if (handle_type != TP_HANDLE_TYPE_ROOM && !conference && !room) return FALSE; /* validity already checked by TpBaseConnection */ handle = tp_asv_get_uint32 (request_properties, TP_PROP_CHANNEL_TARGET_HANDLE, NULL); g_assert (conference || room || handle != 0); for (h = channel_type_handlers; h->channel_type != NULL; h++) { if (tp_strdiff (channel_type, h->channel_type)) continue; if (!h->f (self, request_token, request_properties, require_new, handle, &error)) { tp_channel_manager_emit_request_failed (self, request_token, error->domain, error->code, error->message); g_error_free (error); } /* We've handled the request one way or another. */ return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static gboolean gabble_muc_factory_create_channel (TpChannelManager *manager, gpointer request_token, GHashTable *request_properties) { GabbleMucFactory *self = GABBLE_MUC_FACTORY (manager); return gabble_muc_factory_request (self, request_token, request_properties, TRUE); } static gboolean gabble_muc_factory_request_channel (TpChannelManager *manager, gpointer request_token, GHashTable *request_properties) { GabbleMucFactory *self = GABBLE_MUC_FACTORY (manager); return gabble_muc_factory_request (self, request_token, request_properties, FALSE); } static gboolean gabble_muc_factory_ensure_channel (TpChannelManager *manager, gpointer request_token, GHashTable *request_properties) { GabbleMucFactory *self = GABBLE_MUC_FACTORY (manager); return gabble_muc_factory_request (self, request_token, request_properties, FALSE); } #ifdef ENABLE_VOIP gboolean gabble_muc_factory_handle_jingle_session (GabbleMucFactory *self, WockyJingleSession *session) { GabbleMucFactoryPrivate *priv = self->priv; TpHandleRepoIface *room_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles ( (TpBaseConnection *) priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_ROOM); TpHandle room; room = gabble_get_room_handle_from_jid (room_repo, wocky_jingle_session_get_peer_jid (session)); if (room != 0) { GabbleMucChannel *channel; channel = gabble_muc_factory_find_text_channel (self, room); g_assert (GABBLE_IS_MUC_CHANNEL (channel)); if (channel != NULL) return gabble_muc_channel_handle_jingle_session (channel, session); } return FALSE; } #endif static void channel_manager_iface_init (gpointer g_iface, gpointer iface_data) { TpChannelManagerIface *iface = g_iface; iface->foreach_channel = gabble_muc_factory_foreach_channel; iface->type_foreach_channel_class = gabble_muc_factory_type_foreach_channel_class; iface->request_channel = gabble_muc_factory_request_channel; iface->create_channel = gabble_muc_factory_create_channel; iface->ensure_channel = gabble_muc_factory_ensure_channel; }