Database schema: Runs: run_id run_name date profile? lspci glxinfo etc. Results: run_id test_name command result return_code errors output ------------------------------------ So obvious: When doing a run for the first time... 1. Create the Run 2. Add Result entries for each test with status 'not run yet' 3. Concurrently start running the tests. a. When done, update the existing result entry with a status. (sqlite handles any concurrency issues.) When resuming... A simple 'robyn resume' command should automatically select the last run (if one wasn't explicitly requested). Determine this by SELECT'ing on the runs table for MAX(date). 1. Do a SELECT to find tests with status 'not run yet'. 2. Schedule those. -------------------------------------- We need: [X] Database description [ ] Test list XML format [ ] Test suite description Code to load the test lists Code to populate the results with 'not run yet' Code to resume Test suite factory descriptions (either python code or XML) Test list XML format -------------------------------------------- Sat Nov 24 16:55:11 PST 2012 Use $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/robyn/robynrc and $XDG_DATA_DIR/robyn/results.db.