Things To Do ============ (in no particular order) Tracing ------- * Allow clamping to a GL version or a number of extensions. * Trace multiple threads: * `GetCurrentThreadId()` * `pthread_self()` * Put zlib (de)compression in a separate thread. * Trace TSCs * Trace window sizes somehow * Allow to distinguish between the calls really done by the program, vs the fakes one necessary to retrace correctly. * Start tracing on demand (e.g., key-press, or by frame no), emitting calls that recreate all current state. * Add option to include call stack frames in the trace. * Trace the internal GL calls done by GLU on Mac OS X & Windows. Retracing --------- * Use visuals that best match those used in the trace; specially auto detect single/double buffer visuals. * Respect multiple context sharing of the traces. * Support multiple threads * Leverage ARB_debug_output where available. * D3D support. GUI --- * Timeline view. * Visualize meshes in draw commands. * Breakpointing and step-by-step debugging. Other ----- * Side-by-side trace diffing; either as a separate tool on or the GUI. * Ability to extract just a single frame from a trace, and all previous calls that contributed to it: * via a state tracker (i.e., knowledge of how calls affect the state); * or by leveragine retrace, dumping the calls to emit all state at beginning of the frame. See also FIXME, TODO, and XXX comments on the source code.