telepathy-qt4: General: - Create high-level classes for basic types where we expose keys as strings. Note that probably all wrapper classes should have a way to be created using the the original type (ChannelClass, QVariantMap, ..) directly - We should probably add a high-level class to represent immutable properties also. - Connection::capabilities should not return 0 if FeatureCore is enabled but not connected. - Discuss about whether to merge cmake support - Be more Qt like (using Q_D, Q_Q, etc) - Change all examples to use handler/approver/observer/etc. - Remove all xxxInterface methods - Make Contact a RefCounted and make its features use Tp::Feature - Add missing fancy headers - Remove all accessors that return object path where appropriate as in most PendingOperation classes that have it. - Make sure signals have the Tp:: namespace. - Make ManagerFile and KeyFile internal to the library and probably RefCounted. - Manager::getParameter should have a const qualifier. - Discuss class hierarchy of DBusProxy. Whether DBusProxy should inherit ReadyObject/RefCounted. - Make all tp-qt4 inherited QObjects support property notify as done by Account. Probably adding a new Tp::Object.