AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2007-12-16Fixup order of empty allocators.Chris Wilson1-10/+10
2007-12-16Drop the event mutex around backtrace.Chris Wilson1-7/+14
2007-12-16Don't fiddle with SIGSTOP, rely on gdb attaching quicker than the signal.Chris Wilson1-4/+1
2007-12-16Allow user to limit number of callers to uniquely identify allocators.Chris Wilson4-15/+119
2007-12-16Ensure we do actually preallocate our memory and enforce min.alignment.Chris Wilson1-4/+6
2007-12-16Update TODOChris Wilson1-4/+0
2007-12-16Avoid threading issues by performing dlsym in the _init function.Chris Wilson1-144/+53
2007-12-16Clo to attach gdb to the child.Chris Wilson1-2/+19
2007-12-14Accumulate spacetime graph over alloc_fn.Chris Wilson1-94/+209
2007-12-13Add a spacetime graph.Chris Wilson4-3/+545
2007-12-12Update todo.Chris Wilson1-0/+2
2007-12-11Match the env var with a strcmp rather than a potential partial match.Chris Wilson1-7/+38
2007-12-11Include small gaps between address ranges.Chris Wilson1-6/+22
2007-12-09Protect against deref frames[-1].Chris Wilson2-8/+15
2007-12-09Allow the user to disable stacktraces for fast fragmentation analysis.Chris Wilson2-3/+18
2007-12-08Flag busy when updating the callgraph or ring view.Chris Wilson4-0/+31
2007-12-08Tidy range finder and use it for both counters.Chris Wilson3-66/+87
2007-12-08Update TODO.Chris Wilson1-0/+2
2007-12-08Interpret ENV=VAR cmdline like bash.Chris Wilson1-10/+35
2007-12-08Don't iterate over all possible bases (as this may be huge!).Chris Wilson1-78/+85
2007-12-07Disable superblocks (or rather set superblock = 1 page).Chris Wilson1-2/+3
2007-12-07Mark the limits of superblocks in the blockmap.Chris Wilson1-6/+31
2007-12-07Limit the blockmap to the actual page range.Chris Wilson2-0/+12
2007-12-07The assertion happens, so enable the alternate realloc path.Chris Wilson1-2/+2
2007-12-07Improve the assertion with potential replacement code.Chris Wilson1-2/+33
2007-12-07Add my copyright to the minibfd having made substantial changes.Chris Wilson6-115/+170
2007-12-07Assert that the realloc pointer does not belong to the recursed buffer.Chris Wilson1-0/+3
2007-12-07Rotate the pie-chart so that the gap is vertical.Chris Wilson1-6/+39
2007-12-07Skip unresolved symbols.Chris Wilson1-3/+9
2007-12-07Don't attempt to free the recursed buffer after realloc.Chris Wilson1-9/+1
2007-12-07Add the allocation stack to the tooltip.Chris Wilson2-7/+37
2007-12-07Move the endianness handling into a macro.Chris Wilson1-25/+21
2007-12-07Skip unused superpages in the blockmap.Chris Wilson4-17/+158
2007-12-07Automatically select everything so that the ring view is initially active.Chris Wilson1-1/+4
2007-12-07Use select_path as we already have allocated the path.Chris Wilson3-4/+6
2007-12-07Skip inactive allocators (technically deallocation sites).Chris Wilson1-0/+3
2007-12-07Eliminate duplication of hsv_to_rgb().Chris Wilson4-78/+44
2007-12-07Handle missing image correctly.Chris Wilson1-4/+8
2007-12-07Update TODO.Chris Wilson1-4/+0
2007-12-07Increase linear growth for add line.Chris Wilson1-2/+2
2007-12-07Check arc height before ellipisation of summary-chart label.Chris Wilson1-22/+21
2007-12-07Add labels to summary chart and a Norse background.Chris Wilson2-17/+83
2007-12-07Attribute reallocated blocks to the original allocator.Chris Wilson1-13/+26
2007-12-07Check for a negative bias larger than max_blocks.Chris Wilson1-2/+5
2007-12-07Add symbol line lookup to the minibfd.Chris Wilson9-83/+1592
2007-12-06Reenable use of libbfd for line resolution.Chris Wilson2-5/+143
2007-12-06Remove the redundant error msg member.Chris Wilson2-25/+0
2007-12-06Eliminate the strcmp entirely for field lookup.Chris Wilson3-176/+151
2007-12-06Use a binary search to speed field lookup.Chris Wilson1-16/+28
2007-12-06Simplify _lwp_write_string as it is now only called once.Chris Wilson1-12/+5