########################################################################## # # Copyright 2008-2009 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # ##########################################################################/ import sys from dlltrace import DllTracer from trace import getWrapperInterfaceName from specs import stdapi from specs.stdapi import API from specs import dxgi from specs import d3d10 from specs import d3d11 from specs import dcomp from specs import d3d9 class D3DCommonTracer(DllTracer): def serializeArgValue(self, function, arg): # Dump shaders as strings if isinstance(arg.type, stdapi.Blob) and arg.name.startswith('pShaderBytecode'): print ' DumpShader(trace::localWriter, %s, %s);' % (arg.name, arg.type.size) return # Serialize the swapchain dimensions if function.name == 'CreateSwapChain' and arg.name == 'pDesc' \ or arg.name == 'pSwapChainDesc': print r' DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC *_pSwapChainDesc = NULL;' print r' DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC _SwapChainDesc;' print r' if (%s) {' % arg.name print r' _SwapChainDesc = *%s;' % arg.name if function.name != 'CreateSwapChain' or not self.interface.name.endswith('DWM'): # Obtain size from the window print r' RECT _rect;' print r' if (GetClientRect(%s->OutputWindow, &_rect)) {' % arg.name print r' if (%s->BufferDesc.Width == 0) {' % arg.name print r' _SwapChainDesc.BufferDesc.Width = _rect.right - _rect.left;' print r' }' print r' if (%s->BufferDesc.Height == 0) {' % arg.name print r' _SwapChainDesc.BufferDesc.Height = _rect.bottom - _rect.top;' print r' }' print r' }' else: # Obtain size from the output print r' DXGI_OUTPUT_DESC _OutputDesc;' print r' if (SUCCEEDED(pOutput->GetDesc(&_OutputDesc))) {' print r' _SwapChainDesc.BufferDesc.Width = _OutputDesc.DesktopCoordinates.right - _OutputDesc.DesktopCoordinates.left;' print r' _SwapChainDesc.BufferDesc.Height = _OutputDesc.DesktopCoordinates.bottom - _OutputDesc.DesktopCoordinates.top;' print r' }' print r' _pSwapChainDesc = &_SwapChainDesc;' print r' }' self.serializeValue(arg.type, '_pSwapChainDesc') return # Serialize object names if function.name == 'SetPrivateData' and arg.name == 'pData': iid = function.args[0].name print r' if (%s == WKPDID_D3DDebugObjectName) {' % iid print r' trace::localWriter.writeString(static_cast(pData), DataSize);' print r' } else {' DllTracer.serializeArgValue(self, function, arg) print r' }' return DllTracer.serializeArgValue(self, function, arg) # Interfaces that need book-keeping for maps mapInterfaces = ( dxgi.IDXGISurface, d3d10.ID3D10Resource, ) def enumWrapperInterfaceVariables(self, interface): variables = DllTracer.enumWrapperInterfaceVariables(self, interface) # Add additional members to track maps if interface.hasBase(*self.mapInterfaces): variables += [ ('_MAP_DESC', 'm_MapDesc', None), ('MemoryShadow', 'm_MapShadow', None), ] if interface.hasBase(d3d11.ID3D11DeviceContext): variables += [ ('std::map< std::pair, _MAP_DESC >', 'm_MapDescs', None), ('std::map< std::pair, MemoryShadow >', 'm_MapShadows', None), ] if interface.hasBase(d3d11.ID3D11VideoContext): variables += [ ('std::map >', 'm_MapDesc', None), ] return variables def implementWrapperInterfaceMethodBody(self, interface, base, method): if method.getArgByName('pInitialData'): pDesc1 = method.getArgByName('pDesc1') if pDesc1 is not None: print r' %s pDesc = pDesc1;' % (pDesc1.type,) if method.name in ('Map', 'Unmap'): # On D3D11 Map/Unmap is not a resource method, but a context method instead. resourceArg = method.getArgByName('pResource') if resourceArg is None: print ' _MAP_DESC & _MapDesc = m_MapDesc;' print ' MemoryShadow & _MapShadow = m_MapShadow;' print ' %s *pResourceInstance = m_pInstance;' % interface.name else: print ' _MAP_DESC & _MapDesc = m_MapDescs[std::pair<%s, UINT>(pResource, Subresource)];' % resourceArg.type print ' MemoryShadow & _MapShadow = m_MapShadows[std::pair<%s, UINT>(pResource, Subresource)];' % resourceArg.type print ' Wrap%spResourceInstance = static_cast(%s);' % (resourceArg.type, resourceArg.type, resourceArg.name) if method.name == 'Unmap': print ' if (_MapDesc.Size && _MapDesc.pData) {' print ' if (_shouldShadowMap(pResourceInstance)) {' print ' _MapShadow.update(trace::fakeMemcpy);' print ' } else {' self.emit_memcpy('_MapDesc.pData', '_MapDesc.Size') print ' }' print ' }' if interface.hasBase(d3d11.ID3D11VideoContext) and \ method.name == 'ReleaseDecoderBuffer': print ' std::map >::iterator it = m_MapDesc.find(Type);' print ' if (it != m_MapDesc.end()) {' self.emit_memcpy('it->second.first', 'it->second.second') print ' m_MapDesc.erase(it);' print ' }' DllTracer.implementWrapperInterfaceMethodBody(self, interface, base, method) if method.name == 'Map': # NOTE: recursive locks are explicitely forbidden print ' if (SUCCEEDED(_result)) {' print ' _getMapDesc(_this, %s, _MapDesc);' % ', '.join(method.argNames()) print ' if (_MapDesc.pData && _shouldShadowMap(pResourceInstance)) {' if interface.name.startswith('IDXGI'): print ' (void)_MapShadow;' else: print ' bool _discard = MapType == 4 /* D3D1[01]_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD */;' print ' _MapShadow.cover(_MapDesc.pData, _MapDesc.Size, _discard);' print ' }' print ' } else {' print ' _MapDesc.pData = NULL;' print ' _MapDesc.Size = 0;' print ' }' if interface.hasBase(d3d11.ID3D11VideoContext) and \ method.name == 'GetDecoderBuffer': print ' if (SUCCEEDED(_result)) {' print ' m_MapDesc[Type] = std::make_pair(*ppBuffer, *pBufferSize);' print ' } else {' print ' m_MapDesc[Type] = std::make_pair(nullptr, 0);' print ' }' def invokeMethod(self, interface, base, method): DllTracer.invokeMethod(self, interface, base, method) # When D2D is used on top of WARP software rasterizer it seems to do # most of its rendering via the undocumented and opaque IWarpPrivateAPI # interface. Althought hiding this interface will affect behavior, # there's little point in traces that use it, as they lack enough # information to replay correctly. # # Returning E_NOINTERFACE when for IID_IWarpPrivateAPI matches what # happens when D2D is used with drivers other than WARP. if method.name == 'QueryInterface': print r' if (_result == S_OK && riid == IID_IWarpPrivateAPI && ppvObj && *ppvObj) {' print r' static_cast(*ppvObj)->Release();' print r' *ppvObj = nullptr;' print r' _result = E_NOINTERFACE;' print r' os::log("apitrace: warning: hiding IWarpPrivateAPI interface\n");' print r' }' # Ensure buffers are initialized, otherwise we can fail to detect # changes when unititialized data matches what the app wrote. if method.name == 'CreateBuffer': print r' if (SUCCEEDED(_result) && !pInitialData) {' print r' _initializeBuffer(_this, pDesc, *ppBuffer);' print r' }' if __name__ == '__main__': print r'#include "guids_defs.hpp"' print print r'#include "trace_writer_local.hpp"' print r'#include "os.hpp"' print print r'#include "dxgitrace.hpp"' print api = API() api.addModule(dxgi.dxgi) api.addModule(d3d10.d3d10) api.addModule(d3d10.d3d10_1) api.addModule(d3d11.d3d11) api.addModule(dcomp.dcomp) api.addModule(d3d9.d3dperf) tracer = D3DCommonTracer() tracer.traceApi(api)