testsuites: ----------- The testsuites implemented in testsuites/ should follow the PEP8 coding style. Git annex usage: ---------------- We should never use git annex sync to make sure we always keep a clean history. So to add new annexed files that are not available online, you should follow the following steps: $ git annex add medias/some/file/to.annex $ git commit # Enable gstqaassets backend (Ask maintainers for those keys if you need them) $ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID={some-key} AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={another-key} git annex enableremote gstqaassets $ git annex copy medias/some/file/to.annex --to gstqaassets # You could use any archive.org backend you want $ git push origin master # Considering those new medias should go to master $ git push origin git-annex # So that information about how to retrieve those medias are shared with others! If you just want to add files that are already available on the web (and that you **know** will keep being available), you can just do $ git annex addurl http://some/url $ git mv url medias/where/it/should/go # You could cd first too. $ git annex fix # Make sure git annex fixes its symlinks $ git commit