AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2012-11-30Use new XCWM_EVENT_WINDOW_APPEARANCE event to update window appearanceJon TURNEY3-4/+10
2012-11-30Convert code which looks at _NET_WM_WINDOW_STATE for window style, as wellJon TURNEY1-67/+37
2012-11-30Add some more TODOJon TURNEY1-5/+16
2012-11-30Allow _MOTIF_WM_HINTS to override the _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE window stylingJon TURNEY1-61/+68
2012-11-30Update for hints->size_hints renameJon TURNEY1-5/+5
2012-11-30Give native windows a default icon for the momentJon TURNEY8-4/+142
2012-11-30Place windows which don't specify a position at the native window managers di...Jon TURNEY1-3/+3
2012-11-30Add a brief manpageJon TURNEY4-1/+47
2012-11-30Update for unneeded x,y parameters removed from xcwm_input_mouse_button_event()Jon TURNEY1-21/+12
2012-11-30Don't pretend we handle WM_MOUSEWHEELJon TURNEY1-3/+0
2012-11-30Do something useful with mouse polling timerJon TURNEY1-10/+44
2012-11-30Draw directly in damage eventJon TURNEY1-29/+44
2012-11-30Turn off some debugJon TURNEY1-2/+2
2012-11-30Remove damage even if we can't draw to window because it doesn't exist yetJon TURNEY1-6/+17
2012-11-30Factor out CheckForAlpha(), BitBltFromImage()Jon TURNEY1-70/+95
2012-11-30Don't statically link with dwmapiJon TURNEY4-7/+33
2012-11-30First attempt at using alpha with DWMJon TURNEY5-16/+48
2012-11-30Update for xcwm_window_configure() transposed parameters fixedJon TURNEY1-1/+1
2012-11-30Make a start on setting style based on xcwm informationJon TURNEY2-117/+132
2012-11-30Add layered windows opacity and fix mouse button numbersJon TURNEY10-354/+446
2012-11-30Create window in message pump thread, so we can process it's messsagesJon TURNEY8-23/+1187
2012-11-30XtoWJon TURNEY11-0/+2665