#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "wocky-test-stream.h" #include "wocky-test-helper.h" /* Test to instantiate a WockyRoster object */ static void test_instantiation (void) { WockyRoster *roster; WockyXmppConnection *connection; WockyTestStream *stream; WockySession *session; stream = g_object_new (WOCKY_TYPE_TEST_STREAM, NULL); connection = wocky_xmpp_connection_new (stream->stream0); session = wocky_session_new_with_connection (connection, "example.com"); roster = wocky_roster_new (session); g_assert (roster != NULL); g_object_unref (roster); g_object_unref (session); g_object_unref (connection); g_object_unref (stream); } /* Test if the Roster sends the right IQ query when fetching the roster */ static gboolean fetch_roster_send_iq_cb (WockyPorter *porter, WockyStanza *stanza, gpointer user_data) { test_data_t *test = (test_data_t *) user_data; WockyStanzaType type; WockyStanzaSubType sub_type; WockyNode *node; WockyStanza *reply; const char *id; /* Make sure stanza is as expected. */ wocky_stanza_get_type_info (stanza, &type, &sub_type); g_assert (type == WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ); g_assert (sub_type == WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_GET); node = wocky_node_get_child (wocky_stanza_get_top_node (stanza), "query"); g_assert (wocky_stanza_get_top_node (stanza) != NULL); g_assert (!wocky_strdiff (wocky_node_get_ns (node), "jabber:iq:roster")); id = wocky_node_get_attribute (wocky_stanza_get_top_node (stanza), "id"); g_assert (id != NULL); reply = wocky_stanza_build (WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_RESULT, NULL, NULL, '@', "id", id, '(', "query", ':', "jabber:iq:roster", '(', "item", '@', "jid", "romeo@example.net", '@', "name", "Romeo", '@', "subscription", "both", '(', "group", '$', "Friends", ')', ')', ')', NULL); wocky_porter_send (porter, reply); g_object_unref (reply); test->outstanding--; g_main_loop_quit (test->loop); return TRUE; } static void fetch_roster_fetched_cb (GObject *source_object, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data) { test_data_t *test = (test_data_t *) user_data; g_return_if_fail (wocky_roster_fetch_roster_finish ( WOCKY_ROSTER (source_object), res, NULL)); test->outstanding--; g_main_loop_quit (test->loop); } static void test_fetch_roster_send_iq (void) { WockyRoster *roster; test_data_t *test = setup_test (); test_open_both_connections (test); wocky_porter_register_handler_from_anyone (test->sched_out, WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_GET, WOCKY_PORTER_HANDLER_PRIORITY_MAX, fetch_roster_send_iq_cb, test, NULL); wocky_porter_start (test->sched_out); wocky_session_start (test->session_in); roster = wocky_roster_new (test->session_in); wocky_roster_fetch_roster_async (roster, NULL, fetch_roster_fetched_cb, test); test->outstanding += 2; test_wait_pending (test); test_close_both_porters (test); g_object_unref (roster); teardown_test (test); } /* Test if the Roster object is properly populated when receiving its fetch * reply */ static WockyBareContact * create_romeo (void) { const gchar *groups[] = { "Friends", NULL }; return g_object_new (WOCKY_TYPE_BARE_CONTACT, "jid", "romeo@example.net", "name", "Romeo", "subscription", WOCKY_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE_BOTH, "groups", groups, NULL); } static WockyBareContact * create_juliet (void) { const gchar *groups[] = { "Friends", "Girlz", NULL }; return g_object_new (WOCKY_TYPE_BARE_CONTACT, "jid", "juliet@example.net", "name", "Juliet", "subscription", WOCKY_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE_TO, "groups", groups, NULL); } static int find_contact (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { if (wocky_bare_contact_equal (WOCKY_BARE_CONTACT (a), WOCKY_BARE_CONTACT (b))) return 0; return 1; } static void fetch_roster_reply_roster_cb (GObject *source_object, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data) { test_data_t *test = (test_data_t *) user_data; WockyBareContact *contact; WockyRoster *roster = WOCKY_ROSTER (source_object); WockyBareContact *romeo, *juliet; GSList *contacts; g_return_if_fail (wocky_roster_fetch_roster_finish (roster, res, NULL)); contacts = wocky_roster_get_all_contacts (roster); g_assert_cmpuint (g_slist_length (contacts), ==, 2); contact = wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "romeo@example.net"); romeo = create_romeo (); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, romeo)); g_assert (g_slist_find_custom (contacts, romeo, find_contact) != NULL); g_object_unref (romeo); contact = wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "juliet@example.net"); juliet = create_juliet (); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, juliet)); g_assert (g_slist_find_custom (contacts, juliet, find_contact) != NULL); g_object_unref (juliet); g_slist_foreach (contacts, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL); g_slist_free (contacts); test->outstanding--; g_main_loop_quit (test->loop); } static gboolean fetch_roster_reply_cb (WockyPorter *porter, WockyStanza *stanza, gpointer user_data) { WockyStanza *reply; /* We're acting like the server here. The client doesn't need to send a * "from" attribute, and in fact it doesn't when fetch_roster is called. It * is left up to the server to know which client is the user and then throw * in a correct to attribute. Here we're just adding a from attribute so the * IQ result builder doesn't complain. */ if (wocky_stanza_get_from (stanza) == NULL) wocky_node_set_attribute (wocky_stanza_get_top_node (stanza), "from", "juliet@example.com/balcony"); reply = wocky_stanza_build_iq_result (stanza, '(', "query", ':', "jabber:iq:roster", /* Romeo */ '(', "item", '@', "jid", "romeo@example.net", '@', "name", "Romeo", '@', "subscription", "both", '(', "group", '$', "Friends", ')', /* Juliet */ ')', '(', "item", '@', "jid", "juliet@example.net", '@', "name", "Juliet", '@', "subscription", "to", '(', "group", '$', "Friends", ')', '(', "group", '$', "Girlz", ')', ')', ')', NULL); wocky_porter_send (porter, reply); g_object_unref (reply); return TRUE; } static WockyRoster * create_initial_roster (test_data_t *test) { WockyRoster *roster; wocky_porter_register_handler_from_anyone (test->sched_out, WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_GET, WOCKY_PORTER_HANDLER_PRIORITY_MAX, fetch_roster_reply_cb, test, NULL); wocky_porter_start (test->sched_out); wocky_session_start (test->session_in); roster = wocky_roster_new (test->session_in); wocky_roster_fetch_roster_async (roster, NULL, fetch_roster_reply_roster_cb, test); test->outstanding++; test_wait_pending (test); return roster; } static void test_fetch_roster_reply (void) { WockyRoster *roster; test_data_t *test = setup_test (); test_open_both_connections (test); roster = create_initial_roster (test); test_close_both_porters (test); g_object_unref (roster); teardown_test (test); } /* Test if roster is properly upgraded when a contact is added to it */ static WockyBareContact * create_nurse (void) { const gchar *groups[] = { NULL }; return g_object_new (WOCKY_TYPE_BARE_CONTACT, "jid", "nurse@example.net", "name", "Nurse", "subscription", WOCKY_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE_NONE, "groups", groups, NULL); } static void roster_added_cb (WockyRoster *roster, WockyBareContact *contact, test_data_t *test) { WockyBareContact *nurse; GSList *contacts; /* Is that the right contact? */ nurse = create_nurse (); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, nurse)); /* Check if the contact has been added to the roster */ g_assert (wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "nurse@example.net") == contact); contacts = wocky_roster_get_all_contacts (roster); g_assert (g_slist_find_custom (contacts, nurse, (GCompareFunc) find_contact)); g_object_unref (nurse); g_slist_foreach (contacts, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL); g_slist_free (contacts); test->outstanding--; g_main_loop_quit (test->loop); } static void roster_update_reply_cb (GObject *source, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data) { test_data_t *test = (test_data_t *) user_data; WockyStanza *reply; WockyStanzaType type; WockyStanzaSubType sub_type; reply = wocky_porter_send_iq_finish (WOCKY_PORTER (source), res, NULL); g_assert (reply != NULL); wocky_stanza_get_type_info (reply, &type, &sub_type); g_assert (type == WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ); g_assert (sub_type == WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_RESULT); g_object_unref (reply); test->outstanding--; g_main_loop_quit (test->loop); } static void send_roster_update (test_data_t *test, const gchar *jid, const gchar *name, const gchar *subscription, const gchar **groups) { WockyStanza *iq; WockyNode *item; guint i; iq = wocky_stanza_build (WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET, NULL, NULL, '(', "query", ':', WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER, '(', "item", '*', &item, ')', ')', NULL); if (jid != NULL) wocky_node_set_attribute (item, "jid", jid); if (name != NULL) wocky_node_set_attribute (item, "name", name); if (subscription != NULL) wocky_node_set_attribute (item, "subscription", subscription); for (i = 0; groups != NULL && groups[i] != NULL; i++) { WockyNode *node; node = wocky_node_add_child (item, "group"); wocky_node_set_content (node, groups[i]); } wocky_porter_send_iq_async (test->sched_out, iq, NULL, roster_update_reply_cb, test); g_object_unref (iq); test->outstanding++; } static void test_roster_upgrade_add (void) { WockyRoster *roster; test_data_t *test = setup_test (); const gchar *no_group[] = { NULL }; test_open_both_connections (test); roster = create_initial_roster (test); g_signal_connect (roster, "added", G_CALLBACK (roster_added_cb), test); test->outstanding++; send_roster_update (test, "nurse@example.net", "Nurse", "none", no_group); test_wait_pending (test); test_close_both_porters (test); g_object_unref (roster); teardown_test (test); } /* Test if roster is properly upgraded when a contact is removed from it */ static void roster_removed_cb (WockyRoster *roster, WockyBareContact *contact, test_data_t *test) { WockyBareContact *romeo; GSList *contacts; /* Is that the right contact? */ romeo = create_romeo (); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, romeo)); /* Check if the contact has been removed from the roster */ g_assert (wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "romeo@example.net") == NULL); contacts = wocky_roster_get_all_contacts (roster); g_assert (g_slist_find_custom (contacts, romeo, (GCompareFunc) find_contact) == NULL); g_object_unref (romeo); g_slist_foreach (contacts, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL); g_slist_free (contacts); test->outstanding--; g_main_loop_quit (test->loop); } static void test_roster_upgrade_remove (void) { WockyRoster *roster; test_data_t *test = setup_test (); const gchar *no_group[] = { NULL }; test_open_both_connections (test); roster = create_initial_roster (test); g_signal_connect (roster, "removed", G_CALLBACK (roster_removed_cb), test); test->outstanding++; send_roster_update (test, "romeo@example.net", NULL, "remove", no_group); test_wait_pending (test); test_close_both_porters (test); g_object_unref (roster); teardown_test (test); } /* Test if WockyBareContact objects are properly upgraded */ static void contact_notify_cb (WockyBareContact *contact, GParamSpec *pspec, test_data_t *test) { test->outstanding--; g_main_loop_quit (test->loop); } static void test_roster_upgrade_change (void) { WockyRoster *roster; test_data_t *test = setup_test (); GSList *contacts, *l; WockyBareContact *romeo, *contact; const gchar *groups_init[] = { "Friends", NULL }; const gchar *groups[] = { "Badger", NULL }; test_open_both_connections (test); roster = create_initial_roster (test); contact = wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "romeo@example.net"); g_assert (contact != NULL); romeo = create_romeo (); contacts = wocky_roster_get_all_contacts (roster); for (l = contacts; l != NULL; l = g_slist_next (l)) { g_signal_connect (l->data, "notify", G_CALLBACK (contact_notify_cb), test); } g_slist_foreach (contacts, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL); g_slist_free (contacts); /* change name */ test->outstanding++; send_roster_update (test, "romeo@example.net", "Romeooo", "both", groups_init); test_wait_pending (test); /* Name has been changed */ wocky_bare_contact_set_name (romeo, "Romeooo"); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, romeo)); /* change subscription */ test->outstanding++; send_roster_update (test, "romeo@example.net", "Romeooo", "to", groups_init); test_wait_pending (test); /* Subscription has been changed */ wocky_bare_contact_set_subscription (romeo, WOCKY_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE_TO); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, romeo)); /* change groups */ test->outstanding++; send_roster_update (test, "romeo@example.net", "Romeooo", "to", groups); test_wait_pending (test); /* Groups have been changed */ wocky_bare_contact_set_groups (romeo, (gchar **) groups); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, romeo)); g_object_unref (romeo); test_close_both_porters (test); g_object_unref (roster); teardown_test (test); } static void ack_iq (WockyPorter *porter, WockyStanza *stanza) { WockyStanza *reply; const gchar *id; id = wocky_node_get_attribute (wocky_stanza_get_top_node (stanza), "id"); g_assert (id != NULL); reply = wocky_stanza_build (WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_RESULT, NULL, NULL, '@', "id", id, NULL); wocky_porter_send (porter, reply); g_object_unref (reply); } /* Test adding a contact to the roster */ static void check_edit_roster_stanza (WockyStanza *stanza, const gchar *jid, const gchar *name, const gchar *subscription, const gchar **groups) { WockyStanzaType type; WockyStanzaSubType sub_type; WockyNode *node; GSList *l; guint i; GHashTable *expected_groups; wocky_stanza_get_type_info (stanza, &type, &sub_type); g_assert (type == WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ); g_assert (sub_type == WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET); node = wocky_node_get_child_ns (wocky_stanza_get_top_node (stanza), "query", WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER); g_assert (node != NULL); node = wocky_node_get_child (node, "item"); g_assert (node != NULL); g_assert (!wocky_strdiff (wocky_node_get_attribute (node, "jid"), jid)); if (name != NULL) g_assert (!wocky_strdiff (wocky_node_get_attribute (node, "name"), name)); else g_assert (wocky_node_get_attribute (node, "name") == NULL); if (subscription != NULL) g_assert (!wocky_strdiff (wocky_node_get_attribute (node, "subscription"), subscription)); else g_assert (wocky_node_get_attribute (node, "subscription") == NULL); if (groups == NULL) { /* No group children */ g_assert_cmpuint (g_slist_length (node->children), == , 0); return; } expected_groups = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); for (i = 0; groups[i] != NULL; i++) { g_hash_table_insert (expected_groups, (gchar *) groups[i], GUINT_TO_POINTER (TRUE)); } for (l = node->children; l != NULL; l = g_slist_next (l)) { WockyNode *group = (WockyNode *) l->data; g_assert (!wocky_strdiff (group->name, "group")); g_assert (g_hash_table_remove (expected_groups, group->content)); } g_assert (g_hash_table_size (expected_groups) == 0); g_hash_table_unref (expected_groups); } static void check_add_contact_stanza (WockyStanza *stanza, const gchar *jid, const gchar *name, const gchar **groups) { check_edit_roster_stanza (stanza, jid, name, NULL, groups); } static gboolean first_add = TRUE; static gboolean add_contact_send_iq_cb (WockyPorter *porter, WockyStanza *stanza, gpointer user_data) { test_data_t *test = (test_data_t *) user_data; const gchar *groups[] = { "Friends", "Badger", NULL }; if (first_add) { check_add_contact_stanza (stanza, "mercutio@example.net", "Mercutio", groups); send_roster_update (test, "mercutio@example.net", "Mercutio", "none", groups); first_add = FALSE; } else { /* the second time the name is changed */ check_add_contact_stanza (stanza, "mercutio@example.net", "Badger", groups); send_roster_update (test, "mercutio@example.net", "Badger", "none", groups); } /* Ack the IQ */ ack_iq (porter, stanza); test->outstanding--; g_main_loop_quit (test->loop); return TRUE; } static void contact_added_cb (GObject *source, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data) { test_data_t *test = (test_data_t *) user_data; WockyRoster *roster = WOCKY_ROSTER (source); g_assert (wocky_roster_add_contact_finish (roster, res, NULL)); test->outstanding--; g_main_loop_quit (test->loop); } static WockyBareContact * create_mercutio (void) { const gchar *groups[] = { "Friends", "Badger", NULL }; return g_object_new (WOCKY_TYPE_BARE_CONTACT, "jid", "mercutio@example.net", "name", "Mercutio", "groups", groups, NULL); } static void test_roster_add_contact (void) { WockyRoster *roster; test_data_t *test = setup_test (); WockyBareContact *mercutio, *contact; const gchar *groups[] = { "Friends", "Badger", NULL }; test_open_both_connections (test); roster = create_initial_roster (test); wocky_porter_register_handler_from_anyone (test->sched_out, WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET, WOCKY_PORTER_HANDLER_PRIORITY_MAX, add_contact_send_iq_cb, test, '(', "query", ':', WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER, ')', NULL); mercutio = create_mercutio (); /* Add the Mercutio to our roster */ wocky_roster_add_contact_async (roster, "mercutio@example.net", "Mercutio", groups, NULL, contact_added_cb, test); test->outstanding += 2; test_wait_pending (test); /* check if the contact has been actually added */ contact = wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "mercutio@example.net"); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, mercutio)); /* try to re-add the same contact. Operation succeeds immediately */ wocky_roster_add_contact_async (roster, "mercutio@example.net", "Mercutio", groups, NULL, contact_added_cb, test); test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); /* try to re-add the same contact but with a different name. The name is * changed */ wocky_roster_add_contact_async (roster, "mercutio@example.net", "Badger", groups, NULL, contact_added_cb, test); test->outstanding += 2; test_wait_pending (test); /* check if the contact has been updated */ contact = wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "mercutio@example.net"); wocky_bare_contact_set_name (mercutio, "Badger"); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, mercutio)); test_close_both_porters (test); g_object_unref (mercutio); g_object_unref (roster); teardown_test (test); } static void check_remove_contact_stanza (WockyStanza *stanza, const gchar *jid) { check_edit_roster_stanza (stanza, jid, NULL, "remove", NULL); } /* Test removing a contact from the roster */ static gboolean remove_contact_send_iq_cb (WockyPorter *porter, WockyStanza *stanza, gpointer user_data) { test_data_t *test = (test_data_t *) user_data; const gchar *no_group[] = { NULL }; check_remove_contact_stanza (stanza, "romeo@example.net"); send_roster_update (test, "romeo@example.net", NULL, "remove", no_group); /* Ack the IQ */ ack_iq (porter, stanza); test->outstanding--; g_main_loop_quit (test->loop); return TRUE; } static void contact_removed_cb (GObject *source, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data) { test_data_t *test = (test_data_t *) user_data; WockyRoster *roster = WOCKY_ROSTER (source); g_assert (wocky_roster_remove_contact_finish (roster, res, NULL)); test->outstanding--; g_main_loop_quit (test->loop); } static void test_roster_remove_contact (void) { WockyRoster *roster; test_data_t *test = setup_test (); WockyBareContact *contact; test_open_both_connections (test); roster = create_initial_roster (test); contact = wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "romeo@example.net"); g_assert (contact != NULL); wocky_porter_register_handler_from_anyone (test->sched_out, WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET, WOCKY_PORTER_HANDLER_PRIORITY_MAX, remove_contact_send_iq_cb, test, '(', "query", ':', WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER, ')', NULL); /* Keep a ref on the contact as the roster will release its ref when * removing it */ g_object_ref (contact); wocky_roster_remove_contact_async (roster, contact, NULL, contact_removed_cb, test); test->outstanding += 2; test_wait_pending (test); /* check if the contact has actually been removed */ g_assert (wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "romeo@example.net") == NULL); /* try to re-remove the same contact. Operation succeeds immediately */ wocky_roster_remove_contact_async (roster, contact, NULL, contact_removed_cb, test); test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); test_close_both_porters (test); g_object_unref (roster); g_object_unref (contact); teardown_test (test); } /* test changing the name of a roster item */ static gboolean change_name_send_iq_cb (WockyPorter *porter, WockyStanza *stanza, gpointer user_data) { test_data_t *test = (test_data_t *) user_data; WockyStanzaType type; WockyStanzaSubType sub_type; WockyNode *node; const gchar *group[] = { "Friends", NULL }; /* Make sure stanza is as expected. */ wocky_stanza_get_type_info (stanza, &type, &sub_type); g_assert (type == WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ); g_assert (sub_type == WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET); node = wocky_node_get_child_ns (wocky_stanza_get_top_node (stanza), "query", WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER); g_assert (node != NULL); node = wocky_node_get_child (node, "item"); g_assert (node != NULL); g_assert (!wocky_strdiff (wocky_node_get_attribute (node, "jid"), "romeo@example.net")); g_assert (!wocky_strdiff (wocky_node_get_attribute (node, "name"), "Badger")); g_assert (!wocky_strdiff (wocky_node_get_attribute (node, "subscription"), "both")); g_assert_cmpuint (g_slist_length (node->children), ==, 1); node = wocky_node_get_child (node, "group"); g_assert (node != NULL); g_assert (!wocky_strdiff (node->content, "Friends")); send_roster_update (test, "romeo@example.net", "Badger", "both", group); /* Ack the IQ */ ack_iq (porter, stanza); test->outstanding--; g_main_loop_quit (test->loop); return TRUE; } static void contact_name_changed_cb (GObject *source, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data) { test_data_t *test = (test_data_t *) user_data; WockyRoster *roster = WOCKY_ROSTER (source); g_assert (wocky_roster_change_contact_name_finish (roster, res, NULL)); test->outstanding--; g_main_loop_quit (test->loop); } static void contact_name_changed_not_in_roster_cb (GObject *source, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data) { test_data_t *test = (test_data_t *) user_data; WockyRoster *roster = WOCKY_ROSTER (source); GError *error = NULL; g_assert (!wocky_roster_change_contact_name_finish (roster, res, &error)); g_assert_error (error, WOCKY_ROSTER_ERROR, WOCKY_ROSTER_ERROR_NOT_IN_ROSTER); g_error_free (error); test->outstanding--; g_main_loop_quit (test->loop); } static void test_roster_change_name (void) { WockyRoster *roster; test_data_t *test = setup_test (); WockyBareContact *contact, *romeo, *mercutio; test_open_both_connections (test); roster = create_initial_roster (test); romeo = create_romeo (); contact = wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "romeo@example.net"); g_assert (contact != NULL); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, romeo)); wocky_porter_register_handler_from_anyone (test->sched_out, WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET, WOCKY_PORTER_HANDLER_PRIORITY_MAX, change_name_send_iq_cb, test, '(', "query", ':', WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER, ')', NULL); wocky_roster_change_contact_name_async (roster, contact, "Badger", NULL, contact_name_changed_cb, test); test->outstanding += 2; test_wait_pending (test); /* check if the contact name has actually been change */ wocky_bare_contact_set_name (romeo, "Badger"); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, romeo)); /* Retry to do the same change; operation succeeds immediately */ wocky_roster_change_contact_name_async (roster, contact, "Badger", NULL, contact_name_changed_cb, test); test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); /* try to change name of a contact which is not in the roster */ mercutio = create_mercutio (); wocky_roster_change_contact_name_async (roster, mercutio, "Badger", NULL, contact_name_changed_not_in_roster_cb, test); test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); test_close_both_porters (test); g_object_unref (roster); g_object_unref (romeo); g_object_unref (mercutio); teardown_test (test); } /* test adding a group to a contact */ static gboolean add_group_send_iq_cb (WockyPorter *porter, WockyStanza *stanza, gpointer user_data) { test_data_t *test = (test_data_t *) user_data; WockyStanzaType type; WockyStanzaSubType sub_type; WockyNode *node; const gchar *groups[] = { "Friends", "Badger", NULL }; GSList *l; gboolean group_friend = FALSE, group_badger = FALSE; /* Make sure stanza is as expected. */ wocky_stanza_get_type_info (stanza, &type, &sub_type); g_assert (type == WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ); g_assert (sub_type == WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET); node = wocky_node_get_child_ns (wocky_stanza_get_top_node (stanza), "query", WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER); g_assert (node != NULL); node = wocky_node_get_child (node, "item"); g_assert (node != NULL); g_assert (!wocky_strdiff (wocky_node_get_attribute (node, "jid"), "romeo@example.net")); g_assert (!wocky_strdiff (wocky_node_get_attribute (node, "name"), "Romeo")); g_assert (!wocky_strdiff (wocky_node_get_attribute (node, "subscription"), "both")); g_assert_cmpuint (g_slist_length (node->children), ==, 2); for (l = node->children; l != NULL; l = g_slist_next (l)) { WockyNode *group = (WockyNode *) l->data; g_assert (!wocky_strdiff (group->name, "group")); if (!wocky_strdiff (group->content, "Friends")) group_friend = TRUE; else if (!wocky_strdiff (group->content, "Badger")) group_badger = TRUE; else g_assert_not_reached (); } g_assert (group_friend && group_badger); send_roster_update (test, "romeo@example.net", "Romeo", "both", groups); /* Ack the IQ */ ack_iq (porter, stanza); test->outstanding--; g_main_loop_quit (test->loop); return TRUE; } static void contact_group_added_cb (GObject *source, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data) { test_data_t *test = (test_data_t *) user_data; WockyRoster *roster = WOCKY_ROSTER (source); g_assert (wocky_roster_contact_add_group_finish (roster, res, NULL)); test->outstanding--; g_main_loop_quit (test->loop); } static void contact_group_added_not_in_roster_cb (GObject *source, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data) { test_data_t *test = (test_data_t *) user_data; WockyRoster *roster = WOCKY_ROSTER (source); GError *error = NULL; g_assert (!wocky_roster_contact_add_group_finish (roster, res, &error)); g_assert_error (error, WOCKY_ROSTER_ERROR, WOCKY_ROSTER_ERROR_NOT_IN_ROSTER); g_error_free (error); test->outstanding--; g_main_loop_quit (test->loop); } static void test_contact_add_group (void) { WockyRoster *roster; test_data_t *test = setup_test (); WockyBareContact *contact, *romeo, *mercutio; test_open_both_connections (test); roster = create_initial_roster (test); romeo = create_romeo (); contact = wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "romeo@example.net"); g_assert (contact != NULL); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, romeo)); wocky_porter_register_handler_from_anyone (test->sched_out, WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET, WOCKY_PORTER_HANDLER_PRIORITY_MAX, add_group_send_iq_cb, test, '(', "query", ':', WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER, ')', NULL); wocky_roster_contact_add_group_async (roster, contact, "Badger", NULL, contact_group_added_cb, test); test->outstanding += 2; test_wait_pending (test); /* check if the group has actually been added */ wocky_bare_contact_add_group (romeo, "Badger"); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, romeo)); /* Retry to do the same change; operation succeeds immediately */ wocky_roster_contact_add_group_async (roster, contact, "Badger", NULL, contact_group_added_cb, test); test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); /* try to add a group to a contact which is not in the roster */ mercutio = create_mercutio (); wocky_roster_contact_add_group_async (roster, mercutio, "Badger", NULL, contact_group_added_not_in_roster_cb, test); test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); test_close_both_porters (test); g_object_unref (roster); g_object_unref (romeo); g_object_unref (mercutio); teardown_test (test); } /* test removing a group from a contact */ static gboolean remove_group_send_iq_cb (WockyPorter *porter, WockyStanza *stanza, gpointer user_data) { test_data_t *test = (test_data_t *) user_data; WockyStanzaType type; WockyStanzaSubType sub_type; WockyNode *node; const gchar *groups[] = { NULL }; /* Make sure stanza is as expected. */ wocky_stanza_get_type_info (stanza, &type, &sub_type); g_assert (type == WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ); g_assert (sub_type == WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET); node = wocky_node_get_child_ns (wocky_stanza_get_top_node (stanza), "query", WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER); g_assert (node != NULL); node = wocky_node_get_child (node, "item"); g_assert (node != NULL); g_assert (!wocky_strdiff (wocky_node_get_attribute (node, "jid"), "romeo@example.net")); g_assert (!wocky_strdiff (wocky_node_get_attribute (node, "name"), "Romeo")); g_assert (!wocky_strdiff (wocky_node_get_attribute (node, "subscription"), "both")); g_assert_cmpuint (g_slist_length (node->children), ==, 0); send_roster_update (test, "romeo@example.net", "Romeo", "both", groups); /* Ack the IQ */ ack_iq (porter, stanza); test->outstanding--; g_main_loop_quit (test->loop); return TRUE; } static void contact_group_removed_cb (GObject *source, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data) { test_data_t *test = (test_data_t *) user_data; WockyRoster *roster = WOCKY_ROSTER (source); g_assert (wocky_roster_contact_remove_group_finish (roster, res, NULL)); test->outstanding--; g_main_loop_quit (test->loop); } static void contact_group_removed_not_in_roster_cb (GObject *source, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data) { test_data_t *test = (test_data_t *) user_data; WockyRoster *roster = WOCKY_ROSTER (source); GError *error = NULL; g_assert (!wocky_roster_contact_remove_group_finish (roster, res, &error)); g_assert_error (error, WOCKY_ROSTER_ERROR, WOCKY_ROSTER_ERROR_NOT_IN_ROSTER); g_error_free (error); test->outstanding--; g_main_loop_quit (test->loop); } static void test_contact_remove_group (void) { WockyRoster *roster; test_data_t *test = setup_test (); WockyBareContact *contact, *romeo, *mercutio; test_open_both_connections (test); roster = create_initial_roster (test); romeo = create_romeo (); contact = wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "romeo@example.net"); g_assert (contact != NULL); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, romeo)); wocky_porter_register_handler_from_anyone (test->sched_out, WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET, WOCKY_PORTER_HANDLER_PRIORITY_MAX, remove_group_send_iq_cb, test, '(', "query", ':', WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER, ')', NULL); wocky_roster_contact_remove_group_async (roster, contact, "Friends", NULL, contact_group_removed_cb, test); test->outstanding += 2; test_wait_pending (test); /* check if the group has actually been added */ wocky_bare_contact_remove_group (romeo, "Friends"); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, romeo)); /* Retry to do the same change; operation succeeds immediately */ wocky_roster_contact_remove_group_async (roster, contact, "Friends", NULL, contact_group_removed_cb, test); test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); /* try to remove a group from a contact which is not in the roster */ mercutio = create_mercutio (); wocky_roster_contact_remove_group_async (roster, mercutio, "Friends", NULL, contact_group_removed_not_in_roster_cb, test); test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); test_close_both_porters (test); g_object_unref (roster); g_object_unref (romeo); g_object_unref (mercutio); teardown_test (test); } /* Remove a contact and re-add it before the remove operation is completed */ static WockyStanza *received_iq = NULL; static gboolean iq_set_cb (WockyPorter *porter, WockyStanza *stanza, gpointer user_data) { test_data_t *test = (test_data_t *) user_data; g_assert (received_iq == NULL); received_iq = g_object_ref (stanza); test->outstanding--; g_main_loop_quit (test->loop); return TRUE; } static void test_remove_contact_re_add (void) { WockyRoster *roster; test_data_t *test = setup_test (); WockyBareContact *contact, *romeo; const gchar *groups[] = { "Friends", NULL }; const gchar *no_group[] = { NULL }; test_open_both_connections (test); roster = create_initial_roster (test); contact = wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "romeo@example.net"); g_assert (contact != NULL); wocky_porter_register_handler_from_anyone (test->sched_out, WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET, WOCKY_PORTER_HANDLER_PRIORITY_MAX, iq_set_cb, test, '(', "query", ':', WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER, ')', NULL); wocky_roster_remove_contact_async (roster, contact, NULL, contact_removed_cb, test); test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); g_assert (received_iq != NULL); /* The IQ has been sent but the server didn't send the upgrade and the reply * yet. * Now try to re-add the contact */ check_remove_contact_stanza (received_iq, "romeo@example.net"); wocky_roster_add_contact_async (roster, "romeo@example.net", "Romeo", groups, NULL, contact_added_cb, test); /* Now the server send the roster upgrade and reply to the remove IQ */ send_roster_update (test, "romeo@example.net", NULL, "remove", no_group); ack_iq (test->sched_out, received_iq); g_object_unref (received_iq); received_iq = NULL; /* Wait for: * - completion of the remove_contact operation * - server receives the "add contact" IQ */ test->outstanding += 2; test_wait_pending (test); /* At this point, the contact has been removed */ g_assert (wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "romeo@example.net") == NULL); check_add_contact_stanza (received_iq, "romeo@example.net", "Romeo", groups); /* Now the server send the roster upgrade and reply to the add IQ */ send_roster_update (test, "romeo@example.net", "Romeo", "none", groups); ack_iq (test->sched_out, received_iq); g_object_unref (received_iq); received_iq = NULL; /* Wait for completion of the add_contact operation */ test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); /* Check that the contact is back */ contact = wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "romeo@example.net"); g_assert (contact != NULL); romeo = create_romeo (); wocky_bare_contact_set_subscription (romeo, WOCKY_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE_NONE); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, romeo)); test_close_both_porters (test); g_object_unref (romeo); g_object_unref (roster); teardown_test (test); } /* Remove a contact and then try to edit it before the remove operation is * completed */ static void test_remove_contact_edit (void) { WockyRoster *roster; test_data_t *test = setup_test (); WockyBareContact *contact; const gchar *no_group[] = { NULL }; test_open_both_connections (test); roster = create_initial_roster (test); contact = wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "romeo@example.net"); g_assert (contact != NULL); wocky_porter_register_handler_from_anyone (test->sched_out, WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET, WOCKY_PORTER_HANDLER_PRIORITY_MAX, iq_set_cb, test, '(', "query", ':', WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER, ')', NULL); /* Keep a ref on the contact as the roster will release its ref when * removing it */ g_object_ref (contact); wocky_roster_remove_contact_async (roster, contact, NULL, contact_removed_cb, test); test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); g_assert (received_iq != NULL); /* The IQ has been sent but the server didn't send the upgrade and the reply * yet. * Now try to re-add the contact */ check_remove_contact_stanza (received_iq, "romeo@example.net"); /* Try to change the name of the contact we are removing */ wocky_roster_change_contact_name_async (roster, contact, "Badger", NULL, contact_name_changed_not_in_roster_cb, test); /* Now the server send the roster upgrade and reply to the remove IQ */ send_roster_update (test, "romeo@example.net", NULL, "remove", no_group); ack_iq (test->sched_out, received_iq); g_object_unref (received_iq); received_iq = NULL; /* Wait for: * - completion of the remove_contact operation * - completion (with an error) for the change_name operation */ test->outstanding += 2; test_wait_pending (test); /* At this point, the contact has been removed */ g_assert (wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "romeo@example.net") == NULL); test_close_both_porters (test); g_object_unref (contact); g_object_unref (roster); teardown_test (test); } /* Queue some edit operations on the same contact */ static void test_multi_contact_edit (void) { WockyRoster *roster; test_data_t *test = setup_test (); WockyBareContact *contact, *juliet; const gchar *groups[] = { "Friends", "Girlz", NULL }; const gchar *groups_changed[] = { "Friends", "School", NULL }; test_open_both_connections (test); roster = create_initial_roster (test); contact = wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "juliet@example.net"); g_assert (contact != NULL); juliet = create_juliet (); wocky_porter_register_handler_from_anyone (test->sched_out, WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET, WOCKY_PORTER_HANDLER_PRIORITY_MAX, iq_set_cb, test, '(', "query", ':', WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER, ')', NULL); /* Change's Romeo's name */ wocky_roster_change_contact_name_async (roster, contact, "Badger", NULL, contact_name_changed_cb, test); test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); g_assert (received_iq != NULL); /* The IQ has been sent but the server didn't send the upgrade and the reply * yet */ g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, juliet)); check_edit_roster_stanza (received_iq, "juliet@example.net", "Badger", "to", groups); /* Try to re-change the name of the contact */ wocky_roster_change_contact_name_async (roster, contact, "Snake", NULL, contact_name_changed_cb, test); /* Add two groups */ wocky_roster_contact_add_group_async (roster, contact, "Hacker", NULL, contact_group_added_cb, test); wocky_roster_contact_add_group_async (roster, contact, "School", NULL, contact_group_added_cb, test); /* Remove a group we just added */ wocky_roster_contact_remove_group_async (roster, contact, "Hacker", NULL, contact_group_removed_cb, test); /* Remove the 2 default groups */ wocky_roster_contact_remove_group_async (roster, contact, "Friends", NULL, contact_group_removed_cb, test); wocky_roster_contact_remove_group_async (roster, contact, "Girlz", NULL, contact_group_removed_cb, test); /* Re-add a removed group */ wocky_roster_contact_add_group_async (roster, contact, "Friends", NULL, contact_group_added_cb, test); /* Now the server sends the roster upgrade and reply to the remove IQ */ send_roster_update (test, "juliet@example.net", "Badger", "to", groups); ack_iq (test->sched_out, received_iq); g_object_unref (received_iq); received_iq = NULL; /* Wait for: * - completion of the first change_name operation * - server receives the second edit IQ */ test->outstanding += 2; test_wait_pending (test); /* At this point, the contact has still his initial name */ wocky_bare_contact_set_name (juliet, "Badger"); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, juliet)); check_edit_roster_stanza (received_iq, "juliet@example.net", "Snake", "to", groups_changed); /* Now the server send the roster upgrade and reply to the add IQ */ send_roster_update (test, "juliet@example.net", "Snake", "to", groups_changed); ack_iq (test->sched_out, received_iq); g_object_unref (received_iq); received_iq = NULL; /* Wait for completion of: * - the second change_name (Snake) * - the first add_group (Hacker) * - the second add_group (School) * - the first remove_group (Hacker) * - the second remove_group (Friends) * - the third remove_group (Girlz) * - the third add_group (Friends) */ test->outstanding += 7; test_wait_pending (test); /* Check that the contact is back */ wocky_bare_contact_set_name (juliet, "Snake"); wocky_bare_contact_set_groups (juliet, (gchar **) groups_changed); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, juliet)); test_close_both_porters (test); g_object_unref (roster); g_object_unref (juliet); teardown_test (test); } /* test editing a contact and then remove it from the roster */ static void test_edit_contact_remove (void) { WockyRoster *roster; test_data_t *test = setup_test (); WockyBareContact *contact; const gchar *groups[] = { "Friends", NULL }; test_open_both_connections (test); roster = create_initial_roster (test); contact = wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "romeo@example.net"); g_assert (contact != NULL); wocky_porter_register_handler_from_anyone (test->sched_out, WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET, WOCKY_PORTER_HANDLER_PRIORITY_MAX, iq_set_cb, test, '(', "query", ':', WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER, ')', NULL); /* change contact's name */ wocky_roster_change_contact_name_async (roster, contact, "Badger", NULL, contact_name_changed_cb, test); test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); g_assert (received_iq != NULL); /* The IQ has been sent but the server didn't send the upgrade and the reply * yet. * Now try to re-add the contact */ check_edit_roster_stanza (received_iq, "romeo@example.net", "Badger", "both", groups); /* remove the contact */ wocky_roster_remove_contact_async (roster, contact, NULL, contact_removed_cb, test); /* Now the server send the roster upgrade and reply to the change name IQ */ send_roster_update (test, "romeo@example.net", "Badger", "both", groups); ack_iq (test->sched_out, received_iq); g_object_unref (received_iq); received_iq = NULL; /* Wait for: * - completion of the change name operation * - server receives the "remove contact" IQ */ test->outstanding += 2; test_wait_pending (test); /* At this point, the contact has not been removed yet */ g_assert (wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "romeo@example.net") != NULL); check_remove_contact_stanza (received_iq, "romeo@example.net"); /* Now the server send the roster upgrade and reply to the remove IQ */ send_roster_update (test, "romeo@example.net", NULL, "remove", NULL); ack_iq (test->sched_out, received_iq); g_object_unref (received_iq); received_iq = NULL; /* Wait for completion of the remove_contact operation */ test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); /* Contact is now removed */ g_assert (wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "romeo@example.net") == NULL); test_close_both_porters (test); g_object_unref (roster); teardown_test (test); } /* Change twice to the same name */ static void test_change_name_twice (void) { WockyRoster *roster; test_data_t *test = setup_test (); WockyBareContact *contact, *romeo; const gchar *groups[] = { "Friends", NULL }; test_open_both_connections (test); roster = create_initial_roster (test); contact = wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "romeo@example.net"); g_assert (contact != NULL); romeo = create_romeo (); wocky_porter_register_handler_from_anyone (test->sched_out, WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET, WOCKY_PORTER_HANDLER_PRIORITY_MAX, iq_set_cb, test, '(', "query", ':', WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER, ')', NULL); /* Change's Romeo's name */ wocky_roster_change_contact_name_async (roster, contact, "Badger", NULL, contact_name_changed_cb, test); test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); g_assert (received_iq != NULL); /* The IQ has been sent but the server didn't send the upgrade and the reply * yet */ g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, romeo)); check_edit_roster_stanza (received_iq, "romeo@example.net", "Badger", "both", groups); /* Try to reset the same name */ wocky_roster_change_contact_name_async (roster, contact, "Badger", NULL, contact_name_changed_cb, test); /* Now the server sends the roster upgrade and reply to the first IQ */ send_roster_update (test, "romeo@example.net", "Badger", "both", groups); ack_iq (test->sched_out, received_iq); g_object_unref (received_iq); received_iq = NULL; /* Wait for completion of the 2 change_name operations. * No IQ has been sent for the second as no change was needed. */ test->outstanding += 2; test_wait_pending (test); g_assert (received_iq == NULL); /* Name has been changed */ wocky_bare_contact_set_name (romeo, "Badger"); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, romeo)); test_close_both_porters (test); g_object_unref (roster); g_object_unref (romeo); teardown_test (test); } /* Remove twice the same contact */ static void test_remove_contact_twice (void) { WockyRoster *roster; test_data_t *test = setup_test (); WockyBareContact *contact; const gchar *no_group[] = { NULL }; test_open_both_connections (test); roster = create_initial_roster (test); contact = wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "romeo@example.net"); g_assert (contact != NULL); wocky_porter_register_handler_from_anyone (test->sched_out, WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET, WOCKY_PORTER_HANDLER_PRIORITY_MAX, iq_set_cb, test, '(', "query", ':', WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER, ')', NULL); /* Keep a ref on the contact as the roster will release its ref when * removing it */ g_object_ref (contact); wocky_roster_remove_contact_async (roster, contact, NULL, contact_removed_cb, test); test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); g_assert (received_iq != NULL); /* The IQ has been sent but the server didn't send the upgrade and the reply * yet */ check_remove_contact_stanza (received_iq, "romeo@example.net"); /* Re-ask to remove the contact */ wocky_roster_remove_contact_async (roster, contact, NULL, contact_removed_cb, test); /* Now the server send the roster upgrade and reply to the remove IQ */ send_roster_update (test, "romeo@example.net", NULL, "remove", no_group); ack_iq (test->sched_out, received_iq); g_object_unref (received_iq); received_iq = NULL; /* Wait for completion of the 2 remove operations. No IQ has been sent for * the second as no change was needed. */ test->outstanding += 2; test_wait_pending (test); g_assert (received_iq == NULL); /* At this point, the contact has been removed */ g_assert (wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "romeo@example.net") == NULL); test_close_both_porters (test); g_object_unref (contact); g_object_unref (roster); teardown_test (test); } /* Change name of a contact and try to remove and re-add it while change * operation is running */ static void test_change_name_remove_add (void) { WockyRoster *roster; test_data_t *test = setup_test (); WockyBareContact *contact, *romeo; const gchar *groups[] = { "Friends", NULL }; test_open_both_connections (test); roster = create_initial_roster (test); contact = wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "romeo@example.net"); g_assert (contact != NULL); romeo = create_romeo (); wocky_porter_register_handler_from_anyone (test->sched_out, WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET, WOCKY_PORTER_HANDLER_PRIORITY_MAX, iq_set_cb, test, '(', "query", ':', WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER, ')', NULL); /* Change's Romeo's name */ wocky_roster_change_contact_name_async (roster, contact, "Badger", NULL, contact_name_changed_cb, test); test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); g_assert (received_iq != NULL); /* The IQ has been sent but the server didn't send the upgrade and the reply * yet */ g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, romeo)); check_edit_roster_stanza (received_iq, "romeo@example.net", "Badger", "both", groups); /* Remove the contact */ wocky_roster_remove_contact_async (roster, contact, NULL, contact_removed_cb, test); /* Change our mind and re-add it */ wocky_roster_add_contact_async (roster, "romeo@example.net", "Badger", groups, NULL, contact_added_cb, test); /* Now the server sends the roster upgrade and reply to the first IQ */ send_roster_update (test, "romeo@example.net", "Badger", "both", groups); ack_iq (test->sched_out, received_iq); g_object_unref (received_iq); received_iq = NULL; /* Wait for completion of: * - the change name operation * - the remove operation * - the add operation * No IQ has been sent for the add and remove as no change was needed. */ test->outstanding += 3; test_wait_pending (test); g_assert (received_iq == NULL); /* Name has been changed */ wocky_bare_contact_set_name (romeo, "Badger"); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, romeo)); test_close_both_porters (test); g_object_unref (roster); g_object_unref (romeo); teardown_test (test); } /* add 2 groups to the same contact */ static void test_add_two_groups (void) { WockyRoster *roster; test_data_t *test = setup_test (); WockyBareContact *contact, *romeo; const gchar *groups2[] = { "Friends", "School", NULL }; const gchar *groups3[] = { "Friends", "School", "Hackers", NULL }; test_open_both_connections (test); roster = create_initial_roster (test); contact = wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "romeo@example.net"); g_assert (contact != NULL); romeo = create_romeo (); wocky_porter_register_handler_from_anyone (test->sched_out, WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET, WOCKY_PORTER_HANDLER_PRIORITY_MAX, iq_set_cb, test, '(', "query", ':', WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER, ')', NULL); /* Add a group to Romeo */ wocky_roster_contact_add_group_async (roster, contact, "School", NULL, contact_group_added_cb, test); test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); g_assert (received_iq != NULL); /* The IQ has been sent but the server didn't send the upgrade and the reply * yet */ g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, romeo)); check_edit_roster_stanza (received_iq, "romeo@example.net", "Romeo", "both", groups2); /* Add another group */ wocky_roster_contact_add_group_async (roster, contact, "Hackers", NULL, contact_group_added_cb, test); /* Now the server sends the roster upgrade and reply to the first IQ */ send_roster_update (test, "romeo@example.net", "Romeo", "both", groups2); ack_iq (test->sched_out, received_iq); g_object_unref (received_iq); received_iq = NULL; /* Wait that: * - the first add_group operation is completed * - the server receives the IQ for the second add_group */ test->outstanding += 2; test_wait_pending (test); wocky_bare_contact_set_groups (romeo, (gchar **) groups2); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, romeo)); check_edit_roster_stanza (received_iq, "romeo@example.net", "Romeo", "both", groups3); /* Server sends the roster upgrade and reply to the first IQ */ send_roster_update (test, "romeo@example.net", "Romeo", "both", groups3); ack_iq (test->sched_out, received_iq); g_object_unref (received_iq); received_iq = NULL; /* Wait second add_group operation is completed */ test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); wocky_bare_contact_set_groups (romeo, (gchar **) groups3); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, romeo)); test_close_both_porters (test); g_object_unref (roster); g_object_unref (romeo); teardown_test (test); } /* remove 2 groups from the same contact */ static void test_remove_two_groups (void) { WockyRoster *roster; test_data_t *test = setup_test (); WockyBareContact *contact, *juliet; const gchar *groups[] = { "Friends", NULL }; const gchar *no_group[] = { NULL }; test_open_both_connections (test); roster = create_initial_roster (test); contact = wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "juliet@example.net"); g_assert (contact != NULL); juliet = create_juliet (); wocky_porter_register_handler_from_anyone (test->sched_out, WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET, WOCKY_PORTER_HANDLER_PRIORITY_MAX, iq_set_cb, test, '(', "query", ':', WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER, ')', NULL); /* Remove a group from Juliet */ wocky_roster_contact_remove_group_async (roster, contact, "Girlz", NULL, contact_group_removed_cb, test); test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); g_assert (received_iq != NULL); /* The IQ has been sent but the server didn't send the upgrade and the reply * yet */ g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, juliet)); check_edit_roster_stanza (received_iq, "juliet@example.net", "Juliet", "to", groups); /* remove another group */ wocky_roster_contact_remove_group_async (roster, contact, "Friends", NULL, contact_group_removed_cb, test); /* Now the server sends the roster upgrade and reply to the first IQ */ send_roster_update (test, "juliet@example.net", "Juliet", "to", groups); ack_iq (test->sched_out, received_iq); g_object_unref (received_iq); received_iq = NULL; /* Wait that: * - the first remove_group operation is completed * - the server receives the IQ for the second remove_group */ test->outstanding += 2; test_wait_pending (test); wocky_bare_contact_set_groups (juliet, (gchar **) groups); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, juliet)); check_edit_roster_stanza (received_iq, "juliet@example.net", "Juliet", "to", no_group); /* Server sends the roster upgrade and reply to the first IQ */ send_roster_update (test, "juliet@example.net", "Juliet", "to", no_group); ack_iq (test->sched_out, received_iq); g_object_unref (received_iq); received_iq = NULL; /* Wait second remove_group operation is completed */ test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); wocky_bare_contact_set_groups (juliet, (gchar **) no_group); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, juliet)); test_close_both_porters (test); g_object_unref (roster); g_object_unref (juliet); teardown_test (test); } /* Try to add twice the same contact */ static void test_add_contact_twice (void) { WockyRoster *roster; test_data_t *test = setup_test (); WockyBareContact *mercutio, *contact; const gchar *groups[] = { "Friends", "Badger", NULL }; test_open_both_connections (test); roster = create_initial_roster (test); wocky_porter_register_handler_from_anyone (test->sched_out, WOCKY_STANZA_TYPE_IQ, WOCKY_STANZA_SUB_TYPE_SET, WOCKY_PORTER_HANDLER_PRIORITY_MAX, iq_set_cb, test, '(', "query", ':', WOCKY_XMPP_NS_ROSTER, ')', NULL); mercutio = create_mercutio (); /* Add the Mercutio to our roster */ wocky_roster_add_contact_async (roster, "mercutio@example.net", "Mercutio", groups, NULL, contact_added_cb, test); test->outstanding += 1; test_wait_pending (test); g_assert (received_iq != NULL); /* The IQ has been sent but the server didn't send the upgrade and the reply * yet */ /* contact is not added yet */ g_assert (wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "mercutio@example.net") == NULL); check_add_contact_stanza (received_iq, "mercutio@example.net", "Mercutio", groups); /* Try to re-add the same contact */ wocky_roster_add_contact_async (roster, "mercutio@example.net", "Mercutio", groups, NULL, contact_added_cb, test); /* Now the server sends the roster upgrade and reply to the first IQ */ send_roster_update (test, "mercutio@example.net", "Mercutio", "none", groups); ack_iq (test->sched_out, received_iq); g_object_unref (received_iq); received_iq = NULL; /* Wait that the 2 add_contact operation are completed. No IQ is sent for * the second as nothing has changed. */ test->outstanding += 2; test_wait_pending (test); /* check if the contact has been actually added */ contact = wocky_roster_get_contact (roster, "mercutio@example.net"); g_assert (wocky_bare_contact_equal (contact, mercutio)); test_close_both_porters (test); g_object_unref (mercutio); g_object_unref (roster); teardown_test (test); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { int result; test_init (argc, argv); /* basic */ g_test_add_func ("/xmpp-roster/instantiation", test_instantiation); /* roster fetching */ g_test_add_func ("/xmpp-roster/fetch-roster-send-iq", test_fetch_roster_send_iq); g_test_add_func ("/xmpp-roster/fetch-roster-reply", test_fetch_roster_reply); /* receive upgrade from server */ g_test_add_func ("/xmpp-roster/roster-upgrade-add", test_roster_upgrade_add); g_test_add_func ("/xmpp-roster/roster-upgrade-remove", test_roster_upgrade_remove); g_test_add_func ("/xmpp-roster/roster-upgrade-change", test_roster_upgrade_change); /* edit roster */ g_test_add_func ("/xmpp-roster/roster-add-contact", test_roster_add_contact); g_test_add_func ("/xmpp-roster/roster-remove-contact", test_roster_remove_contact); g_test_add_func ("/xmpp-roster/roster-change-name", test_roster_change_name); g_test_add_func ("/xmpp-roster/contact-add-group", test_contact_add_group); g_test_add_func ("/xmpp-roster/contact-remove-group", test_contact_remove_group); /* start a edit operation while another edit operation is running */ g_test_add_func ("/xmpp-roster/remove-contact-re-add", test_remove_contact_re_add); g_test_add_func ("/xmpp-roster/remove-contact-edit", test_remove_contact_edit); g_test_add_func ("/xmpp-roster/multi-contact-edit", test_multi_contact_edit); g_test_add_func ("/xmpp-roster/edit-contact-remove", test_edit_contact_remove); g_test_add_func ("/xmpp-roster/change-name-twice", test_change_name_twice); g_test_add_func ("/xmpp-roster/remove-contact-twice", test_remove_contact_twice); g_test_add_func ("/xmpp-roster/change-name-add-remove", test_change_name_remove_add); g_test_add_func ("/xmpp-roster/add-two-groups", test_add_two_groups); g_test_add_func ("/xmpp-roster/remove-two-groups", test_remove_two_groups); g_test_add_func ("/xmpp-roster/add-contact-twice", test_add_contact_twice); result = g_test_run (); test_deinit (); return result; }