#!/usr/bin/env python2 import pcap import sys import string import time import socket import struct protocols={socket.IPPROTO_TCP:'tcp', socket.IPPROTO_UDP:'udp', socket.IPPROTO_ICMP:'icmp'} def decode_ip_packet(s): d={} d['version']=(ord(s[0]) & 0xf0) >> 4 d['header_len']=ord(s[0]) & 0x0f d['tos']=ord(s[1]) d['total_len']=socket.ntohs(struct.unpack('H',s[2:4])[0]) d['id']=socket.ntohs(struct.unpack('H',s[4:6])[0]) d['flags']=(ord(s[6]) & 0xe0) >> 5 d['fragment_offset']=socket.ntohs(struct.unpack('H',s[6:8])[0] & 0x1f) d['ttl']=ord(s[8]) d['protocol']=ord(s[9]) d['checksum']=socket.ntohs(struct.unpack('H',s[10:12])[0]) d['source_address']=pcap.ntoa(struct.unpack('i',s[12:16])[0]) d['destination_address']=pcap.ntoa(struct.unpack('i',s[16:20])[0]) if d['header_len']>5: d['options']=s[20:4*(d['header_len']-5)] else: d['options']=None d['data']=s[4*d['header_len']:] return d def dumphex(s): bytes = map(lambda x: '%.2x' % x, map(ord, s)) for i in xrange(0,len(bytes)/16): print ' %s' % string.join(bytes[i*16:(i+1)*16],' ') print ' %s' % string.join(bytes[(i+1)*16:],' ') def print_packet(pktlen, data, timestamp): if not data: return if data[12:14]=='\x08\x00': decoded=decode_ip_packet(data[14:]) print '\n%s.%f %s > %s' % (time.strftime('%H:%M', time.localtime(timestamp)), timestamp % 60, decoded['source_address'], decoded['destination_address']) for key in ['version', 'header_len', 'tos', 'total_len', 'id', 'flags', 'fragment_offset', 'ttl']: print ' %s: %d' % (key, decoded[key]) print ' protocol: %s' % protocols[decoded['protocol']] print ' header checksum: %d' % decoded['checksum'] print ' data:' dumphex(decoded['data']) if __name__=='__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 3: print 'usage: sniff.py ' sys.exit(0) #dev = pcap.lookupdev() dev = sys.argv[1] #net, mask = pcap.lookupnet(dev) # note: to_ms does nothing on linux p = pcap.pcap(dev) #p.open_live(dev, 1600, 0, 100) #p.dump_open('dumpfile') #p.setfilter(string.join(sys.argv[2:],' '), 0, 0) # try-except block to catch keyboard interrupt. Failure to shut # down cleanly can result in the interface not being taken out of promisc. # mode #p.setnonblock(1) try: while 1: p.dispatch(1, print_packet) # specify 'None' to dump to dumpfile, assuming you have called # the dump_open method # p.dispatch(0, None) # the loop method is another way of doing things # p.loop(1, print_packet) # as is the next() method # p.next() returns a (pktlen, data, timestamp) tuple # apply(print_packet,p.next()) except KeyboardInterrupt: print '%s' % sys.exc_type print 'shutting down' print '%d packets received, %d packets dropped, %d packets dropped by interface' % p.stats()