Low level user space tools for the Linux WiMAX stack (C) 2008 Intel Corporation < linux-wimax@intel.com > Requirements * libnl (at least 1.0-pre7) * build dependencies: + Sources to the WiMAX stack and i2400m driver + gcc, make, etc Licensing The contents of this package are licensed under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file. This does not apply to scripts generated by autoconf/automake/libtool or included for its support. Compilation and installation To compile, you first need to have a libnl version 1.0-pre7 or above. To check which version is installed in your system, run: $ pkg-config --modversion libnl-1 1.1 If the reported version is lower than 1.0, you need to get a newer libnl; see below. Building the WiMAX tools package: $ cd ...path/wimax-tools-VERSION $ ./configure --with-i2400m=/path/to/i2400m/driver $ make $ make install Once this finishes, you can link against /usr/local/lib/libwimax.*. You need to include include/wimax.h for the API definitions and declarations. As well, wimax.h includes a quick usage guide of the API. Building and installing libnl-1 This package requires version 1.0 or newer of libnl. 1.0 pre-releases might not work. If compilation fails complaining about the libnl version, please upgrade via your distribution's mechanism or download and compile a newer one. If you decide to compile a new one, download it from http://people.suug.ch/~tgr/libnl/files/libnl-1.0-pre7.tar.gz; this version has been confirmed to compile and work in our test systems. $ cd /somepath $ tar xf libnl-1.0-pre7.tar.gz $ cd libnl-1.0-pre7 $ ./configure && make Don't install it system wide as you might break other applications. Instead, add --with-libnl1=/somepath/libnl-1.0-pre7 to the configure line for the wimax tools package. $ cd ...path/wimax-tools-VERSION $ ./configure --with-i2400m=/path/to/i2400m/driver --with-libnl1=/somepath/libnl -1.0-pre7 $ make $ make install As well, before linking other applications to libwimax or running tools from the WiMAX tools package, make sure you run: $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/somedir/libnl-1.0-pre7/lib Usage Documentation for the librarie's API can be autoextracted from the code with doxygen; for that, run: $ doxygen doxygen.conf the output is placed in doc/html/index.html. Other considerations 1. libnl (which we build upon) has no way to read with timeouts, etc, so your wimax_msg_read() function will block until data is available. No method is provided yet to access the underlying socket, so it is recommended to you put a timeout in parallel somewhere when using it that can cancel it. Troubleshooting Compile fails when not being able to find `net/wimax.h` You haven't pointed the compilation process to the driver sources as described above (use --with-i24000m=... when calling ./configure).