Major changes in 0.6.3: ======================= * Add support for copy and paste to the agent protocol * Add foreign-menu and external controller client protocol headers Major changes in 0.6.2: ======================= * Skipped to stay in sync with spice Major changes in 0.6.1: ======================= * Added compat flag for 16bpp commands Major changes in 0.6.0: ======================= * Initial messages for clipboard sharing * Move agent protocol structs from spice to spice-protocol * Add capabilities to agent protocol Major changes in 0.5.3: ======================= Network major number changed to 2 to reflect that the network protocol is now stable and backwards compatible from this point. Some vdagent messages for display settings and clipboard sharing were added. Major changes in 0.5.2: ======================= This is the first release of the unstable 0.5.x series leading up to 0.6. This module was split out of spice so that e.g. drivers and qemu can get the types and constants they need without using the full spice codebase.