#!/usr/bin/awk -f BEGIN { name_found = 1 SECTION_DOC = 0 PUBLIC_DOC = 1 PRIVATE_DOC = 2 } function log_msg(severity, msg) { printf "%s (%d): %s: %s %s\n", FILENAME, FNR, severity, doc_name, msg } function log_error(msg) { log_msg("ERROR", msg) } function log_warning(msg) { log_msg("WARNING", msg) } /^\/\*\*$/ { in_doc = 1 doc_line = 0 } /^(\/\*\*$| \*[ \t]| \*$| \*\*\/$)/ { valid_doc = 1 } in_doc { if (!valid_doc) log_error("bad line: '" $0 "'") valid_doc = 0 doc_line++ if (doc_line == 2) { # new doc name. Did we find the previous one? # (macros are not expected to be found in the same place as # their documentation) if (!name_found && doc_name !~ /CAIRO_/) log_warning("not found") doc_name = $2 if (doc_name ~ /^SECTION:.*$/) { doc_type = SECTION_DOC name_found = 1 } else if (tolower(doc_name) ~ /^cairo_[a-z0-9_]*:$/) { doc_type = PUBLIC_DOC name_found = 0 real_name = substr(doc_name, 1, length(doc_name) - 1) } else if (tolower(doc_name) ~ /^_[a-z0-9_]*:$/) { doc_type = PRIVATE_DOC name_found = 0 real_name = substr(doc_name, 1, length(doc_name) - 1) } else { log_error("invalid doc id (should be 'cairo_...:')") name_found = 1 } } } !in_doc { regex = "(^|[ \\t\\*])" real_name "([ ;()]|$)" if ($0 ~ regex) name_found = 1 } /^ \* Since: ([0-9]*.[0-9]*|TBD)$/ { if (doc_has_since != 0) { log_error("Duplicate 'Since' field") } doc_has_since = doc_line } /^ \*\*\// { if (doc_type == PUBLIC_DOC) { if (!doc_has_since) { # private types can start with cairo_ if (doc_name ~ /^cairo_.*_t:$/) log_warning("missing 'Since' field (is it a private type?)") else log_error("missing 'Since' field") } else if (doc_has_since != doc_line - 1) log_warning("misplaced 'Since' field (should be right before the end of the comment)") } else { if (doc_has_since) log_warning("'Since' field in non-public element") } in_doc = 0 doc_has_since = 0 doc_type = 0 } /\*\// { if (in_doc) { in_doc = 0 log_error("documentation comment not closed with **/") } } END { if (!name_found) log_warning("not found") }