########################################################################## # # Copyright 2010 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # ##########################################################################/ """Generic retracing code generator.""" import sys import specs.stdapi as stdapi import specs.glapi as glapi class ConstRemover(stdapi.Rebuilder): def visit_const(self, const): return const.type def visit_opaque(self, opaque): return opaque def handle_entry(handle, value): if handle.key is None: return "__%s_map[%s]" % (handle.name, value) else: key_name, key_type = handle.key return "__%s_map[%s][%s]" % (handle.name, key_name, value) class ValueExtractor(stdapi.Visitor): def visit_literal(self, literal, lvalue, rvalue): print ' %s = (%s).to%s();' % (lvalue, rvalue, literal.kind) def visit_const(self, const, lvalue, rvalue): self.visit(const.type, lvalue, rvalue) def visit_alias(self, alias, lvalue, rvalue): self.visit(alias.type, lvalue, rvalue) def visit_enum(self, enum, lvalue, rvalue): print ' %s = (%s).toSInt();' % (lvalue, rvalue) def visit_bitmask(self, bitmask, lvalue, rvalue): self.visit(bitmask.type, lvalue, rvalue) def visit_array(self, array, lvalue, rvalue): print ' const trace::Array *__a%s = dynamic_cast(&%s);' % (array.tag, rvalue) print ' if (__a%s) {' % (array.tag) length = '__a%s->values.size()' % array.tag print ' %s = new %s[%s];' % (lvalue, array.type, length) index = '__j' + array.tag print ' for (size_t {i} = 0; {i} < {length}; ++{i}) {{'.format(i = index, length = length) try: self.visit(array.type, '%s[%s]' % (lvalue, index), '*__a%s->values[%s]' % (array.tag, index)) finally: print ' }' print ' } else {' print ' %s = NULL;' % lvalue print ' }' def visit_pointer(self, pointer, lvalue, rvalue): print ' const trace::Array *__a%s = dynamic_cast(&%s);' % (pointer.tag, rvalue) print ' if (__a%s) {' % (pointer.tag) print ' %s = new %s;' % (lvalue, pointer.type) try: self.visit(pointer.type, '%s[0]' % (lvalue,), '*__a%s->values[0]' % (pointer.tag,)) finally: print ' } else {' print ' %s = NULL;' % lvalue print ' }' def visit_handle(self, handle, lvalue, rvalue): OpaqueValueExtractor().visit(handle.type, lvalue, rvalue); new_lvalue = handle_entry(handle, lvalue) print ' if (retrace::verbosity >= 2) {' print ' std::cout << "%s " << size_t(%s) << " <- " << size_t(%s) << "\\n";' % (handle.name, lvalue, new_lvalue) print ' }' print ' %s = %s;' % (lvalue, new_lvalue) def visit_blob(self, blob, lvalue, rvalue): print ' %s = static_cast<%s>((%s).toPointer());' % (lvalue, blob, rvalue) def visit_string(self, string, lvalue, rvalue): print ' %s = (%s)((%s).toString());' % (lvalue, string.expr, rvalue) class OpaqueValueExtractor(ValueExtractor): '''Value extractor that also understands opaque values. Normally opaque values can't be retraced, unless they are being extracted in the context of handles.''' def visit_opaque(self, opaque, lvalue, rvalue): print ' %s = static_cast<%s>(retrace::toPointer(%s));' % (lvalue, opaque, rvalue) class ValueWrapper(stdapi.Visitor): def visit_literal(self, literal, lvalue, rvalue): pass def visit_alias(self, alias, lvalue, rvalue): self.visit(alias.type, lvalue, rvalue) def visit_enum(self, enum, lvalue, rvalue): pass def visit_bitmask(self, bitmask, lvalue, rvalue): pass def visit_array(self, array, lvalue, rvalue): print ' const trace::Array *__a%s = dynamic_cast(&%s);' % (array.tag, rvalue) print ' if (__a%s) {' % (array.tag) length = '__a%s->values.size()' % array.tag index = '__j' + array.tag print ' for (size_t {i} = 0; {i} < {length}; ++{i}) {{'.format(i = index, length = length) try: self.visit(array.type, '%s[%s]' % (lvalue, index), '*__a%s->values[%s]' % (array.tag, index)) finally: print ' }' print ' }' def visit_pointer(self, pointer, lvalue, rvalue): print ' const trace::Array *__a%s = dynamic_cast(&%s);' % (pointer.tag, rvalue) print ' if (__a%s) {' % (pointer.tag) try: self.visit(pointer.type, '%s[0]' % (lvalue,), '*__a%s->values[0]' % (pointer.tag,)) finally: print ' }' def visit_handle(self, handle, lvalue, rvalue): print ' %s __orig_result;' % handle.type OpaqueValueExtractor().visit(handle.type, '__orig_result', rvalue); if handle.range is None: rvalue = "__orig_result" entry = handle_entry(handle, rvalue) print " %s = %s;" % (entry, lvalue) print ' if (retrace::verbosity >= 2) {' print ' std::cout << "{handle.name} " << {rvalue} << " -> " << {lvalue} << "\\n";'.format(**locals()) print ' }' else: i = '__h' + handle.tag lvalue = "%s + %s" % (lvalue, i) rvalue = "__orig_result + %s" % (i,) entry = handle_entry(handle, rvalue) print ' for ({handle.type} {i} = 0; {i} < {handle.range}; ++{i}) {{'.format(**locals()) print ' {entry} = {lvalue};'.format(**locals()) print ' if (retrace::verbosity >= 2) {' print ' std::cout << "{handle.name} " << ({rvalue}) << " -> " << ({lvalue}) << "\\n";'.format(**locals()) print ' }' print ' }' def visit_blob(self, blob, lvalue, rvalue): pass def visit_string(self, string, lvalue, rvalue): pass class Retracer: def retrace_function(self, function): print 'static void retrace_%s(trace::Call &call) {' % function.name self.retrace_function_body(function) print '}' print def retrace_function_body(self, function): if not function.sideeffects: print ' (void)call;' return success = True for arg in function.args: arg_type = ConstRemover().visit(arg.type) #print ' // %s -> %s' % (arg.type, arg_type) print ' %s %s;' % (arg_type, arg.name) rvalue = 'call.arg(%u)' % (arg.index,) lvalue = arg.name try: self.extract_arg(function, arg, arg_type, lvalue, rvalue) except NotImplementedError: success = False print ' %s = 0; // FIXME' % arg.name if not success: print ' if (1) {' self.fail_function(function) print ' }' self.call_function(function) for arg in function.args: if arg.output: arg_type = ConstRemover().visit(arg.type) rvalue = 'call.arg(%u)' % (arg.index,) lvalue = arg.name try: ValueWrapper().visit(arg_type, lvalue, rvalue) except NotImplementedError: print ' // XXX: %s' % arg.name if function.type is not stdapi.Void: rvalue = '*call.ret' lvalue = '__result' try: ValueWrapper().visit(function.type, lvalue, rvalue) except NotImplementedError: print ' // XXX: result' if not success: if function.name[-1].islower(): sys.stderr.write('warning: unsupported %s call\n' % function.name) def fail_function(self, function): print ' if (retrace::verbosity >= 0) {' print ' retrace::unsupported(call);' print ' }' print ' return;' def extract_arg(self, function, arg, arg_type, lvalue, rvalue): ValueExtractor().visit(arg_type, lvalue, rvalue) def extract_opaque_arg(self, function, arg, arg_type, lvalue, rvalue): OpaqueValueExtractor().visit(arg_type, lvalue, rvalue) def call_function(self, function): arg_names = ", ".join([arg.name for arg in function.args]) if function.type is not stdapi.Void: print ' %s __result;' % (function.type) print ' __result = %s(%s);' % (function.name, arg_names) print ' (void)__result;' else: print ' %s(%s);' % (function.name, arg_names) def filter_function(self, function): return True table_name = 'retrace::callbacks' def retrace_functions(self, functions): functions = filter(self.filter_function, functions) for function in functions: self.retrace_function(function) print 'const retrace::Entry %s[] = {' % self.table_name for function in functions: print ' {"%s", &retrace_%s},' % (function.name, function.name) print ' {NULL, NULL}' print '};' print def retrace_api(self, api): print '#include "trace_parser.hpp"' print '#include "retrace.hpp"' print types = api.all_types() handles = [type for type in types if isinstance(type, stdapi.Handle)] handle_names = set() for handle in handles: if handle.name not in handle_names: if handle.key is None: print 'static retrace::map<%s> __%s_map;' % (handle.type, handle.name) else: key_name, key_type = handle.key print 'static std::map<%s, retrace::map<%s> > __%s_map;' % (key_type, handle.type, handle.name) handle_names.add(handle.name) print self.retrace_functions(api.functions)