/* Automatically generated file; do not edit */ /* copy shader for solid with fullmask and unclipped */ SamplerState point_sample; Texture2D output : register(t2); cbuffer colors :register(b0) { uint4 foreground; uint4 background; uint4 planemask; } cbuffer tile_stats :register(b1) { uint4 plane; uint2 tile_wh; } struct PS_INPUT { float2 tile_pos : TEXCOORD0; float2 clip_pos : TEXCOORD1; float2 out_pos : TEXCOORD2; }; uint4 main(PS_INPUT input) : SV_TARGET { uint4 color; // Load input color color = foreground; // Load output color int3 pos; pos.xy = input.out_pos.xy; pos.z = 0; uint4 out_color = output.Load(pos); // rop color = color; return color; }