# # Copyright 2007 Google Inc. Released under the GPL v2 """ This module defines the KVM class KVM: a KVM virtual machine monitor """ __author__ = """ mbligh@google.com (Martin J. Bligh), poirier@google.com (Benjamin Poirier), stutsman@google.com (Ryan Stutsman) """ import os from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error from autotest_lib.server import hypervisor, utils, hosts _qemu_ifup_script= """\ #!/bin/sh # $1 is the name of the new qemu tap interface ifconfig $1 promisc up brctl addif br0 $1 """ _check_process_script= """\ if [ -f "%(pid_file_name)s" ] then pid=$(cat "%(pid_file_name)s") if [ -L /proc/$pid/exe ] && stat /proc/$pid/exe | grep -q -- "-> \`%(qemu_binary)s\'\$" then echo "process present" else rm -f "%(pid_file_name)s" rm -f "%(monitor_file_name)s" fi fi """ _hard_reset_script= """\ import socket monitor_socket= socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) monitor_socket.connect("%(monitor_file_name)s") monitor_socket.send("system_reset\\n")\n') """ _remove_modules_script= """\ if $(grep -q "^kvm_intel [[:digit:]]\+ 0" /proc/modules) then rmmod kvm-intel fi if $(grep -q "^kvm_amd [[:digit:]]\+ 0" /proc/modules) then rmmod kvm-amd fi if $(grep -q "^kvm [[:digit:]]\+ 0" /proc/modules) then rmmod kvm fi """ class KVM(hypervisor.Hypervisor): """ This class represents a KVM virtual machine monitor. Implementation details: This is a leaf class in an abstract class hierarchy, it must implement the unimplemented methods in parent classes. """ build_dir= None pid_dir= None support_dir= None addresses= [] insert_modules= True modules= {} def __del__(self): """ Destroy a KVM object. Guests managed by this hypervisor that are still running will be killed. """ self.deinitialize() def _insert_modules(self): """ Insert the kvm modules into the kernel. The modules inserted are the ones from the build directory, NOT the ones from the kernel. This function should only be called after install(). It will check that the modules are not already loaded before attempting to insert them. """ cpu_flags= self.host.run('cat /proc/cpuinfo | ' 'grep -e "^flags" | head -1 | cut -d " " -f 2-' ).stdout.strip() if cpu_flags.find('vmx') != -1: module_type= "intel" elif cpu_flags.find('svm') != -1: module_type= "amd" else: raise error.AutoservVirtError("No harware " "virtualization extensions found, " "KVM cannot run") self.host.run('if ! $(grep -q "^kvm " /proc/modules); ' 'then insmod "%s"; fi' % (utils.sh_escape( os.path.join(self.build_dir, "kernel/kvm.ko")),)) if module_type == "intel": self.host.run('if ! $(grep -q "^kvm_intel " ' '/proc/modules); then insmod "%s"; fi' % (utils.sh_escape(os.path.join(self.build_dir, "kernel/kvm-intel.ko")),)) elif module_type == "amd": self.host.run('if ! $(grep -q "^kvm_amd " ' '/proc/modules); then insmod "%s"; fi' % (utils.sh_escape(os.path.join(self.build_dir, "kernel/kvm-amd.ko")),)) def _remove_modules(self): """ Remove the kvm modules from the kernel. This function checks that they're not in use before trying to remove them. """ self.host.run(_remove_modules_script) def install(self, addresses, build=True, insert_modules=True, syncdir=None): """ Compile the kvm software on the host that the object was initialized with. The kvm kernel modules are compiled, for this, the kernel sources must be available. A custom qemu is also compiled. Note that 'make install' is not run, the kernel modules and qemu are run from where they were built, therefore not conflicting with what might already be installed. Args: addresses: a list of dict entries of the form {"mac" : "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx", "ip" : "yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy"} where x and y are replaced with sensible values. The ip address may be a hostname or an IPv6 instead. When a new virtual machine is created, the first available entry in that list will be used. The network card in the virtual machine will be assigned the specified mac address and autoserv will use the specified ip address to connect to the virtual host via ssh. The virtual machine os must therefore be configured to configure its network with the ip corresponding to the mac. build: build kvm from the source material, if False, it is assumed that the package contains the source tree after a 'make'. insert_modules: build kvm modules from the source material and insert them. Otherwise, the running kernel is assumed to already have kvm support and nothing will be done concerning the modules. TODO(poirier): check dependencies before building kvm needs: libasound2-dev libsdl1.2-dev (or configure qemu with --disable-gfx-check, how?) bridge-utils """ self.addresses= [ {"mac" : address["mac"], "ip" : address["ip"], "is_used" : False} for address in addresses] self.build_dir = self.host.get_tmp_dir() self.support_dir= self.host.get_tmp_dir() self.host.run('echo "%s" > "%s"' % ( utils.sh_escape(_qemu_ifup_script), utils.sh_escape(os.path.join(self.support_dir, "qemu-ifup.sh")),)) self.host.run('chmod a+x "%s"' % ( utils.sh_escape(os.path.join(self.support_dir, "qemu-ifup.sh")),)) self.host.send_file(self.source_material, self.build_dir) remote_source_material= os.path.join(self.build_dir, os.path.basename(self.source_material)) self.build_dir= utils.unarchive(self.host, remote_source_material) if insert_modules: configure_modules= "" self.insert_modules= True else: configure_modules= "--with-patched-kernel " self.insert_modules= False # build if build: try: self.host.run('make -C "%s" clean' % ( utils.sh_escape(self.build_dir),), timeout=600) except error.AutoservRunError: # directory was already clean and contained # no makefile pass self.host.run('cd "%s" && ./configure %s' % ( utils.sh_escape(self.build_dir), configure_modules,), timeout=600) if syncdir: cmd = 'cd "%s/kernel" && make sync LINUX=%s' % ( utils.sh_escape(self.build_dir), utils.sh_escape(syncdir)) self.host.run(cmd) self.host.run('make -j%d -C "%s"' % ( self.host.get_num_cpu() * 2, utils.sh_escape(self.build_dir),), timeout=3600) # remember path to modules self.modules['kvm'] = "%s" %( utils.sh_escape(os.path.join(self.build_dir, "kernel/kvm.ko"))) self.modules['kvm-intel'] = "%s" %( utils.sh_escape(os.path.join(self.build_dir, "kernel/kvm-intel.ko"))) self.modules['kvm-amd'] = "%s" %( utils.sh_escape(os.path.join(self.build_dir, "kernel/kvm-amd.ko"))) print self.modules self.initialize() def initialize(self): """ Initialize the hypervisor. Loads needed kernel modules and creates temporary directories. The logic is that you could compile once and initialize - deinitialize many times. But why you would do that has yet to be figured. Raises: AutoservVirtError: cpuid doesn't report virtualization extentions (vmx for intel or svm for amd), in this case, kvm cannot run. """ self.pid_dir= self.host.get_tmp_dir() if self.insert_modules: self._remove_modules() self._insert_modules() def deinitialize(self): """ Terminate the hypervisor. Kill all the virtual machines that are still running and unload the kernel modules. """ self.refresh_guests() for address in self.addresses: if address["is_used"]: self.delete_guest(address["ip"]) self.pid_dir= None if self.insert_modules: self._remove_modules() def new_guest(self, qemu_options): """ Start a new guest ("virtual machine"). Returns: The ip that was picked from the list supplied to install() and assigned to this guest. Raises: AutoservVirtError: no more addresses are available. """ for address in self.addresses: if not address["is_used"]: break else: raise error.AutoservVirtError( "No more addresses available") retval= self.host.run( '%s' # this is the line of options that can be modified ' %s ' '-pidfile "%s" -daemonize -nographic ' #~ '-serial telnet::4444,server ' '-monitor unix:"%s",server,nowait ' '-net nic,macaddr="%s" -net tap,script="%s" -L "%s"' % ( utils.sh_escape(os.path.join( self.build_dir, "qemu/x86_64-softmmu/qemu-system-x86_64")), qemu_options, utils.sh_escape(os.path.join( self.pid_dir, "vhost%s_pid" % (address["ip"],))), utils.sh_escape(os.path.join( self.pid_dir, "vhost%s_monitor" % (address["ip"],))), utils.sh_escape(address["mac"]), utils.sh_escape(os.path.join( self.support_dir, "qemu-ifup.sh")), utils.sh_escape(os.path.join( self.build_dir, "qemu/pc-bios")),)) address["is_used"]= True return address["ip"] def refresh_guests(self): """ Refresh the list of guests addresses. The is_used status will be updated according to the presence of the process specified in the pid file that was written when the virtual machine was started. TODO(poirier): there are a lot of race conditions in this code because the process might terminate on its own anywhere in between """ for address in self.addresses: if address["is_used"]: pid_file_name= utils.sh_escape(os.path.join( self.pid_dir, "vhost%s_pid" % (address["ip"],))) monitor_file_name= utils.sh_escape(os.path.join( self.pid_dir, "vhost%s_monitor" % (address["ip"],))) retval= self.host.run( _check_process_script % { "pid_file_name" : pid_file_name, "monitor_file_name" : monitor_file_name, "qemu_binary" : utils.sh_escape( os.path.join(self.build_dir, "qemu/x86_64-softmmu/" "qemu-system-x86_64")),}) if (retval.stdout.strip() != "process present"): address["is_used"]= False def delete_guest(self, guest_hostname): """ Terminate a virtual machine. Args: guest_hostname: the ip (as it was specified in the address list given to install()) of the guest to terminate. Raises: AutoservVirtError: the guest_hostname argument is invalid TODO(poirier): is there a difference in qemu between sending SIGTEM or quitting from the monitor? TODO(poirier): there are a lot of race conditions in this code because the process might terminate on its own anywhere in between """ for address in self.addresses: if address["ip"] == guest_hostname: if address["is_used"]: break else: # Will happen if deinitialize() is # called while guest objects still # exit and these are del'ed after. # In that situation, nothing is to # be done here, don't throw an error # either because it will print an # ugly message during garbage # collection. The solution would be to # delete the guest objects before # calling deinitialize(), this can't be # done by the KVM class, it has no # reference to those objects and it # cannot have any either. The Guest # objects already need to have a # reference to their managing # hypervisor. If the hypervisor had a # reference to the Guest objects it # manages, it would create a circular # reference and those objects would # not be elligible for garbage # collection. In turn, this means that # the KVM object would not be # automatically del'ed at the end of # the program and guests that are still # running would be left unattended. # Note that this circular reference # problem could be avoided by using # weakref's in class KVM but the # control file will most likely also # have references to the guests. return else: raise error.AutoservVirtError("Unknown guest hostname") pid_file_name= utils.sh_escape(os.path.join(self.pid_dir, "vhost%s_pid" % (address["ip"],))) monitor_file_name= utils.sh_escape(os.path.join(self.pid_dir, "vhost%s_monitor" % (address["ip"],))) retval= self.host.run( _check_process_script % { "pid_file_name" : pid_file_name, "monitor_file_name" : monitor_file_name, "qemu_binary" : utils.sh_escape(os.path.join( self.build_dir, "qemu/x86_64-softmmu/qemu-system-x86_64")),}) if retval.stdout.strip() == "process present": self.host.run('kill $(cat "%s")' %( pid_file_name,)) self.host.run('rm -f "%s"' %( pid_file_name,)) self.host.run('rm -f "%s"' %( monitor_file_name,)) address["is_used"]= False def reset_guest(self, guest_hostname): """ Perform a hard reset on a virtual machine. Args: guest_hostname: the ip (as it was specified in the address list given to install()) of the guest to terminate. Raises: AutoservVirtError: the guest_hostname argument is invalid """ for address in self.addresses: if address["ip"] is guest_hostname: if address["is_used"]: break else: raise error.AutoservVirtError("guest " "hostname not in use") else: raise error.AutoservVirtError("Unknown guest hostname") monitor_file_name= utils.sh_escape(os.path.join(self.pid_dir, "vhost%s_monitor" % (address["ip"],))) self.host.run('python -c "%s"' % (utils.sh_escape( _hard_reset_script % { "monitor_file_name" : monitor_file_name,}),))