AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2017-12-13Move common windowswmproto files out of the wayKeith Packard6-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge windowswmprotoKeith Packard9-0/+555
2017-12-13Move common videoproto files out of the wayKeith Packard6-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge videoprotoKeith Packard13-0/+2166
2017-12-13Move common trapproto files out of the wayKeith Packard6-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge trapprotoKeith Packard14-0/+1634
2017-12-13Move common scrnsaverproto files out of the wayKeith Packard9-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge scrnsaverprotoKeith Packard13-0/+1493
2017-12-13Move common resourceproto files out of the wayKeith Packard6-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge resourceprotoKeith Packard9-0/+886
2017-12-13Move common renderproto files out of the wayKeith Packard6-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge renderprotoKeith Packard10-0/+2274
2017-12-13Move common recordproto files out of the wayKeith Packard9-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge recordprotoKeith Packard14-0/+2585
2017-12-13Move common randrproto files out of the wayKeith Packard6-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge randrprotoKeith Packard10-0/+4776
2017-12-13Move common printproto files out of the wayKeith Packard6-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge printprotoKeith Packard17-0/+89745
2017-12-13Move common presentproto files out of the wayKeith Packard6-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge presentprotoKeith Packard10-0/+1323
2017-12-13Move common pmproto files out of the wayKeith Packard6-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge pmprotoKeith Packard10-0/+399
2017-12-13Move common panoramixproto files out of the wayKeith Packard2-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge panoramixprotoKeith Packard2-0/+23
2017-12-13Move common lg3dproto files out of the wayKeith Packard6-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge lg3dprotoKeith Packard29-0/+15155
2017-12-13Move common kbproto files out of the wayKeith Packard9-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge kbprotoKeith Packard48-0/+32911
2017-12-13Move common inputproto files out of the wayKeith Packard8-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge inputprotoKeith Packard15-0/+8945
2017-12-13Move common glproto files out of the wayKeith Packard6-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge glprotoKeith Packard13-0/+3653
2017-12-13Move common fontsproto files out of the wayKeith Packard9-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge fontsprotoKeith Packard17-0/+6400
2017-12-13Move common fontcacheproto files out of the wayKeith Packard6-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge fontcacheprotoKeith Packard10-0/+465
2017-12-13Move common fixesproto files out of the wayKeith Packard7-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge fixesprotoKeith Packard11-0/+1601
2017-12-13Move common evieproto files out of the wayKeith Packard6-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge evieprotoKeith Packard9-0/+364
2017-12-13Move common dri3proto files out of the wayKeith Packard6-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge dri3protoKeith Packard9-0/+731
2017-12-13Move common dri2proto files out of the wayKeith Packard6-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge dri2protoKeith Packard10-0/+1520
2017-12-13Move common dmxproto files out of the wayKeith Packard6-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge dmxprotoKeith Packard9-0/+722
2017-12-13Move common damageproto files out of the wayKeith Packard7-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge damageprotoKeith Packard12-0/+680
2017-12-13Move common compositeproto files out of the wayKeith Packard7-0/+0
2017-12-13Merge compositeprotoKeith Packard11-0/+822