- Make glapi only expose GLES1 and/or GLES2 - Need to autotool it, provide pkg-config files. Should probide eagle-native.pc, eagle-x11.pc etc. Need a more descriptive name than native... - Write fbconfig chooser - Pick a license, probably go with MIT like mesa. - Do we need a libdri2 library to avoid copying code between eagle and libGL? Not an eagle problem I guess. Direct rendering video, pixman and other APIs will need libdri2 too. - Shuffle header files in place to comply better with Khronos group recommendations - EGL/egl.h, GLES2/gl2.h etc. Should perhaps copy the Khronos header files, but need to make sure we can use them under the updated (ie non-nasty) FreeB license. - Use TLS for current context and the eglGetError() mess. - Implement eglQueryString and other stubbed out egl entry points. - Use -fvisibility=hidden and something like #define EAGLE_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) to only export public API. - Figure out what to do about display and surface contstructors. Probably just ditch the egl specified ones in favour of the explicit eglCreateDisplayX11/eglCreateDisplayNative/etc ones. - Make eglBindTeximage work... needs eglCreateSurfaceNativeFromHandle type of thing to create the EGLSurface from a GEM buffer name. - Finish+debug X11/DRI2 backend.