This repo contains the diff between xpdf 3.03 and xpdf-3.04 to be manually merged into poppler. Workflow: - Look for a change to merge. If you find things in the diff that are not relevant to poppler, just remove them from ALL_DIFF file and push. - Try to identify the change in the CHANGES file too if possible - Manually apply the changes to poppler. - Ideally we would merge individual features or fixes, but it's not always possible to indentify the changes. In any case, make sure every single revision you commit to poppler xpdf-304 branch builds and doesn't crash. This will make easier to regtest the changes and bisect to find regressions if needed. - Push the commit to poppler xpdf304merge branch. Please, remember to prefix all the commits with xpdf304: to easily identify those commits once merged into master. - Remove the merged chunks from the ALL_DIFF file and remove also the merged feature/fix from the CHANGES-3.04 file. - Commit and push - Once the ALL_DIFF file is empty, we are done \o/