waffle_display 3 waffle_display waffle_display_connect waffle_display_disconnect waffle_display_supports_context_api waffle_display_get_native class waffle_display Waffle Manual waffle #include <waffle.h> struct waffle_display; struct waffle_display* waffle_display_connect const char* name bool waffle_display_disconnect struct waffle_display *self bool waffle_display_supports_context_api struct waffle_display *self int32_t context_api union waffle_native_display* waffle_display_get_native struct waffle_display *self Description struct waffle_display An opaque type. waffle_display_connect() Connect to a display. The interpretation of name differs according to the platform given to waffle_init3. On Android and CGL, name is ignored. On the X11 platforms, GLX and X11/EGL, the function connects to the X11 display with the given name. If name is null, then it uses the value of the environment variable DISPLAY. On Wayland, the function connects to the Wayland display with the given name. If name is null, then it uses the value of the environment variable WAYLAND_DISPLAY. On GBM, the function opens the device at the filepath name. If name is null, then it iterates using udev through the set of card devices in the drm subsystem, which are usually located in /dev/dri, and attempts to open each in turn with open(O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC) until successful. waffle_display_disconnect() Disconnect from the waffle_display and release it's memory. All pointers to waffle objects that were created with the display become invalid. waffle_display_supports_context_api() Check if the display is capable of creating a waffle_context3 with the given context_api. See waffle_config3 for choices of context_api and expectations for each platform. waffle_display_get_native() Get the display's underlying native objects. Use free3 to deallocate the returned pointer. See waffle_native3 for the definition of union waffle_native_display. Return Value Errors No errors are specific to any of the waffle_display functions. See Also waffle7