#! /usr/bin/perl -w # # Copyright (c) 2009, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next # paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the # Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use CGI; use Getopt::Long; # Currently available output formats: # short - short log (default) # long - full logs # html - short log with cgit links # stat - diff stats # # Input is provided as a list of modules with a from and to version, or # "-" if no version is included, such as: # # MODULE 7.5 7.6 # ------ ----- ------ # applewmproto 1.4.1 1.4.1 # bdftopcf 1.0.2 1.0.3 # [...] my $output_type = 'short'; my $result = GetOptions ("type=s" => \$output_type); my $usage = "Usage: [--type=short|long|html|stat] \n"; if ((!$result) || (($output_type ne 'short') && ($output_type ne 'long') && ($output_type ne 'html')&& ($output_type ne 'stat') )) { print STDERR $usage; exit 1; } my @modtypes=qw(app data doc driver font lib proto util xcb .); my %modmap = ( 'libXres' => 'libXRes', 'libpthread-stubs' => 'pthread-stubs', 'util-macros' => 'macros', 'xbitmaps' => 'bitmaps', 'xcb-proto' => 'proto', 'xcursor-themes' => 'cursors', 'xorg-server' => 'xserver', 'xproto' => 'x11proto', 'xtrans' => 'libxtrans', ); my %module_info = (); while ($_= <>) { chomp($_); if ($_ =~ m/(\S+)\s+([\-\.\d]+)\s+([\.\d\-\*]+)/) { my ($module, $old, $new) = ($1, $2, $3); my $modtype = "?"; my $moddir = $module; next if $new eq '-'; if (exists($modmap{$module})) { $moddir = $modmap{$module}; } if ($module =~ m/font-(.*)/) { $moddir = $1; $modtype = 'font'; } else { foreach my $m (@modtypes) { if (-d "$m/$moddir") { $modtype = $m; last; } } } if (($modtype ne '?') && (($old ne $new) || ($output_type eq 'html'))) { if ($output_type ne 'html') { print "======= $modtype/$module ($old..$new)\n\n"; } my $oldtag = find_tag($modtype, $moddir, $module, $old); my $newtag = find_tag($modtype, $moddir, $module, $new); # print "$modtype/$module: $oldtag -> $newtag\n"; # system('git', "--git-dir=$modtype/$moddir/.git", 'log', # '--pretty=short', "$oldtag..$newtag"); # special cases for X11R7.7 if ($module eq 'xkeyboard-config') { $oldtag = 'xkeyboard-config-2.0'; } my $tagrange = ($oldtag ne '') ? "$oldtag..$newtag" : "$newtag"; my $output_flags = ($output_type eq 'long') ? '' : '--pretty=short'; my $git_subcmd = ($output_type eq 'stat') ? 'diff --shortstat' : 'log'; my $git_log_cmd = "git --git-dir=$modtype/$moddir/.git" . " $git_subcmd $output_flags $tagrange"; if ($output_type eq 'short') { system("$git_log_cmd | git shortlog"); } elsif (($output_type eq 'long') || ($output_type eq 'stat')) { system("$git_log_cmd"); } else { my %changes = (); open my $gsl, '-|', $git_log_cmd or die; while (my $ll = <$gsl>) { chomp($ll); my $commit = {}; my $author; if ($ll =~ m{^commit (\w+)$}) { $commit->{id} = $1; while ($ll = <$gsl>) { chomp($ll); last if $ll =~ m{^\s*$}; if ($ll =~ m{^Author:\s*(.*)\s+\<.*\>}) { $author = $1; } elsif ($ll !~ m{^Merge:}) { die "Author match failed: $modtype/$module/$commit->{id}\n$ll\n"; } } my $desc = ""; while ($ll = <$gsl>) { last if $ll =~ m{^\s*$}; $ll =~ s{^ }{}; $desc .= $ll; } chomp($desc); $commit->{desc} = $desc; if (!exists $changes{$author}) { $changes{$author} = [ ]; } unshift @{$changes{$author}}, $commit; } } close $gsl; my $newtagdate = `git --git-dir=$modtype/$moddir/.git log -1 --tags --simplify-by-decoration --pretty="format:%ad" --date=short $newtag`; $module_info{"$modtype/$module"} = { changes => \%changes, oldtag => $oldtag, newtag => $newtag, newtagdate => $newtagdate, modtype => $modtype, moddir => $moddir, module => $module, oldvers => $old, newvers => $new }; } } } else { # print $_, "\n"; } } if ($output_type eq 'html') { my $q = new CGI; my $title = 'Consolidated ChangeLog for X11R7.7'; print $q->start_html(-title => $title, -style=>{-src =>'http://cgit.freedesktop.org/cgit.css', -code => '.modules { float: left; }' . '.modules > td { padding-left: 3px; }' }, -encoding => 'utf-8', -head => [ $q->Link({-rel => 'home', -href => 'http://www.x.org/'}), $q->Link({-rel => 'SHORTCUT ICON', -href => 'favicon.ico'}), $q->Link({-rel => 'up', -href => 'index.html'}), ], -itemscope => undef, -itemtype => 'http://schema.org/WebPage' ), "\n"; print $q->div({ -style => 'text-align: center;', -itemprop => 'publisher', -content => 'X.Org Foundation' }, $q->a({ -href => 'http://www.x.org/', -rel => 'home'}, $q->img({ -src => 'logo.png', -border => '0', -alt => 'X.Org Foundation' }))), "\n", $q->h1($title), "\n"; print $q->start_table({ -class => 'modules', -cols => '4' }), "\n", $q->Tr($q->th({-colspan=>"2"}, 'Module'), $q->th([' X11R7.6 ', ' X11R7.7 '])), "\n"; my $midpoint = scalar(keys %module_info) / 2; foreach my $m (sort keys %module_info) { my $modname = $module_info{$m}->{module}; my $moddisplay = $m; print $q->Tr($q->td( [ $module_info{$m}->{modtype}, $q->a({href=>"#$modname"}, $module_info{$m}->{moddir}), $module_info{$m}->{oldvers}, $module_info{$m}->{newvers} ])), "\n"; if (--$midpoint == 0) { print $q->end_table(); print $q->start_table({ -class => 'modules', -cols => '4' }). $q->Tr($q->th({-colspan=>"2"}, 'Module'), $q->th([' X11R7.6 ', ' X11R7.7 '])), "\n"; } } print $q->end_table(); print $q->br({-clear => "all"}), "\n"; foreach my $m (sort keys %module_info) { my $modname = $module_info{$m}->{module}; my $modtype = $module_info{$m}->{modtype}; my $moddir = $module_info{$m}->{moddir}; my $modvers = $module_info{$m}->{newvers}; my $modtar = "$modname-$modvers.tar.bz2"; my $moddisplay = $m; $moddisplay =~ s{^\./}{}; print $q->start_div({-class => "content", -itemscope => undef, -itemtype=>'http://schema.org/SoftwareApplication'}), $q->h2($q->span({-itemprop => "name"}, cgit_link($q, $modtype, $moddir, 'top', $modname, $moddisplay)), $q->span({ -itemprop => 'version' }, $modvers)), "\n"; print $q->a({ -href => "src/everything/$modtar", -itemprop => 'downloadURL' }, $modtar), ' — ', $q->span({ -itemprop => 'datePublished' }, $module_info{$m}->{newtagdate}), "\n"; print $q->h3('Commits from', ($module_info{$m}->{oldtag} eq '') ? 'the beginning' : cgit_link($q, $modtype, $moddir, 'tag', $module_info{$m}->{oldtag}, $module_info{$m}->{oldtag} ), 'to', cgit_link($q, $modtype, $moddir, 'tag', $module_info{$m}->{newtag}, $module_info{$m}->{newtag} ) ), "\n"; print $q->start_ul({ -class => 'authors', -itemprop => 'versionChanges' }); my $changes = $module_info{$m}->{changes}; foreach my $a (sort keys %{$changes}) { my @au_changes = @{$changes->{$a}}; my $count = scalar @au_changes; print $q->li("$a ($count):", $q->ul({ -class => 'commits' }, $q->li([map { cgit_link($q, $modtype, $moddir, 'commit', $_->{id}, $_->{desc}) } @au_changes])) ), "\n"; } print $q->end_ul(); print $q->end_div(), "\n"; } print $q->end_html(), "\n"; } sub cgit_link { my ($q, $modtype, $moddir, $type, $id, $body) = @_; # http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/xserver/tag/?id=xorg-server-1.7.1 # http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/xserver/commit/?id=9a2f6135bfb0f12ec28f304c97917d2f7c64db05 if ($modtype ne 'xcb') { if ($modtype eq '.') { $modtype = "xorg"; # special cases for X11R7.6 # if ($id eq '9edb9e9b4dde6f73dc5241d078425a7a70699ec9') { # $type = 'commit'; # } } else { $modtype = "xorg/$modtype"; } } my $modpath = "$modtype/$moddir"; if ($moddir eq "xkeyboard-config") { $modpath = "xkeyboard-config"; } my %link_attrs = (-href => "http://cgit.freedesktop.org/$modpath/"); if ($type eq 'top') { $link_attrs{-name} = $id; } else { $link_attrs{-href} .= "$type/?id=$id"; } my $link = $q->a(\%link_attrs, $q->escapeHTML($body)); return $link; } sub find_tag { my ($modtype, $moddir, $module, $vers) = @_; if ($vers eq '*') { return 'HEAD'; } if ($vers eq '-') { return ''; } my $oldvers = $vers; $oldvers =~ s/\./_/g; if (-f "$modtype/$moddir/.git/refs/tags/$module-$vers") { return "$module-$vers"; } elsif (-f "$modtype/$moddir/.git/refs/tags/$vers") { return "$vers"; } else { if (-f "$modtype/$moddir/.git/refs/tags/$module-$oldvers") { return "$module-$oldvers"; } } $vers =~ s/\./\\./g; open(my $tag_fh, '-|', "git --git-dir=$modtype/$moddir/.git tag -l") or die "Failed to run git --git-dir=$modtype/$moddir/.git tag -l"; my $found; while (my $t = <$tag_fh>) { chomp($t); if (($t =~ m/$vers$/) || ($t =~ m/$oldvers$/)) { $found = $t; } } close($tag_fh); if ($found) { return $found; } if (-f "$modtype/$moddir/.git/refs/tags/XORG-7_1") { return 'XORG-7_1'; } return ''; } # if [[ -d "$TOP/$d/.git" && ! -f "$TOP/$d/NO-PULL" ]] ; then # cd $TOP/$d # LAST_TAG="$(git describe --abbrev=0)" # if [[ -z "${LAST_TAG}" ]] ; then # LAST_TAG="$(git describe --abbrev=0 --all HEAD^)" # fi # git log "${LAST_TAG}"..