#!/usr/bin/env perl open (IN, '../NEWS'); $news = ''; while (my $line = readline(IN)) { $news .= $line; } close (IN); # Parse various bits out of NEWS $news =~ m/Banshee ([\S]+) - ([^\n]+)$/ms; $version = $1; $release_date = $2; $version =~ m/(\d+\.\d+)\./; $series = $1; $news =~ m/[=]+\n\n(.+)New Features[^:]*:(.+)Enhancements/ms; $desc = $1; $features = $2; $features =~ s!\*([^\n]+)\n([^\*]+)!




\n!g; $news =~ m/Enhancements:(.+)Notable Bugs/ms; $enhancements = $1; $enhancements =~ s/ \*/
  • /g; $news =~ m/Notable Bugs Fixed \(([^\)]+)\):\n([^=]+)\n\n/ms; $bugs_since = $1; $bugs = $2; $bugs =~ s! bgo#(\d+): ([^\n]+)\n! bgo#$1: $2\n!g; $bugs =~ s/ \*/
  • /g; $news =~ m/there would be no release!(.+)The following people.+much more limited.(.+)/ms; $contributors = $1; $translators = $2; $html = <
  • Release Date: $release_date
  • Source Tarball: banshee-$version.tar.xz
  • Release Information: NEWS, sha256sum
  • Download Now



    Other Enhancements

    Notable Bug Fixes ($bugs_since!)

    Banshee has a lot more to offer! Check out the previous major release notes...



    Contributors For This Release

    The following people directly contributed to the release of this version of Banshee. Without their help, there would be no release!
    The following people contributed updated translations to this release. Without them, our project's reach would be much more limited.

    Contributors In Past Releases

    Reporting Bugs, Joining the Community

    If you encounter any bad behavior with this release, please do not hesitate to file bugs! We welcome new contributors - developers, translators, artists, writers, support gurus - to join our community. Join us! END print $html;