diff options
authorJose Fonseca <>2016-05-08 23:31:24 +0100
committerJose Fonseca <>2016-05-10 03:25:25 -0700
commitef45b1fff4ca3102ee5c2e795f6297e18d25cdb8 (patch)
parent3cb010215dd03cf3e3cdcf0e8b9c4c64c7cf3b1f (diff)
gltrace: Drop support for user memory arrays with NV_vertex_program.
NV_vertex_program is vendor specific and deprecated. Drop support for it in order to reduce complexity and make way for better support for modern OpenGL. glVertexAttribPointerNV calls will still be traced, but the corresponding fake memcpy calls will not. Old traces still work fine. So if necessary an older build of apitrace can be used instead.
2 files changed, 45 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/wrappers/gltrace.hpp b/wrappers/gltrace.hpp
index d55d8a39..441e696a 100644
--- a/wrappers/gltrace.hpp
+++ b/wrappers/gltrace.hpp
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ public:
glfeatures::Features features;
bool user_arrays = false;
- bool user_arrays_nv = false;
bool userArraysOnBegin = false;
unsigned retain_count = 0;
diff --git a/wrappers/ b/wrappers/
index fb08436f..ba6e2354 100644
--- a/wrappers/
+++ b/wrappers/
@@ -119,31 +119,6 @@ class GlTracer(Tracer):
print '#include "gltrace.hpp"'
print '#include "gltrace_arrays.hpp"'
- # Which glVertexAttrib* variant to use
- print 'enum vertex_attrib {'
- print ' VERTEX_ATTRIB,'
- print ' VERTEX_ATTRIB_NV,'
- print '};'
- print
- print 'static vertex_attrib'
- print '_get_vertex_attrib(gltrace::Context *_ctx)'
- print '{'
- print ' if (_ctx->user_arrays_nv) {'
- print ' GLboolean _vertex_program = GL_FALSE;'
- print ' _glGetBooleanv(GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB, &_vertex_program);'
- print ' if (_vertex_program) {'
- print ' if (_ctx->user_arrays_nv) {'
- print ' GLint _vertex_program_binding_nv = _glGetInteger(GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_BINDING_NV);'
- print ' if (_vertex_program_binding_nv) {'
- print ' return VERTEX_ATTRIB_NV;'
- print ' }'
- print ' }'
- print ' }'
- print ' }'
- print ' return VERTEX_ATTRIB;'
- print '}'
- print
# Whether we need user arrays
print 'static inline bool _need_user_arrays(gltrace::Context *_ctx)'
@@ -181,25 +156,12 @@ class GlTracer(Tracer):
print ' if (es1)'
print ' return false;'
- print ' vertex_attrib _vertex_attrib = _get_vertex_attrib(_ctx);'
- print
print ' // glVertexAttribPointer'
- print ' if (_vertex_attrib == VERTEX_ATTRIB) {'
- print ' GLint _max_vertex_attribs = _glGetInteger(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS);'
- print ' for (GLint index = 0; index < _max_vertex_attribs; ++index) {'
- print ' if (_glGetVertexAttribi(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED) &&'
- print ' _glGetVertexAttribi(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING) == 0) {'
- print ' return true;'
- print ' }'
- print ' }'
- print ' }'
- print
- print ' // glVertexAttribPointerNV'
- print ' if (_vertex_attrib == VERTEX_ATTRIB_NV) {'
- print ' for (GLint index = 0; index < 16; ++index) {'
- print ' if (_glIsEnabled(GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY0_NV + index)) {'
- print ' return true;'
- print ' }'
+ print ' GLint _max_vertex_attribs = _glGetInteger(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS);'
+ print ' for (GLint index = 0; index < _max_vertex_attribs; ++index) {'
+ print ' if (_glGetVertexAttribi(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED) &&'
+ print ' _glGetVertexAttribi(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING) == 0) {'
+ print ' return true;'
print ' }'
print ' }'
@@ -398,7 +360,7 @@ class GlTracer(Tracer):
print ' gltrace::Context *_ctx = gltrace::getContext();'
print ' _ctx->user_arrays = true;'
if == "glVertexAttribPointerNV":
- print ' _ctx->user_arrays_nv = true;'
+ print r' os::log("apitrace: warning: %s: user memory arrays with NV_vertex_program longer supported\n", __FUNCTION__);'
# And also break down glInterleavedArrays into the individual calls
@@ -1039,67 +1001,48 @@ class GlTracer(Tracer):
print ' if (es1)'
print ' return;'
- print ' vertex_attrib _vertex_attrib = _get_vertex_attrib(_ctx);'
- print
- for suffix in ['', 'NV']:
- if suffix:
- SUFFIX = '_' + suffix
- else:
- SUFFIX = suffix
- function_name = 'glVertexAttribPointer' + suffix
- function = api.getFunctionByName(function_name)
- print ' // %s' % function.prototype()
- print ' if (_vertex_attrib == VERTEX_ATTRIB%s) {' % SUFFIX
- if suffix == 'NV':
- print ' GLint _max_vertex_attribs = 16;'
- else:
- print ' GLint _max_vertex_attribs = _glGetInteger(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS);'
- print ' for (GLint index = 0; index < _max_vertex_attribs; ++index) {'
- print ' GLint _enabled = 0;'
- if suffix == 'NV':
- print ' _glGetIntegerv(GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY0_NV + index, &_enabled);'
+ function_name = 'glVertexAttribPointer'
+ function = api.getFunctionByName(function_name)
+ print ' // %s' % function.prototype()
+ print ' GLint _max_vertex_attribs = _glGetInteger(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS);'
+ print ' for (GLint index = 0; index < _max_vertex_attribs; ++index) {'
+ print ' GLint _enabled = 0;'
+ print ' _glGetVertexAttribiv(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED, &_enabled);'
+ print ' if (_enabled) {'
+ print ' GLint _binding = 0;'
+ print ' _glGetVertexAttribiv(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &_binding);'
+ print ' if (!_binding) {'
+ # Get the arguments via glGet*
+ for arg in function.args[1:]:
+ arg_get_enum = 'GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_%s' % (
+ arg_get_function, arg_type = TypeGetter('glGetVertexAttrib', False).visit(arg.type)
+ print ' %s %s = 0;' % (arg_type,
+ print ' _%s(index, %s, &%s);' % (arg_get_function, arg_get_enum,
+ arg_names = ', '.join([ for arg in function.args[1:-1]])
+ print ' size_t _size = _%s_size(%s, count);' % (, arg_names)
+ # Emit a fake function
+ print ' unsigned _call = trace::localWriter.beginEnter(&_%s_sig, true);' % (,)
+ for arg in function.args:
+ assert not arg.output
+ print ' trace::localWriter.beginArg(%u);' % (arg.index,)
+ if != 'pointer':
+ self.serializeValue(arg.type,
- print ' _glGetVertexAttribiv%s(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED%s, &_enabled);' % (suffix, SUFFIX)
- print ' if (_enabled) {'
- print ' GLint _binding = 0;'
- if suffix != 'NV':
- # It doesn't seem possible to use VBOs with NV_vertex_program.
- print ' _glGetVertexAttribiv%s(index, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING%s, &_binding);' % (suffix, SUFFIX)
- print ' if (!_binding) {'
+ print ' trace::localWriter.writeBlob((const void *)%s, _size);' % (
+ print ' trace::localWriter.endArg();'
- # Get the arguments via glGet*
- for arg in function.args[1:]:
- if suffix == 'NV':
- arg_get_enum = 'GL_ATTRIB_ARRAY_%s%s' % (, SUFFIX)
- else:
- arg_get_enum = 'GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_%s%s' % (, SUFFIX)
- arg_get_function, arg_type = TypeGetter('glGetVertexAttrib', False, suffix).visit(arg.type)
- print ' %s %s = 0;' % (arg_type,
- print ' _%s(index, %s, &%s);' % (arg_get_function, arg_get_enum,
- arg_names = ', '.join([ for arg in function.args[1:-1]])
- print ' size_t _size = _%s_size(%s, count);' % (, arg_names)
- # Emit a fake function
- print ' unsigned _call = trace::localWriter.beginEnter(&_%s_sig, true);' % (,)
- for arg in function.args:
- assert not arg.output
- print ' trace::localWriter.beginArg(%u);' % (arg.index,)
- if != 'pointer':
- self.serializeValue(arg.type,
- else:
- print ' trace::localWriter.writeBlob((const void *)%s, _size);' % (
- print ' trace::localWriter.endArg();'
- print ' trace::localWriter.endEnter();'
- print ' trace::localWriter.beginLeave(_call);'
- print ' trace::localWriter.endLeave();'
- print ' }'
- print ' }'
- print ' }'
- print ' }'
- print
+ print ' trace::localWriter.endEnter();'
+ print ' trace::localWriter.beginLeave(_call);'
+ print ' trace::localWriter.endLeave();'
+ print ' }'
+ print ' }'
+ print ' }'
+ print
# Restore the original array_buffer
print ' if (_array_buffer) {'