#! /usr/bin/env python3 # -.- coding: utf-8 -.- # Zeitgeist # # Copyright © 2009-2010 Markus Korn # Copyright © 2010 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen # Copyright © 2010 Canonical Ltd. # By Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen # Copyright © 2011 Collabora Ltd. # By Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals # By Seif Lotfy # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import re import sys import glob import codecs from io import StringIO import collections import argparse import rdflib from rdflib import RDF, RDFS from rdflib.plugin import register from rdflib.serializer import Serializer from rdflib.parser import StringInputSource from rdflib.namespace import Namespace NIENS = Namespace("http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/01/19/nie#") class SymbolCollection(dict): closed = False _by_namespace = None def __init__(self): self._by_namespace = collections.defaultdict(lambda: []) def register(self, uri, parents, display_name, doc): assert not self.closed symbol = Symbol(self, uri, parents, display_name, doc) self[uri] = symbol def post_process(self): self.closed = True symbols = list(self.values()) for symbol in symbols: for (i, parent) in enumerate(symbol.parents): symbol.parents[i] = self[parent] self._by_namespace[symbol.namespace].append(symbol) def iter_by_namespace(self): return list(self._by_namespace.items()) def debug_print(self): symbols = list(self.registered_symbols.values()) for symbol in symbols: symbol.debug_print() print() class Symbol(object): name = None namespace = None uri = None parents = None display_name = None doc = None _collection = None _children = None _all_children = None def __init__(self, collection, uri, parents, display_name, doc): self._collection = collection self.uri = str(uri) self.namespace, self.name = self.uri[self.uri.rfind('/')+1:].split('#') self.name = Utils.camel2upper(self.name) self.namespace = self.namespace.upper() self.parents = [str(parent) for parent in parents] self.display_name = str(display_name) if display_name is not None \ else self.name self.doc = str(doc) @property def children(self): """ Return all direct children of this Symbol. """ if self._children is None: childs = set() values = list(self._collection.values()) for symbol in values: if self in symbol.parents: childs.add(symbol) self._children = childs return self._children @property def all_children(self): """ Return all children of this Symbol, recursively. """ if self._all_children is None: all_children = set() for symbol in self.children: all_children.update([symbol]) all_children.update(symbol.all_children) self._all_children = all_children return self._all_children def debug_print(self): print("Name: %s" % self.name) print(" URI: %s" % self.uri) print(" Display Name: %s" % self.display_name) print(" Parents: %s" % ', '.join([str(p) for p in self.parents])) doc = self.doc if len(self.doc) <= 50 else "%s..." % self.doc[:47] print(" Description: %s" % doc) def __str__(self): return self.name def __doc__(self): return self.doc def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.namespace, other.namespace) or \ cmp(self.name, other.name) def __lt__(self, other): return self.name < other.name def __hash__(self): return self.uri.__hash__() class Utils(object): @staticmethod def escape_chars(text, quotes='"', strip=True): assert len(quotes) == 1 text = text.replace('%s' % quotes, '\\%s' % quotes) if strip: text = text.strip() return text @staticmethod def camel2upper(name): """ Convert CamelCase to CAMEL_CASE """ result = "" for i in range(len(name) - 1) : if name[i].islower() and name[i+1].isupper(): result += name[i].upper() + "_" else: result += name[i].upper() result += name[-1].upper() return result @staticmethod def replace_items(item_set, item_map): if not item_set: return for item, value in list(item_map.items()): try: item_set.remove(item) except KeyError: # item is not in set continue else: # item was in set, replace it with value item_set.add(value) @staticmethod def indent(text, indentation): return re.sub(r'(?m)^(.+)$', r'%s\1' % indentation, text) class OntologyParser(object): symbols = None def __init__(self, directory): if not os.path.isdir(directory): raise SystemExit('Directory doesn\'t exist: %s' % directory) self.symbols = self._parse(glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, '*.trig'))) def _parse(self, trig_files): """ Parse an RDFXML stream into a SymbolCollection. """ ontology = rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph() for trig_path in trig_files: with open(trig_path, "r") as trig_file: ontology.parse(trig_file, format='trig') def _get_all_classes(*super_classes): for cls in super_classes: for subclass in ontology.subjects(RDFS.subClassOf, cls): yield subclass for x in _get_all_classes(subclass): yield x parent_classes = [NIENS['InformationElement'], NIENS['DataObject']] symbol_classes = set(_get_all_classes(*parent_classes)) all_symbols = symbol_classes.union(parent_classes) symbols = SymbolCollection() for symbol in sorted(all_symbols): # URI uri = str(symbol) # Description comments = list(ontology.objects(symbol, RDFS.comment)) doc = comments[0] if comments else '' # Display name labels = list(ontology.objects(symbol, RDFS.label)) display_name = (labels[0]) if labels else None # Parents parents = set(ontology.objects(symbol, RDFS.subClassOf) ).intersection(all_symbols) if symbol in symbol_classes: assert parents # And we have a new Symbol! symbols.register(uri, parents, display_name, doc) symbols.post_process() return symbols class GenericSerializer(object): parser = None symbols = None def __init__(self, parser): self.parser = parser self.symbols = parser.symbols class PythonSerializer(GenericSerializer): def dump(self): for symbol in sorted(self.symbols.values()): parents = set((symbol.uri for symbol in symbol.parents)) Utils.replace_items(parents, { str(NIENS['InformationElement']): 'Interpretation', str(NIENS['DataObject']): 'Manifestation' }) print("Symbol('%s', parent=%r, uri='%s', display_name='%s', " \ "doc='%s', auto_resolve=False)" % (symbol.name, parents, symbol.uri, Utils.escape_chars(symbol.display_name, '\''), Utils.escape_chars(symbol.doc, '\''))) class ValaSerializer(GenericSerializer): @staticmethod def symbol_link(symbol): return '%s.%s' % (symbol.namespace, symbol.name) @classmethod def build_doc(cls, symbol, doc_prefix=""): """ Build a C-style docstring for gtk-doc processing. """ uri_link = '[[%s]]' % (symbol.uri) doc = symbol.doc # List children children = [cls.symbol_link(child) for child in symbol.children] if children: doc += '\n\n Children: %s' % ', '.join('{@link %s}' % child for child in children) else: doc += '\n\n Children: None' # List parents parents = [cls.symbol_link(parent) for parent in symbol.parents] if parents: doc += '\n\n Parents: %s' % ', '.join('{@link %s}' % parent for parent in parents) else: doc += '\n\n Parents: None' # Convert docstring to gtk-doc style C comment doc = doc.replace('\n', '\n *') doc = '/**\n * %s:\n *\n * %s%s\n *\n * %s\n */' % ( symbol.name, doc_prefix, uri_link, doc) return doc def dump_uris(self, dest): dest.write('namespace Zeitgeist\n{\n') for namespace, symbols in sorted(self.symbols.iter_by_namespace()): dest.write('\n namespace %s\n {\n\n' % namespace) for symbol in sorted(symbols): # FIXME: (event/subject) interpretation/manifestation ?? doc = self.build_doc(symbol, doc_prefix='Macro defining the interpretation type ') dest.write(' %s\n' % doc.replace('\n', '\n ' ).strip()) dest.write(' public const string %s = "%s";\n\n' % ( symbol.name, symbol.uri)) dest.write(' }\n') dest.write('}\n') def dump_symbols(self, dest): dest.write('string uri, display_name, description;\n') dest.write('string[] parents, children, all_children;\n\n') for namespace, symbols in sorted(self.symbols.iter_by_namespace()): for symbol in sorted(symbols): parent_uris = ', '.join('%s.%s' % (s.namespace, s.name) for s in symbol.parents) children_uris = ', '.join('%s.%s' % (s.namespace, s.name) for s in symbol.children) all_children_uris = ', '.join('%s.%s' % (s.namespace, s.name) for s in symbol.all_children) dest.write('uri = Zeitgeist.%s.%s;\n' % (symbol.namespace, symbol.name)) dest.write('description = "%s";\n' % Utils.escape_chars( symbol.doc, '"')); dest.write('display_name = "%s";\n' % Utils.escape_chars( symbol.display_name, '"')) dest.write('parents = { %s };\n' % parent_uris) dest.write('children = { %s };\n' % children_uris) dest.write('all_children = { %s };\n' % all_children_uris) dest.write('Symbol.Info.register (uri, display_name, description, ' \ 'parents, children, all_children);\n\n') class OntologyCodeGenerator(object): _INSERTION_MARK = '// *insert-auto-generated-code*' _selfpath = None _parser = None _python_serializer = None _vala_serializer = None def __init__(self): self._selfpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) self._parser = OntologyParser(os.path.join(self._selfpath, 'ontology')) self._python_serializer = PythonSerializer(self._parser) self._vala_serializer = ValaSerializer(self._parser) def generate_python(self): self._python_serializer.dump() def generate_vala(self, uris_tpl, symbols_tpl, uris_out, symbols_out): self._write_file(uris_tpl, uris_out, self._vala_serializer.dump_uris, 'vala') self._write_file(symbols_tpl, symbols_out, self._vala_serializer.dump_symbols, 'vala') def _write_file(self, tplfilename, outfilename, content_generator, _type): sys.stderr.write("Generating %s..." % os.path.basename(outfilename)) # Read template file if not os.path.isabs (tplfilename): tplfilename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), tplfilename) template = open(tplfilename).read() # Generate output content = StringIO() content_generator(content) content = content.getvalue().strip('\n') # Write header output = StringIO() self._write_header(output, _type) # Write template, insert the generated output into the correct # position (marked by "// *insert-auto-generated-code*"). insertion_pos = template.find(self._INSERTION_MARK) indentation = insertion_pos - template.rfind('\n', 0, insertion_pos) - 1 start_pos = template.rfind('\n', 0, insertion_pos) + 1 continue_pos = insertion_pos output.write(template[:start_pos]) output.write(Utils.indent(content, ' ' * indentation)) output.write(template[continue_pos+len(self._INSERTION_MARK):]) # Write everything to the result file if os.path.isabs (outfilename): outpath = outfilename else: outpath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), outfilename) open(outpath, 'w').write(output.getvalue()) def _write_header(self, dest, _type): if _type == 'vala': dest.write('// This file has been auto-generated by the ' \ 'ontology2code script.\n') dest.write('// Do not modify it directly.\n\n') else: raise NotImplementedError def _generate_vala_uris(self, dest): pass if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--vala', nargs=4, metavar=('URI_TEMPLATE', 'SYMBOLS_TEMPLATE', 'URI_DESTINATION', 'SYMBOLS_DESTINATION')) parser.add_argument('--dump-python', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() generator = OntologyCodeGenerator() if args.vala: generator.generate_vala(args.vala[0], args.vala[1], args.vala[2], args.vala[3]) elif args.dump_python: generator.generate_python() # vim:noexpandtab:ts=4:sw=4