/* * Copyright © 2007, 2013 Red Hat, Inc. * Copyright © 2008 Maarten Maathuis * * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * Authors: * Dave Airlie * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "xorgVersion.h" #include "msm.h" #include "xf86Crtc.h" #include "xf86drmMode.h" #include "xf86DDC.h" #include "xf86Cursor.h" #include "xf86RandR12.h" #include "X11/Xatom.h" #include "dixstruct.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "fb.h" #include "xf86cmap.h" #include "shadowfb.h" #include "region.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_XEXTPROTO_71 #include #else #define DPMS_SERVER #include #endif #include #include #include static Bool drmmode_xf86crtc_resize(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int width, int height); typedef struct { int fd; uint32_t fb_id; drmModeResPtr mode_res; int cpp; drmEventContext event_context; #ifdef HAVE_LIBUDEV struct udev_monitor *uevent_monitor; #endif } drmmode_rec, *drmmode_ptr; typedef struct { drmmode_ptr drmmode; drmModeCrtcPtr mode_crtc; struct fd_bo *cursor; struct fd_bo *rotate_bo; int rotate_pitch; PixmapPtr rotate_pixmap; uint32_t rotate_fb_id; Bool cursor_visible; } drmmode_crtc_private_rec, *drmmode_crtc_private_ptr; typedef struct { drmModePropertyPtr mode_prop; int index; /* Index within the kernel-side property arrays for * this connector. */ int num_atoms; /* if range prop, num_atoms == 1; if enum prop, * num_atoms == num_enums + 1 */ Atom *atoms; } drmmode_prop_rec, *drmmode_prop_ptr; typedef struct { drmmode_ptr drmmode; int output_id; drmModeConnectorPtr mode_output; drmModeEncoderPtr mode_encoder; drmModePropertyBlobPtr edid_blob; int num_props; drmmode_prop_ptr props; } drmmode_output_private_rec, *drmmode_output_private_ptr; typedef struct { drmmode_ptr drmmode; unsigned old_fb_id; int flip_count; void *event_data; unsigned int fe_frame; unsigned int fe_tv_sec; unsigned int fe_tv_usec; } drmmode_flipdata_rec, *drmmode_flipdata_ptr; typedef struct { drmmode_flipdata_ptr flipdata; Bool dispatch_me; } drmmode_flipevtcarrier_rec, *drmmode_flipevtcarrier_ptr; static void drmmode_output_dpms(xf86OutputPtr output, int mode); static drmmode_ptr drmmode_from_scrn(ScrnInfoPtr scrn) { if (scrn) { xf86CrtcConfigPtr conf = XF86_CRTC_CONFIG_PTR(scrn); drmmode_crtc_private_ptr crtc = conf->crtc[0]->driver_private; return crtc->drmmode; } return NULL; } static PixmapPtr drmmode_pixmap_wrap(ScreenPtr pScreen, int width, int height, int depth, int bpp, int pitch, struct fd_bo *bo, void *data) { MSMPtr pMsm = MSMPTR_FROM_SCREEN(pScreen); PixmapPtr ppix; if (!pMsm->NoAccel) data = NULL; ppix = pScreen->CreatePixmap(pScreen, 0, 0, depth, 0); if (!ppix) return NULL; pScreen->ModifyPixmapHeader(ppix, width, height, depth, bpp, pitch, data); msm_set_pixmap_bo(ppix, bo); return ppix; } static void drmmode_ConvertFromKMode(ScrnInfoPtr scrn, drmModeModeInfo *kmode, DisplayModePtr mode) { memset(mode, 0, sizeof(DisplayModeRec)); mode->status = MODE_OK; mode->Clock = kmode->clock; mode->HDisplay = kmode->hdisplay; mode->HSyncStart = kmode->hsync_start; mode->HSyncEnd = kmode->hsync_end; mode->HTotal = kmode->htotal; mode->HSkew = kmode->hskew; mode->VDisplay = kmode->vdisplay; mode->VSyncStart = kmode->vsync_start; mode->VSyncEnd = kmode->vsync_end; mode->VTotal = kmode->vtotal; mode->VScan = kmode->vscan; mode->Flags = kmode->flags; //& FLAG_BITS; mode->name = strdup(kmode->name); if (kmode->type & DRM_MODE_TYPE_DRIVER) mode->type = M_T_DRIVER; if (kmode->type & DRM_MODE_TYPE_PREFERRED) mode->type |= M_T_PREFERRED; xf86SetModeCrtc (mode, scrn->adjustFlags); } static void drmmode_ConvertToKMode(ScrnInfoPtr scrn, drmModeModeInfo *kmode, DisplayModePtr mode) { memset(kmode, 0, sizeof(*kmode)); kmode->clock = mode->Clock; kmode->hdisplay = mode->HDisplay; kmode->hsync_start = mode->HSyncStart; kmode->hsync_end = mode->HSyncEnd; kmode->htotal = mode->HTotal; kmode->hskew = mode->HSkew; kmode->vdisplay = mode->VDisplay; kmode->vsync_start = mode->VSyncStart; kmode->vsync_end = mode->VSyncEnd; kmode->vtotal = mode->VTotal; kmode->vscan = mode->VScan; kmode->flags = mode->Flags; //& FLAG_BITS; if (mode->name) strncpy(kmode->name, mode->name, DRM_DISPLAY_MODE_LEN); kmode->name[DRM_DISPLAY_MODE_LEN-1] = 0; } static void drmmode_crtc_dpms(xf86CrtcPtr drmmode_crtc, int mode) { } static void drmmode_fbcon_copy(ScreenPtr pScreen) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86ScreenToScrn(pScreen); MSMPtr pMsm = MSMPTR(pScrn); ExaDriverPtr exa = pMsm->pExa; drmmode_ptr drmmode = NULL; xf86CrtcConfigPtr config = XF86_CRTC_CONFIG_PTR(pScrn); drmModeFBPtr fb; unsigned w = pScrn->virtualX, h = pScrn->virtualY, bpp = pScrn->bitsPerPixel; uint32_t fbcon_id = 0; struct fd_bo *fbcon_bo; PixmapPtr fbcon_pix, scanout_pix; void *ptr; int i; for (i = 0; i < config->num_crtc; i++) { drmmode_crtc_private_ptr crtc = config->crtc[0]->driver_private; if (crtc->mode_crtc->buffer_id) { fbcon_id = crtc->mode_crtc->buffer_id; drmmode = crtc->drmmode; } } if (!fbcon_id) goto fallback; fb = drmModeGetFB(drmmode->fd, fbcon_id); if (!fb) { xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_WARNING, "Failed to retrieve fbcon fb: id %d\n", fbcon_id); goto fallback; } if (fb->depth != pScrn->depth || fb->width != w || fb->height != h) { drmModeFreeFB(fb); goto fallback; } fbcon_bo = fd_bo_from_handle(pMsm->dev, fb->handle, fb->height * fb->pitch); if (!fbcon_bo) { xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_WARNING, "Failed to retrieve fbcon buffer: handle=0x%08x\n", fb->handle); drmModeFreeFB(fb); goto fallback; } fbcon_pix = drmmode_pixmap_wrap(pScreen, fb->width, fb->height, fb->depth, fb->bpp, fb->pitch, fbcon_bo, NULL); drmModeFreeFB(fb); if (!fbcon_pix) { xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_WARNING, "Failed to create pixmap for fbcon contents\n"); goto fallback; } scanout_pix = drmmode_pixmap_wrap(pScreen, w, h, pScrn->depth, bpp, pScrn->displayWidth * bpp / 8, pMsm->scanout, NULL); if (!scanout_pix) { xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_WARNING, "Failed to init scanout pixmap for fbcon mirror\n"); pScreen->DestroyPixmap(fbcon_pix); goto fallback; } /* we could use CopyArea() and get the normal sw fallbacks, but * then we need to do things in terms of drawables and regions. * So meh, we have XA, let's not worry too much about it. */ if (!exa->PrepareCopy(fbcon_pix, scanout_pix, 0, 0, GXcopy, ~0)) goto fallback; exa->Copy(scanout_pix, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h); exa->DoneCopy(scanout_pix); /* shouldn't really be needed, the PrepareAccess below will do this, * but for good measure: */ MSMFlushAccel(pScreen); /* wait for completion before continuing, avoids seeing a momentary * flash of "corruption" on occasion */ exa->PrepareAccess(scanout_pix, EXA_PREPARE_SRC); exa->FinishAccess(scanout_pix, EXA_PREPARE_SRC); pScreen->DestroyPixmap(scanout_pix); pScreen->DestroyPixmap(fbcon_pix); pScreen->canDoBGNoneRoot = TRUE; return; fallback: ptr = fd_bo_map(pMsm->scanout); if (!ptr) return; memset(ptr, 0x00, fd_bo_size(pMsm->scanout)); } static Bool drmmode_set_mode_major(xf86CrtcPtr crtc, DisplayModePtr mode, Rotation rotation, int x, int y) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = crtc->scrn; MSMPtr pMsm = MSMPTR(pScrn); xf86CrtcConfigPtr xf86_config = XF86_CRTC_CONFIG_PTR(crtc->scrn); drmmode_crtc_private_ptr drmmode_crtc = crtc->driver_private; drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_crtc->drmmode; uint32_t *output_ids; int output_count = 0; int ret = TRUE; int i; int fb_id; drmModeModeInfo kmode; if (drmmode->fb_id == 0) { int pitch = MSMAlignedStride(pScrn->virtualX, pScrn->bitsPerPixel); ret = drmModeAddFB(drmmode->fd, pScrn->virtualX, pScrn->virtualY, pScrn->depth, pScrn->bitsPerPixel, pitch, fd_bo_handle(pMsm->scanout), &drmmode->fb_id); if (ret) { xf86DrvMsg(crtc->scrn->scrnIndex, X_ERROR, "Error adding FB for scanout: %s\n", strerror(-ret)); return FALSE; } pScrn->displayWidth = pitch / (pScrn->bitsPerPixel >> 3); } if (!xf86CrtcRotate(crtc)) return FALSE; output_ids = calloc(sizeof(uint32_t), xf86_config->num_output); if (!output_ids) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < xf86_config->num_output; i++) { xf86OutputPtr output = xf86_config->output[i]; drmmode_output_private_ptr drmmode_output; if (output->crtc != crtc) continue; drmmode_output = output->driver_private; output_ids[output_count] = drmmode_output->mode_output->connector_id; output_count++; } drmmode_ConvertToKMode(crtc->scrn, &kmode, mode); fb_id = drmmode->fb_id; if (drmmode_crtc->rotate_fb_id) { fb_id = drmmode_crtc->rotate_fb_id; x = 0; y = 0; } ret = drmModeSetCrtc(drmmode->fd, drmmode_crtc->mode_crtc->crtc_id, fb_id, x, y, output_ids, output_count, &kmode); free(output_ids); if (ret) { xf86DrvMsg(crtc->scrn->scrnIndex, X_ERROR, "failed to set mode: %s\n", strerror(-ret)); return FALSE; } /* Work around some xserver stupidity */ for (i = 0; i < xf86_config->num_output; i++) { xf86OutputPtr output = xf86_config->output[i]; if (output->crtc != crtc) continue; drmmode_output_dpms(output, DPMSModeOn); } crtc->funcs->gamma_set(crtc, crtc->gamma_red, crtc->gamma_green, crtc->gamma_blue, crtc->gamma_size); if (pMsm->HWCursor) xf86_reload_cursors(crtc->scrn->pScreen); return TRUE; } static void drmmode_set_cursor_position (xf86CrtcPtr crtc, int x, int y) { drmmode_crtc_private_ptr drmmode_crtc = crtc->driver_private; drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_crtc->drmmode; drmModeMoveCursor(drmmode->fd, drmmode_crtc->mode_crtc->crtc_id, x, y); } static void convert_cursor(CARD32 *dst, CARD32 *src, int dw, int sw) { int i, j; for (j = 0; j < sw; j++) { for (i = 0; i < sw; i++) { dst[j * dw + i] = src[j * sw + i]; } } } static Bool drmmode_load_cursor_argb_check(xf86CrtcPtr crtc, CARD32 *image) { drmmode_crtc_private_ptr drmmode_crtc = crtc->driver_private; struct fd_bo *cursor = drmmode_crtc->cursor; drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_crtc->drmmode; void *ptr = fd_bo_map(cursor); int ret = 0; convert_cursor(ptr, image, 64, 64); if (drmmode_crtc->cursor_visible) { ret = drmModeSetCursor(drmmode->fd, drmmode_crtc->mode_crtc->crtc_id, fd_bo_handle(cursor), 64, 64); } return ret == 0; } static void drmmode_load_cursor_argb(xf86CrtcPtr crtc, CARD32 *image) { drmmode_load_cursor_argb_check(crtc, image); } static void drmmode_hide_cursor (xf86CrtcPtr crtc) { drmmode_crtc_private_ptr drmmode_crtc = crtc->driver_private; drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_crtc->drmmode; drmModeSetCursor(drmmode->fd, drmmode_crtc->mode_crtc->crtc_id, 0, 64, 64); drmmode_crtc->cursor_visible = FALSE; } static void drmmode_show_cursor (xf86CrtcPtr crtc) { drmmode_crtc_private_ptr drmmode_crtc = crtc->driver_private; drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_crtc->drmmode; drmModeSetCursor(drmmode->fd, drmmode_crtc->mode_crtc->crtc_id, fd_bo_handle(drmmode_crtc->cursor), 64, 64); drmmode_crtc->cursor_visible = TRUE; } static void * drmmode_crtc_shadow_allocate(xf86CrtcPtr crtc, int width, int height) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = crtc->scrn; MSMPtr pMsm = MSMPTR(pScrn); drmmode_crtc_private_ptr drmmode_crtc = crtc->driver_private; drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_crtc->drmmode; int ret, pitch, size; void *ptr; pitch = MSMAlignedStride(width, 32); size = pitch * height; drmmode_crtc->rotate_pitch = pitch; drmmode_crtc->rotate_bo = fd_bo_new(pMsm->dev, size, DRM_FREEDRENO_GEM_TYPE_KMEM); if (!drmmode_crtc->rotate_bo) { xf86DrvMsg(crtc->scrn->scrnIndex, X_ERROR, "Couldn't allocate shadow memory for rotated CRTC\n"); return NULL; } ptr = fd_bo_map(drmmode_crtc->rotate_bo); if (!ptr) { xf86DrvMsg(crtc->scrn->scrnIndex, X_ERROR, "Couldn't get virtual address of shadow scanout\n"); fd_bo_del(drmmode_crtc->rotate_bo); drmmode_crtc->rotate_bo = NULL; return NULL; } ret = drmModeAddFB(drmmode->fd, width, height, crtc->scrn->depth, crtc->scrn->bitsPerPixel, drmmode_crtc->rotate_pitch, fd_bo_handle(drmmode_crtc->rotate_bo), &drmmode_crtc->rotate_fb_id); if (ret) { xf86DrvMsg(crtc->scrn->scrnIndex, X_ERROR, "Error adding FB for shadow scanout: %s\n", strerror(-ret)); fd_bo_del(drmmode_crtc->rotate_bo); drmmode_crtc->rotate_bo = NULL; return NULL; } return ptr; } static PixmapPtr drmmode_crtc_shadow_create(xf86CrtcPtr crtc, void *data, int width, int height) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = crtc->scrn; drmmode_crtc_private_ptr drmmode_crtc = crtc->driver_private; PixmapPtr rotate_pixmap; if (!data) data = drmmode_crtc_shadow_allocate (crtc, width, height); rotate_pixmap = drmmode_pixmap_wrap(pScrn->pScreen, width, height, pScrn->depth, pScrn->bitsPerPixel, drmmode_crtc->rotate_pitch, drmmode_crtc->rotate_bo, data); drmmode_crtc->rotate_pixmap = rotate_pixmap; return drmmode_crtc->rotate_pixmap; } static void drmmode_crtc_shadow_destroy(xf86CrtcPtr crtc, PixmapPtr rotate_pixmap, void *data) { drmmode_crtc_private_ptr drmmode_crtc = crtc->driver_private; drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_crtc->drmmode; if (rotate_pixmap) FreeScratchPixmapHeader(rotate_pixmap); if (data) { drmModeRmFB(drmmode->fd, drmmode_crtc->rotate_fb_id); drmmode_crtc->rotate_fb_id = 0; fd_bo_del(drmmode_crtc->rotate_bo); drmmode_crtc->rotate_bo = NULL; drmmode_crtc->rotate_pixmap = NULL; } } static void drmmode_gamma_set(xf86CrtcPtr crtc, CARD16 *red, CARD16 *green, CARD16 *blue, int size) { drmmode_crtc_private_ptr drmmode_crtc = crtc->driver_private; drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_crtc->drmmode; int ret; ret = drmModeCrtcSetGamma(drmmode->fd, drmmode_crtc->mode_crtc->crtc_id, size, red, green, blue); if (ret != 0) { xf86DrvMsg(crtc->scrn->scrnIndex, X_ERROR, "failed to set gamma: %s\n", strerror(-ret)); } } static const xf86CrtcFuncsRec drmmode_crtc_funcs = { .dpms = drmmode_crtc_dpms, .set_mode_major = drmmode_set_mode_major, .set_cursor_position = drmmode_set_cursor_position, .show_cursor = drmmode_show_cursor, .hide_cursor = drmmode_hide_cursor, #if XORG_VERSION_CURRENT >= XORG_VERSION_NUMERIC(1,15,99,902,0) .load_cursor_argb_check = drmmode_load_cursor_argb_check, #endif .load_cursor_argb = drmmode_load_cursor_argb, .shadow_create = drmmode_crtc_shadow_create, .shadow_allocate = drmmode_crtc_shadow_allocate, .shadow_destroy = drmmode_crtc_shadow_destroy, .gamma_set = drmmode_gamma_set, }; static void drmmode_crtc_init(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, drmmode_ptr drmmode, int num) { MSMPtr pMsm = MSMPTR(pScrn); xf86CrtcPtr crtc; drmmode_crtc_private_ptr drmmode_crtc; crtc = xf86CrtcCreate(pScrn, &drmmode_crtc_funcs); if (crtc == NULL) return; drmmode_crtc = xnfcalloc(sizeof(drmmode_crtc_private_rec), 1); drmmode_crtc->mode_crtc = drmModeGetCrtc(drmmode->fd, drmmode->mode_res->crtcs[num]); drmmode_crtc->drmmode = drmmode; drmmode_crtc->cursor = fd_bo_new(pMsm->dev, 64*64*4, DRM_FREEDRENO_GEM_TYPE_KMEM); assert(drmmode_crtc->cursor); crtc->driver_private = drmmode_crtc; return; } static xf86OutputStatus drmmode_output_detect(xf86OutputPtr output) { /* go to the hw and retrieve a new output struct */ drmmode_output_private_ptr drmmode_output = output->driver_private; drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_output->drmmode; xf86OutputStatus status; drmModeFreeConnector(drmmode_output->mode_output); drmmode_output->mode_output = drmModeGetConnector(drmmode->fd, drmmode_output->output_id); if (!drmmode_output->mode_output) return XF86OutputStatusDisconnected; switch (drmmode_output->mode_output->connection) { case DRM_MODE_CONNECTED: status = XF86OutputStatusConnected; break; case DRM_MODE_DISCONNECTED: status = XF86OutputStatusDisconnected; break; default: case DRM_MODE_UNKNOWNCONNECTION: status = XF86OutputStatusUnknown; break; } return status; } static Bool drmmode_output_mode_valid(xf86OutputPtr output, DisplayModePtr mode) { if (mode->type & M_T_DEFAULT) /* Default modes are harmful here. */ return MODE_BAD; return MODE_OK; } static DisplayModePtr drmmode_output_get_modes(xf86OutputPtr output) { drmmode_output_private_ptr drmmode_output = output->driver_private; drmModeConnectorPtr koutput = drmmode_output->mode_output; drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_output->drmmode; int i; DisplayModePtr Modes = NULL, Mode; drmModePropertyPtr props; xf86MonPtr ddc_mon = NULL; if (!koutput) return NULL; /* look for an EDID property */ for (i = 0; i < koutput->count_props; i++) { props = drmModeGetProperty(drmmode->fd, koutput->props[i]); if (!props || !(props->flags & DRM_MODE_PROP_BLOB)) continue; if (!strcmp(props->name, "EDID")) { if (drmmode_output->edid_blob) drmModeFreePropertyBlob(drmmode_output->edid_blob); drmmode_output->edid_blob = drmModeGetPropertyBlob(drmmode->fd, koutput->prop_values[i]); } drmModeFreeProperty(props); } if (drmmode_output->edid_blob) { ddc_mon = xf86InterpretEDID(output->scrn->scrnIndex, drmmode_output->edid_blob->data); if (ddc_mon && drmmode_output->edid_blob->length > 128) ddc_mon->flags |= MONITOR_EDID_COMPLETE_RAWDATA; } xf86OutputSetEDID(output, ddc_mon); /* modes should already be available */ for (i = 0; i < koutput->count_modes; i++) { Mode = xnfalloc(sizeof(DisplayModeRec)); drmmode_ConvertFromKMode(output->scrn, &koutput->modes[i], Mode); Modes = xf86ModesAdd(Modes, Mode); } return Modes; } static void drmmode_output_destroy(xf86OutputPtr output) { drmmode_output_private_ptr drmmode_output = output->driver_private; int i; if (drmmode_output->edid_blob) drmModeFreePropertyBlob(drmmode_output->edid_blob); for (i = 0; i < drmmode_output->num_props; i++) { drmModeFreeProperty(drmmode_output->props[i].mode_prop); free(drmmode_output->props[i].atoms); } drmModeFreeConnector(drmmode_output->mode_output); free(drmmode_output); output->driver_private = NULL; } static void drmmode_output_dpms(xf86OutputPtr output, int mode) { drmmode_output_private_ptr drmmode_output = output->driver_private; drmModeConnectorPtr koutput = drmmode_output->mode_output; drmModePropertyPtr props; drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_output->drmmode; int mode_id = -1, i; for (i = 0; i < koutput->count_props; i++) { props = drmModeGetProperty(drmmode->fd, koutput->props[i]); if (props && (props->flags & DRM_MODE_PROP_ENUM)) { if (!strcmp(props->name, "DPMS")) { mode_id = koutput->props[i]; drmModeFreeProperty(props); break; } drmModeFreeProperty(props); } } if (mode_id < 0) return; drmModeConnectorSetProperty(drmmode->fd, koutput->connector_id, mode_id, mode); } static Bool drmmode_property_ignore(drmModePropertyPtr prop) { if (!prop) return TRUE; /* ignore blob prop */ if (prop->flags & DRM_MODE_PROP_BLOB) return TRUE; /* ignore standard property */ if (!strcmp(prop->name, "EDID") || !strcmp(prop->name, "DPMS")) return TRUE; return FALSE; } static void drmmode_output_create_resources(xf86OutputPtr output) { drmmode_output_private_ptr drmmode_output = output->driver_private; drmModeConnectorPtr mode_output = drmmode_output->mode_output; drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_output->drmmode; drmModePropertyPtr drmmode_prop; uint32_t value; int i, j, err; drmmode_output->props = calloc(mode_output->count_props, sizeof(drmmode_prop_rec)); if (!drmmode_output->props) return; drmmode_output->num_props = 0; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < mode_output->count_props; i++) { drmmode_prop = drmModeGetProperty(drmmode->fd, mode_output->props[i]); if (drmmode_property_ignore(drmmode_prop)) { drmModeFreeProperty(drmmode_prop); continue; } drmmode_output->props[j].mode_prop = drmmode_prop; drmmode_output->props[j].index = i; drmmode_output->num_props++; j++; } for (i = 0; i < drmmode_output->num_props; i++) { drmmode_prop_ptr p = &drmmode_output->props[i]; drmmode_prop = p->mode_prop; value = drmmode_output->mode_output->prop_values[p->index]; if (drmmode_prop->flags & DRM_MODE_PROP_RANGE) { INT32 range[2]; p->num_atoms = 1; p->atoms = calloc(p->num_atoms, sizeof(Atom)); if (!p->atoms) continue; p->atoms[0] = MakeAtom(drmmode_prop->name, strlen(drmmode_prop->name), TRUE); range[0] = drmmode_prop->values[0]; range[1] = drmmode_prop->values[1]; err = RRConfigureOutputProperty(output->randr_output, p->atoms[0], FALSE, TRUE, drmmode_prop->flags & DRM_MODE_PROP_IMMUTABLE ? TRUE : FALSE, 2, range); if (err != 0) { xf86DrvMsg(output->scrn->scrnIndex, X_ERROR, "RRConfigureOutputProperty error, %d\n", err); } err = RRChangeOutputProperty(output->randr_output, p->atoms[0], XA_INTEGER, 32, PropModeReplace, 1, &value, FALSE, FALSE); if (err != 0) { xf86DrvMsg(output->scrn->scrnIndex, X_ERROR, "RRChangeOutputProperty error, %d\n", err); } } else if (drmmode_prop->flags & DRM_MODE_PROP_ENUM) { p->num_atoms = drmmode_prop->count_enums + 1; p->atoms = calloc(p->num_atoms, sizeof(Atom)); if (!p->atoms) continue; p->atoms[0] = MakeAtom(drmmode_prop->name, strlen(drmmode_prop->name), TRUE); for (j = 1; j <= drmmode_prop->count_enums; j++) { struct drm_mode_property_enum *e = &drmmode_prop->enums[j-1]; p->atoms[j] = MakeAtom(e->name, strlen(e->name), TRUE); } err = RRConfigureOutputProperty(output->randr_output, p->atoms[0], FALSE, FALSE, drmmode_prop->flags & DRM_MODE_PROP_IMMUTABLE ? TRUE : FALSE, p->num_atoms - 1, (INT32 *)&p->atoms[1]); if (err != 0) { xf86DrvMsg(output->scrn->scrnIndex, X_ERROR, "RRConfigureOutputProperty error, %d\n", err); } for (j = 0; j < drmmode_prop->count_enums; j++) if (drmmode_prop->enums[j].value == value) break; /* there's always a matching value */ err = RRChangeOutputProperty(output->randr_output, p->atoms[0], XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, 1, &p->atoms[j+1], FALSE, FALSE); if (err != 0) { xf86DrvMsg(output->scrn->scrnIndex, X_ERROR, "RRChangeOutputProperty error, %d\n", err); } } } } static Bool drmmode_output_set_property(xf86OutputPtr output, Atom property, RRPropertyValuePtr value) { drmmode_output_private_ptr drmmode_output = output->driver_private; drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_output->drmmode; int i, ret; for (i = 0; i < drmmode_output->num_props; i++) { drmmode_prop_ptr p = &drmmode_output->props[i]; if (p->atoms[0] != property) continue; if (p->mode_prop->flags & DRM_MODE_PROP_RANGE) { uint32_t val; if (value->type != XA_INTEGER || value->format != 32 || value->size != 1) return FALSE; val = *(uint32_t *)value->data; ret = drmModeConnectorSetProperty(drmmode->fd, drmmode_output->output_id, p->mode_prop->prop_id, (uint64_t)val); if (ret) return FALSE; return TRUE; } else if (p->mode_prop->flags & DRM_MODE_PROP_ENUM) { Atom atom; const char *name; int j; if (value->type != XA_ATOM || value->format != 32 || value->size != 1) return FALSE; memcpy(&atom, value->data, 4); if (!(name = NameForAtom(atom))) return FALSE; /* search for matching name string, then set its value down */ for (j = 0; j < p->mode_prop->count_enums; j++) { if (!strcmp(p->mode_prop->enums[j].name, name)) { ret = drmModeConnectorSetProperty(drmmode->fd, drmmode_output->output_id, p->mode_prop->prop_id, p->mode_prop->enums[j].value); if (ret) return FALSE; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } static Bool drmmode_output_get_property(xf86OutputPtr output, Atom property) { drmmode_output_private_ptr drmmode_output = output->driver_private; drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_output->drmmode; uint32_t value; int err, i; if (output->scrn->vtSema) { drmModeFreeConnector(drmmode_output->mode_output); drmmode_output->mode_output = drmModeGetConnector(drmmode->fd, drmmode_output->output_id); } if (!drmmode_output->mode_output) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < drmmode_output->num_props; i++) { drmmode_prop_ptr p = &drmmode_output->props[i]; if (p->atoms[0] != property) continue; value = drmmode_output->mode_output->prop_values[p->index]; if (p->mode_prop->flags & DRM_MODE_PROP_RANGE) { err = RRChangeOutputProperty(output->randr_output, property, XA_INTEGER, 32, PropModeReplace, 1, &value, FALSE, FALSE); return !err; } else if (p->mode_prop->flags & DRM_MODE_PROP_ENUM) { int j; /* search for matching name string, then set its value down */ for (j = 0; j < p->mode_prop->count_enums; j++) { if (p->mode_prop->enums[j].value == value) break; } err = RRChangeOutputProperty(output->randr_output, property, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, 1, &p->atoms[j+1], FALSE, FALSE); return !err; } } return FALSE; } static const xf86OutputFuncsRec drmmode_output_funcs = { .create_resources = drmmode_output_create_resources, .dpms = drmmode_output_dpms, .detect = drmmode_output_detect, .mode_valid = drmmode_output_mode_valid, .get_modes = drmmode_output_get_modes, .set_property = drmmode_output_set_property, .get_property = drmmode_output_get_property, .destroy = drmmode_output_destroy }; static int subpixel_conv_table[7] = { 0, SubPixelUnknown, SubPixelHorizontalRGB, SubPixelHorizontalBGR, SubPixelVerticalRGB, SubPixelVerticalBGR, SubPixelNone }; const char *output_names[] = { "None", "VGA", "DVI-I", "DVI-D", "DVI-A", "Composite", "SVIDEO", "LVDS", "CTV", "DIN", "DP", "HDMI", "HDMI", "TV", "eDP", "Virtual", "DSI", }; #define NUM_OUTPUT_NAMES (sizeof(output_names) / sizeof(output_names[0])) static void drmmode_output_init(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, drmmode_ptr drmmode, int num) { xf86OutputPtr output; drmModeConnectorPtr koutput; drmModeEncoderPtr kencoder; drmmode_output_private_ptr drmmode_output; char name[32]; koutput = drmModeGetConnector(drmmode->fd, drmmode->mode_res->connectors[num]); if (!koutput) return; kencoder = drmModeGetEncoder(drmmode->fd, koutput->encoders[0]); if (!kencoder) { drmModeFreeConnector(koutput); return; } if (koutput->connector_type >= NUM_OUTPUT_NAMES) snprintf(name, 32, "Unknown%d-%d", koutput->connector_type, koutput->connector_type_id); else snprintf(name, 32, "%s-%d", output_names[koutput->connector_type], koutput->connector_type_id); output = xf86OutputCreate (pScrn, &drmmode_output_funcs, name); if (!output) { drmModeFreeEncoder(kencoder); drmModeFreeConnector(koutput); return; } drmmode_output = calloc(sizeof(drmmode_output_private_rec), 1); if (!drmmode_output) { xf86OutputDestroy(output); drmModeFreeConnector(koutput); drmModeFreeEncoder(kencoder); return; } drmmode_output->output_id = drmmode->mode_res->connectors[num]; drmmode_output->mode_output = koutput; drmmode_output->mode_encoder = kencoder; drmmode_output->drmmode = drmmode; output->mm_width = koutput->mmWidth; output->mm_height = koutput->mmHeight; output->subpixel_order = subpixel_conv_table[koutput->subpixel]; output->driver_private = drmmode_output; output->possible_crtcs = kencoder->possible_crtcs; output->possible_clones = kencoder->possible_clones; output->interlaceAllowed = TRUE; output->doubleScanAllowed = TRUE; } static Bool drmmode_xf86crtc_resize(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int width, int height) { xf86CrtcConfigPtr xf86_config = XF86_CRTC_CONFIG_PTR(pScrn); ScreenPtr screen = xf86ScrnToScreen(pScrn); MSMPtr pMsm = MSMPTR(pScrn); drmmode_crtc_private_ptr drmmode_crtc = NULL; drmmode_ptr drmmode = NULL; uint32_t old_width, old_height, old_pitch, old_fb_id = 0; struct fd_bo *old_bo = NULL; int ret, i, pitch, size; PixmapPtr ppix; void *ptr; pitch = MSMAlignedStride(width, 32); size = pitch * height; if (xf86_config->num_crtc) { drmmode_crtc = xf86_config->crtc[0]->driver_private; drmmode = drmmode_crtc->drmmode; } DEBUG_MSG("resize called %d %d\n", width, height); if ((pScrn->virtualX == width) && (pScrn->virtualY == height) && pMsm->scanout && drmmode->fb_id) return TRUE; old_width = pScrn->virtualX; old_height = pScrn->virtualY; old_pitch = pScrn->displayWidth; if (drmmode) old_fb_id = drmmode->fb_id; old_bo = pMsm->scanout; pMsm->scanout = fd_bo_new(pMsm->dev, size, DRM_FREEDRENO_GEM_TYPE_KMEM); if (!pMsm->scanout) goto fail; pScrn->virtualX = width; pScrn->virtualY = height; pScrn->displayWidth = pitch / (pScrn->bitsPerPixel >> 3); ptr = fd_bo_map(pMsm->scanout); if (drmmode) { ret = drmModeAddFB(drmmode->fd, width, height, pScrn->depth, pScrn->bitsPerPixel, pitch, fd_bo_handle(pMsm->scanout), &drmmode->fb_id); if (ret) goto fail; } if (!old_fb_id) { drmmode_fbcon_copy(screen); } else { memset(ptr, 0x00, fd_bo_size(pMsm->scanout)); } /* NOTE do everything that could fail before this point, * otherwise you could end up w/ screen pixmap pointing * at the wrong scanout bo */ ppix = screen->GetScreenPixmap(screen); if (ppix) { screen->ModifyPixmapHeader(ppix, width, height, -1, -1, pitch, ptr); msm_set_pixmap_bo(ppix, pMsm->scanout); #if GET_ABI_MAJOR(ABI_VIDEODRV_VERSION) < 9 pScrn->pixmapPrivate.ptr = ppix->devPrivate.ptr; #endif } for (i = 0; i < xf86_config->num_crtc; i++) { xf86CrtcPtr crtc = xf86_config->crtc[i]; if (!crtc->enabled) continue; drmmode_set_mode_major(crtc, &crtc->mode, crtc->rotation, crtc->x, crtc->y); } if (old_fb_id) drmModeRmFB(drmmode->fd, old_fb_id); if (old_bo) fd_bo_del(old_bo); return TRUE; fail: pMsm->scanout = old_bo; pScrn->virtualX = old_width; pScrn->virtualY = old_height; pScrn->displayWidth = old_pitch; if (drmmode) drmmode->fb_id = old_fb_id; return FALSE; } static const xf86CrtcConfigFuncsRec drmmode_xf86crtc_config_funcs = { drmmode_xf86crtc_resize }; Bool drmmode_pre_init(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int fd, int cpp) { drmmode_ptr drmmode; int i; drmmode = xnfalloc(sizeof *drmmode); drmmode->fd = fd; drmmode->fb_id = 0; xf86CrtcConfigInit(pScrn, &drmmode_xf86crtc_config_funcs); drmmode->cpp = cpp; drmmode->mode_res = drmModeGetResources(drmmode->fd); if (!drmmode->mode_res) return FALSE; xf86CrtcSetSizeRange(pScrn, 320, 200, drmmode->mode_res->max_width, drmmode->mode_res->max_height); if (!xf86SetDepthBpp(pScrn, 0, 0, 0, Support24bppFb | Support32bppFb | SupportConvert32to24 | SupportConvert24to32)) { ERROR_MSG("Unable to set bitdepth"); free(drmmode); return FALSE; } if (!drmmode->mode_res->count_connectors || !drmmode->mode_res->count_crtcs) { drmModeFreeResources(drmmode->mode_res); free(drmmode); goto done; } for (i = 0; i < drmmode->mode_res->count_crtcs; i++) { if (!xf86IsEntityShared(pScrn->entityList[0]) || (pScrn->confScreen->device->screen == i)) drmmode_crtc_init(pScrn, drmmode, i); } for (i = 0; i < drmmode->mode_res->count_connectors; i++) drmmode_output_init(pScrn, drmmode, i); done: xf86InitialConfiguration(pScrn, TRUE); return TRUE; } void drmmode_adjust_frame(ScrnInfoPtr scrn, int x, int y) { xf86CrtcConfigPtr config = XF86_CRTC_CONFIG_PTR(scrn); xf86OutputPtr output = config->output[config->compat_output]; xf86CrtcPtr crtc = output->crtc; if (!crtc || !crtc->enabled) return; drmmode_set_mode_major(crtc, &crtc->mode, crtc->rotation, x, y); } void drmmode_remove_fb(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn) { xf86CrtcConfigPtr config = XF86_CRTC_CONFIG_PTR(pScrn); xf86CrtcPtr crtc = NULL; drmmode_crtc_private_ptr drmmode_crtc; drmmode_ptr drmmode; if (config && config->num_crtc) crtc = config->crtc[0]; if (!crtc) return; drmmode_crtc = crtc->driver_private; drmmode = drmmode_crtc->drmmode; if (drmmode->fb_id) drmModeRmFB(drmmode->fd, drmmode->fb_id); drmmode->fb_id = 0; } int drmmode_cursor_init(ScreenPtr pScreen) { int flags = HARDWARE_CURSOR_TRUECOLOR_AT_8BPP | HARDWARE_CURSOR_SOURCE_MASK_INTERLEAVE_32 | HARDWARE_CURSOR_ARGB; return xf86_cursors_init(pScreen, 64, 64, flags); } Bool drmmode_page_flip(DrawablePtr draw, PixmapPtr back, void *priv) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86ScreenToScrn(draw->pScreen); MSMPtr pMsm = MSMPTR(pScrn); struct fd_bo *back_bo = msm_get_pixmap_bo(back); xf86CrtcConfigPtr config = XF86_CRTC_CONFIG_PTR(pScrn); drmmode_crtc_private_ptr crtc = config->crtc[0]->driver_private; drmmode_ptr mode = crtc->drmmode; drmmode_flipdata_ptr flipdata; drmmode_flipevtcarrier_ptr flipcarrier; unsigned int ref_crtc_hw_id = 0; int ret, i, old_fb_id, emitted = 0; old_fb_id = mode->fb_id; ret = drmModeAddFB(mode->fd, pScrn->virtualX, pScrn->virtualY, pScrn->depth, pScrn->bitsPerPixel, pScrn->displayWidth * pScrn->bitsPerPixel / 8, fd_bo_handle(back_bo), &mode->fb_id); if (ret) { xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_WARNING, "add fb failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return FALSE; } flipdata = calloc(1, sizeof(drmmode_flipdata_rec)); if (!flipdata) { xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_WARNING, "flip queue: data alloc failed.\n"); goto error_undo; } flipdata->event_data = priv; flipdata->drmmode = mode; for (i = 0; i < config->num_crtc; i++) { crtc = config->crtc[i]->driver_private; if (!config->crtc[i]->enabled) continue; if (ref_crtc_hw_id == 0) ref_crtc_hw_id = (1 << i); flipdata->flip_count++; flipcarrier = calloc(1, sizeof(drmmode_flipevtcarrier_rec)); if (!flipcarrier) { xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_WARNING, "flip queue: carrier alloc failed.\n"); if (emitted == 0) free(flipdata); goto error_undo; } /* Only the reference crtc will finally deliver its page flip * completion event. All other crtc's events will be discarded. */ flipcarrier->dispatch_me = ((1 << i) == ref_crtc_hw_id); flipcarrier->flipdata = flipdata; ret = drmModePageFlip(mode->fd, crtc->mode_crtc->crtc_id, mode->fb_id, DRM_MODE_PAGE_FLIP_EVENT, flipcarrier); if (ret) { xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_WARNING, "flip queue failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); free(flipcarrier); if (emitted == 0) free(flipdata); goto error_undo; } emitted++; } /* Will release old fb after all crtc's completed flip. */ flipdata->old_fb_id = old_fb_id; pMsm->scanout = back_bo; return TRUE; error_undo: drmModeRmFB(mode->fd, mode->fb_id); mode->fb_id = old_fb_id; return FALSE; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBUDEV static void drmmode_handle_uevents(ScrnInfoPtr scrn) { drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_from_scrn(scrn); struct udev_device *dev; dev = udev_monitor_receive_device(drmmode->uevent_monitor); if (!dev) return; RRGetInfo(xf86ScrnToScreen(scrn), TRUE); udev_device_unref(dev); } #endif #if HAVE_NOTIFY_FD static void drmmode_udev_notify(int fd, int notify, void *data) { ScrnInfoPtr scrn = data; drmmode_handle_uevents(scrn); } #endif static void drmmode_uevent_init(ScrnInfoPtr scrn) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBUDEV drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_from_scrn(scrn); struct udev *u; struct udev_monitor *mon; u = udev_new(); if (!u) return; mon = udev_monitor_new_from_netlink(u, "udev"); if (!mon) { udev_unref(u); return; } if (udev_monitor_filter_add_match_subsystem_devtype(mon, "drm", "drm_minor") < 0 || udev_monitor_enable_receiving(mon) < 0) { udev_monitor_unref(mon); udev_unref(u); return; } #if HAVE_NOTIFY_FD SetNotifyFd(udev_monitor_get_fd(mon), drmmode_udev_notify, X_NOTIFY_READ, scrn); #else AddGeneralSocket(udev_monitor_get_fd(mon)); #endif drmmode->uevent_monitor = mon; #endif } static void drmmode_uevent_fini(ScrnInfoPtr scrn) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBUDEV drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_from_scrn(scrn); if (drmmode->uevent_monitor) { struct udev *u = udev_monitor_get_udev(drmmode->uevent_monitor); #if HAVE_NOTIFY_FD RemoveNotifyFd(udev_monitor_get_fd(drmmode->uevent_monitor)); #else RemoveGeneralSocket(udev_monitor_get_fd(drmmode->uevent_monitor)); #endif udev_monitor_unref(drmmode->uevent_monitor); udev_unref(u); } #endif } static void drmmode_flip_handler(int fd, unsigned int frame, unsigned int tv_sec, unsigned int tv_usec, void *event_data) { drmmode_flipevtcarrier_ptr flipcarrier = event_data; drmmode_flipdata_ptr flipdata = flipcarrier->flipdata; drmmode_ptr drmmode = flipdata->drmmode; /* Is this the event whose info shall be delivered to higher level? */ if (flipcarrier->dispatch_me) { /* Yes: Cache msc, ust for later delivery. */ flipdata->fe_frame = frame; flipdata->fe_tv_sec = tv_sec; flipdata->fe_tv_usec = tv_usec; } free(flipcarrier); /* Last crtc completed flip? */ flipdata->flip_count--; if (flipdata->flip_count > 0) return; /* Release framebuffer */ drmModeRmFB(drmmode->fd, flipdata->old_fb_id); if (flipdata->event_data) { /* Deliver cached msc, ust from reference crtc to flip event handler */ MSMDRI2SwapComplete(flipdata->event_data, flipdata->fe_frame, flipdata->fe_tv_sec, flipdata->fe_tv_usec); } free(flipdata); } #if HAVE_NOTIFY_FD static void drmmode_notify_fd(int fd, int notify, void *data) { ScrnInfoPtr scrn = data; drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_from_scrn(scrn); drmHandleEvent(drmmode->fd, &drmmode->event_context); } #else static void drmmode_wakeup_handler(pointer data, int err, pointer p) { ScrnInfoPtr scrn = data; drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_from_scrn(scrn); fd_set *read_mask = p; if (scrn == NULL || err < 0) return; if (FD_ISSET(drmmode->fd, read_mask)) drmHandleEvent(drmmode->fd, &drmmode->event_context); #ifdef HAVE_LIBUDEV if (FD_ISSET(udev_monitor_get_fd(drmmode->uevent_monitor), read_mask)) drmmode_handle_uevents(scrn); #endif } #endif /* HAVE_NOTIFY_FD */ void drmmode_wait_for_event(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn) { drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_from_scrn(pScrn); drmHandleEvent(drmmode->fd, &drmmode->event_context); } Bool drmmode_screen_init(ScreenPtr pScreen) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86ScreenToScrn(pScreen); drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_from_scrn(pScrn); MSMPtr pMsm = MSMPTR(pScrn); int pitch, size; /* NOTE: we need an initial scanout buffer, in case no attached * display: */ pitch = MSMAlignedStride(pScrn->virtualX, pScrn->bitsPerPixel); size = pitch * pScrn->virtualY; DEBUG_MSG("initial scanout buffer: %dx%d@%d (size=%d, pitch=%d)", pScrn->virtualX, pScrn->virtualY, pScrn->bitsPerPixel, size, pitch); pMsm->scanout = fd_bo_new(pMsm->dev, size, DRM_FREEDRENO_GEM_TYPE_KMEM); if (!pMsm->scanout) { ERROR_MSG("Error allocating scanout buffer"); return FALSE; } drmmode_uevent_init(pScrn); /* Plug in a pageflip completion event handler */ drmmode->event_context.version = DRM_EVENT_CONTEXT_VERSION; drmmode->event_context.page_flip_handler = drmmode_flip_handler; #if HAVE_NOTIFY_FD SetNotifyFd(drmmode->fd, drmmode_notify_fd, X_NOTIFY_READ, pScrn); #else AddGeneralSocket(drmmode->fd); /* Register a wakeup handler to get informed on DRM events */ RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers((BlockHandlerProcPtr)NoopDDA, drmmode_wakeup_handler, pScrn); #endif return TRUE; } void drmmode_screen_fini(ScreenPtr pScreen) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86ScreenToScrn(pScreen); MSMPtr pMsm = MSMPTR(pScrn); drmmode_ptr drmmode = drmmode_from_scrn(pScrn); drmmode_uevent_fini(pScrn); #if HAVE_NOTIFY_FD RemoveNotifyFd(drmmode->fd); #else /* Register a wakeup handler to get informed on DRM events */ RemoveBlockAndWakeupHandlers((BlockHandlerProcPtr)NoopDDA, drmmode_wakeup_handler, pScrn); RemoveGeneralSocket(drmmode->fd); #endif drmmode_remove_fb(pScrn); fd_bo_del(pMsm->scanout); pMsm->scanout = NULL; }