#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "wocky-test-connector-server.h" #include "test-resolver.h" #include "wocky-test-helper.h" #include "config.h" #ifdef G_LOG_DOMAIN #undef G_LOG_DOMAIN #endif #define G_LOG_DOMAIN "wocky-connector-test" #define SASL_DB_NAME "sasl-test.db" #define INVISIBLE_HOST "unreachable.host" #define VISIBLE_HOST "reachable.host" #define REACHABLE "" #define UNREACHABLE "" #define DUFF_H0ST "no_such_host.at.all" #define OLD_SSL TRUE #define OLD_JABBER TRUE #define XMPP_V1 FALSE #define STARTTLS FALSE #define CERT_CHECK_STRICT FALSE #define CERT_CHECK_LENIENT TRUE #define TLS_REQUIRED TRUE #define PLAINTEXT_OK FALSE #define QUIET TRUE #define NOISY FALSE #define TLS TRUE #define NOTLS FALSE #define PLAIN FALSE #define DIGEST TRUE #define PORT_XMPP 5222 #define PORT_NONE 0 #define CONNECTOR_INTERNALS_TEST "/connector/basic/internals" #define OK 0 #define CONNECTOR_OK { OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK } #if ! GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 26, 0) # define G_IO_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED -1 # define G_IO_ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE -1 #endif gboolean running_test = FALSE; static GError *error = NULL; static GResolver *original; static GResolver *kludged; static GMainLoop *mainloop; enum { OP_CONNECT = 0, OP_REGISTER, OP_CANCEL, }; enum { S_NO_ERROR = 0, S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, S_WOCKY_XMPP_CONNECTION_ERROR, S_WOCKY_TLS_CERT_ERROR, S_WOCKY_XMPP_STREAM_ERROR, S_G_IO_ERROR, S_G_RESOLVER_ERROR, S_ANY_ERROR = 0xff }; #define MAP(x) case S_##x: return x static GQuark map_static_domain (gint domain) { switch (domain) { MAP (WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR); MAP (WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR); MAP (WOCKY_XMPP_CONNECTION_ERROR); MAP (WOCKY_TLS_CERT_ERROR); MAP (WOCKY_XMPP_STREAM_ERROR); MAP (G_IO_ERROR); MAP (G_RESOLVER_ERROR); default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } #undef MAP typedef void (*test_setup) (gpointer); typedef struct { gchar *desc; gboolean quiet; struct { int domain; int code; int fallback_code; gchar *mech; gchar *used_mech; gpointer xmpp; gchar *jid; gchar *sid; } result; struct { struct { gboolean tls; gchar *auth_mech; gchar *version; } features; struct { ServerProblem sasl; ConnectorProblem conn; } problem; struct { gchar *user; gchar *pass; } auth; guint port; CertSet cert; } server_parameters; struct { char *srv; guint port; char *host; char *addr; char *srvhost; } dns; struct { gboolean require_tls; struct { gchar *jid; gchar *pass; gboolean secure; gboolean tls; } auth; struct { gchar *host; guint port; gboolean jabber; gboolean ssl; gboolean lax_ssl; const gchar *ca; } options; int op; test_setup setup; } client; TestConnectorServer *server; WockyConnector *connector; gboolean ok; GIOChannel *channel; guint watch; } test_t; static void _set_connector_email_prop (test_t *test) { g_object_set (G_OBJECT (test->connector), "email", "foo@bar.org", NULL); } test_t tests[] = { /* basic connection test, no SRV record, no host or port supplied: */ /* { "/name/of/test", SUPPRESS_STDERR, // result of test: { DOMAIN, CODE, FALLBACK_CODE, AUTH_MECH_USED, XMPP_CONNECTION_PLACEHOLDER }, // When an error is expected it should match the domain and either // the given CODE or the FALLBACK_CODE (GIO over time became more // specific about the error codes it gave in certain conditions) // Server Details: { { TLS_SUPPORT, AUTH_MECH_OR_NULL_FOR_ALL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM..., CONNECTOR_PROBLEM... }, { USERNAME, PASSWORD }, SERVER_LISTEN_PORT }, // Fake DNS Record: // SRV_HOSTs SRV record → { HOSTNAME, PORT } // HOSTs A record → IP_ADDRESS // SRV_HOSTs A record → IP_ADDR_OF_SRV_HOST { SRV_HOST, PORT, HOSTNAME, IP_ADDRESS, IP_ADDR_OF_SRV_HOST }, // Client Details { TLS_REQUIRED, { BARE_JID, PASSWORD, MUST_BE_DIGEST_AUTH, MUST_BE_SECURE }, { XMPP_HOSTNAME_OR_NULL, XMPP_PORT_OR_ZERO, OLD_JABBER, OLD_SSL } } SERVER_PROCESS_ID }, */ /* simple connection, followed by checks on all the internal state * * and get/set property methods to make sure they work */ { CONNECTOR_INTERNALS_TEST, NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", FALSE, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* No SRV or connect host specified */ { "/connector/basic/noserv/nohost/noport", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* No SRV or connect host specified, connect port specified */ { "/connector/basic/noserv/nohost/port", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, 8222 }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 8222 } } }, /* No SRV or connect host specified, bad port specified: FAIL */ { "/connector/basic/noserv/nohost/duffport", NOISY, { S_G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, 8222 }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 8221 } } }, /* No SRV record, connect host specified */ { "/connector/basic/noserv/host/noport", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "schadenfreude.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { "schadenfreude.org", 0 } } }, /* No SRV record, connect host and port specified */ { "/connector/basic/noserv/host/port", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, 5555 }, { NULL, 0, "meerkats.net", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { "meerkats.net", 5555 } } }, /* No SRV record, connect host and bad port specified: FAIL */ { "/connector/basic/noserv/host/duffport", NOISY, { S_G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, 5555 }, { NULL, 0, "meerkats.net", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { "meerkats.net", 5554 } } }, /* No SRV record, bad connect host: FAIL */ { "/connector/basic/noserv/duffhost/noport", NOISY, { S_G_RESOLVER_ERROR, G_RESOLVER_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { NULL, NULL }, PORT_NONE }, { NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { DUFF_H0ST, 0 } } }, /* No SRV record, bad connect host, port specified: FAIL */ { "/connector/basic/noserv/duffhost/port", NOISY, { S_G_RESOLVER_ERROR, G_RESOLVER_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { NULL, NULL }, PORT_NONE }, { NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { "still.no_such_host.at.all", 23 } } }, /* SRV record specified */ { "/connector/basic/serv/nohost/noport", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, 5050 }, { "weasel-juice.org", 5050, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* SRV record specified, port specified: ignore SRV and connect */ { "/connector/basic/serv/nohost/port", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, 5051 }, { "weasel-juice.org", 5050, "thud.org", UNREACHABLE, REACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 5051 } } }, /* SRV record specified, bad port: ignore SRV and FAIL */ { "/connector/basic/serv/nohost/duffport", NOISY, { S_G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, 5051 }, { "weasel-juice.org", 5050, "thud.org", UNREACHABLE, REACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 5050 } } }, /* SRV record, connect host specified: use connect host */ { "/connector/basic/serv/host/noport", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", 5050, "thud.org", UNREACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { VISIBLE_HOST, 0 } } }, /* SRV, connect host and port specified: use host and port */ { "/connector/basic/serv/host/port", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, 5656 }, { "weasel-juice.org", 5050, "thud.org", UNREACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { VISIBLE_HOST, 5656 } } }, /* SRV record, connect host, bad port: ignore SRV, FAIL */ { "/connector/basic/serv/host/duffport", NOISY, { S_G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, 5656 }, { "weasel-juice.org", 5050, "thud.org", UNREACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { VISIBLE_HOST, 5655 } } }, /* SRV record, bad connect host: use bad host and FAIL */ { "/connector/basic/serv/duffhost/noport", NOISY, { S_G_RESOLVER_ERROR, G_RESOLVER_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, REACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { DUFF_H0ST, 0 } } }, /* SRV record, bad connect host, connect port: use bad host and FAIL */ { "/connector/basic/serv/duffhost/port", NOISY, { S_G_RESOLVER_ERROR, G_RESOLVER_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, REACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { DUFF_H0ST, PORT_XMPP } } }, /* Facebook Chat has a broken SRV record: you ask for * _xmpp-client._tcp.chat.facebook.com, and it gives you back a CNAME! So * g_socket_client_connect_to_service() fails. But as it happens the real * result should have just been chat.facebook.com anyway, so Wocky tries to * fall back to that. * * So this test has a fake SRV record for an unreachable server, but * expects to succeed because it's listening on the default XMPP port on * our hypothetical 'weasel-juice.org'. */ { "/connector/basic/facebook-chat-srv-workaround", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", UNREACHABLE, REACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* Further to the above test, this one tests the case where the fallback * doesn't work either. The server isn't listening anywhere (that's the * PORT_NONE in the server_parameters sub-struct), and thud.org (the result * of the SRV lookup) is unreachable. So the connection should fail. */ { "/connector/basic/duffserv/nohost/noport", NOISY, { S_G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_NONE }, { "not.an.xmpp.server", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", UNREACHABLE, REACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@not.an.xmpp.server", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* Bad SRV record, port specified, ignore SRV and connect to domain host */ { "/connector/basic/duffserv/nohost/port", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, 5050 }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", UNREACHABLE, REACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 5050 } } }, /* Bad SRV record, bad port specified, ignore SRV and FAIL */ { "/connector/basic/duffserv/nohost/duffport", NOISY, { S_G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, 5050 }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", UNREACHABLE, REACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 5049 } } }, /* Bad SRV record, connect host specified, ignore SRV */ { "/connector/basic/duffserv/host/noport", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", 5050, "thud.org", UNREACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { VISIBLE_HOST, 0 } } }, /* Bad SRV record, connect host and port given: ignore SRV */ { "/connector/basic/duffserv/host/port", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, 5151 }, { "weasel-juice.org", 5050, "thud.org", UNREACHABLE, REACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { VISIBLE_HOST, 5151 } } }, /* Bad SRV record, connect host and bad port, ignore SRV and FAIL */ { "/connector/basic/duffserv/host/duffport", NOISY, { S_G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, 5151 }, { "weasel-juice.org", 5050, "thud.org", UNREACHABLE, REACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { VISIBLE_HOST, 5149 } } }, /* Bad SRV record, bad host and bad port: Just FAIL */ { "/connector/basic/duffserv/duffhost/noport", NOISY, { S_G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", 5050, "thud.org", UNREACHABLE, REACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { INVISIBLE_HOST, 0 } } }, /*Bad SRV and connect host, ignore SRV and FAIL */ { "/connector/basic/duffserv/duffhost/port", NOISY, { S_G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, 5151 }, { "weasel-juice.org", 5050, "thud.org", UNREACHABLE, REACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { INVISIBLE_HOST, 5151 } } }, /* ******************************************************************* * * that's it for the basic DNS/connection-logic tests * * now onto the post-tcp-connect stages: */ { "/connector/auth/secure/no-tlsplain/notls/nodigest", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NO_SUPPORTED_MECHANISMS, -1 }, { { NOTLS, "PLAIN" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", DIGEST, TLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/auth/secure/no-tlsplain/notls/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { NOTLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", DIGEST, TLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/auth/insecure/no-tlsplain/notls/nodigest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "PLAIN" }, { { NOTLS, "PLAIN" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/auth/insecure/no-tlsplain/notls/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { NOTLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* *************************************************************** * * This block of tests will fail as we don't advertise TLS support */ { "/connector/auth/insecure/no-tlsplain/notls/any", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_TLS_UNAVAILABLE, -1 }, { { NOTLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { TLS_REQUIRED, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/auth/insecure/tlsplain/notls/any", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_TLS_UNAVAILABLE, -1 }, { { NOTLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { TLS_REQUIRED, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/auth/secure/no-tlsplain/notls/any", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_TLS_UNAVAILABLE, -1 }, { { NOTLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { TLS_REQUIRED, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", TRUE, TLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/auth/secure/tlsplain/notls/any", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_TLS_UNAVAILABLE, -1 }, { { NOTLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { TLS_REQUIRED, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", TRUE, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* **************************************************************** * * this will be a mix of failures and sucesses depending on whether * * we allow plain auth or not */ { "/connector/auth/secure/no-tlsplain/tls/plain", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NO_SUPPORTED_MECHANISMS, -1 }, { { TLS, "PLAIN" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_INVALID_PASSWORD, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", DIGEST, TLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/auth/secure/tlsplain/tls/plain", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "PLAIN" }, { { TLS, "PLAIN" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/auth/insecure/no-tlsplain/tls/plain", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "PLAIN" }, { { TLS, "PLAIN" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", DIGEST, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/auth/insecure/tlsplain/tls/plain", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "PLAIN" }, { { TLS, "PLAIN" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/tls+auth/secure/no-tlsplain/tls/plain", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NO_SUPPORTED_MECHANISMS, -1 }, { { TLS, "PLAIN" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", DIGEST, TLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/tls+auth/secure/tlsplain/tls/plain", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "PLAIN" }, { { TLS, "PLAIN" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/tls+auth/insecure/no-tlsplain/tls/plain", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "PLAIN" }, { { TLS, "PLAIN" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", DIGEST, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/tls+auth/insecure/tlsplain/tls/plain", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "PLAIN" }, { { TLS, "PLAIN" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* **************************************************************** * * these should all be digest auth successes */ { "/connector/auth/secure/no-tlsplain/tls/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", DIGEST, TLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/auth/secure/tlsplain/tls/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/auth/insecure/no-tlsplain/tls/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", DIGEST, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/auth/insecure/tlsplain/tls/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/tls+auth/secure/no-tlsplain/tls/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", DIGEST, TLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/tls+auth/secure/tlsplain/tls/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/tls+auth/insecure/no-tlsplain/tls/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", DIGEST, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/tls+auth/insecure/tlsplain/tls/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* ***************************************************************** * * SASL problems */ { "/connector/problem/sasl/bad-pass", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_FAILURE, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_INVALID_PASSWORD, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "foo", "bar" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "foo@weasel-juice.org", "notbar", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/problem/sasl/bad-user", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_FAILURE, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_INVALID_USERNAME, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "caribou@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/problem/sasl/no-sasl", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_SASL, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/problem/sasl/no-mechanisms", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_MECHANISMS, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/problem/sasl/bad-mechanism", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NO_SUPPORTED_MECHANISMS, -1 }, { { TLS, "omg-poniez" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* ********************************************************************* */ /* TLS error conditions */ { "/connector/problem/tls/refused", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_TLS_REFUSED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_TLS_REFUSED, OK, OK, OK, OK} }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* ********************************************************************* * * Invalid JID */ { "/connector/problem/jid/invalid", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BAD_JID, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_NONE }, { NULL, 0, "thud.org", REACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "bla@h@_b&la<>h", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP } } }, { "/connector/problem/jid/domainless", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BAD_JID, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_NONE }, { "weasel-juice.org", 5001, "thud.org", REACHABLE, REACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { "weasel-juice.org", 0 } } }, /* ********************************************************************* * * XMPP errors */ { "/connector/problem/xmpp/version/0.x", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_NON_XMPP_V1_SERVER, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL, "0.9" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* we actually tolerate > 1.0 versions */ { "/connector/problem/xmpp/version/1.x", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL, "1.1" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/problem/xmpp/error/host-unknown", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_XMPP_STREAM_ERROR, WOCKY_XMPP_STREAM_ERROR_HOST_UNKNOWN, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OTHER_HOST, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/problem/xmpp/error/tls-load", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_XMPP_STREAM_ERROR, WOCKY_XMPP_STREAM_ERROR_RESOURCE_CONSTRAINT, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_TLS_LOAD, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/problem/xmpp/error/bind-conflict", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_XMPP_STREAM_ERROR, WOCKY_XMPP_STREAM_ERROR_CONFLICT, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, BIND_PROBLEM_CLASH, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/problem/xmpp/error/session-fail", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_XMPP_STREAM_ERROR, WOCKY_XMPP_STREAM_ERROR_RESOURCE_CONSTRAINT, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, SESSION_PROBLEM_NO_SESSION, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/problem/xmpp/features", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BAD_FEATURES, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_FEATURES, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_UNAVAILABLE */ { "/connector/problem/xmpp/no-bind", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_UNAVAILABLE, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_CANNOT_BIND, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_INVALID */ { "/connector/problem/xmpp/bind/invalid", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_INVALID, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, BIND_PROBLEM_INVALID, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_DENIED */ { "/connector/problem/xmpp/bind/denied", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_DENIED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, BIND_PROBLEM_DENIED, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_CONFLICT */ { "/connector/problem/xmpp/bind/conflict", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_CONFLICT, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, BIND_PROBLEM_CONFLICT, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_REJECTED */ { "/connector/problem/xmpp/bind/rejected", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_REJECTED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, BIND_PROBLEM_REJECTED, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_FAILED */ { "/connector/problem/xmpp/bind/failed", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_FAILED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, BIND_PROBLEM_FAILED, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/problem/xmpp/bind/nonsense", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_FAILED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, BIND_PROBLEM_NONSENSE, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/problem/xmpp/bind/no-jid", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, BIND_PROBLEM_NO_JID, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/problem/xmpp/session/none", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_NO_SESSION, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_SESSION_FAILED */ { "/connector/problem/xmpp/session/failed", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_SESSION_FAILED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, SESSION_PROBLEM_FAILED, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_SESSION_DENIED */ { "/connector/problem/xmpp/session/denied", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_SESSION_DENIED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, SESSION_PROBLEM_DENIED, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_SESSION_CONFLICT */ { "/connector/problem/xmpp/session/conflict", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_SESSION_CONFLICT, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, SESSION_PROBLEM_CONFLICT, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_SESSION_REJECTED */ { "/connector/problem/xmpp/session/rejected", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_SESSION_REJECTED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, SESSION_PROBLEM_REJECTED, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/problem/xmpp/session/nonsense", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_SESSION_FAILED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, SESSION_PROBLEM_NONSENSE, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/econnreset/server-start", NOISY, { S_ANY_ERROR, 0 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, OK, SERVER_DEATH_SERVER_START, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/econnreset/client-open", NOISY, { S_ANY_ERROR, 0 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, OK, SERVER_DEATH_CLIENT_OPEN, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/econnreset/server-open", NOISY, { S_ANY_ERROR, 0 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, OK, SERVER_DEATH_SERVER_OPEN, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/econnreset/features", NOISY, { S_ANY_ERROR, 0 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, OK, SERVER_DEATH_FEATURES, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/econnreset/tls-negotiate", QUIET, { S_ANY_ERROR, 0 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, OK, SERVER_DEATH_TLS_NEG, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* ******************************************************************** */ /* quirks */ { "/connector/google/domain-discovery/require", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_REQUIRE_GOOGLE_JDD, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, { "/connector/google/domain-discovery/dislike", QUIET, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_FAILURE, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_DISLIKE_GOOGLE_JDD, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 } } }, /* ******************************************************************** */ /* XEP 0077 */ { "/connector/xep77/register/ok", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 }, OP_REGISTER } }, { "/connector/xep77/register/no-args", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_REGISTRATION_EMPTY, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, XEP77_PROBLEM_NO_ARGS } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 }, OP_REGISTER } }, { "/connector/xep77/register/email-missing", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_REGISTRATION_REJECTED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, XEP77_PROBLEM_EMAIL_ARG } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 }, OP_REGISTER } }, { "/connector/xep77/register/unknown-arg", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_REGISTRATION_UNSUPPORTED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, XEP77_PROBLEM_STRANGE_ARG } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 }, OP_REGISTER } }, { "/connector/xep77/register/unknown+email-args", NOISY, { S_ANY_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, XEP77_PROBLEM_STRANGE_ARG|XEP77_PROBLEM_EMAIL_ARG } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 }, OP_REGISTER } }, { "/connector/xep77/register/email-arg-ok", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, XEP77_PROBLEM_EMAIL_ARG } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 }, OP_REGISTER, (test_setup)_set_connector_email_prop } }, { "/connector/xep77/register/email-arg-ok/unknown-arg", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_REGISTRATION_UNSUPPORTED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, XEP77_PROBLEM_EMAIL_ARG|XEP77_PROBLEM_STRANGE_ARG } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 }, OP_REGISTER, (test_setup)_set_connector_email_prop } }, { "/connector/xep77/register/fail/conflict", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_REGISTRATION_CONFLICT, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, XEP77_PROBLEM_FAIL_CONFLICT } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 }, OP_REGISTER } }, { "/connector/xep77/register/fail/other", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_REGISTRATION_REJECTED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, XEP77_PROBLEM_FAIL_REJECTED } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 }, OP_REGISTER } }, { "/connector/xep77/register/nonsense", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_REGISTRATION_FAILED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, XEP77_PROBLEM_QUERY_NONSENSE } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 }, OP_REGISTER } }, { "/connector/xep77/register/already/get", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0 , 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, XEP77_PROBLEM_QUERY_ALREADY } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 }, OP_REGISTER } }, { "/connector/xep77/register/already/set", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, XEP77_PROBLEM_ALREADY } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 }, OP_REGISTER } }, { "/connector/xep77/register/not-available", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_REGISTRATION_UNAVAILABLE, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, XEP77_PROBLEM_NOT_AVAILABLE } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 }, OP_REGISTER } }, /* ******************************************************************** */ { "/connector/xep77/cancel/ok", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 }, OP_CANCEL } }, { "/connector/xep77/cancel/denied", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_UNREGISTER_DENIED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, XEP77_PROBLEM_CANCEL_FAILED } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 }, OP_CANCEL } }, { "/connector/xep77/cancel/disabled", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_UNREGISTER_DENIED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, XEP77_PROBLEM_CANCEL_DISABLED } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 }, OP_CANCEL } }, { "/connector/xep77/cancel/rejected", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_UNREGISTER_FAILED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, XEP77_PROBLEM_CANCEL_REJECTED } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 }, OP_CANCEL } }, { "/connector/xep77/cancel/stream-closed", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, XEP77_PROBLEM_CANCEL_STREAM } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0 }, OP_CANCEL } }, /* ******************************************************************** */ /* old school jabber tests (pre XMPP 1.0) */ { "/connector/jabber/no-ssl/auth/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER } } }, { "/connector/jabber/no-ssl/auth/reject", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "blerg" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER } } }, { "/connector/jabber/no-ssl/auth/unavailable", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER, OK, OK, OK, JABBER_PROBLEM_AUTH_NIH } }, { "moose", "blerg" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER } } }, { "/connector/jabber/no-ssl/auth/bind-error", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_RESOURCE_CONFLICT, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER, OK, OK, OK, JABBER_PROBLEM_AUTH_BIND } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER } } }, { "/connector/jabber/no-ssl/auth/incomplete", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NO_CREDENTIALS, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER, OK, OK, OK, JABBER_PROBLEM_AUTH_PARTIAL } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER } } }, { "/connector/jabber/no-ssl/auth/failure", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_FAILURE, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER, OK, OK, OK, JABBER_PROBLEM_AUTH_FAILED } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER } } }, { "/connector/jabber/no-ssl/auth/bizarre", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_INVALID_REPLY, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER, OK, OK, OK, JABBER_PROBLEM_AUTH_STRANGE } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER } } }, { "/connector/jabber/no-ssl/auth/nonsense", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_INVALID_REPLY, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER, OK, OK, OK, JABBER_PROBLEM_AUTH_NONSENSE } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER } } }, { "/connector/jabber/no-ssl/auth/no-mechs", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NO_SUPPORTED_MECHANISMS, -1 }, { { TLS, "none" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER } } }, { "/connector/jabber/no-ssl/auth/plain", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, "password" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER } } }, { "/connector/jabber/no-ssl/auth/plain/rejected", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED, -1 }, { { TLS, "password" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER, OK, OK, OK, JABBER_PROBLEM_AUTH_REJECT } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER } } }, { "/connector/jabber/no-ssl/auth/digest/rejected", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED, -1 }, { { TLS, "digest" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER, OK, OK, OK, JABBER_PROBLEM_AUTH_REJECT } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER } } }, { "/connector/jabber/no-ssl/auth/old+sasl", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_AUTH_FEATURE, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER } } }, { "/connector/jabber/no-ssl/auth/old-sasl", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_SASL, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_AUTH_FEATURE, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER } } }, /* ******************************************************************** */ /* old SSL */ { "/connector/jabber/ssl/auth/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER|XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector/jabber/ssl/auth/reject", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER|XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "blerg" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector/jabber/ssl/auth/unavailable", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER|XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, JABBER_PROBLEM_AUTH_NIH } }, { "moose", "blerg" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector/jabber/ssl/auth/bind-error", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_RESOURCE_CONFLICT, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER|XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, JABBER_PROBLEM_AUTH_BIND } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector/jabber/ssl/auth/incomplete", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NO_CREDENTIALS, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER|XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, JABBER_PROBLEM_AUTH_PARTIAL } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector/jabber/ssl/auth/failure", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_FAILURE, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER|XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, JABBER_PROBLEM_AUTH_FAILED } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector/jabber/ssl/auth/bizarre", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_INVALID_REPLY, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER|XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, JABBER_PROBLEM_AUTH_STRANGE } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector/jabber/ssl/auth/nonsense", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_INVALID_REPLY, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER|XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, JABBER_PROBLEM_AUTH_NONSENSE } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector/jabber/ssl/auth/no-mechs", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NO_SUPPORTED_MECHANISMS, -1 }, { { TLS, "none" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER|XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector/jabber/ssl/auth/plain", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, "password" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER|XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector/jabber/ssl/auth/plain/rejected", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED, -1 }, { { TLS, "password" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER|XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, JABBER_PROBLEM_AUTH_REJECT } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector/jabber/ssl/auth/digest/rejected", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED, -1 }, { { TLS, "digest" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER|XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, JABBER_PROBLEM_AUTH_REJECT } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector/jabber/ssl/auth/old+sasl", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_AUTH_FEATURE|XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector/jabber/ssl/auth/old-sasl", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_SASL, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_AUTH_FEATURE|XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER, OLD_SSL } } }, /* ******************************************************************* */ /* duplicate earlier blocks of tests, but with old SSL */ { "/connector+ssl/auth/secure/no-tlsplain/notls/nodigest", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NO_SUPPORTED_MECHANISMS, -1 }, { { NOTLS, "PLAIN" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", DIGEST, TLS }, { NULL, 0, OLD_JABBER, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/auth/secure/no-tlsplain/notls/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { NOTLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", DIGEST, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/auth/insecure/no-tlsplain/notls/nodigest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "PLAIN" }, { { NOTLS, "PLAIN" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/auth/insecure/no-tlsplain/notls/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { NOTLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, /* **************************************************************** * * this will be a mix of failures and sucesses depending on whether * * we allow plain auth or not */ { "/connector+ssl/auth/secure/no-tlsplain/tls/plain", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NO_SUPPORTED_MECHANISMS, -1 }, { { TLS, "PLAIN" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_INVALID_PASSWORD, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", DIGEST, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/auth/secure/tlsplain/tls/plain", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "PLAIN" }, { { TLS, "PLAIN" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/auth/insecure/no-tlsplain/tls/plain", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "PLAIN" }, { { TLS, "PLAIN" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", DIGEST, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/auth/insecure/tlsplain/tls/plain", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "PLAIN" }, { { TLS, "PLAIN" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/tls+auth/secure/no-tlsplain/tls/plain", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NO_SUPPORTED_MECHANISMS, -1 }, { { TLS, "PLAIN" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", DIGEST, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/tls+auth/secure/tlsplain/tls/plain", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "PLAIN" }, { { TLS, "PLAIN" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/tls+auth/insecure/no-tlsplain/tls/plain", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "PLAIN" }, { { TLS, "PLAIN" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", DIGEST, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/tls+auth/insecure/tlsplain/tls/plain", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "PLAIN" }, { { TLS, "PLAIN" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, /* **************************************************************** * * these should all be digest auth successes */ { "/connector+ssl/auth/secure/no-tlsplain/tls/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", DIGEST, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/auth/secure/tlsplain/tls/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/auth/insecure/no-tlsplain/tls/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", DIGEST, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/auth/insecure/tlsplain/tls/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/tls+auth/secure/no-tlsplain/tls/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", DIGEST, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/tls+auth/secure/tlsplain/tls/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/tls+auth/insecure/no-tlsplain/tls/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", DIGEST, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/tls+auth/insecure/tlsplain/tls/digest", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, /* ***************************************************************** * * SASL problems */ { "/connector+ssl/problem/sasl/bad-pass", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_FAILURE, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_INVALID_PASSWORD, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "foo", "bar" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "foo@weasel-juice.org", "notbar", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/problem/sasl/bad-user", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_FAILURE, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_INVALID_USERNAME, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "caribou@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/problem/sasl/no-sasl", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_SASL, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/problem/sas/no-mechanisms", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_MECHANISMS, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/problem/sasl/bad-mechanism", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR, WOCKY_AUTH_ERROR_NO_SUPPORTED_MECHANISMS, -1 }, { { TLS, "omg-poniez" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/problem/xmpp/version/0.x", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_NON_XMPP_V1_SERVER, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL, "0.9" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, /* we actually tolerate > 1.0 versions */ { "/connector+ssl/problem/xmpp/version/1.x", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL, "1.1" }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/problem/xmpp/error/host-unknown", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_XMPP_STREAM_ERROR, WOCKY_XMPP_STREAM_ERROR_HOST_UNKNOWN, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OTHER_HOST|XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/problem/xmpp/error/bind-conflict", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_XMPP_STREAM_ERROR, WOCKY_XMPP_STREAM_ERROR_CONFLICT, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, BIND_PROBLEM_CLASH, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/problem/xmpp/error/session-fail", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_XMPP_STREAM_ERROR, WOCKY_XMPP_STREAM_ERROR_RESOURCE_CONSTRAINT, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, SESSION_PROBLEM_NO_SESSION, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/problem/xmpp/features", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BAD_FEATURES, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_FEATURES|XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, /* WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_UNAVAILABLE */ { "/connector+ssl/problem/xmpp/no-bind", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_UNAVAILABLE, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_CANNOT_BIND|XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, /* WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_INVALID */ { "/connector+ssl/problem/xmpp/bind/invalid", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_INVALID, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, BIND_PROBLEM_INVALID, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, /* WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_DENIED */ { "/connector+ssl/problem/xmpp/bind/denied", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_DENIED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, BIND_PROBLEM_DENIED, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, /* WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_CONFLICT */ { "/connector+ssl/problem/xmpp/bind/conflict", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_CONFLICT, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, BIND_PROBLEM_CONFLICT, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, /* WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_REJECTED */ { "/connector+ssl/problem/xmpp/bind/rejected", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_REJECTED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, BIND_PROBLEM_REJECTED, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, /* WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_FAILED */ { "/connector+ssl/problem/xmpp/bind/failed", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_FAILED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, BIND_PROBLEM_FAILED, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/problem/xmpp/bind/nonsense", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_BIND_FAILED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, BIND_PROBLEM_NONSENSE, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/problem/xmpp/bind/no-jid", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, BIND_PROBLEM_NO_JID, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/problem/xmpp/session/none", NOISY, { S_NO_ERROR, 0, 0, "DIGEST-MD5" }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_NO_SESSION|XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, /* WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_SESSION_FAILED */ { "/connector+ssl/problem/xmpp/session/failed", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_SESSION_FAILED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, SESSION_PROBLEM_FAILED, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, /* WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_SESSION_DENIED */ { "/connector+ssl/problem/xmpp/session/denied", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_SESSION_DENIED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, SESSION_PROBLEM_DENIED, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, /* WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_SESSION_CONFLICT */ { "/connector+ssl/problem/xmpp/session/conflict", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_SESSION_CONFLICT, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, SESSION_PROBLEM_CONFLICT, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, /* WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_SESSION_REJECTED */ { "/connector+ssl/problem/xmpp/session/rejected", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_SESSION_REJECTED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, SESSION_PROBLEM_REJECTED, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/problem/xmpp/session/nonsense", NOISY, { S_WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR, WOCKY_CONNECTOR_ERROR_SESSION_FAILED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, SESSION_PROBLEM_NONSENSE, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/econnreset/server-start", NOISY, { S_ANY_ERROR, 0 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, SERVER_DEATH_SERVER_START, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/econnreset/client-open", NOISY, { S_ANY_ERROR, 0 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, SERVER_DEATH_CLIENT_OPEN, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/econnreset/server-open", NOISY, { S_ANY_ERROR, 0 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, SERVER_DEATH_SERVER_OPEN, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/econnreset/features", NOISY, { S_ANY_ERROR, 0 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, SERVER_DEATH_FEATURES, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector+ssl/econnreset/ssl-negotiate", QUIET, { S_ANY_ERROR, 0 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, SERVER_DEATH_TLS_NEG, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, NOTLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, /* ********************************************************************* */ /* certificate verification tests */ { "/connector/cert-verification/tls/nohost/ok", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1 } } }, { "/connector/multica-verification/tls/nohost/ok", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, STARTTLS, CERT_CHECK_STRICT, TLS_CA_DIR } } }, { "/connector/cert-verification/tls/host/ok", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "thud.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { "thud.org", 0, XMPP_V1 } } }, { "/connector/cert-verification/tls/nohost/fail/name-mismatch", QUIET, { S_WOCKY_TLS_CERT_ERROR, WOCKY_TLS_CERT_NAME_MISMATCH, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "tomato-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@tomato-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1 } } }, { "/connector/cert-verification/tls/host/fail/name-mismatch", QUIET, { S_WOCKY_TLS_CERT_ERROR, WOCKY_TLS_CERT_NAME_MISMATCH, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "tomato-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@tomato-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { "tomato-juice.org", 0, XMPP_V1 } } }, { "/connector/cert-verification/tls/crl/fail", QUIET, { S_WOCKY_TLS_CERT_ERROR, WOCKY_TLS_CERT_REVOKED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP, CERT_REVOKED }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1 } } }, { "/connector/cert-verification/tls/expired/fail", QUIET, { S_WOCKY_TLS_CERT_ERROR, WOCKY_TLS_CERT_EXPIRED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP, CERT_EXPIRED }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1 } } }, { "/connector/cert-verification/tls/inactive/fail", QUIET, { S_WOCKY_TLS_CERT_ERROR, WOCKY_TLS_CERT_NOT_ACTIVE, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP, CERT_NOT_YET }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1 } } }, { "/connector/cert-verification/tls/selfsigned/fail", QUIET, { S_WOCKY_TLS_CERT_ERROR, WOCKY_TLS_CERT_INVALID, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP, CERT_SELFSIGN }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1 } } }, { "/connector/cert-verification/tls/unknown/fail", QUIET, { S_WOCKY_TLS_CERT_ERROR, WOCKY_TLS_CERT_SIGNER_UNKNOWN, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP, CERT_UNKNOWN }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1 } } }, /* This is a combination of the above test * (/connector/cert-verification/tls/unknown/fail) and * /connector/cert-verification/tls/host/fail/name-mismatch. It checks that * Wocky considers a hostname mismatch more erroneous than the certificate * being broken. */ { "/connector/cert-verification/tls/host/fail/name-mismatch-and-unknown", QUIET, { S_WOCKY_TLS_CERT_ERROR, WOCKY_TLS_CERT_NAME_MISMATCH, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP, CERT_UNKNOWN }, { "tomato-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@tomato-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1 } } }, /* ********************************************************************* */ /* as above but with legacy ssl */ { "/connector/cert-verification/ssl/nohost/ok", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector/cert-verification/ssl/host/ok", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@thud.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector/cert-verification/ssl/nohost/fail/name-mismatch", QUIET, { S_WOCKY_TLS_CERT_ERROR, WOCKY_TLS_CERT_NAME_MISMATCH, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "tomato-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@tomato-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector/cert-verification/ssl/host/fail/name-mismatch", QUIET, { S_WOCKY_TLS_CERT_ERROR, WOCKY_TLS_CERT_NAME_MISMATCH, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "tomato-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@tomato-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { "tomato-juice.org", 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector/cert-verification/ssl/crl/fail", QUIET, { S_WOCKY_TLS_CERT_ERROR, WOCKY_TLS_CERT_REVOKED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP, CERT_REVOKED }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector/cert-verification/ssl/expired/fail", QUIET, { S_WOCKY_TLS_CERT_ERROR, WOCKY_TLS_CERT_EXPIRED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP, CERT_EXPIRED }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector/cert-verification/ssl/inactive/fail", QUIET, { S_WOCKY_TLS_CERT_ERROR, WOCKY_TLS_CERT_NOT_ACTIVE, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP, CERT_NOT_YET }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector/cert-verification/ssl/selfsigned/fail", QUIET, { S_WOCKY_TLS_CERT_ERROR, WOCKY_TLS_CERT_INVALID, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP, CERT_SELFSIGN }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, { "/connector/cert-verification/ssl/unknown/fail", QUIET, { S_WOCKY_TLS_CERT_ERROR, WOCKY_TLS_CERT_SIGNER_UNKNOWN, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP, CERT_UNKNOWN }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL } } }, /* ********************************************************************* */ /* certificate non-verification tests */ { "/connector/cert-nonverification/tls/nohost/ok", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1 } } }, { "/connector/cert-nonverification/tls/host/ok", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "thud.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { "thud.org", 0, XMPP_V1, STARTTLS, CERT_CHECK_LENIENT } } }, { "/connector/cert-nonverification/tls/nohost/ok/name-mismatch", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "tomato-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@tomato-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, STARTTLS, CERT_CHECK_LENIENT } } }, { "/connector/cert-nonverification/tls/host/ok/name-mismatch", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "tomato-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@tomato-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { "tomato-juice.org", 0, XMPP_V1, STARTTLS, CERT_CHECK_LENIENT } } }, { "/connector/cert-nonverification/tls/crl/fail", QUIET, { S_WOCKY_TLS_CERT_ERROR, WOCKY_TLS_CERT_REVOKED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP, CERT_REVOKED }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, STARTTLS, CERT_CHECK_LENIENT } } }, { "/connector/cert-nonverification/tls/expired/ok", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP, CERT_EXPIRED }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, STARTTLS, CERT_CHECK_LENIENT } } }, { "/connector/cert-nonverification/tls/inactive/ok", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP, CERT_NOT_YET }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, STARTTLS, CERT_CHECK_LENIENT } } }, { "/connector/cert-nonverification/tls/selfsigned/ok", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP, CERT_SELFSIGN }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, STARTTLS, CERT_CHECK_LENIENT } } }, { "/connector/cert-nonverification/tls/unknown/ok", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, CONNECTOR_OK }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP, CERT_UNKNOWN }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, STARTTLS, CERT_CHECK_LENIENT } } }, /* ********************************************************************* */ /* as above but with legacy ssl */ { "/connector/cert-nonverification/ssl/nohost/ok", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL, CERT_CHECK_LENIENT } } }, { "/connector/cert-nonverification/ssl/host/ok", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "weasel-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@thud.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL, CERT_CHECK_LENIENT } } }, { "/connector/cert-nonverification/ssl/nohost/ok/name-mismatch", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { "tomato-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@tomato-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL, CERT_CHECK_LENIENT } } }, { "/connector/cert-nonverification/ssl/host/ok/name-mismatch", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP }, { NULL, 0, "tomato-juice.org", REACHABLE, NULL }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@tomato-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { "tomato-juice.org", 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL, CERT_CHECK_LENIENT } } }, { "/connector/cert-nonverification/ssl/crl/fail", QUIET, { S_WOCKY_TLS_CERT_ERROR, WOCKY_TLS_CERT_REVOKED, -1 }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP, CERT_REVOKED }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL, CERT_CHECK_LENIENT } } }, { "/connector/cert-nonverification/ssl/expired/ok", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP, CERT_EXPIRED }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL, CERT_CHECK_LENIENT } } }, { "/connector/cert-nonverification/ssl/inactive/ok", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP, CERT_NOT_YET }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL, CERT_CHECK_LENIENT } } }, { "/connector/cert-nonverification/ssl/selfsigned/ok", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP, CERT_SELFSIGN }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL, CERT_CHECK_LENIENT } } }, { "/connector/cert-nonverification/ssl/unknown/ok", QUIET, { S_NO_ERROR, }, { { TLS, NULL }, { SERVER_PROBLEM_NO_PROBLEM, { XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL, OK, OK, OK, OK } }, { "moose", "something" }, PORT_XMPP, CERT_UNKNOWN }, { "weasel-juice.org", PORT_XMPP, "thud.org", REACHABLE, UNREACHABLE }, { PLAINTEXT_OK, { "moose@weasel-juice.org", "something", PLAIN, TLS }, { NULL, 0, XMPP_V1, OLD_SSL, CERT_CHECK_LENIENT } } }, /* we are done, cap the list: */ { NULL } }; /* ************************************************************************* */ #define STRING_OK(x) (((x) != NULL) && (*x != '\0')) static void setup_dummy_dns_entries (const test_t *test) { TestResolver *tr = TEST_RESOLVER (kludged); guint port = test->dns.port ? test->dns.port : PORT_XMPP; const char *domain = test->dns.srv; const char *host = test->dns.host; const char *addr = test->dns.addr; const char *s_ip = test->dns.srvhost; test_resolver_reset (tr); if (STRING_OK (domain) && STRING_OK (host)) test_resolver_add_SRV (tr, "xmpp-client", "tcp", domain, host, port); if (STRING_OK (domain) && STRING_OK (s_ip)) test_resolver_add_A (tr, domain, s_ip); if (STRING_OK (host) && STRING_OK (addr)) test_resolver_add_A (tr, host, addr); test_resolver_add_A (tr, INVISIBLE_HOST, UNREACHABLE); test_resolver_add_A (tr, VISIBLE_HOST, REACHABLE); } /* ************************************************************************* */ /* Dummy XMPP server */ static gboolean client_connected (GIOChannel *channel, GIOCondition cond, gpointer data) { struct sockaddr_in client; socklen_t clen = sizeof (client); int ssock = g_io_channel_unix_get_fd (channel); int csock = accept (ssock, (struct sockaddr *) &client, &clen); GSocket *gsock = g_socket_new_from_fd (csock, NULL); test_t *test = data; ConnectorProblem *cproblem = &test->server_parameters.problem.conn; GSocketConnection *gconn; long flags; if (csock < 0) { perror ("accept() failed"); g_warning ("accept() failed on socket that should have been ready."); return TRUE; } if (!test->server_parameters.features.tls) cproblem->xmpp |= XMPP_PROBLEM_NO_TLS; flags = fcntl (csock, F_GETFL ); flags = flags & ~O_NONBLOCK; fcntl (csock, F_SETFL, flags); gconn = g_object_new (G_TYPE_SOCKET_CONNECTION, "socket", gsock, NULL); g_object_unref (gsock); test->server = test_connector_server_new (G_IO_STREAM (gconn), test->server_parameters.features.auth_mech, test->server_parameters.auth.user, test->server_parameters.auth.pass, test->server_parameters.features.version, cproblem, test->server_parameters.problem.sasl, test->server_parameters.cert); test_connector_server_start (test->server); g_object_unref (gconn); test->watch = 0; return FALSE; } static void start_dummy_xmpp_server (test_t *test) { int ssock; int reuse = 1; struct sockaddr_in server; int res = -1; guint port = test->server_parameters.port; if (port == 0) return; memset (&server, 0, sizeof (server)); server.sin_family = AF_INET; inet_aton (REACHABLE, &server.sin_addr); server.sin_port = htons (port); ssock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); setsockopt (ssock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuse, sizeof (reuse)); res = bind (ssock, (struct sockaddr *) &server, sizeof (server)); if (res != 0) { int code = errno; char *err = g_strdup_printf ("bind to " REACHABLE ":%d failed", port); perror (err); g_free (err); exit (code); } res = listen (ssock, 1024); if (res != 0) { int code = errno; char *err = g_strdup_printf ("listen on " REACHABLE ":%d failed", port); perror (err); g_free (err); exit (code); } test->channel = g_io_channel_unix_new (ssock); g_io_channel_set_flags (test->channel, G_IO_FLAG_NONBLOCK, NULL); test->watch = g_io_add_watch (test->channel, G_IO_IN|G_IO_PRI, client_connected, (gpointer)test); g_io_channel_set_close_on_unref (test->channel, TRUE); return; } /* ************************************************************************* */ static void test_server_teardown_cb (GObject *source, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer user_data) { test_t *test = user_data; g_assert (test_connector_server_teardown_finish ( TEST_CONNECTOR_SERVER (source), result, NULL)); running_test = FALSE; if (test->server != NULL) g_object_unref (test->server); test->server = NULL; if (g_main_loop_is_running (mainloop)) g_main_loop_quit (mainloop); } static void test_done (GObject *source, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer data) { test_t *test = data; WockyConnector *wcon = WOCKY_CONNECTOR (source); WockyXmppConnection *conn = NULL; error = NULL; switch (test->client.op) { case OP_CONNECT: conn = wocky_connector_connect_finish (wcon, res, &test->result.jid, &test->result.sid, &error); test->ok = (conn != NULL); break; case OP_REGISTER: conn = wocky_connector_register_finish (wcon, res, &test->result.jid, &test->result.sid, &error); test->ok = (conn != NULL); break; case OP_CANCEL: test->ok = wocky_connector_unregister_finish (wcon, res, &error); break; } if (conn != NULL) test->result.xmpp = g_object_ref (conn); if (test->watch != 0) g_source_remove (test->watch); test->watch = 0; if (test->channel != NULL) g_io_channel_unref (test->channel); test->channel = NULL; if (test->server != NULL) { test->result.used_mech = g_strdup ( test_connector_server_get_used_mech (test->server)); test_connector_server_teardown (test->server, test_server_teardown_cb, test); } else if (g_main_loop_is_running (mainloop)) { g_main_loop_quit (mainloop); } } typedef void (*test_func) (gconstpointer); static gboolean start_test (gpointer data) { test_t *test = data; if (test->client.setup != NULL) (test->client.setup) (test); switch (test->client.op) { case OP_CONNECT: wocky_connector_connect_async (test->connector, NULL, test_done, data); break; case OP_REGISTER: wocky_connector_register_async (test->connector, NULL, test_done, data); break; case OP_CANCEL: wocky_connector_unregister_async (test->connector, NULL, test_done, data); break; } return FALSE; } static void run_test (gpointer data) { WockyConnector *wcon = NULL; WockyTLSHandler *handler; test_t *test = data; struct stat dummy; gchar *base; char *path; const gchar *ca; /* clean up any leftover messes from previous tests */ /* unlink the sasl db tmpfile, it will cause a deadlock */ base = g_get_current_dir (); path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/__db.%s", base, SASL_DB_NAME); g_free (base); g_assert ((g_stat (path, &dummy) != 0) || (g_unlink (path) == 0)); g_free (path); /* end of cleanup block */ start_dummy_xmpp_server (test); setup_dummy_dns_entries (test); ca = test->client.options.ca ? test->client.options.ca : TLS_CA_CRT_FILE; /* insecure tls cert/etc not yet implemented */ handler = wocky_tls_handler_new (test->client.options.lax_ssl); wcon = g_object_new ( WOCKY_TYPE_CONNECTOR, "jid" , test->client.auth.jid, "password" , test->client.auth.pass, "xmpp-server" , test->client.options.host, "xmpp-port" , test->client.options.port, "tls-required" , test->client.require_tls, "encrypted-plain-auth-ok" , !test->client.auth.secure, /* this refers to PLAINTEXT vs CRYPT, not PLAIN vs DIGEST */ "plaintext-auth-allowed" , !test->client.auth.tls, "legacy" , test->client.options.jabber, "old-ssl" , test->client.options.ssl, "tls-handler" , handler, NULL); wocky_tls_handler_add_ca (handler, ca); wocky_tls_handler_add_crl (handler, TLS_CRL_DIR); g_object_unref (handler); test->connector = wcon; running_test = TRUE; g_idle_add (start_test, test); g_main_loop_run (mainloop); if (test->result.domain == S_NO_ERROR) { if (error != NULL) fprintf (stderr, "Error: %s.%d: %s\n", g_quark_to_string (error->domain), error->code, error->message); g_assert_no_error (error); if (test->client.op == OP_CANCEL) { g_assert (test->ok == TRUE); g_assert (test->result.xmpp == NULL); } else { g_assert (test->result.xmpp != NULL); /* make sure we selected the right auth mechanism */ if (test->result.mech != NULL) { g_assert_cmpstr (test->result.mech, ==, test->result.used_mech); } /* we got a JID back, I hope */ g_assert (test->result.jid != NULL); g_assert (*test->result.jid != '\0'); g_free (test->result.jid); /* we got a SID back, I hope */ g_assert (test->result.sid != NULL); g_assert (*test->result.sid != '\0'); g_free (test->result.sid); } /* property get/set functionality */ if (!strcmp (test->desc, CONNECTOR_INTERNALS_TEST)) { int i; gchar *identity = NULL; WockyConnector *tmp = wocky_connector_new ("foo@bar.org", "abc", "xyz", NULL, NULL); WockyStanza *feat = NULL; gboolean jabber; gboolean oldssl; XmppProblem xproblem = test->server_parameters.problem.conn.xmpp; const gchar *prop = NULL; const gchar *str_prop[] = { "jid", "password", "xmpp-server", "email", NULL }; const gchar *str_vals[] = { "abc", "PASSWORD", "xmpp.server", "e@org", NULL }; const gchar *boolprop[] = { "plaintext-auth-allowed", "encrypted-plain-auth-ok", "tls-required", NULL }; g_object_get (wcon, "identity", &identity, "features", &feat, NULL); g_assert (identity != NULL); g_assert (*identity |= '\0'); g_assert (feat != NULL); g_assert (G_OBJECT_TYPE (feat) == WOCKY_TYPE_STANZA); g_free (identity); g_object_unref (feat); identity = NULL; g_object_get (wcon, "session-id", &identity, NULL); g_assert (identity != NULL); g_assert (*identity != '\0'); g_free (identity); g_object_get (wcon, "resource", &identity, NULL); g_assert (identity != NULL); g_assert (*identity |= '\0'); g_free (identity); g_object_get (wcon, "legacy", &jabber, "old-ssl", &oldssl, NULL); g_assert (jabber == (gboolean)(xproblem & XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SERVER)); g_assert (oldssl == (gboolean)(xproblem & XMPP_PROBLEM_OLD_SSL)); for (i = 0, prop = str_prop[0]; prop; prop = str_prop[++i]) { gchar *val = NULL; g_object_set (tmp, prop, str_vals[i], NULL); g_object_get (tmp, prop, &val, NULL); g_assert (!strcmp (val, str_vals[i])); g_assert (val != str_vals[i]); g_free (val); } for (i = 0, prop = boolprop[0]; prop; prop = boolprop[++i]) { gboolean val; g_object_set (tmp, prop, TRUE, NULL); g_object_get (tmp, prop, &val, NULL); g_assert (val); g_object_set (tmp, prop, FALSE, NULL); g_object_get (tmp, prop, &val, NULL); g_assert (!val); } g_object_set (tmp, "xmpp-port", 31415, NULL); g_object_get (tmp, "xmpp-port", &i, NULL); g_assert (i == 31415); g_object_unref (tmp); } } else if (test->result.domain == S_ANY_ERROR) { g_assert (test->result.xmpp == NULL); } else { /* We want the error to match either of result.code or * result.fallback_code, but don't care which. * The expected error domain is the same for either code. */ if (error->code == test->result.fallback_code) g_assert_error (error, map_static_domain (test->result.domain), test->result.fallback_code); else g_assert_error (error, map_static_domain (test->result.domain), test->result.code); } if (wcon != NULL) g_object_unref (wcon); if (error != NULL) g_error_free (error); if (test->result.xmpp != NULL) g_object_unref (test->result.xmpp); g_free (test->result.used_mech); error = NULL; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { int i; gchar *base; gchar *path = NULL; struct stat dummy; int result; test_init (argc, argv); /* hook up the fake DNS resolver that lets us divert A and SRV queries * * into our local cache before asking the real DNS */ original = g_resolver_get_default (); kludged = g_object_new (TEST_TYPE_RESOLVER, "real-resolver", original, NULL); g_resolver_set_default (kludged); /* unlink the sasl db, we want to test against a fresh one */ base = g_get_current_dir (); path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", base, SASL_DB_NAME); g_free (base); g_assert ((g_stat (path, &dummy) != 0) || (g_unlink (path) == 0)); g_free (path); mainloop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE); #ifdef HAVE_LIBSASL2 for (i = 0; tests[i].desc != NULL; i++) g_test_add_data_func (tests[i].desc, &tests[i], (test_func)run_test); #else g_message ("libsasl2 not found: skipping MD5 SASL tests"); for (i = 0; tests[i].desc != NULL; i++) { if (!wocky_strdiff (tests[i].result.mech, "DIGEST-MD5")) continue; g_test_add_data_func (tests[i].desc, &tests[i], (test_func)run_test); } #endif result = g_test_run (); test_deinit (); return result; }